Show Aphrodite in Phuket: an unforgettable sight. Travels of Dr. Etceterini

Most of the places in the world I've been to, I wouldn't mind returning to. Pattaya, perhaps, is an exception - I am no longer drawn there. Too noisy, too dirty and, most importantly, the local sex industry is too intrusive and base.
But it's worth visiting it once - at least in order to understand how the atmosphere of this place suits you. Today we will look at the landscapes of this town, walk through the center of vice - Walkin Street and visit the show of transvestites.

Pattaya is a small town in the province of Chonburi southeast of Bangkok - one of the most popular resorts in Thailand, especially among tourists from Russia. The transformation of a small fishing village into a tourist mecca began in 1959, when the town became a vacation spot for American soldiers stationed at a nearby base during the Vietnam War. Crowds of warriors looking for booze, entertainment and women set the tone for Pattaya's tourist specialty. Although now there are places for a quiet beach family vacation, the city center is dominated by adult entertainment.

Pattaya lies on the coast of Bangkok Bay, which, in turn, is part of the Gulf of Thailand (1)

View of Pattaya from the Cliff Hill in the southern part of the city. Behind the houses in the foreground - the famous Walkin Street - the center of the local sex industry (2)

Urban pattaya beach- a long sandy strip along the embankment - looks attractive from afar. In fact, the beach is quite dirty, although those who want to swim and sunbathe are here (3)

But for beach purposes, it is better to go from the southern pier by boat to the island of Koh Lan, a few kilometers from the city (4-5)

On the south side of the Cliff Hill is the Jomtien area. The beaches here are much cleaner and the atmosphere is calmer than in Pattaya itself. View of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort (6)

A long staircase leads to the top of the Cliff Hill (7)

The way up is guarded by a seven-headed dragon (8)

At the foot of the stairs, you are offered to buy a cage with a couple of birds, which you need to release at the top "for good luck." Birds, of course, immediately return to the owner with a feeder to make the next gullible tourists happy (9)

Above - Buddha statues ... (10-11)

Buddhist bells (12)

You need to hit the navel of this monk with a coin - also “for good luck” (13)

Another typical tourist attraction is snake tamers (14)

However, most come to Pattaya not for views of dubious beauty and not for family attractions with snakes.

In the evening, the city is filled with crowds of people thirsting for something hot and simply idle onlookers who have left their wives and children somewhere in Russia, or, at worst, somewhere in a hotel. The main place for nightlife - pedestrian Walking Street (15-17)

Here - clubs, bars, sex salons, sex shows and go-go bars. Every few meters, if you are a man, a barker with a catalog and a price tag for sex services will definitely come to you. If a woman is also suitable, but with a slightly lower frequency.

This go-go bar has a couple of first customers (18)

And these priestesses of love are still bored (19)

Most of the prostitutes are unsightly and scary Thais, sometimes of rather indeterminate age. As an exotic, there are also Europeans (mainly from of Eastern Europe), and black women (from Nigeria).

A significant part of those who at first glance seem to be a woman are transvestites. They say that any Thai woman taller than 160 cm is almost guaranteed former man. This street drag queen is a rather poor quality piece of work plastic surgeons. However, those where a man can be seen at first sight are the majority among transvestites. Good job costs big money. Behind the back of the ex-man - barkers of sex bars (20)

The highest quality samples of Thai sex changers are collected in two of the best Pattaya transvestite shows - Tiffany and Alcazar. These are costumed musical-like performances with music and elements of dubious choreography. The costumes, however, are very colorful and the show itself, which lasts about an hour, is by no means boring. The main entertainment is to try to overcome cognitive dissonance and identify instances in which most reminiscent of women.

I made the choice between Tiffany and Alcazar in favor of the latter due to the fact that in Alcazar, unlike Tiffany, photography is allowed.

Alcazar Hall. The show gathers quite a lot of spectators - the hall for several hundred people was completely filled. (21)

The sculptural composition in front of the entrance probably symbolizes the initial and final versions (22)

The show itself is a series of numbers consisting of entering the stage next group transvestites in colorful costumes and their defile to the music around the stage, sometimes accompanied by singing to the soundtrack.

In these instances, male features are easily guessed (23-25)

These look like a woman a little more (26-27)

And this pretty face can be mistaken for a real woman (28)

Numbers in suits different peoples and times change. Chinese motifs (29-31)

Disco pop trio styling (32)

Arabic stories (33-34)

Group "Viagra" in Thai (35-36)

Korean sketches (37-39)

Techno Boom Dance (40)

Animated sculpture (41-43)

Burlesque show (44)

And finally, the parade alle (45-46)

I don't know about you, but this sight amused me. From an aesthetic point of view, these cute creatures clearly outperform the street priestesses of the original sex.

We went to a transvestite show here for Sanya's birthday ... Actually, we were going to go to Krabi to a popular restaurant, but as luck would have it, it started to rain and we had to look for entertainment in Ao Nang. We didn't regret for a moment that we went. We watched an interesting costume show, quite chaste: no one undressed and went out. But all the time I groaned in surprise and asked myself - are there really men or women on the stage?

What comes to mind when you say "Transvestite Show"? Personally, I once visited one such party in Kyiv a long time ago and I know that there are few "strawberries" in them. Disguised men sing songs and try to dance beautifully and gracefully. Dressed up, no striptease. Well, what is there to show - hairy legs and massive waists? Some even manage to look like massive women from a distance. And only a few really look like beautiful girls.

In Thailand, the opposite is true. Travesty show is a whole entertainment industry. And if there is competition, then the actors must look 100%. In Thailand, if you are a transvestite, it means with silicone breasts (sometimes booty), on hormones, with extended nails and hair. Well, just a silicone doll, not a man. Not otherwise…

Blue Dragon Cabaret located on the waterfront Ao Nanga on the third floor of the Center Point mall. Between shows, ladyboys go out on the promenade in stage dresses and distribute leaflets to tourists. That's how we learned about this show - just walking around Ao Nang one evening with Arinka. On Sasha's birthday, when they were looking for a replacement evening plans, called the number indicated in the leaflet and asked if it was possible to come to their show with a child. We were assured that nothing indecent was happening on their stage, no striptease, come. Well then, we went. With the intention of quickly getting out of there in case of anything. But everything was so puritanical that Arinka did not understand the catch.

Here is some Thai dance with fans. Or maybe Japanese? Who will understand them...

Changed again. Well, beauties, right?

The Blue Dragon cabaret bar is just a stage and a few rows of chairs. Nobody drinks or smokes there, just like in a regular theater. The audience is decent - family couples mostly. I don’t know if they expected to see something hotter, but everyone seemed to like the show.

I read somewhere that a quarter of all the men in Thailand are just lady-boys or katoi, as they are called here. The third gender is neither male nor female.

Somehow, while still living in Kyiv, I filmed for a television talk show one very interesting character to whom that's right life was not life in men's clothing. Everything drew him to heels, boas, mini-dresses, rhinestones. During the day he worked as a freight forwarder, and at night he performed in gay clubs. A wife and children were waiting at home. Well, sometimes it's psychological.

In Thailand, it's more of a business. The fate of a transvestite is usually decided in childhood, when poor family decides to give little boy hormones to grow him into a lady-boy and send him to work in some cabaret. They pay well there, which means that the son will be able to feed not only himself, but his entire large Thai family.

Future katoys are given female names, feed hormones and raise money for sex reassignment surgery. It is very expensive, it costs, according to various sources, from 30 to 65 thousand dollars. But the fees from cabaret shows are also high, so the business must be profitable.

On the stage of the show in Ao Nang, all the ladyboys were with silicone breasts, some with implants in the buttocks, many had their Adam's apples removed.

Snow-white smiles that cost a fortune, and always blue contact lenses. Asians all want to be like Europeans so much ...

Members of the third gender are tolerated in Thailand. They do not need to hide in the doorways. They work in hotels, cafes, massage parlors. Of course, and without prostitution is not complete. By the way, we met a lot of ladyboys in the Philippines, but still not in such quantities as in Thailand.

us a show blue dragon liked. Everything is lively, well-rehearsed, a lot of bright costumes, carefully thought-out hairstyles and make-up, the "girls" are all in tights, so there is no hint of naked bodies - it is, in general, pleasant to look at. At times, obviously female numbers were interrupted by frankly comic ones.

Useful information:

Blue Dragon Cabaret is located on the main street of Ao Nang - on the promenade, on the third floor of the Center Point shopping center. It is easy to find, you need to go to the center of the street and look for this shopping center. Here is the map:

There are three shows per day - at 20-00, 21-30 and 23-00.

The concert lasts one hour, after which the audience must leave the hall.

This is not a cafe, there are no tables and alcohol is not served.

In the hall you can take pictures throughout the performance.

At the end of the performance, all lady-boys go out to the lobby and there you can take a picture with them for money. Here alone important nuance, a photo costs 40 baht per person. Many people think that since I am alone taking pictures with three katoys, then I will pay as for one person. In fact, after the photo, rather unpleasant conversations begin that 40 baht is not from each tourist, but for each lady-boy who will stand next to him during the photo. Those. if 10 katoys come running, they will beg you for a photo of 400 baht! The girls are persistent, so you can’t just get out of it. It is better to stipulate all the conditions in advance.

Yesterday Sasha and I went to the legendary. To tell the truth, we didn’t really want to go, because the stereotypes somehow repelled us from all these things.

Sasha said that he did not really want to go, because he would experience a double feeling: on the one hand beautiful girls and at the same time they are guys. But still, we came here to learn something new, so we could not bypass this show.

To date, tickets to the Colosseum Show in Pattaya cost 800 baht - this is for standard seats and 1000 baht for VIP. We took the VIPs because they are very, very close to the stage and you get a good view of everything. They took it and did not regret it.

First, I would like to note the hall itself, which is a copy of the legendary Colosseum in Rome, where gladiator fights took place. Architecture ancient rome in conjunction with modern style make the Colosseum in Pattaya interesting in itself to visit. There is air conditioning in the hall, so if you often get cold, take a sweater or windbreaker with you just in case. As soon as you go up to the second floor, you will be offered soft drinks for free.

The Colosseum show is considered the most modern and large-scale in Pattaya. The production is done in the style of an expensive Las Vegas. Everything is beautiful, enchanting, luxurious and expensive. It was especially pleasant to sit by the stage, because it seemed that the whole show was arranged solely for you.

We used to go to theaters from time to time, but it seemed to us not the most fun activity on the ground, rarely when we sat out to the end. Dull, boring, nothing. But here you never lose interest for a minute.

A grand start to epic music, large-scale moving scenery, powerful light and, of course, expensive luxurious costumes give a feeling of joy and celebration from the very first minutes of the show. Of course, I can describe in detail what the numbers and scenery were like, but I don’t want to destroy the intrigue, I think it’s dishonest, so I’ll restrain myself and won’t tell anything specifically.

At the time of the performance, my heart was beating wildly, somewhere I danced, clapped and squealed with delight, and somewhere I could not hold back my tears. I can confidently say that this was the most best show in my life.

Everything was done with taste and to the maximum. I developed a deep respect for the artists who gave their 100%. I have never seen anything like it. Each number is made in a specific style and in a few seconds from the beginning of the number you are immersed in its atmosphere and become part of this grandiose show. Everyone who was sitting in the hall watched what was happening on the stage with their mouths open and their eyes wide with surprise and delight.

After the show, you can take pictures with the participants in the courtyard near the Colosseum. It costs 40 baht, but, in my opinion, it's worth it. Looking at these girls, and I can’t call them men, I have a double feeling. On the one hand, you admire them because they have mastered the art of being a woman and really enjoy it. On the other hand, it becomes very pitiful for them, because they have to do 25 operations in order to gain female body, constantly take hormones and die from it at 35 years old. It's terrible, but their desire to be women is many times stronger than common sense.

If you want to plunge into the festive atmosphere of the Colosseum Show in Pattaya for a few minutes, then watch our video below this article. No, we didn't post the entire show, but just some highlights to fuel your interest in the Colosseum.

And now, one of my desires is to visit music show transvestites in Thailand, came true on New Year's Eve. We booked an excursion to the Aphrodite show, like ordinary tourists. I did not even expect that I would enjoy the performance so much. A minibus came for us, the driver kindly put us in the car and took us to the show. We thought that we would collect tourists from hotels, but we were traveling alone. I was already looking forward to the evening being successful.

Aphrodite Cabaret Phuket

In the waiting room long before the show starts

We were brought 45 minutes before the start of the performance. During this time, anyone can get a mug of beer at a local brewery or a glass of plain water for free. You just need to show your tickets.

Approximately 20 minutes before the start of Aphrodite, the show began to arrive huge amount of people. Moreover, all these tourists are of the same nationality ...

There were only three Russians. All the rest are Chinese. I will not go into details of how Chinese tourists behave. I can only say one thing - they behave ugly. Firstly, the Chinese are constantly yelling, and secondly, they do not smile, unlike the Thais, and they also push with their elbows and backpacks, which they do not take off in a crowded place, do not apologize if the rod is ahead without a queue, but they are, like horses... But, let's leave the Chinese alone, they didn't spoil our mood, it was even funny to watch them. Now let's move on to the presentation.

Show "Aphrodite" reviews and description

We took vip seats and turned out to be smarties. Because they sat in the front row and saw all the beauty at the maximum. It's just as close as in the photo:

Cabaret Aphrodite photo

A feature of the Aphrodite show is that all participants in this carnival are transvestites, that is, they were all boys in the past. But these are not the ladyboys that can be found on Bangla Road in Patong. These are not those redneck trannies who smuggle change in songthaews, wring out phones and sell themselves on the streets of Thailand. Only the best get into the cabaret. These ladyboys have completely become girls. They have no Adam's apple and all male organs have been removed. They are feminine and graceful, many girls have something to learn from them.

Dozens of operations and a lot of pain - and now they become girls

The essence of the Aphrodite Show is that artists enter the stage and begin to open their mouths to the soundtrack and sing famous hits. All numbers are accompanied by synchronized dances, chic outfits, beautiful scenery and light.

The show features several Chinese, Korean and Thai songs, there was a Madonna song and even an Indian dance. The Indian production made me especially happy, because I can endlessly look at indian dances. Well, the Russian hit parade was also not left without attention. We do not know why, but the songs of the Via Gra group were performed exclusively. Via Gra herself could envy such figures.

The average life expectancy of a ladyboy is 35 years

Under each song, the scenery is changed, which is simply stunning in its scale. The "girls" dress up in amazing costumes and fancy dresses. There is absolutely no vulgarity in the show, so you can come even with small children.

I had so many emotions whole hour I smiled without closing my lips. And after the show, my mouth and palms ached, as Slava and I clapped the loudest. By the way, the Chinese are very stingy with praise and applause. And we are not sorry. The artists try, though not all of them, but many trances showed themselves on stage as professionals. After these spectacular performances, the feeling remains in the soul that he was on a real holiday.

Video: Aphrodite show in Phuket

It is strictly forbidden to take pictures and make videos on the show. But when all the numbers are performed, the "actresses" go out into the street and everyone can take a picture with any of them for a small fee. This is their little extra income. All trances willingly allow themselves to be felt, even they themselves can put your hands on their chests. We do not advise jealous ladies to let their hubby take a picture of them

Photo with a transvestite - 100 baht

The Aphrodite show lasts one hour, which flies by unnoticed and you want more. I really regretted that I did not go to such a show in. If I ever find myself there again, I will definitely do it.

  • Show starts: daily at 17:00, 18:30, 20:00
  • Ticket price: standard 499 baht; VIP seats 599 baht.
  • Transfer extra: 100 baht per person

It is better to book an excursion at any agency in Phuket, as the ticket is more expensive on the spot - 700 and 800 baht per adult. A bonus to any excursion is a round trip transfer for 100 baht per person. The transfer is paid together with entrance tickets at the box office of the cabaret.

Also, I would recommend taking the so-called "VIP tickets", which cost only 100 baht more, since the usual seats are quite far from the stage. When ordering an excursion, we asked that they make seats closer to us, as a result, we sat on the front row.

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