Drawing up a story based on the painting by A. Savrasov

Synopsis of GCD in senior group on the topic: “Examining the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

“Examining the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Reading fiction”,“ Communication ”,“ Artistic creativity ”To develop in children the artistic perception of paintings. Educational. To learn to understand the content of the landscape, the beauty of nature, which the artist depicted. To consolidate the concept of color as an expressive means.
Speech. Encourage them to convey their impressions of the picture in speech, to express value judgments.
Developing. Develop Creative skills children.
Educational. Cultivate love for native land, careful attitude to nature.

Preliminary work.

Exhibition landscape painting Russian artists.
Listening to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"
Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings about nature; signs.
View slides from the Spring series.
Acquaintance with the biography of the artist A.K. Savrasov.
Story about Russian folk holiday- Day of Gerasim-Grachevnik.
Excursions in nature.


An easel with a reproduction of the painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", pointer.
Model of a village hut, Russians National costumes, baked "larks" on sticks.
Record player, record of bird voices, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons": "March"; A. Vivaldi "The Seasons".

Children in Russian folk costumes to the Russian folk melody they enter the hall and stand in a circle.


We've been waiting for spring! Overwintered! For a long time there has been a colorful ritual holiday among the people - the day of Gerasim the Grachevnik. It began early, early in the morning with spring calls. After the long winter cold, with clear, sonorous voices, the children called spring with songs, asked good harvest. They played pipes and clay whistles. Roasted larks were poked on poles and ran around the yards, calling for spring. Let's call for spring!
The children read the spells.
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread!

Go mother spring
Open up the gate.
The first of March has come -
The white snow has come down.
And then April
Open the window and the door.
And the month of May will come -
Invite the sun in the tower!

Lark - duda,
Come join us here.
We are tired of winter
I ate all the straw.
Come to us
Bring us
Summer is warm
Spring red!

Fly across the sea
Bring the red spring!
The fierce winter has come,
Walked through the fields and forests.
Cold, cold,
Handles - legs pricked,
White snow shook
All the heat was taken away.

Children dance "Vesnyanka" to a Russian folk melody in the processing of P. I. Tchaikovsky.


Guys, remember and name the signs, sayings, proverbs related to this holiday. Gerasim the Rooker leads rooks to Russia.
Rook pecked winter.
March is a stalker.
I saw a rook - meet spring!
March-February-bokogreyu smaller brother.
Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
March with water, April with grass.
The lark sings on the thawed patch, calls the red spring, calls.


We called spring-red, remembered proverbs, sayings, signs about spring and birds. And now let's go beyond the outskirts, let's see if the messengers of spring, the rooks, have come to us. But before we go, let's remember how to behave in nature. You can't break trees in the forest. In the forest, in the field in the meadow, you can not scream, run, make noise, so as not to frighten the inhabitants of wildlife.


That's right guys. An amazing world surrounds us - this is the world of nature. It has many different inhabitants: trees, grasses, insects, birds, animals and flowers. In nature, one must be careful not to crush or injure its little inhabitants. You need to listen carefully and peer to discover the beautiful and interesting. It is always next to us. Now we can go for a walk in nature.
Children approach the picture.


See what kind of birds? Rooks.


That's right, it's rooks. Listen, what do you hear?
Includes a record of bird voices. The chirping of birds, the noise of tree branches swaying in the wind, the creaking of their trunks.


I also heard these sounds when I saw this picture. It was painted by the Russian landscape painter A.K. Savrasov. Let's take a look at the landscape.
- Do you like the picture?
- What exactly do you like about it?
- What season did A. Savrasov depict?
What are the signs that spring is coming?
- Why are bird tracks in the snow so clearly visible?
- Where are the birches? Describe them.
Why are birch branches bare?
- We do not see the artist, we do not hear his voice, but how did he tell us about the beauty of nature? (Brush and paint)
- What colors prevail in the picture?
- What is written blue color? (What's gray, what's brown?)
- How would you name the picture?
What feelings does this picture evoke in you?
- What do you want to do, looking at her? (So ​​I want to get into birch grove, breathe in the smell of melted snow, earth, stand quietly and watch the troubles of the restless heralds of spring)


See wonderful world nature, its beauty, artists help us. Remember and tell about the pictures of nature that we observed in our city.
Stories 2-3 children.


These corners of nature gave us a lot of joy. We experienced the same joy when looking at Savrasov’s painting and as if we heard his words: “Look, admire how beautiful our nature is!” So that we can always admire the beauty of the forest, meadow, pond, river, nature must be protected and protected. And the artist calls not only to admire nature, but also says, conveying its beauty: “Love and take care of it!” I think we will follow his advice.
Now I will wave magic wand and you will become artists. Draw what you think is typical for this time of year. I invite you to our art workshop.
Children draw to music.
When the works are dry, they independently assign them to the red (those who believe that his work is done neatly and deserves to be placed in the exhibition) and green (those who have flaws in the work) flags.


You did a good job and now you can arrange the exhibition.
Children, together with the teacher, select and place drawings on the exhibition.

Integration of areas: Communication, Cognition, Development of speech, Socialization, Artistic creativity.

Purpose: To introduce children to beautiful world painting, music. To teach to carefully consider the picture, talk about its content, see and understand means of expression that the artist uses to feel the beauty of the work.


  • stimulate in the process of cognitive communication children's curiosity, the desire to reason independently
  • teach children to consider a reproduction of a picture, answer the questions posed
  • develop coherent speech of children, interest in easy conversation; develop creative imagination
  • to cultivate interest in art, animate and inanimate nature, the ability to feel its beauty; to expand children's knowledge about the genre of fine art - landscape, to develop the artistic perception of works.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading literary works, poems about the seasons.
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs, reproductions of paintings by artists.
  • Listening to music: "Masterpieces instrumental music» , "Sounds of nature" .
  • Observations in nature during walks and excursions.
  • Drawing the seasons.

Material for the lesson:

box; bird; painting reproduction "The Rooks Have Arrived" A.K. Savrasov; cards - symbols "signs of spring" ; excerpt from the cycle of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. March" ; easels, paper, watercolor paints, different kinds drawing pencils.

Methods and techniques: storytelling, conversation, looking at reproductions, listening to music, playing activities.

OOD progress:

The teacher brings an unusual box into the group, from which the singing of a bird is heard.

Guys, look what I found near the doors of our group! What do you think it is? (box, package)

Look, there's something written on it. Let's read now! Gifts for children from mother nature.

Yes, this is a package for you guys! Nature itself sent it to you! Let's see what's inside, shall we?

The teacher opens the box and takes out a small bird from it.

Oh, who is this? (bird) Why did she sing so loudly? (children's statements)

Birds, the first heralds! Look outside the window, what time of year? (Spring)

What spring months do you know? (March April May)

Guys, our bird whispered in my ear that there is something else in the box! Let's see what? Yes, these are cards. What can they tell us about?

What signs of spring do you notice on them? (snow melts, streams run, the sun shines brighter and warmer, buds appear on the trees, migratory birds arrive)

Children use symbols to make up their statements.

So a bird flew to us with you in the spring, to tell you that all nature comes to life.

The game "Vesnyanka"

  • The sun - the sun, the golden bottom (spread hands, raise up)
  • A stream ran in the forest (run in place)
  • A hundred rooks have arrived (imitate the flight of birds)
  • And the snowdrifts are melting, melting (squat down slowly)
  • And the flowers grow (stand on tiptoe and stretch hands up)

Educator: - Today we will take a closer look at the painting about spring by A.K. Savrasov. "The Rooks Have Arrived" . What genre is this painting in? That's right, it's landscape.

Let's try to make up a story based on this picture:

What period of spring do you think the artist depicted?

By what signs can you determine that the picture is spring?

How did the artist convey the awakening of nature in the picture?

What is more in the picture: the earth or the sky?

What tones prevail: warm or cold?

What would you name this painting?

What day did the artist Savrasov depict?

You will come up with a story in a chain - one will start, the other will continue, and the third will finish so that all the guys participate.

Well done, you have a very interesting story. Everyone tried.

We have looked at the picture. And the picture can not only be seen, but also heard. Let's try to listen musical composition P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" . This Russian composer has music for every season. But since we are talking about spring today, we will listen "March" .

Children listen to the picture, talk about their impressions.

Having plunged into the sea of ​​music and painting, would you like to express your feelings in a drawing yourself?

I suggest you turn into artists, go to easels and create your own artistic masterpiece about spring.

Outcome: Guys, today we looked at the spring picture, listened to music. What did you like? What sounds of spring did you hear today? And we will send the bird to our corner of nature, so that at any moment we can look at it and remember how it pleased us with the news that spring had come!

Thank you for your work!

OBJECTIVES: to teach to coherently express their impressions about the picture; to cultivate the ability to figuratively talk about Russian nature.


Children are invited to carefully look at the reproduction. At this time, the teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by I. Bunin:

Raging melt water

Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.

Rooks flying herds

They shout both cheerfully and importantly.

Between round loose clouds

Innocently the sky is blue

And the sun is warmer

In the lull of the Humen and courtyards.

Spring, spring! And she's all happy.

How in forget how you stand

And you hear the fresh smell of the garden

And the warm smell of melted roofs.

Children, in front of you is a painting by the artist A. Savrasov. Why does she attract you? What do you like about her? (In the picture, the artist painted a village with a bell tower in the middle and many, many rooks in the trees.)

What do you know and can tell about rooks? (They live in old trees and make nests from twigs and sticks on thick branches. The place where they live is called a rookery. Rooks arrive in the spring. And then there is a rook noise where they live.)

Tell me about the trees in the picture. (These are birches. They are black below, and white above, and very old and crooked. The birches stand in front of the picture, near the pond.)

What else did A. Savrasov want to talk about? (Behind the birches there are old huts and a high bell tower, and further on are fields on which the snow has almost melted. The sky is blue with white, gray, yellow-white clouds. Snow is still visible in the picture - gray, melted.)

What would you name the painting? (“Spring”, “Rooks”, “Rooks on a rookery”, “Spring-Red”, “ spring picture”, “Winter is ending.”)

This is followed by the story of the educator about the picture: “The artist A. Savrasov called his picture “The Rooks Have Arrived.” She makes a special, sincere impression. Emanates from her with something close and dear. Before us is a modest rural landscape. In the foreground, on the shore of a pond covered with melting porous snow, old crooked birch trees lined up in a row. Rook nests are located on their bare branches, and the owners of these bird houses themselves are fussing around. In the background, a gray log fence illuminated by the spring sun is visible, and behind it rises the bell tower of the village church. And further, to the very forest, there were brownish fields with traces of unmelted snow.

This modest landscape is filled with transparent spring air ringing from the rook's hubbub. It is felt in high, gently blue clouds, and in the dim light of the sun. The air smells of spring."

The story on the theme of the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived".

OBJECTIVES: to teach to compose a descriptive story on the theme of the picture, to select the most precise definitions when describing nature in a picture; to intensify the use of comparisons and epithets in speech.


A reproduction of the painting is displayed on the stand. To the music of P. Tchaikovsky "April" from piano cycle"Seasons" children look at the picture. The teacher offers to remember the author and the name of the picture, come up with your own name for the picture, but do not talk about it out loud yet.

What is the picture of A. Savrasov about? What can be compared with spring, the sky in the picture, the cry of rooks, snow? What words can describe the beauty of the sky, the fields in the picture?

What do you see in the center of the picture, and what is around?

Tell me what you like about the picture. Why?

How can you finish the story about the picture? The teacher invites the children to write stories on the topic

Olga Amiraslanova
GCD on fine arts in the preparatory correctional group "Rooks have arrived"

GCD for artistic creativity (ISO) in preparatory correctional group on the topic« The Rooks Have Arrived» .



Teaching children to see beauty native nature, charm spring scenery, notice the shades of the color of snow, spring sky, water;

Continue to teach children to draw a picture using different techniques.


To develop the figurative perception of children in the process of viewing paintings by Russian landscape painters; aesthetic taste, arouse the desire to reflect the impressions received at the exhibition of paintings;

Develop vocabulary children. Get to know new concepts: landscape, picture gallery, rookery.


To instill in children a love for Russian painting, Russian nature.


GCD for FTsKM "Spring came",

GCD for PI and PD « The Rooks Have Arrived» (origami, learning poems about spring, reading fiction, observing while walking.


Reproductions of paintings by A. K. Sovrasov « The Rooks Have Arrived» , I. I. Levitan "March", V. N. Baksheeva « blue spring» , A. I. Kuindzhi « Early spring» . Recording of a work by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" "March".


Children sit at tables. The teacher draws their attention to warm, sunny weather.


What season is it now?

Children's answers (Spring)


What signs of spring can you name?

Children's answers

(the snow melts, thawed patches appear, the first flowers are snowdrops, birds fly, etc..)


What month is it?

Children's answers (March).

The teacher invites the children to go to an exhibition of paintings. Children come to the exhibited paintings and examine them.


What is shown in these pictures?

Children's answers (nature).

The teacher explains to the children that paintings depicting nature are called LANDSCAPE, and the place where many paintings are exhibited is called the picture GALLERY.


What colors did the artists use to depict spring?

Children's answers (blue, grey, white, black)


What is the mood of the paintings? Same or different?

Children's answers (some pictures are gloomy, gloomy, others are sunny, joyful).

Children read poetry.

1. All winter

White snow

And in March I took

And turned black.

Turned black with annoyance

The sun is happy!

2. Waking up from sleep,

With a soft spring brush

Draws buds on the branches

On the fields - chain rooks,

Over the revived foliage -

The first stroke of thunder

And in the shade of a transparent garden -

Lilac bush near the fence.

After reading the poems, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the picture A. K. Savrasova « The Rooks Have Arrived» .


What is shown in the picture?

Children's answers (birches are drawn, rooks have arrived, they build and repair old nests).

TEACHER explains to the children that a place where there are many nests rooks is called a rooker.

The teacher invites the children to sit in their places and draw a spring picture themselves.

Pictures posted on the board rook. The teacher reminds the children how to draw a bird, what methods and techniques can be used to depict it.


The long-awaited spring has come (hands apart)

The long-awaited sun came out (Raise hands up)

Fluffy clouds float across the sky (we show clouds with wavy movements of the palms)

Trees come alive (we spread our arms to the sides)

Buds burst, leaves appear (clap hands above head)

Delicate snowdrops appear on the thawed patches (squat and show a snowdrop)

streams run (make wavy movements with hands)

How beautiful in the spring in the forest! (we spread our arms to the sides).

Children draw to the music.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher brings results:

Today we visited the art GALLERY. Learned what is rookery. Painted a spring LANDSCAPE

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the intellectual direction of the development of pupils
No. 197 of Chelyabinsk"
directly educational activities
in preschool group
Examination of a reproduction of the painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

teacher of the highest category
Konkova Elena Gennadievna
Chelyabinsk, 2015

1. Type of lesson: Examination of a reproduction of the painting by A. K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”
2. Program content: To teach the artistic vision of the landscape,
stimulate the desire to carefully consider it.
Continue learning the ability to see the artist's intention, correlate the content of the picture with the means of expression that he used. To enrich the speech of children with emotional and aesthetic terms.
To educate the manifestation of an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings and experiences.
3. Preparatory work: Excursion to the school garden; observation of spring changes in nature; poetry reading; viewing illustrations, listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, spring.
4. The course of the lesson:
Children sit in front of an easel with a closed picture.
Children, guess the riddle: The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,
The day comes, when does it happen?
And this one:
A warm south wind is blowing
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, getting wet, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?
And listen how the poet Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev wrote about spring: The snow is already melting, streams are running,
In the window it blew in the spring ...
Nightingales will soon whistle
And the forest will be dressed in foliage! clear blue sky,
Warmer and brighter the sun has become,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Gone again for a long time...
In nature, after a long winter, awakening comes slowly.
The snow lies on the fields for a long time, the trees stiffen in the wind. This year, spring can't beat winter. More recently, we were with you in the school garden and saw that nature is still sleeping, snow covers the ground.
And suddenly everything was filled with a slight tremor of life, the joyful chirping of birds. The sun shines brighter, its rays have become gentle, warm, and everyone around is happy about it. The snow is melting, thawed patches have appeared, the trees have started to wake up, freeing themselves from winter sleep. The birds cheered up, they heard the sparrows chirping loudly and cheerfully. Did you feel how light the air became, how it smelled of spring? This is the smell of melted snow, the bark of trees heated by the sun, the smell of a warm spring breeze.
And tell me which of the migratory birds are the first to return to us? Right, these are rooks, they also say about them that they bring spring on their wings.
Such a picture was also observed by the artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov on the outskirts of a Russian village. He also rejoiced in the spring, the arrival of the first spring birds - rooks. And he wrote a picture about this, which he called “The Rooks Have Arrived”.
Let's - let's admire this picture, consider it carefully. You can get closer to see everything.
(allow time to look at the picture)
What interesting things did the artist see? (Rooks flew to the birches). Why did the flock fly to these birches? (rook nests are preserved here). What are the birds going to do (repair their old nests). Why did you think so (the rook below picked up a twig and will now carry it to the nest).
How many rooks and large rook nests. It seems to me that I even hear the hubbub of a rook, there are a lot of birds, they all scream, curl, everyone is busy with their own business, everyone is fussing, filling the neighborhood with an incessant hubbub.
Soon little chicks will appear in the nests: rooks. The poet Vladimir Musatov wrote the following poem about this time: In the spring a village is built on the trees.
As the wind starts, the trees all sway.
The trees sway, the village sways.
And hundreds of voices in alarm for the chicks
They fly over the village.
The trees are swaying, the village is swaying.
The rooks would not blow away.
They scream, they scream...
Noisy, dropping feathers, noisy village.
This is how the poet called the bird settlement "The Noisy Village" in an interesting way
Now look at which trees the rooks have chosen. Tell about them. Describe the birch in the center. (old, clumsy, with a split stump) Look, and next to it are young birch trees. What are they (slender, tall, young). It seems that their bare branches came to life, warmed up, started up and stretched up towards the sun.
Why do you think the rooks chose this place for their nests.
Yes, it is calm here, it is the outskirts of a small village. What do we see in the background of the picture? (fence, several low wooden houses and a white stone old church). And even further the fields, with snow still lying in some places. And then the endless expanses of plains and forests.
Tell me about snow. (darkened, became loose, gray, donkey).
Is there a sun? As you guessed (it shines a little through the clouds; the puddle has melted, shadows lie from the birches.)
What can be said about the sky? What is it? (covered with bluish-gray clouds, but transparent, light)
Transparent, fresh spring air is felt in the high gently blue clouds, and in the dim light of the sun, and in the cold blue shadows on the melted snow.
Everything is extremely modest and simple. The picture contains both sadness and joy, a smile and meditation; the longer you look at the picture, the more you are imbued with love for truly Russian nature.
I'll turn on the music now, and you think, what would you call this picture? Sounds "Morning" E. Grieg.
After graduation - What did you hear, feel in the music?
Is it in the picture? Yes, I also heard the joy of the awakening of nature, a quivering feeling of waiting for the sun, warmth, spring and a slight sadness for the outgoing winter.
So what would you name the painting?

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