Presentation on the Russian language sparrow on the clock. A concise presentation of a narrative character based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "The Sparrow on the Clock" outline of a lesson in the Russian language (Grade 3) on the topic

Lesson topic. Presentation.

Circuits of the lesson: learn to consistently state the text, draw up a plan.

Teaching aids: cards, text presentation on an interactive whiteboard.

During the classes.

I. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, in today's lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer, master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy will help us in this. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the Clock", which he wrote especially for children.

II. Reading the text by the teacher

Listen carefully to the text "Sparrow on the clock."

Sparrow on the clock.
In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

/According to L. Tolstoy/

III. Content Conversation

Children, prove that I read the text.

What is its theme?

And the main idea?

Which sentence conveys the main idea of ​​the story?

Do you think the content of the story matches the title? Justify your answer.

What else can be called?

How did the sentry stand the test?

(I saw a hawk, followed it and, when it became dangerous, gave a signal.)

Where was the sentry sitting, why could he notice the enemy? (Vyschzho on a branch.)

Why should sparrows be afraid of a hawk?

Where did you find out about this offer? (He is a fierce enemy of small birds.)

How did the sparrow protect the chicks from a fierce enemy?

What signal did he give?

  • Where did you find out about this offer?
(A sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously.)

  • How did the sparrows respond to the signal?
(The sparrows disappeared into the bushes at once.)
IV. Working on a plan.

Let's mentally transport ourselves to the garden and imagine how the events that are conveyed in the story took place in life.

What pictures did you see?

How many?

Who are the actors?

How shall we name it? (The old sparrow guards the sparrows.)

Who are the actors?

How shall we name it? (A hawk appears.)

How shall we name it? (Alarm! or the Old Sparrow gives a signal to the kids.)

And the fourth picture. Give the content, name the characters. How shall we name it? (Sparrow is back on the clock)

What are the similarities between the first and fourth pictures?

What is the difference in the title of these paintings?
The plan is written on the board.

1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows,

2. A hawk appeared,

3. Alarm!

4. Sparrow is back on the clock,
V. Speech preparation.

Why do you think?

(Word here emphasizes the unexpected appearance of the hawk.)

What is the name of the hawk? (Fierce enemy, villain.)

How are the movements of this villain conveyed? (Flies quietly, without noise)

What picture connects all the characters?

What is conveyed in it?

(Anxiety, anxiety of the old sparrow and sparrows.)

What caused this anxiety? (A hawk appears.)

What sentence does the third part begin with?

In what words of this sentence does L. Tolstoy convey the growing danger? (The hawk is getting closer.)

What word shows the quick actions of sparrows? (They hid at once.) - What is the name of the old sparrow in the story? (Old sparrow, sentry,)

What are the sparrows named?

(Young sparrows, sparrows, babies? chicks.)

(So ​​that there is no repetition, so that there is a more coherent and more interesting text.)

What words are many? (Verbs)

(These words help to see the picture in motion, hear the sounds.)

Read the last sentence.

What secrets of his skill did L.N. Tolstoy?
VI. Spelling preparation.

1. Read the words.

Explain the spelling of the underlined vowels.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to

make mistakes.

Ocher a nyal, l e tit, evil about dey, m about lody, sl e dit, h a owl, st about gives birth,

SW and gave, in a du.

2. Children, now find the words from the dictionary in the text. Read them. Memorize their spelling.

3. Choose test words: path, hawk, enemy.

4. Why is it written b in words: sparrows, sparrows.

5. There are difficult words in the text, the spelling of which you have not yet learned. Memorize their spelling.

Behind him, without noise, closer, chirped, softly, again.
VII. Oral retelling of the text according to the plan.
VIII. Rereading the text.

(Children read the text to themselves.)

IX. Letter.

Remember: you need to start writing each part of the text with a red line.

Anyone who wishes can take a card - an assistant.

Card 1

1. Where did young sparrows jump?

What did the old sparrow do?

2. Who appeared in the garden?

How did the hawk fly?

3. How did the sparrow protect the chicks from a fierce enemy?

What signal did he give?

How did the sparrows respond to the signal?

4. What did the chicks and the old sparrow do when the hawk flew away?

Card 2

X. Self-checking by students of what they have written

XI. Collection of written works

XII. Summary of the lesson.

Russian language grade 4

Subject: Presentation of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

Target: Formation of the ability to retell the text based on the plan.


- to form the ability to work with the text, determine its main idea, divide the text into parts, draw up a retelling plan

Continue to develop skills, solve spelling problems, determine the lexical meaning of words

To cultivate the ability to listen and hear the student, teacher, and oneself.

Formation of UUD.


    The ability to set the learning task of the lesson.

    Ability to plan the sequence of educational actions with the task in hand.

    Ability to create a plan of action for the task and carry it out.

    Ability to follow a plan.


    Ability to work with new information.

    The ability to apply logical actions (determine the genre, the main idea, divide the text into parts, determine the main idea of ​​each part)

    Ability to build reasoning around a problem.

    Ability to compare and draw conclusions.

    Ability to select information.

    Ability to logically solve the tasks of the lesson.


    Ability to express your point of view.

    Ability to retell the text and hear a classmate

    Ability to correct and explain errors.


    Introduction to the topic.

What is this bird? (slide 1) Who is a sparrow?

What can you say about it?

Sparrow is a small bird of the passerine family. Sparrows are the most famous birds that coexist with humans with great pleasure.

Sparrows lead a sedentary lifestyle, choosing a territory, nesting. The grown offspring remain close to their parents, so the sparrows form large flocks. This is facilitated by the high fertility of the sparrow, the abundance of food due to the proximity of human settlements.

    Formulation of the problem.

What types of text do you know?

1. Narration - what happened (events, actions).

Narration - a message about the actions of the subject in a certain sequence, that is, the action develops (the plot, the development of the action, its climax and denouement). (sweet 2)

2. Description - which? which? (signs of the subject).

Description - a message about the simultaneous or timeless features of an object or phenomenon. As a rule, the general impression of the described object is given, then its essential and secondary features can be indicated, an assessment of the described is given. You can describe the appearance of a person, his character, nature, environment, and so on.

3. reasoning - why? (reasons, evidence).

Reasoning explains any facts, events, based on cause-and-effect relationships. At the same time, a thesis, a statement, is first put forward. Next, arguments or evidence are given in favor of the point of view or against it, and then examples are given and a conclusion is drawn from all of the above.

    Work on the title "Sparrow on the clock"

    Reading the text of the presentation by the teacher and its visual perception by children. (slide 3)

L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

Young sparrows jumped along the path in the garden. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow noticed the villain and is following him. The hawk is getting closer and closer.

The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. Sparrows at once disappeared into the bushes.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are merrily jumping along the path. And the sentry is back on duty.

    Content analysis.

What have you learned?

What surprised?

What is this text?

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Main part


VII. Dividing the text into parts.

How many paragraphs are in the text?

What about parts in a text narrative?

Which shows that the 2nd paragraph is the 2nd part. (Here..)

Where is the beginning of part 3? (Flew away...)

What is the text talking about?

VIII. Highlighting keywords.

Let's define the characters of the text.

Highlight key words in each section. 2-3 words from each part.

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled

young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

IX . Planning.

Let's plan the text.

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

In the garden

sparrow and sparrow

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled



fierce enemy

young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Back on duty

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

X . Abbreviation of text.

What words can we start each part with?

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

In the garden

sparrow and sparrow

In the garden…

Old wobob…

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled



fierce enemy




young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Back on duty

Fly away...


Fierce enemy...

The villain…

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

XI . Reading the resulting text.

In the garden, an old sparrow guarded the chicks.

Suddenly a hawk appeared. This is a fierce enemy of birds. The old sparrow noticed the villain. He chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows fled.

The hawk has flown. The sentry is back on duty.

XII . Writing a presentation.

XIII . Self-test.

The material presents a text for teaching 3rd grade students a written retelling of the text. The text introduces students to the life of plants and animals, with respect for nature. Questions on content, an approximate plan for presenting the text, tasks for vocabulary and spelling preparation are attached to the text.



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Slides captions:

And the anger of Sparrow on the clock according to the story of L. N. Tolstoy

What pictures of what was happening did you see? - Match them with the scheme of the text - narrative.

Link What happened? In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Climax what happened? Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him. The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The denouement How did it end? The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

What feelings did the text evoke in you? -When did you worry the most? -When did you feel happy?

Connect the word and its meaning with arrows Villain Fierce (enemy) Sentry Sparrow At once (hidden) Watching sparrow chicks formidable, evil watchman, guard - evil, wanted to kill the chicks quickly, instantly

Work on the content of the text Read the title. - How do you understand it? - What are the characters in the story? - Where did this incident take place? - What did the sparrows do? - How did the old sparrow behave? - Who prevented the sparrows from playing? How did the old sparrow warn them of the danger? - How did the hawk attack end?

Plan 1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows. 2. A hawk appeared. Anxiety! 4. Sparrow is back on the clock. They jumped - cheerfully, carelessly galloped along the path Quietly and silently - sneaking up imperceptibly. Anxious, full of excitement, anxiety for the sparrows.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to make a mistake. Protection nyal- … let tit-... evil o dey-… young- … follows - … h a owl- … guardian- … u n gave - ... in s a du- … protection a on the flight of evil young, young footprint s o u n t o r , gatekeeper in the garden view

Pick up the test words Path hawk enemy

Remember the spelling: Sparrow and Sparrow that Behind him without noise

Find in the text sentences according to the proposed schemes: 1) O and O. 2) O, O. 1. A sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids. 2. The hawk flies quietly, without noise.

Sparrow on the clock. In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids. Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him. The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once. The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

sparrows hawk

a) Greeting

Hello children! I am very glad to see you!

The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson starts.
Put your mind and heart into work,
Cherish every second of your work.

b) Word-instruction

Check your jobs. We will need in the lesson: a pen, a simple pencil, a notebook for creative work and a draft and cards for working with text.

c) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guys, today in the lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer, master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy will help us in this. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the Clock", which he wrote especially for children.

What is a presentation?

Today we will write a summary with you

What do you think a summary is?

How is it different from other types of presentations?

Unlike a detailed presentation, which involves a detailed reproduction of the content of the text, a concise presentation requires a brief, generalized transmission of the content of the source text, but at the same time, without losing the main idea and the sequence of events in the text.

d) Message of text type, genre, text style.

The text of our presentation is the story.

What is a narrative text?

Let's remember his scheme:


Tie up Tie up

What happened?

What happened?

Words of what part of speech are the main ones in such a text?

a) The story of the childhood of Leo Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old, but according to the stories of family members, he imagined her well: some features of his mother (an excellent education, love of art) and even a portrait resemblance Tolstoy gave the heroine of his work. Lev Nikolaevich's father, remembered by the writer for his good-natured and mocking character, love for reading, for hunting, also died early. The children were raised by a distant relative. Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family traditions, first impressions of the life of the noble estate "Yasnaya Polyana".

Later, L.N. Tolstoy would open a school for peasant children in the village, help set up more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana, and this activity would captivate him so much that he would go abroad to get acquainted with the schools of Europe. Tolstoy travels a lot, was in England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium. He was sure that the basis of education should be "the freedom of the student" and the rejection of violence in teaching. Later, he publishes his own book for teaching children to read - "ABC". You get acquainted with some stories, true stories and fables from that ABC at the lessons of literary reading.

Let's recall some of them.

b) The reading was "Kitten"

To what genre did Tolstoy classify this work?

What is true?

What does this work teach?

c) Installation on the perception of the text

Task: Imagine the pictures of what is happening in the story of Leo Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

a) Reading the text

Sparrow on the clock.

In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

a) Answer to the task

- What pictures of what was happening did you see?

Match them with the scheme of the text - narrative.

b) Emotional evaluation conversation

What feelings did the text evoke in you?

When did you worry the most?

When did you become happy?

c) Lexical work

Let's try to explain the lexical meaning of some words.

The villain is evil, he wanted to kill the chicks.

Fierce (enemy) - formidable, evil.

Sentinel (watching) - a watchman, a guard.

Sparrows - chicks of sparrows.

The old sparrow is a grandfather sparrow.

At once (disappeared) - quickly, instantly.

Watching - watching.

d) Working with text by content

Name the characters in the story?

Where did this incident take place?

What were the sparrows doing?

How did the old sparrow behave?

Who prevented the sparrows from playing?

How did the old sparrow warn them of the danger?

How did the hawk attack end?

e) Text work

Name the main theme of the text.

What is the idea of ​​the text?

What are the keywords in the text that support the idea of ​​the text?

Read the title.

How do you understand it?

How many parts does the text have?

a) Vocabulary simmatic work

Jumping - fun, carefree jumping along the path

Anxious, full of excitement, anxiety for the sparrows.

Quietly and silently - sneaking up imperceptibly.

Write these words down on your draft.

b) Structural and compositional planning

What words ends the first part?

How briefly, excluding superfluous, to tell what happened in the first part?

Use verbs that convey the course of events in your answer.

How shall we name it?

What words begin the second part?

What words ends the second part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the second part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the third part?

What words ends the third part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the third part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the last fourth part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the fourth part?

How shall we name it?

1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. Alarm!

4. Sparrow is back on the clock.

c) Spelling work

1. Read the words. Explain the spelling of the underlined vowels.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to make a mistake.




young- …

sledit - ...


staboutgives birth- ...

SWandgave - ...

in cadu-…

2. Children, now find the words from the dictionary in the text. Read them. Memorize their spelling.

3. Choose test words:




4. Why is it written b in words: sparrows, sparrows.

5. There are difficult words in the text, the spelling of which you have not yet learned. Memorize their spelling.

Behind him, without noise, closer, chirped, softly, again.

d) Punctuation work

Let's remember the rules for writing sentences and text.

Find in the text sentences according to the proposed schemes:

e) Text work

Now we will learn to “compress” the text, i.e. highlight the main thing in the text, find keywords so that when the text is compressed, the main idea and the course of events are not lost.

Words of what part of speech are most often used in the narrative text?

The main mechanisms of text compression are to generalize, replace with a single word, highlight key words and exclude unnecessary ones.

There are cards in front of you that you and I will fill out, first together, and then try to complete it yourself.

Lesson summary of the condensed presentation "Sparrow on the clock."
Theme of the lesson: Concise presentation based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock".
Lesson type: speech development.
Purpose: to teach how to write a concise presentation.
Tasks: to familiarize with the type of text a concise presentation of the narrative text; repeat information about the text; about the types of text narrative; develop the ability to plan; briefly retell the original text; learn to use the author's language tools; learn to prevent speech errors; to cultivate interest in the work of Leo Tolstoy; developing: enrich the child's vocabulary; development of oral and written speech; memory, attention, creativity.
Equipment: didactic drawings, texts, notebooks, drafts.

Lesson stage Teacher activity Student activity

I.Org.class to work.

II.Preparation for the primary perception of the text

III. Primary perception of the text.

IV. Analysis of the primary perception of the text.

V. Language training.

VI. Final reproduction of the text

VII. Creation of a written statement.

1st lesson. Preparing children for storytelling.

A) greeting
-Hello guys.
b) Word-instruction.
Let's check if everything is ready for today's lesson. You have a notebook, a draft, the text of the story, and drawings to the text on your desks.

C) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
-Today you will write a concise summary of the story "Sparrow on the clock." slide 1.
To better write a summary, each of you will make a plan for the story. You will write the plan on pieces of paper, and then, when you turn in notebooks, put the sheets in them.
-What is a presentation?

At the beginning of the lesson, I said that we would write a summary. What do you think concise means?

What are the three main parts of any presentation?
-And each part of the presentation must be written from the red line.

So, in a word, we will write the text.
What is text? What types of text do you know?

Let's recap their main features.
-There is no plot, events in the description, pictures of nature, phenomena, objects, portraits are depicted;
- in the text of the reasoning, various arguments, examples, evidence are used;
- the narrative describes the sequence of events, the text has a plot, acting characters.

D) Text type message.
- We will write the text of the narrative in a concise form. The presentation will be in the genre of writing a fairy tale. Name the genre features of the fairy tale.

A) A conversation about the author and his work.
We have known the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy since the first grade. And this year already read his works.
L.N. lost his parents early. At the age of 16 he entered Kazan University. Was in military service. But he devoted his life to literature, defended the interests of the peasants, organized a school for children from poor families, wrote stories and fairy tales for them. Tolstoy said that only one who works and does good to other people can be called a man; it is shameful, unworthy of a man to live by the labor of others.

b) What works have we already read this year? Let's remember and briefly retell them.

C) Installation on the perception of the text.
The teacher hangs pictures of a sparrow on the board, and then a hawk.hawk.

What is this bird?
-Where could you see a sparrow?
-Who knows the riddle about the sparrow?
-Name the signs of a sparrow.

What birds are sparrows: wintering or migratory?
- Are sparrows friendly birds?

What is this bird?
The teacher makes a riddle
"A bird of prey swoops in from above and seizes prey with a sharp beak."

Look at the pictures and list the signs of a hawk.
- Do we also often see the hawk as sparrows?

How do hawks usually fly (singly or in flocks)?

What bird is a hawk?
-Hawks have keen eyesight, thanks to which they manage to look out for their prey from above.

Now listen to the story on which we will write a concise summary. And tell me what pictures you presented while listening to this story. Slide 2.
Reading the text by the teacher.
“In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.
Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.
The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.
The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

a) How many pictures did you submit?
-What pictures did you show?
Review the diagram.

B) Emotional-evaluative conversation.
What feelings did the story evoke?
- When did you feel anxious?
-When did you worry the most?

C) Lexical work. (We write the words on the board and in drafts)
fierce - wicked, evil
the villain is the one who wanted to eat
sparrows - small sparrow chicks
together - all together
d) Work on the content or work with the text.
-Who are the main characters?
-What happened to them?
-How did it all start?
-What was the main event?

D) Text work
-What is the text about?

What is the topic of the text?
Why did Tolstoy write this text for children?

What are you thinking about while reading this text?

What is the idea behind this text?
-Read the title.
How does it fit with the theme or idea?
-How many parts does the text have?

Work on the form of the text (vocabulary and analytical work).
a) What can the author convey in words?

B) Making a plan.
-I will read the story in parts. Try to imagine well what is said in each passage in order to write the presentation more beautifully. And highlight key words.
Reading by the teacher of the first part.
slide 3.
-What is this passage talking about?
-Where did the action take place?
-Where was the old sparrow?
Why was he sitting high?
slide 4.
At the same time, the table is filled:
Plan Key words
1. Sparrow.

2. Predator attack.

3. The victory of the sparrow. They jumped along the paths, sat down, high, guarded the kids.

Appeared, a fierce enemy, flies quietly without noise, saw the villain, watching him, sentry
Flew away, merrily jumping, sentry, guarding.

What is the main thing you need to convey when you write this part?
-Write the title for the first part in your papers.

Reading the second part of the story. (with the words "here it appeared").
Slide 5.
What should be conveyed in this part of the story?
-Write a title for this part. Headers are checked as above.

Reading the third part.
-What happened to the hawk?
-What did the chicks do?
- With whom did the author compare the old sparrow in this part?
slide 6.

Write a title for this part. Checking headers and editing them.

B) Spelling.
Children ask the teacher how to spell the words they need. If these are words for rules unknown to children, such as: chicks, loudly, anxiously, the teacher writes them on the blackboard without any explanation; if the student asks about the word for the rule passed, then the students select test words for it:
hour-hour, paths-path, hawk-hawks, enemy-enemies, I saw, sparrows, guard-watchman.

In both cases, the student who proposed the question pronounces the difficult word syllable by syllable.
The teacher writes on the blackboard.
d) Punctuation work.
How many parts will be in our presentation?
- Each part is written with a red line.
-Every new sentence is capitalized.
What type of essay are we going to write?
What is the difference between a concise statement and a detailed one?
-If this presentation is concise, then the sentences should be short and in each part no more than two or three sentences. But the idea of ​​the text should be unchanged.

Now I will read the whole story again so that you will remember it better. After each part of the story, I will make a short stop and once again we will identify the main thing, the main thing in each part.
Slide 7.

2nd lesson. Letter of presentation. (Write on the same day at the next lesson).

A) Write the text on a draft (20 min).

B) Checking what is written.

C) Rewriting in a clean copy.

Children check on the desks for the presence of the teacher listed.

This is when you need to remember the text and write it down; tell what you read about in your own words, etc.

We will write briefly, but the main thing.

Introduction, presentation of the main

The text is several sentences on the same topic. There is a narrative text, a reasoning text and a description text.

Entertainment and entertainment. In the story, the sparrow has human qualities.

"Shark", "Jump", "Lion and dog".
Children briefly retell the texts.

Everywhere, everywhere.
1. This little bird wears a gray shirt, picks up crumbs quickly and escapes from the cat.
2. He likes to jump and fly, peck bread and grains, instead of “Hello”, he is used to saying “Chick-Chirik” to everyone!

Gray, small, nimble birds.

Yes, friendly. They always fly and peck grains in flocks.

This is a hawk.

No, rare. And we see it mostly in the summer.
One by one. They hunt down their prey - small birds.

Children listen, writing out verbs, events.

Children verbally draw pictures.

There is a plot of events in the story,
climax and denouement.

Children's oral responses.

Children explain the words with the help of the teacher.

Sparrow and hawk.

Children's answers.

About how the old sparrow guarded the sparrows.
The love of parents for children.
So that children know that their parents will always come to their aid.

Out of three.

Events that took place.

(jumping, guarding, quietly without noise, I saw the villain).

About how the little sparrows played, and the old sparrow guarded them.
In the garden.
High on a branch.
Protected the sparrows.

How carelessly sparrows jumped along the paths, knowing that they were guarded by an old sparrow.
Children write:
"Sparrow", "Sparrow on a walk."
Three or four students read their headlines. (Unsuccessful ones are briefly discussed and corrected.

How the hawk appeared to seize the sparrows. But the old sparrow was attentive and did not let the predator suddenly attack the sparrows.
"Predator Attack", "Fight", "Attentive Sparrow".

He flew away.
The chicks jumped happily.
With a watch.

“The trouble is over”, “The enemy is defeated”, “Victory of the sparrow”.

Students write in drafts.

A condensed presentation is a condensed retelling of a text.

Children listen and after reading each part, briefly retell it.

They write off the date, the title of the work and the title of the story from the board:
Sparrow on the clock.

They read the words written on the board and the plans on their sheets. Then they remember the whole story. They put leaflets with plans in front of them and, without writing them off in a notebook, write a presentation.
Then check the statement twice. For the first time he reads his work, making sure that he correctly stated his thoughts, whether he missed words, whether he put the necessary punctuation marks. The second time the student reads all the words of the presentation syllable by syllable and checks the work from the side of spelling.

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