Top 10 best surnames for girls. Beautiful surnames for girls

Beautiful, memorable and original pseudonyms for girls are in great demand for communication on the Internet. There are many services that offer their selection for payment. Another name is nicknames (nicknames), since the most common area of ​​their use is Internet resources. The "second name" can both help to become famous and harm the reputation.

Top 50 best beautiful nicknames for girls. List ツ

  • misskiss
  • Little Devil =)
  • Kolyuchka
  • @ngel
  • Cooler than Gucci
  • LittleEvil
  • RomaSKA :)
  • pussy cat
  • ZebRa
  • Jlucenok
  • Vikki
  • Nyashka
  • blonde
  • 4oKoLatka
  • ice baby
  • Chocolatte
  • Kisska
  • Sexy
  • [email protected]
  • manLOVEcheck
  • CJlageHbka9l
  • Daring
  • vanilla
  • Panda
  • VrednaI
  • PofigistKa
  • blonde
  • Juliet

    Choosing a beautiful pseudonym for a girl is not easy, but quite real!

  • love me
  • Krasotka
  • Simply Star
  • Bagirra
  • [email protected]
  • Caterina
  • Sonya
  • Stacy
  • Marian
  • Kitty
  • RosmariNe
  • smile girl
  • Olivia
  • lady red
  • MeliSSa
  • Brittani
  • Naomi
  • Joanna
  • Alyssa
  • Candy
  • Jessica

The Importance of a Good Nickname

Most famous bloggers or media personalities have pseudonyms, which are patented as a brand. They are used if:

  • The real name and surname are too simple, typical.
  • The real name and surname are ugly or difficult to remember.
  • You need a bright name associated with the type of activity.
  • Friends or relatives have called a person this way for a very long time and it is more comfortable for him to respond to such a name.
  • It would be desirable and appropriate to have a shocking, funny or characterizing nickname.

A good pseudonym should be beautiful-sounding, recognizable and memorable., understandable and close to the majority of the population with which the girl or guy communicates. Its importance is determined by several factors:

  • The audience with which the person communicates will be happy to use it to address this person. This is good word of mouth advertising.
  • The nickname will be associated with the owner's occupation. For example, if she is a famous athlete, then the thought “if this is a sport, then he / she is the best” will pop up in the minds of people.
  • A pseudonym helps to distinguish a person from the general mass and emphasize his features.
  • It hides personal data about the family and the past, if you do not want to put it on public display for a number of reasons.
  • If the owner decides to expand the field of his activity, then a well-chosen and accustomed second name will already work for the development of new projects.

Nicknames of famous people

Many celebrities have pseudonyms that fit into their image so organically that the public does not even know about the unreality of these names. Often their owners themselves become so accustomed to them that even in narrow circles of relatives they are not called by their real name.

Pseudonyms of writers and poets

Many writers and poets invented pseudonyms for themselves in order to be unknown to the authorities due to the political circumstances of different historical periods. For others, the middle name was a way to become shocking or emphasize the features of their personality.

Yes, everyone's favorite Anna Akhmatova was actually Anna Gorenko. She chose her name in her youth, taking the surname of her grandmother. Eyewitnesses claim that her father, after reading her poems, asked her not to shame his name, to which the poetess replied that she did not need his name.

Andrey Bely, whose writing style stood out among modernist writers and remains original to this day, had a real name Boris Bugaev. The color chosen for the surname symbolizes his purity and spirituality, as well as the shade of his hair.

Ukrainian writer Maria Vilenskaya-Markovych is perceived by many as a man due to a male pseudonym Marko Vovchok. She chose him in consonance with her husband's surname - Markovich, from whose relative she heard a family story about the Cossack Mark.

Maxim Gorky was born with the name Alexei Peshkov. There are several versions of the origin of his pseudonym. The Soviet version is that he was poor and fully knew the bitter life. More plausible - the name was chosen in honor of his father, who saved a child from cholera by becoming infected himself, and the surname - in honor of the family nickname of his father, who was called bitter for his sharp tongue.

The witty and sarcastic Teffi was, in fact, Nadezhda Buchinskaya. She managed to be unknown to anyone and published in humorous magazines. For many readers, even the gender of the author remained a mystery.

Pseudonyms of Chekhov, Pushkin and Akunin

The world-famous Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had a lot of pseudonyms - researchers number more than 50. In personal correspondence, he explained this by the fact that he was engaged in two completely different, but equally beloved things - medicine and literature. Conventionally, his second me can be divided into groups:

  • Consonant with real name and surname or abbreviations from them. Often he signed Antosha, Antosha Chekhonte, An. Ch., Anche, A.Ch., A.P., ...v, Don-Antonio Chekhonte and others.
  • Completely inconsistent with real names and twisted names famous writers People: Makar Baldastov, Akaki Tarantulov, Schiller Shakespeare Goethe.
  • Phrases of general, literary and medical subjects: Brother of my Brother, Young old man, Hot-tempered Man, Prose poet, Man without a spleen, doctor without patients and others.

Most of the writer's pseudonyms are very witty and humorous, apparently reflecting his current mood or interests. Despite their originality, he entered world literature with his real name.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used:

  • Aliases-digital names, the decoding of which helps to unravel his real name: 1 ... 14-16, 1 ... 14-17, 1 ... 17-14. He signed his poems with them, published on the pages of the Russian Museum.
  • The names associated with the limiting period in his life are Arz. And St. ar., which mean Arzamas and Old Arzamas - in his youth, the writer was in literary circle"Arzamas".
  • Humorous and favorite pseudonym - Feofilakt Kosichkin.
  • Other pseudonyms associated and not with the real name of the author: Alexander Nksh, Yehuda Khlamida, Ivan Petrovich, Publisher, The reviewer.

The famous Russian writer Boris Akunin was, in fact, Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili.

In addition to his main pseudonym, which brought him fame, he signed Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin. He chose the last 2 pseudonyms for his livejournal.

Beautiful aliases for girls. List

Nicknames for girls, beautiful and original, are not easy to choose. Now the trend is to combine English and Russian words, names of celebrities.

List of interesting nicknames by subject:

  1. just for beautiful girl- you can focus on:
  • whether the girl is in a relationship: Not Your Love, Not Getting Acquainted, Heart is busy;
  • the dominant trait of her character or features of the worldview: Without Brakes, Without Complexes, Forget-me-not, Not in format, loving life, And Beautiful, and Smart.
  • use the names of personalities or mythical characters with which the girl associates herself: Helen of Troy, Dulcinea of ​​Tobos
  • To hint at something with phraseological units I'll Save the World = beautiful, from the phrase "Beauty will save the world", Running on the Waves = easily refers to life.
  1. For the writer:
  • change the name or surname of your favorite writer: (name) Akhmatovna, Alexander Pushkin;
  • point out the peculiarities of his style: Telling the Truth = tries to give reliable information, (name) Yatakthink = writes a subjective opinion based on personal experience, Verbose = likes to write long texts;
  • Playful pseudonyms associated with typing texts: Goddess of the Keyboard, Klavatorovna, Home among mice.
  1. For comedians:
  • change the name of famous comedians: Evgeny Petrosyanova, Evlampy Murphy.
  • phrases that, with or without humor, explain the reason for doing this business: The girl who laughs, I'm joking because I'm ugly.
  1. For women in the fashion and beauty industry pseudonyms that creatively communicate their skills are well suited: Eyelash Fairy, I Create Beautiful, Anka (any other name) Golden Handles.
  2. Girls bloggers you should choose a pseudonym that will combine an indication of their occupation and a variant of the name: Dasha Soul Healer (psychologist), Desperate Housewife Vika (housewife), Sumermamasita (mother on maternity leave).

Perhaps these options for nicknames for girls will not seem beautiful to everyone, but they will probably give you an idea of ​​which nickname to choose for yourself.

Beautiful aliases for guys. List

A variety of options for middle names for men will allow anyone to choose their own option. It will be appropriate to proceed from the specifics of the activity, features of appearance and character.

List by topic:

  1. Just for guys with an indication of his personality traits: Winner in life, Solving Questions, Strength and Power, Adult Child, What Is, Silent Doer, Violent, but Kind, Slightly More Beautiful than a Monkey, Godfather like Deniro, Always Want, Forever Young.
  2. For bloggers- like girls, you must indicate the type of activity and name. In addition, you can use the following options: Peacemaker, Breaking Stereotypes, Pro, Eternal Revolutionary, Inspirer, Fair man, Curious, I write to the point.
  3. Athletes good options are:
  • accurately describe the appearance and athletic manner: Local Hulk, Flutter like a Butterfly, Right Crown, Uppercuts;
  • goals: I want like Arnie;
  • playful or cartoonish names: Kong-Fu Panda
  1. comedian- depending on what kind of sense of humor a person has and what kind of character he has: Shark Humor (self-confident, impudent), Laughing Panorama (old-fashioned), Satirist (with a satirical sense of humor), Not Funny, Pike-bearer (self-critical).

In English with translation into Russian

Using English when coming up with a beautiful pseudonym for a girl is a trend. They are understandable to the majority of the population and illustrate the intersection of cultures.

Interesting options:

  1. With indication of character traits: controversial - AngelVSDemon (Angel vs. Demon), not modest - Simply Queen (Just Queen), Perfect (Perfect), funny - Funny princess (Funny Princess), Spread (Womanizer), RealMan (Real Man), Man of Few Words ( Laconic), Man's Man (A man is a Man), Action Man (hero, pro), Bananas (Psycho), Big Daddy (Cool Bump), Dino (Dinosaur, used by men living by the old rules), Fucker (Cool Man, that who has many women), Hot Red (Clear, Cool).
  2. Describing features of appearance: for girls with large breasts - Pamela The Great (Pamela Great), well-fed - Honey Bun (Honey Bun), with elastic buttocks - Sweetest nut (Sweetest Nut).
  3. Life Credo: Love is my Answer (Love is my answer), NoPainNoGain (No Pain - No Growth), LoveFreedom (I love Freedom), Make Happy (I Make Happy)
  4. Hobbies: FashionMyProfession (My fashion is a Profession), LoveBeauty (I love the Beautiful), PartyMaker (the one who will arrange a holiday everywhere, Party-goer).

Aliases for Youtube (YouTube)

Aliases for YouTube are very important, because the first impression of the name of the channel and its owner determines whether the public will watch the content and whether they will subscribe.

An alias for YouTube can be a characteristic of the appearance, character, type of activity of the account owner or his subject

  1. In Russian: Bearded Man, Kind Viking, Better than Monica Belucci, Goddess of Shopping, Glorious Shopaholic.
  2. In English: Mr. Wolf (Mr. Wolf), Miss Сhanterelle (Miss Chanterelle), Mr./Mrs … (name), BestGamer (Best Player), TheBestBlogger (Best Blogger), TrueMan (Pravdorub), Alien (Alien), Stoneseeker (Stone Seeker), FunnyPark (Amusement Park), FilmWatcher (Movie Watcher), Flying Girl (Flying Girl), News Catcher (News Catcher).
  3. On mixed, often as the first part of a pseudonym, use the name or occupation and add the words Channel (channel), Page (page), Official (official), Exclusive (exclusive) and others.

Aliases for social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

When choosing a pseudonym, you need to consider:

  1. Features of the target audience - whether they will understand such a name. If it is intended for a narrow circle of users, then this issue can be ignored.
  2. The sound of the name and its uniqueness - naming the page with a name famous actress, you can become one of 1000.
  3. Correspondence of the chosen name with the image of the owner, so that he is not ridiculed.
  4. Correspondence of content and pseudonym - if there are photos of drinking alcohol or obscene texts on the Super Mom page, it will be absurd.

We come up with a pseudonym by last name for girls

A beautiful, uncommon surname is unlikely to be replaced by a pseudonym. But there are bad-sounding or reminiscent of unpleasant events surnames. Then they can be changed in the following ways:

  1. Add endings -skaya, -tskaya: Petrova - Petrovskaya, Bachko - Bachkovskaya, Kryzhan - Kryzhanovskaya.
  2. Replace with the association - Sparrow - Flying, Boyko - Fast, Crook - Predatory.
  3. Translate to foreign language- Tkachenko - Weaver, Golubenko - Dove.
  4. Transform first name into last name and vice versa - Vitalina Nechepurenko - Nechepurina Vitalenko, Anzhelika Lebedeva - Anzhelikin's Winch.

You can experiment endlessly with the selection of a beautiful pseudonym for girls based on the material of her last name, it all depends on the flight of fancy.

Name aliases. Examples

There are several ways to transform a name into an alias:

Cool and cool, cool and interesting aliases

As a rule, the most successful pseudonyms are very appropriate, witty and original.. They are remembered exactly and pop up in memory once when it comes to places, profession, style of their owner. The best of them are characterized by:

  • Specifically - Honest Blogger, Millionaire's Wife.
  • Humor - Joy in Shorts, Boiled Sausage.
  • Beautiful sounding - Ice Crystal, Lyalya Solnechnaya.
  • The presence of an association with some kind of cultural phenomenon or character - Hormonic Bellucci.
  • Using literary devices“Rich Rogue, Beautiful Quasimodo.

How can a girl choose or come up with a suitable pseudonym

The following tips will help you choose a beautiful pseudonym for a girl:

  1. Think about how you can beat your own name, surname, names of relatives.
  2. Consider options on how to associate a new name with the estate or pseudonym of an idol or with a person who is most successful in a particular field of activity.
  3. Decide if it is appropriate to use the place of birth and residence for the new name.
  4. Connect to the process of inventing a pseudonym epithets with personal qualities or skills that characterize the image as accurately as possible.
  5. Analyze which aliases are currently relevant, and what fonts they are used in. Check that the selected option is unique.
  6. For most people to like him, you need to choose an accessible, not too abstruse pseudonym.
  7. Settle on an easy-to-pronounce name - it's easier to remember.
  8. If you like an exotic and unusual option, you need to remember that it should match the original thinking and appearance.

It should always be remembered that the choice of an alias depends primarily on the place where it will be used. In social networks, you can change it an unlimited number of times and come up with informal options. To develop your business, it is better to choose once, but a successful nickname is a really beautiful nickname for a girl.

Useful videos about the best aliases. How to choose

Periodically it is useful to update something, including the surname. A is a good addition to their appearance, to which all men pay increased attention. It is easier for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in such matters than for men - if her surname is not liked or she is dissonant, then the girl can change her when she gets married. But it also happens that a girl with an ugly surname marries a guy with an even more dissonant surname. And this is a real paradox. After all, it is impossible to choose a husband purposefully with a beautiful male surname. After all, then you live with a person, and not with his euphonious surname ... However, you should not be sad about this, you can always rewrite the surname to another one by appearing at the registry office (passport office) and insisting on it.

Let's look at beautiful Russian surnames for girls list

In the Russian language, probably, like in no other, there is a huge selection of harmonious female surnames. For maximum harmony, it is desirable that the beautiful Russian surname of the girl harmonizes well with her name and patronymic.

Women's surnames with a military-historical connotation sound very good - Kutuzova, Suvorova, Nevskaya, Brusilova, Zhukova.

Beautiful surnames for girls formed by adjectives - Beautiful, Queen, Magical, Happy

Girls are well suited for surnames formed from male names - Ivanova, Vladimirskaya, Maksimova, Pavlovskaya.

And from the names of beautiful birds - Zhuravlev, Lebedev, Solovyov, Sokolov, Snegirev.

Literary and poetic surnames - Goncharova, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Nekrasov, Pushkin

A truly ancient Russian beautiful surname is Bereza.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

However, you can also look for a new surname in a foreign language. It can also be unique in its own way.

Surnames from the cinema world, are elitism and flair - Lauren, Monroe, Audrey, Cruz, O'Hara, Jolly, Diaz.

Ukrainians and Poles also have excellent examples of beautiful surnames for girls - Kamenetskaya, Podolskaya, Khmelnitskaya, Vilyanska, Lyubminskaya, Dombrovskaya, Kovalevskaya, Lvovskaya, Varshavskaya.

And Bulgaria is making its contribution - Toneev, Botev, Vladlenov, Ankhelov, Stoyanov.

And here are the beautiful English surnames for girls (give the feeling of a true lady) - Tylor, Tills, Chisholm, Mills, Day, Stuart, Tudor.

Austrian and German listing. Such surnames are suitable for blond girls - Wald, Wichter, Ditter, Falzfein, Vetter, List, Mittel.

Original variants of surnames with eccentric notes - Slanting, Fairytale, Love, Beautiful, Noble.

Indeclinable surnames. They give a flair of individuality and rebellion - Forest, Bader, Cloud, Grass

Beautiful surnames for girls Vkontakte

It is very difficult psychologically to update the official surname in one movement. And with such a super choice of beautiful surnames, it’s hard to stop at final version. For a start, make a kind of experiment - change your last name on the Vkontakte social network. After all, social networks give you a great opportunity to “try on” a new beautiful surname. Plus, you will have the opportunity to virtually feel yourself in a completely different way.

When choosing a harmonious surname for yourself, feel responsible - after all, this is a really specific action. There is every reason to argue that a beautiful surname for a girl and a change in personal data is, as it were, the beginning of a change for her life path. Always think about whether changing your last name will hurt your family. After all, your surname is a sign of your family!

How many people, so many opinions. For this reason, it is impossible to say exactly which are ugly and which are beautiful foreign surnames. All of them contain certain information; when translated into our language, they can mean some kind of craft, the name of plants, animals or birds, belong to geographical area. Each country has its own euphonious surnames, so you need to choose the best of them for each region separately.

What surnames can be called beautiful?

Most people are proud of their family name, although there are those who are not averse to changing it to a more harmonious one. Each country has its own surnames, but their origin is almost the same. The family received a personal name on behalf of its founder, his nickname, occupation, availability of land, belonging to some kind of status. Animals and plants are also often found. Nevertheless, we choose the most beautiful foreign surnames according to their euphony, and not according to the meaning of the content, which is not always known to us. In some cases, the name of the genus begins to please if its bearer is the idol of millions, historical figure who did something good and useful for mankind.

Aristocratic surnames

Noble families always sounded solemn, proud and high-flown. Rich people were proud of their origin and noble blood. Beautiful foreign surnames are mainly found among the descendants of noble families, and people who left a significant mark on history should also be included here: writers, artists, designers, composers, scientists, etc. The names of their genera are harmonious, often heard, so people are imbued with sympathy for them.

In England, the names of earls and wealthy nobles can be attributed to the beautiful: Bedford, Lincoln, Buckingham, Cornwall, Oxford, Wiltshire, Clifford, Mortimer. In Germany: Munchausen, Fritsch, Salm, Moltke, Rosen, Siemens, Isenburg, Stauffenberg. In Sweden: Fleming, Yllenborg, Kreutz, Gorn, Delagardie. In Italy: Barberini, Visconti, Borgia, Pepoli, Spoleto, Medici.

Surnames derived from the names of birds, animals, plants

From the world of flora and fauna, many euphonious surnames have come that cause tenderness. Their owners were mainly people who liked certain animals, birds, plants, or they were similar in appearance or character. In Russia, such examples great amount: Zaitsev, Orlov, Vinogradov, Lebedev, they are also in other countries. For example, in England: Bush (bush), Bull (bull), Swan (swan).

Beautiful foreign surnames are often formed on behalf of the ancestor: Cecil, Anthony, Henry, Thomas, etc. A lot of names are associated with a specific area with which the founders were associated: Ingleman, Germain, Pickard, Portwine, Kent, Cornwall, Westley. Of course, huge group family names are those associated with professions and titles. Some surnames arose spontaneously. If they evoke positive associations in people, then they can be attributed to beautiful, euphonious and successful, because they are met by clothes, so a good generic name helps many people to win over when they meet.

Spanish euphonious surnames

In Spaniards, family names are mostly double, they are connected by particles "y", "de", a hyphen or written with a space. The father's surname is written first, and the mother's surname is written second. It should be noted that the particle "de" indicates the aristocratic origin of the founder. Spanish law provides for no more than two given names and no more than two surnames. When getting married, women usually leave their family names.

Beautiful male foreign surnames are not uncommon for Spaniards. Fernandez is considered one of the most common, in attractiveness she is not inferior to Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Perez - they all came from names. The harmonious Spanish surnames also include Castillo, Alvarez, Garcia, Flores, Romero, Pascual, Torres.

french beautiful surnames

Among the French names of childbirth, there are often beautiful surnames for girls. Foreign states acquired permanent names at about the same time as Russia. In 1539, a royal decree was issued obliging every Frenchman to acquire a personal name and pass it on to his descendants. The first surnames appeared among the aristocrats, they were passed from father to son even before the issuance of the aforementioned decree.

Today, double family names are allowed in France, and parents can also choose which surname the child will have - mother's or father's. The most beautiful and common French genus names are: Robert, Perez, Blanc, Richard, Morel, Duval, Fabre, Garnier, Julien.

German common surnames

Beautiful foreign surnames are also found in Germany. In this country, they began to form back in those days, people had nicknames, consisting of the place of birth of a person and his origin. Such surnames provided comprehensive information about their carriers. Often, nicknames indicated the type of activity of a person, his physical shortcomings or virtues, moral character. Here are the most popular surnames in Germany: Schmidt (blacksmith), Weber (weaver), Mueller (miller), Hoffmann (yard owner), Richter (judge), Koenig (king), Kaiser (emperor), Herrmann (warrior), Vogel (bird ).

Italian surnames

The first Italian surnames appeared in the 14th century and were common among noble people. The need for them arose when there were many people with the same names, and yet it was necessary to somehow distinguish them. The nickname contained information about the place of birth or residence of a person. For example, an ancestor famous artist Leonardo da Vinci lived in the city of Vinci. Most Italian surnames were formed due to the transformation of descriptive nicknames, and they end in. There is an opinion that the most beautiful foreign names and surnames are in Italy, and it’s hard to disagree with this: Ramazzotti, Rodari, Albinoni, Celentano, Fellini, Dolce, Versace, Stradivari.

English beautiful surnames

All English family names can be conditionally divided into four groups: nominal, descriptive, professional and official, by place of residence. The first surnames in England appeared in the 12th century and were the privilege of the nobility, in the 17th century absolutely everyone already had them. The most widespread group is made up of genealogical names of genera derived from personal names, or combinations of the names of both parents. Examples include: Allen, Henry, Thomas, Ritchie. In many surnames there is a prefix "son", meaning "son". For example, Abbotson or Abbot "s, that is, Abbot's son. In Scotland, "son" denoted the prefix Mac-: MacCarthy, MacDonald.

Beautiful foreign female surnames are often found among English family names derived from the place where the founder of the family was born or lived. For example, Surrey, Sudley, Westley, Wallace, Lane, Brook. Many euphonious surnames indicate the occupation, profession or title of the founder: Spencer, Corner, Butler, Tailor, Walker. Family names of a descriptive type reflect the physical or moral qualities of a person: Moody, Bragg, Black, Strong, Longman, Crump, White.

All genus names are unique and attractive in their own way. It should be remembered that it is not the surname that paints the person, but the person the surname. Studying the history of the emergence of certain family names is a very interesting and exciting activity, during which many secrets of individual families are revealed. There are beautiful and harmonious surnames in any country, but for each person they are different. Basically, I like those generic names that are consonant with the name.

A beautiful surname evokes positive emotions, attracts attention and even helps to form a kind of image. However, not all people have euphonious generic names. Funny and difficult to pronounce surnames cause ridicule, which causes a desire to change them. The legislation allows you to do this easily and quickly: you will need to submit an application to the registry office indicating your full name, pay a fee, replace your passport and other documents. The presented list of the most beautiful surnames in the world will allow you to choose a new one.

The most beautiful surnames in the world

The surname in translation from Latin means "family". This term is called a hereditary name, indicating that a person belongs to a genus or family.

Most of the surnames come from toponyms and activities.

To determine which surnames are the most beautiful in the world, a rating compiled by the Gallup International Research Center will help. This is an institute founded in America in 1935, specializing in the study of public opinion.

Based on the results of the study, a list of surnames was compiled:

  • Spanish - Rodriguez.
  • Romanov is a surname whose roots go back to the Roman Empire. AT old days she symbolized power and greatness. The representatives of the surname are the royal persons of the Romanov dynasty.
  • Francois - adds a romantic touch, characteristic of France. Its representatives are found far beyond the borders of this country.
  • Fitzgerald is an example unusual surname, has British roots, but is also common in other parts of the world.
  • Werner is a restrained version, the founder of which is a noble German family, who founded the surname over eight centuries ago.
  • Berenger is of French origin, the previous form is Berenzon.
  • Japanese - Yamamoto.
  • Anglo-German - Miller.
  • King is a chic aristocratic surname, which is carried by many scientists, directors and writers.
  • Lehmann is of German origin, has a businesslike sound.

The listed examples are chosen due to their euphony.


In Russia, identification with the help of a surname began in the 12th-13th centuries. The formation dragged on until the 19th century. Initially, medieval surnames were assigned to boyar and noble families. In the 18th century, representatives of the clergy received them, and then artisans and peasants.

At first, a nickname was assigned to a person based on the names of parents, occupation, character traits or appearance, and place of residence.

Then peasant and noble families. During this period, the genera of the Kobylins, Travins, Gorbatovs, Trusovs, and Shuiskys appeared.

Church ministers were given surnames from the name of the parish or upon graduation from the seminary: Veliky, Pokrovsky, Dubrovsky, Uspensky. But they could have been invented, achieving euphony. So there were variations that inspire confidence: Dobrolyubovs, Dobromyslovs. Generic names associated with animals are also interesting. These are Zaitsev, Karpov, Medvedev, Sobolev.

occupy a special niche Slavic surnames. They are valuable because they are based on ancient names or names of deities pagan mythology. After the adoption of Christianity, these surnames were banned. And the people who wore them were renamed as a result of the rite of baptism. Examples of such generic names: Dovbush, Dobrynin, Lada, Yarilo.

Ancient surnames are also important. They are based on words that have already come out of speech. These are the names of household items, monetary units, crafts, generic nicknames. Today there are such old surnames: Bandurov, Kalita, Kozhemyaka, Prialkin. In the old days, generic names were changed to Latin variations. As a result, the Bobrovs turned into the Kastorskys, the Orlovs into the Aquilevs, and the Skvortsovs into the Sturnitskys.

The best options for girls:

  • Abramova;
  • Anisimova;
  • Belova;
  • Vladov;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Demidov;
  • Dmitrieva;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Zotov;
  • Illarionov;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Menshov;
  • Merkulov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Protasov;
  • Safronov;
  • Sofia;
  • Sazonova.

Female representatives can change their birth name after marriage.

For guys, you can also choose sonorous forms:

  • Vasnetsov;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Nikitin;
  • Potapov;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Prokhorov;
  • Christmas;
  • Chernyshov.

Sociologists report that surnames starting with the first letters of the alphabet are lucky. They boost self-esteem. Many successful people had such surnames.

Foreign (foreign)

Non-Russian surnames appeared at the end of the 15th century. This process was influenced by two factors: the interaction of Russia with the peoples of the Eastern and Western countries and borrowing words from the language of the Turkic peoples.


Many are interested in different foreign surnames that can be put on VK or used to create a mysterious image.

These include variants of American origin:

  • Allen;
  • Adams;
  • Abramson;
  • Brown;
  • Watson;
  • Daniels;
  • Jones;
  • Cooper;
  • Clark;
  • Morris;
  • Turner;
  • Scott;
  • Smith;
  • Thompson;
  • Taylor;
  • Walker;
  • Harris;
  • Hailey;
  • Erickson.

Modern Americans make up surnames based on two names or using their own and generic name. Some US residents use only initials. Male and female surnames in this country have the same form. Among the American generic names, there are also Canadian ones.


Some European surnames relatively difficult to pronounce due to the peculiarities of the language. French variations belong to them. Correct reading is possible only with knowledge of the rules. Some surnames are based on proper names.

You can choose the appropriate option from the following list:

  • Andre;
  • Harcourt;
  • Dubois;
  • Julien;
  • Michelle;
  • Aubin;
  • Richard;
  • Sorel;
  • Seigner;
  • Freel.

Among the surnames of French origin there are pathos and simple options: Bernard, Bertrand, Lambert, Thomas. And forms descended from royal dynasties: Braganza, Montpensier.


The Japanese value the surname very much. She is considered more significant than the name. If it is necessary to write a combination of a given name and a surname in the European manner, capital letters are used for the generic name. AT traditional version it is written first.

Anime surnames:

  • asano;
  • Araki;
  • Asayama;
  • Wada;
  • Ishihara;
  • Kawasaki;
  • Kitamura;
  • Miyazaki;
  • Matila;
  • Maruyama;
  • Narita;
  • Oyama;
  • Ootsuka;
  • Sato;
  • Takeuchi;
  • Ueno;
  • Fujiwara;
  • Hirai;
  • Tsuji;
  • Yamashita.

The number of surnames reaches 100 thousand.


Female generic names in England do not differ from male options. The exceptions are surnames with the suffix "son", the translation of which sounds like "son". But it also contains some female variations. But they end with "s". Common English surnames contain American roots: Blake, Garrison, Collins, Smith.

Also known:

  • Adamson;
  • Benson;
  • Blackshire;
  • Blomfield;
  • Wilson;
  • Dalton;
  • Clifford;
  • Carroll;
  • Macalister;
  • Ouldridge;
  • Rider;
  • Richardson;
  • Spencer;
  • Taylor;

In England, there is also a unique surname Lo for this country.


A common generic name in this country is Müller. The second place according to this criterion is occupied by Schmidt, and Schneider completes the top three.

Also on the list are:

  • Becker;
  • Wagner;
  • Hertz;
  • Cles;
  • Mayer;
  • Kaufman;
  • Krieger;
  • Lehmann;
  • Neumann;
  • Rieger;
  • Sommer;
  • Ergard.

The most desirable last names for German citizens that bring good luck. These include Hoffman, whose meaning is "yard owner". In Germany, there is an opinion that this surname was worn by feudal lords.


The Caucasus is inhabited by several national-ethnic groups. Chechen and Dagestan generic names have Arabic roots.

Surnames also bear Muslim signs:

  • Ahmedov;
  • Abdurakhmanov;
  • Dzhabrailov;
  • Ibragimov;
  • Kadyrov;
  • Kerimov;
  • Magomaev;
  • Makaev;
  • Radjabov.

The Chechen people have Eastern generic names with a Turkic or Georgian imprint: Aleroev, Dudaev, Maskhadov.


Frequent surnames in Spain are variants of generic names containing the suffix -es. These are Gonzalez, Lopez, Ramones, Fernandez. Colombian surnames also have this form, which is explained by Spanish colonization.

Also found:

  • Alonso;
  • Blanco;
  • Kalvo;
  • Duran;
  • Gallego;
  • Lozano;
  • Ortega;
  • Santana.

Spanish women changing marital status, do not take the names of husbands. But they can add it to their own. Children are assigned the first surname of the father and mother.


A typical form of generic names for citizens living in Ukraine is a surname ending in -enko. These are Butenko, Guzenko, Leshchenko, Pisarenko.

But many surnames coincide with Russian and Belarusian generic names:

  • Aksenov;
  • Buteyko;
  • Burlachko;
  • Batechko;
  • Geiko;
  • Geletey;
  • Glebov;
  • Kalatay;
  • Shcherbakov;
  • Osokin.

Separately, mention should be made of the surnames that arose on the basis of Cossack nicknames: Golota, Kuybida, Likhoded, Novokhatko, Stodolia.


The Australian continent is inhabited by immigrants from Scotland, England and Ireland.

This left an imprint on the generic names of its inhabitants:

  • Brown;
  • Jones;
  • King;
  • Kelly;
  • Martin;
  • Robinson;
  • Williams;
  • Harris.

There are Australians with a Greek or Jewish surname.


In the Argentine Republic, generic names of Italian origin are common:

  • Bernardello;
  • Biglia;
  • Bianchetti;
  • Janetti;
  • Gentiletti;
  • Calleri;
  • Luchetti;
  • Migliore;
  • Mascherano;
  • Passarella;
  • Rulli;
  • Sabella;
  • Forzinetti.

But there are Spanish variants: Gallego, Gallardo.


Some Italian generic names end in "I":

  • Avanchini;
  • Bernardi;
  • guards;
  • Dorigoni;
  • Degasperi;
  • Colombini;
  • Christelia;
  • Mattevi;
  • Franceschini.

There are wonderful variations: Colombo is a dove, Marino is a sea, Pelaratti is a rat.


The appearance of surnames in Africa is associated with the period of colonization. Before that, there were only names. In Morocco, a surname is assigned when moving. For this, the name of the tribe is used. Inhabitants West Africa to their own name they receive the name of the great-grandfather and the name of the village or city.

Popular options:

  • Bikilu;
  • Mbia;
  • Nkono;
  • She is on;
  • Semoko;
  • Traore.

The surnames of the Hausa people are the names of Muslim prophets.


The people of Korea have short surnames containing one, rarely two vowels:

  • Monkut;

The number of Korean generic names does not exceed 250.

Cool for Vkontakte

A third of social network users use a fake instead of a surname - fictional variations. This is due to the desire to emphasize the strengths of character, place of residence, nationality or status. An alias helps to hide personal information, such as dissonant surnames.

Fake youth options for VK for boys:

  • Auer;
  • Bitner;
  • Burkhard;
  • Vlach;
  • Hirsch;
  • Hartwig;
  • Ghylen;
  • De Jong;
  • Kirchner;
  • Langen;
  • Mautner;
  • Pearl;
  • Zipser;
  • Diamond;
  • Vortex;
  • Needle;
  • Prince;
  • Scythian;
  • Queen;
  • Yartsev.

Top for girls:

  • Alpina;
  • Wang;
  • Krams;
  • Lantsova;
  • Miller;
  • Masterson;
  • Ogun;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rosenthal;
  • Romenskaya;
  • Tatar;

fictional maiden names help to focus on positive qualities. For a girl with a modest character, Dobronravova is suitable. Cool options can be formed by rearranging the name and surname: Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina.

For VK, gothic and vampire variations are used:

  • Azazel;
  • Hades;
  • Merlin;
  • Striga;
  • Tizifonov;
  • Faust.

Mystical and scary surnames create an aura of mystery.


Popular options include not only Russians, but also foreign ones:

  • Alexandrova;
  • Bouquet;
  • Bonnet;
  • Garcia;
  • Korolkova;
  • Leroy;
  • Romero;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Flores.

Sounding surnames are popular.


Original surnames attract many girls.

Therefore, you should consider what their options are:

  • Adrianov;
  • Almazov;
  • Balmont;
  • Bryullov;
  • Weiner;
  • Volskaya;
  • Goranskaya;
  • Demidov;
  • Elagina;
  • Zhemchuzhnikov;
  • Zapolskaya;
  • Insarova;
  • Ladygin;
  • Markelov;
  • Oginskaya;
  • Saburova.

Men also have plenty to choose from:

  • diamonds;
  • Block;
  • Witte;
  • Grabar;
  • Zlatov;
  • King;
  • Fire;
  • Struve.

Among the options listed, you can choose fashionable and cool last names for social networks.


There are up to 500 common Russian generic names.

But topping the list are:

  • Ivanov is a patronymic from the canonical masculine John.
  • Smirnov reflects the quality of character. Since a quiet, docile disposition was valued in peasant families, this feature was distinguished by means of a surname.
  • Kuznetsov comes from his father's occupation.
  • Popov - formed on the basis of the word "pop", which characterized Orthodox priest. But it also acted as a nickname for a person who had nothing to do with the clergy.
  • Vasiliev - based on a proper name.

An interesting fact is that English translation the generic name "Kuznetsov" sounds like "Smith". This surname has 4,000 million people.


A rare surname was preceded by a nickname that characterized the trait of a person that distinguished him from the bulk. Then she took the form of naming and was assigned to his family.

Selection of rare surnames:

  • Astrakhan;
  • America;
  • Water;
  • Crusoe;
  • Moscow;
  • Pozharsky;
  • Razdobudko.

The list contains surnames that are consonant geographical names and literary characters. Among them there are normal and strange forms for perception.


Short generic names consist of one, two or three letters. There are An, Ge, Do, Yong, E, Kim, Oh, To, Choi, Yu, Yuk. Some of them are based on foreign language variants.


Such surnames are rare. Their owners can be found in various countries. A long Russian surname is Arkhinevolokocherepopindrikovskaya. It belonged to a Soviet gymnast. An American boxer of Russian origin bore the surname of the Order of the Red Banner Three times.

Janis Kelives in the state of Hawaii, and Ayiltsikliklives in Turkey.


Famous surnames arose on a Turkic basis:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Kutuzov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Michurin;
  • Rachmaninov;
  • Suvorov;
  • Saltykov;
  • Tyutchev;
  • Turgenev;
  • Ulanov.

There are up to 500 surnames with this origin.


Noble family names belonged to representatives of the upper class. They point to the aristocratic past of their owners.

Counts and princely families bore the following surnames:

  • Apukhtin;
  • Belozersky;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Vorotynsky;
  • Gavrilin;
  • Godunov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Minin;
  • Obolensky;
  • Suzdal;
  • Tverskaya;
  • Yusupov.

There are also double: Lobanov-Ostrovsky, Bagration-Davydov.


There is an opinion that the declension depends on the language that is the basis of the surname or on the gender of its owner. This is a common misconception. By cases, they do not change surnames ending in e, and, o, y, s, e, u, and the endings -ih, -yi.

  • White;
  • Gramigny;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Loye;
  • Megre;
  • dry;
  • Ceausescu.

Forms with a zero ending are not subject to declension: Bondar, Sexton.


Among the surnames there are variations that cause a smile:

  • Ram;
  • Flea;
  • Badger;
  • Fool;
  • Good afternoon;
  • Eibogin;
  • Zabeyvorot;
  • Zashechigriva;
  • Kostogryzov;
  • Sausage;
  • Hen;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Not breathy;
  • Rzhach;
  • Hvataymuha;
  • Kill.

The appearance of dissonant generic names is associated with pagan beliefs. In the old days, people were convinced that terrible surnames would distract the attention of evil spirits from them and protect them from the evil eye.

Any surname emphasizes individuality. But not all generic names are pleasing to the ear. At the same time, you should not fall into despair. Dissonant surnames can be changed to suitable variations. This will help the list of Russian and foreign generic names. Cute and cool surnames for social networks are not difficult to pick up. They will create a positive impression about the owners. For this purpose, they take their own or random (random) surname.

The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. They can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Due to the large flow of immigrants, for a long time there was a common culture countries and changed names, surnames, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names have their origins in Greek, Italian, Latin, even Old Germanic origins. In the modern world, rare names are becoming very popular in America, which are obtained by reducing historical places, surnames famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origin of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. the main popularity was gained by names, the meanings of which are associated with the outlines of a person's character (cheerful, courageous, brave);
  2. names related to the name of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning various professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular male American names

America is a colonial country, depending on the state, the general popularity of names differs significantly from each other. Popular in Spanish villages male name Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans attach great importance to two main principles in their choice:

  • the name should sound beautiful with the surname, as one whole;
  • another main point is the secret meaning of the name and its origin.

Respect for your ancestors and family traditions Many families name their children after their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have the same name, for a particular person, the prefix “senior”, “junior” is placed at the beginning of the name.

Currently, Americans are trying to give a special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite brand of car, beloved politician favorite city. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infinity).

Americans have an old tradition associated with names - giving a child a double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by the fact that growing up, the child himself will be able to choose a name for himself.

Most Popular American Names Today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Kevin (Kevin) - from Irish., "beautiful", "cute."
  • Justin (Justin) - from English., "Fair".
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • William (William) - from English, "desired."
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic., "little king."
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • David (David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Alex (Alex) - from Greek, "protector".
  • James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Josh (Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Dillon (Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Tyler (Tyler) - from English., "stylish."
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • Thomas (Thomas) - Polish, "twin".

List of common American surnames

American surnames acquired their modern look many years. Over time, they have changed significantly. American cities have always had a large influx of refugees and settlers.

In order not to differ from the locals, not to attract special attention to themselves, the settlers deliberately modified and abbreviated their surnames in the local American way. The main feature of the surnames of US residents is the regular mixing of different nations and peoples.

List of the most famous families in America open Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to the statistics of the owners of such surnames, far more than a million are registered.

Lesser Known american surnames but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Young).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).

Beautiful American Surnames

Beautiful surnames differ significantly from all the others in their euphony. Thanks to the melodiousness and beauty of sound, Americans wear them with pride.

AT recent times in the United States, the change of names and surnames to more famous and beautiful ones has gained popularity.

Citizens give their preference to the surnames and names of famous Hollywood stars and politicians.

Surprisingly, the names of American residents can take their origin from the most unexpected sources: professions, plants, flowers, animals, natural phenomena, cities, streets of residence, character traits. Thanks to such improvisations, sometimes the most beautiful, unpredictable names and surnames are born.

There are many examples of beautiful surnames, common ones are:

  • Collins (Collins).
  • Daniels (Daniels).
  • Evans (Evans).
  • Ford (Ford).
  • Gilmore (Gilmore).
  • Holmes (Holmes).
  • Labert (Labert).
  • Newman (Newman).
  • Riley (Riley).
  • Stephenson (Stephenson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Beverly (Beverly).
  • Washington (Washington).
  • Wallace (Wallace).
  • Harris (Harris).

The surname of each person is a legacy left to him by his ancestors. The American people respect and value the foundations of their distant relatives. The surname, in their understanding, is a valuable relic, which they cherish and proudly pass on to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

This main feature does american people a strong, confident nation that keeps its history and traditions.

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