Be always open and active. Horoscope of fatal relationships: what signs of the zodiac can not be together

Aquarius, always striving for new horizons, is famous for its ability to adapt to the reality around it. Representatives of this sign are people who strive to achieve success, who have a clear and firm position in life. They are optimistic, self-confident and cheerful. Despite their attractiveness, Aquarians are very ambiguous partners in love relationships. Their fickle, inquisitive nature often puts people close to them to serious trials.
Relations with Aquarius will never work out with Pisces, who require constant attention to themselves. Rational Aquarius is not capable of showing feelings, which will always cause resentment in Pisces.

Aries and Taurus

Those born under the sign of Aries are extremely stubborn and independent. Representatives of this sign in people are attracted by high spiritual and moral qualities, as well as the ambiguity and complete opposite of their character.

Aries are not compatible with leisurely Taurus, who are unlikely to share the enthusiasm of the former. Aries are cool about sensual pleasures, which is unlikely to appeal to Taurus, who tend to rely on their emotions. The connection may be long-term, but in marriage, Aries will find it difficult to cope with the craving for diversity, as a result of which there may be a desire to look for it on the side.

Gemini and Capricorn

Gemini is one of the borderline signs of the zodiac, which explains their fickleness. Representatives of this sign are very ardent and passionate in love. However, being in constant search, they usually do not plan long-term novels. Basically, the dual nature of this sign determines its charm and attraction for other signs.


Impulsive, amorous Gemini is completely incompatible with slow and cautious Capricorns. A conservative Capricorn is unlikely to put up with the freedom-loving Gemini, whose behavior, most likely, will seem defiant to him. Unlike the fickle Gemini, Capricorn tends to worry about a lot of things.

Cancer and Libra

It is from the water element that the zodiac sign of Cancer received sensitivity, inviolability of principles and a sense of peace, provided that it is completely protected. Those born under this sign are distinguished by high intellectual abilities and the ability to maintain youthful looks until old age.

The worst partner for Cancer can be Libra. Cancer will never share Libra's eccentric ideas. The desire of the latter to constantly be in companies will cause resentment from a gullible partner. It will always seem to Cancer that Libra is indifferent to him. The relationship of this couple can only be built on a huge number of compromises, which representatives of both signs are unlikely to make.

Leo and Virgo

Due to the combination of strength, grace and high intelligence, Leo is often called the royal sign. Leos like to occupy a prominent position in society and have power over people. Those born under this sign are characterized by a violent disposition, as well as the desire to achieve everything at once, they do not like painstaking work and hard work.

Leo and Virgo are a poorly compatible couple. The liberated Leo in very rare cases will provide the Virgo with the necessary support. Virgo strives for a serious and stable relationship, which Leo simply does not think about. Virgo tends to criticize others, which Leo will never tolerate. The first is practical, the second is generous and wasteful. Representatives of the two signs of the zodiac are unlikely to be able to be together for a long time.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpios are very deep and complex personalities, inaccessible and incomprehensible to others. Representatives of this sign are people with an unusually strong will, fighting for success in life with great energy and aggression. Fighting to the end, ignoring the consequences, is one of the characteristic features of the sign. Scorpio is the sexiest of all the signs of the zodiac, as a result of which its representatives are constantly in search of love.

A bad couple for the owner of Scorpio will be the freedom-loving Sagittarius. The windiness of the latter will become an annoying factor for Scorpio, seeking to find a partner who can be completely trusted. Scorpio is diligent and purposeful, Sagittarius is a traveler by nature, living for today. So these are the most incompatible zodiac signs in a relationship.

Text: Valeria Koroleva

If you don’t succeed at all with this guy, maybe the stars themselves are against your relationship? Let's check.

Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarius, always striving for new horizons, is famous for its ability to adapt to the reality around it. Representatives of this sign are people who strive to achieve success, who have a clear and firm position in life. They are optimistic, self-confident and cheerful. Despite their attractiveness, Aquarians are very ambiguous partners in love relationships. Their fickle, inquisitive nature often puts people close to them to serious trials.
Relations with Aquarius will never work out with Pisces, who require constant attention to themselves. Rational Aquarius is not capable of showing feelings, which will always cause resentment in Pisces.

Aries and Taurus

Those born under the sign of Aries are extremely stubborn and independent. Representatives of this sign in people are attracted by high spiritual and moral qualities, as well as the ambiguity and complete opposite of their character.

Aries are not compatible with the leisurely Taurus, who are unlikely to share the enthusiasm of the former. Aries are cool about sensual pleasures, which is unlikely to appeal to Taurus, who tend to rely on their emotions. The connection can be long-term, but in marriage, Aries will find it difficult to cope with the craving for diversity, which may result in a desire to look for it on the side.

Gemini and Capricorn

Gemini is one of the boundary signs of the zodiac, which explains their fickleness. Representatives of this sign are very ardent and passionate in love. However, being in constant search, they usually do not plan long-term novels. Basically, the dual nature of this sign determines its charm and attraction for other signs.

Impulsive, amorous Gemini is completely incompatible with slow and cautious Capricorns. A conservative Capricorn is unlikely to put up with the freedom-loving Gemini, whose behavior, most likely, will seem defiant to him. Unlike the fickle Gemini, Capricorn tends to worry about a lot of things.

Cancer and Libra

It is from the water element that the zodiac sign of Cancer received sensitivity, inviolability of principles and a sense of peace, provided that it is completely protected. Those born under this sign are distinguished by high intellectual abilities and the ability to maintain youthful looks until old age.

For a long time, any person has been interested in the topic of compatibility of a man and a woman according to the zodiac horoscope. This has always needed to be known to both kings and the common people. Only after a long time, astrologers singled out the most opposite, according to various criteria, signs of the zodiac, for which a joint future is impossible.

The compatibility of a man and a woman of certain star signs involves only quarrels, conflicts and partings.

Methods for identifying opposites

There are three methods by which incompatible characters can be identified:

  1. If you look at the zodiac circle, then incompatible signs are those between which there are two signs of the zodiac. For example, Virgo is categorically not suitable for Gemini, and Taurus is incompatible with Aquarius.
  2. The second method divides the constellations into groups. One includes the signs of the earth and air elements. They represent the mind. The second group includes fire and water elements, personifying emotions. Zodiac signs from different groups are incompatible. Libra is the complete opposite of Sagittarius, and Capricorn is not suitable for Cancer.
  3. The third method claims that completely different signs are adjacent. So, Scorpio will not get along with Sagittarius, and Pisces - with Aquarius.

The most opposite signs

There are six zodiac pairs, which, according to astrologers, are the most opposite of all. Union between such signs is impossible due to different temperaments, lack of common interests and non-coinciding life views. The psychology of relations between a man and a woman largely confirms this fact.

The first pair of Libra and Cancer

Sensitive Cancer and his desire for a quiet life will be traumatized by the sociable Libra, who is fickle and overly fond of noisy companies. The air sign strives for deeds that go beyond the norms, and in this they will never be understood by Cancers, who love consistency and stability. Cancer will miss the attention of Libra, but it will not work to subordinate this element of air to its desires. The elements of air and water cannot influence each other in any way. But if the feelings are so strong that life apart is not possible, then it is necessary to learn to yield to your soul mate in every sign.

Aquarius and Pisces

never get along. Selfish Pisces will not survive the lack of attention from a self-confident Aquarius. Cheerful and positive Aquarians are windy and fickle, at the same time very jealous, which offends touchy Pisces.

Pair of Sagittarius and Scorpio

These signs are too different for living together, they have two different worlds that are absolutely not comparable. Scorpio, who clearly knows his goals, defends his own interest, but cannot keep the windy Sagittarius, who does not think about tomorrow. This makes Scorpio irritable and aggressive because he is looking for reliability and confidence in his other half. Scorpio wants love fidelity and passion, but freedom-loving Sagittarius will never give it.

Gemini and Capricorn

Reasonable Capricorn will not understand the eccentric Gemini, who is guided not by reason, but by emotions. Such behavior will be regarded as windy. Conservatism and frivolity cannot coexist together.

Leo and Virgo

completely opposite signs. The commanding Leo will not subdue the indifferent Virgo. Leo, who does not tolerate criticism of his own actions, will not get along with Virgo, who condemns other people's mistakes and loves to teach. The meticulousness and scrupulousness of the Virgo will not become clear to Leo, who seeks to get everything at once. The virgin, who keeps score by all means, is shocked by the excessive generosity of Leo.

Taurus and Aries

The great stubbornness of Aries will not feel supported in their direction by the stable and not looking for change Taurus. Taurus needs a sensual and emotional life surrounded by security and tranquility. And cold on emotions, Aries needs an eventful and versatile life. He gets bored with Taurus. The psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman also warns that Aries will find entertainment on the side.

Whether it is worth believing such predictions is the decision of everyone. But you don't have to trust unconditionally. It would be right to consider the inner world of a person, listen to your mind and heart. Then the error will definitely not happen, and no predictions will be needed.

Aquarius, always striving for new horizons, is famous for its ability to adapt to the reality around it. Representatives of this sign are people who strive to achieve success, who have a clear and firm position in life. They are optimistic, self-confident and cheerful. Despite their attractiveness, Aquarians are very ambiguous partners in love relationships. Their fickle, inquisitive nature often puts people close to them to serious trials.
Relations with Aquarius will never work out with Pisces, who require constant attention to themselves. Rational Aquarius is not capable of showing feelings, which will always cause resentment in Pisces.

Aries and Taurus

Those born under the sign of Aries are extremely stubborn and independent. Representatives of this sign in people are attracted by high spiritual and moral qualities, as well as the ambiguity and complete opposite of their character.

Aries are not compatible with the leisurely Taurus, who are unlikely to share the enthusiasm of the former. Aries are cool about sensual pleasures, which is unlikely to appeal to Taurus, who tend to rely on their emotions. The connection can be long-term, but in marriage, Aries will find it difficult to cope with the craving for diversity, which may result in a desire to look for it on the side.

Gemini and Capricorn

Gemini is one of the boundary signs of the zodiac, which explains their fickleness. Representatives of this sign are very ardent and passionate in love. However, being in constant search, they usually do not plan long-term novels. Basically, the dual nature of this sign determines its charm and attraction for other signs.

Love, marriage, family - all these words mean true happiness for most people on Earth. Any relationship is built on compatibility, which increases the chances of a favorable marriage or lowers them.

Theoretically, any Signs of the Zodiac can be happy together, but in the end it all depends on what sacrifices people are willing to make for the sake of love. Earlier, we published an article on the topic of love incompatibility, thanks to which you will be able to find out with which of the Zodiac Signs you are most likely not on your way. Now let's talk about those with whom you are probably lucky to find happiness.


The fire must be maintained. Aries can fall in love with many, but a truly strong marriage is most likely with Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. The latter can make Aries the happiest person on Earth.


Taurus and Virgo are very similar in their energy people who can be together all their lives, but everything will depend only on you. Virgo will always allow Taurus to be the manager in a relationship, but will not tolerate his antics. This alliance is the most beneficial for you.


You have many chances to live a pleasant life in marriage with Sagittarius, Aquarius and other Gemini. You are dynamic, so you need the same fidget person as you are.


Cancer and Libra are a great union that will always be strong. Also, Capricorn can be considered as an option for living together. You need either a calm or domineering person, like you, but not another Cancer - you may not get along with him.

a lion

Leos love the Virgins, who idolize them, protect them and never lie. Leo will also do well with Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra. And even other Lions, although this is, so to speak, a fallback.


Virgo respects honesty and openness, as well as constancy, so Taurus, Libra, Pisces or Capricorn will suit you. Check out our article on the most selfish zodiac signs. With most of the egoists, it will be extremely difficult for you to even start a relationship.


Scales are universal. These people can find a common language with everyone without exception. In marriage, the situation is similar - no one will leave offended. Tell your chosen ones only the truth about yourself. If they stay with you after that, then everything will be fine.


Virgo or Libra are perfect for Scorpio, but the main problem will be in yourself. You will have to learn to live not only by your own rules. You will also be very good with Pisces, but do not forget - they are vulnerable.


You are an extraordinary person who loves independence. Your closest spiritual Sign is Aquarius. You are able to understand each other even without words. Only the union of two Sagittarius, which can move mountains, can be compared with this union in strength.


Everything is simple here - choose Virgo or Taurus, because with them there are more chances to create a strong family than with anyone else. In addition, Virgos with Virgos are terrible, Taurus with Taurus too, but Capricorns with Capricorns have excellent compatibility.


Aquarius is best suited for Sagittarius and Aries. The ideal union will be with Gemini. Such kindred spirits can be together all their lives, delighting each other every day, as in the first meeting.


You will be fine with Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio. In general, it is very difficult for Pisces to find a person with whom they are ready to tie the knot, so there is very little chance for the rest of the Signs to achieve the location of Pisces.

Love is the most important thing in our life. She directs us in the right direction, but this does not always help us come to true happiness. In order not to make mistakes, it is better to check compatibility in advance. About what awaits you in love, our express fortune-telling from the picture will tell. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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