Consumer attitude to nature arguments. "King-fish"

  • People have forgotten that nature is their home.
  • People with high moral qualities, protect nature.
  • Love for nature makes a person purer.


1. The hero of the poem ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares" during the spring flood, he saves drowning hares, collects them in a boat, cures two sick ones. The forest is a home for him, and Grandfather Mazay takes care of those who live in it, protects them. Such an attitude is a lesson in love for nature, careful and reasonable love.

2. In the work B.L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans" the main character, Yegor Polushkin, takes care of all living things. Often he becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying a pipe, decides to go around the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation from people. When the hero is in need of money, he learns that the population can be rewarded for the soaked bast. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide to destroy the living, while his cousin destroys an entire grove for the sake of profit. The son of Yegor Polushkin is distinguished by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) to Vovka to save the puppy, whom the boy wanted to torture. The protagonist himself is killed by evil and envious people for the desire to protect nature.

3. in the story Vasily Makarovich Shukshin "The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl" we see an amazing example of the attitude towards native nature that surrounds us. The old man, the hero of the story, comes to the same place every evening and watches the sun go down. Next to the girl-artist, he comments on the minutely changing colors of the sunset. How unexpected was the discovery for the heroine that the grandfather, it turns out, was blind! For over 10 years! How to love native land to remember for decades her beauty!!!

  • Human activity destroys nature
  • The state of nature depends on man
  • Preservation of the environment is a priority for society
  • The future of mankind depends on the state of nature
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner
  • People with high moral qualities protect nature
  • Love for nature changes a person for the better, contributes to his moral development.
  • People have forgotten that nature is their home
  • Everyone tends to have their own view on the role of nature in human life.


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In the work there are two completely opposite views on the place of nature in people's lives. Nihilist Evgeny Bazarov perceives the world as material for practice, saying that "nature is not a temple, but a workshop." In everything, he tries to find benefit, and not to see the beauty around. The hero considers living beings only material for his research. For Arkady Kirsanov, who at first supported the views of Yevgeny Bazarov, nature is a source of harmony. He feels himself an integral part of the world around him, sees and feels beauty.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares". The story of the rescue of hares by grandfather Mazai is known to every person since childhood. From the poem of the great poet it is clear that our hero is a hunter, which means that for him, hares should be, first of all, prey. But grandfather Mazai cannot offend animals when they are absolutely helpless, between life and death. Love for nature turns out to be higher for a person than the ability to get easy prey. He shouts after the rescued hares so that they do not come across to him during the hunting period, but on this moment releases them.

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" The attitude towards the nature of the main character of the work can be called truly correct. Olesya's life is inextricably linked with the world around her. She feels that she is connected with the forest and that the forest is something alive. The girl loves all living things. Olesya is ready to protect everything that is connected with nature: herbs, shrubs, huge trees. Unity with the outside world allows her to survive at a distance from people, in the wilderness of the forest.

V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish". The fate of Gosha Gertsev is a prime example the fact that nature can not only endure the attacks of man, but also actively defend itself with the help of its moral and punishing power. The hero, who has shown a consumerist, cynical attitude towards the environment, is punished. Moreover, punishment threatens not only him, but all of humanity, if it does not realize how cruel its activities are. Lack of spirituality, greed, thoughtless use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress - all this threatens the death of society.

B.L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans." Artwork shows different attitude people to nature: we see both its defenders and enemies, whose activities are only of a consumer nature. Main character, Yegor Polushkin, takes care of all living things. Often he becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying a pipe, decides to go around the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation from people. When the hero is in need of money, he learns that the population can be rewarded for the soaked bast. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide to destroy the living, while his cousin destroys an entire grove for the sake of profit. The son of Yegor Polushkin is distinguished by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) to Vovka to save the puppy, whom the boy wanted to torture. The protagonist himself is killed by evil and envious people for the desire to protect nature.

Chingiz Aitmanov "The Scaffold". The work shows how a person with my own hands destroys the environment. People mock saigas, wolf cubs die because of a man-made fire. Not knowing where to direct your maternal love, the she-wolf becomes attached to the human child. People, not realizing this, shoot at her, but one of them kills his own son as a result. The death of a child can be blamed not on a she-wolf, but on people who barbarously broke into her territory, exterminated her children, and therefore took up arms against nature. The work "The Scaffold" shows what such an attitude towards the living is fraught with.

D. Granin "Bison". The protagonist is horrified to realize that almost all people, including scientists, are confident in the boundlessness of nature and the negligible impact of man on it. The bison does not understand how a person can approve scientific and construction projects that cause irreparable damage to all living things. He believes that science in this case does not work for the good, but to the detriment of humanity. The hero is hurt by the fact that almost no one has come to understand the true role of nature in human life, its uniqueness and vulnerability.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea". For the old fisherman, the sea is the breadwinner. In the whole appearance of the hero, a connection with nature is visible. The old man treats everything with respect and gratitude: he asks for forgiveness from the caught fish. The work shows the role of the generosity of nature in our lives, and the hero demonstrates a truly correct attitude towards the world around him - grateful.

What role does nature play in human life?

Text: Anna Chaynikova

Write good essay not easy, but well-chosen arguments and literary examples help you get the highest score. This time we analyze the topic: "Man and Nature".

Sample Problem Statements

The problem of determining the role of nature in human life. (What role does nature play in human life?)
The problem of the impact of nature on man. (What effect does nature have on humans?)
The problem of the ability to notice beauty in the ordinary. (What gives a person the ability to notice beauty in the simple and ordinary?)
The problem of the influence of nature on spiritual world person. (How does nature affect the spiritual world of a person?)
The problem of the negative impact of human activity on nature. (What does it show Negative influence human activities on nature?
The problem of a cruel / kind attitude of a person towards living beings. (Is it permissible to torture and kill living beings? Are people capable of treating nature compassionately?)
The problem of human responsibility for the conservation of nature and life on Earth. (Is man responsible for the conservation of nature and life on Earth?)

Not everyone can see the beauty of nature, its poetry. There are quite a few people who perceive it utilitarianly, like Yevgeny Bazarov, the hero of the novel Fathers and Sons. According to the young nihilist, "nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." Calling nature "trifles", he is not only unable to admire its beauties, but in principle denies this possibility. I would not agree with such a position, who in the poem “Not what you think, nature ...”, in fact, gave the answer to all supporters of Bazarov’s point of view:

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has a language...

According to the poet, people who remain deaf to the beauty of nature have existed and will exist, but their inability to feel is worthy of only regret, because they "live in this world as if in the dark." The inability to feel is not their fault, but a misfortune:

Not their fault: understand, if you can,
Body life deaf-mute!
Soul it, ah! won't alarm
And the voice of the mother herself! ..

It is to this category of people that Sonya belongs, the heroine of the epic novel L. N. Tolstoy"War and Peace". Being a rather prosaic girl, she is unable to understand beauty. moonlit night, poetry spilled in the air, which Natasha Rostova feels. The girl's enthusiastic words do not reach Sonya's heart, she only wants Natasha to close the window as soon as possible and go to bed. But she cannot sleep, feelings overwhelm her: “No, look at that moon!.. Oh, what a charm! You come here. Darling, dove, come here. Well, see? So I would squat down like this, grab myself under my knees - tighter, as tight as possible, you have to strain - and fly. Like this!
- All right, you're going to fall.
There was a struggle and Sonya's displeased voice:
- It's the second hour.
Oh, you're just ruining everything for me. Well, go, go."

Alive and open to the whole world, Natasha's paintings of nature prompt dreams that are incomprehensible to the mundane and insensitive Sonya. Prince Andrei, who became an unwitting witness to the conversation of girls at night in Otradnoye, is forced by nature to look at his life with different eyes, pushing him to reassess his values. At first, he experiences it on the field of Austerlitz, when he lies, bleeding, and looks into an unusually "high, fair and kind sky." Then all the former ideals seem petty to him, and the dying hero sees the meaning of life in family happiness and not fame and universal love. Then nature becomes for Bolkonsky, who is experiencing an internal crisis, a catalyst for the process of reassessment of values, gives an impetus to return to the world. The tender foliage that appeared in the spring on the old clumsy branches of the oak, with which it associates itself, gives it hope for renewal, inspires strength: “No, life is not over at the age of thirty-one,” Prince Andrei suddenly decided definitively, without change.<…>... it is necessary that my life was not for me alone.

Happy is the one who feels and hears nature, is able to draw strength from it, find support in difficult situations. Yaroslavna, the heroine of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", is endowed with such a gift, three times turning to the forces of nature: with a reproach for her husband's defeat - to the sun and wind, for help - to the Dnieper. Yaroslavna's crying forces the forces of nature to help Igor escape from captivity and becomes a symbolic reason for the completion of the events described in the "Word ...".

The story “Hare Paws” is dedicated to the connection between man and nature, a careful and compassionate attitude towards it. Vanya Malyavin brings to the veterinarian a hare with a torn ear and burned paws, which brought his grandfather out of a terrible forest fire. The hare “cries”, “groans” and “sighs”, just like a person, but the veterinarian remains indifferent and, instead of helping, gives the boy the cynical advice to “fry him with onions”. Grandfather and grandson do their best to help the hare, they even carry it to the city, where, as they say, lives the pediatrician Korsh, who will not refuse to help them. Dr. Korsh, despite the fact that "all his life he treated people, not hares", unlike a veterinarian, he shows spiritual sensitivity and nobility and helps an unusual patient to come out. “What a child, what a hare is all the same”, - says the grandfather, and one cannot but agree with him, because animals, just like humans, can experience fear or suffer from pain. Grandfather Larion is grateful to the hare for saving him, but feels guilty for the fact that one day he almost shot a hare with a torn ear while hunting, which then led him out of a forest fire.

However, is a person always responsive to nature and treats it with care, does he understand the value of the life of any creature: a bird, an animal? in the story "Horse with pink mane"shows a cruel and thoughtless attitude towards nature, when children knocked out a bird, a sculpin fish with a stone for fun "torn to pieces ... on the shore for an ugly view". Although the guys then tried to give the swallow water to drink, but “She let blood into the river, could not swallow water and died, dropping her head.” Having buried the bird in the pebbles on the shore, the children soon forgot about it, taking up other games, and they were not at all ashamed. Often a person does not think about the damage he causes to nature, how destructive the thoughtless destruction of all life is.

in the story E. Nosova The “doll” narrator, who has not been in his native places for a long time, is horrified at how the once rich in fish river has changed beyond recognition, how it has become shallow, overgrown with mud: “The channel narrowed, became infested, the clean sands on the bends were covered with cocklebur and hard butterbur, many unfamiliar shoals and spits appeared. There were no more deep, rapids, where before, at the evening dawn, cast, bronzed ides bored into the river surface.<…>Now all this yazovy freedom bristled with a bunch and peaks of an arrowhead, and everywhere, where it is still free from grasses, black bottom mud is rushing, grown fertile from an excess of fertilizers carried by rains from the fields.. What happened in Lipina Yama can be called a real environmental disaster, but what are its causes? The author sees them in the changed attitude of man to the world around him as a whole, not only to nature. The careless, merciless, indifferent attitude of people to the world around them and to each other can have irreversible consequences. The old carrier Akimych explains the changes that have taken place to the narrator in this way: “Many have become accustomed to bad things and do not see how they themselves are doing bad things.” Indifference, according to the author, is one of the most terrible vices that destroy not only the soul of the person himself, but also the world around him.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares"
L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
F. I. Tyutchev "Not what you think, nature ..."
« Good relationship to the horses"
A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle"
L. Andreev "Kusaka"
M. M. Prishvin "Forest Master"
K. G. Paustovsky " Golden Rose”, “Hare paws”, “Badger nose”, “Dense bear”, “Water frog”, “Warm bread”
V. P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish", "Vasyutkino Lake"
B. L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans"
Ch. Aitmatov "Slaf"
V. P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"
V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora", "Live and Remember", "Fire"
G. N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"
E. I. Nosov "Doll", "Thirty grains"
"Love of Life", "White Fang"
E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

"The Martian Chronicles". R. Bradbury

The rosy ideas of many readers about the hospitality of alien planets are completely crossed out by the American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury with his vision of the problem. The author persistently warns that the elusive inhabitants of other worlds do not burn with a special desire to meet uninvited guests on their territory. For those who nevertheless decide to cross this border at all costs, the writer recommends getting ready for a series of disappointments, since they will have to face a completely different world that lives according to laws that are incomprehensible to us.

"King fish". V. Astafiev

In this work, the famous Russian writer introduces us to his attitude to the eternal moral and philosophical question of the relationship between man and the animate world around him. It reminds us of the enormous responsibility that is entrusted to us by nature itself, and calls on us to strive with all our might to build the harmony of our inner world with the harmony of the world that exists next to us.

"All Summer in One Day" R. Bradbury

Distant and mysterious Venus. The author immerses us in his ideas about possible conditions the existence of the first settlers from our planet in this alien and completely incomprehensible world. We are talking about children who attend a Venusian school. All of them are of the same age, and live with the only expectation of the appearance of the long-awaited sun in the sky of Venus. The luminary appears here only once every seven years, and children of nine years of age do not remember at all what it looks like. The only exception is the only girl named Margo, who arrived on the planet later than the others and has not yet forgotten what the Sun is and how it looks from the Earth. There are tensions between her and the other guys. difficult relationship. They just don't understand each other. But time is passing, and the day of the appearance of the Sun is approaching. It will delight the inhabitants of the rainy planet with its presence for an hour, and then again disappear for a long seven years, so for the young inhabitants of Venus, this day is an event that cannot be compared with anything in its solemnity and significance.

"The little Prince". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The allegorical story of the French pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery introduces us to a very touching character. This is a boy who is engaged in a very serious and responsible business - he visits various planets, and thus learns the world around him. He generously shares his conclusions with the reader and reveals to us his childhood vision and attitude to everything he has to face. The young traveler unobtrusively reminds people that it is they who are responsible for the life of everything that surrounds them - “We are responsible for those we have tamed”, and caring for the planet on which we live is an unconditional and daily duty of every person.

"Grandfather Mazai and hares." N. Nekrasov

The little village he describes famous poet, is located in the wilderness of the Kostroma province. Every year, spring floods turn this wonderful place into the "Russian Venice" - a third of the entire territory is under water, and the forest dwellers rush about in horror in search of saving islands of land. The protagonist of this work, Grandfather Mazay, sailing on his boat through a flooded forest, saw hares huddled together and trembling with fear and cold. The defenseless animals, apparently, did not expect that their plight would attract anyone's attention, but when the old hunter began to transfer them to the boat in order to release them in a safer place, they accepted help from a stranger, though with mistrust and apprehension. This story reminds each of us that it is impossible to indifferently observe the plight of our smaller brothers, and, if possible, provide all possible assistance to those who are in dire need of it.

"Plaha". Ch. Aitmatov

Roman famous Kyrgyz writer, is a warning addressed to each of us. ordeal and tragic fate the main character of this work, Obadiah, reveal to the reader that huge layer of unresolved moral issues that have changed our attitude to life and others beyond recognition. The novel highlights the contradictions of characters who feel responsible for everything, and those for whom conscience and morality have become an unnecessary burden. In parallel with the development of the main plot, the author unobtrusively immerses us in the life of an ordinary wolf family. Apparently, such a technique was chosen by him not by chance - the natural and, in essence, sinless life of predators is opposed to the dirt that is full of relationships between people.

"The Man Who Planted Trees" J. Giono

This story is about a man capital letter. He devoted his whole life to turning a lifeless desert into a blooming oasis. With his daily work for many years, he inspired hope in the hearts of people living near him. Thousands of trees planted by the protagonist brought happiness to tens of thousands of others who seemed to have lost last hope survive in this cruel world.

"About all creatures, big and small." J. Harriot

With light humor and great love, the author, who by his main profession was a veterinarian and treated animals, introduces us to pets that we meet daily, but we know absolutely nothing about them, not about their attitude towards us.

"Three Tickets to Adventure". J. Durrell

The story of the famous traveler, naturalist and owner of the rare gift of the excellent storyteller J. Durrell introduces us to unique nature South America and immerses readers in the world of their impressions from the expedition to this continent. literary heritage this researcher provided an opportunity for millions of people different ages perceive the world that surrounds them in a completely different way, and feel themselves involved in its problems and joys. The author in a fascinating and light manner talks about the life of rare animals - about the boxing fights of porcupines, the daily pastime of sloths, about the process of the birth of unique reptiles and amphibians, and about a host of other interesting things of an educational nature. You will get acquainted with the hard and dangerous work of rescuers of wild animals and significantly expand your knowledge about the world that exists in close proximity to a person, but lives according to laws that are understandable only to him.

"Don't shoot white swans." B. Vasiliev

The very title of this story contains a call to people to stop and think deeply about their attitude to wildlife and life in general. This is a cry of despair that cannot leave anyone indifferent. The plot of the story grabs the reader from the first minutes and does not let go until the denouement. We empathize with the heroes of this story, delve into the secrets of their worldview and at least temporarily become like them. The author tries to draw that elusive boundary between good and evil, referring to the fate of his characters and their everyday attitude to the world of wildlife.

"Animal Stories". E. Season-Thompson

E. Season-Thompson is one of the few authors who, with his style of narration and deep reflections, immerses his readers in the world of his personal relationship to all living things. He communicates touchingly and with childish spontaneity with wild and domestic animals, with full confidence that they perfectly understand and perceive every word, and only for quite understandable reasons cannot say anything in response. He speaks to them as to unreasonable children who have only one language of communication available - the language of affection and love.

Arcturus the Hound Dog. Y. Kazakov

Every dog, like a person, has its own individual character and temper. Arcturus, according to the author, was unique in this respect. The dog showed unusual sublime affection and devotion to his master. It was real love animal to human. The dog was ready to sacrifice herself for him without any hesitation, but a certain animal modesty and inner tact did not allow her to fully express her feelings.

Everyone knows that man and nature are inextricably linked, and we observe it every day. This is a breath of wind, and sunsets and sunrises, and the ripening of buds on trees. Society was formed under its influence, personalities developed, art was formed. But we also have a reciprocal influence on the world around us, but most often negative. The problem of ecology was, is and will always be relevant. So, many writers touched on it in their works. This selection lists the brightest and strongest arguments from world literature that touch on the problems of the mutual influence of nature and man. They are available for download in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. Astafiev Victor Petrovich, "Tsar-fish". This is one of the most famous works great Soviet writer Victor Astafiev. main topic stories - the unity and opposition of man and nature. The writer points out that each of us is responsible for what he has done and what is happening in the world around him, no matter if it is good or bad. The work also touches upon the problem of large-scale poaching, when a hunter, not paying attention to prohibitions, kills and thereby wipes out entire species of animals from the face of the earth. So, pushing your hero Ignatich and mother nature in the person of the King-fish, the author shows that the destruction of our habitat by our own hands threatens the death of our civilization.
  2. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, "Fathers and Sons". The neglect of nature is also considered in Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". Yevgeny Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist, declares bluntly: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." He does not enjoy the environment, does not find anything mysterious and beautiful in it, any manifestation of it is nothing for him. In his opinion, "nature should be useful, this is its purpose." He believes that it is necessary to take away what she gives - this is the inviolable right of each of us. As an example, we can recall the episode when Bazarov, being in bad mood, went into the forest and broke branches and everything else that came across to him on the way. Neglecting the world around him, the hero fell into the trap of his own ignorance. Being a physician, he never made great discoveries, nature did not give him the keys to her secret locks. He died from his own indiscretion, becoming a victim of a disease for which he never invented a vaccine.
  3. Vasiliev Boris Lvovich, “Do not shoot at white swans”. In his work, the author urges people to treat nature more carefully, opposing two brothers. The forester of the reserve by the name of Buryanov, despite his responsible work, perceives the world around him only as a resource for consumption. He easily and completely without a twinge of conscience cut down trees in the reserve in order to build a house for himself, and his son Vova was completely ready to torture the puppy he found to death. Fortunately, Vasiliev contrasts him with Yegor Polushkin, his cousin, who, with all the kindness of his soul, protects the natural habitat, and it’s good that there are still people who care about nature and strive to preserve it.

Humanism and love for the environment

  1. Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea. In his philosophical story "The Old Man and the Sea", which was based on a true event, the great American writer and the journalist touched on many topics, one of which is the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The author in his work shows a fisherman who serves as an example of how to treat the environment. The sea feeds the fishermen, but voluntarily yields only to those who understand the elements, its language and life. Santiago also understands the responsibility that the hunter bears in front of the halo of his habitat, feels guilty for extorting food from the sea. He is weighed down by the thought that a man kills his fellows in order to feed himself. So you can understand the main idea of ​​the story: each of us must understand his own inseparable bond with nature, to feel guilty before it, and as long as we are responsible for it, guided by reason, then the Earth tolerates our existence and is ready to share its riches.
  2. Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich, "Thirty grains". Another work that confirms that humane attitude to other living beings and nature - this is one of the main virtues of people, is the book "Thirty grains" by Evgeny Nosov. It shows the harmony between man and animal, the little titmouse. The author clearly demonstrates that all living beings are brothers in origin, and we need to live in friendship. Titmouse at first was afraid to make contact, but she realized that in front of her was not the one who would catch and the ban in the cage, but the one who would protect and help.
  3. Nekrasov Nikolay Alekseevich, “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”. This poem is familiar to every person since childhood. It teaches us to help our smaller brothers, to take care of nature. The main character, Grandfather Mazay, is a hunter, which means that hares should be for him, first of all, prey, food, but his love for the place where he lives turns out to be higher than the opportunity to get an easy trophy. He not only saves them, but also warns them not to come across him while hunting. Isn't this a high feeling of love for mother nature?
  4. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince. The main idea of ​​the work sounds in the voice of the protagonist: “I got up, washed myself, put myself in order and immediately put your planet in order.” Man is not a king, not a king, and he cannot control nature, but he can take care of it, help, follow its laws. If every inhabitant of our planet followed these rules, then our Earth would be completely safe. It follows from this that we need to take care of her, treat her more carefully, because all living things have a soul. We have tamed the Earth and must be responsible for it.

The problem of ecology

  • Rasputin Valentin "Farewell to Mother". The strong influence of man on nature was shown in his story “Farewell to Mother” by Valentin Rasputin. On Matera, people lived in harmony with the environment, took care of the island and kept it, but the authorities needed to build a hydroelectric power station, and decided to flood the island. So, the whole went under the water animal world, which no one took care of, only the inhabitants of the island felt guilty for the "betrayal" native land. So humanity destroys entire ecosystems due to the fact that it needs electricity and other resources necessary for modern life. It treats its conditions with awe and reverence, but completely forgets that entire species of plants and animals die and are destroyed forever due to the fact that someone needed more comfort. Today, that area has ceased to be an industrial center, factories do not work, and dying villages do not need so much energy. So those sacrifices were completely in vain.
  • Aitmatov Chingiz, "The Scaffold". destroying environment, we are destroying our lives, our past, present and future - such a problem is raised in Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Block", where the family of wolves, which is doomed to death, is the personification of nature. The harmony of life in the forest was broken by a man who came and destroys everything in his path. People arranged a hunt for saigas, and the reason for such barbarity was the fact that there was a difficulty with the meat delivery plan. Thus, the hunter mindlessly destroys the ecology, forgetting that he himself is part of the system, and this, in the end, will affect him.
  • Astafiev Victor, "Lyudochka". AT this work describes the consequence of the disregard of the authorities to the ecology of the whole region. People in a polluted, waste-smelling city have become brutalized and rush at each other. They have lost naturalness, harmony in the soul, now they are ruled by conventions and primitive instincts. main character becomes a victim of gang rape on the banks of a garbage river, where rotten waters flow - as rotten as the morals of the townspeople. No one helped or even sympathized with Luda, this indifference drove the girl to suicide. She hanged herself on a bare crooked tree, which also dies from indifference. The poisoned, hopeless atmosphere of filth and poisonous fumes reflects back on those who made it so.
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