Fairy tale pencil drawings are the best. How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale with a pencil and paints

Master class drawing on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Directly educational activities on visual activity for older preschool children.

Target: Teaching children to draw a plot from a fairy tale
To improve the technique of owning a brush, to transfer characteristics subject;
Use elements decorative drawing;
To consolidate the ability to arrange images well on a sheet;
Develop aesthetic perception, imagination.
Preliminary work:
Reading and playing the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";
Conversation about the read plot;
Examining pictures, illustrations;
Prepare the place of work: fix sheets of paper on the table with adhesive tape; prepare paints and tools.

Equipment: Gouache paints, sheets of white or light blue paper A-4, brushes No. 6, No. 2, jars of water, palette, napkins, adhesive tape.

Content of activity:
The teacher invites children to solve riddles:
He is scraped along the box,
By the bottom of the barrel he is meten,
He has a ruddy side
He is cheerful...

This red bastard
Kolobochka ate deftly.

Well done! Let's remember the fairy tale "Kolobok", how did it end?

On the edge of the forest
Met a red fox.
- Hello, red fox,
Do you want me to sing, sister?
And the bun sang again.

Hello sweet bun.
You sing well, my friend.
Only I'm old
I became deaf in my ear
Sit on my tongue
And sing it one more time.

So did the bun.
On her tongue he climbed
And I was about to sing again.
Didn't have time to open my mouth
How did the fox get in the stomach.
Fox didn't listen to him.
And she took it and ate it.

Today we will draw a plot from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The moment when the fox holds the kolobok on his nose, and he sings his song. We examine the image, analyze it.

Execution sequence:
Our fox will be bright orange. To do this, we mix orange and red paints on the palette.
Just above the middle of the sheet, draw a circle with a thick brush.

We draw out a triangular nose, starting from the bottom of the muzzle.

We draw a sundress, it is triangular in shape. From the head, stretch the lines down to the sides, connect wavy line, paint over.

Now we draw a fluffy long tail, it wriggles beautifully.

Front paws.

Hind legs. First, draw two ovals under the sundress.

Then we stretch the paws up, they resemble a droplet.

While our fox dries up, draw a bun. He yellow color and sits on the nose of the fox.

Let the kolobok dry and paint the background with blue gouache. Snowdrifts in the form of a wave, and a thin brush of snowflakes. Then we continue to paint the drawing with a brush number 2.

We bring our characters to life with white paint. We mark the eyes, decorate a sundress and a fox fur coat, using dots, droplets, wavy and straight lines.

We finish the eyes of the characters with black gouache, the eyelashes of the fox's nose, and notes.

We draw a kolobok nose and mouth.

So our plot from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" is ready.

Guys, what do you think, could the fairy tale have a different end and the gingerbread man remained to live and live? Children fantasize ... The teacher reads out the continuation of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Kolobok. Continuation.
You are well acquainted
Funny bun??
He ran away from all the animals,
But the fox could not.

He was a braggart and a merry fellow
And sang songs loudly
With a cunning red fox
All managed to do it!

Jumped very high
Grabbed the fox by the tail
And so he ran away
Not so simple anymore!

From fear for a very long time
rolled somersault,
But suddenly - the forest is over,
And here is a wonderful house!

Now pies live in it,
Candies, cakes, pretzels,
Cookies, gingerbread, pie
And with them - a bold bun!

All the forest people are visiting them
Started walking on Sunday
And the gingerbread man sang songs to them
And served jam!

Here is a fox in a red coat on a white background, and this is a red fox on a light blue background.

Everyone good day! Today we will draw fairy tale character .

It will be a sleepy, just awakened for some trifle inhabitant of a cozy house, well, or an underground dwelling. It is obvious that our hero does not want to go anywhere, so he reluctantly holds a candle to illuminate the darkness of the night, and the posture and facial expression convey only wish- go to bed as soon as possible.

Step 1

Let's sketch the figure of the character, on the face we denote the longitudinal line of facial symmetry and the transverse line of the eyes. Note the clearly disproportionate head and neck, which leans slightly forward.

Step 2

This step will be the most voluminous of the entire lesson. Here we will draw the outlines of a home dressing gown with a few smooth lines. fabulous creature, his shoes, and also draw the eyes, ears and cap. Look at the eyes - they should be half covered with eyelids. We finish the work on the face in this step by sketching the cheekbones and chin.

Step 3

draw a face fairy-tale character is a rather interesting task, in this stage we will deal with it. Pay attention to the features - a long, hooked nose, slightly sagging cheeks and a phlegmatically compressed mouth. Here we draw the inner part of the ear, and sketch out the line along which the dressing gown is wrapped. By the way, about the dressing gown - do not forget about the collar and belt. We complete the stage by working on the folds on the fabric of the nightcap.

Step 4

This stage will be the easiest, here we will draw a candle and a saucer in the hand of our fairy-tale character (by the way, we need to give the hand a finished look). We will also draw the knot of the belt on which the robe is tied.

Step 5

That's all, it remains only to apply the shadows. Shade the dark areas with a simple pencil, paying attention to the candle, which is the source of light. It will be great if the end result looks like an illustration from children's fairy tales.

Objectives: To continue introducing children to oral folk art, consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.
  • consolidate knowledge about fabulous epic genre, features of the image, its purpose;
  • develop imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the ability to embody your idea in a drawing;
  • to teach to convey in the drawing images of fairy-tale characters with their characteristic features;
  • learn to choose material for the image, build a composition from individual drawings for an episode from a fairy tale.

Materials: White paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes, wax crayons, illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Didactic games: "Find out by profile", "Pick up heroes for fairy tales."
1. Organizational stage.
Educator: At the beginning of the lesson, I want to read you a poem by V.A. Glass
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But we cannot live in the world without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our stories ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
The guest will say: "Come in."
Today we will go on an unusual journey, to the land of fairy tales. A long time ago people did not yet know how to read or write, but fairy tales were already being told. And how they loved to listen, and not only small children, but also adults. They will gather in the evening at gatherings: logs crackle in the oven, crowded in the hut, everyone is busy with business, who spins yarn, who knits, who embroiders, and who just listens to a fairy tale. The fairy tale has survived to this day, because it was told from generation to generation, passed from mouth to mouth. Your grandmothers told a fairy tale to your mothers and fathers, your mothers to you, and you tell your children. This is how a fairy tale came to us from ancient times. What fairy tales do you know? Answers: "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Three Bears", "Geese-Swans", etc. And what are these fairy tales? (Russian folk) And why are they called that? Answers: (Invented and written by the people).
Held didactic games“Find out by profile”, “Pick up heroes for fairy tales”.
- Well done!
- Guys, do you have favorite fairy tales? Answers. Here are the heroes of these fairy tales, we will draw with you. Selected characters of fairy tales (illustrations) are placed on the flannelgraph.
2. Practical part.
Look closely at the heroes of fairy tales and you will see how different they are. The art of portraiture is very ancient. Artists, when they paint a portrait, try to convey the character and inner world hero. Fairy tale characters can be cunning and gullible, good and evil. After all, we are all artists in our own way. Let's draw illustrations for your favorite fairy tales. We must try to convey in the portrait the character of the hero, his character traits, mood. Do not forget about hair, jewelry, hats. Every little thing matters. They also talk about the character of the hero. You have to work very carefully and carefully.
What do you think the end of the fairy tale is? Answers (Always happy, good triumphs over evil). Correctly! Well, now to work.
3. Independent work.
Children draw.
4. Summing up.
After the lesson, the teacher hangs all the drawings in a conspicuous place - the children examine them and tell what fairy tale hero they drew, discuss the characters of the characters, what they are.

Many parents whose children go to school are wondering "How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale?". At the art lesson in general education school or in a composition lesson in art school often asked to draw fragments of fairy tales. The hardest part is coming up with a plot. The graphic implementation is not a problem. The main thing is to fill your hand and arrange all the illustrations for one work in the same style.

Illustration Features

The most difficult thing in illustrating is to choose from the work those pieces that will be depicted in the book. Artists usually draw the main parts of novels: the beginning of the work, the climax and the conclusion. But, of course, you can illustrate a memorable and beloved moment.

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale as detailed and understandable as possible? Before creating an outline, you need to read the work at least twice. The first time a person gets acquainted with the plot, and the second time he remembers the details that are not evident at the first reading.

What you need to pay attention to when illustrating the work:

  • The appearance of the characters. Before portraying antagonist heroes, you need to remember distinctive features their looks. A mole on the cheek or a scar on the forehead must be drawn, otherwise main character will lose its individuality.
  • Character clothes. Strange, but few people remember the description of clothes, even the main ones. actors. Therefore, before sitting down at the drawing table, you need to re-read the passages in which the description of clothing is given.
  • Interiors or exteriors complement any illustration, so a description of furniture or woodwork has great importance. It is worth paying attention even to such trifles as bumps under the feet of the main characters or a shabby carpet that adorns the center of the room.
  • Secondary characters need less portrayal, but do not forget that the friends of the main characters should be recognizable.

Graphic illustration

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale in a graphic style? There are several techniques here:

  • with a pencil;
  • with the help of mascara;
  • by using soft material(charcoal, pastel, etc.)

Decide what style the illustration will be in. If you plan to painstakingly draw the smallest details then take a pencil. If the drawing is more like a sketch, soft material will do.

It is difficult to make graphic works as effective as color ones. To achieve a good result, you need to draw an illustration of a fairy tale in stages.

  1. The first step is to sketch the favorite fragment of the fairy tale.
  2. The second step is layout. It is needed so that in the future all parts of the picture fit into the limited space of the canvas.
  3. The next step is working out the details. This is a responsible mission, and if the illustration is drawn by children, parents should control this process.
  4. The final part is applying light and shadow to shapes and objects. The main thing is not to forget that the foreground with the main characters should be darker than the background.

Illustration with paints

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale using paints? It's easy if you break down the whole process step by step. For example, we need to draw an illustration for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

To do this, let's break the work into parts:

  • First of all, we find the moment that needs to be illustrated. Let's take the plot as an example: the Snow Queen sits on the throne, and Kai plays at her feet.
  • Decide on the appearance of the characters: long or short hair, snub-nosed noses, what color eyes. It is advisable to re-read the description of the characters in the fairy tale.
  • We draw a sketch. Choose the positions in which the Snow Queen and Kai will sit.
  • Now the fun part: think about the clothes that the main characters are wearing.
  • The last stage of the sketch is drawing the interior. Look through the fairy tale, be inspired by the atmosphere of the cold palace, find clues.
  • After the sketch is made, transfer it to a clean copy. Remember that paint will be applied over the pencil. This is important if the illustration will be done in watercolor, so sketch out the final sketch with watercolor pencils.
  • The final step is coloring.

Combined technique

If you want to paint with several materials, you will have to combine several techniques. How to draw an illustration for the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"?

First you need to do everything by analogy with the plan for creating an illustration for " snow queen". When the drawing with paints is ready, draw the details and shadows with ink. Pay special attention to the foreground. If the fairy tale is illustrated by children, then it is better to leave the faces of the characters undrawn.

A children's book is unimaginable without colorful illustrations, which develop the imagination of kids and help them imagine the actions described by the author. The illustrator is, in fact, the co-author of the book. If the writer creates imaginary images, then the artist makes them visual. Art Centers development of children widely use in their work the method of illustration, which is an obligatory stage of development creativity children.

It is recommended to start creating the first illustrations with Pushkin's favorite fairy tales. It's hard to overestimate them. educational value, after all, Pushkin's fairy tales introduce kids to great wealth literary heritage, enrich speech, develop memory and imagination, instill moral and moral values. Peculiar Pushkin's poetry captivates children with its emotionality, simplicity of language and colorful literary images.

  • Formation of skills to convey expressiveness artistic image through color and form.
  • Development of independence in selection plot composition and performance techniques.
  • Practicing skills to place a plot drawing on the entire sheet of paper, isolate the main elements and emphasize them with colors, the play of light and shadow.

  • The development of children's imagination and emotional attitude to the work and the characters of the fairy tale.
  • Consolidation of skills to use various pictorial materials: paints, pencils, wax crayons, etc.
  • Moral education of children .

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to illustrate Pushkin's fairy tales, children should delve as deeply as possible into the peculiar fairy world. Preliminary work includes the following steps:

  1. Reading a fairy tale.
  2. Listening to the story on audio.
  • Acquaintance with illustrations made famous artists(Mavrin, Konashevich).

  1. Listening to excerpts from the operas of the same name ("The Golden Cockerel", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda" and others).

Illustration is pretty difficult process, requiring special attention to the little things that at first glance may seem insignificant.

  • We choose a plot. For children's drawings, it is better to choose key points fairy tales (the transformation of the Swan Princess, the Old Man by the sea calls the Golden Fish).
  • Do not immediately transfer the image to a large sheet of paper. Try to place the figures of the characters and the objects surrounding them on small leaves.
  • Before coloring the drawing, select the main color scheme, while remembering that colors most accurately convey the overall mood of the picture.

Toddlers who do not yet know how to draw, but love Pushkin's fairy tales, can also be attached to the creation of illustrations, allowing them to color already finished drawings. Children's coloring pages based on Pushkin's fairy tales can be bought at a bookstore or downloaded from the Internet and printed on a printer. For the smallest children, choose large images. Be sure to explain to the child what is shown in the picture, you can even read an excerpt from a fairy tale corresponding to this illustration.

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