The main expert of the show "Amazing People" Vasily Klyucharev: "Everything is fair on this project! “Amazing People”: what happens behind the scenes of the new season of the show Dancing".

A new show has started on the Russia-1 channel "Amazing People". Every week 8 participants demonstrate their extraordinary abilities and only one of them will reach the final. At stake is 1 million rubles for the realization of a dream + a transfer cup.

Leading Alexander Gurevich something is wrong with the math: he said that there will be 6 issues, and eight participants will fight in the final. So some editions will have more than one winner? Well, the rules will change a bit as the game progresses.

Most of the numbers in Amazing People are related to numbers and recognition. But one girl struck not only Russian viewers, but the whole world! 4-year-old Bella Devyatkina knows seven languages, including Russian, can read, understand what she read and answer questions. Foreign media are already filming news reports about Bella Devyatkina. The secret of this amazing ability is simple: parents began to study foreign languages ​​​​with Bella Devyatkina from birth. In the show "Amazing People" a little girl communicated with native speakers, answered their questions and at the end received a prize when she passed all the tests. Bravo! But whether this knowledge will remain with her until a conscious age - time will tell.

So, I liked the show "Amazing People" in part and I give it three stars. I don’t like the one and a half hour format, half of the tasks are frankly boring + the audience and the jury sometimes react to the performances too theatrically. Issues could be made shorter. My advice: look on the official website of the project record individual numbers and watch them - so at least save time. Well, the show is shown on TV on Sundays at 18.00 Moscow time. I will probably watch it online on the Internet when I have time.

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original name:

"Amazing People-2"

Player quality: high HD
Transfer production: VGTRK "Russia" and WeiT Media
Producer: Yulia Sumacheva, CEO of White Media
Presenter: Alexander Gurevich
Project jury: expert Vasily Klyucharev, choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, athlete Natalya Ragozina, actress and journalist Olga Shelest
How many episodes in the program "Amazing People": September 3, 2017 started season 2
Genre: transmissions, talent shows,
The final "Amazing People" of the unique talent search show 2 season 9 edition: November 5, 2017 on Russia-1 channel
release year: 2016 - 2017
Members: phenomenal, amazing and extraordinary personalities from around the world who will demonstrate their unique memory and intuition ...

Information about the show: - who are these amazing people? The heroes of the new unique project on the TV channel "Russia-1" will amaze your imagination. These people are capable of a lot: their unique talent is beyond our understanding and ordinary human capabilities. The incredible abilities of the people who took part in this show make the audience understand that there is no limit to the human mind.
Someone has the ability to look at the highway to calculate the speed of all moving cars. Someone can do mental arithmetic at the speed of a computer. Someone memorizes the contents of hundreds of books in one viewing, collects a Rubik's cube with his eyes closed, breaks glasses with his voice, recognizes the outlines of any states on our planet...
People will demonstrate their phenomenal gift, miracles of intuition and memory in the new show "Amazing People". Thousands of people with unique abilities received an invitation to take part in this show. In 2017, the project reached a new level after its resounding success in Russia in 2016. Now not only people from Russia and the CIS countries, but also foreign guests of any age and with different abilities can take part...

48 finalists are waiting for open uncompromising and difficult competitions, because this show is not just another demonstration of their skills - this is the battle of the X-men! This is an amazing competition among unique people, but only one will rise to the winner's podium!
The invited spectators in the studio will vote for the best of the best, and famous guests will help them make their choice, with their comments and reviews: Natalya Ragozina - the absolute world champion among boxing professionals; Yevgeny Papunaishvili - a wonderful choreographer, a famous dancer, and a participant in the "Dancing with the Stars" project; Olga Shelest - journalist, actress, popular TV presenter. In the new second season, the contestants will have to overcome new challenges that will be harder and more interesting. Seven contestants will take part in each new release, they can be called the magnificent seven. At the end of each episode, viewers vote to whom to give the victory. Star guests have the right to intervene once in the course of the audience voting and give one of the participants a chance to go to the final of the show.
Professor Vasily Klyucharev, an expert from the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, also has his influence on the choice of project finalists. The winners of all previous editions go to the final, where they will have to fight among themselves for the main prize of 1 million rubles and worldwide recognition!

Talent Show "Amazing People" Season 2 Episode 7 aired October 22, 2017

Talent Show "Amazing People" Season 2 Episode 8 aired October 29, 2017

Young Manizha Toshboltaeva from Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, took part in the international project of the Russian TV channel "Russia 1" "Amazing People" and impressed the jury members with her unique abilities.

The girl can almost accurately name the speed of a car passing by thanks to mental arithmetic, and when asked by a jury member of TV presenter Olga Shelest about whether she has a formula, she admitted that she does, but it still needs to be quickly applied.

“Yes, I have a certain formula. But we still need to quickly fold,” said Manizha Toshbotaeva.

To test her abilities, the authors of the show organized races of three cars at a special circuit in Moscow, and they invited another member of the jury, dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, to check the testimony of the girl and the radar. The first car drove at a speed of 69-70 km / h, and Manizha, in turn, called 66 km / h. The second time the deviation was 3 km/h (the participant named 76 km/h, while the actual speed was 79-81 km/h). The third car drove at a speed of 145 km / h, and Toshboltaeva announced 149 km / h.

The presenter and members of the jury admitted that they were amazed by the girl's ability, and nevertheless asked to reveal her secret.

“I count the time, well, with the help of my hand, that is, so that the seconds are accurate, then I divide the distance by the time. And to translate into kilometers per hour, I multiply by 36 and divide by 10, ”she said.

The young Dushanbe was also featured in the plot of the Morning of Russia program on Thursday, October 19, as part of the announcement of the next issue of Amazing People.

“I need some kind of rhythm, this is how I count the time. You know, I don’t really count seconds “one-two”. For me, they somehow emerge by themselves, or something, ”the participant shared.

Manizha admits that she did not always love mathematics. She was even her least favorite subject and at the end of the quarter she always got threes or fours, because of which she was very worried and even cried. Everything changed when her mother opened a mental arithmetic training center - it was there that she began to understand and love mathematics.

The second season of the show "Amazing People" started on the TV channel "Russia 1" on September 3. Any person can take part in the project, regardless of age and country of residence/citizenship. Seven contestants participate in each episode, and at the end of the program, the audience votes for the contestant who made the greatest impression.

In the final edition, the winners of all previous broadcasts will be collected, who will compete for the main prize - one million rubles.

Their performances are evaluated by a jury, which includes TV presenter Olga Shelest, dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, sportswoman-boxer Natalya Rogozina and professor Vasily Klyucharev. The professional assessment of the contestants is given by the expert of the program, leading researcher of the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

The program is hosted by the famous TV presenter Alexander Gurevich.

"TV program" visited the filming of the program.

A participant from Mongolia named Niyamgerel Gang, blindfolded, shoots her legs with a bow. And it's not tricks! Photo: Alexey LADYGIN / Channel "Russia"

Filming of the latest releases of the project is going on at Mosfilm. We enter the pavilion and immediately see a huge number of aquariums on the stage. All of them are of the same shape, size, and one goldfish swims in each. The shooting props are ready, the audience and star guests are in their places, the director is about to command: “Motor!”.

My dream fish

"Amazing People" is not a circus show, not a contest of psychics or clairvoyants. There is no competition in dancing or vocals. This is a project about the possibilities of the human brain, which were still little known. The unusual abilities that the participants of the show demonstrate are not magic tricks. All of them have their own scientific explanation. To assess them, the program has an expert, a leading researcher at the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

“I thought that after the first season it would be difficult to surprise me with something,” he says. “But it isn't! I see many things here for the first time in my life. Theoretically, everything can be explained, but looking at it is still amazing.

The host of the program, Alexander Gurevich, picks up a microphone and introduces the first participant - this is Alexander Goryachev from Voronezh. The man is one of the most powerful mnemonics in Russia - his talent is that he can memorize large amounts of information. According to the script, the star guests of the program - choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, TV presenter Olga Shelest and world boxing champion Natalya Ragozina - must choose three aquariums out of 48 standing on the stage. Shelest and Ragozina do everything quickly, but Papunaishvili hesitates for a long time. In the end, he also chooses his fish and touchingly calls her Zhenya. Next, the participant is shown the aquariums that marked the stars, and then return them to their places. Now the task of the participant is to go around the entire stage in five minutes and find the "star" fish from memory!

“If these were static pictures, I would remember five times more,” the participant of the show admitted to us when we talked with him after the performance. But when things move, it's much more difficult. Plus, there is a detail that is not obvious to the audience - the height of the pedestals and aquariums. The fish were not at eye level. And I had to bend down to see them. And some fish even rushed back and forth.

In general, I can remember a lot of things. I love geography. If I'm going on a trip, I never take a guide book. I study the maps, the terrain in advance, and when I arrive, I clearly know where to go. For fun, I tried to learn Spanish from scratch. It took me a month to do this. Now I know the language at an intermediate level, I can communicate.

Language will bring to a million?

Near the filming pavilion, we notice Bella Devyatkina, the 5-year-old star of the first season of the Amazing People show. The baby has become famous throughout the country because she already knows 7 languages! Bella is invited to the stage - the girl came to support the participants of the new season.

Following her, a new contestant is invited to the stage - Vladimir Shkulteti from Slovakia. He is also a polyglot. By the way, the difference of the new season is that foreigners will also take part in it. On stage, Vladimir demonstrates knowledge of 10 languages, but in general he knows much more!

Olga Shelest, Evgeny Papunaishvili, Natalya Ragozina and Vasily Klyucharev never cease to be surprised on the set. Photo: Alexey LADYGIN / Channel "Russia"

“I was born in Czechoslovakia, where they spoke Slovak, Hungarian and Czech,” he told us his story. - When I was 8 years old, I spent some time in the USA, learned English. Then he mastered German in Austria. As a result, at the age of 13 I spoke five languages. It was a good base. Now I also know Italian, Russian, Spanish, French, Chinese, Polish, Serbian, Dutch, Romanian, Portuguese, Japanese and Cantonese. The most important thing in learning languages ​​is motivation. There is still a lot to listen and read. By the way, I also saw your Bella Devyatkina on the Internet. Her pronunciation is great!

Many things that our members do seem incredible and inexplicable

Each episode of the show will feature seven contestants. At the end of the program, the auditorium will choose one winner - the one who made the greatest impression.

- Thank God, in this program I don’t have to put marks, otherwise I would just be torn from doubt! – Yevgeny Papunaishvili laughs.

This project is really cool! Natalya Ragozina echoes him. - Many things that our members do seem absolutely incredible and inexplicable. But these are not tricks, but the real abilities of real people. I return home from filming satisfied, happy, and sometimes I even try to repeat something, for example, solve a Rubik's cube. After filming the first season, I became interested in mental arithmetic and mnemonics. So now I am also engaged in self-development.

A total of eight episodes of the show "Amazing People" will be filmed. In the final, all the best participants will meet together to compete for the main prize - 1 million rubles.

Meanwhile: Zavorotnyuk, Druzhinin and Papunaishvili will become judges in the show “You are super! Dancing"

On September 2, a long-awaited TV project begins on NTV, in which young talents from orphanages and foster families will compete.

The success of the first season of the show "You are super!" on the NTV channel inspired the creators to continue the project - now children will demonstrate their talents not in singing, but in dancing. On the evening of September 2, the international competition “You are super! Dancing". As before, pupils from orphanages, boarding schools, as well as children from foster and guardian families will participate in the show.

The project will be hosted by Alexander Oleshko, and the judges will be choreographer Yegor Druzhinin, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Kristina Kretova, dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili and actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

“With excitement, anxiety and even fear, I enter this project,” Druzhinin admitted. - Although such a program is the right thing, a good thing. I myself work with several charitable foundations and I know that if a child has the opportunity to somehow express himself, the adoption process after that goes faster. I really hope that our program will help someone find parents.

“When NTV called me with an offer to participate in the project, I was in America,” said Kristina Kretova. - It was night. In the morning I saw 8 missed calls and SMS. When I read it, I thought: wow, this is a step! I myself spent eight years in a boarding school for children from other cities at the choreography school and I know how important it is for a child to be noticed. When I watched the first season of the program, I just sobbed. If at least one participant of the competition finds parents after participating in the project, this will already be a victory!

Project " amazing people” will provide an opportunity to show the participants their unique abilities, which are difficult for an ordinary person to believe in. "Amazing People" - Russian adaptation of the world famous show The Brain, which was successfully launched in Germany in 2011 and has been adapted in different countries, including China, USA, France, Italy, Spain.

show production « amazing people» was engaged in the company « white Media", which previously presented to the audience such projects as "Weighted People" on STS, "Big Change" on NTV, "Love Conveyor" on "STS Love". This time, everyone who has any unique abilities was invited to participate in the show.

About Amazing People

Casting for the show amazing people launched in May 2016. The participants of the project were people with amazing
mathematical abilities, rare stereoscopic vision, as well as people who can recognize hundreds of shades of taste, are able to smell a person in a crowd, or know all dinosaurs by their skeletons. The channel received more than a thousand applications for participation in the project. Also, the creators of the show visited more than 40 cities in Russia, CIS countries and neighboring countries, conducting qualifying rounds of a unique show.

Casting editors watched about 500 hours of video with the performance of potential participants.

In August 2016, the final casting of the project took place in Moscow. The creators of "Amazing People" chose from over 500 participants - 48 people with the most unusual and amazing abilities.

8 contestants take part in each issue. Candidates for victory will have to pass a test that will allow him to demonstrate the uniqueness of his abilities. At the end of each episode, the auditorium selects by voting one of the eight participants who made the greatest impression. This participant gets the right to compete in the final for the main prize of the project.

Star guests will help the audience to choose the best participant, who will comment on the performances of the participants. Star guests have the opportunity to intervene once in the course of the audience voting, and give one of the participants a chance to go to the final of the show.

The star guests of the show were the choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, an athlete Natalia Rogozina and TV presenter Olga Shelest.

In addition, a professional assessment of the unique abilities of the participants will be given by the leading researcher of the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev. An expert can also influence the course of the program and provide one of the participants with the opportunity to reach the final.

And most importantly - "Amazing People" is not a contest of illusions, not a show of circus skills and paranormal abilities. The success of each performance has a scientific explanation.

Complete six qualifying rounds and ultimately defeat your opponents Edward helped absolute ear for music, intuition and conviction that you can live, overcoming the most incredible obstacles. Representation of the world around Nekhaev receives using the echolocation method and its unique hearing. Kuryan discovered his amazing ability to “see with his ears”, for which he received the nickname “dolphin man” on the Internet, in himself as a child.

Eduard Nekhaev has not yet decided where he will spend his cash prize in the amount of one million rubles, but he knows for sure that with a part of this amount he will fulfill his old dream - he will record his own album, the single for which is already ready. It is worth noting that Edward is a graduate of the Kursk Music Boarding College for the Blind in vocal class. In addition, he masterfully plays several instruments and writes songs himself.

Show Amazing people. Interesting Facts

The age of the youngest participant of the project is 3.5 years.

During room preparation Mikhail Melin about a dozen glasses were broken.

Olga, a participant from Yekaterinburg, flew to Moscow to participate in the project, despite the fact that she has been sitting in a wheelchair since the age of 18, she is terrified of flying and is five months pregnant.

Participant of the test on the skating track Nikita Klevchenya especially for the competition, he took from his father, multiple world champion Sergey Klevchen, skates that bring good luck.

For one of the tasks, the producers of the project found 48 pairs of twins who will be present at the shooting at the same time.

The fastest mental mathematicians of our country and the world take part in the "Amazing People" project.

One of the most famous participants in the show was a little polyglot girl. Bella Devyatkina. Bella's abilities amazed not only the presenter Alexander Gurevich and guests of the studio, but also Internet users. A video of a girl fluent in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Arabic with native speakers quickly became popular on Youtube

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