Harmful and useful qualities of soy sauce. The benefits and harms of soy sauce


It is difficult to imagine a shelf with seasonings for a lover of Japanese cuisine, wherever soy sauce takes pride of place - its properties, composition, the benefits of natural recipes and the harm of its chemical substitutes are covered in detail in this publication of the site. There are so many varieties of this sauce that it's easy to get confused. In this guide, you will learn what is the best soy sauce, what it is made from, what it is eaten with and much more.

What is soy sauce?

Soy sauce is a salty brown liquid made by fermenting soybeans and toasted wheat grains and used as a condiment in Asian cooking. It originated in China and is now popular in many countries.

Soy sauce has many uses and is a versatile condiment. It enhances the meat flavor in savory dishes by adding color and enhancing flavor. It brings together spice flavors in marinades and softens the harshness of vinegar in salad dressings.

What does soy sauce look like - photo

Ingredients of soy sauce

The four main ingredients in natural soy sauce are:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • fermenting agents (molds or yeasts).

Different types of soy sauce can have different amounts of these components, which form a variety of colors and flavors.

Soya beans

The health benefits of soy sauce come primarily from the proteins found in soy. Soybeans are first soaked in water for a long period and then steamed at high temperatures.


Salt and water

Salt dissolves in water and this brine is used to control the spread of bacteria during the fermentation process. Salt also acts as a preservative.

Fermenting Agent (Aspergillus)

Aspergillus is a type of fungus for the spread of Koji mold. It is one of the most important elements in the preparation of soy sauce and plays an important role in the fermentation of the ingredients. This is the key to the special taste of soy sauce.

Nutritional value of tamari soy sauce per 100g.

NameQuantityPercentage of the daily norm, %
Carbohydrates4.8 g
Sugar1.7 g
Protein10.5 g
fats0.1 g
Dietary fiber (fiber)0.8 g 4
Vitamin B60.2 mg 16
Calcium20 mg 2
Iron2.4 mg 30
Magnesium40 mg 12
Manganese0.5 mg 25
Phosphorus130 mg 13
Zinc0.4 mg 3
Copper0.1 mg 7
Selenium0.8 µg 2
Thiamine0.1 mg 4
Riboflavin0.2 mg 9
Niacin4 mg 20
folate18 mcg 5
Choline38.4 mg 7

How soy sauce is made

There are two methods for making soy sauce:

  1. Traditional - requires several steps and can take from several days to several months, depending on the recipe.
  2. Chemical is a quick and less expensive way to produce soy sauce that uses acid-hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Traditional production of soy sauce

Traditional soy sauce is made by mixing soybeans, roasted wheat, special molds and salt water, and then aging for five to eight months. The resulting puree is then pressed and the soy sauce liquid is pasteurized and bottled.

Soy sauce production technology:

  1. Soybeans and roasted and ground wheat are mixed with a certain type of fungal culture - aspergillus (Aspergillus) and leave for two or three days to ferment.
  2. Water and salt are then added and the whole mixture is left in the fermentation tank for five to eight months, although some sauces may take longer. Salt is an important ingredient in the production of soy sauce as it acts as an antimicrobial agent.
  3. During fermentation, the enzymes from the mold work on soy and wheat proteins, gradually breaking them down into amino acids. Starches are converted into simple sugars, then fermented to lactic acid and alcohol.
  4. After the process is completed, the resulting puree is spread on a cloth and the liquid is squeezed out. It is then pasteurized to kill any bacteria and filtered. And finally, bottled.

High-quality soy sauce is made only by natural fermentation. It is often labeled "naturally fermented". The list of ingredients usually contains only water, wheat, soy and salt.

Chemical production

Chemical production is a much faster and cheaper way to make soy sauce. This method is known as acid hydrolysis, and it can produce soy sauce in days instead of months.

The resulting soy sauce tastes worse, contains harmful substances, and dyes and flavors are added to it.

In this process, soybeans are heated to 80˚C and mixed with hydrochloric acid. It destroys the proteins in soy and wheat.

The resulting product is less attractive in terms of taste and aroma, since many of the substances formed during natural fermentation are absent. Therefore, dyes, flavors and salt are additionally added.

Also, this method is bad because some undesirable compounds are formed, including those that are harmful to health - carcinogens.

In Japan, chemical soy sauce is not considered soy sauce and cannot be sold under that name. However, sometimes it is mixed with natural to reduce the cost.

In other countries, chemically produced soy sauce may be sold as is. You will find this type of soy sauce in any grocery store, it is immediately recognizable at a low price.

The label will say "hydrolyzed soy protein" or "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" if it's made chemically.

So, naturally fermented soy sauce takes about 18 months to make and is healthy and nutritious. It is produced chemically in just two to three days, and this product can be potentially harmful to your health.

Types of soy sauce

There are literally hundreds of types of soy sauce. Variations depend on the ingredients used, the method used to create the sauce, and the region in which it is made.

Most often in our grocery stores you will see such soy sauces as:

  • light coloured;
  • dark;
  • low sodium;
  • tamari.

Light soy sauce- this light, but not transparent brown liquid. This is the kind that most refer to as "regular" soy sauce. This is a good all purpose seasoning.

Dark soy sauce– caramel (sugar color, E150) is added to it after a longer fermentation process, this slightly thickens the sauce and gives a slightly sweet taste and complex aroma.

Low Sodium- is produced mainly by a chemical method that does not use cultures of bacteria and fungi and therefore requires less salt.

Tamari is a Japanese form of soy sauce made from soy only, with no wheat or other grains. Tamari has a very clean taste and is preferred by those who need a gluten-free diet.

What is the taste and smell of soy sauce

Differences in production give each sauce its own unique flavor. For example, tamari is darker in color and richer in flavor than regular Chinese soy sauce. It also has a more balanced and less salty flavor than the harsh flavor of regular soy sauce.

Where to buy and how to choose soy sauce

Finding soy sauce is not difficult, it is available in many grocery stores and supermarkets, but choosing a quality natural product is not so easy.

Before buying soy sauce, read the label carefully. The composition should not contain E220 (sulfur dioxide) or E200 (sorbic acid), vinegar, yeast, sugar or anise, as well as preservatives.

Real soy sauce is made from wheat, soy and salt. The percentage of protein should not be less than 7%. Dark Chinese soy sauces also contain sugar.

How to find out which soy sauce is the best

  • The label should be marked "naturally fermented".
  • Low-quality soy sauces made by chemical hydrolysis contain "E-shki" additives in the ingredient list, such as E621 (monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer) and E211 (benzoic acid as a preservative).
  • The color of the liquid should be brown or light, but always transparent (without turbidity). If the color is dark brown or even black, then this is not a natural product.

Among the best are Kikkoman soy sauces. They are made in the traditional way, they have a balanced flavor and are actually very versatile.

How and how much to store soy sauce

The expiration date of soy sauce depends on the type and even the specific brand, so look for this information on the label.

Unopened soy sauce can be stored in a cool, dark place, and once opened, refrigerated. The natural product has a limited shelf life as no preservatives are added. For example, uncorked Kikkoman brand sauce should be used within a month.

Refrigeration helps flavor and quality characteristics stay at their peak for a longer period. Most natural soy sauces will not go bad if not refrigerated, but the quality will decline more quickly.

A fresh bottle of soy sauce should have a savory flavor and a reddish brown color. When opened and exposed to air, a naturally fermented sauce darkens over time and becomes stronger in flavor and aroma. This is the result of oxidation. While this is not harmful in any way, it will result in reduced palatability.

Low quality chemical soy sauces do not degrade flavor when stored at room temperature.

The use of soy sauce in cooking

You probably know about the use of soy sauce in many Asian dishes and what it is usually eaten with, but it can be used in many different (and delicious) ways. Here are just a few of them.

What do you eat soy sauce with?

  • Try cooking Chinese food at home. It's healthier than ordering it and a great opportunity to experiment with new ingredients in the kitchen. Chicken in soy sauce is a great starter dish.
  • It balances the taste of sweet and sour barbecue sauce.
  • Add it to noodles or spaghetti by cooking mushrooms with onions and soy sauce.
  • Try the delicious Grilled Spare Ribs in Honey Soy Sauce.
  • Crispy and slightly sweet fried prawns with garlic in soy sauce taste delicious and the recipe is very simple.
  • Chicken wings in honey soy sauce are easier to make than you think. Find yellow wheat noodles with them in Asian specialty stores or replace them with egg ones.
  • Your kids will love the chicken breast in soy sauce and you will love the fact that you are feeding them fresh and healthy food.
  • Chicken in soy sauce in a pan or in the oven has an ultra-thin, crispy crust and super juicy meat.
  • Fish in soy sauce is a quick and easy cooking method that does not require any special culinary skills. Try fried salmon with brown sugary glaze with vegetables and rice.

Health benefits of soy sauce

Soy sauce contains many different types of antioxidants. Studies have shown that it has a higher phytonutrient concentration of antioxidants than red wine.

It is a good source of the mineral antioxidant manganese and also contains valuable amounts of antioxidant phenolic acids, including vanilla, syric, coumaric, and ferulic.

Soy sauce is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, vitamin B3 (niacin), and protein.

The results of current research on the health benefits of soy sauce seem promising, but it's too early to tell if it has truly significant health benefits.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects of soy sauce

Whether soy sauce is harmful depends on which product you purchased - natural fermentation and chemical production. the site highly recommends looking for a product that is made in the traditional way.

But even if you have natural soy sauce, use it in moderation, otherwise you will experience not only benefits, but also harm.

It is contraindicated in diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys.

People who are allergic to wheat or those who have gluten intolerance should avoid soy sauce. There are types of sauces made from rice rather than soy that are suitable for those who are gluten-free.

Soy sauce is often high in sodium per serving. Its use is harmful if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, or diabetes. Sodium raises blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and increase your risk of heart disease.

Use soy sauce in small quantities and infrequently so that only its beneficial properties appear, and do not use it at all if you have any contraindications.

Soy sauce has been used since ancient times, but is still in demand, especially in the national cuisine of distant Asia. It is a fermentation product of soybeans and some wheat grains, combined with specific molds of the genus Aspergillus. The finished sauce is a clear reddish-brown liquid with a specific, easily recognizable taste and smell.

Each Asian country has its own varieties of soy sauce prepared according to different recipes. They look similar, but differ from each other in color, density, flavors, aroma and salt content.

In general, classic soy sauce is a salty liquid with a very unusual bright taste. It has the ability to emphasize and make harmonious and refined the taste of a wide variety of dishes. Monosodium glutamate contained in the Asian seasoning gives it this feature.

Chemical composition

100 g of a quality, properly prepared product contains: proteins - 6.3 g, carbohydrates - 6.8 g, fats - 0.04 g, fiber - 0.8 g and 15.3 g of ash. The rest (71 g) is occupied by water. In addition to these basic substances, soy sauce contains a lot of B vitamins, which are formed during the fermentation of soybeans and wheat:

  • thiamine (B1) - 0.03 g;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.17 mg;
  • niacin (B3) - 2.2 mg;
  • choline (B4) - 18.3 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.3 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.15 mg;
  • folates - 14 mcg.

It also contains macronutrients: potassium (217 mg) and calcium (19 mg), magnesium (43 mg) and phosphorus (125 mg), but especially a lot of sodium (5637 mg). Of the trace elements in this Asian product, iron (1.93 mg), manganese (0.42 mg), copper (0.1 mg), selenium (0.5 mcg) and zinc (0.52 mg) are present.

What is soy sauce made of and how

Natural soy sauce, which has been made in Asian countries for centuries, should contain only 3 or 4 ingredients: soy, water, salt, and in some cases wheat. Such a sauce is called boiled.

If yeast, wine, sugar, vinegar, peanuts, spices, alcohol, olive oil, honey, garlic and ginger powder or other ingredients are added to the main ingredients, then this is no longer a classic soy sauce, but its varieties, which are called mixed.

The presence of dyes, preservatives, flavors or other synthetic substances indicates a cheap low-quality product obtained by an industrial method.

Traditional seasoning is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Soybeans are boiled in water or steamed.
  2. Then they add wheat flour, salt and leave the mixture to ferment.
  3. When the fermentation process is over, which can take from 40 days to 3 years, the sauce is filtered and bottled in glass or plastic bottles.

Thus, 2 main types of sauce are obtained: dark, thick and rich (long exposure) and light, thin and lighter in taste. Often in this form, the seasoning is used as a salt substitute and flavor enhancer for dishes that have a bland taste, such as boiled rice, traditional in Asian countries.

Product calorie content

Soy sauce does not belong to high-calorie foods, its energy value is only 50-75 kcal. Moreover, this number of calories is obtained by processing in the body an almost equal proportion of proteins and carbohydrates. When splitting fats, which consist of oleic and linoleic acids, the body receives only 0.36 kcal.

The low energy value of soy sauce allows it to be used in the diet of people not only with normal weight, but also with excess weight. In addition, nutritionists even recommend adding it to diet meals as a substitute for butter, sour cream and mayonnaise to make their taste more pronounced and enjoyable.

The nutritional value

Soy sauce is valuable not only for vitamins and minerals, but also for complete proteins, which are not inferior in quality to proteins of animal origin. They contain almost all essential amino acids:

  • leucine - 0.5 g;
  • arginine - 0.43 g;
  • lysine - 0.36 g;
  • isoleucine - 0.3 g;
  • phenylalanine - 0.33 g;
  • valine - 0.31 g;
  • threonine - 0.25 g;
  • tyrosine - 0.23 g;
  • cysteine ​​- 0.2 g;
  • histidine - 0.16 g;
  • tryptophan and methionine - 0.09 g.

Non-essential amino acids in soy sauce are glutamic acid (1.48 g), aspartic acid (0.67 g), proline (0.46 g), serine (0.36 g), alanine and glycine (0.28 g). ), tyrosine (0.23 g), cysteine ​​(0.11 g). It is due to the richness of proteins, vitamins and minerals that the ancient oriental sauce is valued in many countries of the world not only as a delicious exotic seasoning, but also as an extremely healthy food product.

Benefits of soy sauce for the body

This product will be useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease) and nervous systems, metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), arthritis, cholecystitis, myalgia and edema.

Its effect on the body is expressed in improving blood circulation, normalizing sleep, the ability to prevent the appearance of tumors and delay their growth, and stop the rate of natural aging of the body. This seasoning is also recommended for people who are allergic to animal proteins.

For men, the constant use of soy sauce will help to avoid the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks, age-related degenerative neurological diseases and cancerous tumors.

The benefits of the sauce for women lies in the phytoestrogens present in it, which:

  • regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce its pain;
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis;
  • allow women to stay young longer;
  • minimize the severity of negative manifestations of menopause.

For children, soy sauce is useful as a good source of antioxidants, which are ten times more in it than in citrus fruits. But you can give it to kids only from the age of 3, and even then if there are no allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm and contraindications

Seasoning is harmful when consumed in excess, as it contains a lot of salt. As a result of intensive intake, salt can be deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones or provoke hypertension. Also noticed the negative effect of large portions of the sauce on the thyroid gland.

Even more harmful is a low-quality cheap product, which is obtained not as a result of the natural fermentation of beans, but by hydrolysis of soy protein, which accelerates the fermentation process. The benefits of it are doubtful, and the harm lies in the fact that carcinogens appear in it that contribute to the development of cancer.

Do not eat soy sauce for those who are allergic to soy or wheat proteins, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as pregnant women.

Soy sauce is now available in almost any supermarket or grocery store. But how not to make a mistake with the choice? To purchase a truly high-quality product, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. The sauce should be poured into a light glass, not a plastic container.
  2. Be liquid, almost like water, not thick like syrup, and clear, completely without any sediment.
  3. The composition of the seasoning should include only soy, wheat, salt and water. All other ingredients indicate that this sauce is not prepared according to the classical recipe.
  4. The label must show at least 7% protein, which indicates that a sufficient amount of soybeans has been used to prepare the seasoning.
  5. The composition should not contain any artificial additives.
  6. A quality product cannot be cheap, so this indicator should also be kept in mind.

Such criteria are met by Kikkoman Hollandaise sauce, prepared according to a Japanese recipe that is more than 300 years old, as well as “Classic” by the Russian brand Sen Soi, “Classic” by the American company Heinz.

How to use the product correctly

Dark aged sauce is used mainly as a marinade for meat, poultry and fish, or served with sushi and rolls.

Light and liquid is added to salads, pasta, various seafood, vegetables, meat, fish dishes as a liquid seasoning, or sauces are made on its basis, such as mushroom, mustard, shrimp or fish.

DIY soy sauce

It is clear that it will be possible to prepare natural soy sauce “according to all the rules of art” only in the presence of a fungus, which in our conditions is quite problematic. But you can make it a simple and affordable variation, the ingredients for which can be found in every kitchen.

For its preparation you will need:

  • 100 g soybeans;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chicken broth.

The cooking process is simple. First you need to boil the beans and grind them into a puree. Then add butter, broth, salt to taste and flour to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly, put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. When the mixture has cooled, it can be served with rice, pasta, meat and other dishes.

Use in cosmetology

The sauce can be not only a food product, but also an ingredient for home-made cosmetics. To do this, just add a little liquid to homemade face or hand creams, after using which the skin will acquire a healthier color, become soft, supple and smooth.

Sauce in a small amount can be added to hair masks. After applying them, the strands will become shiny, silky and elastic.

Soy sauce is a masterpiece of Asian cuisine that deserves to be known better. This is an excellent seasoning that can be added to everyday dishes and give them a bright and unique taste. When used correctly, it can bring invaluable benefits to the body, but only on condition that it is natural and of high quality.

In contact with

Soy sauce is a great alternative to table salt, butter, seasonings and mayonnaise.. It pairs perfectly with salads and meat dishes. In addition, it does not contain cholesterol, which is so scary for fans of a healthy diet. So it's no surprise that soy sauce is the #1 nutritionist recommendation for healthy eating for a slim figure. Is soy sauce bad for our body? To answer this question, let's try to understand the composition of the mysterious dark liquid.


Soy sauce is a dark liquid with a characteristic aroma inherent in it. In the production of soy sauce, the method of fermentation of soybeans under the influence of special fungal cultures is used. This product gained the greatest popularity in the east, becoming one of the most sought-after spices in Asian cuisine.

The composition of real soy sauce contains vitamins of the entire group B, trace elements calcium, zinc and iron, as well as 20 types of amino acids. In addition, the product is rich in antioxidants, which are essential for keeping our skin healthy and youthful.

The nutritional value of soy sauce is only 50-60 kcal per 100 g of product. So you can safely use it to season dishes if you are on a diet.

Soy sauce: beneficial properties and effects on the body

The impressive chemical composition of high-quality soy sauce makes it a good remedy for the prevention of a whole list of diseases. And the regular use of this product has obvious benefits for the body, both for men and women. Benefits of soybeans:

  • prevents early aging of the skin and the whole body;
  • reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms;
  • exhibits a slight sedative effect, helping to fight tension headaches and insomnia;
  • prevents the appearance of edema and skin dermatitis;
  • has a supporting effect on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • due to the high content of estrogens of plant origin, they help women cope with painful menstruation, adapt during menopause, get rid of the manifestations of menopause and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Soy sauce is high in protein. This allows it to be used as an alternative to protein foods for people with intolerance to animal protein.

Indications for the use of soy sauce

Soy sauce, as a source of phytoestrogens, is useful for women during the period of ovarian failure. It is especially important to include the product in the daily diet for girls who are faced with the problem of early menopause when it is impossible to use hormone therapy (for example, varicose veins). In addition, soy sauce is recommended for such diseases:

  1. Intolerance to animal proteins. Protein is an important building block of cells. And its lack in the body provokes many problems. Soy is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
  2. It is also useful for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Eating soy sauce in food helps to recover faster after a heart attack.
  3. For patients who are obese or just wanting to lose a couple of pounds of extra weight, soy sauce will help you "survive" unleavened food and salads. The amount of carbohydrates in it is minimal, and there are no fats at all. And the taste and aroma will give odds to any mayonnaise.
  4. For people with diabetes, in the complex of maintenance therapy.
  5. In chronic cholecystitis to prevent exacerbation of the disease.
  6. As a prevention of constipation in an existing chronic problem.
  7. In the complex treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In such situations, soy sauce is included in the diet menu.

Harm of soy sauce: myth or reality

But if soy sauce is so good for the body, where do the myths about its harm to health come from? The whole problem is in the production technology and the dishonesty of manufacturers supplying low-quality products to the markets.

The shelf life of high-quality soy sauce is up to two years without the use of preservatives. During this time, it retains all useful substances, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

But manufacturers often neglect the rules for making soy sauce. To increase the pace of production and reduce the cost of the supplied product, add:

  • artificial colors, flavors and preservatives that can cause severe allergic reactions;
  • sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, as well as a whole list of alkaline liquids that carry a huge threat to health;
  • GMOs, known for their adverse effects on all organs and systems.

What can really harm high-quality soy sauce obtained by natural fermentation is the deposition of salts, the formation of kidney stones and an increase in blood pressure with excessive use of the product. Since the product contains a large amount of salt in its composition, then you should not be zealous with it. And with a moderate inclusion of soy sauce in the diet, it will only benefit.

It is forbidden to eat soy sauce for children under the age of three and people who have contraindications to the use of salt.

How to choose healthy soy sauce

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for men and women are obvious. And so that the fragrant seasoning does not cause the same harm to health, you should choose the right soy sauce. Today, a huge assortment of this product is presented on store shelves, and at first glance it is difficult to figure out where the fake is. Our recommendations will help you with this:

  1. Do not take soy sauce on tap. Producers tempt with the price of a draft product, arguing its reduction by the absence of packaging costs. In fact, the liquid in the containers has little to do with real soy sauce. Yes, and it is easiest to mix counterfeit into such a container.
  2. Buy soy sauce in clear glass bottles. First, it cannot be stored in plastic. Secondly, you must see what is splashing in this bottle. The color of real soy sauce is dark brown but clear.
  3. Read the label. If you find various preservatives in the composition, such as E220 or E200, return the bottle to the shelf. High-quality sauce has a fairly impressive shelf life and does not need the use of additional artificial additives.
  4. In real soy sauce, you should find wheat, salt, and soybeans. All other ingredients, including sugar, regular yeast, vinegar, anise, or peanuts, indicate manufacturing errors. There will be no benefit from such a product, but serious harm can be done.
  5. Also it is worth paying attention to the amount of protein contained in the product. The minimum rate is 7%.

And, of course, everyone should understand that a high-quality and useful product cannot be cheap. The production of real soy sauce is a long fermentation process that can take up to 2-10 months. Plus packaging and shipping costs. Therefore, do not be tempted by low cost, in this situation, saving can be harmful to health. Here is the answer to our main question about the possible dangers of soy sauce.

A salty dark brown liquid with a pungent odor is soy sauce. Benefit or harm? Why does a person need this specific product, what useful properties and contraindications for use does it have? Read more about this product in our material.

Soy sauce: product brief

Antioxidants, which are found in excess in soy sauce, have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism and fight aging.

Soy sauce has become a part of the diet of the inhabitants of our country relatively recently, for the most part due to the increased popularity of oriental dishes. For some, this product has become indispensable, for others - a pleasant addition to the usual dishes. Indeed, soy sauce is ideal for cooking various dishes, gives them an original taste and is the best substitute for salt and mayonnaise. In the culinary tradition of Asian countries, soy sauce occupies a special place and is almost a cult, because soy has been grown there for more than five centuries.

Today, there are two main types, or varieties, of soy sauce, which is supplied to the world market by Japan and China - light and dark. The first of them has a very wide range of uses: it is added not only to rice, but also to other dishes, various sauces are made on its basis. Dark soy sauce has a thick consistency, which is explained by long exposure, and is used for marinating fish, poultry, and beef. It is also added to dark-colored dishes.

Soy sauce: composition

Soy sauce contains a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids that we need, which makes it a valuable product for vegetarians. The composition of a quality soy product includes calcium, zinc, iron, B vitamins, antioxidants (there are 10 times more of them than in red wine rich in antioxidants!), 20 essential and essential amino acids.

As for the nutritional value of soy sauce, 100 grams of this product contains 6 grams. proteins, 6.6 gr. carbohydrates, the same amount of mono- and disaccharides, 5.6 gr. ash. At the same time, soy sauce has an average calorie content and can be safely included in the diet of those who are obese or on a diet. But this product should not be abused, as this can lead to the deposition of salts.

Soy Sauce Benefits

The main benefit of soy sauce is its high content of amino acids and antioxidants, which are 150 times more than in citrus fruits rich in vitamin C. What are the health benefits of antioxidants? They are a "shield" that protects cells from free radicals and helps the body fight various infections.

The inclusion of soy sauce in the diet improves blood circulation by 50%, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthens blood vessels, prevents the development of neurodegenerative diseases and, in general, has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

Soy sauce is extremely useful for those who want to lose weight or are obese: this product does not contain harmful cholesterol and has only 70 kcal per 100 g. product.

The beneficial effect of soy sauce on insomnia, swelling, headaches, muscle spasms and sprains has been noticed.

Soy sauce - harm and consequences of abuse

Too much soy sauce is no better than too much salt, both of which can cause salt deposits.

The harm of soy sauce is also associated with the quality of the product. Therefore, his choice should be approached very carefully and responsibly. In order not to experience the harm of soy sauce, buy only a high-quality, original product and avoid cheap fakes.

How to choose a good soy sauce

Today, store shelves are simply bursting with abundance, and finding a really high-quality product is quite difficult, but possible. The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of a certificate: certified products are always a guarantee of the authenticity of the product. The second is the container in which soy sauce is sold. A quality product is sold in transparent glass containers, as plastic bottles simply cannot preserve and convey the taste and aroma of soy sauce. Next, read the ingredients. A respectable manufacturer will indicate on his product that it is made by natural fermentation, a sly one will dilute the sauce with water and write the word “artificial” on the bottle. If you do not find anything on the label, then it is better to refuse to buy such a product.

The ingredients listed on a soy sauce label should be nothing but soybeans, wheat, sugar, salt, and vinegar. Garlic may be present.

Real soy sauce can be stored for several years without any preservatives. If you notice peanuts in the composition, you should think about the quality of the purchased product.

When choosing soy sauce, carefully examine the bottle. The liquid in it should be transparent, light brown in color. If in doubt, check the product label again.

It is hard to imagine Asian cuisine without soy sauce; it is added to marinades for meat and fish, salads and simply served with almost all dishes. Thanks to its pleasant taste and smell, it quickly spread throughout the world and is widely used in cooking. In our country, soy sauce became popular 10-15 years ago with the advent and spread of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

Soy sauce is obtained as a result of fermentation (fermentation) of soybeans under the influence of aspergillus fungi. Sometimes wheat is added to activate the fermentation, in which case the finished sauce has a slightly different taste. Natural soy sauce contains soybeans, water, salt, and sometimes wheat. The finished sauce turns out to be rich dark brown, almost black, in color, thicker in consistency than water, has a very salty taste and a specific pleasant smell. Preparing the sauce in the classical way takes a lot of time (from one and a half months to three years), which is unprofitable for manufacturers. Therefore, to speed up and reduce the cost of production, it is made by hydrolyzing soy protein under the action of chemicals. The result is a product, the taste and properties of which, of course, differ from natural. To improve the taste and consistency of such a sauce, various dyes and flavors can be added to it.

Soy sauce contains a lot of protein.

Soy sauce has many health benefits. 100 g of a natural product contains 6-8 g of protein, about the same amount of carbohydrates, but there are practically no fats in it. The calorie content of soy sauce is about 50 kcal per 100 g, so it can be attributed to dietary products. And although the sauce is very salty, it is still added to dishes in small quantities, which allows it to be safely used by people on diets for.

Soy sauce uses a lot of table salt, so it contains quite a lot of sodium. There is an opinion that salt can be replaced with soy sauce, which is very important for many people suffering from diseases in which it is limited or completely excluded from the diet. This opinion is partly correct, since the sodium content in a tablespoon of soy sauce is many times less than in the same amount of table salt, while a dish to which 10 ml of sauce is added will no longer be fresh. In addition, soy sauce also contains a lot of useful substances, which, of course, are not found in ordinary salt. Therefore, it can help people on therapeutic diets to reduce the amount of sodium that enters the body when eating table salt. However, for this purpose, you need to choose high-quality soy sauce.

In addition to sodium, soy sauce contains a little manganese and copper. It also contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, which are formed as a result of the fermentation process. However, given the small amounts of sauce used, we can conclude that the poor vitamin-mineral complex that is part of it does not have a significant effect on the body.

The amino acid composition of soy sauce is very rich: there are almost all essential and non-essential (not synthesized in the body) amino acids. And given the relatively high content in the sauce, it can be argued that even a small amount of this product in dishes is good for humans. Proteins are the building blocks of all body cells and perform many other functions.

Special attention should be paid to glutamic acid, which is present in soy sauce in the form of salt -. In recent years, there have been constant discussions about the dangers of this chemical compound. It is thanks to monosodium glutamate that dishes seasoned with soy sauce seem tastier and more appetizing to us, since it increases the sensitivity of some taste buds. Glutamic acid and monosodium glutamate, which are naturally formed in soy sauce, are absolutely harmless to the body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found not only in soy sauce, but also in a huge number of products (meat, hard cheeses, legumes, etc.). When it comes to the dangers of monosodium glutamate, we mean a seasoning obtained by chemical means, which unscrupulous fast food manufacturers especially generously add to chips, crackers and other snacks.

Harm of soy sauce

Even natural soy sauce made from low-quality raw materials (spoiled soybeans) is unlikely to be useful for the body. Sauce made by hydrolyzing soy protein may contain harmful carcinogens. Flavorings, dyes and preservatives can also be harmful to the body, which should not be in a high-quality natural sauce, but which are added to it by unscrupulous manufacturers. Therefore, you should not buy cheap low-quality soy sauces.

Currently, most of the soy on the market is transgenic (genetically engineered), so it is likely that the vast majority of soy sauces are made from genetically modified soy. Disputes about the dangers of transgenic foods are ongoing, and the long-term consequences of their consumption by humans are still unknown.

Soy sauce still contains a fairly large amount of salt, this must be taken into account by people who observe, as well as those suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

Do not abuse soy sauce for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute stage. Also, do not give pure soy sauce to children.

TV channel GuberniaTV, Home Economics section on how to choose soy sauce:

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