Brazilian passions in the life of Pavel Priluchny: a young actor traded a Hollywood star for a work colleague. Priluchny and muceniece first starred with their youngest daughter Mia for gloss How did you know that you would become a dad again

One of the most beautiful acting couples of our time does not get tired of delighting its fans with joint photos. Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece have been happily married for several years. Find out their biography and details of their personal lives right now!

Pavel Priluchny

Born November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxer and choreographer. His father died when Paul was 11 years old. Childhood fell on a very difficult period in the life of the country - the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of many criminal groups. After the funeral of his father, he decided to leave his native Shymkent for Russia. From that moment, his independent life began, since his mother remained in Kazakhstan. The new place of residence was the city of Berdsk, which is located in the Novosibirsk region. Here he began boxing, but having received more than ten concussions, he decided to leave this hobby.

Hard time

Life in a big city brought many material problems. Pavel enters the choreographic school, but the lack of money makes him leave the training. Later, he was accepted into the budgetary Novosibirsk Theater School. The guy has to earn extra money as a loader and courier to ensure a tolerable existence.

He decides to continue his studies in Moscow. The capital met an unfriendly new resident: on the very first day he was cruelly deceived. Pavel decides to rent an inexpensive apartment and turns to a real estate agency. He had to leave 15,000 rubles as collateral. In the evening, he was waiting for the realtor at the subway, but no one showed up. The guy realized that he was simply “thrown” and turned to the police. But there they only sympathized and advised not to cooperate with fake offices anymore. The enraged actor returned to the agency and got into a fight after being laughed at.

Entering GITIS for an acting and directing course, he gets a room in a hostel and graduates from the institute in 2010. During his studies, he successfully played in

The first love

During his studies, Pavel met overseas actress Nikki Reed. The girl was invited to the theater and she flew to her Russian colleagues for a short visit. Young people immediately liked each other and spent the whole week together. Leaving, she promised that they would soon see each other and discuss their life together. Pavel had to leave school for a while in order to earn money for their existence with Nikki. At first, the lovers constantly called up and corresponded, and then the girl simply stopped communicating. Thus ended Paul's first love.

First steps in cinema

Several episodic film roles attracted the attention of directors to a young talented actor. Pavel accepts Sanaev's invitation to star in his new film "On the Game". Having brilliantly performed his role, the artist receives many offers. Two years later, he starred in the popular series "Closed School" and became the idol of millions of Russian girls. On the set, Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece meet. According to the plot, they were supposed to play a couple in love, and soon their feelings turned into real life. After the end of the series, the actor did not remain in the shadows for long - he was offered the main role in the sitcom "Major". Again praise from critics and enthusiastic congratulations from colleagues. At the moment he is one of the most sought-after actors in Russia. Only a person far from the world of cinema does not know the name of Pavel Priluchny.

Agata Mutsenietse

She was born on March 1, 1989 in Riga. Mother worked as a cook, father was a bartender. Just like Pavel Priluchny, Agatha Muceniece lost her father at an early age. While studying at school, she attended a theater studio, but interrupted her studies due to lucrative contracts with world famous brands. For a long time she worked as a model and successfully starred in advertising. After finishing her career as a fashion model, she returned home and entered the University of Latvia, where she received a diploma in Chinese philosophy. In 2008, he decides to start an acting career and comes to Moscow. From the first time she entered VGIK and graduated with honors. Having received an offer to star in the series "Closed School", she immediately agreed.

Meeting on the set with Pavel completely changed her life. Having played a couple in love on the screen, they could no longer part. By the way, the girl received a marriage proposal already on the day they met. But at that moment, she did not consider it necessary to agree. After two weeks of living together, Pavel heard the coveted “Yes”. That's how quickly this couple came to the decision to become husband and wife. Agatha Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny did not delay the wedding. They did not advertise this event and simply registered a relationship in Friends and colleagues learned about this event after the fact. A beautiful couple belatedly accepted congratulations on their wedding. Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny no longer had joint work. The girl practically does not appear on the screens, preferring to devote all her time to her husband and children.

Family life

On January 11, 2013, Pavel became a father for the first time. Agatha bore him a son, who was named Timothy. The proud father accepted congratulations and thanked his wife for such a wonderful gift. At this time, many photos of Agatha Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny appear in the press. The guy gives interviews in which he speaks with the warmest words about his wife and son. On March 3, 2016, the couple's long-awaited daughter, Mia, is born. Now the house of Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece is a full bowl. They willingly let journalists into their abode and do not hide children.

Interesting facts from the life of a married couple

Pavel and Agatha are often mistaken for brother and sister by strangers. The fact is that the couple has an original sense of humor and it is sometimes difficult to understand their jokes. But they laugh out loud and catch the condemning glances of the people around them.

Pavel realized that he was in love with his future wife during their first cinematic kiss. But at that moment the girl had a relationship with another young man. He patiently waited for their breakup, after which he immediately hinted at his feelings. A few days later they were already living together.

Everyone in the family has a funny nickname. No matter how strange it may sound, Pavel calls his wife Dzhigurdenysh. He believes that the girl, with her laughter and easy character, reminds him of this extravagant actor. Agatha, in turn, calls her husband Pinguish or Sonya. The guy loves to sleep and devotes a lot of time to this occupation. Timothy is affectionately called Kozyavochka, for his love of sorting through objects and cleaning.

Pavel loves to surprise his wife. During her filming in Minsk, he greatly missed his beloved and rushed to visit her in a hotel room. At this time, he talked to her on the phone and said that he was in Moscow. When the girl heard a knock and opened the door, she saw her precious husband in person. Let news periodically appear on the Internet that Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece are getting divorced, but, in fact, this is far from the truth.

“I don’t know where I would be now if I hadn’t married”

Photo: Stanislav Solntsev

PAVEL Priluchny is 24 years old, he is considered one of the most promising young artists. And we will not exaggerate at all by calling him the new sex symbol of our cinema. Pasha starred in many rating projects,
and the mystical series of the STS channel “Closed School” brought him real popularity. On the eve of the premiere of the fourth season, we met with the actor and talked about his thorny path to success, faith in Russian cinema and, of course, about what worries Pasha's fans very much - about his marriage to actress Agatha Muceniece

Pasha, it cost us incredible efforts to fit interviews and filming into your schedule. How do you deal with this crazy busyness?
I really have every day scheduled by the minute. And I love it. An actor should not sit just like that - without work he will disappear, go bad. But you know, I always found something to do, even when there was no such amount of work. I can afford to do nothing for a maximum of two or three days. I wake up, sit near the computer and become completely amorphous. At such moments, I urgently begin to look for some business for myself. Thank God, there is a job that I can give myself completely. I shoot five projects at the same time, day turns into night, night into day ... But it's fun. Of course, I am happy that I also have the opportunity to earn money. If not for the cinema, I would go to the theater.

I read that as a child you did both choreography and boxing at the same time. How did these polar activities combine in your life?

I was lazy as hell as a kid. I sometimes just broke somewhere to go and do something. We lived in the small town of Berdsk near Novosibirsk, we had a private house. There were geese, ducks, rabbits - all kinds of living creatures. I had to do everything myself - feed the animals, weed the garden, plant. To be honest, then I hated it all - as a child I wanted to take a walk. So, probably, if at some point my parents hadn’t taken me to boxing and choreography, I don’t know where I would have ended up. If not for the choreography, I would have completely lacked willpower. It seems to me that classical choreography forms the core. Girls just need to do it: immediately the gait becomes different, the posture improves. And it won't hurt a guy for plastic surgery. Well, boxing ... What can I say ... He gave me a lot.

The question of self-defense does not arise?
Everything happens in life.

As far as I know, your parents are not from the theatrical background. How did theater come into your life?
My mother is a choreographer and my father was a boxer. Our family was quite poor - my father died early. Mom left three children: I have an older brother and sister, I am the youngest. Mom dreamed that one of us would take up choreography. It didn't work out with my brother and sister. And with me a ride. After school, the choice arose: either enter the choreographic institute, or go to the theater. They took me to the choreographic school, but I had to pay a certain amount. In addition, it seemed to me that studying there was somehow unmanly, there were only girls and mannered boys. And I decided to enter the Novosibirsk State Theater School and graduated from it.

It turns out that to some extent it was your mother who helped you decide on the choice of profession. Where does she live now?
My mom is a big guy. I am extremely grateful to her. Everything that I have already achieved and that, thank God, I am starting to succeed, I owe only to her. She is a global person. I started living separately at the age of 14, but we always had a great relationship. As soon as I had the opportunity, I moved my mother and sister to Moscow. We meet once a week. I bought a dog for my mother, now they are like a sweet couple - everywhere together. ( Smiling.)

Does your mother go to your performances when you play?
She doesn't miss a single one. And what is valuable, she always evaluates my game as adequately as possible, always expresses her opinion, gently, so that I think about it, but do not get offended.

What student performance did you like the most?
"The Marriage of Balzaminov", I played Balzaminov himself there. The performance was very funny. It seems to me that it was after him that something more or less worked out for me. We staged it in my first year, and after the show, I was immediately invited to the Globus Theater in Novosibirsk, where I was given five or six main roles. Wonderful memories remain.

Films and projects with your participation are incredibly popular: "At the game", "Children under 16 ...", "Gamers", "Lavrova Method" and "Closed School" on STS. At first, fame pleases, and then you start to get tired of it. Apparently, you have already begun a period of fatigue.

I'm just tired of rudeness. For everything else, I'm very logical. When I was a kid, it was fun for me to approach a famous person. But without this: “Oh, look, this is the dude who starred in that action movie ...” I perfectly understand how we treat more or less famous people. If you want to take a photo - ok. If you want to say something, please. But we have a lot of cattle in our country, which reacts very strangely to actors. You get tired of rudeness, rudeness, inadequateness, and not some kind of popularity.

You moved from Novosibirsk to Moscow at the age of 17. How did the capital receive you?
Like everyone else, not so much. Nobody was waiting for me here. I generally told my mother that I was going to my friends at the dacha. And he went to Moscow to try to enter. I really liked the method of work of Sergei Zhenovach, and I wanted to join him at GITIS. But unfortunately, it didn't work out. Someone just forgot to enter me into his competition. I was terribly upset, got drunk and entered Raikin at the Moscow Art Theater School. I am very glad that this is how things turned out. Konstantin Arkadievich is an amazing artistic director, an incredible master.

But are you gone?
I was the only student who left on his own that wasn't kicked out. It was extremely interesting for me to work with him, I was one of his best students and, besides studying, I didn’t do anything at all, I tried not to act. Maybe we just didn't get along. We are both strong and stubborn. I had my own story, in which there was both romance and recklessness. I don’t want to go into details, it’s just that the situation changed my attitude to everything a little. And I decided to still act in films.

That is, the material side played a role?
This, of course, too.

If you could turn back time, would you still leave?
Yes. I try not to regret the things I've done.

What do you think, what can help a person who has come to conquer the capital to break through and get hooked here?

If a person wants to achieve something, then it does not matter where he comes from. The main thing is that a person has a specific goal, which should be formulated as clearly as possible. There are a lot of people who drop everything and come to Moscow, where no one is waiting for them, and they cannot do anything here. And all because there was no goal, there was just a desire to go to the capital.

Did you have a clearly defined goal?
There was, but what, I won't tell you. ( Smiling.)

Already at GITIS, on the course of Sergei Golomazov, you became a successful student, played Shervinsky in Turbin Days ...

I still play. But already in the Bulgakov House. In fact, I got acquainted with this play while still studying at the studio school. They ran in the performance of the Art Theater, portraying soldiers ( In the Moscow Art Theater, the play is called The White Guard. - Approx. OK!) while being students. Khabensky and other masters played there. I was standing in the third row, I was almost invisible. But I thought that everyone was looking at me anyway. I played as best I could, with all my might ... Then I thought: I wish I could someday play a big role in this performance. And then everything turned out so well at GITIS: my classmate, director Tanya Marek, offered to stage excerpts from Turbin Days. We rehearsed them, the master liked it, and he decided to make a full-fledged performance, which turned out to be very successful, and so far I have not heard bad reviews about him.

If we talk about cinema, most of your characters are similar to each other, such alpha males, self-confident, deep, but their depth most often appears closer to the finale. Are you not afraid to become a hostage of one type?
Not afraid. I have different projects. I agree, most of my heroes are still anti-heroes, hero-lovers. But if such a character is needed now, then why not. I don't see anything wrong with that. I have the program "The Pinochet Couple", whom I just did not play there. It's a pity that these are short excerpts. But recently we filmed the New Year's Trouble project. I play such a mannered metrosexual. In another project, a complete autist.

What do you want to achieve in your profession?
I would really like to take our cinema to another level. We have very talented young guys, they can do it. For example, Zhenya Tkachuk, who played a major role in Once Upon a Time in Odessa. By the way, I played Leonid Utyosov there, as you can see, not quite a hero-lover. It seems to me that our acting school is much better than in Europe, in America. We have all the problems at the beginning of the production process, when the money goes somewhere. I wish this didn't happen. I want our cinema to be considered the best.

In this constant cycle, do you manage to escape somewhere to rest?
My shifts get canceled sometimes. Recently, three shifts were canceled, and Agatha and I hit the road to Egypt. To be honest, the worst thing that could happen to me was to go to Egypt. I had never been there before. I have been to Turkey, but they told me that Egypt is better. But in comparison, Turkey was just wonderful.

Last year, around this time, you and Agatha were telling OK! about my Greek journey. And in April of this year, information appeared on the Internet that that trip was your honeymoon trip. Be honest, are you married?

Yes. We are married.

Why did you keep it a secret?

You know, we didn't make a secret out of it. We just got married for ourselves, not for show. We absolutely did not want to arrange a show from the series “see everyone soon - we have a wedding”. We, like all people, have a job, a personal life, a life that PR directors create for us, roughly speaking. They might come up with something for the press. We didn't want this.

Pasha, why should a man marry at such a young age?

How to say to you. This was necessary for me in order to grow up, to feel that I am responsible not only for myself, but also for my loved one.

Don't you think that's a bit of a selfish explanation?
(Thinking.) I agree. Probably, I didn't express myself correctly. You know, if everything works out for people, if they have feelings, mutual understanding, if they are comfortable together - why not? Why not put a stamp in your passport about this?

In the STS series "Closed School" you are filming together. Aren't you afraid that you can get tired of each other: both at home and at work together?
There are no such concerns. It's great that we have the opportunity to be together more often. Each other must be valued and respected.

And how do you like this life of a married man, full of responsibility?

Cool. I'm happy. Agatha completely suits me, helps me in everything.

Are you making her happy?

(Laughs.) You should probably ask her. She, of course, tells me that I am satisfied.

Read the full interview in OK! #34

Our previous meeting with Pasha and Agata took place a couple of months before the birth of their second baby (this happened in March).

Photo: Andrey Bayda

Then they said that they were preparing mentally for doubling the noise in the house and for the complete lack of time for themselves, and they taught their eldest son Timofey that they would have to share parental attention with someone ... But what do you think? The boy is not only not jealous, but he himself does not leave his sister!

Agata, Pasha, has your rhythm of life been established? How do you divide time between family and work?

Agata: If earlier I could not imagine my life with children, now I cannot imagine my life without them. Mia is such a sweet baby! Thank heavens, she is a calm girl who can pick her toys and not interfere with cooking porridge in the morning. We have a nanny, and, of course, Pasha's mother still helps us. She takes Timokha to classes, entertains him. So far, everything is going well. But Pasha is always on business trips.

Pavel: Well, now there is more time. Yes, there were business trips, I don’t like them very much. And so you don’t have time to do everything, but you still come somewhere - and it leans in. Plus we are building a house.

A .: Now I am eighty percent involved in construction.

P .: In general, it’s fun, the eye has been twitching lately ... ( They laugh.)

Agata, what are you doing at the construction site? Do you lead?

A .: Now we connect the fireplace. I supervise chimneymen, there turned out to be many nuances that we did not foresee. Also curtains, chandeliers, furniture assembly and everything else. Then we will start organizing cleaning, buying linen, dishes, towels. You will need to wash everything, because you want to move into a clean house. In fact, I insured Pasha: he has been building a house for three years, he was tired and a little offended that I did not help him.

I'll be back with your kids. You have been preparing Timothy for a long time for the fact that he will have a sister. How does he communicate with her?

A .: Well done Timokha, he loves her very much, all you can hear is: “Mika, Mika!” He loves to play puppies with her. Kisses her. He reads poetry to her, and she laughs with him until hiccups. It seems to me that he also does not know how he lived without a baby.

Are they similar in character?

P: No! Timothy demon. It used to be, and it is now. There was never any logic in his behavior, and before his first birthday he took out the whole brain to me. ( Laughs.) Now he can at least explain what he wants. We asked ourselves that she (Mia. - Note. OK!) was quieter.

A .: At the age of Mia (she is already nine months old, and she is trying to get up on her feet), Timokha whined and cried all the time. I thought I would never have a second child.

P .: Mia, of course, touches me very much. Maybe because of the calm nature, or maybe because the girl. She is shy, flirts, hugs ... And now the main thing for Timokha is to have an iPad. But there is a danger here, you need to dose.

Is it possible?

P: He gets it as a reward. For each verse, for example, he has the right to watch cartoons for half an hour in the evening. True, he does not particularly like cartoons. The current generation watches YouTube. There are strange videos where children take apart new toys, boxes or play with them. And then Timokha comes and asks for some toy.

A .: Everyone I know has this problem.

P: I have an idea. Maybe give him to the circus? ( They laugh.) I'm talking about gymnastics. As long as the whole body of children is mobile, they are so rubbery, you can try. He is already very cool somersaults on the trampoline for his age.

A .: Sometimes it shows a break: it falls to the floor and starts lifting its legs. Thinks it's cool. We, of course, praise him. ( smilessya.) And so he goes to classes with us, where they teach acting and vocals. By the way, here's another comparison of characters: Timofey could always be handed over to anyone, he was very trusting, and Mia only goes to those she knows. If a stranger takes her in his arms, she will be hysterical.

Agatha, I know that you were actively filming when you were waiting for Mia. Tell me about it.

A .: Yes, I starred in the comedy series "Civil Marriage", which will be released in early January on TNT. We have two positive characters there. They seem to be in a relationship, they seem to love each other, but it’s too early for them to marry, but just dating is not the same anymore. And so they decide to live together and face the problems of adulthood. My heroine is a little spoiled, she is the only child of her parents. Her dad is a military man who treats her with tenderness. And of course, he does not like the choice of his daughter. Already in the process of filming, I found out that I was expecting a baby, moreover, I was in my third month. It was a surprise for everyone. It was December, and in March I gave birth. While filming, I persuaded Mia not to grow up so fast, I was on a diet, on proper nutrition: vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken ... I watched material from the filming, it seems that it is not visible there. ( Laughs.)

Pasha, weren't you worried about your wife?

P: Worried! Therefore, we found the best, in our opinion, PMC (perinatal medical center. - Approx. OK!) "Mother and Child", so that they would conduct pregnancy and childbirth.

A .: Oh, how tasty the food is there! ( Laughs and looks at Pasha.) But in general, he was mostly worried while in Kaliningrad.

P .: In Kaliningrad, then in St. Petersburg, then in Baku ... Timofey once asked me: “Dad, where do you live?” I hinted that with them, but he said: “No, I live with my mother, but do you have your own house?” I take a lot of work not because I want to shoot everywhere. There are certain responsibilities that need to be fulfilled: finish building the house and so on ... Then I will take a break and I will only act in what I like.

Agatha, are you planning on going back to work?

A .: I would love to, but so far I have only taken up blogging. I have a YouTube channel. This is an opportunity to be at home and shoot what you want. So far, however, at a loss, because I bought a camera, Pasha bought me a new computer ... But he is very supportive of my undertakings. One of the latest videos has amassed half a million views. I shoot about our life: what we do, where we go. I read the comments of subscribers to understand what they are interested in. I'm trying to be funny.

P: She's good at it. She shoots and edits herself. Very funny in places.

A .: Pasha is my main viewer. I’ll just lay it out - after half an hour he writes that he looked. I am so pleased! ( Looks at her husband.) When I discovered this world of YouTube, I realized that I didn’t know anything about it at all. My first video, for example, was blocked due to copyright infringement on music. In general, I don’t have some kind of super goal, I just try. If this turns into a way to earn money, I will only be happy.

P .: She does it better and better every time. I am for quality. We chose a camera with a stabilizer. I want the viewer to watch the blog and see that it is no worse than a TV movie. You need to do what you are a professional at. And not like some: they take something off and spoil people's taste.

A .: I was shocked by some female bloggers. They swear and carry it to the masses.

P .: I want to not only increase the number of subscribers, but also show people something good.

A .: For example, under my video about Pasha’s birthday, when I suddenly came to him with balloons, the girls began to write: “I’ll go and I’ll surprise my own.” That is, I inspired people to do some good deeds. It's nice.

Pasha, do you have any ideas to do something other than cinema?

P .: While I, as an artist, am filming with Agatha. Perhaps soon she will pay me for it. ( They laugh.)

A .: I would like to see Pasha as a producer. I think he has taste. He could make some cool movie. I keep pushing him, pushing him, saying: “How long can you be an artist? Go to producers.

P: It's a wild responsibility. I won't be at home then. Just come, start the project and leave it, they say, shoot as you like, and then be surprised that you owe someone money, I don’t want to. Money is generally a dangerous story. For now, I'm more comfortable the way I am. If there is no work, I will start thinking. In general, I would really like to create my own group.


P: Yes. I have been wanting to sing for a long time. But not to make something out of it... In no case do I think that I will create a group right now and be in iTunes. I want a story purely for myself, as Andrei Mironov had, namely acting singing, expressing thoughts ... I love to sing, I studied vocals as a child. Now it's all gone far, far away. And Agatha and I fit into the same story ...

Which one? Is there something I don't know?

P: performance.

A.: Ah! Yes. Entreprise. They are constantly offered to us, but before there was no material that would please us. Many are done quickly, quickly: let's, they say, rehearse for two days and go on tour to collect loot. This is not creativity.

P .: I want to make a really worthy good performance. We even want to participate specially together - firstly, in order to spend more time together, and secondly, I, of course, will not let Agatha go anywhere alone.

A: My favorite tyrant.

Interesting! You are known more as film actors than theater actors.

A .: I practically did not play in the theater. At school only and in VGIK. I didn't go to theaters. I understood that if they took me, no one would give me the main roles. Play a tree and get three kopecks for it? .. My goal has always been to earn a name first.

P .: And I played, I played a lot. For two years at the Globus Theater in Novosibirsk, then, while I was studying, I played small roles at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater for about a year, then at the Yermolovsky Theater a couple of performances a year. The last was the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Now I have one performance at the Bulgakov Theater, but we play it once every two or three months, when there is time, in a small hall for sixty to one hundred people. The theater is interesting, it's for the soul, but global bondage, of course. In the "Globe" I had the main roles, and in Moscow ... some strange ones.

Isn't it the same in the movies?

A .: In the cinema, there is a chance that an aspiring actor will be approved for the main role if the producer wants to save money.

P .: I started in the cinema with small roles. How long have I been filming?

A: Forty years.

P.: Forty years, and during this time two thousand projects.

A .: And you have a well-deserved Oscar.

P: I think it's a good result. ( A pause and general laughter.) It all started with the fact that I was sitting on the stairs in the subway, they came up to me and said: “Why are you sitting? Let's go to the cinema". I thought I was going to watch the movie, but it turned out to be an audition...

A .: Now Spielberg constantly calls. Luc Besson drank tea with us, said: "Milla Jovovich is not the same, come on." But we refuse, because we are for Russian cinema. ( Laughs.)

P: By the way, yes. I would like it to be no worse than somewhere else, so that we do not buy films from America, France, Germany, but, on the contrary, sell our own. “Major” was taken by Netflix, and this is not bad, but I want the full meter to be in use. Then we will earn more, and we will not be looked down upon.

And how will you make a better product if you don't want to become a producer?

P: I want! But this needs to be done, and now, unfortunately, I do not have time for this.

A .: Pasha needs to be organized. If I told him: “Let's do the creative part, and I will organize everything,” he would gladly agree.

Acting is a project work, today there is a project and money, tomorrow not. Not scary?

A .: There are fears, there are no prospects. Today you are Nagiyev, and tomorrow nobody. That is why we will develop my YouTube channel. ( Smiling.)

And yet you sent Timofey to an acting class.

A .: This is so that he has something to do, for general development. Pasha's mother assures that Timofey is very talented. But I've seen him sing: for now, he's just a three-year-old being forced to do things he doesn't want to. I am sure that in the future it will come in handy and he will say thank you, but he must choose for himself what will bring happiness. He wants revenge on the streets, he will be happy from this, let him do it.

P .: I will prompt, I will instruct. I want to give it to big sport. Firstly, it will always come in handy in his life, and secondly, it will be great if he earns money with this. We had a story: we wanted him to take up football, but something didn’t work out. It will be possible to try again when we move to the Moscow region.

Is this a plan for 2017?

A .: No, we want to move before the New Year. Listen, it was just the New Year, and here it is again ... Pash, was your year long?

A .: This is because you spent it on business trips.

P .: We are now finishing a feature film made from short stories, I have a small role there. And that's it, then nothing.

A .: And I want some new interesting projects. Maybe "Civil Marriage 2"? It would be great, because he fell in love with me and I remember him.

Are you going somewhere for the New Year?

A .: No, but after it we plan to go to the sea. Timokha loves to sunbathe, swim, wallow in the sand. In the meantime, we need to have time to finish the construction work: we want to celebrate the New Year with the whole family in our new house.

Text: Alexandra Driga. Photo: Andrey Baida. Photographer's assistant: Denis Goryshev. Style: Polina Shabelnikova. Hair and makeup: Ekaterina Bobkova

Previously, Muceniece and Priluchny hid their daughter's face from outsiders, posting on social networks only those photos where she was with her back to the camera. The baby was born in early March this year. Timothy is now four years old.


In an interview with the publication, Agatha spoke about pregnancy. “Already in the process of filming, I found out that I was expecting a baby, moreover, I was in my third month. It was a surprise for everyone. It was December, and in March I gave birth,” the actress recalls with a smile. “While filming, I persuaded Mia not to grow up so fast , was on a diet, on proper nutrition: vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken ... I watched material from the filming, it seems that it is not visible there.

The four children have different temperaments. “By the way, here’s another comparison of characters: Timofey could always be handed over to anyone, he was very trusting, and Mia goes only to those she knows. Muceniece.

Demanded Priluchny suffers from a lack of communication with children. "Timofey once asked me:" Dad, where do you live? that I want to act everywhere. There are certain responsibilities that need to be fulfilled: to finish building the house and so on ... Then I will take a break and will act only in what I like, "the artist shared his plans.

By the way, once in another interview, Agatha opened up about her quarrels with her emotional husband. Their relationship seems perfect, but, according to Muceniece, everything is not so rosy. For example, during the filming of the series "Quest" Priluchny was jealous of his wife for the operator. “They came home - they fought. They beat the dishes. Pasha shouted that he would file for divorce tomorrow,” said the wife of the star of the TV series Major.

Agatha can be silent for a long time, but her patience is not iron. “When they’re completely done, I’ll answer in such a way that it doesn’t seem like a little. Word for word, and away we go. Cups and plates fly. That time we literally smashed a rented apartment in Riga, even knocked out the door. Well, what can you do, so quick-tempered. The child, fortunately, did not see anything of this, he was visiting my mother. And he will never see it, I promise: scandal in front of children is the last thing, "Mucieniece believes.

Pavel and Agatha told how 2017 was remembered and what the younger Priluchny, Timofey and Miya think about their parents.

The year in which Paul celebrated his 30th birthday is coming to an end! I know that you, Agatha, were very actively preparing for the celebration. Did Paul not guess what was waiting for him?

There was a moment when he figured it out. The fact is that I had to change the password on the phone so that he would not see the discussion of all the details of the surprise with his friends in a specially created WhatsApp group. And now our son Timofey, who is now learning numbers, runs up to Pasha and says: “Dad, I learned my mother’s new password!” Pasha says: “What do you mean? Mom changed the password? And then I had to admit that I was preparing a little surprise. But I said that it would be a very small surprise, a symbolic one.

Photo: Olga Zinovskaya /

And in fact?

According to my idea, his friends came to St. Petersburg. All the guys dressed up in stupid costumes of Smeshariki, Mickey Mouse and other characters, and Pasha, using the riddles that we read, had to guess who was hiding behind the mask. Pasha did not believe so much that all this was happening in reality and that guests had come to him for the anniversary from Novosibirsk itself, that he did not even immediately recognize his best friend Rusya. Even when he began to speak out of the suit! The holiday itself turned out to be so sincere, cheerful. It really was the most fun birthday I have ever attended. Not because I organized it, it just happened that way. Pasha has wonderful friends, they have such crazy energy. It was a mega fun holiday.

Judging by Pavel's reaction to the video on social networks, he really liked the holiday. He is usually more serious.

He is not that serious ... I will say this: Pasha is a man closed from many.

Pavel, tell me, did you like Agatha's surprise?

Yah! Some bullshit!

Bullshit, you mean? It's your new phone bullshit!

I'm kidding! Everything was cool! I really didn't know anything. I just thought it would be some kind of holiday. In general, I do not like to celebrate. So you shoot in a day that everything else is not important later. For me, holidays are about being at home with my family.

And then I had to spend time with friends ...

The biggest gift for me is that Agatha brought all my friends together. This is outrageously great! I didn't think it was possible to bring so many people together. After all, we have all grown up, everyone has their own problems, their own lives, and it’s almost impossible to simply dock everyone on the same day and in one place!

Oh, I was so pleased when Pasha said that I outdid him in preparing surprises.

They say that your fans gave you a very practical and useful gift for your anniversary - a massage chair. This is true?

Yes, pure truth!

We have tried it with our kids. Cool chair! I will definitely use them.

But I have not yet seen the chair, since it is in a Moscow house, and I am now working in St. Petersburg. In general, my VKontakte group is great. They are all very cool guys. For all holidays, they give something, invent, constantly participate in my life, they know everything about me, right down to where I will go. Even though I didn't tell them. They always have all the photographs from the main events of my life, they directly chronicle the Priluchny families. This is a whole army, such a good one, I don’t know how many thousand people there are, somewhere around 150. We have been together for a long time, the seventh year.

Do you communicate with them?

Yes, but mostly with group admins. But rarely with fans. There is not enough time, and in general I am not a network, not a social person.

You mentioned that you now live in St. Petersburg. And how did the children react to the change of residence?

Children are already used to moving, and they really like it. They run into any new apartment with such joy, begin to examine everything, jump on the sofas.

For Miika, all this is new, but she likes to ride a peregrine falcon or a car, she is absolutely delighted. And Timosha is already used to it. Children seem to think that all people move like this.

And what do they think about the fact that their parents are stars?

Timofey was once asked in the kindergarten what his father was doing. The son replied: “It doesn’t work!” They say to him: "Wait, but your dad is a famous actor, very talented." And Tim answered: “No! Dad only takes pictures and takes pictures, he doesn’t work!” And then we starred on the cover of a magazine, the son was somehow out of sorts. The make-up artist's daughter approached him: “Timosha, what are you doing? You'll be on the cover of a magazine! Imagine if someone sees you and invites you to the cinema.” And Timosha is sitting so gloomy: “Just think, a movie! It's boring!" The girl decided that Tim was very strange.

You probably bring a bunch of gifts for children?

We take a lot from touring. Spectators all the time carry something for the children. They are given sweets and toys. Timosha is now very fond of transformers, and therefore asks for robots. Some time ago I was fond of Spider-Man. And Miika is still happy with everything, from dolls to animals.

What can surprise them?

You know, Tim and Mia are already so used to the fact that we do not return empty-handed. And then in the morning I arrived in Moscow on a peregrine falcon, then there was a full day of shooting, and all night I rode the train home to St. Petersburg. Naturally, I did not manage to buy anything for the children. And I thought it would be a cunning plan if I gave them a free set that they give on trains. Mia was very pleased with the gift, she immediately began to comb her hair, washed her hands several times and said: "Clean, clean, clean." And Timothy was upset. It’s a pity that I didn’t have time to shoot my son’s very first reaction for Instagram. He opened the gift joyfully, and then changed his face and said: “Slippers again?” I laughed a lot. Roughly speaking, it was a little trolling.

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