How to open champagne? Different ways to open a sparkling drink.

Opening champagne is a whole science. During home feasts, the bottle is often uncorked with a loud "boom" and escaping foam. The waiters in the restaurant make it much quieter: you can only hear a light pop and notice a little smoke. According to etiquette, this option is considered correct.

Before opening the bottle, the drink must be properly prepared. Four tips will help you easily cope with the task, even if you are doing it for the first time.

  1. Cool your drink. This will greatly improve its taste and reduce the amount of gases. The best and fastest way is to use a special bucket (cooler). Water is poured at the bottom, and ice cubes are sprinkled on top of the bottle. This method will allow you to cool the drink in 30-40 minutes. You can use the refrigerator. But in this case, high-quality cooling will take about six hours. Do not put sparkling wine in the freezer. So champagne loses its pleasant taste, and the amount of gas decreases so much that the drink completely loses its characteristic bubbles.
  2. Prepare a napkin. A chilled bottle, in contact with the warm air in the room, is sure to fog up. It becomes difficult to hold such a vessel in your hands, and in combination with the pressure escaping from the bottle, it is completely impossible. Therefore, so that champagne does not slip out of your hands, it is recommended to wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin, covering the label.
  3. Don't shake the bottle. If you are going to open champagne in the usual classic way, then you should not shake the drink. This will result in excessive gas expansion. In this case, no matter how hard you try, the cork will loudly leave the neck, and the foamy liquid, like an avalanche, will break out of the bottle.
  4. Tilt the bottle. During opening, the champagne is tilted at an angle of 40°. If you hold the bottle vertically, then all the pressure force will be concentrated in the neck. In order to redistribute it, and thereby reduce it in the traffic jam, it is recommended to tilt the vessel. This way you can control the process. At the same time, carefully inspect the place where the cork will fly if you do not hold it. Never point the drink at people or animals! It is desirable to exclude the risk of cork getting into valuable items.

If you want to speed up the process of cooling the champagne, then add a couple of tablespoons of table salt to the cooler with ice. And don't forget the water. By pouring only ice into the bucket, you will increase the cooling time by several times.

5 methods

There are several ways to open champagne. Of course, in official circles only one is recognized, silent, which indicates the good tone of the opener. But this does not mean at all that other methods are unworthy of attention. What if you want to feel like a hussar? Or make a lasting impression on others?

There is a special corkscrew for opening champagne. This mechanism allows you to easily and safely uncork the bottle. Do not use a regular corkscrew for this procedure, it can be very dangerous. Spinning the corkscrew into the cork, you involuntarily push it inside. And this creates additional pressure, which will lead to the rupture of the bottle.


Peculiarities . This method of opening the drink is used in official circles. That's right, they silently uncork sparkling wine in restaurants. You need to calm down. Most often, a bottle slips out of trembling hands, a cork flies out like a bullet during a fright, and guests are poured over a sparkling drink. So pull yourself together and confidently proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a bottle. Wrap the champagne in a towel and gently pick up the bottle.
  2. Remove the foil. Find a special tongue and gently pull on it. If you can't find it, then use a knife and carefully pry off the foil. This can be done anywhere. Now remove the formed foil cap.
  3. Spin the Musle. In front of your eyes is a wire retainer called a musele. It protects the cork from premature release during storage or transportation of the drink. Carefully unscrew the latch. In this case, the cork must be held with the thumb. This will prevent an unwanted shot.
  4. Use a towel. Cover the neck with a towel, leaving a small "reserve" for the cork to come out freely. In this case, the latter does not exactly catapult in an unpredictable direction. If you are dealing with a plastic cork, then hold it as carefully as possible. Drinks corked with plastic contain a lot of carbon dioxide, respectively, and the pressure in such a vessel is stronger.
  5. Unscrew the cork. Tilt the bottle and begin to carefully unscrew the cork. Initially, it will go badly. But after a while you will feel how she moves forward. This works the pressure of the gas in the bottle. Continue to control the exit of the cork and remember that the "pocket" formed from the towel will definitely hold it back.

When the cork is completely out of the neck, you will hear a very quiet pop. Now remove the towel and with a straight face pour the sparkling drink into glasses.


Peculiarities . It is usually men who open champagne. But there are situations when girls have to do it. For example, at a bachelorette party. Young ladies should open the bottle elegantly and without a shot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Put the bottle on the table. It is unlikely that you will be able to hold it in your hand, and even wrapped in a towel.
  2. Prepare the cork. First you need to remove the foil. Then carefully unroll the muselet.
  3. Apply a napkin. Wrap the bottle around and hold firmly just below the neck.
  4. Unscrew the cork. Now cover the cork with a towel and begin to carefully unscrew it.
  5. Eliminate gas. When you feel that the cork is almost completely out, hold it in this position for a few seconds. This will allow excess gas to escape from the vessel.


Peculiarities . This method is suitable if you want to open a champagne with a loud bang and a bubbly jet that shoots up to the sky. It is this opening that is associated with celebration. But the way is quite dangerous. Therefore, before embarking on a theatrical action, remember the main conditions. Such opening of champagne is prohibited indoors. Be sure to take into account the trajectory - in this area there should be no people, electrical appliances.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare the champagne. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil and remove the fixative-musle. Do this very carefully, holding the cork with your palm.
  2. shake the bottle. This method of discovery implies a departure from some of the above rules. And if it was forbidden to shake the bottle for silent opening, now you can shake it thoroughly. But at the same time, it is necessary to firmly hold the cork with the palm of your hand!
  3. Let the cork break. Point the bottle to a pre-selected safe location. Remove your palm and let the cork pop out with a loud pop.

It is desirable that the glasses were prepared in advance. As soon as the cork flies out, immediately begin pouring the foamy drink. Otherwise, all the champagne will turn into a fountain.


Peculiarities . The hussar method of opening is another spectacular method. But it is the most difficult and requires quite careful preparation. In this case, the champagne is opened with a knife. Such a focus is almost never obtained the first time. As a rule, only the fifth or sixth bottle can be opened with a knife. The hussar method requires strict adherence to safety precautions. If you are ready, then arm yourself with a large kitchen knife and you can proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare a bottle. Remove the foil from the cork and neck. Carefully unroll the muzzle and remove it.
  2. Take a bottle. Take the champagne in your left hand and tilt it at an angle of 40-45 °. The cork can fly out on its own, so be sure to ensure that it does not harm anyone. Direct the bottle in the direction where there are no people, no valuable items.
  3. Mark the seams. Each bottle has longitudinal seams. Choose one of them. Hold the knife so that the blunt end of the blade touches the neck. Draw the knife several times along the seam and visually select the area to strike.
  4. Cut off the neck. With a sharp strong movement, strike with the blunt surface of the blade at the selected place. But do not hit perpendicular. Position your knife at an angle so that your strike is glancing. It should resemble shavings. If the first time you didn’t manage to “open” the champagne, repeat the blow. And the neck along with the cork will definitely bounce off.
  5. Drain the champagne. Following the neck, a sparkling drink will escape from the bottle. It is very important that some of the liquid must be drained. This will eliminate small fragments from the "cut".

If you are very worried about the fragments, then do not finish the entire drink - leave one or two sips in the glass. The shards won't float in champagne. They will sink to the bottom.


Peculiarities . The fallback method is only resorted to if something went wrong. The most common problem is a broken cork. This situation can confuse even a professional. After all, it is impossible to pull the rest of the cork out of the bottle with “bare” hands. A method that is a bit reminiscent of the “theatrical” will help here. Shake the bottle lightly. After a while, the cork itself will fly out of the neck. Avoid splashing the drink in this case will not work. You can apply another method. To do this, you need to use a regular corkscrew.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Release some of the gas. Do not forget that screwing a corkscrew can end very badly. In the best case, the cork will fly out with the nozzle. And at worst, the bottle will shatter into small pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to release some of the gas. To do this, take a medical syringe and gently insert the needle into the cork. You will immediately hear a hiss. The syringe itself is removed, and the needle is left in the stopper.
  2. Screw in the corkscrew. After releasing some of the gas, you can begin to twist the corkscrew. If there is no corkscrew, then resort to the help of an ordinary screw and pliers.
  3. Pull out the plug. Now gently pull on the corkscrew. If the cork does not come out, then do not pull it with all your might. A sudden movement can cause strong popping and rupture of the neck. Better try to loosen it from one side to the other. And then gently pull out.

Terms and methods of storage

If you like to buy champagne in advance, then it is important to remember a few simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of a "failure" during its opening. In addition, after the celebration, open bottles of an expensive drink may remain. Don't rush to throw it away. Save it on the second day is quite realistic.

closed bottle

Proper storage of the drink, sustained temperature conditions will preserve all the taste qualities of sparkling wine. Be guided by the following rules.

  • Timing. A drink sealed with a cork can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture. And champagne with plastic - only 12 months.
  • Temperature . It is recommended to store the drink at 5-18°C.
  • Position . The bottle must be in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the crust will dry out and the cork will definitely break during opening. And protect the drink from the sun. Even in 15 minutes, its rays can completely spoil the taste of sparkling wine.

open bottle

  • Storage conditions. If the drink is not completely drunk, then you should not keep it on the table for a long time. It is necessary to tightly cork the neck with a cork. And to protect the refrigerator from unpredictable shots, use the muzzle. In this form, the bottle is placed in the refrigerator.
  • Deadlines. Subject to all conditions, the drink will retain its taste for one day. But it's about the taste, not the bubbles. Carbon dioxide may not be stored.

If you didn’t have time to cork and hide the champagne in the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter. Of course, you should not drink such a drink. But this wine is perfect for marinating meat or making sauces.

Strictly observe safety precautions. Don't pull the cork with your teeth! Never lean over a bottle. Even if it seems to you that the cork is tightly seated in the neck and does not want to come out.


Elegant bottles made of thick glass are sure to decorate the table at a wedding, anniversary or New Year's Eve. A noble sparkling drink is hidden under the golden head.

At a solemn moment, the owner, in front of everyone, removes the foil and uncorks the bottle. This usually causes general excitement and delight. It is important to do everything right and beautiful to make the holiday even more impressive.

Probably, many people know that in high society champagne is opened quietly: without a shot of a cork and scattering splashes. A real gentleman uncorks the bottle with unhurried measured movements. Almost silently, the cork leaves the neck, and the ritual of filling glasses takes place. To achieve perfection in this art is not so difficult.


Champagne is cooled in advance, its temperature when consumed should be about 10 ° C. In addition, when you open a cold drink, carbon dioxide will be released more slowly from it. And this just helps to avoid loud pops and splashes.

Before placing the bottle on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, check the expiration date. Champagne is not one of those wines that can be stored in cellars for decades.

After two or three years, it loses its taste. Chilled to 6-8°C wine is placed in a special bucket with crushed ice.

Bottle preparation

Moved to a warm room, the cold bottle soon becomes covered with drops of condensate. Heavy and slippery, it is difficult to hold it in your hands. It will be convenient to wrap the bottle with a table napkin or a beautiful towel. You can cover the neck with the edge of the napkin without wrapping it tightly. Thus, there will be room for the cork to exit, but the fabric will not allow it to fly far. In the process of all manipulations, do not shake the champagne, otherwise the risk of arranging a foam fountain at the table increases.

Removing foil and wire bridle

The integrity of the foil is broken by pulling on a special tab. If there is no tongue, then the foil is torn with the tip of a knife and removed. Now they unwind and remove the wire mesh - the muzzle - which prevents the cork from popping out of the neck ahead of time.

If you are afraid that at the moment of removal the cork will get out of control and fly away, then the wire can simply be loosened to the desired stage.

The bottle is firmly rested with its bottom on the surface of the table, tilted to the side by about 45 °. Even if you have a lot of experience, just in case, it is better to point the neck of the bottle away from people and fragile objects. Champagne corks are quite destructive. We slowly uncork, while rotating the bottle itself, and holding the cork with your thumb.

Cork removal

Finally, there comes a moment when the pressure of the gases inside the container begins to gradually push the cork out of the neck. There is no need to speed up this process in any way, just let the cork come out, controlling its movement with your thumb.

In no case should you shake the bottle at this moment or hit it on the table. Most likely, with such handling, the cork will pop out with cannon force. If the bottle is especially stubborn and does not open, you can gently shake it from side to side to enhance the release of gases.

Soaring champagne corks look good in movies.

In reality, you run the risk of leaving marks on the ceiling, sticky stains on the tablecloth and on clothes. And it is simply impossible to control the trajectory of the shot cork. She can go anywhere.

Effectively open a bottle of champagne is easy. But if you do it calmly and carefully, you will demonstrate taste and knowledge of good manners. The sound that guests should hear, according to experts, should be more like a whisper than a clap.

How to open hussar champagne with a knife or saber

If you still feel the need for noisy effects and want to impress those present, use the so-called hussar method. In the old days, dashing warriors simply chopped off the upper part of the neck with a saber. In the absence of military weapons, you can take a simple knife, but it is desirable that it be larger and more massive.

Grab the bottle tightly with one hand, tilting it away from you. Turn the knife so that you can hit the neck obliquely with its blunt edge. Try on so that the decisive blow is confident and strong. Now sharply hit with a knife away from you at the edge of the thickening on the neck, but not perpendicularly, but, as it were, along the body of the bottle.

Due to the pressure in the bottle, part of the neck, along with the cork, flies to the side. With this method, the glass cut is smooth, and the spilled champagne washes away possible fragments.

This method is not only impressive, it can be very useful if the cork is broken and you don’t have a corkscrew with you.

How to open a bottle carefully if the cork is broken

A damaged cork can be removed not only by the “hussar” method, but also by methods more accessible to the average person.

  • The protruding part of the cork is cut off and a regular corkscrew is used, as for dry wine.
  • If there is no corkscrew, but there is a set of tools, a long self-tapping screw is screwed into the cork and pulled out with pliers.
  • If the cork is completely crumbled, it is taken out in parts with a knife or fork.
  • You can push the rest of the cork inside, but then its pieces will float in the glasses.

In the video, you can see clearly how to open champagne so that the cork does not fly out and not a drop of sparkling drink spills.

How to take out the plastic cork

Original champagne wines are always corked with cork. Plastic corks are found in bottles of cheaper sparkling wines. In principle, they open according to the same rules as real ones. But the quality of such plugs leaves much to be desired, and sometimes there are problems with them.

If the plastic cork does not want to leave the neck in any way, they do not swing it like a cork one, but begin to scroll a little, pulling it out. At the cork, which is stuck tightly and does not lend itself to any persuasion, you can cut off the top with a knife. Most plastic corks are hollow on the inside and thus form a hole.

Plus, a plastic cork - unlike a real one, it can be reused to close an unfinished bottle.

Girls are completely in vain suspected of the inability to open champagne. They simply trust this noble cause to the strong half.

But not a single women's company has been left without a fizzy drink because of the inability to handle the cork and bottle. Unlike men, it is easier for girls to open a bottle if it is upright, and not tilted at 45 °.

But progress does not stand still, and for uncorking champagne, devices have long been invented to facilitate this work. Special corkscrews help to easily pull out the cork. They are even equipped with special hooks for removing foil and wire. Although these devices are quite expensive.

How long does open champagne last

The quality of champagne is higher, the more gas bubbles remain in it. Expensive varieties in the open retain gases for more than ten hours. At the same time, their taste remains the same rich.

How long can you keep an uncorked bottle? You can store in the refrigerator for two days, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste will become worse. Cork stoppers expand downwards and cannot be reused. To prevent gases from escaping, you can purchase special corks to close champagne.

Anyone can open champagne correctly and beautifully. Before appearing in front of guests with a bottle in hand at a festively set table, it’s a good idea to first practice in a friendly company. Invigorating sparkling wine will decorate both gatherings in the kitchen and a solemn banquet. It is a symbol of the holiday and brings joy and good mood to everyone.

Before you learn the technique of opening a bottle of champagne, it is worth mentioning the culture of drinking this drink.

Helpful Hints

When opening a bottle, you need to think about others and observe safety precautions.

Tearing off a bottle of champagne WITHOUT a loud pop, but with a slight sigh, is a sign of good taste.

Connoisseurs of this drink claim that one regular bottle should be enough for 8 servings.

- The owner should not pass the bottle from hand to hand, but pour champagne to the guests himself, as the person who runs out of the drink will get into an awkward situation.

If the champagne is sour dry, then it should be poured into tall thin glasses. If it is sweet, then you need to pour it into wide glasses.

Fill the glass with champagne to 2/3.

- It is also worth knowing how to hold glasses correctly. For example, professional tasters consider it good form to take glasses by the stand or by the stem, but never by the cup. This is because the wine can be heated by hand and lose its flavor.

To prevent champagne from foaming strongly in glasses, experts advise pre-chatting a piece of ice in the bowl.

A sparkling drink is usually eaten with cheese, olives, white meat, seafood or fruit desserts.

How to properly open champagne

If you don't want to splash your guests and things around with champagne, you need to know how to open it properly.

1. The very first thing to do is to cool the drink to 5-7 degrees. This process should take approximately one and a half to two hours.

* It is worth noting that it is NOT advisable to place champagne in the coldest corner of the refrigerator.

* Champagne should not be frozen.

* There are special refrigerators for wine, but they are also not the best choice, as the bottle will be wet in them.

* You can also cool in a special bucket by adding ice and water there. If guests arrive soon, then the cooling process can be accelerated by adding ordinary table salt to the bucket.

2. After cooling, wipe the bottle dry and wrap with a napkin. You need to do this in such a way as to close the label. Thus, holding the bottle will be much more convenient.

* Do not shake the bottle.

* In the event that you have not opened champagne before, it will be better to do this in the kitchen, and not in front of the guests, where you can get nervous and splash people.

3. Remove the top of the capsule and carefully unscrew the wire while holding the plug with your thumb on top.

* If you really want to open a bottle of champagne in front of the audience, then make sure that the wire on it is working. The fact is that if you unwind it and break it off, then the entire wire frame will simply come off.

* Do not shake the bottle, otherwise it may shoot when you open it. Despite the fact that many people want to see how the cork flies out, this is not so important and fun, it can rather be the other way around if the cork hits someone in the face or glass.

4. After you have removed the wire, prepare the bottle at a 45 degree angle. Make sure that the neck of the bottle does not look at burning candles, glass or guests.

Place your thumb and forefinger around the cork and slowly begin to loosen the cork by turning the bottle (NOT the cork) left and right while pulling it down.

* If you are not sure, you can just in case wrap the cork with a napkin. Since gases will also come out of the bottle along with the cork, it will not be difficult to remove the cork.

* If the gases begin to increase strongly, you can prepare a chilled teaspoon and lean it against the neck of the bottle, thereby stopping the process.

* In order not to spill champagne on the tablecloth when pouring the drink into glasses, after each filling, slightly rotate the bottle around its axis.

Scientists have found that about half of women are afraid to open champagne, fearing possible damage. But with the help of the right advice, there is nothing to be afraid of now.

Champagne is traditionally an important attribute of the festive table. It has an unsurpassed taste, aroma and millions of bubbles sparkling cheerfully in a beautiful glass. The solemn opening of the bottle marks the beginning of the holiday, resembling a volley of guns, after which the real fun begins. However, the process of extracting the cork sometimes causes a slight panic in people who do not know how to do it correctly. Inept opening of the bottle can lead to sad consequences. At the same time, half of the contents of the container, accidentally spilled on the floor, will be the most insignificant of them. Everyone can learn how to beautifully open a bottle of champagne, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Nuances that ensure easy opening of sparkling wines

A loud shot with a cork flying out of a bottle of champagne is not at all a sign of good taste. According to the existing rules, it is quiet cotton that indicates the high quality of the drink and the ability to present it. For the successful implementation of this procedure, it is necessary to ensure the preparation of a bottle of sparkling wine before serving. Observing the existing rules, even a beginner can open wine.

Proper cooling

Before serving, a bottle of champagne must be cooled to the optimum temperature of no more than 4-8º C. For this purpose, you can use a special bucket - cooler, pre-filled with water with ice. This method of cooling will allow you to achieve the required temperature within 30-40 minutes. Cooling the bottle solely with ice will take much longer.

In order not to make guests wait too long for champagne, take into account the time for its cooling in advance.

An ice cooler will cool a sparkling drink in 30-40 minutes

Tip: If you want to shorten the cooling time, add a few tablespoons of salt to the cooler in addition to ice.

You can also chill champagne in the refrigerator. However, you should not put the bottle in the freezer. As a result of gradual cooling, the drink will reach the desired temperature after 6 hours.

Complete cooling of champagne in the refrigerator occurs after 6 hours

If there is no ice and a refrigerator at hand, you can cool the drink with cold running water. However, this method will not provide complete cooling, but will completely reduce the temperature to 10º C.

plastic stopper

Specifications for the production of champagnes require the use of corks exclusively. If it is made of plastic, then you are holding fake champagne wine. Such drinks are distinguished by the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which contributes to strong foaming.

The plastic cork is not used to cork authentic champagne

To safely open the bottle, it is necessary to smoothly unwind the cork. Usually, its extraction does not require much effort, since it moves due to gas pressure. Your task is only to provide control over the position of the vessel. At the moment when the cork leaves the neck entirely, the bottle should be tilted slightly to ensure that carbon dioxide slowly exits.

Regardless of the type of cork, a bottle of sparkling wine is stored only in a horizontal position.

wooden cork

Wines undergoing the process of natural champagne are traditionally sealed exclusively with wooden corks. Such drinks do not create high pressure inside the bottle, making the process of popping without cotton easier.

A cork stopper is more than just a stopper. In essence, it is a filter through which wine breathes in order to live and develop.

After unscrewing the wire, it is necessary to ensure the fixation of the cork with the left hand, while simultaneously holding the bottle by the bottom and turning it with the right hand. When the cork is almost out of the bottle, you need to reduce the speed of its advance. This will avoid a shot.

Until a certain point, bottles of champagne often exploded in wine cellars. It was this that caused the invention of the muselet (wire mesh) in 1844.

When opening champagne, a corkscrew is usually not used. However, there are cases in which the cork can break, which will significantly complicate further manipulations. It is in such a situation that a special corkscrew for champagne bottles can come to the rescue.

Such an unusual corkscrew has a convenient mechanism that allows you to easily open bottles of champagne

In addition, before opening the champagne, in no case should you shake the bottle. This is permissible only if you wish to bathe yourself and the wine splashes present in the fountain.

The tradition of pouring champagne on the winners was introduced by Dan Gurney in 1967, who won the daily marathon "24 Hours of Le Mans"

Ways to properly open a bottle of champagne

According to professional sommeliers, champagne should not "clap". Its correct opening is accompanied by a "whisper" caused by the process of outgassing. Uncorking a bottle with a loud bang is certainly a very effective option, however, in the highest circles it is completely unacceptable.

Opening a bottle without cotton - step by step instructions with a photo

How to open champagne without cotton - video

Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Even girls can cope with the opening of a bottle of champagne, following fairly simple rules.

Any girl can master the technique of opening a bottle of champagne

  1. Put the chilled bottle on the table, after wrapping it with a napkin and holding it below the neck.
  2. Then, covering the cork with a towel, begin to slowly unscrew it.
  3. As soon as the cork is completely out of the neck, hold it a little longer, finally releasing excess gas. This will prevent the possibility of popping and also allow you to safely open the bottle without any extra effort. This method is the simplest, most reliable and safest.

Video tutorial - how to open champagne to a girl

Opening a bottle with cotton

To open a bottle of champagne with soft cotton, you must:

  1. Cool the drink to a temperature of 6–8º C;
  2. Tilt the vessel at an angle of 45º C. Remove the muselet and foil, clamp the cork with one hand, and start rotating the bottle with the other;
  3. As soon as the cork begins to move towards the exit on its own, you need to gently tilt the bottle, which will release the gas. Open the container with a pleasant cotton.

Video tutorial - open champagne with cotton

Opening a bottle with a cork shot

If you want to impress your guests with a spectacular cork shot, you need to break some of the tips described above. However, this option of uncorking requires compliance with safety rules, since a cork flying out under pressure can cause injury to people nearby, as well as cause damage to property.

  1. To prevent such situations, do not point the neck of the bottle at people, as well as easily breaking objects, including household appliances. In addition, at the time of opening, there is a chance that some of the drink will spill onto the floor. Consider these factors ahead of time.
  2. For a "theatrical" opening of a bottle of cotton, you need to shake it slightly, then remove the wrapper and muzzle. Let the cork break out of the neck on its own without holding it too hard. The accumulated gases trying to escape quickly will provide the desired pop.
  3. After such an opening, it is desirable to instantly pour the contents of the bottle into glasses.

Opening a bottle with a pop-out cork produces a mesmerizing effect

Another method that allows you to uncork a bottle of champagne with cotton involves a minimum of action on the part of the sommelier. However, in this case, the ceiling of the room may suffer, since the cork is not held by anyone.

  1. To do this, you need to put slightly chilled bottles of champagne on the table, first freeing them from the foil and muzzle.
  2. Wait a while. Gradually heating containers will shoot corks on their own, while not a single drop of drink will spill onto the surface of the countertop.

How to open champagne with a glass - video

If the cork is broken

Sometimes unforeseen situations occur in which the cork, while in the neck, can break. There are several ways to open a bottle of champagne:

  • in hussar;
  • with a corkscrew;
  • using a self-tapping screw;
  • using a knife;
  • using a thin blunt object;
  • removing the cork piece by piece.

Opening a bottle with a corkscrew

If the broken cork is made of plastic, it will be enough to shake the bottle and it will fly out by itself under the pressure of air. For a cork, a corkscrew equipped with a thin spiral with a sharp end is perfect. A thick spiral will only complicate the process of extracting it. No less effective in this case is a stationary corkscrew. However, it is not cheap, so its purchase is advisable only under the condition of constant use.

If you decide to remove a broken cork from a champagne bottle using a regular corkscrew, pull it up very carefully and slowly. With a sharp movement, an explosion can be heard that can break the very neck of the bottle. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to make a hole in the cork, allowing you to release some of the accumulated gas.

We use a self-tapping screw

If it is not possible to open a bottle with a corkscrew, a long self-tapping screw can be an excellent alternative. Then, armed with pliers, you need to slowly pull the screw up, gradually releasing the gases accumulated in the bottle.

Step-by-step removal of a broken cork with a self-tapping screw

How to open champagne with a knife

First you need to cut off the remains of the upper part of the cork and push it a little inside the bottle. Then hit the bottom of the vessel with your palm so that the cork flies out on its own.

When opening a bottle with a knife, you need to take into account that at the moment of impact, part of the drink will spill out and can stain you and people standing nearby.

Remove a broken cork with a knife with extreme caution.

Remove the plug with thin pliers

If none of the above options provide the desired result, you can remove the cork with thin pliers. This option will take a lot of time. When pouring champagne into glasses, you may have to use a strainer. It will prevent wooden pieces of cork from getting into the wine glasses.

Opening champagne with a blunt object

A hole must be made in the broken cork to allow the release of excess carbon dioxide. This will reduce the internal pressure in the bottle. Then the remnants of the cork are pressed inward with the help of any improvised thin and blunt object.

Using a thin, blunt object to open a bottle of champagne, you may have to strain the drink through a strainer that can trap pieces of cork that have fallen into the container.

Punching a broken cork with a marker

Opening like a hussar

This option for opening a bottle of champagne is used not only in the case of a broken cork. The sabrage technique is widely used in many ceremonies and requires a certain amount of experience from the sommelier. You can master it at home, however, this option is very dangerous for beginners. The name of the method comes from the English word "sabre", which means "saber" in Russian.

Opening a bottle of champagne using the "sabrage" method is widely used as part of many solemn ceremonies.

With this opening of the bottle, cutting movements are not performed, the success of the operation depends on the accuracy and force of the blow.

When performing such a trick, you need to make sure that the cut-off neck does not fly into any of the people. Moreover, the saber itself is a very dangerous object that can cause harm if handled ineptly. After completing the uncorking of the bottle, do not touch its neck, in order to avoid getting cuts with its sharp edges.

Before tasting a champagne opened with the “sabrage” method, it is advisable to make sure that no glass fragments have fallen into your glass.

Video on how to open champagne the Hussar style

Once, at a meeting of the Restaurant Forum, a master class was held on “how easy it is to open champagne”. I did not dare to try it then, but carefully memorized the instructions. After a couple of years, the knowledge came in handy. We remove the foil. We put the chilled champagne on the thigh (well, like children are carried on the thigh) at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn the bottle (holding it on your hip) clockwise for a full circle, until the “tail” of the wire appears in front of you. Don't ignore this moment! With this movement, you calm the “bubbles”. Unscrew the wire, remove it. Slowly pull out the cork. Can be rotated in both directions. There will be cotton and smoke. But the champagne won't pour out.

A purely feminine way: remove the foil, then if (plastic cork) I DO NOT REMOVE THE WIRE, cut off the top of the cork with a sharp knife. Everyone's eyes are intact, nothing spills. Checked multiple times.


Skills that allow you to properly and beautifully uncork champagne will be useful to anyone who knows a lot about the taste of this exquisite drink. The correct opening of the bottle will decorate the festive celebration and raise your authority in the eyes of those present.

Champagne has long entered our lives as an attribute of a holiday, fun, celebration. But all this can easily spoil the inability to open a bottle of champagne.

And it’s not a shame when girls at a bachelorette party look at each other with a silent question: “Well, who will open it for us,” and then endlessly torment the poor cork - after all, according to etiquette, ladies are not supposed to open this drink.

But when it comes to men, and even in a romantic or super-solemn setting, like an intimate date in evening dresses or at the boss’s birthday, you don’t want to lose face and pour a sparkling drink on your friend’s new dress or break it with a cork the boss's wife's favorite chandelier. But can that be the case? Yes, if you have no idea about how to open champagne.

Therefore, you need to train. And before you start doing this, you should learn how to properly open champagne without noise, without a shot, quietly and peacefully. In general, so that a bottle of champagne does not become like a volcano spewing lava. And if someone thinks that cork shot is cool, we say right away - no, it's not cool. And not fun. And not etiquette.

And in order to beautifully and effectively open the champagne of everything, that's what you need ...

  1. Cool the bottle to 6-8°C by placing it in the refrigerator or a special ice bucket for two hours. This is necessary to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is formed during the opening. But in no case do not stuff the bottle into the freezer - this will thoroughly spoil its taste. As a little extra tip - make sure the drink is not expired!
  2. Prepare a clean small towel or napkin in advance, as the bottle, once warm after cooling, is covered with perspiration (condensation) and may slip out of your hands. Wrap the drink with a napkin, covering the entire label. Do this carefully, without shaking, otherwise the cork will still fly out of the bottle like a bullet.
  3. When opening, start with the foil and wire holding the cork. After removing them, tilt the bottle 40-45 ° and rest it on the bottom of the table, for example. Point the neck to a safe place, well, at least to the wall, but not towards the chandelier, family china or lady of the heart. And that's a little...

Now you are ready for the most important thing - firmly hold the cork and start rotating the bottle (not the cork!). Don't be an amateur - avoid splashing champagne and loud popping when removing the cork. Slow and finger-controlled extraction will only prolong the anticipation. Slowly relax your fingers, holding the cork every millimeter of its progress.

If you feel that the pressure of the gases will now take out the cork, there is one interesting way to correct the situation. To do this, you will need to cool the usual spoon in advance when cooling the drink. So, if this same chilled spoon is applied to the neck of the bottle, then the level of gas pressure will immediately drop, and you can safely continue opening.

  1. Having opened the bottle, continue - fill the glasses of guests or your lady in the same unhurried, bewitching rhythm. So you will not only observe all the rules of etiquette, but also turn the process of opening and drinking champagne into a kind of ritual. By the way, according to the rules, champagne should be poured in two stages and filled no more than 2/3 of the glass.

The ability to open champagne with a light pop (without splashing!) will delight guests, for example, at a wedding or anniversary. But this will require even more skill from you than opening without cotton. Indeed, in this case, you will need to neglect one of the main rules and shake the bottle slightly. At the same time, the increasing pressure will push the cork out of the neck with force, and your task is to first hold it, and then deftly remove it without spilling the liquid.

If you have already become a pro at opening sparkling wines, and the guests want not a traditional unhurried ceremony, but fun and "drive", then practice opening a bottle in a slightly shocking but exciting way - with a knife.

  1. As in the classic version, you will need to chill the champagne. In addition, get rid of the foil and unwind the wire (but do not remove it), completely eliminating its hold on the cork. It is possible to leave the foil and not untwisted wire only in case of absolute self-confidence, that is, in the complete success of the “operation”.
  2. Choose the right knife. It should be quite large, wide, and sharp enough.
  3. Tilt the champagne 40-45°, turning its neck away from people and valuables - neither you nor we need injuries and losses.
  4. Now select one of the seams on the bottle, which will open. Take the knife with the point towards you and the blunt end to the neck. Swipe it several times along the selected seam, visually select a place to strike, and aiming, apply a sharp and strong blow to this place. But do not hit directly perpendicular to the neck. The blow should be slightly sliding, as when planing. If the first time it didn’t work out, hit again and the neck will probably bounce. Make sure that some of the liquid spills out - it will wash away the smallest particles of glass from the “cut”. Even though it should happen on its own.

In general, there are practically no fragments when opening with a knife. But if you are worried about microscopic glass particles, then after filling the glass with champagne, wait a few seconds, and even if something happened to be in the glass, everything will settle to the bottom. After draining the glass, leave a sip or two at the bottom, and you will protect yourself from eating glass.

This method of opening is called "hussar" and certainly looks spectacular. Initially, to open champagne using the hussar method, it was meant to take not a knife, but a saber. But since sabers are now tense, they have been replaced by a kitchen knife.

But even if you prefer the classic way of opening, we recommend that you still practice in the "hussar" one. He can come to the rescue in case the cork is broken. Of course, in the case of a broken cork, a corkscrew, a fork, etc. can also help you. But you can do without a corkscrew. Moreover, the hussar method is still more aesthetic, besides, a cork that accidentally flew out under the influence of a corkscrew will not injure you, and your lady and guests will not have to watch you pick at the top of the bottle and pull pieces of the cork out of the glass.

Having opened 2-3 bottles of champagne, you may not yet become a “pro”, but after the 10th experience, it will take its toll and things will get off the ground.

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