Now an interview with Evanna Lynch. The rich and famous: what happened to the actors of the Harry Potter films

She may have spent five years playing a magical student in the Harry Potter films, but there is no spell that can save her. Evanna Lynch from a fate even worse than coming face to face with Lord Voldemort: cramming Leaving Cert.

"I was supposed to start college today, but I had to call and say I needed another week to work," the 19-year-old actress said when the Irish Independent met her in London in September.

“I decided to repeat the Leaving Cert because there were too many distractions with these films. Knowing that I didn't study hard enough. We were on set, laughing in the green room, and I said to myself: "I have to study." But then I thought: “I can retake the exams later - but I won’t be able to postpone the shooting of Harry Potter.” In addition, there were no more filming this year, only a few press meetings, so now I have devoted myself to the exams.”

The Thermonfeking native, who co-starred as Luna Lovegood, has now finished filming and is awaiting the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. last movie series (the second part will be released next summer).

It's a bittersweet moment for the young star, but she admits there are positives to the series' ending.

“Now I was able to dye my hair,” she laughs, and now she really is a little unrecognizable, because the signature White color now turned into long red curls.

“Now I can do things that I should have done a few years ago, like put on braces, learn to drive, hang out with friends as much as I want.”

It was a big scene that we started filming in February but had to reshoot because Emma Watson(who plays Hermione) was in college all the time. Now all the actors have gathered, and it was nice.

I always hoped that my last scene there will be something like that, and not just a handshake or something ordinary. They took a great photo of the cast and staff.

It did not bother me until I had to go up to the producers to say goodbye and thank them, at that moment I felt a great surge of emotions. I couldn't contain them. But I felt like the circle was closed: on my first appearance on Harry Potter, I went to the producers in the office to introduce myself and explain why I want to play this role.

The producers spotted Lynch at the casting of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth film, in London in early 2006. She was 14 at the time, and after auditioning for Daniel Radcliffe she bypassed 15,000 girls who applied for this role.

"My best memory in 4 films was the screenings," she said. “It was like a school, even though there weren't people I knew from school. It was too great for me, and I ended up being one of the weirdest out there.

But these scenes became very funny. We joked all the time. Like the scenes on the Hogwarts Express, for example, there was fake food that looked nice but tasted terrible. We offered new actors to try it - one girl drank tomato juice, and then could not come to the shooting for three weeks. There you forget that this is work, and just have fun.

“When I first came to the shooting, I expected to be told: “You should not talk to them, and generally approach them,” but there was nothing like that. They don't consider themselves jewels. They are ordinary people and others perceive them as such.

Rupert is ready to laugh at everything, and Daniel (Radcliffe) is just good guy. There are no claims to him, or strategic plans for further career. And I respect Emma for choosing to go to university in New York. She did it, although she might not have done it. She realized that she didn’t know enough about the world and about herself, so she decided to study more.”

Although series writer J.K. Rowling did not comment on the casting, she later acknowledged Lynch as an excellent performer for the role of Luna. However, the multi-millionaire writer has stayed away from the filming of recent films.

"She trusts the filmmakers," Lynch explained. “If they made small changes to the scripts, they sent them to her for approval so she didn't have to be there. I think she is very busy. I wrote to her, and she replied that she was writing, but did not say what exactly.

It's great for her, because she can come to the premiere and see what they did with her books. When she came to the shooting, she could not stay there for a long time, because she was too unhappy. Everyone asked for her autograph. It was like a queen visiting us.”

As for what will happen after the exams, Lynch has not yet decided. Will she choose drama school?

"I thought about it," she replied. “My agent said that I got a lot of experience from these films.

And it's not even about how to act, but how to be on the set and meet all these people, give interviews and look confident enough to talk about yourself.

So I guess drama school is not for me. I know some girls who have been in films who then come to auditions and think about their every move. They were told: “Sorry, you have mastered too bad a technique,” ​​and I don’t like that. For some, this is good, but I'm already quite critical of myself. I do not need it".

Whatever Lynch chooses in the future, she will do it with passion and interest. She loves jazz and ballet, loves to read; now she is reading Nabokov, Light in the Darkness.

"I'd like to go to art college," she added. “I love art because there are no instructions. This is something you can be sure of. There are no methods, there is no right and wrong. It's scary, but here you have to judge for yourself. You feel free."

She paused before continuing. “A lot of young actors are trying to get everything at once. They think, "I want to go to college, have a career, have a personal life." This year I will devote myself entirely to studying. It's not that I want to escape the limelight, because the second part of the film will be released in July, and then I will pass the exams.

After that, maybe I'll take a year off and try to play. We need to act. You can't just sit on your ass and cry over the phone because the agent isn't calling. You have to do everything yourself."

American actress Erin Darke is not only taller than her famous boyfriend, but also five years older than the British actor. The couple met on the set of the drama Kill Your Darlings in 2013, and neither years nor centimeters got in the way of the romance.

Emma Watson

Emma's first love was rugby player Tom Ducker. Watson began dating him at the age of 17, but, as is often the case with youthful hobbies, the romance did not last long.


In the summer of 2009, the actress met 27-year-old bank clerk Jay Barrymore, with whom Emma had her first serious relationship: the young people were together for more than two years, but Watson's most serious hobby was an affair with musician Will Adamovich, whom Emma met in 2011 while studying at Oxford, where she spent one academic year after her studies at Brown. Emma seriously thought about marriage, but the couple broke up. And Emma again, like seven years ago, drew attention to a rugby player - Matthew Jenny. But recently, the heart of the star is free, so the paparazzi regularly attribute to her novels with Prince Harry, then with friends. A new gossip has appeared in the Western media: according to journalists, the actress is dating computer genius William Knight.

According to insiders, William is a "normal guy." He is ten years older than Watson, lives in the US, works as a senior manager at Medallia, takes part in running marathons and has the glory of a computer genius. According to The Sun, William's annual income is estimated at $150,000.

According to Western media, Emma and William spent the Christmas holidays in California, and recently the man visited Emma in her native England.

Tom Phelton

At the dawn of popularity, Tom was often credited with novels with Emma Watson. Fans created collages and videos about Felton and Watson's relationship. Although more fans were interested in the possibility of feelings between their heroes in a fairy tale, and not in real life.

For some time, Tom dated Russian model Olga Yurevich, but for many years he has been with model and actress Jade Olivia Gordon. Tom met her on the set of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, where Jade worked as an extra. She, at the insistence of the actor, played the wife of his hero Draco Malfoy in the final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

Bonnie Wright

25 year old actress who played youngest daughter red-haired Weasley family, meets with the owner of a nightclub, Simon Hammerstern, who is 13 years older than the girl. And 5 years ago, Bonnie was engaged to actor Jamie Campbell Bower, the star of Twilight and the fantasy drama The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

Magazine total film(Indonesia) interviewed several Harry Potter actors, including Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, Evanna Lynch, Twins Phelps, Tom Phelton and Matthew Lewis.

Now an interview with Evanna Lynch.

With her sense of style, Luna looks like Lady Gaga in the scale of Hogwarts...
(Laughs) At Lady Gaga nothing to do with the moon!

And if the moon meets Lady Gaga ...
Luna was the first to visit Hogwarts!

Your truth. Still, if they did meet, what would Luna say to her? Can she say, "I got here first?"
No, she won't say that... Gaga won't be shocked by anything. Some people sometimes ask: “What are you wearing?” Such a question will amaze the moon. She would be interested, because she loves variety in everything. But to be honest, I wouldn't wear her clothes. She has cool clothes, but too often I would be paid attention because of her. But Luna wears such clothes not because she wants to make herself known in the fashion world. She, for example, thinks that radishes in her ears look good, so she wears them. So I'm wondering what Lady Gaga thinks of Luna. I like Lady Gaga, but it seems to me that her work is more theatrical. She does her job for show business. And the moon is what it is.

Have you ever met people who would imitate the moon in their clothing style?
No. The combination of colors in the clothes of the moon, purple and turquoise, is not for everyone. You need to be sure that you will look good wearing such clothes. Most people my age pay a lot of attention to their appearance although some don't care. I would like to be the same, but my shyness bothers me ... I don't like it when people stare at me.

In Deathly Hallows, Luna has a dad...
Yes! That was great. In general, it's great that everyone returned and took part in the filming once again ... It feels like many members of the Potter family have gathered together. FROM Rhys Ifans(Xeno Lovegood) was amazing to work with. He is a great actor. I liked that the film talked more about the moon, because. everyone was wondering where this unusual girl. And I also like that at the very end the characters forget who is fighting against whom ... Harry and Malfoy at one point find mutual understanding, which is good. The moon also appears for a short time at the end, although you have never seen it like this, because. she should yell at Harry...

Luna, Neville and Ginny lead the resistance at Hogwarts. Can you tell a little about it? Did you like this development of your character?
Yes, it was a lot of fun. I love how they took it all in…when Harry and Ron come back and find themselves in the Demand Room, they are very surprised by what they see. Everything is arranged in it, I forgot what it is called ... it looks like a house for boys in a tree. There are sleeping bags and little statues... interesting to see. Previously, all the time, Harry took the initiative, stood at the head. Harry, Ron and Hermione have been taking over the fight...but this time they are gone and Luna, Neville and Ginny are taking matters into their own hands. They understand that they can do something and what they do is very important. Now the Moon, not like in the fifth part, is in the background. She is here, she helps, she fights.

The scale of these films is much larger than the previous ones. What was the difference this time around for you?
This time we experienced completely different feelings. After all, these are the final films, so no one was spared. We all know this is the end, so we tuned in good mood and wanted to do the best they could. It is very difficult to express all the feelings that were present during the filming in words.

You are the biggest Harry Potter fan on set. Next summer, fans will have to fast with their hero, because. The final film of the franchise will be released on taps. Any fan advice on this?
It will be a blow to everyone. For me, at least, it was. I have been with this company for such a long time. We all wondered what would happen when it was all over. But here's what I realized when the last day came, I still communicate with my friends. I think all fans will understand this. Yes, the movies are over, but you have friends who share your passion to talk to. So just enjoy... And I won't think about the end until it comes.

Who did you make friends with on set?
You know Katie (Leung)? She plays the role of Chu Cheng. This time she has a small role. I also made friends with Bonnie and Afshan (Azad. Plays the role of Padma Patil).

If you could change the ending, would you do it?
No. Everyone's happy at the end and... (laughs) I know people complain about the epilogue, but I love everything about it. Many people say that the ending is too good and banal, but listen, the whole story is literally soaked in blood and keeps you in constant suspense. There was not a single moment where Harry could relax, watch TV or play the PlayStation, as they do normal people. All his thoughts are occupied with struggle, prophecy, horcruxes, and so on. That's why I like this happy end in which he has children. I'd like to know more about what happened to Luna.

After finishing work on Harry Potter, do you want to continue being an actress?
Yes very. Being a fan of Harry Potter and getting a role in the movie, I wasn't sure about it... but towards the end I decided for myself that I didn't want to leave this activity, because. During this time I learned a lot and changed myself. Before filming, I was very shy, so I don’t even know what I would be now without Harry Potter. For young people travel different countries and meeting new people mean a lot in terms of development. And I would not want to leave my career as an actress.

Now you can look back at all the things you did in Harry Potter. What changes have occurred in you during this time, how have your values ​​changed?
It happens that people say: “Oh, nothing has changed in me. I am also in the circle of my family and friends.” Yes, of course, in this regard, you remained the same. But my outlook on life and things has changed. Before Harry Potter, I could only dream of meeting the people I idolized. And once in this world, I saw it from the inside, I saw how magic is done. At the same time, I realized that I am a different person and I can do it. And these actors are ordinary people who just do their job. Filming, I believed in myself and my strength, I realized that I was able to do everything no worse than any other person. And I hope that when they see us, people will say: “She is an ordinary girl. If she can do it, then I can do it too.”

The main wizard is doing well, despite the risk of remaining a hostage to one role. But what is there to tell, everyone already knows everything: the guy abruptly left the image of an orphan magician, playing in the erotic play "Horse" on Broadway, and then tried the most different images in the movies: homosexual writer Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings, Mikhail Bulgakov's alter ego in Notes of a Young Doctor, a monster in love in the horror movie Horns.

Emma Watson

The disheveled Hermione managed the impossible: to show the world her awakened sexuality as delicately as possible, without going into the gap, to get higher education at Brown University with a film career in mind, and launch a global campaign for gender equality, He for She, without losing the charm and filming offers from men's magazines. This summer, the psychological thriller "Return" is released, starring Watson, where her character accuses her father of sexual abuse.


Rupert Grint

Freckled red-haired Rupert Grint, who played Harry Potter's unlucky best friend, slowly continues to work in films, not caring about the scale of projects and fees: one of the richest people in the UK can afford it. And together with his best friend from real life, Grint took part in the fashion campaign of the Band of Outsiders brand. By the way, oh best friend written below.

Tom Phelton

Yes, the worst enemies in the script, off the set - do not spill water. Tom Felton, who played the mischievous boy Draco Malfoy, even wears a T-shirt with a declaration of love for Rupert Grint! You can see the matured Draco in the American TV series Murder in the First Degree.

Matthew Lewis

Who exactly surprised everyone was the clumsy Neville Longbottom, or rather, Matthew Lewis who played him. Under the contract, the guy was not allowed to change his appearance during the entire period of filming, and while his colleagues were prettier, he remained the same nondescript mattress who only dreamed of parties with girls. It is not surprising that the guy came off for everyone after the last double. True, the handsome actor’s acting career stalled: Lewis’s last film role was in 2013 in the movie Sweet Shop, and the actor appeared on stage in 2012. The drama Me Before You is coming soon, where we can see the updated Matthew in action.

Harry Melling

minor hero Potter, who played Harry Potter's spoiled cousin, tried his hand at TV on Just William five years ago, but he's more into stage acting. Now Melling is busy in the productions of the Royal Theater in Plymouth.

Oliver and James Phelps

The restless Weasley twins, after the completion of filming, stopped dyeing their hair red and walking in pairs, but the guys still continue to work together: this year the drama Hamlet with the participation of the Phelps is released in the cinema.

Bonnie Wright

In 2015, Miss Wright releases four films at once, however, all projects are local and small. The most notable film in Wright's post-Potter career to date is the 2013 science fiction thriller Philosophers: A Lesson in Survival.

Evanna Lynch

Almost all of her youth, actress Evanna Lynch suffered from anorexia, which was helped by the writer JK Rowling, who actively communicated with child actors during filming. In addition to recovery, the Harry Potter project gave the actress and new color hair: Evanna didn't go back to her natural dark shade after filming wrapped. This year, in her native Ireland, the actress releases her first film, where she has the main role, My Name Is Emily.

The UN, prison, director's chair and prominent lips - what the actors who played young wizards in the Harry Potter films have come to.

Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter

The role of the Boy-Who-Lived brought Daniel Radcliffe more than $100 million and the opportunity to be guided solely by his own instinct when choosing projects. The actor literally grew up on film set major Hollywood franchise, and therefore, at the end of it, he turned to the most diverse projects - from Broadway musicals and dubious horror films to a series based on Bulgakov's stories and the role of a very spiritual corpse. Occasionally, Radcliffe also appears in projects designed for a mass audience, such as the sequel Illusions of Deception. Daniel likes to say that he is interested in directing, and he does not mind dying right on the set in front of the camera. Now the 27-year-old actor can be seen on the stage of London's The Old Vic theater in the production of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" based on the play by Tom Stoppard.

Emma Watson - Hermione Granger

Rupert Grint - Ron Weasley

Tom Felton - Draco Malfoy

A platinum blonde with a spiky look in Harry Potter, in real life Felton is an open guy with a good-natured smile. However, he is still offered rather villainous roles: in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, he played the brutal security guard Dodge Landon, in the TV series Murder in the First Degree, he played the suspected murderer of Silicon Valley prodigy Eric Blunt. In the third season of The Flash, he finally got a controversial character, Julian Albert.

Matthew Lewis - Neville Longbottom

The performer of the role of the clumsy but brave fat man Neville Longbottom became the hero of the news, radically changing his role: after the end of filming in Harry Potter, Lewis turned into a muscular macho. However, the changes did not bring huge dividends in terms of career. Having played a soldier in a successful London theater production"Our Boys", the actor continued with small roles on television, joining the cast of Ripper Street, and appeared in the melodrama Me Before You as Patrick, boyfriend main character, Louise. Soon he can be seen in the film "Ultimate" with Margot Robbie.

Sean Biggerstaff - Oliver Wood

Landing the role of Oliver Wood thanks to the peculiar patronage of Alan Rickman, Biggerstaff dropped out of the franchise after the second film (his character was cut from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban due to a time limit), to the disappointment of many. Sean still acts (most often in his native Scotland) and plays in the theater, and for his role in the film "By Mutual Agreement" in 2007, he received the Scottish Academy of Film and Television Award as the best actor.

James and Oliver Phelps - Fred and George Weasley

The Weasley twins continued acting career, and often they are removed together. For example, in the film Own Worst Enemy (“Your Worst Enemy”), they got the roles of twin constables. However, their filmography cannot be called remarkable. Films with the Phelps rarely left the territory of their native UK. The brothers, like many of their colleagues at Hogwarts, are actively involved in charity work.

Bonnie Wright - Ginny Weasley

Jamie Waylett - Vincent Crabbe

Malfoy's loyal henchman, Crabbe was clearly a guy with criminal inclinations, and Waylett, alas, turned out to be similar to his character. In 2009, he was caught growing marijuana at his mother's house in London and ended up in a correctional facility for young offenders for six months. In 2011, he was arrested again, but for participation in the London pogroms. Then he was not sent to jail, but in March 2012 he was sentenced to two years in prison for theft.

Joshua Herdman - Gregory Goyle

Goyle, another of Malfoy's bodyguards, had a different fate. After Harry Potter, Herdman, the son of actor Martin Herdman, continued acting, albeit rarely. And in 2016, he began his career as a mixed martial arts fighter. In the next couple of years, he can be seen in several films at once, the most notable of which is the new Robin Hood with Taron Egerton. However, apparently, Joshua has a very small role there.

Alfred Enoch - Dean Thomas

Enoka's most notable project recent years became the series How to Get Away with Murder, where the actor played leading role a law student at the center of a crime investigation. However, after the role of Dean Thomas, Enoch did not sit idle at all. He studied Portuguese and Spanish at Oxford University, acted in the theater in productions of Shakespeare and not only. Finally, it was Enoch who was the bloody guardsman in the episode "The Sign of Three" of the TV series Sherlock.

Luke Janblad - Lee Jordan

Cathy Leung - Zhou Chang

Ravenclaw student Zhou Chang became Harry Potter's first girlfriend. In 2012, Kathy Leung made her debut on the London stage in the play "Wild Swans", entered the acting department The Royal Conservatory of Scotland and now continues to act in films and play in the theater. She can be seen in The Foreigner with Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

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