A game of low mobility for an average turning group. Card file of games of low mobility (preparatory group for school)

AT sedentary games ah movements are performed at a slow pace, their intensity is insignificant. The specifics of this type of games are: the way children are organized (circle, loose, line, etc.), the movements that are included in the game, the method of playing the game (choosing a game, venue, preparing for the game, gathering children for the game, explaining the game, conducting game, the end of the game), the pace at which it is played (slow), the number of repetitions of movements (3-6 times). Games of low mobility contribute to the development of memory, ingenuity and observation, coordination of movements, orientation in space and motor skills. In addition, they give children pleasure, create good mood, what is not less important. Games of low mobility are held with all children at the same time at a physical education lesson (in its third part), leisure and holidays, daytime and evening walks, in the process physical culture minutes and physical culture pauses, independent motor activity of children.


Junior - middle group

"SILENCE"(Younger - middle group)

"RAKI"(Younger - middle group)

The variant of the game is played in small subgroups of 4-5 people. The players are built in one line at the line drawn in advance (or at the wall of the room). At the line is one of the participants (river). With the beginning of the text, the line turns its back to the direction of movement and starts walking, going back 16 steps (on lines 1-4). Further, the crayfish turn to the river with the words: River, river, where is the ford?


With these words, the river puts a hoop anywhere on the site, to which the crayfish must also approach backwards.

"BEAR"(Younger - middle group)

"GRAY BUNNY WASHES"(Younger - middle group)

"GUYS HAVE A STRICT ORDER"(Younger - middle group)

"BALLOON" ( Junior - middle group)

"SUN AND RAIN"(Younger - middle group)

"TEPIKI"(2 junior group)

"WOLF - WOLF"(Younger - middle group)

"SUMMER» (middle group)

basic movements: ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

"CHECK"(Younger - middle group)


Senior - preparatory group


How is it going? Like this!

Show the thumbs of both their hands pointing up.

How are you going? - Like this!


How do you run? - Like this?

Run in place.

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Connect your palms and put your head on them (cheek)

How do you take? - Like this!

Press your hand towards you.

Do you give? - Like this!

Put your palm forward.

How are you kidding? - Like this!

Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.

How do you threaten? - Like this!

Wag your finger forward, or at each other.

"Say the opposite"

(Children stand in a circle, throw and catch a ball with the name of antonym words)

To the calm music, the children leave the hall.


Views, views,

Hands clenched in front of him into fists. Rotate your fists around each other. Speak the text in a low voice.

I'm nailing it.

Knock fist on fist (alternate 2 hits - on top of the right hand, 2 hits - on top left hand).

Show the index fingers of both hands.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate your index fingers in front of you around each other. Pronounce the text in a normal voice (medium pitch).

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning.
I'm nailing it.

Tap with index finger right hand on the index finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.

Clench your hands into fists and show your little fingers.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate the little fingers around each other in front of you. Pronounce the text in a thin voice.

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning. I'm nailing it.

Tap the little finger of the right hand on the little finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.

Press on the tip of the nose with your index finger.


At Malania, at the old woman's

Clapping hands: now the right, then the left hand from above.

Lived in a small hut

Fold your arms at an angle, showing the "hut".

seven sons,

Show seven fingers.

All without eyebrows

Outline the eyebrows with your fingers.

With these ears

Bring your palms with spread fingers to your ears.

With these noses

Show a long nose placing palms with spread fingers one after another.

With such a head

Outline a large circle around the head.

Here with such a beard!

Show a big beard with your hands.

They didn't drink or eat

With one hand, bring a “cup” to your mouth, with the other - a “spoon”.

Everyone looked at Malania

Keeping your hands by your eyes, pat your fingers like eyelashes.

And everyone did this...

Children show the hidden actions.


A boat is sailing on the river, It is sailing from afar.

Connect the palms with a boat. Perform wave-like movements with your hands.

There are four very brave sailors on the boat.

Show 4 fingers on each hand at the same time.

They have ears on top.

Fold both palms towards the crown.

They have long tails.

Fold your fingers into a pinch and spread apart.

And only cats are afraid of them, Only cats and cats.

Make scratching movements with spread fingers of both hands.




Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki, They cut down an oak with an ax.

The palms are folded into the castle. Make chopping movements with your hands (bending your elbows and moving the lock to the left, then to the right).

We took the planer in hand

And the bitches cut everything.

The palms are folded and straightened. Bent elbows (palms at the stomach) straighten forward. And bend again, bringing your palms closer to your stomach.

A smooth log came out.

Oh, it's heavy.

Stroke yourself on the sides, pressing your hands to the body

What should we do?

How can we be?

We will roll the log.

From Petya to Masha

From Masha to Ilyusha,

From Ilyusha to Pasha...

Everyone sits down in a circle.

One of the children depicts a log, lies down, straight arms pressed to the body. The child, who is called in the text, rolls a “log”, neighbors in a circle on the left and right can help him.


Game progress: All players stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands - this is the gate. The children from the last pair pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, followed by the next pair.

Rules: you need to go so as not to touch the gate, the children hold each other's hands.


The deer has a big house,

And the bunny is small.

deer sits,
looks out the window.

Bunny running across the field

There is a knock on his door:

"Knock knock, open the door,

There is an evil hunter in the forest!”

Bunny, Bunny, Run!

Give me a paw!

Hands above the head depict the roof of the house.

Hands represent the roof, but lowered down

Support the cheek with the right fist; the left hand supports the right.

Run in place.

Stomp your feet, hands on your belt.

Imitation of knocking on the door in turn
right and left hand

Hands on the belt, alternately turn to the right and left, while turning the head back.

Inviting hand movements

Reach out with an open palm

"SNOWMAN"(Senior - preparatory group).

"FALCON"(Senior - preparatory group).

"KOLOBOK"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The ball for this game can be any size. Participants stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. In the center of the circle is the driver. The players pass the ball to one another with their feet, and the driver tries to intercept it. Players are not allowed to leave their place. They can smoothly roll the ball, hit, make deceptive movements. You can't just pick it up. And the driver can do whatever he wants; hold the ball with your foot, hand, knock it out of the circle, just touch it lightly.

If the driver manages to hold the ball, he takes the place of the player from whom the ball hit him

"PIKE"(Senior - preparatory group).

Past the forest, past the cottages,

Floated down the river

red ball.

I saw a pike: -

What is this thing?

Grab, grab.

Don't catch.

The ball popped up again.

Come out, you lead!

Course of the game: The game is played with the ball. Children stand in a circle. Pike is selected. She goes to the middle of the circle. On the first four lines of the poem, the children roll the ball from one to the other through the center of the circle (past the Pike). On the fifth line of the poem, the ball rolls over to Pike, who takes the ball, pronouncing the text of the sixth line, and, as it were, looks at the ball.

On the first three lines of the second stanza of the poem, Pike hits the ball on the floor, saying this text, on the fourth line she rolls the ball again to the children, who continue to roll it again from one to the other through the middle. The child on whom the words “You drive” came out with the ball in the middle. He becomes a pike. The game is repeated.

"WHO IS GONE?"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Children are built in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher touches one of the players standing in a circle, and he quietly leaves the room. The teacher allows the driver to open his eyes and asks him: “Guess who left?” If the driver has guessed correctly, then he stands in a circle and chooses another driver. If he didn’t guess correctly, he closes his eyes again, and the one who leaves the hall takes his former place in a circle. The driver, opening his eyes, should call him.

"FLY - DOES NOT FLY"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Children go in a column one at a time. The teacher names various objects. If the object flies, for example, an airplane, a bird, then the children should raise their arms to the sides and flap them like wings, if the object does not fly, then they should not raise their hands.

The one who raised their hands incorrectly is considered the loser.

"KHOROVOD"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players form two circles, one inside the other, and join hands. At the signal of the teacher, they begin to move in a given direction (walking or slow running). You can offer rhythmic walking to a song or musical accompaniment

"BROKET"(Senior - preparatory group).

Children go in a column in twos. At the command of the teacher “Brook”, the children stop, hold hands and raise their hands up. Each pair, starting with the last one, runs inside (under the arms) one by one and stands in front, raising their hands up.

"COLD - HOT"(Senior - preparatory group).

game progress: The driver leaves the room, the children hide the object. After that, the driver enters and looks for the item. And the children follow him and say:

Cold...warm...hot...helping find a hidden object.

"WATER"(Senior - preparatory group).

"NAKHODKA"(Senior - preparatory group).

"BUMBLEBEE"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players sit in a circle. A ball rolls on the ground inside the circle. Those who play with their hands roll it away from themselves, trying to overpower the other (get into the legs). The one who was touched by the ball (stung) turns his back to the center of the circle and does not participate in the game until another child is touched. Then he comes into play, and the stung again turns his back in a circle.

Rules: roll the ball only with your hands; you can not catch, hold the ball.


"KING OF PEA"(Senior - preparatory group)

Game progress: According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - King Peas, he moves away from the children by 8-10 steps and turns his back. The rest of the children agree on what action they will portray. King Pea approaches the children and He speaks:

Children perform the planned movement / wash, play the accordion, sweep the floor ... / King Peas guesses. If he did not guess correctly, then he loses, the children tell him what they did and come up with a new action.

"FIND THE DIFFERENCE"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: Everyone sits in a circle. For the game to play, the players need to carefully examine each other. When the facilitator leaves the room, the participants should make small changes in their appearance: pin up their hair, bandage a finger, undo a button, etc. The facilitator must determine what has changed for the players. The one with whom he found the most changes will drive.

Game progress: Children form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Without holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right (left) and say:

"FIGURES"(Senior - preparatory group).

Game progress: The players form a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Holding hands, everyone begins to move in a circle in a given direction. At the signal of the teacher, everyone stops and takes a variety of poses - the figures, for example, depict a running athlete, a flying bird, a jumping hare, etc. The driver chooses the figure that he liked the most and changes places with this player.

"STATUES"(Senior - preparatory group).

This game is best played with a big ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other with their hands. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a penalty: continues the game, standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the penalty is removed; he stands on both legs. If another mistake is made, the player gets on one knee. On the third mistake, he goes down on both knees. If the player catches the ball in this position, all penalties are forgiven him and he continues the game, standing on both

Tatyana Belyakova
Subject games of low and medium mobility "Bunny" in the second junior group

Subject games of low and medium mobility "Bunny"

second junior group

Target: To evoke in children an emotional response to the game and a desire to participate in it.

Program content:

Teach children to sympathize and empathize with the game character.

Develop attention, expressiveness of movements, the ability to coordinate movements with music and text.

Encourage children to sing simple songs.

To evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions with an adult and peers.

Material: Soft toy"Bunny", bunny hats for each child.

Play: Guys, I suggest that today we go to winter forest. And we will go on a sled (music sounds).

Vosp-l: Here we are!

The guys came to the forest,

We looked under the bush.

I saw a bunny

Bunny - jump.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you

are you really sick?

Vosp-l: It is cold in the forest in winter, the hare froze and got sick.

Guys, let's all fly the bunny together.

Game "Bunny - Freeze"

Children stand in a circle, a bunny in the center. Children and adults sing.

1. Ears freeze, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! (alternately “warm ears” with palms)

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

It is very cold in winter, (arms hugging shoulders, swaying left and right)

Acting out (easy running in a circle, paws in front of the chest)

2. Paws get cold, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! ("warm paws")

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

It's very cold in winter, (repeat movements to chorus)

Role-playing (repeat running in a circle)

3. The nose freezes, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! ( index fingers rhythmically "hitting", touch the nose)

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

Bunny became very sick. (Repeat movements for the chorus, sneeze: “Ap-chi!”)

To treat the bunny -

You need to jump and spin, (say to everyone together).

Role-playing - "Bunnies" jump, spinning.

Vosp-l: Oh, look, the bunny has cheered up. He really liked you guys, and he wanted to make friends with you and dance.

Game "Hare"

Children stand in a circle.

Zainka, dance, (the teacher with the bunny walks inside the circle)

Little one, dance.

You walk around in circles

And my friend, choose. (An adult gives a bunny to any child)

With Masha (Kolya, Dasha, etc.)

jump more fun

Don't feel sorry for your feet!

At the repetition of the melody without singing, the child jumps with a bunny in his hands, the rest clap. When the game is repeated, a child walks inside the circle and passes the bunny to any of the children.

Play: Guys, do you want to be as dexterous and fast as a bunny. Let's put on hats and turn into "bunnies" too.

1,2 - twisted and turned into a "hare" (put on hats).

Play: And now we will show the bunny how to play and have fun in the forest so as not to freeze (put the bunny under the Christmas tree)

Game of low mobility "Bunny"

Perform movements according to the text.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny jumped on a stump.

He beats the drum loudly

Calls to play leapfrog.

It's cold for a hare to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side,

On toes, hop-hop-hop.

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze. (Jumping in place on two legs).

Question: Who are the most afraid of bunnies in the forest? (children's answers)

Yes, the fox is cunning, it can appear at any moment.

Small houses in the forest are dense.

Little white bunnies are sitting in the houses. (Children squat down)

“Knock knock, rabbits, let's go for a walk. If the fox appears, you will hide again."

Game "Hares and Fox"

Children sing:

1. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. (Children easily run scatter)

Here are some bunnies, runaway bunnies! (jump)

2. The bunnies sat in a circle, digging a root with their paw. (Squat down and "dig" the ground)

Here are some bunnies, runaway bunnies

3. Suddenly a fox runs, red-haired sisters! ("chanterelle" runs between hares)

Looking for where the bunnies, runaway bunnies!

The fox addresses the hares:

Oh, funny rabbits, I won't scare you!

Come out quickly, we'll dance together!

The fox and the hare dance together to cheerful music.

On the forest lawn

My bunnies are jumping

I'll look behind the stump

Our hare is sleeping - my friend.

Get up in the round dance,

And play with the bunny

The teacher invites one of the children to the circle. The child "Bunny" sleeps in the center of the circle.

Call the bunny, he will wake up and guess who called him. And the one whom I will stroke on the head will call him.

Game "Baby Bunny"

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center of the circle sits a child depicting a sleeping bunny.

Bunny, bunny, you are a baby, everyone is walking, and you are sleeping. (Children walk in a circle)

Try to guess who is calling you to dance.

The children stop, the teacher invites the child to call Bunny. Bunny "wakes up" and guesses who called him. If you guessed correctly, the bunnies dance and the children clap their hands. Then the children change places, the game continues

Vosp-l: Well, it's time to end the game,

It's time for Bunny and the kids to rest.

Let's say bunny, goodbye!

"Bunnies" turn back into children and leave on a sled to kindergarten.

Related publications:

Low mobility game "Orange" Children stand in a circle or near chairs. Repeat words and movements after the teacher. I am a cheerful orange, (walking in place) I grew up in the garden.

Game of low mobility "Harvest" Gathering the harvest (a game of low mobility) Purpose of the game: fixing the names of vegetables (fruits, mushrooms, berries - depending on the topic); development.

Consultation "How to organize story games with younger preschoolers" The game is the leading activity of preschoolers. L. S. Vygotsky emphasized great value games for a child. He talked about the game.

Synopsis of the integrated Game - entertainment for the second junior group: "Naughty Bunny" Purpose: the ability of the teacher to conduct systematic and purposeful work on emotionally - creative development. Tasks: Development of coherent speech,.

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Card file of outdoor games for children 6 - 7 years old

Mobile games of low intensity.

Ball to neighbor.

Purpose of the game: fasten the ball in a circle.

Game progress. Players line up in a circle at arm's length from each other. Two players standing on opposite sides of the circle each have the ball. On a signal, the children pass the ball in a circle in one direction, as quickly as possible, trying to make one ball catch up with the other. The player who has 2 balls loses.

Rules of the game. Pass the ball to a neighboring player, do not let anyone through.

Forbidden movement.

Purpose of the game: develop motor memory, mindfulness.

Game progress. The players are built in a circle, in the center is the teacher. He performs various movements, indicating which of them is forbidden. Children repeat all movements, except for the forbidden one.

Rules of the game. Whoever repeats the forbidden movement is out of the game. The forbidden movement must be changed after 4-5 repetitions.


Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to show and repeat postures and movements, to cultivate artistry and expressiveness of movements.

Game progress. The players are on the court, the driver is facing them. Children are a reflection of the driver in the mirror. The driver "in front of the mirror" performs various postures, movements, imitative actions (combing, straightening clothes, making faces, etc.). The players simultaneously with the driver copy all his actions, trying to accurately convey not only gestures, but also facial expressions.

Rules of the game. Children must repeat everything that the driver shows, as if looking in a mirror. Children who make a mistake are out of the game.

Who has the ball?

Purpose of the game:

Game progress. Players are built in a circle, close to each other, hands behind their backs. In the center - the driver with eyes closed. Players pass the ball in a circle behind their backs. On a signal, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who has the ball. If he guessed right, then he becomes in a circle, and the one who had the ball was found becomes the driver. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Rules of the game. A player who drops the ball while passing is temporarily out of the game.

Look at your hands.

Goals: Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, with the completion of tasks; learn to distinguish signals and perform the corresponding movements.

Game progress. Children are built in a column one by one, go through the hall one after another. They are explained 2-3 tasks, each of which corresponds to a certain position of the adult's hands. Children look at an adult and perform tasks. Tasks:

  • hands on the belt - walking on toes,
  • hands down - walking on heels,
  • hands forward - walking with high knees.

Children who made fewer mistakes are noted.

Rules of the game. Children stand at arm's length.


Purpose of the game:

Game progress. The players walk in a column one at a time, the teacher loudly calls any object, animal, plant (boat, wolf, chair, etc.). Children stop and by posture, facial expressions, gestures try to portray what the teacher called. The most interesting image is noted.

Rules of the game. Each player tries to come up with his own figure.

Repeat vice versa.

Purpose of the game: develop spatial coordination.

Game progress. The players are on the court, the driver is facing them. He shows the children various movements that they must repeat in reverse. For example, the leader straightens his arms forward - the children should take them back, raises his head up - the children lower their heads down, etc. The most attentive players are noted.

Rules of the game. Repeat the movements on the contrary, who made a mistake - leaves.

Goals: develop analytical ear, help memorize the voices of the children of the group.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The driver stands in the middle of the circle, a mask is put on his eyes. Children walk in a circle with the words:

We frolic a little

All were placed in their places.

You ... (name) guess

Who called you, find out.

At the end of the words, the children stop. An adult points to a child who makes sounds (cries of birds, animals). The driver tries to guess who called him. Then he changes places with the caller, and the game is repeated with the new driver.

Rules of the game. The driver must not peep, while guessing, all children must remain silent.

Flying - not flying

Purpose of the game: exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, cultivate attention.

Game progress. The players walk in a column one at a time, and the teacher names the objects. If flying objects are called, for example, a butterfly, a beetle, etc., then the players stop, raise their arms to the sides and wave up and down. If they do not fly, the children put their hands down.

Rules of the game. Don't push.

Traffic light.

Goals: to exercise children in walking in a line from one side of the hall to the other towards each other, to teach them to follow the rules of the road.

Equipment: red, yellow and green circles with a diameter of 30 cm.

Game progress. Children are divided into two groups and lined up on opposite sides of the hall. In front of them is "the road along which the cars go." An adult reads S. Mikhalkov's poems, children complete the phrases:

If the light turns red

So move (dangerous).

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for (movement).

Light green says:

"Come in, the way is (open)."

An adult stands in the middle behind the sideline, he has three circles in his hands, he is a “traffic light”. If the red light “lights up”, the children stand with their hands pressed to their bodies; yellow - clap your hands; green - go to the other side of the hall.

Rules of the game. Do not collide when crossing to the other side.

Mobile games of medium intensity

Kill the pear.

Purpose of the game: exercise in balance, throwing the ball, throwing.

Game progress. Players are divided into 2 teams. The first is “pears”, the children stand on a bench placed across the hall. Players of the second team - "throwers" take one ball each and line up at a distance of 5 - 6 m from the bench. On a signal, the "throwers" take turns throwing the ball, trying to knock down the "pear". The game is played 5-6 times. The team that knocks down more "pears" wins (the total number of "pears" knocked down is counted).

Rules of the game. The downed player is considered to be the pear player who was hit by the ball or he himself jumped to the floor.

Day and night.

Purpose of the game: Teach kids how to throw and catch a ball.

Game progress. Each child has a ball in their hands. On command "Day!" children perform familiar movements with the ball (throws up, down, into the wall, into the ring, stuffing the ball in place, in motion, etc.). At the command "Night!" - freeze in the position in which the night caught.

The game is played for 3-4 minutes.

Rules of the game. Do not move until the command "Day!" Whoever moves is out of the game.

The Dragon.

Purpose of the game: develop running with dodging, jumping.

Game progress. Children line up in a column, holding on to the belt of the person in front. The first is the “head”, the last is the “tail”. On a signal, the “head” tries to reach the “tail”, and the “tail” dodges in different directions.

Rules of the game. If the "head" caught the "tail", then the "head" becomes the "tail" and the next player the "head". If the "dragon" unhooked, then he died. New "head" and "tail" are appointed

The guys are strict.

Purpose of the game: to teach to find their place in the game, to cultivate self-organization and attention.

Game progress. Players are built in 3 - 4 circles in different parts platforms, join hands. On command, they scatter around the site and say:

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

With the last words, the children are built in circles.

The team that correctly and quickly built a circle is noted.

Rules of the game. Children should stand in the same circles in which they stood at the beginning of the game.


Goals: exercise children in throwing and catching the ball with both hands, develop mindfulness.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other and begin to throw the ball, calling by name the one who should catch it. The ball is tossed until one of the players drops it. The one who dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and, on the instructions of the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball.

Rules of the game. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task. The ball is allowed to be thrown to each other only through the center of the circle.

Hot potato.

Purpose of the game: fix the transfer of the ball in a circle.

Game progress. Players line up in a circle, one of the players holds the ball in his hands. To the music or the sounds of a tambourine, the children pass the ball in a circle to each other. As soon as the music stops, the player with the ball is out of the game. The game continues until 2 winning players remain.

Rules of the game. When passing the ball, do not throw; those who drop the ball are out of the game.

Who is attentive?

Purpose of the game: cultivate attention and organization.

Game progress. Children line up, walk around the site and perform movements on a signal: 1 hit on a tambourine - squat, 2 hits - stand on one leg, 3 hits - jumps in place. The most attentive players are marked.

Rules of the game. The signals are given in a different sequence, after each signal the children continue walking in the column.

Streams and lakes.

Purpose of the game: teach children to run and perform rebuilds.

Game progress. Children stand in 2-3 columns with the same number of players playing in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal "Brooks ran!" everyone runs after each other different directions(each in his own column). At the signal "Lake!" the players stop, join hands and build circles-lakes.

Those children who quickly build a circle win.

Rules of the game. Run slowly without pushing each other. All children in the circle should hold hands and raise them up.

Walk quickly.

Purpose of the game: improve the speed of response to the signal.

Game progress. Players line up on the start line on one side of the court, on the other - the driver, standing with his back to the players on the finish line. The driver says loudly: “Walk fast, look, don’t yawn, stop!” At this time, the players step forward, and stop at the last word. The driver quickly looks around, and the player who did not have time to stop takes a step back. Then the leader pronounces the text again, and the children continue to move. The player who crosses the finish line first becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. You can't run.

Raft crossing.

Purpose of the game: develop balance.

Game progress. The teams are built in columns one at a time in front of the starting line (“on the shore”, in the hands of the guide, 2 rubber mats (rafts) each. On a signal, he puts one rug in front of him on the floor, and 2-4 people quickly get on it (depending on on the size of the rug.) Then the guide puts the second rug on the floor, and the whole group moves onto it, passing the first rug further. And so on. one of the players goes back in the same way for the next players.The team whose players crossed to the opposite bank first wins.

Rules of the game. You can not play for the "raft".

High intensity mobile games

Carp and pike.

Purpose of the game: cultivate attention and ingenuity.

Game progress. There are 2 groups involved. One is built in a circle - these are “pebbles”, the other is “carp”, which “swim” inside the circle. The driver - "pike" is away from the players. On command "Pike!" the driver quickly runs into the circle, and the crucians hide behind the pebbles. Those who did not have time to hide, the pike spots. Caught carp are temporarily out of the game. The game is repeated with another pike. At the end of the game, the best driver is marked.

Rules of the game. Carp should not touch the pebbles with their hands.

Ball up.

Goals: exercise children in catching the ball with both hands and throwing it to the ball.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to its middle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” The players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone should stop, and the driver, without leaving the spot, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then it remains to drive and the game continues.

Rules of the game. The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words: “Ball up!”. The driver is allowed to catch the ball from one rebound from the ground. If one of the players after the words "Stop!" continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. 4. Running away from the driver, children should not hide behind buildings or trees.

Instructions for carrying out.Children stand in a circle close to each other. The place of the driver in the center of the circle is best outlined in a small circle. If the driver does not catch the ball, which has rolled far away, before shouting: “Stop!”, He needs to catch up with the ball and return to his place.

Bears and bees.

Goals: exercise children in climbing stairs, develop the ability to navigate in space.

Game progress. Children are divided into two groups: "bears" and "bees". On one side of the hall is a beehive, and on the opposite side is a meadow. To the side is a bear den. At a prearranged signal from the educator, the bees fly out of the hive (get off the hills, fly to the meadow for honey and buzz). The bees fly away, and the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb on a hill) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touch by hand). The stung bears miss one game. The game resumes, and after it is repeated, the children change roles.

Rules of the game. You can not climb the stairs with your feet higher than the second rail, jump off the stairs.


Goals: to develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity; exercise in running, squatting, building in a circle, walking in a circle; promote speech development.

Game progress. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Smaller, forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, join hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Beware the cheats

We'll get to you

Here we put a mousetrap -

Let's catch everyone now.

Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of mice are caught, the children switch roles.

Rules of the game. Lower clasped hands at the word “clap”. After the mousetrap is slammed, you can not crawl under your arms


Purpose of the game:

Game progress. Players are built in 2 - 3 lines along the perimeter of the site. On command, they diverge or scatter in different directions, and on sound signal line up in their place. The team that lined up faster and more evenly is noted.

Rules of the game. Line up only in your team, the order in the line does not matter.

Hunters and ducks.

Purpose of the game: develop dexterity.

Game progress. The duck players are on the court. 2 drivers - "hunters" stand on opposite sides of the site facing each other, one of them has a ball in his hands. The hunters throw the ball, trying to hit the ducks with it. Ducks run from one side of the court to the other, trying to dodge the ball. Players who are hit by the ball are temporarily out of the game. The game lasts 5 minutes, then the ducks caught are counted and new drivers are selected.

Rules of the game. Throw the ball at the back or feet of the players.


Purpose of the game: develop creative imagination.

Game progress. The players (bugs, spiders, mice, butterflies) are on the court, the driver - the "owl" is sitting in the nest. With the words "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" players move around the court, performing imitative actions. With the words "Night is coming - everything freezes!" children stop and freeze in a motionless pose. The owl goes hunting and takes with him those players who have moved.

Rules of the game. The owl cannot watch the same player for a long time.

Fishermen and fish.

Purpose of the game: to form coordination of motor actions.

Game progress. Players - "fish" are on the court. A pair of players - drivers form a "network" (hold hands - one hand is free). On a signal, the fish run around the site, and the fishermen catch up with the fish and join their hands around them. The fish caught in the net joins the fishermen. The game continues until the net breaks or until all players are caught.

Rules of the game. The fish should not collide, the fishermen should not disengage their hands.


Purpose of the game: develop self-organization.

Game progress. The players of the two teams are built in 2 lines on opposite sides of the site and form a “wattle fence” (bending their arms crosswise in front of their chest, they hold the opposite hands of their neighbors on the right and left). At a signal, the children release their hands and scatter in different directions, and at the command “Wattle!” are built in their places, forming a wattle fence. The team that builds faster is noted.

Rules. The order of the players in the line may not be observed.

The Snow Queen.

Purpose of the game: develop speed and agility.

Game progress. The players are on the court, the driver is the "Snow Queen" away from the players. On command, the players scatter around the court, and the Snow Queen tries to catch up with them and tarnish them.

Rules of the game. Whom the "Snow Queen" has touched, turns into an "icicle" and remains standing still.

Svetlana Amelina
Card file of mobile and sedentary games for children middle group

Mobile game "Find a mate".

For the game, you need handkerchiefs of two colors (according to the number of children) (half of the handkerchiefs of one color, the rest of the other). Each player receives one handkerchief. At the signal of the teacher, all the children scatter, trying to occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall (platform). To the words "Find a couple!" or start sound piece of music children with handkerchiefs of the same color stand in pairs. If the child cannot find a mate, the players say: “Vanya (Kolya, Olya, don’t yawn, quickly choose a mate!” The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Children stand in several columns different parties hall. The place for each column is indicated by an object (cube, pin, stuffed ball). The players pretend to be pilots. At the signal of the educator: “To fly!” - children perform circular motion with bent arms in front of the chest - "start the engines." On the next signal: "Fly!" - children raise their hands to the sides and run - "fly" in different directions throughout the hall. At the signal: "Landing!" - children-"planes" find their place (near their cube) and are built in columns.

Mobile game "Cucumber, cucumber ...".

On one side of the hall is a teacher (a trap, on the other side are children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

Children run away beyond the conditional line, and the teacher catches up with them. The teacher pronounces the text in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word.

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest."

On one side of the hall (platform) a line is drawn - this is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end of the hall is indicated by the line "house" of children. The teacher appoints one of the players as a bear (you can choose a rhyme, the rest of the players are children, they are at home.

The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms - imitate the corresponding movements - and say:

"At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us."

The bear rises with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the caught child to his “pine forest”. The game is restarted. After the bear has captured 2-3 children, another bear is assigned or selected. The game is repeated.

The game of low mobility "Where did you knock?".

Children stand in a circle (or sit). The driver goes to the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher silently walks around the circle behind the children, stops near one of the children, taps with a stick and puts it in the child’s hands, steps aside and says: “It’s time!” The one standing in the circle must guess where they knocked and go to the one who has the wand hidden. Having guessed, he takes the place of the child who had a wand, he becomes the leader. If the child does not guess, then he leads again. If he makes a mistake a second time, then a new driver is chosen. In this game, children must be quiet, otherwise it will be difficult for the driver to guess.

Mobile game "Cat and Mice".

On one side of the hall, slats are placed on chairs or racks are placed with a cord stretched at a height of 50 cm from the floor level - this is the house of mice. At some distance from the house of mice, there is a cat (a child in a cat's hat) on a chair.

The teacher says:

The cat guards the mice

He pretended to be asleep.

Children crawl under the slats (or cords, get up and run in all directions. The teacher says:

Hush, mice, don't make noise

And don't wake up the cat.

Children - "mice" easily, trying not to make noise, run around the hall. After 20–25 seconds, the teacher exclaims: “The cat woke up!” The driver is a “cat”, shouts: “Meow!”, And runs after the “mice”, and they hide in the “minks” (they crawl under the rails, and run into the minks through the unobstructed part). The game is repeated several times. Another child is chosen to play the role of the cat.

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Children are divided into three links and placed in different corners of the hall. In front of each link is a cube (pin) of a certain color.

At the command of the educator: “Get ready for the flight!” - children-"pilots" make circular movements with their hands - they start the motors. "Fly!" - says the teacher. The “pilots” raise their arms to the sides and run in different directions around the hall. On command: "Landing!" - the children return, and each link takes its place near the cube. The teacher notes which link was built faster. When the game is repeated, other guys are appointed as unit commanders.

Mobile game "Fox and chickens".

On one side of the hall is a "chicken coop" (you can use a gymnastic bench). In the "chicken coop" on the "roost" sit "hens". On the opposite side of the hall is the "burrow" of the fox. All free space is the yard.

One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the children are chickens. At the signal of the educator, the "hens" jump from the perch, run around the yard, flap their wings, peck at grains. On a signal: "Fox!" - The chickens run away. The Fox is trying to catch the Chickens. She leads the “chicken” that did not have time to escape into her hole. The game is restarted. When the "fox" catches 2-3 "hens", another "fox" is selected.

The game of low mobility "Let's find a chicken."

The teacher hides a toy chicken somewhere in advance and offers to look for it. Anyone who notices where the toy is located approaches the teacher and quietly tells him about it. When most of the children cope with the task, the teacher allows you to go to the toy and bring it.

Mobile game "Hares and the wolf".

One of the players is chosen as the leader - this is a wolf. The rest of the children portray hares. On one side of the hall, the "hares" arrange "houses" for themselves (circles of cords or large diameter hoops). At the beginning, the "hares" are in their "houses", the "wolf" is at the other end of the hall ("in the ravine").

The teacher says:

Bunnies jump, hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

"Hares" jump out of the "houses" on two legs and scatter all over the hall (the playground, jump on two legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around to see if the wolf is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the "hares", trying to catch (touch) them. "Hares" each run away to their own "house". The "wolf" takes the caught "hares" to his "ravine". The game is restarted. After 2-3 "hares" are caught, another "wolf" is chosen.

Mobile game "Birds and a cat".

The teacher lays out a circle of rope or cord. Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child is assigned as a driver - a “cat”, which is in the center of the circle; the rest of the children are "birds". The “cat” falls asleep (closes its eyes, and the “birds” jump into the circle, “fly”. At the teacher’s signal, the “cat” wakes up, says: “Meow!”, And begins to catch the “birds”, and they fly away outside the circle. Caught "Birds" "cat" leaves beside him. The game is repeated with another driver.

Mobile game "Sparrows and car".

Benches are placed on one side of the hall, “sparrows” sit on them. On the other side is a place for a garage. “The sparrows fly out of the nest,” the teacher says, and the “sparrows” children jump from the benches (height 20 cm, run in different directions, raising their arms to the sides - they “fly.” A horn sounds, and a “car” appears (a child, in the hands of which the steering wheel). "Sparrows" quickly fly away to their "nests". "Car" returns to the garage. The game is repeated.

The mobile game "Bird flight".

Bird children gather on one side of the playground. On the other side are gymnastic benches - "trees". At the signal: "Let's fly!" - the birds fly around the hall, spreading their wings (arms to the sides) and waving them. At the signal: "Storm!" - "birds" take places on the gymnastic benches as quickly as possible. The teacher says: “The storm has passed”, the “birds” calmly “descend from the trees” and continue to “fly”. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Mobile game "White Bunny".

Children pretend to be bunnies. They are located throughout the site. The teacher says:

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this.

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Mobile game "Homeless Hare".

A “hunter” is selected from among the players, the rest of the children are “hares”, they are in “minks” (circles). The number of "minks" per one less number"hares". "Hunter" is trying to catch the "hare" left without a house. He runs away. He can escape in any "mink" - run into a circle. Now another hare is left without a “mink”, and a “hunter” catches it. If the "hunter" catches (touches) the "hare", then they change roles. If the “hunter” cannot catch anyone for a long time, another child is chosen for this role.

Mobile game "Owl".

The leader is chosen - “owl”, the rest of the children depict butterflies, birds, etc. At the signal of the teacher: “Day!” - children run around the hall, on the command: "Night!" - freeze and stop in the place where their team found them. The "owl" comes out of its nest and takes those who move, takes it to itself. The game is repeated. When choosing another driver, the main thing is that he should not be a loser.

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