Open vocal lesson topic "rhythm". Vocal lesson notes (methodological recommendations for teachers)

Abstract music lesson"Vocal and singing activity"

Musical director

MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 108"

Syktyvkar Yurlova Svetlana Mikhailovna,

Topic: “Unusual invitation” - final lesson end of the first quarter for children 5-6 years old


  1. 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about proper breathing, sound formation (we form a natural sound, we draw only vowel sounds), clear articulation, rhythm in singing;
  2. 2. Reinforce the concept of “concert”.


  1. 1.Develop ear for music, sense of rhythm, ability to distinguish between correct and incorrect sounds (high and low sounds, duration, height, direction of the melody);
  2. 2.Develop your voice, forming a natural sound, expand your range;
  3. 3.Develop creative abilities, independently perform the song repertoire.


  1. 1. Cultivate love for one’s neighbor, Motherland, nature, love for music, singing, performing for the audience;
  2. 2.Formate in children the correct singing skills and abilities that contribute to expressive performance;
  3. 3. Learn to perform a song with the help of an adult and independently, accompanied by an instrument and acopella.

Equipment: stereo system, microphone system, multimedia equipment, presentation, score of the song “Believe in a Fairy Tale,” words and music by L. A. Starchenko, light plastic snowflakes on a fishing line according to the number of children, discs with recordings of songs “ Kindergarten– this is a house for children”, “Mom is one word on the planet. Mother!" words and music by A. Petryasheva.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall. Greet guests. The music director asks them to come to the screen, draws their attention to the screen and the envelope.

Music manager: Guys, we received an unusual invitation. In order to find out where we are invited, we must open this word, all the letters of which are hidden behind the stars. But we can open and find out only by completing tasks.

Let's see what the 1st task is. (Several exercises from the “Breathing Gymnastics” complex by A.N. Strelnikova are suggested: “Palms”, “Pump”, “Hug your shoulders”, “Turns of the head”).

(The music director asks to go to the chairs and have each child stand near his chair; after completing the exercises of the first task, open the first letter on the screen - K, call it choir).

Music manager: Guys, in order to open another letter, we need to complete the second task. Let's look into the envelope and find out which one. And here it is written - work on breathing. To complete this task, snowflakes will help us. Each of you take a snowflake by the string. right hand(show) so that the snowflake is in front of the mouth. Our mouths are closed, we breathe through our nose (silently, calmly, easily).

(Task 2 – work on breathing. Task for children: while the melody of the familiar song “Believe in a Fairy Tale” is playing, children, taking their breath at the beginning of each phrase, blow on a snowflake. This melody is performed on the piano).

Music director: Well done! We have completed the second task and you can open the next letter on the screen. (Open the 2nd letter T).

The children take their seats.

Music manager: Come on, guys. Let's see what the next task is. And the envelope will help us again. And the next task will help us learn to clearly pronounce words in songs.

(Children are offered the fairy tale “The Adventures of the Tongue” from articulation gymnastics by V. Emelyanova).

Music Ruk.: So the third letter from the unusual word has been revealed - the letter E.

Let's look at the next task - in order to correctly connect sounds in singing, to draw them beautifully, we will play “A Scary Fairy Tale”

(Children, sitting on chairs, perform the phonetic exercise by V. Emelyanova “A Scary Fairy Tale”)

Music hand: Here the letter has opened. What is it called? - letter O.

Let's look into the envelope, what else is there? And there is the game “Zoom-Zoom”.

(The game “Zoom-Zoom” is played with the children.

Purpose of the game: development of rhythm, coherence, attention.

Progress of the game: music director pronounces the words of the game - children repeat the words, accompanying them with movements.

Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom - (on the knees with both hands)

There is controversy and noise here.

Who took the keys to the cupboard on the shelf where the candies were stored? – (alternately on the knees with the right and then with the left hand)

Music manager: Sasha? (the child stands up)

Children: Did you take Sasha? (tapping out the words rhythmically).

Sasha: -Who? I? (punches his chest with his fists, indignantly)

Children: - Yes you are! (claps hands)

Sasha: - I didn’t take it! (stomping feet)

Children: - Who? (clap).

(the game continues with other children)

All: - There are no keys to the buffet here! (on the knees with both hands).

And the mice on the shelf finished the candy.

Zoom -4 times (finger clicks, you can add a tambourine, a triangle)

The argument and noise ceased (on the knees with both hands).

Boom! (cotton).

Boom! (cotton)

Music director: Well done! Open the letter. What is it called? – N. There are two stars left – two letters. There are two tasks in the envelope. One of them is chanting.

(Children perform the familiar “Echo” chant

Goal: singing in a wide range, developing sound dynamics.

  1. 1) First, everyone sing together.
  2. 2) Individually – ask 2-3 children.

Music hand: Let's open the letter. Letter - R.

Here we already have a word. Having completed the last task, we will read the word.

(The song “Believe in a Fairy Tale” is used.

  1. 1.Work on phrases and rhythm (cubes) (we clap at a slow tempo and in the rhythm of the song).
  2. 2. Singing phrases, one by one, individually).

Music director: Open the 7th letter - C. What happened? What word? (Children read in chorus).

CONCERT - what is a concert? (answer).

Music director: A concert is a public performance musical works in combination with vocal, choreographic, and other numbers according to a specific, pre-compiled program.

Guys, tell me, where were we invited?

Music director: for a concert in which we ourselves participate and perform - we will perform songs for our guests.

Children perform three songs:

  1. 1. “Believe in a fairy tale” (synthesizer)
  2. 2. “Kindergarten” (with soloists with microphones).
  3. 3. “Mom is the only word on the planet. Mother!"

Music director: The concert is over, the music suddenly stopped.

But is it?

It seems that it sounds now......and will be for a long, long time

Still sound for each of us.

(Children say goodbye and leave the music room).

Musical lesson on vocals - choral work in the preparatory school group “Musical Necklace”

- Create a joyful, friendly atmosphere that contributes to the child’s successful entry into the world of vocal art.
- Learn to sing meaningfully and expressively, purely intoning the melody of the song;
- Develop mobility articulatory apparatus, expand the singing range of children;
- Form clear, clear singing diction;
- Cultivate children's interest in singing.

Lesson plan.
1. Children’s entrance to the hall
2. Musical greeting
3. Breathing exercises.
4. Articulation gymnastics.
5. Tongue twisters.
6. Vocal - intonation exercises.
7. Learning a song
8. Music game
9. Farewell “Goodbye, music”

Progress of the lesson

Children's entrance to the hall.
Musical greeting.
We shake hands with each other, and with a smile, “Hello!” we sing.
Good afternoon Good afternoon We are not too lazy to study - 2 rubles.
The music director invites the children to come to the table, on it stave with beady notes.
M.R.: Guys, look!
On magic strings
The magnets are hanging.
Not ordinary magnets -
They all sound.
Nice necklace -
It's musical.
I have it in store for you!
These magnetic notes make up different songs. I’ll sing this song to you.

M. r. takes “notes” - they fall on the table.

M.R.: Oh! The beads scattered.
And there will probably be no more music.
Help me collect sheet music magnets?
Let's collect the magnetic notes and put them in the music box, maybe the music box will be able to collect all the notes into one again?
M.R.: But in order for the magnetic notes to “sing”, you need to perform certain exercises.
Let's stand in a circle
A little effort will improve your breathing.
Breathing exercises.
Let's take the “Snowflakes” and blow on them, let them fly and delight us with their beauty.
Blowing on a snowflake while holding a thread
« gold fish»
The “Golden Fish” lives in a fabulous musical land, the fish SNAKES UP (inhale), DIVES (exhale while tilting), and again emerges and dives.

"Cloud and Rain"
Spring will come soon, the snow will melt, it will rain
A cloud flew in (inhale), and it began to rain (exhale, tapping the nostrils M-N)

After performing the breathing exercises, a sound is heard.
M. r. attaches a note to the staff.

And now, be quiet, let your tongue dance.
Articulation gymnastics.
Here is the tongue exercise: (Children perform movements according to the text of the game).
The tongue turned
Right left. on the side. Children stroking their cheeks with their tongues -
We open our mouth, right and left
We chatter our tongues, perform the “Chatterer” exercise
And now, friends, no joke,
Use your tongue to clean your teeth. Swipe the tongue several times
Let's smile at all our friends, upper teeth, then lower teeth
You can't sing without a smile. Smile with lips stretched wide

After performing articulatory gymnastics, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one note wants to return to its house.
M. r. attaches a note to the staff.

Speaking tongue twisters is not an easy task.
We will say it beautifully, clearly and skillfully.

Tongue Twisters.
Written by a mouse in a hole
Until the morning tongue twisters
It turned out exactly forty
He has a tongue twister.

After the tongue twister is performed, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one bead wants to return to its house.
M. r. attaches one bead to the staff.
If you want to sing loudly
Don't sit down like a bear
Place your feet on the floor harder
Straighten your back quickly.
Arms and shoulders are all free.
Singing is pleasant and comfortable.

Vocal - intonation exercises.
“Snowflakes and white fluffs are falling
Put your palm up and wait a little."

“1,2,3,4,5, Go out for a walk quickly
We'll go down the icy hill
We'll ride in a crowd"

“They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear’s paw,
I still won’t leave him, because he’s good.”

“The giraffe grows tallest, it reaches the sky”

“The elephant is as big as a house, go around it,
And you will see that it is not easy to climb onto a house of such height"

After performing vocal and intonation exercises, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one bead wants to return to its house.

The song comes to visit us
And it brings joy to us all.

Video of the song “Gingerbread House”
Learning a song
1. Read the lyrics to the rhythm of the song
2. Singing 1 verse of the song
3. Learn the verse of the song.
4. Sing 1 verse and chorus.

After the song is played, a sound is heard.
M.R.: These beads want to return to their house.
M. r. attaches five beads to the staff.

Music game
"Heel, toe"

After the game is played, a sound is heard.
M.R. These beads want to return to their house.
M. r. attaches five beads to the staff.

M.R.: So all the beads have returned home.

It's hard for us to sing and dance without music
We put the beads in music notebook.
All my friends are happy about the wonderful music again
And we can’t lose those beads anymore.

M.R.: Thank you guys for coming to me, making me happy, and what did you remember and what did you like?
I was very pleased swami, and I want to convey to you from the gnomes of their gingerbread house a ringing candy cockerel.

Going out to the music.

MBU DO "House" children's creativity No. 4"

Address: st. Morisa, 82a, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region


Singing installation. "The Magic Rules of Singing"


Arysheva Svetlana Ivanovna,

teacher additional education,

vocal and pop studio "Orpheus"


Focus: artistic.

Lesson topic: Singing installation. "The Magic Rules of Singing."

Target: Formation of ideas about the concept of “Singing attitude” and practical use in vocal lessons.


    Introduce students to the concept of “singing attitude”.

    Introduce the rules of singing set-up.

    Develop in children musical perception, vocal apparatus, hearing:

    Develop memory, attention, thinking, perseverance.

    Cultivate an interest in vocal art.

Form: lesson-rehearsal.

Lesson equipment:


    Musical equipment;

    Visual aids;

    Collection of notes;


Method of organizing student activities: group.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time, introduction to the topic:

Musical greeting.

(The teacher sings: “Hello, guys!”, The children sing: “Hello, Svetlana Ivanovna!”)

Teacher: Today we will do a lot important matter- let's get acquainted with the “magic rules of singing”, which you cannot do without. If you follow them, you will definitely learn to sing beautifully. But first I'll tell you about the singing setup. Guys, what do you think this is?

Children: this is a straight back, straightened shoulders, good mood etc.

Teacher: Right.

    Main part

Singing installation- this is the correct position of the body (torso) when singing. For your voice to sound free and easy, nothing should interfere with it: your shoulders should be lowered, your back should be straight, you should not stretch your neck or raise your chin high (otherwise you will immediately become like a rooster who wants to out-crow everyone). Your posture and even your well-being depend on how you hold your “body.” Good posture is always necessary, but especially when singing.

The correct singing attitude is “ magic rules singing,” and there are many of these rules. Let's count how many there are. I will name them, and you count (the teacher shows visual material, which shows the correct position when singing standing and sitting).

1. The main rule is that when singing you cannot sit or stand relaxed: you need to maintain a feeling of inner and outer fitness.

2. Keep your head straight, freely, without lowering it down or throwing it back, and do not stretch your neck.

3. Stand firmly on both legs, and if sitting, then lightly touch the chair, also leaning on your legs.

4. When singing in a sitting position, your hands should rest freely on your knees.

5. You cannot sit with your legs crossed, because this position creates unnecessary tension in the body.

7. Open your mouth wide and vertically.

8. The lower jaw should be free, the lips should be mobile and elastic.

How many rules did you count?

Children: 8 rules

Teacher: Well done, you counted correctly. Now we know that there are 8 magic rules, however I have one more question. Why are these rules called magic?

Children: Because if you follow these rules, your voice will sound beautiful and easy.

Teacher: Right. Now let's sing the familiar chant about an owl, following these rules. Let's sit upright, put our hands on our knees, straighten our backs.

Chant about the owl:

The owl was sitting on a tree,

And she sang her song O-U-U,

What the strange words,

It's an owl hooting!

Guys, today we sang in a new way, following the magic rules. Do you think they helped us? We began to sing freely and beautifully?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Very good. Now let's repeat the song that we learned in the last lesson.

Vocal and choral work on the song “Far from Mom”, learning the second verse.

3. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Teacher: Guys, let's summarize our lesson. What new did we learn today?

Children: We got acquainted with the magical rules of singing.

Teacher: How many of these rules are there? Tell me them?

Well done today, you did a good job. Let's say goodbye. Goodbye! (in musical form).

(The teacher sings: “Goodbye!”, Children sing: “Goodbye!”).

Internet resources used:

Used Books:

M. A. Mikhailova Development of musical abilities in children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Development Academy, 1997 .

Summary of a vocal lesson in a secondary vocal group

Lesson topic: Visiting the sorceress of music

MBOU DOD "KHRTSDT" Palatka village

"Musical Carousel"

Lesson objectives:

Develop pitch hearing and sense of rhythm.

Achieve correct sound production. Activate the marginal closure of the vocal folds at the moment of sound attack, which underlies the correct sound production.

Encourage children to expressively, emotionally, responsively sing songs.

Teaching methods: Conversation, story, comparison, method of play, method of looking ahead and returning to what has been covered, Strelnikov breathing exercises technique.

Form: health-saving activity


Reader musical material, song material, lyrics " Sunny bunnies", "Scarecrow", CD with recordings of phonograms of songs (minus voice), articulation gymnastics "The Adventures of the Tongue".

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment

· Greetings

· Positive attitude towards vocal practice.

· Checking readiness for class.

2. Development of the topic.

· Message topic, goal setting.

· Articulation gymnastics “The Adventures of the Tongue”

· Chanting.

· Singing canons.

4. Video pause

5. Work on songs: “Sunny Bunnies”, “Scarecrow”.

6. Summary of the lesson.


Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you at the vocal lesson.

Checking readiness for class.

Psychological mood.

Now you have to sing songs, listen to music, and do vocal exercises. To do this, we will carry out a special setup. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Now I will pronounce phrases, and you repeat them in chorus, quietly, calmly.

· We are ready to work on vocal lessons.

· We are in a good mood.

· We will try to do vocal exercises and sing songs.

Open your eyes, take another deep breath. Exhale and get ready to work in class.

2. Work on the topic.

1. Message of the topic, goal setting.

Remember and tell us, guys, what you did in your last vocal lesson. ( performed vocal exercises. We were learning the song " Live music", worked on the part of the second voice in the song "Sunny Bunnies").

Today we will continue to work on the first and second parts of the songs.

· Breathing exercises by Strelnikova.

You guys know that before starting class you need to do breathing exercises. Why are breathing exercises needed? (While singing great importance has your breath. If you don’t take a breath before you start singing, the sound won’t sound as it should).

Now, we will do breathing exercises. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise while inhaling.

Today we will perform breathing exercises using Strelnikova’s method.

When performing exercises, you must follow certain rules:

a) Inhalation - “loud”, short. Active (just sniff your nose noisily throughout the entire office, as if sniffing the smell of burning).

b) Exhalation is absolutely passive, leaves through the nose. It is forbidden to think about exhalation. If you think about exhaling, you will get confused! Exhalation is an outgoing inhalation.

The air should leave on its own through the mouth after each inhalation through the nose. Inhalation is extremely active, exhalation is absolutely passive.

c) in Strelnikov breathing exercises, short noisy breaths through the nose are taken only simultaneously with movements.

Children perform exercises together with the teacher: “Riders”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Rolls”.

· Articulation gymnastics “The Adventures of the Tongue” application No. 1.doc

· Chanting.

Let's continue the lesson with vocal warm-up. Why do you need a vocal warm-up? Or maybe it’s not at all necessary to sing at every lesson? (It is mandatory to sing at every lesson, as the vocal cords become stronger and grow. We acquire the skill correct pronunciation words in a song. Voice like anyone else musical instrument requires correct setup.

Absolutely right. Tongue twisters liberate the speech apparatus, and vocal exercises develop the vocal apparatus.

You want your song to sound good, right? (Answers children)

Then you need to try and do exercises to develop clear diction.

Tell me, guys, what is diction? (Diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation (singing) of all sounds of the text or vocal work. It depends on the activity of the lips and tongue, correct breathing and articulation in general).

Children sing tongue twisters “Three Magpies Taratorki”, “Thirty-three Egorki”, “Brooms-Pomeliki” appendix No. 2.doc

Now let’s sing the exercise “Our Motherland.” Sing the exercise expressively. Round your mouth muscles when singing vowels (a), (o). Pronouncing every word clearly and clearly. Don't forget about proper breathing.

Performing the exercise “Our Motherland.”

Children perform a singing exercise by A. Sveshnikov.

· Work on the canons “Brother Yakov” and “Quail”.

The choir consists of different voices, parties. Each party has its own role. Everyone in the choir listens to each other. They complement and enrich each other. The singers' voices are different, but they don't stand out. They affirm not themselves, but the whole. When everything is interconnected. If everything is on time and in place, then harmony and beauty are born. When agreement arises between sounds, they complement each other and thus euphony is born.

What is canon? (This is a musical exercise in which the same tune is performed by 2 or more groups. Only one group enters before the other).

Children are divided into two groups and perform the canons “Brother Jacob” and “Quail”. During repetitions, children change groups and enter later or earlier.

4. Video break

Guys, I suggest you watch a video clip of the performance of a graduate of our studio, Polina Pogorelova, at an international competition in Moscow “ Finest hour", where she received a worthy assessment and became a 2nd degree laureate. Please pay attention to articulation and stage movement.

Watching a video clip.

5. Work on the songs “Scarecrow”, “Sunny Bunnies”.

Performance of the song “Sunny Bunnies” appendix No. 3.doc (lyrics by A. Bochkovskaya and music by A. Ermolov).

Working on the 1st and 2nd parts in the chorus of the song.

Singing techniques:

"a capella"

· Singer and choir

Well done guys, and we will finish our lesson by singing the song “Scarecrow”. Try to convey a cheerful mood in the song. Watch for the coherence of the ensemble sound, the simultaneous entry of all voices.

Performance of the song “Scarecrow” by A. Petryasheva appendix No. 4.doc

Technical tasks: achieve purity of intonation, clear diction, timely beginning and ending of musical phrases.

Emotional and artistic tasks : achieve a bright, sublime, spiritual state when performing, feel joy and satisfaction from performing music.

6. Summary of the lesson.

Evaluation of each performer, analysis of achievements and failures.


Repeat the lyrics and their rhythmic pattern; standing in front of the mirror, look for the necessary gestures, facial expressions for songs; work on your diction using tongue twisters.

Used Books:

Shchetinin breathing exercises (methodological manual)

Iris Press - M. 2007.

Health-saving aspect of the lesson “Visiting the sorceress of music”

MBOU DOD "KHRTSDT" Palatka village

Additional education teacher

Supervisor vocal studio

"Musical Carousel"

Today before educational institutions there is an important task - creating conditions for preserving the health of students, that is, developing health-saving measures, introducing health-saving technologies in educational process. In this regard, the possibilities of vocal lessons are unique, since all types creative activity contribute to improving the health of students.

Health-saving technologies used in vocal lessons:

vocal therapy, rhythm therapy, music rhythmic exercises, rhythmic exercises, music therapy, breathing exercises Strelnikova, folklore art therapy, musical-rational psychotherapy, creativity therapy, fairy tale therapy, smile therapy.

To ensure the implementation of educational programs based on comprehensive consideration of the individual health of students, the characteristics of their age, psychophysical, spiritual moral state and development, preservation and promotion of health, when building the course of the lesson, the main attention is paid to special development abilities of natural, joyful existence in the process musical activity: removal of internal clamps, breathing, motor emancipation of the child.

In his pedagogical activity The teacher relies on a methodology aimed at expanding and enriching the range of experiences available to students and forming a worldview that helps them become happy and healthy and includes movement, dancing, singing, and watching a video recording of a studio graduate’s performance. Thus, during the lesson they use not only musically - pedagogical methods education, but also music therapy, contributing to the restoration and strengthening of the health of students.

Based on health-saving technologies, special attention is paid to vocal and choral work with students, which helps the formation, especially in younger school age, optimistic and life-affirming worldview. Choral and solo performance of songs carries the beginning of the following types of training: intonation, breathing, diction, figurative-visual, rhythmic. The voice is a kind of indicator of human health. Exercises for the rehabilitation of the vocal cords improve health through spoken and sung sound combinations, help improve articulation and diction, and develop coordination of breathing with speech.

Music therapy is an interesting and promising area that is used in many countries for therapeutic purposes. Scientists have experimentally proven that music has a beneficial effect on the body and psyche of children.

Municipal educational state-financed organization

additional education for children

Center for additional education for children “Raduga”, Sochi

Pop vocals

Topic: “Journey to the country “Melody””

Dombrovskaya Yulia Yurievna

Danilenko Svetlana Vasilievna

Explanatory note

An amazing musical instrument is the human voice. Each of us is endowed with it. And how unique the voices of children sound, how they love to sing and perform both at home for their parents and at holidays. This gives them self-confidence and develops aesthetic and artistic taste.

When they come to their first vocal lesson, they still don’t know what they have to do. And it is very important from the first lesson to reveal to the pupils the beauty of music, to show how necessary it is to master the means of vocal expressiveness, musical and rhythmic abilities, which helps children to be free and relaxed on stage, which is impossible to imagine a performer today pop song who does not have choreographic and acting skills, which allows him to more clearly and expressively convey his character to the audience songs performed, to get knowledge musical literacy. And the most important thing is to influence the emotional, and, consequently, the motivational aspects of the individual for vocal lessons.

Novelty and relevance of the development.

The development of this lesson was driven by the search for optimal forms of working with children in the additional education system. The lesson takes place in the form of a game - a journey, which promotes emotional communication between students and their development. creative imagination. Each child finds an opportunity for creative personal expression through the completion of individual and group tasks. This lesson helps the teacher to get initial presentation O musical abilities newly arrived pupils, how much they love music and want to learn how to sing beautifully and correctly, how much they are endowed with the ability and desire for creativity and the development of their vocal abilities.

One more distinctive feature This development of the lesson is the coordinated activity of all areas of activity during training in a vocal studio (vocals, musical - rhythmic movements, choreography, acting skills), aimed at achieving a common goal.

When compiling methodological development methods used:

the method of “running ahead” and “returning” to the material covered;

communication method;

improvisation method;

dramatization method.

All methods are closely interconnected. This helps the teacher to conduct the necessary live communication between the teacher and the children during the lesson, which allows them to easily move from one stage of the lesson to another, since it is emotional in nature and evokes a feeling of joy in the children. This process of information perception is the most effective.

The lesson is structured in such a way that the teacher can control the effectiveness of the implementation of the development of this lesson unnoticed by the students, since at the last station of the journey they themselves show in a playful way how much the goals and objectives set by the teacher have been realized.

The role and place of the lesson in the educational route of students, the practical purpose of the lesson.

Children, in this lesson, have the opportunity to get acquainted with all sections of the program in which they will study throughout the entire pop vocal course.

Expected results.

Children's positive attitude vocal lessons,

Practical significance educational development classes is that it can be used in circle work, in secondary schools, Children's Creativity Palaces, and cultural centers.


TARGET: creating conditions for the inclusion of children in the system of continuous musical and aesthetic education through classes in a vocal studio.


    introducing children in a playful way to the basic concepts of the song genre;

    development of initial skills in preparing the vocal apparatus for vocal performance;

    development of children's cognitive activity;

    promoting aesthetic education of children;

    creating in children an atmosphere of joyful communication and success in a team.


Multimedia projector, screen, laptop (computer), musical equipment (deck for mini-discs), piano, coffee table, chairs for children, casket, stave, “magic” wand.

Children's age: 7 – 8 years

Lesson plan:



    Preparing for the “trip”

    Station "Notki"

    Station "Major and Minor"

    Teatralnaya station

    Station "Grace"

    Station "Scene"

    Summing up the lesson. Identifying children's moods.


Progress of the lesson.

Before the start of the lesson, children's songs are played in the recording. The guys get acquainted with the booklet. Children take their places in the audience. (slide number 1)

1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

Teacher: Hello, friends! Do you want to visit a fabulous musical land? Where are the wonderful students and kind teachers, where learning is not boring, not difficult, but fun and wonderful? There is such a country in the world, it’s called

"Melody"! (slide number 2)

2. Getting to know each other

Teacher: Before we go on our journey, let's get to know you. My name is Yulia Yuryevna. What's your name?

Children answer one by one.


This is how we met. Now let's greet each other.

Our greeting will be a little unusual, musical. Exactly

greetings in the beautiful country “Melody”.

Musical greeting: “Good afternoon”

Teacher's demonstration.

Children, together with the teacher, perform a greeting.

Teacher: Well done, you did great.

Now we can go on a journey. Let's take with us the most necessary things: a bright smile and a good mood. the main objective of our journey - to see how beautiful the musical country is, what heroes inhabit it.

3. Preparing for the “trip”

Teacher: For have a magical trip and you need magical helpers: a fairy screen, a magic key and an extraordinary train. We have a fabulous screen, we will create an extraordinary train ourselves. I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Let's line up now and try to portray a real train.

The teacher takes a flag and a whistle. Children pretend to be a train.

Teacher: Here we are ready! How will we get to the country “Melody”?

The teacher takes it out of the casket treble clef

Teacher: Do you know what this is?

Children's answers

Teacher: That's right, it's a treble clef. He will help us open the road to the beautiful country of Melody.

The teacher attaches the treble clef to the staff.

The door opens on the screen, (slide number 3) and the children see a map of the country “Melody” (fairytale music plays) (slide number 4)

Teacher: The road is open, the journey begins.

But what is a trip without a happy song? To make the journey more fun, I will sing a song, and you try to remember the simple words of the song and sing along with me. Remember.


Chug-chug-chug, tu-tu-tu,

White lambs

Blows out on the go

Bug steam locomotive.

Well done, you are doing great! Now with a cheerful song they will definitely let us in musical country! I will sing the verse, and with the chorus our train will start moving. The chorus is the beginning of the movement. So, get ready! (slide No. 4, 5)

The children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the classroom. Music sounds, the teacher sings a song: (plus 1 verse and chorus of the song “Locomotive-bug”)

The train stops. On the screen is a house with windows. (slide number 6)

4. Station “Notki”

Teacher: Our first stop. Look guys, how wonderful it is

house. This house is home to 7 very friendly residents.

Do you know their names and who lives on what floor?

Children's answers (Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si).

Teacher: Right! The note “DO” lives on the ground floor.

The window of the house on the first floor opens, and the children see the note “DO”

Teacher: In the country "Melody" the note "C" is a symbol of kindness and friendship. This note will help you find many friends. Guys, do you know songs about friendship?

Children name songs about friendship (“Strong friendship”, “When my friends are with me”, etc.)

Teacher:"RE" lives on the second floor

The window of the house opens and the children see the note “RE”

Teacher: This is the joy of creativity, work. Do you think that in order to sing beautifully and correctly, you need to work hard REGULARLY?

Children's answers

Teacher: Yes it's singing regular classes and a lot of work. Let's find out who lives on our 3rd floor - the note "MI", which means the World of Song.

The window of the house opens and the children see the note “MI”

There are different types of songs: folk songs and songs created by composers and poets. And the note “MI” will be able to introduce us to these songs in the future.

Tell me, who lives on the next floor?

Children's answers

Teacher: Right! Note "FA".

The window of the house opens and the children see the note “FA”

In my country, everyone is a great fantaser and inventor.

The window of the house opens and the children see the note “SALT”

Teacher: Here we are on the “SALT” floor. In our country this means cooperation, agreement, co-creation. These qualities are very important when the inhabitants of the country sing in chorus. But in our country they learn to sing one by one. Such singing is called solo and such a performer is a soloist.

Teacher: Floor note "LA". EARTH... This note introduces your friends to what is happening on our land. She talks about different events.

The window of the house opens, and the children see the note “SI”.

Teacher: The last inhabitant of the house is the note “SI”. "SI" is strength. The power of creativity, the power of imagination, the power of friendship.

There are hooks between them.

Come on, say them -

Children: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!

Teacher: And now it’s the other way around -

Children: Si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do.

Teacher: To make friends with them,

We need to study music.

You will discover a beautiful world,

If you master all the notes.

You will find yourself in a magical world -

You'll sing along with them!

You will be friends with notes -

You will live musically.

Live without music, my friend,

No one on earth could.

So we met seven new friends. We will definitely meet them again, but for now we are going on a journey in search of new friends.

The children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the classroom. Music sounds, the teacher sings a song: “Locomotive-bug.” (Plus chorus) (slide number 7)

The train stops. On the screen one-story cozy house. (slide number 8)

5. Station “Major and Minor”

Teacher: Our second stop. And we ended up with two brothers, with whom, I hope, we will become friends. And their names are Major and Minor. And now I want to introduce you to one wonderful fairy tale. Once upon a time there were two brothers: Major and Minor. Major was the eldest, and minor was the youngest. The older brother always had fun:

I am in a major mode: joyful, perky!

And the younger one was sad and sighed:

I'm sad with for a long time, because I am a minor.

Despite different tempers, the brothers never quarreled and lived amicably. One day they went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and got lost...

“Oh, we’ll be lost, we’ll fall into a hole,” the minor key wailed. We will never leave this forest...

Why did you cry, his older brother reassured him. Don’t worry, but rather sing a song!

Performs a song: I am a minor scale, there is a long row of sad sounds, I sing a sad song and now I will roar...

The song turned out to be very sad in minor key. The whole forest became sad along with him, the grass rustled sadly, the breeze died down, even the birds fell silent. And the sun hid behind a cloud from a sad song in a minor key.

No, brother, that won’t do! - the major exclaimed. Let me sing!

And the major sang his song: We all stood together in unison, creating a scale. Not simple - major, joyful, perky.

The forest shook, the sun came out, the birds chirped cheerfully, singing along with their older brother Major.

Come on, brother, have fun! Look how brightly the sun shines and how the birds chirp! Do you hear? The stream is babbling! This is the direction we should go!

So, with a cheerful song, the brothers got out of the forest!

Did you like the fairy tale?

So what are the names of the two brothers of music?

Children's answers (Major and minor).

Two men appear on the screen near the house. (slide number 9)

Teacher: What do you think can be done to the music of a major key? And the minor?

(Major - active: clapping, jumping, etc., minor - smooth.) We will now play a game. Music will play one by one. When you hear the major key, you will need to clap your hands; as soon as the minor key sounds, swing your arms from side to side above your head. Is the task clear to everyone? Let's see which of you is the most attentive!

A game is played and different types of music are played.

Teacher: Well done, you all learned to understand the mood of the music, which means you made friends with Major and Minor. But our journey continues, and the extraordinary train sets off again.

The children and their teacher form a train again and “go on the road” with a song. Music sounds (the “Locomotive-Bug” chorus).

Children sing along with the teacher. (slide number 10)

The train stops. On the screen there is a house - a station. (slide number 11)

6. Teatralnaya station

Teacher: It was not in vain that we stopped at this station. Any person performing on stage, be it an actor, musician or singer, gives the audience not only his creativity, but also emotions. Do you know what emotions are?

Children's answers: joy, sadness, sadness, admiration, etc. How can we convey these emotions? Voice intonation and facial expressions

Teacher: Now I will read the text of a song we are already familiar with, and you will listen carefully, and then answer, did I manage to convey the character and content of the text with my intonation of voice and facial expressions?

The teacher reads the lines out of character, sad and drawn out.

Teacher: Fields and forests float past the window,

We are going to where miracles await us,

And the sun is shining and the river is sparkling

And our little train flies so fast.

No, I couldn’t convey the mood, because the lyrics are from a cheerful, perky song. And Alexander wrote it, and one of our friends Major helped him. Let's read the lines together for fun?

Children try to pronounce lines cheerfully, cheerfully, loudly. (slide number 12)

Teacher: Well done, you have completed this task. It's time to move on...

The children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the classroom. Music is playing. Children sing together with the teacher “Locomotive-bug” (chorus plus). The train stops. (slide number 13)

7. Station "Grace"

On the screen dancing girl. (slide number 14)

Teacher: So that we can sing joyfully,

We need to own the body.

Everyone under dance a song,

Conquer with song and dance.

When a singer sings on stage, he must not only sing well, but also be able to move beautifully. At the Grace station, we will try to learn several dance moves that you will definitely need for performances. And the train from Romashkov will help us with this. Be careful, listen to the music and follow me and the magical assistants on the screen.

On the screen fairy-tale heroes show dance moves. Children try to remember and repeat the movements with the help of a teacher.

(slide no. 15, 16, 17)

Teacher: Amazing! You are just real dancers. All your movements are great. We will definitely need them at the next station. And again on the road.

The children, together with the teacher, begin to move around the classroom. Music is playing. Children sing along with the teacher (chorus plus). (slide number 18)

8. Station "Scene"

There is a scene on the screen. (slide number 19)

Teacher: Well, guys, you and I have arrived at one of the most important stations in the country, “Melody” - the “STCENA” station. Everyone who comes to this station becomes real artists. AND true friend it becomes the Microphone.

Look carefully and say: “How many microphones are there in our audience?”

Children's answer (10).

Teacher: You are very attentive and counted correctly - there are exactly 10 of them. Look how they smile and are really looking forward to being in your hands, but...

But for a microphone to truly be an assistant to a performer, you need to know how to use it. How do you think a microphone should be used?

Children's answer

Teacher: You have interesting assumptions. And in many ways you are right. Like all friends, your microphone should be handled with care.

You don't have to shout into the microphone, but you don't just have to hum either.

You need to sing clearly, distinctly and cleanly into the microphone so that all the words can be heard and there is no falsehood.

Don't be afraid of the microphone. Yours first own voice will seem not yours, since the microphone tends to distort sounds.

Do not hold the microphone by the head, otherwise the sound will be muffled.

But that is not all.

You need to hold the microphone in one hand. 4 fingers should be placed all together at the top, and the thumb at the bottom. The microphone should not cover your face and should be located at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. The sound should hit the middle of the microphone.

So, I hope that you are now armed with knowledge and ready to work with


Throughout the story, the teacher demonstrates the correct handling of the microphone.

Teacher: Now you and I will try to sing a song with microphones, remember how we learned to be actors at the Teatralnaya station and the movements that we learned when we were at the Gratsia station. If you and I are attentive, we will have a real performance by little artists.

The teacher distributes microphones to all children. Music is playing. Children, together with the teacher, perform the song “Locomotive Bug”, trying to combine emotions, movements, and correct handling of the microphone in their performance.

(slide no. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)

9. Summing up the lesson. Identifying children's moods. (slide number 26)

Teacher: Our journey today has come to an end. But in the country “Melody” there is still much, much more interesting. While studying vocal creativity, you will be able to learn more and more about this country. Did you enjoy our adventures?

Children's answers

Teacher: Do you know that our new friends liked you so much that they gave you a gift.

The teacher gets music box. The box opens. Magic music sounds.

Teacher: This box contains multi-colored notes, with the help of which we will compose our real MELODY today. If you liked our trip, it was fun and interesting for you, take a note from the box and attach it to the staff where the treble clef is located, which opened the door to the country “Melody” for us.

Children take notes and attach them to the stave.

10. Farewell.


Look what a wonderful major melody we have created.

Yes, from communicating with music we have become a little more beautiful and kinder today. Bring these feelings into our world, and it will become better! You have been wonderful travel companions, promise not to forget the road to the musical land of Melodiya. I am very glad that I met you today. Thank you very much. See you again, friends!

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