Practical application of music therapy in work with preschool children. Music therapy - music therapy

Music therapy as a means of improving the health of children before school age

“A light melody is the best comforter for

excited fantasy and medicine for the brain."

W. Shakespeare

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed and personal development is carried out. From childhood, the child takes out what is stored later throughout his life. At the beginning of the journey, next to each baby are the most important people in his life - his parents. Thanks to their love, care, emotional intimacy, the child grows and develops, he develops a sense of trust in the world and the adults around him.

AT last years there is an active reform of the system preschool education: the network of alternative institutions is growing, new programs of preschool education are emerging, original methods are being developed. Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the emotional sphere of the child is not always given sufficient attention.

Working in the education system, the teacher notices a sharp increase in children with various forms of behavioral disorders, with various deviations in the psyche. Simply put, the number of unhealthy children, children with psycho-emotional disorders is increasing every year. Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and yet communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere.

Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. In kindergartens, there are more and more children with pronounced hyperactivity, children with psychosomatic diseases. Any inappropriate behavior: laziness, negativism, aggression, isolation - all this is a defense against dislike. A child is able to successfully develop, maintain health only in conditions of psychological comfort, emotional well-being.

The most important task musical education children early age is the formation of the leading component of musicality - the development of emotional responsiveness to music. On vivid musical impressions, images, I build the development of activity in children's musical performance and children's creativity. Young children do not speak very well, their actions are limited, but they are able to express emotions. This is where music comes in handy. Its strength lies in the fact that it conveys the change of moods, experiences - the dynamics of the emotional and mental states of a person. Children do not need to explain for a long time what a person feels when he is sad; it is enough just to play a sad melody, and the kids begin to understand the state of sadness from the first measures. Music helps them master the world of human feelings, emotions, experiences. Music is a source of special children's joy. At an early age, the child discovers the beauty of music, its magic power, and in different musical activity reveals itself, its creative potential. Early communication with music, classes in the main types of musical activities contribute to the full mental, physical and personal development of the baby. It has been established that music influences many spheres of human life through three main factors: vibrational, physiological and mental. Sound vibrations are a stimulator of metabolic processes in the body at the cell level. These vibrations are able to change various functions of the body (respiratory, motor, cardiovascular). Thanks to the associative connections that arise in the process of perception and performance of music, the mental condition child. It is at a younger age, when the child's psyche is very flexible and plastic, that the psychological component of the work of a music director is most effective. Analyzing the basics of psycho-correctional work with children, many scientists note that at preschool age, one of the most effective methods is uzikoterapiya.

Music therapy- a method that uses music as a means of normalizing the emotional state, eliminating fears, movement and speech disorders, and behavioral deviations.

Music therapy is based on the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the human body. This contributes to the overall improvement, improvement of well-being, raising the mood, increasing efficiency.

This method makes it possible to use music as a means of harmonizing the state of the child: relieving tension, fatigue, increasing emotional tone, correcting deviations in personal development the child and his psycho-emotional state, and can also relieve mental fatigue in a matter of minutes, invigorate, liberate, improve mood, concentrate attention. In preschool age, emotions play perhaps the most important role in personality development.

Music therapy classes are built according to a certain scheme:

1. Warm up. Motor and rhythmic exercises.

2. The main part. Various types of musical activities: singing, listening, musical and rhythmic movements, playing the musical instruments and necessarily theatrical elements.

3. Musical relaxation. Autotraining.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activity.

Therefore, music therapyas a methodit is recommended to use not only in music, but also in physical education, in morning exercises, invigorating exercises after a daytime sleep, in leisure evenings, in classes for the development of speech, fine arts, in everyday activities, independent games etc. accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.

Thus, each teacher can use the exercises in combination with other games and exercises, “construct” the necessary form of classes from separate compositions.

All elements of music therapy exercises make it possible to use them not only as a means of developing the musical and motor abilities of children in rhythm classes, but also as a game training of mental processes: attention, memory, will, creative imagination and fantasy, as well as a means of relaxation, switching attention or increasing psychophysical tone, etc., in various forms of organization pedagogical process in kindergarten.

For example, in classes with a high mental load and low mobility should be useddance compositions as a physical activity. Using compositions based on fast, fun music allows you to cheer up children, activate their attention.

The use of music solves health-improving and preventive tasks, contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions for the child's stay in kindergarten:

    morning time slot: during the reception of children, major classical music is offered, a sunny song with good text that will relieve the psychological stress created by the need to part with the mother;

    daytime sleep: the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Such music relaxes, relieves emotional and physical stress;

    waking up after nap: quiet, gentle, light, joyful music (a short piece or piece of music is used for one month so that the child develops a wake-up reflex to a familiar melody) helps babies move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity. Gymnastics is performed to the music.

With the help of music therapy, you can simulate emotions, help balance the psycho-emotional state and behavior of the child. Music therapy classes give a rich experience of communication, fill life with joyful and vivid impressions.

Music accompanies us throughout his life. It is difficult to find such a person who would not like to listen to it - either classical, or modern, or folk. Many of us love to dance, sing, or even just whistle a tune. But do you know about the benefits of music for the body? Certainly not everyone thought about it.

But the pleasant sounds of melodies are used as a method of treatment without drugs. This method is called music therapy, and its use has a positive effect on the body, both adults and children.

A bit of history

Philosophers pointed out that music has an effect on the human body. ancient world. Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle in their writings talked about the healing power that the melody has. They believed that music served to establish harmony and proportional order in the entire universe. It is also able to create the necessary balance in the human body.

Music therapy was also used during the Middle Ages. This method helped in the treatment of diseases that caused epidemics. At that time in Italy, this method was widely used in the treatment of tarantism. It's heavy mental illness, the cause of which was the bite of a tarantula (poisonous spider).

This phenomenon was first attempted to be explained only in the 17th century. And two centuries later, scientists began to conduct extensive studies of this phenomenon. As a result, the fact was established that the twelve sounds included in the octave have a harmonious connection with the 12 systems of the human body. With the directed influence of music or singing on our body, amazing things happen. Organs are brought into a state advanced level vibrations. A similar process allows you to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and activate recovery processes. As a result, a person gets rid of ailments and recovers.

Thus, music therapy is considered not only the most interesting, but also a very promising direction. It is used in many countries of the world for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Music and children

Toddlers living in the modern world most their time is spent for computer games and on TV screens. Most often, parents do not mind such activities for their child. Indeed, at this time, silence reigns in the house, and adults can safely go about their business. However, moms and dads should remember that frequent communication with a computer and TV can negatively affect their baby. After all, cartoons often radiate outright aggression, and there are a lot of violence and murders in the plots of films. All this negatively affects the fragile psyche of the child. But it happens that even the relationship between parents is not going well. In this case, the baby gets a real psychological trauma. He becomes insecure and withdrawn. Often these children experience feelings of fear and guilt. They are afraid that no one needs them, and no one is able to protect them. In addition, these children develop bad habits.

All this renders Negative influence on relationships between children. But in young age contacts with peers play an extremely important role. It becomes difficult for the child to enter the team because of self-doubt and fear that he will simply not be accepted.

Music therapy for children can help in this case. It is a psychotherapeutic method that allows you to correct emotional states. The use of this therapy leads to the rapid elimination of mental stress.

The great benefit of music therapy for children lies in its ability to eliminate behavioral problems, as well as to survive age-related crises that are associated with the development of the baby.

The harmonizing effect of melodies on mental processes is used in work with preschoolers. In this case, the teacher can use a huge number of methods. Regardless of which one is chosen, music therapy classes for preschool children have only one goal. It consists in the fact that the baby began to realize himself and his existence in the world around him.

The importance of conducting classes

Music therapy for young children is a special form of work with toddlers. In this case, the teacher uses various melodies, which can be either recordings on a tape recorder, or playing musical instruments, singing, listening to discs, etc.

Music therapy in kindergarten is a great opportunity to activate the child. Thanks to this, he begins to overcome the unfavorable attitudes in his mind, establishes relationships with people around him, which improves his emotional state. In addition, music therapy for preschool children is also necessary for the correction of various emotional deviations, speech and movement disorders. This technique helps to correct deviations in behavior, eliminate communication difficulties, and also cure a variety of psychosomatic and somatic pathologies.

Music therapy also helps in the development of the child. It creates optimal conditions for education in little man taste and aesthetic feelings, helps him discover new abilities.

The use of music therapy for young children contributes to the formation of their norms of behavior and character, and also enriches them with vivid experiences. inner world little person. At the same time, listening to songs and melodies allows us to solve the problem of the formation of the moral qualities of the individual, the aesthetic attitude of the baby to the world around him. At the same time, children develop a love for art.

Music therapy programs

Experts note that the combination of traditional means and teaching methods with listening to melodies and songs can significantly increase the level of development of preschoolers. This has also been proven by research. Music therapy for preschool children can be used not only for psychological and pedagogical correction, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The possibilities of this method are wide enough. At the same time, a specific music therapy program for preschool children can be selected by a specialist from an extensive list that is available today.

K. Schwabe, who is one of the founders of this type of treatment, pointed out that there are three directions in the use of melodic sounds:

  • functional (prophylactic);
  • pedagogical;
  • medical.

Musical influences, which are components of these directions, in turn, are:

  • indirect and non-mediated, based on the scope of application;
  • group and individual, differing in the way of organizing classes;
  • active and supportive, with a different range of action;
  • directive and non-directive, indicating the type of contact between pupils and the teacher;
  • deep and superficial, which characterizes the alleged final contact.

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods.

Individual music therapy

This type of influence can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Distinctively communicative. With this type of influence, the child listens to a piece of music together with the teacher. In this case, the melody is able to improve the interaction between the adult and his pupil.
  2. Reactive. Such an effect contributes to purification.
  3. Regulatory. This type of exposure allows you to eliminate neuropsychic stress in a child.

These forms in the music therapy class in kindergarten can be used separately from each other or in combination.

Group audition

This type of music therapy class in kindergarten should be built in such a way that all participants in the process can freely communicate with each other. Only in this case, the classes will become quite dynamic, because within the group, relationships of a communicative-emotional nature will certainly arise.

Organization creative activity is one of better ways stress relief. This is especially important for those children who cannot speak out. It is much easier for them to engage in creativity, where their fantasies will find expression. The stories are very difficult for them.

Passive music therapy

This is a receptive form of influence, the difference of which is that the child does not take an active part in the lesson. In this process, he is a mere listener.

During classes using a passive form of music therapy in kindergarten, preschoolers are invited to listen to a variety of compositions or listen to the sounds, selected in accordance with the state of health of the baby and the stage of treatment. Such activities aim to simulate a positive emotional state. All this will allow the child to get out of the traumatic situation through relaxation.

Consider options for conducting passive music therapy classes in work with children.

  1. Music pictures. In such a lesson, the child perceives the melody together with the teacher. In the process of listening, the teacher helps the child to plunge into the world of images proposed by the work. To do this, the child is invited to focus on the musical picture. Within 5-10 minutes, the preschooler should be in the world of sounds. Communication with music will have a beneficial effect on the preschooler. To conduct such classes, the teacher must use instrumental classical works or the sounds of the world of wildlife.
  2. Musical modeling. In such classes, teachers are encouraged to use a program that includes fragments of works of various nature. Some of them should correspond to the mental state of the preschooler. The action of the second works neutralizes the influence of the previous fragment. The third type of music is necessary for recovery. At this stage, the teacher should select melodies that have the greatest emotional impact, that is, positive dynamics.
  3. Mini relaxation. Carrying out such music therapy classes in kindergarten helps to activate the muscle tone of the pupils. The child should feel and understand his body well, learning to relax it when tensions arise.

Active music therapy

During classes of this form, the child is offered singing and instrumental playing:

  1. Vocal therapy. Such music therapy classes are held in kindergarten and at home. Vocal therapy allows you to create an optimistic mood in the baby. And for this, he must sing songs that will bring the inner world of the child into a harmonious state. In their texts, the formula "You are good, I am good" must certainly sound. Vocal therapy is especially recommended for egocentric, inhibited and depressed children. This method is also included in the preparation of a music therapy program for school-age children. With group vocal therapy, all the children present at the lesson are involved in the process. But here the specialist needs to take into account the moment of secrecy in the general mass and the anonymity of feelings. Participation in vocal therapy will allow the child to overcome contact disorders, affirming their own feelings for a healthy experience of existing bodily sensations.
  2. instrumental therapy. This view also allows you to create an optimistic mood. At the same time, children are invited to play a musical instrument.
  3. Kinesitherapy. The general reactivity of the organism can be changed under the influence of various means and forms of movement. Such a process will destroy the pathological stereotypes that often occur during the period of the disease. At the same time, new attitudes arise in the mind of the child, which allow him to adapt to the surrounding reality. In such classes, children are taught the technique of expressing their emotions using body movements. This allows them to achieve relaxation. used this species music therapy in correctional work with children. Such classes contribute to the normalization of psychological and communicative functions. The method of kinesitherapy includes a plot-game process, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythmics, as well as psycho-gymnastics.

Integrative Music Therapy

In this technique, in addition to listening to melodies, the teacher also uses other types of art. He invites children to play a game to the music, draw, create a pantomime, compose stories or poems, etc.

Active music playing is important in such classes. It increases the child's self-esteem, which helps to overcome ambivalence in behavior. In order for children to perform simple plays, the teacher can give them the most simple tools, such as a drum, xylophone, or triangle. Such activities, as a rule, do not go beyond the search for simple harmonic, rhythmic and melodic forms, representing a kind of improvised game. Children participating in such a process develop dynamic adaptability and are fully prepared for mutual listening. Due to the fact that such classes are one of the forms of group music therapy, during their conduct all participants should actively communicate with each other. This will allow the process to be as dynamic as possible, which will lead to the emergence of a communicative-emotional relationship between children. The most important thing in this case is the child's self-expression through playing a musical instrument suggested to him.

Dance Movement Therapy

This form of study serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious world. allows the child to express himself in movements. This will allow him to maintain his own individuality and establish contact with his peers. Such classes are the only type of music therapy that requires significant free space. During the dance, the child's motor behavior expands, which allows him to realize the conflicts of desires and contributes to the experience of negative feelings. Such an impact leads to liberation from the negative.

Especially valuable for the health of the child is the combination of dance with singing or improvisation of movements to the sounds of classical melodies. Oscillatory rhythmic movements that are performed to music that has three measures also have therapeutic value.

Treatment of speech disorders

Musical rhythm helps to eliminate some speech therapy problems. Among them is such a disorder of speech function as stuttering. Music therapy for children with speech disorders is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions. At the same time, the specialist offers his wards rhythmic games, breathing exercises and playing the melody at a slowing down as well as at an accelerating pace.

Use music in the process independent work. At this point, there is no verbal communication. With such music therapy, the exceptions are exercises for children in the form of reading to music. The specialist makes sure that the volume of the sound of the melody is strictly metered. The sounds that children hear should not be too loud, but at the same time too quiet.

Development of correctional programs for music therapy and their further use for the treatment of children with speech defects require joint participation music teachers and psychologists.

It should be noted that the use of this technique to eliminate speech pathologies is considered to be very effective and promising. This became possible due to the strong influence of music, which it has on the emotional state of a person. During such classes, as practice shows, there is a correction and development of perception sensations, which allows stimulating the speech function and normalizing the prosodic side of speech, that is, timbre and rhythm, as well as the expressiveness of intonation.

For children with speech therapy problems, special programs, in which only those works should be used that all little patients will certainly like. It can be musical pieces that are well known to children. The main condition for choosing a work is the factor that it should not distract the child from the main thing, attracting him with its novelty. The duration of listening does not exceed 10 minutes during one lesson.

Autism treatment

The main objective of the music therapy technique for correcting the condition of children with such a mental disorder is to establish auditory-vocal, auditory-motor, and visual-motor coordination, which should subsequently be synthesized in one activity.

The basic principle of conducting classes with children-outs lies in mental ecology. It provides for the presence of soft music at the beginning and at the end of classes. During the period of work, the specialist must carefully monitor changes in the emotional state of each small patient, adjusting, if necessary, the intensity of therapy. In addition, classes are built on the principle of passing from simple to complex material. Their structure includes:

  1. greeting ritual.
  2. Regulatory exercises that promote the activation of motor, auditory and visual attention.
  3. Correctional and developmental exercises.
  4. Farewell ritual.

Music therapy for children with autism is a highly effective remedy for many problems.

Development of musical and artistic activity of preschoolers by means of music therapy

Of all the art forms, music has the greatest power of influencing a person, directly addressing his soul, the world of his experiences and moods. It is called the language of feelings, a model of human emotions. Musical and artistic activity plays a huge role in the process of educating a child in spirituality, culture, emotional sphere and cognitive processes.
The direct influence of music on the emotional sphere of the child contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the formation of the main musical ability which are necessary for mastering musical and artistic activity.
Modern researchers have proven that it is necessary to start developing the musical and artistic sphere of a child as early as possible. The earlier children join the world of music, the more musical they subsequently become, and the more joyful and desirable new encounters with music will be for them.
Preschool is a bright and unique page in the life of every person. At this age stage, the main stages of the process of socialization of the child are laid, preschoolers are introduced to culture and universal values, and the foundation of health is laid.
The development of musical abilities is one of the important aspects in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. And this direction in the preschool educational institution has always been given great attention. Music classes are carried out regularly in almost every preschool institution, because through the development of musical abilities, the formation of the cognitive, motor, emotional sphere of the child takes place.
Thus, it can be noted that musical art is one of those directions that is easy and accessible for the perception of the child from the earliest age stage. There are enough psychological and pedagogical grounds to believe that every child carries the potential for creativity.
At one time B.M. Teplov, and after him, many other scientists defined abilities as such psychological features a person who are related to the success of any activity and which are created in the process of mastering this very activity.
Considering current situation When most of the psychological and pedagogical problems are associated with a violation of the emotional sphere of the child (for example, increased aggressiveness, hyperactivity, etc.), musical art comes to the rescue, which helps the child in a playful, interesting, exciting way to master the basics of spiritual and moral education and develop creative abilities of the individual.
Music classes in kindergarten are aimed at the following:
becoming musical culture child;
development of musicality;
development of musical abilities (musical memory, musical perception, imagination, associative thinking); mastering knowledge about music, its intonation-figurative nature, the impact on a person, the relationship with other types of art;
education of an emotional and value attitude to music, the formation of motor skills (development of coordination, etc.);
mastering practical skills in musical and artistic activities (singing songs, musical fairy tales, playing the simplest musical instruments);
process formation active listening and performing culture.
The poverty of musical impressions of childhood, their absence can hardly be made up for later, as an adult. Maybe that's why, many experts argue that preschool age is the most favorable period for the formation and development of musical and artistic activities.
The field of music therapy allows you to include in musical process not only a child, an educator, a music director, but also a psychologist. In any preschool institution, the syncretic work of specialists in the field of preschool child development is fundamental. Often, integrated classes are organized by a music director, educator, psychologist and speech therapist. Therefore, the wide field of music therapy allows organizing (mainly in a group form) different kinds music therapy in a preschool institution: active music therapy, integrative, receptive.
The use of the methodology of music therapy in music classes is a fairly common phenomenon in the methodological tools of music leaders.
However, due to the fact that at preschool age children often need to normalize their psycho-emotional states, in this case, the methods of music therapy in combination with music lessons give a good result and allow not only to correct the emotional state of children, but also to use the methods of music therapy to activate and development of the cognitive sphere.
Along with vocal therapy, you can actively include elements of dance therapy.
The main goal of dance therapy- Achievement of internal and external state of harmony through dance.
Tasks of dance therapy:
stress relief
Ridding the child of fears, fatigue
Help with personal problems (isolation, lack of sociability, problems with emotionally unbalanced children)
Reveal and unleash the creative abilities of the child
Raise self-esteem of the individual.
The main methods of dance therapy include (A. Shkurko):
use of spontaneous unstructured dance;
use of circular group dance– where the circle is a symbol of intra-group unity
purposeful music selection that supports free improvisation
rhythmic group activity, when participants move to a single rhythm
kinesthetic empathy, that is, "mirroring" the movements of a dance partner (the teacher or music director demonstrates the movement, the child repeats)
dance with a purposeful theme or combined with playful techniques.
Music lessons with the use of music therapy tools can be built according to the presented scheme:
1. Musical greeting ( Organizing time to focus the attention of children).
2. A set of motor exercises, specially selected for the formation of a certain emotional state: these can be smooth musical movements, or vice versa, an active set of exercises that is used to warm up and form an active cheerful mood of the child (for example, as part of morning exercises).
3. The main part, which can be listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, etc. - this structural element of the lesson using the methods of music therapy can be determined by certain goals and objectives that are formulated by the music director together with the psychologist and educator of the group.
4. The final component in this musical lesson is relaxation.
To the main tasks of musical education and development of children in preschool age Yu.B. Aliyev attributes the development of musical abilities and the improvement of the emotional sphere of the child, which happens in the process of including music therapy in the work of a music director.
When using music therapy in their work on the development of musical and artistic activity and the development of the emotional and cognitive spheres of the child, there is a joint psychological work aimed at correcting children with psychological problems (aggressiveness, increased anxiety etc.).
As the main principle of work, it is necessary to use a personality-oriented approach, in which the specifics of the development of children of a certain age group, focus on the psychophysiological characteristics of each child.
Thus, the methodology of music therapy allows the music director to solve the following tasks: to develop the musical and aesthetic education of preschoolers; provide psychological relaxation through various types of musical activities; contribute to the accumulation of emotional experience through the child's communication with music.

1. Gerasimova, E.N. The educational process in a kindergarten group of different ages: essence, specificity, foundations of construction. - Yelets, 2001. - 212 p.
2.Gogoberidze. A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children. – M.: Academy, 2005. – 320 p.
3. Zimina, A.N. Fundamentals of musical education and development of young children. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2000. - 304 p.
4. Petrushin, V.I. Musical psychotherapy. M., 1999. -176 p.
5. Teplov, B.M. Psychology of musical abilities. M., 1947. - 240 p.

Music therapy for preschoolers

Music accompanies mankind, perhaps, from the very beginning of its existence. Lullabies lull babies to sleep, marches and drum rolls add courage, singing prayers sets you in a high spiritual mood... A lot has been said about the influence of a harmonious combination of sounds, but not everyone knows that music can act as a remedy.

What is music therapy

Music therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapeutic influence. As a rule, music therapy is not used in isolation, but in combination with other methods of treatment, and yet, according to many psychologists and psychotherapists, in some cases, due to the competent use of the therapeutic effect of music, very good results can be achieved.

Music therapy began its procession in the 19th century, but only in the 20th century did this technique become widespread. In many European countries, music therapy is used in leading psychiatric clinics, there are even specialized music treatment centers. Music therapy in these countries has gone beyond helping with mental illness - it has found its application in surgery, the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the pathology of the respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic systems and the musculoskeletal system.

What is the mechanism of action of music therapy? There is no unequivocal answer to this question - everything related to the higher nervous activity of a person is still beyond an exact explanation. modern science. According to the Swedish school of musical psychotherapy, the therapeutic effect of music is carried out due to the phenomenon of psychoresonance. According to this direction, music is able to open the way to the depths of consciousness. Certain music evokes the resonance of a certain experience, allows it to be identified, analyzed and neutralized.

American psychotherapists use music therapy in traditional psychoanalysis. During the session, the doctor selects music that can reveal traumatic memories and help defuse emotional feelings about this. Singing of the patient himself during active music therapy, according to some researchers, has an additional healing effect of the vibration of the vocal cords, which is transmitted to other organs of the body.

1. In seriously ill patients, music opens up reserves of strength and the will to recover.

2. Well-chosen musical accompaniment helps the patient to increase the level of confidence in the doctor and believe in a speedy recovery.

3. Therapeutic exercise to music allows you to achieve the desired rhythm and stimulate the patient to overcome discomfort during exercise.

4. Music becomes a good prophylactic for preventing adjustment disorders in conditions of high exposure to stress.

5. In elderly patients with memory impairment, pleasant happy memories can emerge under the influence of music, therefore, in geriatrics, music is used as a means of treating positive memories.

6. Music therapy is even used to treat newborns and unconscious patients.

Patients, as a rule, willingly go to music therapy sessions. The fact is that here no one will torment them with questions about the past and the present, no one will painfully “dig” the deposits of memories. The music therapist achieves contact with the patient with the help of music: focusing on his emotional response, the specialist selects a piece that would allow the patient to independently understand himself, get relaxation and even sometimes find a way out of a difficult situation.

Types of music therapy

There are two main types of music therapy - active and passive, and a great many additional subspecies, which involve the combination of music therapy with other physical and mental methods of influence.

Passive music therapy consists of listening to music. The goal of such treatment is to achieve an experience that can cause a release or opening of deep memories and feelings. In addition to passive music therapy, movement is often used, including breathing exercises, hypnotic effects, auto-training, and drawing.

Active psychotherapy implies the direct participation of the patient himself in the process of playing music. The patient himself plays a musical instrument, sings, claps, taps ... Singing - effective method treatment of logoneuroses, including stuttering. At the same time, articulation improves, spastic contractions of speech muscles disappear, a person learns to control his breathing.

Music therapy goes well with physical activity. And here music is important not only as a rhythmic instrument that regulates the alternation of movements. Many techniques imply not so much physical activity as the internal unity of the body and music. The patient moves to the music as he feels it. No need to think about the external beauty of movements - only the harmony of sounds and body.

Music therapy is usually used classical music. In the arsenal of music therapists there are collections of relaxing, aggressive music that evokes various emotions - joy, fear, sadness, anxiety. Compositions that contribute to the emergence of negative emotions serve to release aggressive energy and express one's feelings, after which music usually sounds, resolving, calming, or, conversely, encouraging productive activity.

Music therapy at home

Music therapy can also be used at home. Of course, one should not expect a miraculous effect from such treatment, however, as a prophylactic, such procedures can be quite effective.

Rules for conducting music therapy at home

a. Music should be listened to in a comfortable position. First, relax the whole body, try to put everyday problems out of your head. Follow this rule even if you want to achieve a stimulating effect.

b. The duration of the session is no more than 10-15 minutes. Excessively prolonged exposure tires the brain and can cause unnecessary defensive reactions.

in. Play music at a low volume so as not to exhaust the nervous system.

d. When you listen emotional music let your body express what you feel. Under aggressive music, you can stomp your feet, conduct... The main thing is to feel the music and give vent to your feelings.

e. After the session, rest for a few minutes - let the music penetrate into the sphere of the unconscious.

e. You can try music therapy while you sleep. It is in this state that the subconscious is especially sensitive to external and internal influences, so night music therapy can be most effective - this applies primarily to children, psychiatric patients and patients with an overly excitable psyche.

It is necessary to select musical compositions individually, focusing on your condition. To remove aggression, first use aggressive music, then neutral and at the very end - soothing.

If your current state is determined by a feeling of fear, disturbing music should be played first - this will give you the opportunity to more fully respond to your experience. To improve well-being and relieve anxiety, end the session with soothing music.

Home music therapy is not always traditional singing, playing music or passive listening to compositions. You can try a technique that allows you to feel the unity of music and your entire body, including both mental and somatic components. To do this, you will need a tambourine or a small drum.

Followers of this type of music therapy recommend to start with a little silence and calm down. Now sing in low tones without words to the sound of the drum - you will feel the vibration that spreads to all tissues and organs of the body. Take a break from listening to yourself - try not to hear the reproduced sounds with your ears, feel them with your body. If you do everything right, you will feel the need for a dance-like movement. Release your inner music and inner dance. Focus only on enjoying the action. Discharge all your accumulated emotions in this way, and you will feel mental balance and peace. From the outside, of course, all this will look like shamanism, so make sure that no one is near you.

Music is your pleasant companion on the path of life. Use it wisely, allow yourself to respond to its calls - and you can support your mental health and resist the daily debilitating stresses.

Music therapy

Music therapy - as one of the most important methodological tools that affect the mental health of the child.

Researches of famous scientists, teachers prove the possibility and necessity of forming a child's memory, thinking, imagination from a very early age.

The possibility is no exception early development children have musical abilities. There is evidence that confirms the facts of the influence of music on the fetus that is formed during the pregnancy of a woman and its positive effect on the entire human body in the future.

Music can change development: accelerate the growth of some cells, slow down the growth of others. But, most importantly, music can influence the emotional well-being of a person. The immortal musical works of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Tchaikovsky are able to activate energy processes body and direct them to its physical recovery.

Nothing is impossible for real music! You just need to be willing to listen and know how to listen.

The emotional impact of harmonious sound combinations is amplified many times if a person has a fine auditory sensitivity.

Developed ear for music makes higher demands on what is offered to him. Heightened auditory perception paints emotional experiences in bright and deep tones. It is difficult to imagine a more favorable period for the development of musical abilities than childhood.

Development musical taste, emotional responsiveness in childhood creates the foundation of the musical culture of a person, as part of his general spiritual culture in the future.

In recent years, there has been an active reform of the system of preschool education: the network of alternative institutions is growing, new programs of preschool education are emerging, and original methods are being developed. Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the emotional sphere of the child is not always given sufficient attention.

Any teacher, having worked in the education system, notices a sharp increase in children with various forms of behavioral disorders, with various deviations in the psyche. Simply put, the number of unhealthy children, children with psycho-emotional disorders is increasing every year. All this is facilitated by all kinds of programs that have an educational and disciplinary orientation, “desensitization” is facilitated by the technologization of life in which the child participates.

Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and yet communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere.

Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. In kindergartens, there are more and more children with pronounced hyperactivity, children with psychosomatic diseases. Any inappropriate behavior: laziness, negativism, aggression, isolation - all this is a defense against dislike. A child is able to successfully develop, maintain health only in conditions of psychological comfort, emotional well-being

Already in the works of the first generally recognized music theorist - ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras - we find a description of how music can affect the emotional state of a person. One of the most important concepts in the ethics of Pythagoras was "eurythmy" - the ability to find the right rhythm in all manifestations of life - singing, playing, dancing, speech, gestures, thoughts, deeds, in birth and death. Through finding this correct rhythm, a person, considered as a kind of microcosm, could harmoniously enter first into the rhythm of pole harmony, and then connect to the cosmic rhythm of the world whole. From Pythagoras, the tradition went, to compare public life, as with in a musical way as well as musical instruments.

Following Pythagoras, Aristotle believed that the ability of music to influence the state of mind of listeners is associated with the imitation of a particular character. Musical modes differ essentially from each other, so that when we hear them, we get a different mood, and we are far from being equally related to each of them; so, for example, listening to other, less strict modes, we soften in our mood: other modes cause a balanced mood in us.

Working in kindergarten, you can observe a large number of children who cannot cope with the neuropsychic stress and overload, received both in kindergarten and at home, on their own. This is what leads many children to various forms of deviant behavior. And teachers should solve these problems by all possible means. One such tool is music therapy.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of normalizing the emotional state, eliminating fears, movement and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, behavioral disorders, and communication difficulties.

The main and main tasks that determine music therapy are the formation and development of musical and creativity, expansion and development of the emotional sphere, learning by means of music of autorelaxation, development of moral and communicative qualities.

The organization of music therapy classes requires a teacher and musical director to have special psychological education, knowledge of the basics of general and clinical psychology, and the presence of musical pedagogical education.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activity.

Therefore, music therapy, as a method of correction, is recommended to be used not only in music, but also in physical education, in morning exercises, invigorating exercises after a daytime sleep, in leisure evenings, in classes for the development of speech, fine arts, in everyday activities, independent games and etc.

Thus, each teacher can use these exercises in combination with other games and exercises, “construct” the necessary form of classes from separate compositions.

All elements of music therapy exercises make it possible to use them not only as a means of developing the musical and motor abilities of children in rhythm classes, but also as a game training of mental processes: attention, memory, will, creative imagination and fantasy, as well as a means of relaxation, switching attention or increasing psychophysical tone, etc., in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

If the teacher has a certain skill, he can relieve mental fatigue in a matter of minutes, invigorate, liberate, improve mood, and concentrate attention.

For example, in classes with a high mental load and low mobility, dance compositions should be used as physical exercises. The use of compositions based on fast, cheerful music allows you to cheer up children, activate their attention.

Music therapy classes are built according to a certain scheme:

1. Warm up. Motor and rhythmic exercises.

2. The main part. Music perception.

3. Musical relaxation. Autotraining.

In the lesson I include various types of musical activities of children: singing, listening, musical and rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments and, of course, elements of theatricalization.

Material used in class

in music therapy.

Dance, facial expressions, gesture, as well as music, is one of the oldest ways of expressing feelings and experiences. In addition to the fact that they relieve nervous and mental stress, they help the child quickly and easily establish friendly relations with other children in the group, the teacher, and this also gives a certain psychotherapeutic effect.

Movement exercises.

1. “A walk through the fairy forest” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, Fevronia’s aria from the opera “The Legend of the Invisible City of Pitezh”).

Steps at a slow pace, imagined around me beautiful landscape and showing gestures to other children the magnificence of nature.

2. "Festive March" (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, introduction to the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"). Imagine yourself going to a party. Walk confidently and decisively.

3. Crouching Cat (D. Puchinni, Musetta's Waltz from the opera La bohème). Movement in a circle, stepping on the "time" of each measure. The movements are smooth, the weight of the body is transferred gradually from one leg to another.

4. "Flitting Butterfly" (A. Dvorak, humoresque). Light springy steps, with a wave of hands depicting a butterfly.

5. “Admiration of a flower” (N. Chopin, Waltz No. 7) Children pass, in a circle for each measure of the waltz, a flower, admiring it.

6. "Driving by the nose"

rhythmic exercises.

The main feature of musical-rhythmic exercises is the focus not so much on the external side of learning rhythmic movements, but on the analysis of internal processes: sensory, mental, emotional. On the development and training of mental processes, the development of perception, attention, thinking, the ability to express various emotions in facial expressions and pantonemia, Burenin's rhythmic plastic program was built. Children learn to control their own body, non-standard thinking, psychological freedom. Musical and rhythmic compositions from "Rhythmic Mosaic", "Three Little Pigs", "Circus Horses", "Children and Nature", "Two Sheep", "Dance Sitting" can be recommended for music therapy.

Music perception.

In order for the music to have an effect on the child, it must be specially adjusted and prepared for this. This setting is to sit in a comfortable position, relax and focus on the sounds of the music. Music perception is about learning to recognize emotions. Any music is always feelings, emotions, experiences.

The theme "Mood, feelings in music", which is included in the program "Musical Masterpieces" by O.P. Radynova, is very important for children's understanding of music as an art form that conveys moods and feelings.

For listening to music therapy and relaxation classes, we offer the following topics: “Thought” by S. Maikopov and “The First Loss” by R. Schumann, “In the Church” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Ave Maria” by I. Schubert, “Impant” by R. Schumann, “ Separation” by M. Glinka, “Morning Prayer” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Joke” by S.I. Bach, "Humoresque" by P. Tchaikovsky.

The titles of these works reflect the mood conveyed in the music. Children learn to understand feelings, to distinguish shades of mood, learn to empathize, rejoice, recharge with positive emotions.

It is no coincidence that physiologists put an equal sign between physical and mental health, provided that the child is immersed in an atmosphere of spiritual uplift that is necessarily associated with positive emotions. And music is always only positive emotions.

Breathing exercises.

Any experience, and especially in children, whether it is joy, a burst of anger, eventually ends with tension in any muscle group, and with the help of breathing exercises, this muscle tension can be relieved.

Breathing exercises help relieve psycho-emotional stress, quickly and easily establish interpersonal relationships among children in a group. We give these exercises figurative name, which improves the quality of the idea of ​​how they should be performed.

1. "Hello to the sun" - tonic breath.

I. Slowly inhale into the stomach, chest and bronchi, the elbows gradually rise, the hands hang freely.

II. A strong exhalation to the syllable "ha", the hands turn around from the level of the face and are thrown up, then the hands slowly lower.

2. "Not a milking cow" - removes the muscle clamp at the level of the throat and neck.

Inhale simultaneously through the nose and mouth, then sing, mumble any melody as you exhale through the nose, while the lower jaw is lowered.

Finally, exhalation can be accentuated by expelling the remaining air with the abdominal muscles.

3. "A well-fed horse" - relaxation of the muscles of the face and head.

The exercise is based on imitation of a horse's long snort. When exhaling through the mouth, try to relax all the muscles of the face so that they vibrate freely under the influence of freely passing air.

4. "Aroma of roses" - relaxing breath.

Imagine a large beautiful bouquet roses and inhale the imaginary scent of flowers.

5. "Sleeping flower" - soothing breath in the proportion of 1 + 3. One quarter inhale, three quarters exhale. Mentally imagine yourself as a flower closing its petals into a bud at night.

6. "Parade of troops" - a staging for the purpose of emotional discharge and activation of the tone in the cry.

Children line up pretending to be soldiers in a parade. Learn to respond to a greeting with a strong triple "Hurrah!"

Musical relaxation.

These exercises are aimed at correcting the psycho-emotional sphere of the child, at acquiring relaxation skills.

When performing these exercises, it is important to distract the child from traumatic experiences and help him, with the help of music, see all the beauty of the world. All exercises are commented by the teacher under certain music, causing various emotions.

For example:

1.Activation exercise vitality"Energy" (for hypoactive children), music. M. Ravel. Pavan; Bolero.

2. Exercise for relaxation, relieving irritability (for hyperactive children), music. D. Shostakovich from the film "The Gadfly".

3. Exercise that forms an optimistic mood "Joy of life"music J. Bizet. youth symphony, dance music from operettas by R. Strauss, I Kalman, F. Lehar.

4. An exercise that forms an attitude to the world "Beloved mother" muses. F. Chopin.Nocturne.

5. Exercise to overcome feelings of shame and shyness. "I can do everything" music. I. Brahms. IV symphony. F. List. Prelude. Etc.

Kolesova Irina Vasilievna

music director

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