Anniversary script in the style of a fairy tale. Folklore theater "carousel"

Anniversary in Russian style

This is a holiday for people broad soul! To walk like in the old days, now everyone would probably like to! After all, real Russians have always thrown a feast for the whole world!Well, what were the festivities before! Each participant will be able to look at the valiant fun and take part in them. An anniversary in the Russian style is a sea of ​​fun and entertainment. So is this ancient rites, fun contests and customs. Imagine folk festivals on the street with songs and dances, or round dances in a restaurant with ancient Russian rituals, contests, jokes and costumed guests.Russian folklore theater "Karusel" will arrange a real festivity at your holiday party that will surprise you and your guests.

Anniversary program

Russian folklore theater "Karusel". Appears before the guests in ancient Russian painted clothes, with songs, dances, Russian rituals and comic games. Each scenario of the holiday is prescribed individually for the hero of the evening.

Traditional Loaf- bring a festive loaf and salt to the birthday man. Loaf is not just bread, it is joy and a festive mood. (The birthday boy breaks the loaf, distributes it to the guests.)

Russian folk rite: "Charochka"- a painted glass of wine is presented to the birthday boy, which symbolizes health, wealth and prosperity. The birthday boy drinks to the bottom with the songs "Drink to the bottom, drink to the bottom"

"Three tracks"- all Russians folk rituals have a protective value and are accompanied by Russian folk songs and dances

Russian folk fun: "Carousel Gate of Happiness (Ribbon Carousel)"- the wheel is a symbol of endless happiness. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle, holding a wheel decorated with multi-colored ribbons on a stick. The guests, holding on to the ends of the ribbons to songs and dances, move in a circle.

Fun Russian folk - Mummers in "The General of the Feast" and "The General" some of the guests. Under funny comic songs, the participants of the folklore theater "Karusel" put on the selected guests elements of the Russian costume: bloomers, caftan, hat, kokoshnik, after that, the mummers dance "Lady".

Comic Russian fun: "Oh, you are a horse, you are my mane" - two people (guest) cover themselves with a blanket and depict a horse, and the participants lead the horse by the bridle, train, ask to be beaten with a hoof, give a voice and even ride small child. When the Horse pretends to be “ill”, the guests must “cure” him with the help of Russian folk dances.

Master class on playing folk instruments and Russian folk dance: "People's Orchestra"- guests are given folk instruments, in order to create a real folk orchestra. Everyone together sing a cheerful song to the music and jokingly dance a Russian folk dance.

Russian fun: B eg in bags / Throwing felt boots / Tug of war / Jumping over the rope (giant jump ropes)- traditional fun fun, shows your quickness, ability to work in a team and cheerfully incite others.

Traditional youth competitions: Fist fight / Pillow fight / Valiant prowess - this tradition has been preserved for several centuries, preserving the spirit of confrontation. Old Russian games focused not only on physical development but also on the development of logic and strategy. The competitive gaming tradition is noisy, massive, assertive and beautiful.

Relay competitions: Panicle Throw / Pancake Relay-competitions for vigilance, accuracy and dexterity. You will have the opportunity to prove yourself and surprise others, and the most skillful will be awarded with noble gifts.

A real Russian-dance festivity: Brook / Burn brightly / Boyars, and we came to you / Master class in Russian folk dances from “Come on, dear, dance! / Moscow Quadrille.

Games, riddles and holiday carols: Malechina / Oh, full - the box is full, riddles (prizes from the Russian box)

Kaleidoscope of folk songs: quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.

Divination: concentrated in proverbs and sayings folk wisdom, so you can safely use them as predictions for the future.

Contests are fervent, but funny: competition "Gzhel"(creation of a Gzhel pattern on the participant's face), competition for the creation of a new costume (outfits are created in Russian folk style), FlashMob in folklore style.

And what is a Russian anniversary without songs and round dances? Yes, without a convalescent cup? In general, the feast turned out for the whole world! And for a long time the guests will remember the glorious celebration of the anniversary!

Characters: two presenters (women) and a peddler (all in Russian national costumes).

(Hall decoration: in the corner of the hall on the table is a samovar with tea cups and bagels, next to it on a chair is a balalaika or accordion, several bundles of bagels, large painted spoons, rattles are placed on the walls. If the hero of the day is fond of needlework, you can arrange a small exhibition of her works) .

(Soundtrack sounds Russian folk song“I’ll go outside,” the presenters come out).

1 Presenter: Hello, good people! Daring fellows Russians and red girls!

Leader 2: Hello! We invite you to remember the cherished antiquity!

1 Presenter: It was a long time ago: our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers gathered in the evening in a spacious room to take a break from their worries.

2 Presenter: Such gatherings were called "gatherings." Imagine a village hut: a stove is heated, a torch is crackling, a cat is dozing in the corner.

1 Presenter: The moon looks in a small window, and the girls begin to get together to do work: spinning, sewing, knitting, embroidery. And with the arrival of the guys, the unhurried girlish conversation and drawn-out, sincere songs are replaced by unbridled fun.

2 Presenter: At gatherings, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings were born. Not a single party could do without fervent music, songs, ditties, games, fun dancing and round dance.

1 Presenter: So, there is no place for boredom at our gatherings! And all today's fun is dedicated to only one red girl, sweet and beautiful. (name).

2 Presenter (addressing the hero of the day):

As the hostess of gatherings,

You are welcome to accept from us

On the glorious holiday of the jubilee

Gift in Russian: bread and salt!

The hosts bring the birthday girl a festive loaf and salt.

1 Presenter: Loaf is not just bread, it is joy and a festive mood. Share your feelings with everyone! (The birthday girl breaks the loaf, distributes it to the guests.)

2 Presenter:

Here are the glasses filled

At fun gatherings!

Birthday girl like a rose.

And the guests are nice too!

There is no better anniversary

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

(Slight pause.)

1 Presenter: How many fairy tales, legends, epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. And what characters can you remember, dear guests?


(team game)

All guests are divided into two teams and take turns calling the names of various characters of Russian folklore. The team that gave the last answer wins, its members are given the honorable right to congratulate the birthday girl on behalf of the named heroes (for example, Baba Yaga or the Nightingale the Robber).

Sample team answers: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Durak, Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets, Kashchei the Immortal, Morozko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Sadko, Snegurochka, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Finist-Clear Falcon.

1 Presenter: Gatherings were often arranged the day before and during Orthodox holidays and traditional Russian festivities, which we will talk about now.

2 Presenter: Welcome to the educational quiz!


(Quiz) Presenters demonstrate the symbols of various holidays.

The task of the guests is to guess what event is in question, name the time of its celebration, and also give short description folk traditions. The most active spectators receive souvenirs - symbols of the holidays.

1. Symbol - the sun (picture or toy); holiday - carnival.

Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, it is allowed to use butter, dairy products and fish. Pancakes are also baked on Shrove Tuesday in honor of the sun.

2. Symbol - a doll wrapped in a blanket; holiday - Christmas. One of the main holidays Christendom(Orthodox and Catholics). Orthodox Christmas unlike the Catholic, it is celebrated on January 7th.

3. Symbol - painted egg; holiday - Easter. This feast of the Holy Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. Orthodox believers greet each other with exclamations: “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly Risen!” and kiss three times. Festive food - Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs.

4. Symbol - a mirror, a ring, a candle (objects for divination), a holiday - Kolyada (Christmas). Christmas time (holy evenings) - the time from the Nativity of Christ to the feast of the Epiphany, was considered an ideal time for divination. One of the ancient Slavic traditions- carols.

1 Presenter: On Kolyada, there was a custom to dress up in an animal dress and walk around the yards with songs, begging the owners for food - to carol. People threw gifts into the caroling bag: sausage, bacon, gingerbread, cookies - who is rich in what.

2 Presenter: Here is an example of a carol: Carol, carol, You serve a pie, Or a slice of bread, Or fifty dollars, Or a chicken with a crest, A cockerel with a scallop! Open, owners, chests, Take out patches! Give a penny to the carolers! 1 Presenter: It was not by chance that we sang a ritual song - this is an invitation to participate in a fun contest!


The hosts choose two men from among the guests, who are given a pair of large bast shoes (can be made from foam rubber). The task of the carolers is while a fragment of the Russian folk song “In the village, in Olkhovka” sounds, go around all the guests and collect as many different items as possible in bast shoes (coins, scarves, sweets, etc.)

The more successful caroler is rewarded with a huge bunch of bagels, and the contents of the bast shoes are transferred to the hero of the occasion as a good memory. (Musical pause, congratulations to the guests.)

1 Presenter: Traditional and the most favourite hobby at Russian gatherings - performance of folk songs.

2 Presenter: In a Russian song - folk life, A song ringing with the heart is sung, Let a cheerful or sad motive, Gratefully respond in the soul!

1 Presenter: Our gatherings are continued by a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.



The presenters give a definition of the Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, perform the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song). All participants receive small songbooks or music CDs with Russian folk songs as prizes.

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh, you canopy, my canopy)

2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)

3. Song of the windy girl who seduced young man and overwhelmed with a great sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)

4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)

5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)

7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)

8. Song - an appeal to the state atmospheric air, at which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)

9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)

10. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with skids, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh you sleigh, sleigh.)

11. The song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk drunk)

12. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)

13. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)

14. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages needed in peasant life. (Pedlars) The sound of tambourines is heard.

1 Presenter: Dear guests! A real peddler has arrived for our gatherings! The phonogram of the song "Peddlers" sounds (words by N. Nekrasov, music - folk). A peddler comes out, on his shoulder he has a box (basket) in which there are objects: a needle and thread, a thimble, a ball of yarn, a bag of sugar, a newspaper, mittens, a lock, a pencil, a book, a notebook and a pen, a gift wall calendar, a box for needlework , as well as lollipops according to the number of guests.


Meet the peddler!

I am a hero of Russian songs.

I will bring goods overseas

To the house where the feast goes uphill!

My box is full today -

So that I can distribute the goods,

Need all my riddles

Very fast to solve!

The peddler makes riddles, and the audience, who guessed them correctly, receives the corresponding item from the box.

A pig of gold bristles, a flaxen tail, jumps in the wide world, colors the whole world. (Needle and thread)

Small, round, but not lifted by the tail. (Clew)

White as snow, in honor of all. In the mouth got - there and disappeared. (Sugar)

Uncle Nikon's entire bald head is torn to pieces. (Thimble) I

Has no language, and whoever visits knows a lot. (Newspaper)

Who will guess my riddle: Is two fur coats enough for ten brothers? (Mittens)

A small dog, curled up, lies - Does not bark, does not bite, but does not let into the house. (Lock)

Black Ivashka, wooden shirt, Where he leads with his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil)

Not a bush, but with leaves. Not a shirt, but sewn. Not a person, but tells. (Book)

The seed is flat, the field is smooth, He who knows how, he sows. The seed does not germinate, but bears fruit. (Paper and letter)

Birthday girl riddle

Now I want to guess.

If you answer me correctly -

Prize will be given immediately!

Riddle for the birthday girl:

There is an oak, there are twelve nests on the oak,

There are four tits in each nest,

Each tit has seven eggs!

(Year, months, weeks, days)

The peddler presents a gift calendar to the hero of the day.

An additional prize is a birch bark tuesok, the peddler gives to the one who says how the calendar (Months) was called in Russia.

1 Presenter: Very often Russian proverbs and sayings sounded at gatherings. These are real small works of art! They reflect all aspects of the life of the people: home, family, social.

2 Presenter: It's time to check whether our guests are familiar with this type of folk art.

The hosts and the peddler take turns saying the beginning of the proverb, the audience - the end.

A tree is valued by its fruits, but a person. (on business)

Hurry up people. (make you laugh)

No wonder it is said that it is. (the master is afraid)

The whole family is together, so is the soul. (in place)

What will you sow. (that's what you'll reap)

The sun paints the earth, but man. (work)

Live without difficulty. (only smoke the sky)

1 Presenter: Popular wisdom is concentrated in proverbs and sayings, so you can safely use them as predictions for the future, friendly wishes and advice that you need to carefully listen to.

Peddler: Exactly! Especially for your honest company, in my box there are lollipops, but not simple ones, but with a twist! Each lollipop comes with its own special proverb or saying. It is important to grasp its meaning, accept it as a wise instruction and follow it.

The peddler opens the box and gives each guest a lollipop, while saying proverbs that can be written down (so as not to memorize) on the lid of the box, or can be attached in the form of notes to the lollipops.

Variants of proverbs and sayings:

Joke joke, but pay the debt.

You will be healthy - you will get everything.

Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

Save bread for food and money for trouble.

Take care of the fur coat for the cold, and the money for the need.

Take the work with the mind, not with the hump.

I always take it on my own, so as not to groan when walking.

Eat bread for dinner, and a word for an answer.

Watch bread for food, and a penny for trouble.

God will give health in tribute, but get the money yourself!

Fear the slanderer like an evil heretic.

To be afraid of misfortune - and happiness can not be seen.

There will be a plow, but there will be no hands.

It will be quiet - it will be dashing.

You will be ahead - and lead others behind you.

If you're bad, God won't let you.

Be every one your word master.

Be happy with little - you will get more.

Be not red, but healthy.

If there was a hunt, there would be work.

There would be a back, but there would be a whip.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.

Peddler: So my box is empty! The last thing left, especially for the birthday girl!

The peddler hands the hero of the day a box for needlework with the words:

Your talents are endless:

Wife - super, miracle mother,

You are capable in the blink of an eye

Create a kitchen masterpiece!

The rumor of man will not deceive

The world knows you as a craftswoman,

Having created only a couple of gizmos -

Instantly conquered abroad!

For new creative ideas,

We present the box to you as a gift.

And fill with needlework

We ask this casket more often!

The peddler says goodbye and leaves.

1 Presenter: Dear guests! I invite everyone to the dance floor to show themselves in the dance! And our dance will not be simple, but jubilee-ritual! It is performed by the whole team, standing in a circle, which is a symbol of the sun.

2 Presenter: Previously, such a dance is accompanied by a song asking for a future harvest. And in our performance - sincere wishes for our birthday girl! Who will tell you the name of this once beloved entertainment of rural youth?

The answer of the guests: Khorovod.

1 Presenter: By the way, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers took part in this collective dance with pleasure, pursuing their own selfish goals - in the round dance you can choose the bride and look after the groom!

The guests form a round dance, leading and the birthday girl in the center. The round dance begins to move, the leaders take turns pronouncing the line, the guests repeat the last word twice.


Zemelyushka - black earth,

Black earth, oh black earth!

Here. (name) grew up

She grew up, oh she grew up!

Tore. (name) flowers from the grass,

Party" href="/text/category/vecherinka/" rel="bookmark">the party could not do without perky music, songs, ditties, games, fun dancing and round dance.
1 Presenter: This means that there is no place for boredom at our gatherings! And all today's fun is dedicated to red girls, sweet and beautiful - E.V., T., V., S.A., G.P., V.S.!
2 Presenter ( addressing the birthday girls):
As hostesses of gatherings,
you are welcome to accept from us,
On a glorious birthday holiday

Our congratulations!

Here are the glasses filled
Treats - in plates,
We welcome guests
At fun gatherings!
Birthday girls are like roses.
And the guests are nice too!
There is no better birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

(Everyone stands with colored balloons, and gives birthday girls in accordance with the words of the song)

The song "Spinning, spinning blue ball!"

Congratulation song

(to the motive "Spinning, spinning blue ball")

The first:
Spinning, spinning blue ball,
We have brought a gift for you!
Airy, beautiful collected bouquet
From the balls of the lungs, and to them - our greetings!

Second: Love is hidden in the red ball.
Let it boil, your blood will boil!
Let suddenly a miracle happen -
On a white horse at the door, the prince will knock!

In the blue ball - great luck,
at work and at home, on the road, in the country
Everything will settle down, it will be okay.
We wish you success on your anniversary!

Take the yellow ball now
To have banknotes with you.
Dollars, euros, yuan, rubles -
A large amount was deposited into the account.

And here is a surprise for you in a green ball -
He can fulfill your every whim.
It has candy, a coin for change.
Our warm words for you in addition!

We will not give you black balls,
So that sad words do not have to be said,
Black thoughts drive away.
We are very happy to help you with this!

In the last verse, our main question is:

What should guests do if their nose itches?

Well, birthday girls, pour a cup!

We want to take a walk on your century!

1 presenter : How many fairy tales, legends, epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. And what characters can you remember, dear guests?

Team game "Oh, these fairy tales!"
All guests are divided into 5 teams and take turns calling the names of various characters of Russian folklore. The team that gave the last answer wins, its members are given the honorable right to congratulate the birthday girl on behalf of the named heroes (for example, Baba Yaga or the Nightingale the Robber).
Sample team answers: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Durak, Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets, Kashchei the Immortal, Morozko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Sadko, Snegurochka, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Finist-Clear Falcon.


1 Presenter: Gatherings were often arranged on the eve and during Orthodox holidays and traditional Russian festivities, which we will talk about now.
2 Presenter: Welcome to the educational quiz!

Quiz "Signs of folk holidays"

Leaders demonstrate symbols of various holidays.
The task of the guests is to guess what event they are talking about, name the time of its celebration, and also give a brief description of folk traditions. The most active spectators receive souvenirs - symbols of the holidays.

1. Symbol - sun(picture or toy); holiday - carnival.
Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, the use of butter, dairy products and fish is allowed. Pancakes are also baked on Shrove Tuesday in honor of the sun.

2. Symbol - doll wrapped in a blanket; holiday - Christmas. One of the main holidays of the Christian world (Orthodox and Catholics). Orthodox Christmas, unlike Catholic Christmas, is celebrated on January 7th.

3. Symbol - colored egg; holiday - Easter. This feast of the Holy Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. Orthodox believers greet each other with exclamations: “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly Risen!” and kiss three times. Festive food - Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs.

4. Symbol - mirror, ring, candle(items for divination), holiday - Kolyada (Christmas). Christmas time (holy evenings) - the time from the Nativity of Christ to the feast of the Epiphany, was considered an ideal time for divination. One of the ancient Slavic traditions is carols.

5. Sickle or sheaf - Legs.

1 Presenter: The traditional and favorite pastime at Russian gatherings is the performance of folk songs.
2 Presenter: In Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,

Let a cheerful or sad motive

Grateful in the soul will respond!

1 Presenter: Our gatherings continue with a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.

Quiz "Kaleidoscope of Folk Songs"
The presenters give a definition of the Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, perform the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song).

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh, you canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)
6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with skids, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh you sleigh, sleigh...)
11. The song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk drunk)
12. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
13. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
14. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars) The sound of bells is heard.

1 presenter : Dear guests! A real peddler has arrived for our gatherings! The phonogram of the song "Peddlers" sounds (words by N. Nekrasov, music - folk). A peddler comes out, on his shoulder he has a box (basket) in which there are objects: a needle and thread, a thimble, a ball of yarn, a bag of sugar, a newspaper, mittens, a lock, a pencil, a book, a notebook and a pen, a gift wall calendar, a box for needlework , as well as lollipops according to the number of guests.

Peddler: Meet the peddler!
I am a hero of Russian songs.
I will bring goods overseas
To the house where the feast goes up!
Our box is full today -
So that I can distribute the goods,
Need all my riddles
Very fast to solve!


The peddler makes riddles, and the audience, who guessed them correctly, receives the corresponding item from the box.

A pig of gold bristles, a flaxen tail, jumps in the wide world, colors the whole world. (Needle and thread)
Small, round, but not lifted by the tail. (Clew)
White as snow, in honor of all. In the mouth got - there and disappeared. (Sugar)
Uncle Nikon's entire bald head is torn to pieces. (Thimble)

It does not have a language, but whoever visits it knows a lot. (Newspaper)
Who will guess my riddle: Is two fur coats enough for ten brothers? (Mittens)
A small dog, curled up, lies - Does not bark, does not bite, but does not let into the house. (Lock)
Black Ivashka, wooden shirt, Where he leads with his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil)
Not a bush, but with leaves. Not a shirt, but sewn. Not a person, but tells. (Book)
The seed is flat, the field is smooth, He who knows how, he sows. The seed does not germinate, but bears fruit. (Paper and letter)

Birthday girls a riddle
Now I want to guess.
If you answer me correctly
Prize will be given immediately!
Birthday riddle:
There is an oak, there are twelve nests on the oak,
There are four tits in each nest,
Each tit has seven eggs!
(Year, months, weeks, days)

1 Presenter: Very often Russian proverbs and sayings sounded at gatherings. These are real little works of art! They reflect all aspects of the life of the people: home, family, social.
2 Presenter: It's time to check whether our guests are familiar with this type of folk art.

The hosts and the peddler take turns saying the beginning of the proverb, the guests - the end.

A tree is valued by its fruits, but a person ... (by deeds)
Hurry up - people ... (make you laugh)
It is not for nothing that it is said that the matter is ... (afraid of the master)
The whole family is together, so is the soul ... (in place)
What goes around comes around)
The sun paints the earth, but a person ... (labor)
Live without difficulty, ... (only smoke the sky)

1 Presenter: Popular wisdom is concentrated in proverbs and sayings, so you can safely use them as predictions for the future, friendly wishes and advice that you need to carefully listen to.
2 Lead : Absolutely right! Especially for your honest company, in my box there are lollipops, but not simple ones, but with a twist! Each lollipop comes with its own special proverb or saying. It is important to grasp its meaning, accept it as a wise instruction and follow it.

The peddler opens the box and gives each guest a lollipop with proverbial notes attached.

Variants of proverbs and sayings:
Joke joke, but pay the debt.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

Watch bread for food, and a penny for trouble.
Fear the slanderer like an evil heretic.
There will be a plow, but there will be no hands.
It will be quiet - it will be dashing.
If you're bad, God won't let you.

Be not red, but healthy.
There would be a back, but there would be a whip.

1 Presenter: Dear guests! I invite everyone to the dance floor to show themselves in the dance! And our dance will not be simple, but jubilee-ritual! It is performed by the whole team, standing in a circle, which is a symbol of the sun.
2 Presenter: Previously, such a dance is accompanied by a song-request for a future harvest. And in our performance - sincere wishes for our birthday girls! Who will tell you the name of this once beloved entertainment of rural youth? Round dance.



Invitation text

Beautiful lady ____________________________!

We, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, invite you to the gatherings that will take place on Friday,

so that you decorate our holiday with your presence!

Dress code: Russian folk!

We look forward to seeing you!


The game "Correct-false!"
You will need two chairs to play. Attach a “Correct” sign to one of them, and “False” to the other. All players are divided into two teams. The moderator asks a question. If the team believes that the statement is correct, then one of its members should take the chair with the "Correct" sign, and if you think that this statement is wrong, then you need to take the chair with the "False" sign.

We offer you the following statements:

1. Etymology - the science of insects - is false (about the origin of words).

3. Nihil - in Latin means "nothing" - right.

4. Rio de Janeiro is in Argentina - falsely - in Brazil.

5. Autism is a kidney disease - a false - mental illness.

6. A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram - right.

7. In the word "protocol". 9 letters - false - 8.

8. The goalkeeper is the right defender in hockey - falsely - the goalkeeper.

9. Holland is the same as the Netherlands - right.

10. Purim is a Muslim holiday - false, Jewish.

11. The Euphrates flows through Iraq and flows into the Persian Gulf - right.

12. Van Gogh died in 1890 - correct.

13. Lieutenant is a rank between captain and sergeant - correct.

« Accounts»

All couples are given rolls of toilet paper.

The host explains the rules of the game: “The paper in these rolls is your money. The bank is the man. you need to make bank deposits as soon as possible. To do this, you must tear off a piece and “invest” in all bank accounts, that is, in your pockets, under your shirt, and so on. All guests believe that this game is about speed and try to complete the task as soon as possible. But after one has coped, the host announces that the depositors, or it would be more correct to call them depositors, are moving to other banks and should “withdraw all the money from the account” as soon as possible.

« Cucumber» . Participants stand in a circle, one driver is selected. He stands in the middle of the circle, and all participants stand tightly pressed against each other with their shoulders. All players must have their hands behind their backs. The task of all the players is to eat a whole cucumber unnoticed by the driver. At the same time, the cucumber must be passed behind the backs in such a way that it does not stay with one participant for a long time. Everyone bites off a cucumber little by little so that the driver does not see it. If the driver guesses who is currently holding the cucumber, then this participant becomes the driver. The second time you can play this game in such a way as to play a trick on the driver. To begin with, you can show a cucumber, and then one of the players will hide it behind their backs, putting it under the belt. A minute after the game, the participants announce that the cucumber has been successfully eaten. The expression on the face of the driver becomes very surprised, because he did not even have time to suspect anything.

« Relay race». Participants are divided into two equal teams. Players line up in one straight line. The first two participants take the handle of a spoon into their mouths, and there should be a potato in the spoon. Each participant must run to the indicated place and return back without letting go of this spoon from their teeth. The team whose members take turns doing it first wins. But it is important to note that if the potato falls, then the participant must start his journey from the very beginning.

Now congratulations will sound for our dear birthday man on different languages peace.

Congratulations in different languages

Congratulations in English: Happy birthday to you! (happy day tu yu!)
Congratulations in German: Herzlichen Gluckwunsh zum Geburtstag! (Herzlichen glitch-wunsh tsum geburts-tak)
Congratulations in Swedish: Gratulerar pa fodelsedagen! (Gratuleror po födelsedagen!)
Congratulations in Spanish: Сumpleanos feliz! (cumpleaños felis!)
Congratulations in Italian: Mi congratulo con Lie di buon compleanno! (Mikongratulo conlay di boncompleanno!)
Congratulations in Polish: Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin! (Vshystkego nailepshego s okazyi uglyin!)
Congratulations in Norwegian: Gratulerer med fodselsdagen! (Gratulerer me födselsdagen)
Congratulations in Finnish: Onnea syntymapaivana! (Onea syuntyumya-pyaivyane!)
Congratulations in Hungarian: Boldog szuletesnapot! (Boldog suletee schnapot!)
Congratulations in Czech: Vsechno nejlepsi k navozeninam! (Vshekhno neylepshi to narozenins!)
Congratulations in Bulgarian: Happy birthday is born! (Chastit born dan!)
Congratulations in Slovak: Blahozelam vam k narodeninam! (I wish you well to the people!)
Congratulations in Danish: Til lykke med fodselsdagen! (Tilyuge med fuselsdeen!)
Greetings in Hebrew: Yom khuladet sameah!
Congratulations in Dutch: Gefeliciteerd met uw verjaardag! (Hefailicity mat u faryaardah!)
Congratulations in Chinese: Sheng-zhi kuai-le!
Congratulations in Thai: Suksan van ked!
Congratulations in Japanese: O-tanjo: bi o-medeto:!
Congratulations in Croatian: Sretan vodendan! (Sretan rodoyendan)

Russian folk proverbs

Joke joke, but pay the debt.
You will be healthy - you will get everything.
Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
Save bread for food and money for trouble.
Take care of the fur coat for the cold, and the money for the need.
Take the work with the mind, not with the hump.
I always take it on my own, so as not to groan when walking.
Eat bread for dinner, and a word for an answer.
God will give health in tribute, but get the money yourself!
To be afraid of misfortune - and happiness can not be seen.
It will be quiet - it will be dashing.
You will be ahead - and lead others behind you.
If you're bad, God won't let you.
Be every one your word master.
Be happy with little - you will get more.
Be not red, but healthy.
If there was a hunt, there would be work.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.

Song Contest

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of the village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs.
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool.
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt.
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River.
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches.
6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character.
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin.
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero.

9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam.
10. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with skids, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer.
11. The song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system.
12. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned.
13. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes.
14. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life.

15. The main Russian folk song, under which Rodnina and Zaitsev conquered the world." width="424 height=302" height="302">

Presenter: I thank you all dear

What would you like to spend your time

With our venerable assembly

And they came to celebrate the birthday.

Today Zeus and his wife were going

To visit us, but the path from Olympus is difficult,

And the gods stopped along the way.

Let's not wait any longer

And while we begin our cheerful feast,

And we'll start celebrating birthdays.

Representation of the goddesses.

Photo for memory.

Gate of happiness.

The gate of happiness is in front of you,

created for you by guests...

Gate one - wish you

goodness and happiness"

Let them take care in the days of bad weather!

(Short fanfare!)

The second is the wishes of love!
Stay under them!
(Short fanfare)

Wish you a third gate
wealth, peace and warmth!
(Short fanfare)

Fourth, a circle of devoted friends!
Health of relatives and children!
(Short fanfare)

And the fifth - long glorious years,
To live without sadness, worries and troubles!
(Long fanfare)

And it's time to honor these minutes,
Hear the fireworks here!

Sat at the tables.

Oh wonderful day! Oh Gods!
Let's celebrate this holiday!
Our Olympus did not know more beautiful goddesses!
So let's raise the cups - Glory to the birthday girls!

Feast. (representation of dishes)

Presenter: No one will argue that the birthday girls are real goddesses, so do not be surprised that their colleagues from Olympus also came to our holiday. ( Ilithyia and Clio)

Clio: Quickly strike your sweet-sounding strings, Ilithyia,
We will honor and glorify the birthday girls.
Zeus the Thunderer sent us today from Olympus,
To sing praises in their honor.

Ilithyia (with lyre)
O goddesses! I fear my timid sounds
It is unlikely that they are able to show bliss to the whole world,
Which appears to us at one glance
These examples of purity, beauty and talent.
Can anyone match the beautiful goddesses
Become their flexible slender cypress itself,
Their voices are sweeter than the singing of the Siren.

Clio (with amphora)(goddess of history)
Aphrodite herself envies such a face.
Today we visited the famous Delphi,
To learn the twists and turns of wayward fate.
Glorious guests and you, dear birthday girls!
In this vessel (demonstrates a vessel in the form of an amphora)
Find your predictions.

Clio comes up to the birthday girls and offers to pull out a note from the amphora, read the wishes aloud. (One at a time).

The host gives the floor to the guests.

Leading: And finally, here's another gift -
The master of tragedies, the divine wondrous Sophocles
He dedicates his latest masterpiece to you.


Host, Irida - messenger of the gods
Hera is the patroness of the family
Athena - goddess of wisdom

Themis - goddess of justice and law

Metis - goddess of wisdom
Nemesis - goddess of persuasion
Demeter - goddess of health and fertility
Urania - patroness of astronomy

Leading: When you were born
The goddesses gathered for an urgent council.

Irida: I, Irida, messenger of the gods,

Invited you to the operating room,
Oh goddesses almighty, then,
To announce the beginning of the test
In the conditions of their earthly models,
I would like to present to everyone. (Pointing to the birthday girls.)
Models are durable, beautiful, aesthetic,
I put new programs into them,
Destined to serve people.
In short, let's not waste time!
I ask you to complete the samples!

1.Hera: I, Hera, I give them a family hearth!
Let the spouses of the faithful get
Children will be brought up the best,
And they will live to see their grandchildren, finally!

1.Metis: Love for work and golden hands
I, the goddess, give them as a reward!
So that they could sew, cook everything you need,
To be excellent housewives!

1.Athena: I, wise Athena, promise
What will be drawn to knowledge from childhood,
That they want to plunge into pedagogy,
And there they will find their calling!
1.Themis: Let the men breathe unevenly towards them!
Let compliments be heard everywhere!
May they always be lucky in love!

Such a wish and a law!

Irida: I will crown all this with kindness,
And you can start experimenting!
To sum it up
I ask you to fly up in half a century!

Leading: 50 years have passed. (remove caps)

Irida: I invited you to the RAM,
Oh goddesses almighty, then,
To sum up the test
In the conditions of our earthly models,
which are already known to all.
To pass judgment on them,
We are on this Greek birthday,
they were called here again for a conversation!
Please touch on all sorts of topics!

2.Hera: Tell me frankly, without holding back
What is typical for your families?

2.Nemesis: I want to check them for humor!
Let them tell a joke!

2.Athena: You are the pilot of the plane that the flight makes
From Moscow to Nagasaki with a landing in Paris.
The plane landed at 14.30.
Please indicate the age of the pilot!

2.Themis: And I ask you to answer Themis,
What do you value especially in men?

2.Metis: Tell Metis can you be proud
Some work of your own hands?

2.Urania: Answer and Urania in the end!
Admit it, what do you see the meaning of life?
(birthday girls will answer questions.)

Irida: So how do we evaluate the results?

Goddesses: Divine! Excellent! Incredible!
Models in everything - indisputable examples!

Irida: Then, please note in the protocol,
That copies are rated "excellent"!
Our goddesses are just great!
Having created a family and kind of continuation,
They deserve such respect
Which money can't buy!
Proving to gods and people in practice,
What about the mass production of the model
From now on, you can start!

Athena: Accept well from the goddesses as a pledge of good luck
Our gift is philosophical wisdom!
In the meantime, you can be free
We goddesses have no more questions!

Handing wisdom from reading.

FEAST. (wishes)

The task of the goddesses on command is to say the phrase: And we are of the same opinion!

Leading: Friends came to the party
They are also goddesses, and here it is not in vain.
They will say a few words to you, beautiful
And the toast will be pronounced loudly!

Congratulations, Goddesses!
You are beautiful, no doubt.

We wish you happiness and love!
Goddesses: And we are of the same opinion!

May your life be sweet
Singing will not stop in the soul!
We wish you happiness and love!
Goddesses: And we are of the same opinion!

Let your family be friendly
Why beautiful friction?
We wish you happiness and love!
Goddesses: And we are of the same opinion!

We will raise our glasses to you
And we will do it with zeal!

We wish you happiness and love!
Goddesses: And we are of the same opinion!

Solemn fanfare sounds.

Artemis enters the room

Presenter: Stop the noise and din
Aphrodite has come to visit you!
Stop eating and drinking
Let the beauty speak!


They told me of course
That you are all quite successful,
destined for fun
celebrating birthdays

They told me, of course,
Our goddesses are sinless.
It doesn't matter how many years you've lived
The main thing is that they made good.

How they ran to work
A bunch of shoes were trampled
Nobody could count
How worn out boots!

And here's another one today -
I want to sprinkle them!

(wet her fingers in a bowl of water held by the presenter)

I will sprinkle their frisky legs,
To wear them along the path,
To always succeed everywhere
Everywhere the first, as the singers!

And bright heads
I will sprinkle imperceptibly ...
To be considered the best in life,
Their brains, oh how useful!

I will sprinkle their hands
To not know boredom!

I'll sprinkle their nose
To keep in the wind
What and where - so that everyone knows
Yes, we were called more often!

Until the water runs out
I will sprinkle their friends lightly!
For husbands to love
On the hands to wear

To live - live,
In the life of grief, so as not to know!
to live full life -
From the inside we will sprinkle you too!
(pouring wine

Pour some wine for everyone!

There is little happiness in this life ... (everyone pours)

Come on, guests, hurry up
Let's drink to the birthday girls!
Live for you to the fullest
Let's drink to our birthday girls!

To the guests of a good festivity,
And I have to go. Goodbye everyone!

Happy birthday in Greek:

Χαρούμενα Γενέθλια ! ( Harovmena genesislia!)


Additional contests.

Siren Contest

Competitions in karaoke among women, sirens with their beautiful voices made men go crazy.

Competition for the best nectar

From the proposed ingredients you need to prepare cocktails - who will turn out tastier and more interesting.

Throwing lightning Zeus

Zippers are made of wire, for greater beauty they can be wrapped with a cloth or rain. Competition for accuracy - who better hit the target with lightning. The target itself can be made of foam rubber.

Statue of Apollo

This god is always depicted as a stunning handsome man with a perfect body. It is the statues of Apollo that attract the attention of most visitors - and for good reason. A game like "The sea is worried once ...", only here you can say "Olympus swayed once ...". The host will guess not who the player is portraying (it is clear that the god Apollo), but what he is in this moment does - reads, sleeps, flirts with girls, etc.

Doubts of Themis

Pretty too simple game, stylized as a party format. The game "True or False" for forfeits. Themis (leader) the player asks a question from his life or life famous person, and she has to guess if what is said is true or not. If you guessed right, you become a player.

Hammer of Thor

For this noisy and fun game you will need balloons, which need to be well inflated, and a rubber toy hammer. With a hammer for a while, you need to break as many balls as possible - “make thunder”.

Loki's boast

It is God who believes that he can depict and play everything in the world - so he is given such an opportunity. One player makes Loki a phrase from a movie, a song - and he must show it to the others without words so that they guess. If you guessed it, the one who guessed becomes Loki, and the one who guessed it asks him a phrase.

The meaning of the names of the birthday girls.

The meaning of the name Raisa

The name Raisa (simple Raisya) is presumably ancient Greek origin - from the word "radia", which means light, careless. According to another version, the name Raisa comes from the Arabic word for "boss".
The name Raisa means light, submissive, compliant, careless, boss.

The meaning of the name Irina

The name Irina (folk. Arina, simple. Orina) - comes from greek words, meaning peace, rest. A good, simple, joyful, gentle and feminine name, perceived by many as typically feminine. An elastic and strong wave coming from the inside causes a surge of energy and directs its movement. Highly popular name. In terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities.

The meaning of the name Gulnara

origin of the name Gulnara The name Gulnara is Tatar, Muslim. The name Gulnara is a Russified form of the name Gulnar, very often the owner of this name is also called Gulya for short. The name Gulnar is identical to the names Gulnara and Gulnaria (among the Kazakhs - Gulnar) and is of Arabic origin. In ancient Persia, this name was translated as "pomegranate flower." Among the Kazakh people, the name Gulnara has a different meaning - “flower, like a flower”, and literally translates as “pomegranate tree flower”. There is also a version that the herbaceous plant Adonis, which has bright yellow and red flowers, was called the “pomegranate tree flower”. Therefore, the name Gulnara can be given an interpretation of the name - "Adonis".

Tatiana - Ancient Greek origin, from the word "tatto" - to establish, determine.
The name means the organizer, founder, sovereign, establishing, set, appointed.
The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very shiny and prominent. It assumes in its bearer a large and courageous personality. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness combined in this sound.

The meaning of the name Valentine

The name Valentina is the feminine form of the name Valentin, derived from the Latin word "valence" - strength. The Indo-European root "shaft" means to have strength. And the name means - healthy, strong, to be healthy.
The feminine form of the name is brighter and more definite. The smoothness and iridescence of the sound of this name draws an image of incoming and dissolving waves. A good, but somewhat sluggish name, bright, loud, cheerful." alt="(!LANG:C:\Users\User\Desktop\peer\DSC00624.JPG" width="624" height="468">!}

Pirate Party.

At the entrance, everyone is given a pirate label. Everyone goes into the hall and sits down.

Host (dressed as a pirate) : Sea Wolves! Conquerors of the oceans" invincible corsairs! I welcome you aboard our unsinkable vessel! Everyone is on board, the captain is on the bridge, the cook is in the galley. We are waiting unforgettable journey, because today is the day off for the bravest, most notorious pirates. It's their birthday, damn it! Today there is no need to rob and kill anyone. Today you can just relax and "break away" to the fullest!

Grandmother-Piratikha runs out : How can we not rob today? And what will we give birthday people? Pockets are empty, chests too! No, I don’t agree, if you don’t want to rob yourself, I’ll send my granddaughter to robbery!

All the pirates sing : Twilight goes out blue

In the sail of a frigate

Escorted to the robbery

Pirate grandmother.

The dusk is fading blue

In the sail of a frigate.

grandmother: You look at the boarding

Don't climb unnecessarily!

Take care of yourself, you are ours

brown-eyed swan!

Take care of yourself, you are ours

brown-eyed swan!

You look at the boarding

Don't climb unnecessarily!

Here's a shot musket

And here's a barrel of rum.

You are so scattered

That you will forget everything at home.

You are so scattered

That you will forget everything at home.

Here's a shot musket

And here's a barrel of rum.

Granddaughter: If, grandma, that's all

So familiar to you

Come on, go yourself

And I'll stay at home!

grandmother: Well, honey, don't drift! Take Druganov, and let's go to the robbery!

Birthdays come out.

Leading: And to make you bolder, drink some rum (on a tray there are 5 mugs of compote). Maybe we can refresh ourselves a little? While we are filling the hold (that is, we are eating), we need to come up with a suitable name for the ship. (We choose, and the pirate who invented it writes the name with a felt-tip pen on the “bow” of the ship)

Well, while we fill the hold, i.e. we eat, but we soak our throats, i.e. we drink, let's check how the pirates express themselves (for the correct answer - label)

Hang black marks on your eyes (sleep)

Shake the bones (dance)

Converge anchors (fight)

Strum gold (buy)

Shoot from all guns (swear)

Dock in a dead harbor (marry)

Well, I don't think we're in any danger of getting married. Why hang chains on yourself? We better dance.

Dance of the Pirates. "I respect the pirate, I respect the Cat"

Cat : Dear pirates, every pirate has a nickname. I want to get to know you. I, Pirate Cat - "Thunderstorm of the Seas"

And what is your name?

Pirates introduce themselves. The cat gives them tags. (birthday girls leave and take scarf dolls)

Leading : Well, gentlemen, pirates, while we were having fun, our ship moored to the island. Let's visit this island.

Before us is the question: is this wonderful island inhabited? And what, or maybe who, do its supposed inhabitants eat? Quiet! I hear something! ... It seems that here they are! Meet, natives, or rather beautiful creatures!

Pirate birthday girls enter with scarf dolls, crying.

Leading: Hey girls! Guten Tag! Buenos dias! I blow the spike rushen? We - posh men, brave pirates, sailed by and decided to visit your island. But why are you crying? What is your grief?

Pirate dolls: Oh, woe to us unfortunates! Trouble! Full moon tomorrow! On this night, we sacrifice the most beautiful of us to the villain-cannibal! If this is not done, he will kill every single one! Poor, unfortunate friend of ours! Is she really destined to die in the jaws of this monster? Save her, O beautiful, strong men!

Leading: Ho! It doesn't cost anything to pirates to defeat some ogre, right? sea ​​wolves? For starters, we need to practice how to lure the cannibal out of his lair.

You, beautiful, sit down, and we will practice. Let's lure the ogre out with a whistle.

Pirates whistle.

Who is the loudest - that label.

Leading: Yes, the cannibal, apparently, is deaf, since he does not go to such a whistle. Well, let's keep practicing!

The ogre is somewhere close, and you need to demonstrate your pirate strength and power in order to intimidate him. Let's compete in tug of war.

Game "Drag the Rope" winner - label.

Leading: The ogre is afraid of us! Hooray! But do not relax! Now let's refresh ourselves and lure him out of the lair.


Leading: While we are filling the hold, we will test our intelligence.

1. Two brothers look into the water,

In a century they will not converge (shores)

2. For her, the wave is a swing,

and she swims aimlessly.

Nowhere to nowhere

Everything is transparent like water (jellyfish)

3. Which sea dweller blushes when he sees dinner? (squid)

4. which of the marine inhabitants has a mouth on its belly? (shark)

5. Lives between stones head with four legs (tortoise)

6. in calm weather we are nowhere, and the wind blows - we run on the water (waves)

7. You don't know me? I live at the bottom of the sea. Head and 8 legs, that's all I am - (octopus)

8. To see me in the distance how ships sail,

I will quickly look into it and tell everyone that I see (binoculars)

The host looks through binoculars: I see the target! Let's shoot! We will scare the cannibal again!

Shooting competition (2 pirates play, throw arrows at balls attached to strings)

Pirate dolls: Oh, what skillful and brave men appeared on our island! We admire you! You are real heroes! But we have something to confess to you! In fact, there is no cannibal. We just decided to test you, how strong and brave are you, and do you have kind hearts? Forgive us! And for your help and support, you can stay on the island as long as you like! Everybody is dancing!


Leading: Your island is truly wonderful.

We were pleasantly relaxed.

But real pirates never sit idly by. We need to swim on.

The puppets wave and leave (then the pirates return)

Leading: I look down through the binoculars.

Sailor apprentice (junga)

High wooden sail support (mast)

The side of the ship (board)

Room for sailors (kubrick)

Board for descent from the ship (ladder)

· Sea robbers (pirates)

Quiet shallow part of the sea, crashing into the land

Blue Lagoon)

What holds the ship in place (anchor)

· Pirate seizure of the ship with the help of hooks and ropes (boarding)

Fish-eater (shark)

Ship's rudder (steering wheel)

The largest marine mammal (whale)

A large piece of fabric fastened to the mast, inflated by the wind and thereby setting the ship in motion (sail)

The sun setting over the horizon (sunset) - (S)

· Watch on the ship

Place of parking of vessels (port)

The most famous pirate whose treasure we are looking for (Flint)

The front of the ship (bow)

Ship's cook (cook)

Room for the captain or passengers (cabin)

§ "The story of Bobby the boy who loved money"

§ "We are all participants in the regatta"

§ "Song about the dangers of drunkenness"

§ "Song about sports"

§ "Song of Greed"

§ "Song about the dangers of smoking"

1. "Song from m / f blue puppy"

2. "King and jester"

3. Pirate song "tequilajazz"

4. Soundtrack to the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"


A suitable pirate environment will help you create films and cartoons about pirates that can be played without sound:

1. Treasure Island

2. "Pirates of the Caribbean"

3. Captain Blood's Odyssey

4. "Master of the Seas, at the End of the Earth"

An interesting quiz that can be diversified by issuing prizes in the form of "gold ducats" or "black marks".

Pirate quiz #1 (correct answers highlighted in red):

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:

Coca Cola

2. Who is a pirate?

Sea robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Representative of office plankton

3. Which writer has not written about pirates?

Daniel Defoe
Mayne Reid
Robert Louis Stevenson
Walter Scott

4. Who did the pirates call the gunpowder monkey?

A pirate monkey that got hurt in battle
The lowest pirate rank on a ship
Captured in battle by an enemy soldier
The boy who brought gunpowder and shells during the battle

5. Who is a gunner?

A pirate who writes the charter-canon of the team and monitors its execution
Member of the team responsible for the condition of the guns on the ship
convoy man
First mate

6. Why did the pirates cut off their nose and ears?

For foul language
For eavesdropping
For stealing from teammates
For curiosity

Types of ships:

Aak, Bark, Barquentine, Brig, Brigantine, Galleon, Gallera, Junk, Iol(joll), Caravel, Caracca, Ketch, Cog, Rook, Flutes, Frigate, Sloop, Schooner, Cruiser, Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, Dreadnought, Battleship , Boat, Yacht, Longboat, Icebreaker, Tanker.

Competition "Sea Mummy"

Players are called to the center of the hall - about 3-4 people. Each is given a roll of toilet paper. The task of the players is to tear the paper into pieces and stuff these pieces into pockets, by the collar, into trousers, etc. The winner is the player who completed the task first. The “judge” must ensure that the pieces of paper are as small as possible.

Competition "Pearls in a bottle"

4-5 people are invited to participate. Before each on the floor is placed empty bottle with a narrow neck. Each is given beads or peas, which he must hold in his hand. The second hand during the competition must be wound behind the back. The task of the players is to drop all the beads from the hand in which they are clamped into the bottle: do not help with the other hand! In the event that a pea falls past the bottle, the process begins anew - all the peas must again be held in the hand and lowered into the bottle. The contest is won by the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Strength of Spirit"

For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those who wish to participate in the competition stand in a line side by side to each other at a step distance. Opposite each player, a matchbox is placed on the floor (at a distance of about 20 cm). On a signal from the leader, the players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. Using a ruler or tape measure, the presenter measures the distance that each box has been moved. According to the results, the winner is announced.

Competition "Who is who?"

Everyone is invited to participate, confident that they have a rich imagination - about 5 people. Each is given paper with a pen and time - 5-7 minutes. During this time, everyone must come up with a “pirate nickname” for themselves (after all, it is not customary for pirates to address each other by name!) After the time has elapsed, the leader reads out the nickname of each participant. The audience in the hall expresses their sympathy for this or that nickname with applause - this is how the most original is determined. Now these "names" can be written on badges or special badges and distributed to the contestants as a prize - let them wear these badges for the rest of the evening.

Competition "Hook"

You will need at least 2 fake hooks, gouache (you can use the same color) and large sheets of paper (preferably drawing paper). A paper sheet is placed in front of the participants, gouache is put. Then everyone takes a hook in left hand, and on command begins to draw with a hook, a portrait of his captain or leader. The leader keeps time. Whose portrait will be funnier and cooler and he won. The audience determines the winner.

Contest "Sunken Treasure"

We take two basins with water, throw oranges, lemons or any other fruits to the bottom, the participants kneel, put their hands behind their backs and, on command, take out the fruit with their teeth. Whoever wins the fastest.

Competition "Fortune"

And now we will check our pirates for luck (fortune). Need 5 participants. Stage 1 - participants pull out one card from the deck, whoever has the smallest one is eliminated. 2nd stage - you need 4 long fireplace or hunting matches. Participants draw lots, whoever has a short match is out. Stage 3 - participants roll the dice, whoever gets the lowest number is out. 4th stage final - two remain in front of them put two chests, one empty and the other with a gift.

Competition "Fishing"

We call the participants of the competition, give each a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter stick, we tie a rope a little longer to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line for which the players cannot step. At a short distance from the anglers, we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetized). The leader keeps time. On command, the participants begin to fish, throwing fishing rods. Who will pull out a large amount, in the allotted time, he won.

Competition "Polundra"

Participants wear thick winter mittens or gloves on their hands. Wide shirts or robes are placed nearby. At the command "half-day" they must get dressed and fasten all the buttons. Whoever wins the fastest (when choosing mittens, check whether it is possible to fasten buttons in them at all).

lame pirate
Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, their legs are tied (the left leg of one with the right leg of the other). Couples must walk a certain distance, reach the flag, turn around and go back.

“Full back”

On the ground you need to draw a circle about half a meter in diameter. The contestant stands in a circle and is blindfolded. He must take 10 steps forward, turn around and try to return to former place. The most accurate wins.

You can end the evening with fireworks to the music from movies about pirates or just energetic music.

Pirate Party Contests

Bone Leg Pirates are divided into two teams. In each, the leader of the sea robbers is selected. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or boot and throw it in the center in one pile; you can put extra shoes. The captains don't see it. The task of the main pirate is to put on shoes for his team faster. The first team to wear the shoes wins.

Mystery of the Pirate maritime theme) and paper circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc. the players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, press the other under the knee and hold it with their hands. The task is to, while standing, jumping on one leg, look behind the opponent's back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture. The pirate who first "deciphered" the enemy wins.

paper shackles
For the competition, a matchbox lid is taken and put on the nose (stronger). The task is to remove the cover with the help of facial movements.

sunken treasure

The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the pirate kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

Happiness Cup
Pirates are divided into 2 teams, a goblet (pot or large bowl) with water (juice, tea, beer or rum here is at your discretion) is solemnly taken out. On the command “Board”, both teams begin to drink from the cup the drink provided to them with the help of straws, the winning team is the one that will do it faster!

Agile Pirate
Pirate activists are called. And on command, to fast music, each of the participants must lift and hold as many balls as possible from the floor.

Pirate dances
All pirates stand in a circle and pass the pirate symbol in a circle, whoever has a symbol in his hands after the whistle of the main pirate goes to the center. Shows movement. The rest of the pirates repeat.

A ball was dedicated to the summer birthday girls

"Queens of Flowers"

flower queens

Guests and birthday girls have 1 rose on both hands (bracelets)

1. Host: Today all nature has come to life,
It's like I've been waiting for this day.
Wherever you look - one fun,
Everyone is in a festive mood today.

2 Lead: For many years now, the most beautiful E. A., E. V., N. I., O. V. N. L., O. F. have been blooming and fragrant, which are comparable only with the royal flower, whose name is Rose!

1 leader: Roses you! It's clear to anyone
How desirable and beautiful
Queens of all colors, -
Everyone is ready to love you!

2 host: Yes, and we are no exception.
We wish you a birthday
Kindness, love and light,
To be warmed by fate!

1 leader: We invite all guests to fill their glasses.

2 host: We raise a glass to Roses
So that they smell fragrant every day!
We present diadems to queens on a holiday,
From the bottom of our hearts, we ask them to accept them from all of us!

Flower tiaras are awarded.

1 Lead: And so that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to refresh yourself a little!


2 Lead: What a beautiful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone attracts with the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, a special charm and originality, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather.
For example, an ant
Could be among the guests.
This good worker
I'll tell you, not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has a lot of gifts.
But today he's gone
But next door neighbor -
Your boss is fighting.
(Congratulations from V.A.)

2 host: I propose to drink for these wonderful wishes!

1 Lead: Even the Snake, the mistress of this year, was captivated by the delicacy and fragrance of Roses and other many-sided flowers. That is why she is here today with numerous congratulations and wishes to our beautiful birthday girls! I ask the guests to read the congratulations and wishes of the Snake.

They take out the Snake with wish cards. Birthday girls take out and read.

1. Happy birthday to you,
Blossom to our joy always!

2. To keep rose petals fresh,
You carry me in your arms, guys!

3. So that the Rose does not fade,
Currency would not hurt her!

4. So that the stalk of the Rose does not bend,
You caress me more often, hubby!

5. So that the Rose does not have sharp thorns,
Do not spare your kind words for her.

6. To decorate the rose with dew drops,
You would order diamonds for her.

2 host: Wishes of the Snake, In my opinion, are beautiful.
And for this you need to drink,
Do you agree with me?
Pour in glasses of intoxicated wine,
For birthday girls, drink standing, to the bottom.


1 Lead: Our roses are good

It's time to follow
How the year went by.
When our Roses were born, they bought night vases, in addition - a bag of diapers. (Put out a pot of roses.)
2 host: When they went to school as children, they found a vase in their briefcase. ( They put out a pencil case with a rose.)
1 leader: And in their youth, their vase changed and turned into a perfume bottle. ( They put out a bottle with a rose.)
2 host: At the wedding, wine glasses became a vase. And they filled it with sweet water. ( They put out 2 wine glasses, in one - a rose.)
1 leader: And after the baby was born, they got a bottle with a pacifier. (They put out a bottle with a rose.)
2 host: That’s what my husband calls “mommy”. And this pan becomes a precious vase in the house. (They put out a pot with a rose.)
1 leader: The roses are in full bloom today
And other vases for Roses are needed.
Dear guests! Give answer:
Which of the vases do the birthday girls not have? (Answer.)

2 Lead: For a crystal vase
There is a bouquet of roses
It has a delicate pink color.

Crystal vase with roses - 6 pieces. Handed roses to birthday girls

1 Lead: Today we give you a pink bouquet in honor of the glorious so many who lived good years.

2 Lead: To make our Rose fragrant, we invite everyone to drink wine, filling the bowls.


1. Host: How many petals does a beautiful rose have?
Everyone is ready to express so many words of confession.
And first, we will not break traditions,
Colleagues at work will congratulate them.


1 leader: your birthday
We are happy to celebrate now
And from the bottom of our hearts we want everything together
Wish you health, happiness.
So that joy comes to your house
And always stayed in it
Love to fill the heart
And the family was friendly
And for this we raise a birthday toast!

2 host: To make sure that our birthday girls are not only very beautiful in appearance, but that all internal organs are in order, we invited our qualified doctor and his assistant.

Doctors congratulations
Doctor. Help is on the doorstep! Gentlemen, dear doctors ...
Nurse (takes the birthday girls to the middle of the hall)
Don't worry, don't be scared

Relax, smile...

The doctor will only examine you

And the diagnosis will be accurate.
The doctor examines the birthday girls
Doctor. Thoughts are clear, slightly intoxicated...
Passionate eyes. What!
swan neck,
Pulse slightly agitated.
Shoulders are not strong
But very sexy
In the lungs are heard clearly to me
Inhale and exhale.
Heart beats joyfully
And full of desire...
The insides are coordinated
Working with dignity
Tasting drinks
The body is getting ready...
Nurse. So, well-being
Not autumn at all?
Doctor. My diagnosis is correct.
Nurse. Youth-fiery?
What is the diagnosis for this?
What does it mean?
Doctor. eternal longing,
eternal burning,
Responsibility for business
Trouble overcoming
And souls bloom.
Nurse. Only lived a little
So to sum it up
regret and write off
The time has not come.
Doctor. I confirm youth!
Optimism and cheerfulness!
And always in shape
Live and stay
Need to be tempered
To appear in the bath ...
Nurse. Here is the prescription
To you on a personal basin.
Pour yourself on the night
Of it three times.
Doctor. Let's all raise a toast
Years not counting.
Bloom for the soul
Wisdom and recognition
Strive for the best!!!

Handing a prescription for a basin

Association of Emergency Physicians,

Medical company "Dobro-invest".

FULL NAME. sick_

Diagnosis of the disease "PEY8YYYO-PEP1A".

Prescribed drug VANII1 TANK.

Mode of application: 3-time douche at night.

Side effects: s / "/ poe rMkat" e, neobpositoz (po $ 1ouanpodo / vro / goyap / a.

Signature and personal seal of the doctor.

The prescription is valid for 15 days.

In case of difficulty in acquiring the prescribed drug, contact the Dobro-invest company.

Doctors invite guests to raise glasses to the health of birthday girls.

1 leader: Congratulations, like hail, are flying to the birthday girls! Many guests came to visit our birthday girls. Let's invite them:

1. From the scene "Mirrors of the Crooked"

We want to say our word:

We wish you to be drunk with happiness,

Like in Petrosyan's humoresques.

We wish you joy, fun,

But not a bad hangover.

If something is wrong, drink vigorous kvass.

Bye! Flower and Matryona.

2. Who wants to become a millionaire,

He must visit the First!

You come to Moscow.

Ask where Galkin , that is, I, Maxim.

Then take your luck!

I'm waiting for you on the show!

You become an example for the motherland

And just be a millionaire!

3. Sorry for my clumsy handwriting,

Now I'm just an angel

I'm going to bed on time...

I've been writing a letter to you for two days

To wish you a happy birthday!

And you send me cookies,

I'll eat it for a couple with Karkusha.

I missed you. Wait for a visit. Piggy.

4. Like a phantom of the opera, I wish to come to you,

Eat vodka, caviar and a cup of tea,
Congratulate on the holiday and sing "Barrel" for you.
But it's hard to wake up early!
You yourself drink and, having a bite of sausage,
Congratulate yourself! Kolya Baskov.

5. I send greetings from Petersburg,
Wish long, long years.
Here I would young age your -
I would make a mess!
Love, Peace, Success

I wish you from the bottom of my heart. Pieha.

6. Yes, definitely, on this day

Even the stump is obliged to love.
I wish you all the best

Even though it's expensive and expensive.
But first, for example,

Join us in the LDPR.
And everything will be fine for you.

Vladimir Volfych, clearly.

2 Lead: To make it all come true
We have to raise a glass.
For congratulations!

Musical pause.

2 Lead: In the meadow we have "flowers" of extraordinary beauty.

Song (to the melody of R. Pauls) (teachers dressed as children come out):

A holiday, a holiday we are celebrating now.
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
"Congratulations!" - shout cheerfully
23 employees and 110 preschoolers!

Lotuses with roses side by side.
Here everyone is celebrating together.
Lilies with roses side by side
Sing this song together.

Name day - a golden holiday,
Name day - sing with us.
"Happy birthday!" - shout cheerfully
23 employees and 110 preschoolers!


2. Host: And now, our flowers,
Please fill the cups.
Because Dahlia is against drinking vodka alone.
I am you, dear Dandelion,
please raise a glass.
Our glorious Daisies,
Drop some glasses.
Set an example Gvozdika -
drank in one gulp, so famously!
In general, bright flowers,
Everyone needs a drink... period!

Plums are blooming in the garden, ..., be healthy and happy!

1 Lead: We continue the evening and invite everyone to dance.

Competition "Whose team will dance better?"

1 Lead: Women are flowers
On my lawn.
All as one different
But how wonderful!
Oh, people's experience does not tell
Fall in love with long and thin:
Don't hug or clap them
Seduced with them - expect trouble!
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't give a price.
Barely notice the wasp camp -
And go, go, go!

The birthday girl, who likes thin women, recruits a team of them.

2 Lead : This waist is easy
Goes through the eye of a needle!
I see your team is already assembled.

1 leader: We continue to form another team.
Rumor folk bbw
Sands so that my God.
They are in the arms, they say, suffocate.
And let them go around the world with a bag.
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't give a price.
Barely sees a stronger back -
And go, go, go!

Birthday girl who likes plump women, recruits a team of them.

1 presenter : Ah, those round sides!
Just like a glass of champagne!
Well, your team is ready.

Task: As soon as the music starts, one of the teams, moving towards the other, performs synchronously dance movements and returns back. The other team enters the game. Whose dance moves will be more original, they will be considered the winners.

Dance break.

Contests from Little Red Riding Hood "Gifts of Nature"

The phonogram of the children's song "If it's long, long, long ..." sounds. Little Red Riding Hood appears, in her hands is a basket of pies.

1 Lead: Little Red Riding Hood walked through our meadow,
I collected berries and flowers in a basket.
Bypassed the bumps, collected mushrooms,
She fluttered like a bird.
- Really, Pumpkin?

Pumpkin appears with the words: "Yeah, yeah..."

2 Lead: All our guests will be mushrooms,
Let them frolic to their heart's content.
So that this day will be unforgettable for a long time,
We invite birthday girls to play the role of flowers.

Guests are offered "hats" of mushrooms, birthday girls - costumes of flowers. Participants perform a dance

Red Riding Hood: Dear guests!
Your cheeks are rosy.
Perhaps you are very tired?
I suggest you sit on a stump
And eat my everyone delicious pie.

Competition "Who will eat the pie faster."

Pumpkin: Dear women!
To quench your thirst,
I can offer you a drink.
Who will throw a ring on him,
He takes it with him.

Throw a ring competition (for a bottle of wine)

Red Riding Hood: Lots of fun, see you soon!

1 Lead: Good time!
Dear people! The table has been waiting for guests for a long time!

The guests take their places at the table.

2 host: We are endlessly ready to congratulate birthday girls:
In poems and songs, in the genre women's prose,
But now I ask everyone to raise their glasses
In honor of our dear, incomparable Roses!

Fill glasses.

1 Lead: The subtlest Rose exudes aroma: its colors, shade are not simple. And, as a hostess, Rosa is just a treasure. Let's drink to that, dear guests!

2 Lead: Year by year, our Roses, you bloom as before. And gather guests to the flower meadow more often. May they bring back the scent of flowers to you,

your hospitable meadow is the best of meadows!


2 host: We raise a glass for you
You lost years of your life.
We all congratulate you together,
After all, in the summer into the world
You were born!
(The guests are drinking. Music intro.)

1 Lead: August is a month, hospitable,
They spoke in the old days.
Take a look at your table -
There is something to be surprised.
The table is bursting with food and wine.
Agree, life is like this table: everything has a place in it - both sour like a lemon and bitter like an onion; and spicy like that snack over there. Let's drink to the birthday girls being served only dessert more often, and we, dear guests, could share this wonderful table with him. I think you will support me and raise your glasses to this.
(Guests drink.)

2 Lead: We are our festive banquet
Further we continue
Refresh all guests
We are happy to offer.
Eat guests heartily
Dishes are very good.

Congratulation from a pea

1 Lead: Dear guests!
Peas ripened in August
From the looks of it, he's not bad at all.
Each, pea
This pod contains
They have letters on them,
Any wishes in them
Secretly encrypted.
Are you ready to guess them?
Then don't waste your time
Start your three wishes with a letter!
your wishes,
And our gifts!

Guests are invited to take one pea from the pod, on which the letters are written: A, P, C, D, B and express three wishes starting with one of the letters.

Let's raise our glasses and drink to the bottom -
May the life of birthday girls be full of happiness!
(Guests drink.)

2 Lead: Isn't it time for the guests to get up and dance with the birthday girls?

Rose dance. "Magic Flower"

1 leader: May this day be long and good!
May your holiday continue for many years.
I think, friends, that you are not too lazy to drink,
For meeting the birthday boy more often.

Congratulations from hares

2 Lead: Dear guests! Everyone knows that August is the time for haymaking, which means hard and long work, which often drags on until midnight.

Z the phonogram teaches "But we don't care." Guests dressed in hare costumes run out and sing a song.

In Janina kindergarten,
Where they dance beautifully
Where from old trees
foliage flies,
Grass on the plot
Hares mowed at midnight
And while they sang
strange words.

We do not care,
We do not care,
Let us be afraid of the bosses and the head,
We have a case:
At the worst hour

We are for birthdays
We mow the tryn-grass.

1 Lead: Yes, indeed, that grass is not easy,
Over the summer densely overgrown with greenery.
You should have bunnies, mow all the greenery,
put in our pockets for birthday girls. -
Ready? Started!

Competition. Hares scatter dollars, and birthday girls collect them, who is more.

2 Lead: We "hares" wish you that you always have a light heart and heavy pockets. Let's drink to that! I invite you to raise your glass.

1 Lead: Dear guests!
For the birthday girls to feel wonderful moments,
We will continue at the table with our congratulations.

2 Lead: Dear birthday girls! On this day, the whole hall is flooded with flowers: our hearts are a bouquet of flowers, our smiles are a bouquet of flowers, our songs are a bouquet of flowers, our ladies are a bouquet of flowers and on the table is a bouquet of flowers.
1 Lead: I propose a toast to the flowering of the life of birthday girls
(Guests drink.)

May you have many friends in life
And also pleasant days and nights.

2 Lead: Dear guests! Let's remember what day it is today. Friday.. They say that Friday is a hard day. And we have a holiday. On this occasion, we propose to perform the following song to the melody "island of bad luck."

Song "Island of Bad Luck"

Here at the birthday party, whatever you say,
People are all beautiful, kind inside,
Here at the birthday party, just look.

Everyone came to tell you good words,
From the excitement of the lung around the head,
From wine a little bit around the head,
If only all the kind words were not forgotten.

You are good at solving problems
It can be seen that your mother gave birth to you on Friday,
You are good at doing important things.

And you have everything under control, the kids are growing,
At work, at home - glory and honor,
At work, at home - glory and honor,
and everything is caught with you, the kids are growing.

On your birthday, we want to tell you
That you know how to greet guests affectionately,
You know how to welcome all guests well,
And now we all want to shout together.

Guests (in chorus): Happy birthday -3 times!

2 Leading: Dear guests!
The music will sound
Come out to dance.

1 Lead: Dear guests!
The table is so rich today
What attracts the eye.
Both appetizers and wine
All of you have been waiting for a long time.


2 Lead: Dear friends!
August Starfall -
It's a miracle, they say.
So imagine, gentlemen,
A star fell into your hands.
Combine her light with wishes,
present to our birthday girls right away.
I would, for example, give a star... for her generosity and wish her to continue to be so....
1 Lead: And why would you, dear guests, give a star to our birthday girl and what wishes would you say at the same time?

2 Lead: Dear birthday girls! Dear guests! Let all the miracles of August: the abundance of the harvest, the smell of mowed grass, the splendor of starfall, clusters of bright mountain ash conquer you forever and give you a charge of vivacity for a long time.

You can also hold a contest of ditties, familiar to everyone with the game of hide and seek or dance competitions:

  • "Quadrille",
  • "Seni",
  • "Cossack",
  • "Apple" and so on.

The following will be eligible as prizes:

  • Russian nesting dolls,
  • painted boxes or
  • products made from birch bark.

Beer party.

Hospitable meal.

Traditional hot Russian dishes are: baked goose, duck, piglet, most often serves as a side dish fried potatoes, with onions or mushrooms. Also a traditional Russian dish are dumplings with sour cream.

Do not forget about canned snacks: pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms.

For dessert, you can serve kalachi, bagels, gingerbread, spring rolls, jam and honey. For desserts, serve fresh tea from the samovar.

Traditional Russian drinks:

  • kvass,
  • mead,
  • Well, and, of course, vodka.

There is no need to limit the menu to traditional dishes, so you can dilute it with salads, fish snacks. The range of spirits can also be expanded by adding wines and cocktails.

Friends, we also have a catalog theme parties- you will find a pillow, do not hesitate!

Friends, I hope that a party in Russian folk style, arranged according to this scenario, will give you real moments of fun! Visit more often!

Party script in Russian folk style

Imagine a village hut: a stove is burning, a torch is crackling, a cat is dozing in the corner...

1 Presenter: The moon looks in a small window, and the girls begin to get together to do work: spinning, sewing, knitting, embroidery. And with the arrival of the guys, the unhurried girlish conversation and drawn-out, sincere ones are replaced by unbridled fun.

2 Presenter: At gatherings, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings were born. Not a single party could do without fervent music, songs, ditties, games, fun dancing and round dance.

1 Presenter: So, there is no place for boredom at our gatherings! And all today's fun is dedicated to you, our dear guests!

2 Presenter: Here are the glasses filled,

Treats - in plates,

We welcome guests

At fun gatherings!

(Slight pause.)

And now we want to introduce you, as in good Russian traditions, Russian folk, groovy, round dance - DANCE! ("You are fire, I am water").

1 Presenter: How many fairy tales, legends, epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. And what characters can you remember, dear guests?


(team game)

All guests are divided into two teams and take turns calling the names of various characters of Russian folklore. The team that gives the last one wins:

Sample team answers: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Durak, Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets, Kashchei the Immortal, Morozko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Sadko, Snegurochka, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Finist-Clear Falcon.

In a dilapidated old hut, on the outskirts of the village,

There lived an old man. Another old lady. The couple were friendly.

Somehow the grandfather says once, changing the side on the stove:

Bake me, old woman, a bun tomorrow morning!

What are you, old! Chai are you crazy? Where do you get the pain?

Everyone knows - in our time - a deficit, damn mother!

Chick, grandma! Listen to grandfather! Don't make too much noise

You go through the barn and the bottom of the barrel, and scrape!

The grandmother sees - it's bad (her grandfather is cool)

And, having fulfilled the order, she scored on a bun.

She was crying all day long. But not in vain - God is a witness.

The whole ruddy and fragrant bun turned out.

So that the owner does not get burned and does not scold her

Grandma put a ball on the window to cool.

Well, the ball oklimalsya, looked around,

Jump out the window! And he went into the forest to cunning foxes and wolves.

Rolls so-so, little by little, sings different songs

Suddenly towards - long-eared. Himself slanting, but still swallowed!

Here's luck! Oh let's get it! Haven't eaten in the morning all day!

The hare has already sat down. Taken aback! Surprised, open-mouthed!

The gingerbread man at that time rolled around the corner.

After all, an impudent wolf is rushing along the path like a tank!

Ha, get drunk! Hello, bun! And he opened his mouth:

There is no time to bazaar with you - climb there yourself!

Gingerbread Man flinched a little ... Something suddenly pricked in the side ...

Come what may! With a turn, he took to his heels!

The poor fellow ran for a whole hour, almost gave up his soul.

He braked and made sure that the gray one lagged behind him.

It would be a heart - broke - only he had time to croak,

How a bear suddenly fell out of the thickets of raspberries!

Only the bear is clumsy and also a clubfoot.

Gingerbread man baboulin - round - rolled away between the paws.

Well, the forest! Solid boors! - thought the young bun -

That gobble up, then crush into a cake strive. Barely escaped!

Homeless, but beautiful! And he doesn't sing so badly!

Looks like a cute girl. All made up, in furs.

It's a red fox! And beautiful - just ah!

I'm legitimate, not a foundling! (The redhead's passport showed)

And he frankly told his fate.

Oh, it's lovely, only the ears have become, as it were, not mine -

They hear almost nothing. Sit on my nose, repeat!

Kolobok - shirt - guy! All simple as three rubles.

He trusted the fox. And he did it in vain.

The rogue opened her mouth (her thought was thin),

She shook her head deftly ... Am! And ate a bun!


I wanted to ask the reader: -Who is the victim in this tale?

Grandma is first. It's clear. it's embarrassing for her.

Gingerbread man - a piece of dough - it did not hurt him.

Well, the main victim here is grandfather. Do you know why?

After all, he was hungry! They ate his lunch!

And he has no coupons for this flour!

Here you can insert a competition with weaving braids.

1 Presenter: A traditional and favorite pastime at Russian gatherings is the performance of folk songs.

2 Presenter: In the Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,

Let a cheerful or sad motive

Grateful in the soul will respond!

1 Presenter: Our gatherings are continued by a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.



The presenters give a definition of the Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, perform the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song). All participants receive small songbooks or music CDs with Russian folk songs as prizes.

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh, you canopy, my canopy)

2. about the national Russian winter footwear, felted from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)

3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)

4. A song that mentions a large city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)

5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)

7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)

8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)

9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)

10. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with skids, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh you sleigh, sleigh...)

11. The song of a girl who cannot get home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk drunk)

12. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)

13. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)

14. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)

Andrey's song "Lyuba, I'm in love."

Then we bring everyone to the circle.

While the guests have not opened the circle, the presenters offer to hold a competition.

"Switch". For her, the two most cheerful guys are selected. They stand in the center of the circle. The rest should sing some Russian folk song, for example, "Am I to blame." You can perform some song by Verka Serduchka, Babkina or Kadysheva. Young people should perform the “squat” movement to the songs of those playing, that is, squat, and, when standing up, throw their leg forward.

Then there is a competition of proverbs and sayings.

Funny proverbs and sayings

Who gets up early, he lives far from work.

What is good for a Russian is filmed by the Germans.

The turkey also thought he was bathing until the water boiled.

Better a tit in the hands than a duck under the bed.

Born to crawl does not crap from above.

Favorite Martian proverb: "An uninvited guest is worse than Gagarin."

One head is good, two is a mutation.

If you don't want it for the bad, it will be worse for the good.

Whatever the child amuses, if only not with his hands

During the day we bend - at night we disperse.

You can't make three out of two deer!

The slow will not overtake the fast.

You can't hide a tomato in your ear.

Red is not a hindrance to the blind.

Salad drunk is not a pillow.

There is power - kill the elephant.

Musical pause.

This simple children's fun is successfully held in adult company. A broom is launched around the hall. The host says at this time: “You fly, cheerful broom, further, further on your hands. Whoever has a broom left - he is dancing a dance for us! Thus, 5-6 people are selected. They dance the "Dance of the Little Swans" together. At the end, everyone gets small prizes.

At the end of Zhenya's solo album ("Oh, I'm weak, weak").

Then a disco.

Material provided by: Julia

Scenario of a party in Russian folk style.

The phonogram of the Russian folk song "I'll go out into the street" sounds, the presenter comes out.

Hello good people! Well done Russians and red girls! We invite you to remember the cherished antiquity!
It was a long time ago: our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers gathered in the evening in a spacious room to take a break from their worries.
Such gatherings were called "gatherings".

At gatherings, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings were born. Not a single party could do without fervent music, songs, ditties, games, fun dancing and round dance.
This means that there is no place for boredom at our gatherings!
And all today's fun is dedicated to you, our dear guests!
Here are the glasses filled
Treats - in plates,
We welcome guests
At fun gatherings!

Dear guests, let's celebrate the Old Year together with all its hardships and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope with the last drops sparkling drink all worries and resentments will leave you.

1 song
2 song

Today, for all correct answers and contests won, participants will receive "prize bagels". We earnestly request that our good ones come to you - don’t eat bagels, for this we generously set your tables, if anyone hasn’t noticed, pay attention.)
But THEY will still be useful to us - at the end of our incendiary evening, we will hold an auction, which can be paid only with prize-winning bagels.

And now it's time for us to play the first prize-
- Who's to say how many dryers are here?
Whoever guesses accurately or very close, we put all the bagels on the neck and on the chest with the medal "Best bar counter of the GIS4geo company"
We invite everyone to take pictures with the winner. (This is very important, firstly, the first joint photo where everyone is sober and beautiful, and secondly, everyone came out and therefore there is no need to pull anyone by the hand to dance).

And now we want to introduce you, as in good Russian traditions, Russian folk, clockwork, round dance - DANCE ("You are fire, I am water").

Organize the game Brook.

While the guests have not opened the circle, the presenters offer to hold a competition.
"Switch". For her, the two most cheerful guys are selected. They stand in the center of the circle. The rest should sing some Russian folk song, for example, ......................
Young people should perform the “squat” movement to the songs of those playing, that is, squat, and, when standing up, throw their leg forward. The winner is the one who is actively supported by the audience with applause.

SAND CEREMONY. (photo from the Internet)

Riddles about the company. The correct answer receives a bagel on a ribbon and a bag of sand.

Three colors of the company (in our case, blue, light blue and white) 2 sachets each.

The sand ceremony is a touching ceremony that unites not only all the participants of the event, but also their wishes into a single whole.

Host: - It has been known since ancient times that sand transmits positive energy. Therefore, I offer all the participants who came to me to launch this very energy in the form New Year wishes and congratulations to our company.

Blue color - peace, wisdom, tranquility.

White - the beginning, purity, joy, serenity, perfection.

I propose to combine all the wishes into a single whole so that they remain in your heart, in our company and remind you of this. beautiful day and about what wonderful people today are near you. The sand ceremony will help us with this. Take your color, fall asleep in a vessel. And since these grains of sand can no longer return - they have become inseparable, so let the life of our company be filled with these colors just as they filled this vessel. Keep it as a talisman.

1 song
2 song
3 song

Acquaintance of guests.

Since employees of the organization from different offices were invited to the event, it was interesting to get acquainted. Prepared in advance interesting description for every invitee. The host announces - "Maria". Maria gets up, greets and the presenter says - "Maria is always aware of the weather forecast in the company and is responsible for the foreign exchange rate. She has been working in the company since 2010 in the position ...". (This employee is responsible for updating this information on information portal companies). And so everyone is in order.


Our gatherings continue with a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.

The presenters give a definition of the Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, perform the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song). All participants receive donuts as prizes.

1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh, you canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)
6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages that were necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with runners, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh you sleigh, sleigh...)
10. The song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk drunk)

Contest 1

Shrovetide relay.
Any number of people can participate.
Everyone is divided into 2 teams.
Before each team at a certain distance put:
- a bottle of vodka
- glass
- snack (cucumber)
The first one runs and pours into a glass and comes back.
Runs the second - drinks and comes back.
The third one runs and eats a cucumber.
The fourth one runs and does everything at once. (Pours, drinks and snacks.)
The team that does everything first wins.

And so, we spent old year, drank for the upcoming one, but the holiday does not end there, it has just begun. I propose to stretch your head a little, and who's hands are probably tired of working with cutlery.

Getting ready for the fairy tale and playing with the guests.

This simple children's fun is successfully held in an adult company. A broom / New Year's ball is launched around the hall ( Christmas tree toy). The host says at this time: “You fly, cheerful broom, further, further on your hands. Whoever has a broom left - he dances a dance for us! Thus, 5-6 people are selected. They dance "Kalinka" together.

Presenter: How many fairy tales, legends, epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. And what characters can you remember, dear guests? Prize (steering wheel) to the last person to name a Russian folk fairy tale hero.

OH, THESE FAIRY TALES: a fairy tale with an audio recording. "A fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich, a faithful horse and an immortal koshchei." For visual understanding, you can watch video recordings on the Internet.

Select 4 active male guests, change clothes and provide the necessary equipment.


Host: I want to wish you all
The new year will be even better.
And what course will the company take,
We can ask the boss.

Competition 2

Competition "Oh, bath-bath!"
You'll need equal amount basins, bath brooms, sheets and bath hats. Call multiple participants; to the music of “Oh, bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse, you are raspberry hot ...” participants should slap their bodies with a broom, while dancing; as soon as the music stops, the players should quickly: put on a hat, wrap themselves in a sheet, pick up a broom and sit in the basin. Naturally, whoever did it the fastest, he won.

Host: Do you want to dance?
And play a fun game?
Come out all in mugs,
We start the competition.

Dance competition.
It is necessary to prepare a bag of Santa Claus, and put the letters of the alphabet into it. When the music sounds, the bag is passed around and everyone dances. As soon as the music ends, then the one from whom the bag takes out any letter from it, and calls the word for this letter, which refers to the new year. If he cannot name such a word, he is out. And so on until one participant remains or the letters run out.

Contest 3

Team competition "Defeat the Serpent Gorynych"
song - "Oh, something we've been sitting around brothers"

Props: fake swords, toy horses on sticks: two pieces of each item, as well as Balloons, painted under the head of the Serpent Gorynych. So, two teams of five people line up in a column, the first one puts on fake uniforms, “mounts a horse” and is armed with a sword. At a distance of approximately 15 meters from the teams, there are two chairs on each chair, five balls (Snake heads) are tied. The task of the participant is to jump to the chair, cut off the head of the Serpent, jump back, pass the uniform to the next player, who must do the same, until the last one.

Competition 4

Competition with oranges and scotch.

Three people take an orange and, like, peel them at speed. Whoever won begins to rejoice, and then the Host announces that the competition is not over.

We give everyone a skein of adhesive tape, and the participants must “put on” the orange back. The one who is faster or more accurate wins.

Contest 5

Jumping over Valera.
As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more pleasant and safe entertainment. For this game, a soundly sleeping Valera is taken. And it's fun to jump over it to the music of "Valenki". It is only important to remember that the number of jumps must be even, otherwise Valera will not grow anymore.

Competition 6

For the game you will need two balls (you can replace it with two oranges or apples). The host divides those wishing to participate in the game into two teams. Each team lines up in a column. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the first player of the team, you need to draw a strip or put a rope. Each team is given one ball. The first players take the ball, pinch it between their legs. They must carry this ball to the mark and back, but they must walk like penguins, waddling. You can't jump or run. If someone breaks the rules, he starts the task from the beginning. The team that wins first

At the end we hold an auction.

Instead of money, today we have bagels received in competitions.


* Christmas mug with company logo

* Champagne bottle with champagne logo..
* Ballpoint pen with company logo - 10 pcs

* Wall calendar with the personal signature of the director of the company.

The official part has come to an end,
But the holiday is in the juice itself.
Let's continue our fun
We drink and eat treats!

We take out the cake in Russian folk style.

Horoscope (we did not read it, but if you have free time, then use it)












Outdoor games (can be included in the program at will or on the second day of the event if your company is going out of town):

The outside:
The games "Skovoroda" and "Drunk Carter" are held under cheerful Russian songs. For parties in a large room (with a dance floor) or outdoors.

1. "Frying pan" - a circle marked on the ground (half). You can draw with chalk or paint, draw in the soil, lay out with a ribbon - whatever you like. The diameter of the circle is slightly less than the diameter of the round dance of the participants. All guests are divided into two teams and form a round dance so as to stand through one (a member of the boyar team is a member of the peasant team, etc.). Music sounds, the round dance moves in a circle. Suddenly, the music stops - the team members are trying to "fry" the opponents, pulling them by the hands into the "frying pan" (into a circle). Stepped on the "frying pan" - dropped out of the game.

2. To play the "drunk carter" you will need a rope about two meters long. The ends of the ropes are tightly tied together. Loose ends are wrapped around the waist of three participants. At the command of the “horse of a drunken carter,” the rod is in different sides. The winner is the one who pulls the other two participants to his side. can on equal distance lay out for example bottles of alcohol.

3. Tug of war

4. Fishing rod - the animator rotates a fishing rod around him - a rope - to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. everyone bounces - whoever is hurt is eliminated, and so on until the last dodger.

5. Throwing felt boots.
Throwing at a distance, accuracy, proximity of the fall of the second boots to the first.
6. Bear hunting.

Thank you for your attention, I hope the information will be useful to you and help organize your event.

On my own behalf, I can offer to hold a holiday according to this scenario in Vologda - 89216810036

Selling sets for sand ceremony and colored quartz sand - 89216810036

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