Works by Chingiz Aitmatov. Bibliographic reference

Chingiz Aitmatov was born in the village of Sheker in the Talas canton of the Kirghiz ASSR (now the Talas region of Kyrgyzstan). His father, Torekul Aitmatov (1903-1938), was at first a peasant activist, then a Soviet and party worker, a prominent statesman of the Kirghiz SSR, but in 1937 he was arrested and shot in 1938. Mother, Nagima Khamzievna Abduvalieva (1904-1971), a Tatar by nationality, was an army political worker, later a public figure. Genghis, his brothers and sisters grew up in Sheker, where they arrived shortly before their father's arrest at his insistence. During the Great Patriotic War, when all the men went to the front, he, a fourteen-year-old teenager, became the secretary of the council in the village.

After graduating from eight classes, he entered the Dzhambul zootechnical school, from which he graduated with honors. In 1948 he entered the Kyrgyz Agricultural Institute in Frunze, from which he graduated in 1953. He made his debut in print in 1952 with a story written in Russian, "Newsman Juido" (newspaper "Komsomolets Kirghizii", April 6, 1952), after which he published stories in Kyrgyz and Russian. After graduating from the institute, he worked as a veterinarian for three years, while continuing to write and publish stories. In 1956 he entered the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow (graduating in 1958). The story "Face to Face" in the Kyrgyz language was published in June 1957 in the magazine "Ala-Too" and the following year in the magazine "October" in the author's translation into Russian. The story "Jamila" was published for the first time in French in the translation of Louis Aragon also in 1957. In the same year, his stories were published in the Novy Mir magazine, and the story Jamilya was published in Russian, which brought Aitmatov world fame. In 1959-1965 he was the editor-in-chief of the journal "Literary Kyrgyzstan", at the same time he worked as his own correspondent for the newspaper "Pravda" in the Kyrgyz SSR. Member of the CPSU since 1959.

After "Jamili" the novels "Camel's Eye" (1960), "The First Teacher" (1961), "Mother's Field" (1963) and the collection "The Tale of Mountains and Steppes" (1963) were also published, for which the writer received the Lenin Prize. All these works were published simultaneously in Kyrgyz and in Russian translation. In 1965, the story "The First Teacher" was filmed by Andrei Konchalovsky at Mosfilm, also "Camel's Eye" was filmed by L. Shepitko with Bolot Shamshiev in the role of Kemel, Shamshiev subsequently became one of the best directors for staging films based on the works of Chingiz Aitmatov.

The story "Farewell, Gulsary!" (1966) brought the State Prize to the author. Until 1966, the writer wrote in two languages ​​(mainly in Kyrgyz), and starting with the story “Farewell, Gulsary!” switched mainly to Russian. The novel "The White Steamboat" (1970) was published in Russian and for many years became one of the most recognized works of Chingiz Aitmatov all over the world, later it was also filmed by German and Russian filmmakers. In 1978, the writer was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1980, the novel “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” was published, for which Aitmatov received the second State Prize. The last work published in the USSR is his novel The Block (1986). During his visit to Germany, Chingiz Aitmatov meets Friedrich Hitzer, later a German translator and manager, with whom he worked until January 2007, when the translator died suddenly of a heart attack.

All post-Soviet works by Chingiz Aitmatov are published in German by the Swiss publishing house Unionsverlag in the translation of Friedrich Hitzer, who was posthumously awarded the International Chingiz Aitmatov Prize in London in 2011 for his long-term work with the writer, for love for his work and devotion to him. In 2012, it became known that a manuscript of a previously unpublished novel by the writer had been found. An unpublished copy was found in Aitmatov's office. The text entitled "Earth and Flute" tells about a man who in the 1940s participated in one of the largest construction projects in Kyrgyzstan - the construction of the Big Chui Canal - and found a large statue of the Chui Buddha. This news was reported by his daughter - Shirin. According to her, "this is a classic Aitmatov's narrative, written in the style of socialist realism." In addition to the story about the construction of the BChK, which in scale can be called the Kyrgyz BAM, it is written very openly and sensually about love, the novel is “very emotional, it describes the feelings and experiences of the hero.” Aitmatova did not specify in what years the novel was written. She only added that over time the pages of the manuscript turned yellow, “but it was reprinted and translated into electronic format and they plan to publish it in Russian within a year, and then translate it into English.” In the post-Soviet period, The White Cloud of Genghis Khan (1992), Cassandra's Brand (1994), and Tales (1997) were published abroad. “Childhood in Kyrgyzstan” (1998) and “When the Mountains Fall” (“Eternal Bride”) in 2006, the German translation of which was released in 2007 under the title “Snow Leopard”. This was Aitmatov's last work. In the year of his 70th birthday in 1998, the writer was once again awarded the title of Hero of Kyrgyzstan and recognized as a People's Writer in his homeland.

Since 1990, he headed the Embassy of the USSR (since 1992 - the Embassy of the Russian Federation) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, from 1994 to 2006 - the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to the Benelux countries - in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In 2006, together with a like-minded person Farhod Ustadzhalilov (Aitmatov's assistant for humanitarian work in the Russian Federation), he founded the Chingiz Aitmatov International Charitable Foundation "Dialogue Without Borders", of which he was president until the end of his life. Within the framework of the fund, the project "World without Borders" was developed, as well as a program for the development and support of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR.

Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the USSR Armed Forces of the 7th - 11th convocations (1966-89) from the Kirghiz SSR. He was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the 9th convocation from the Frunzensky-Pervomaisky electoral district No. 330 of the Kirghiz SSR, a member of the Commission on Foreign Affairs of the Council of Nationalities. People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-91), member of the Presidential Council of the USSR, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, member of the secretariat of the USSR Writers' Union and the USSR Investigative Committee, chairman of the board of the IC of the Kirghiz SSR, one of the leaders of the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Foreign Literature", the initiator of the international intellectual movement "Issyk-Kul Forum". As a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was chosen to deliver the nomination speech during the election of M. Gorbachev as President of the USSR in March 1990.

In 2008, he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of BTA Bank JSC (Kazakhstan).

Only in the last year of the writer's life, the question arose of awarding him the Nobel Prize, and the Turkish government created the applicant committee, since Aitmatov is "the largest Turkic-speaking writer of our time, in their opinion."

Almost all the work of Chingiz Torekulovich, who has already become a classic in literature, is permeated with mythological, epic motifs, legends and parables are woven into his works. His legends about the mother deer from the story "The White Steamboat" and the bird Donenbay from the novel "And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century" are well known. The same novel includes a storyline related to establishing contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, the planet Forest Chest. The action of the famous story "Piebald Dog Running by the Edge of the Sea" takes place during the time of the Great Fish - a woman, the progenitor of the human race. Peru Aitmatov owns a completely fantastic novel - "Cassandra's Brand" - about the problem of creating an artificial person.

He admitted that he drew inspiration from national legends, thanks to which the works turned out to be more realistic. “My direction is realistic prose of epic narration. I do not see myself as the author of science fiction, bestsellers, detective stories. I have my own way, ”Aitmatov described his work in this way.

According to the writer himself, in his entire life he did not learn three things: to drive a car, work on a computer and speak a foreign language (there was always an interpreter next to him). The writer considered Russian and Kyrgyz languages ​​to be native, saying that he freely thinks in each of them, based on necessity.

According to the memoirs of his son, Sanjar, Chingiz Aitmatov wrote all his works by hand, practically without drafts.

Had diabetes. He died on June 10, 2008 in a hospital in the German city of Nuremberg, where he was undergoing treatment. He was buried on June 14 in the historical and memorial complex "Ata-Beyit" in the suburbs of Bishkek.

A family

  • Grandfather (paternal) - Aitmat Kimbildiev, was a talented craftsman and tailor.
  • Grandfather (by mother) - Khamza Abduvaliev, a native of the suburbs of Kazan, was a very rich man and merchant.
  • Father Aitmatov Torekul (1903-1938) was a statesman of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1926 he graduated from the Communist University of the Working People of the East in Moscow.
  • Abduvaliev's mother Nagima Khamzievna (12/07/1904 - 08/10/1971) is a public figure. They married on September 3, 1926. In 1935-37 he lived with her husband in Moscow.
  • The younger brother is Ilgiz Aitmatov (born February 8, 1931). Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician, was a miner and went around all the mountains and rivers of Kyrgyzstan, left a mark with his research. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, member of a number of International Scientific and Technical Academies. Laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Kirghiz SSR in the field of science and technology. He published more than 280 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, made 25 inventions and one major scientific discovery. Ex-president of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and director of the Institute of Physics and Mechanics of Rocks of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, since 2005 advisor to the directorate of the same institute. The International Biographical Center (Cambridge, England) included the name of Academician I. T. Aitmatov in the list of prominent people of the 20th century.
  • The younger sister is Lucia Aitmatova (1934-1995). She graduated from school with honors. Graduate of the Energy Department of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute. The first among Kyrgyz women is an energy engineer, a public figure. Lucia had a twin brother, Reva, named after the Revolution, who died at six months of age.
    • Husband - Kenzhebay Akmatov (1932-1995), Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of a terminological dictionary of plants.
    • Three sons and grandsons.
  • The younger sister - Aitmatova Roza (Rosetta) (born 03/08/1937) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Kyrgyz Women's Pedagogical Institute, graduated from graduate school, associate professor, honored worker of education of the Kyrgyz Republic. She worked as a researcher at the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR, a teacher of physics at the Pedagogical University named after. I. Arabaeva. Author of more than two hundred scientific and methodological articles on pedagogy, as well as articles and books on gender issues. Translated into Kyrgyz and published the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The author of the books “White Pages of History” and “A Man is Alive as Long as He is Remembered…” in collaboration with her nephew Asan Akhmatov, in 2016 she was awarded the Chingiz Aitmatov International Prize for the book “White Pages of History” (2009), which tells about the life and work of their father, Torekul Aitmatov, who was repressed by the Stalinist regime in the 1930s, as well as about the childhood of their older brother. Leader of the women's movement, translated into Kyrgyz and published the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1997). Since 1996, she has been the head of the Women's Assistance Center organization.
    • Husband - Esenbek Alymkulov (d. 11/16/2005), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, a well-known pediatric surgeon in Kyrgyzstan.
    • The son - Alymkulov Urmat - is a doctor. He lives and works with his family in the USA. In the city of Philadelphia.
    • Daughter is a doctor
      • Grandson - Ilyas
  • First wife - Shamshibaeva Kerez (born 1930-?), Honored Doctor of the Kirghiz SSR
    • son - Sanjar (born 1954) - journalist and writer. Representative of the Customs Service of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (2002). Special Representative of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in Moscow (2004). Now he lives in Moscow. He has his own business.
    • son - Askar (born 1959) - graduated from the Institute of Asia and Africa at Moscow State University in 1981. Specialization - historian and orientalist. Speaks English, Turkish, French. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan.He heads the public fund "Issyk-Kul Forum named after. Chingiz Aitmatov.” Lives in Bishkek.
  • The second wife - Maria Urmatovna, graduated from the screenwriting department of VGIK
  • from the first marriage of Maria Urmatovna, daughter - Cholpon, now lives in London, she has a son.
  • son - Eldar, studied at a school with an English bias, graduated from the Belgian Royal Academy of Fine Arts, artist and designer, since 2004 President of the Chingiz Aitmatov International Foundation
  • grandson - Suleiman, the smallest grandson of Ch. Aitmatov.
  • daughter - Shirin (born July 28, 1977) - was born in Moscow, studied at the magistracy in the USA. She is fluent in Russian, English, French, Japanese. In 1987-2007 she lived in the USA. The developer of the Debut project of the Chingiz Aitmatov International Foundation. Former member of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. From February 2012 to the present - a member of the Committee on Law, Order and the Fight against Crime She left politics, has her own small business.
  • granddaughter - Kira-Keremet (born around 2008)
  • granddaughter (born 2013)


  • The name of Aitmatov was given in Bishkek to the city park, the Russian Drama Theater. In the future, the creation of the Aitmatov Museum in the Kyrgyz capital.
  • In 1989, the association "International Aitmatov Club" was created and established its own award in 1991, it is awarded every two years.
  • In 1993, in the city of El-Azyk (Turkey), the park was named after Chingiz Aitmatov.
  • In 1994, the International Public Aitmatov Academy was organized in Bishkek.
  • In 2004, a monument-bust made of clay Chingiz Aitmatov, the author of the work, artist-designer Ibragim Bakirov.
  • In October 2008, a monument to Chingiz Aitmatov was unveiled in Cholpon-Ata on the northern shore of Issyk-Kul.
  • At the Lithuanian mint, with which the Kyrgyz National Bank signed an agreement, a series of six collectible silver coins was minted - "Chingiz Aitmatov", "Jamila", "The First Teacher", "Mother's Field", "Farewell, Gulsary!" and "White Ship".
  • Streets in Bishkek, Kazan, Ankara, Baku, Astana, Luxembourg are named after the writer.
  • In 2007, a postage stamp of Kyrgyzstan dedicated to Aitmatov was issued.
  • 2008 in Kyrgyzstan was declared the year of Chingiz Aitmatov.
  • In 2009, the House-Museum of Chingiz Aitmatov was opened in Bishkek, located on the territory of the state residence, eight kilometers from Bishkek.
  • In 2011, a monument to the writer was erected in Bishkek on Ala-Too Square.
  • In 2011, the Chingiz Aitmatov International Prize was established in London. The award is presented by the Aitmatov Academy, founded in London by Professor Rakhima Abduvalieva, who worked with the writer for a long time. The award will take place on the birthday of Chingiz Aitmatov.
  • In 2011, on the anniversary of the writer's birthday, the Aitmatov Foundation published the book "Childhood" ("Balalyk") in Russian and Kyrgyz languages. The book contains Aitmatov's stories about his childhood and adolescence.
  • In 2012, the Aitmatov Foundation held an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the writer at the Historical Museum.
  • In 2012, the Aitmatov House Museum in the village of Chon-Aryk, where the writer lived.
  • In 2013, in St. Petersburg, the nameless green zone was given the name Chingiz Aitmatov Square.
  • In 2013, in Moscow, in the atrium of the Library of Foreign Literature, a monument-bust to Chingiz Aitmatov was opened by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Frangulyan
  • In 2014, Aeroflot named one of its new Boeing 737-800 liners after Chingiz Aitmatov.
  • In 2014, a monument to Chingiz Aitmatov was unveiled in Ankara.
  • In 2015, a square named after Chingiz Aitmatov appeared in Moscow, located in the Danilovsky district of Moscow at the junction of Lyusinovskaya and Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya streets.
  • In 2016, the largest portrait of the writer Chingiz Aitmatov was created, completely made of nails and threads. The portrait was made in the style of "String Art" with a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.25 m. Its author is the author of the project "Uluu Kyrgyz ISI" ("The Great Kyrgyz Trail") Azamat Dzhanaliev @AzamatDzhanaliev.
  • In 2016, the annual #ONE MAGAZINE AWARDS 2016 award ceremony was held in Bishkek. The main award "Recognition of Generations" was posthumously awarded to Chingiz Aitmatov for outstanding achievements and significant contribution to the development of social, cultural and scientific life.
  • In 2017, in Moscow, in the Southern Administrative District (SAD), a square named after Chingiz Aitmatov appeared, located at the intersection of Pavlovskaya Street and Podolskoye Highway.

Awards and prizes

State:(total 46):


  • Hero of Socialist Labor (07/31/1978)
  • two Orders of Lenin (07/02/1971; 07/31/1978)
  • Order of the October Revolution (12.12.1988)
  • two orders of the Red Banner of Labor (05/04/1962; 10/28/1967)
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples (11/16/1984)
  • medal "For labor distinction" (11/01/1958)


  • Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic (1997)
  • Order "Manas" I degree


  • Order of Friendship (1998)


  • Order of Otan (2000)


  • Order "Dustlik"

Other countries:

  • Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit (200, Hungary)


  • medal of N. K. Krupskaya (Ministry of Culture of the USSR)


  • Order of the Smile (Poland)
  • Medal of Honor "For outstanding contribution to the development of culture and art for the benefit of peace and prosperity on earth" of the Tokyo Institute of Oriental Philosophy

Awards and titles:

  • Lenin Prize (1963) - for "The Tale of the Steppes and Mountains" ("Camel's Eye", "First Teacher", "Jamilya")
  • USSR State Prize (1968) - for the story "Farewell, Gulsary!" (1966)
  • USSR State Prize (1977) - for the literary basis of the feature film "White Steamboat"
  • State Prize of the USSR (1983) - for the novel "And the day lasts longer than a century" ("Stormy Station")
  • State Prize of the Kirghiz SSR (1976)
  • Lotus Prize
  • J. Nehru International Prize
  • Ogonyok magazine award
  • European Literary Prize (1993)
  • Presidential Prize for Peace and Spiritual Harmony (Kazakhstan, 1993).
  • International Prize of the Mediterranean Center for Cultural Initiatives of Italy
  • American Religious Ecumenical Foundation Appeal to Conscience Award
  • Bavarian Prize. F. Ruckert
  • A. Men Prize
  • "Rukhaniyat" award
  • Honorary Prize of Culture named after V. Hugo
  • The highest award of the Turkish government for contribution to the development of the culture of the Turkic-speaking countries (2007)
  • People's Writer of the Kirghiz SSR (1968)


  • "Sypaychi" (1954)
  • "Rivals" (1955)
  • "White Rain" (1955)
  • "Face to Face" (1957)
  • "Jamila" (1958)
  • "Camel Eye" (1960)
  • "My poplar in a red scarf" (1961)
  • "First Teacher" (1962)
  • "Mother Field" (1963). The writer created the image of Tolgonai, a strong-willed woman, showed the torment and suffering of the Kyrgyz people during the Great Patriotic War.
  • "Red Apple" (1964)
  • "On the Baidamtal River" (1964)
  • "Farewell, Gulsary!" (1966)
  • "White Steamboat" (1970)
  • "Climbing Mount Fuji" (1973, play, co-authored with K. Mukhamedzhanov)
  • "Early Cranes" (1975)
  • "Piebald dog running along the edge of the sea" (1977)
  • "Stormy Station" (1980, also known as "And the day lasts longer than a century")
  • Block (1986)
  • "Ode to the Greatness of the Spirit", co-authored with the Japanese philosopher Daisaku Ikeda. (1990)
  • "Cassandra's Brand" (1996)
  • "An Encounter with a Baha'i" (A Conversation with Faizolla Namdar) (1998)
  • "When the Mountains Fall (Eternal Bride)" (2006) It was published in Moscow.
  • "The White Cloud of Genghis Khan" (1992).
  • "Earth and Flute" (unpublished) (according to other sources, "Flute and Earth", in 1973-74 separate excerpts of the novel were published in two magazines in Bulgaria - "Plamk" and "Literary Front", and in 1976 the novel was included in 2 -volume collection of works by Ch. Aitmatov, published in Bulgarian)
  • "A hunter's lament over the abyss or confession at the end of the century" (Kuz basyndagy anshynyn zary nemese gasyr airygyndagy syrlasu), co-authored with Mukhtar Shakhanov.
  • “Ode to the greatness of the spirit. Dialogues”, co-authored with the Japanese philosopher Daisaku Ikeda, translated for the first time into the Kyrgyz language ( kir.“Uluu ruhtun odasy: Chyngyz Aitmatov Zhana Daisaku Ikeda. Dil Meekter). The book, published in Russian and Japanese, was translated by the Rector of BSU, Professor Abdylda Musaev. Dedicated to the Year of Morality, Education and Culture. The presentation of the book was held in Bishkek. (2017)


Many feature films have been made based on Aitmatov's works. Aitmatov himself has repeatedly acted as a screenwriter or co-author.

  • 1961 - "Pass" (director - Alexei Sakharov).
  • 1963 - "Heat" (director - Larisa Shepitko).
  • 1965 - "The First Teacher" (director - Andrey Konchalovsky, Kyrgyzfilm)
  • 1967 - "Mother's Field" (director - Gennady Bazarov, Kirgizfilm).
  • 1968 - "The Pacer's Run" based on the story of Chingiz Aitmatov "Farewell, Gulsary!" (Director - Sergey Urusevsky).
  • 1968 - "Jamilya" (director - Irina Poplavskaya).
  • 1972 - "I am the Tien Shan" (director - Irina Poplavskaya).
  • 1976 - "The White Steamboat" (director - Bolotbek Shamshiev, Kirgizfilm).
  • 1978 - "Red Kerchief", Turkey (director Atif Yilmaz).
  • 1979 - "Early Cranes" (director - Bolotbek Shamshiev, Kirgizfilm).
  • 1989 - "Ilanpa. The world on its own circles ”- a documentary film (directors - V. Vilensky, K. Orozaliev).
  • 1989 - "Crying of the Wolf" - (director Dooronbek Sadyrbaev, production of "Kyrgyztelefilm") based on the novel "The Scaffold"
  • 1990 - “Spotted Dog Running at the Edge of the Sea” - director - Karen Gevorkyan, film studio named after. Dovzhenko).
  • 1990 - "Cry of a migratory bird" (director - Bakyt Karagulov, Kyrgyzfilm).
  • 1990 - "Mankurt" (director - Khodzhakuli Narliev, production of the USSR, Turkey, Libya / the film was shot by Turkmenfilm). The script was written by wife Maria Aitmatova.
  • 1994 - "Jamilya" (director - Monika Teuber, production in Kyrgyzstan, Germany).
  • 1995 - "Stormy Station" (director - Bakyt Karagulov, production of Catharsis / KNTK).
  • 2002 - "A mother's cry for a mankurt" - (director - Bakyt Karagulov, the company "Asia Caravan", NK "Kyrgyzfilm" named after T. Okeyev and the studio "Cinema").
  • 2004 - "My poplar in a red scarf", Turkey.
  • 2008 - "Farewell, Gulsary!", in the Kazakh language (director - A. Amirkulov, Kazakhfilm production).
  • 2009 - "Citizen of the Globe" - a documentary about Chingiz Aitmatov (director - O. Chekalina).
  • 2009 - "Chingiz and Bubusara" - film-lyrical drama (director - Zh. Kulmambetov)
  • 2010 - "Behind the White Cloud" - based on the story "White Cloud of Genghis Khan". Directed by S. Tarasov.
  • 2011-2012 - "Red Kerchief" (Gift of Fate) - based on the story "My poplar in a red scarf". TV series, (37 episodes) in Turkish (director - Nisan Akman.), Turkey.
  • 2013 - "And my Word - my soul" - a documentary film about Chingiz Aitmatov (director - B. Aidaraliev). Film studio "Kyrgyzfilm".
  • 2017 - “Sayakbay. Homer of the 20th century ”- a film about Sayakbay Karalayev (director - E. Abdyjaparov). There is a scene in the film of the moment of the meeting between Sayakbay Karalaev and Chingiz Aitmatov. The writer was played by his son - Eldar Aitmatov.
  • 2017 - a series based on the story "Jamila" was filmed in Sri Lanka


  • 2017 - “And the day lasts longer than a century” - a puppet mystery in the Museum of the History of the Gulag (Moscow). Directed by Anton Kalipanov, Olga Shaydullina.
  • 2015 - "The Scaffold" - a performance based on the novel of the same name by Chingiz Aitmatov "The Scaffold" Theater and Cultural Center. VS. Meyerhold. (Moscow) (director - O. Efremov).
  • 2015 - "The Scaffold" - a performance based on the novel of the same name by Chingiz Aitmatov "The Scaffold" Podolsk Drama Theater PDK Drama. (Podolsk) (director - O. Efremov)
  • 2014 - "Kiyomat" - a play based on the novel by Chingiz Aitmatov "The block", in the Kyrgyz language, the State Youth Theater Uchur. (Director - B. Abdurazzakov).
  • 2013 - "The Scaffold" - a performance-musical of the theater of Gennady Chikhachev (director - Gennady Chikhachev).
  • 2012 - "Mother's Field" - plastic performance of the Pushkin Theater (Moscow). Directed by Sergei Zemlyansky.
  • 2008 - "The White Cloud of Genghis Khan" - a performance by students of the educational theater "On Mokhovaya" (St. Petersburg).
  • 2009 - "Red Apple" - Staged based on Aitmatov's story "Red Apple" (director - Nurlan Asanbekov). State National Russian Drama Theatre. Chingiz Aitmatova (Bishkek).
  • 2007 (?) - "Cassandra's Brand" - a performance based on the novel of the same name by Chingiz Aitmatov "Cassandra's Brand" at the Moscow Experimental Theater named after V. Spesivtsev.
  • 2005 - "Chingiz and Bubusara" play-performance by Janysh Kulmambetov, in the Kyrgyz State Youth Theater named after B. Kydykeeva.
  • 1982 - “My Desired Blue Shore” - a production based on the story “Spotted Dog Running at the Edge of the Sea” (director - Andrey Borisov). Sakha Academic Drama Theatre. P. A. Oyunsky.
  • 1980s - "And the day lasts longer than a century" - a performance based on the novel of the same name by Chingiz Aitmatov "Stormy Station" in the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov (Moscow). Director Azerbaijan Mambetov,
  • 1980s - “And the day lasts longer than a century” - a production based on the novel of the same name by Chingiz Aitmatov “Stormy Station” (director - Vyacheslav Spesivtsev). Theater-studio on Krasnaya Presnya.
  • "Ana - Zher-ana" ("Mother's Field") was first staged in Almaty at the Academic Drama Theater. M. Auezov.

Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov is a writer who created his books in two languages: Russian and Kyrgyz. But his works are read all over the world, as they have been translated into more than a hundred languages.

This writer entered the history of Russian literature more than half a century ago, when one of the most penetrating works of Soviet literature, the story "Jamilya", was published. Later it was translated into other languages ​​of the world. It can be said with confidence that the era of talented people ended on June 10, 2008, when Chingiz Aitmatov passed away. The biography of a brilliant writer is the topic of this article.

Son of a repressed communist

He was born in 1928 in Kyrgyzstan, in a remote countryside. Aitmatov's parents belonged to the first generation of communists, who were repressed in the late thirties. The writer's father did not escape the arrest either. Later, in his first novel, Chingiz Aitmatov will reflect these events.

The biography of this man is amazing. Decades later, even Aitmatov could not believe that, as a fourteen-year-old teenager, he could fulfill the duties of secretary of the village council and solve issues that related to various aspects of rural life. By the beginning of the war, the future writer managed to finish only seven classes. But all the men went to the front. In the villages there were women and children who had to grow up too early.

Kyrgyz nugget

In the cultural policy of the Soviet period, the governing apparatus gave direction to the support and development of national literatures. Surprisingly, this program was able to identify talented authors whose names became known outside the vast country. One of these names is Chingiz Aitmatov. The biography of a man who was born in a Kyrgyz village and was the son of a communist arrested in 1938 could not be joyful. With such a fate, it is difficult not only to become an outstanding writer, but also to receive an elementary education. But in this article we are talking about a real national nugget. Such people are born once in a hundred years.

Human themes

It is worth saying that Chingiz Aitmatov is not an exclusively national author. His biography is an echo of the tragic events of Soviet history. That is why the books created by him are devoted to universal human topics. They are close not only to the inhabitants of Kyrgyzstan, and not only to those who live in the territory of the post-Soviet space. The works of this author are able to penetrate into the soul of everyone, regardless of nationality.

Kyrgyz writer and Russian prose

The work of Chingiz Aitmatov miraculously joined the works of such Russian authors as Valentin Rasputin and Viktor Astafiev. The following common features are observed in the books of all these writers: richness, metaphor, and a complete absence of socialist optimism. And it seems strange that the rather pessimistic story "The White Steamboat" entered the school curriculum already in the seventies.

The writer's father, as already mentioned, was a major Kyrgyz party worker who was repressed in 1938. That is why the life that Chingiz Aitmatov lived seems especially surprising. The biography and work of this man took shape in difficult times, but, despite this, already in 1952 his first works began to be published in the republic.


After the Agricultural Institute, he worked for three years as the chief livestock specialist at the Research Institute of Animal Breeding. And then there were higher literary courses at the Institute. Gorky. And after their graduation, Chingiz Aitmatov was able to publish his first famous work. A photo of the main character in the film, based on the story of a Kyrgyz writer, can be seen in this article. We are talking about the work of "Jamila". This story was created within the walls of a hostel on Tverskoy Boulevard. She became significant in the life of Chingiz Aitmatov, as she brought him fame not only at home, but also abroad. The book was translated into all European languages, and it appeared on the shelves of Parisian bookstores thanks to the work of Louis Aragon himself.

"Jamilya" is the story of a young woman who, at first glance, harmoniously fits into the Soviet ideology. The heroine Aitmatova breaks with her family past in order to start a new bright life. However, this book is also an extremely sad love story. The same can be said about the work "My poplar in a red scarf."

The story “The First Teacher” became more straightforward, in which Chingiz Aitmatov portrayed the horrors of patriarchal violence. Photos from the filming of the film of the same name by Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky are presented below. The name of the Kyrgyz writer thundered throughout the country when he was not yet forty.

"Mother Field"

In 1963, another heartfelt story was published about the fate of a mother who lost her sons. The writer Chingiz Aitmatov knew about the hard life of women during the war years. In addition, he was familiar with the hardships of rural life firsthand. But when reading the story "Mother's Field" it still seems surprising that the man created it. With extraordinary authenticity and bitterness, he conveys the thoughts of a woman whose sons did not return from the front. There is no patriotic pathos in this work. It is not about a big victory, but about the grief of a little man - a woman who finds strength only in her love. Even when her husband and three sons die, she has warmth and tenderness in her heart for someone else's child.

Big prose

What else is known about a person named Chingiz Aitmatov? Biography, family, personal life of this person are inextricably linked with his literary work. It is known that the world-famous writer did not amass wealth. After death, only the house remained, in which the most valuable thing is the literary works and awards of Aitmatov. The writer invested all the money earned in the education of children. The writer, who, no doubt, was reflected in his books, was extremely reverent about family values. And it is difficult to doubt this after reading the works that brought him world fame.

It took him an extremely long time to reach great prose. The first truly great novel was the work "And the day lasts longer than a century." This insightful book was published in 1980. It is dedicated to love and suffering, happiness and pain. In the novel, the author has achieved true mastery. After writing this book, Aitmatov began to rightfully be called a modern philosopher. The author conveyed the experiences of his heroes in the novel “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” with such authenticity and sincere pain that it seems that he knew the feelings of a person suffering from a totalitarian regime and preferring death to parting with his wife and children.

Poetic prose

By the time the first novel was published, Aitmatov already had the publication of such works as “The White Steamboat”, “Piebald Dog Running by the Edge of the Sea”, etc. behind his back. And, despite the fact that this writer was accepted Considered one of the representatives of socialist realism, there is extraordinary poetry in his book. The works created by Chingiz Aitmatov have a carefully constructed text and are devoid of any ideology.

The biography, a summary of which is set out in the article, covers only the main events. It may seem that the creative path of the writer was extremely easy. However, this is a misleading impression, since Aitmatov walked a long painful road to each of his works.

The most significant work of Aitmatov was the Scaffold, published in 1986. In this novel, the author spoke for the first time about what used to be a closed topic: about faith, about drug addiction and about cruelty, which has already ceased to amaze people. After the publication of this work, Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov was almost included in the host of literary celestials.

A short biography of this writer includes the lightning success of this book, for which there were long queues in stores. The block was passed from hand to hand. She was talked about at every turn. Aitmatov's book became a bestseller.

Not a single subsequent work of this writer had such a success. And it's not that they were worse, but the fundamental changes that have taken place in society. The first readers of "Plakha" were representatives of the outgoing era, for whom literature was of particular importance. Subsequent works did not enjoy such wide success. And this, rather, speaks of the spiritual poverty of modern society, in which it is customary for literature to assign an entertaining function.

The post-Soviet period in the work of Aitmatov includes such works as "The Brand of Cassandra", "The White Cloud of Genghis Khan", "Childhood in Kyrgyzstan", "When the Mountains Fall".

In 2006, together with his associates, the writer established a charitable foundation, whose activities were aimed at the development and dissemination of the Russian language in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer was a girl who later became an honored doctor of Kyrgyzstan. Her name was Kerez Shamshibaeva. Before her death, this woman bequeathed to her sons to honor and respect their father. The children kept their promise to their mother. However, Aitmatov, according to acquaintances and close people, until the last days of his life, blamed himself for leaving Kerez. The writer left for another woman when he was at the zenith of his fame. The second wife of the writer is Maria Urmatova, from whom Aitmatov had a daughter and a son.

unknown novel

After the death of the writer, his relatives found in his office a manuscript of a work that no one had known about before. The novel is dedicated to the events of the construction of the Chui Canal. The main character is one of the builders. Aitmatov's daughter suggested that the writer did not dare to publish this work, because it was too liberated for its time. But relatives hope that soon it will be published and translated into other languages.

Aitmatov and cinema

The influence of this writer's work on Russian literature is well known. It has become the subject of study and the topic of numerous articles. However, his influence on cinema is no less strong. Many films have been made based on Aitmatov's works. The most famous of them:

  • "Pass".
  • "First teacher".
  • "Jamila".
  • "Mother Field"
  • "White Ship".
  • "Stormy Station".
  • "Farewell, Gulsary!"

In 2008, from the set where the work on the film based on the novel “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century”, the writer was hospitalized. Aitmatov was diagnosed with acute pneumonia. Later he was transferred to one of the Nuremberg clinics. Chingiz Aitmatov died in Germany, he was buried not far away in the Ata-Beyit historical and memorial complex.

Aitmatov's work was marked by many awards, but his main achievement was the love of readers. So many people gathered at the funeral of the classic of Russian and Kyrgyz literature that the stampede almost turned into a tragedy. In May 2008, the writer was planned to be nominated for the Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, Aitmatov did not manage to get it.

Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich was born on December 12, 1928 in the village of Sheker, Kara-Buurinsky (Kirovsky) district of the Talas region of Kyrgyzstan.

After graduating from eight classes, Chingiz entered the Dzhambul Veterinary College. In 1952, he began to publish stories in the Kyrgyz language in periodicals. In 1953 he graduated from the Kyrgyz Agricultural Institute in Frunze, in 1958 - Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute in Moscow. His novels and stories, translated into Russian, are published in the magazines "October" and "New World". Returning to Kyrgyzstan, he became the editor of the journal "Literary Kyrgyzstan", for five years he was his own correspondent for the newspaper "Pravda" in Kyrgyzstan.

In 1963, Aitmatov's first collection, Tale of the Mountains and Steppes, was published, for which he received the Lenin Prize. It included the stories "My Poplar in a Red Scarf", "The First Teacher" and "Mother's Field".

Until 1965, Aitmatov wrote in the Kyrgyz language. The first story written by him in Russian, "Farewell, Gulsary!".

Aitmatov's first novel, And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century, was published in 1980.

In 1988-1990. Chingiz Aitmatov is the editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature magazine.

In 1990-1994 worked as the ambassador of the USSR and then Russia in Luxembourg. Until March 2008, he was the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to the Benelux countries - Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR (1978) and People's Writer of the Kirghiz SSR, Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic (1997).

He was awarded two orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, Manas 1st degree, "Dustlik" (Uzbekistan), the highest award of the Turkish government for his contribution to the development of the culture of Turkic-speaking countries, the children's Order of the Smile of Poland, a medal N. Krupskaya, the Medal of Honor of the Tokyo Institute of Oriental Philosophy "For outstanding contribution to the development of culture and art for the benefit of peace and prosperity on earth."

For literary and social activities he was awarded: the Lenin Prize (1963, collection "The Tale of the Mountains and Steppes"), the State Prize of the USSR (1968, 1977, 1983, for literary activity), the State Prize of the Kirghiz SSR (1976, for literary activity), the prize " Lotus", International Prize. J. Nehru, Ogonyok Magazine Prize, International Prize of the Mediterranean Center for Cultural Initiatives of Italy, Call to Conscience Prize of the American Religious Ecumenical Foundation, Bavarian Prize. F. Ryukkart, Prizes to them. A. Menya, the Rukhaniyat Prize, the honorary prize of culture named after V. Hugo.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Academician of the Academy of Russian Literature, full member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Literature and the World Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Initiator of the Issyk-Kul Forum international intellectual movement, trustee of the Eternal Memory to Soldiers Foundation, President of the Assembly of the Peoples of Central Asia. The Gold Medal was established and the International Fund named after. Ch. Aitmatova. In 1993, the International Public Aitmatov Academy was organized in Bishkek. In the city of El-Azyk (Turkey), the park was named after Ch. Aitmatov.

In 2008, he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of BTA Bank JSC (Kazakhstan).

The works of Chingiz Aitmatov have been translated into more than 100 languages ​​of the world, many of the works have been filmed, drama performances and ballets have been staged based on them.

Almost all the work of Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov, who has already become a classic in literature, is permeated with mythological, epic motifs, legends and parables are woven into his works. His legends about the mother deer from the story "The White Steamboat" and the bird Donenbay from the novel "And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century" are well known. The same novel includes a storyline related to establishing contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, the planet Forest Chest. The action of the famous story "Piebald Dog Running by the Edge of the Sea" takes place during the time of the Great Fish - a woman, the progenitor of the human race. And, finally, Aitmatov wrote a completely fantastic novel - "Cassandra's Brand" - about the problem of creating an artificial person.

Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich (born 1928), Kyrgyz writer

Born on December 12, 1928 in the village of Sheker, Talas Region, Kirghiz SSR, in the family of a teacher and party worker. The father was repressed in 1937. The grandmother, who lived in a mountain village, had a great influence on the boy. Here Genghis spent all the summer months. He listened to folk songs and fairy tales, participated in nomadic festivities.

In 1948 Aitmatov graduated from a veterinary technical school, and in 1953 from an agricultural institute. Worked as a livestock specialist for three years. At the same time, his first literary experiments appeared in local newspapers and magazines. In 1956 he entered the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow. Returning to his homeland, he edited the Literary Kyrgyzstan magazine, worked as a correspondent for the Pravda newspaper in Kyrgyzstan. In 1958, Novy Mir published the story Jamila about the "illegal" love of a married Kyrgyz woman, written from the perspective of a teenager. The very next year it was translated into French by the famous writer Louis Aragon. International fame came to Aitmatov.

In 1963, for the book "The Tale of the Mountains and Steppes" (except for "Jamili" it included "The First Teacher", "Camel's Eye" and "My Poplar in a Red Scarf") Aitmatov received the Lenin Prize. The main feature of these works is the combination of moral, philosophical problems with the poetics of the traditional East. Folklore and mythological motifs play a decisive role in the story "Farewell, Gulsary!" (1965-1966).

They are especially strong in the story-parable "The White Steamboat" (1970): the tragic story of a seven-year-old boy unfolds in parallel with the legend of the Horned Mother Deer - the guardian of the family, the deified embodiment of kindness. In the story "Piebald Dog Running at the Edge of the Sea" (1977), the writer transferred the action to mythical ancient times on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Imbued with faith in a higher power, the fishermen sacrifice themselves in a storm to save the child.

Aitmatov's main theme - the fate of an individual as a representative of the entire human race - acquired a new dimension in the novels "And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century" ("Stormy Station", 1980) and "Plaha" (1986). In the first one, the description of the real life of Central Asia is connected not only with myths, but also with fantasy (we are talking about interplanetary contacts).

In "The Scaffold", affecting the most acute problems of the late XX century. (death of the natural environment, drug addiction), the author turns to the search for God. The inserted biblical scene (Jesus' conversation with Pilate) caused an avalanche of controversy - the writer was accused of imitating M.A. Bulgakov and of "exploiting a lofty theme."

However, most readers and critics appreciated the pathos of the work. In 1994, the warning novel "Cassandra's Brand" was published. His hero is a Russian cosmonaut-explorer. The "probe-rays" discovered by him made it possible to reveal the unwillingness of human embryos to see the light, so as not to participate in the further "mystery of World Evil".

In the 70-80s. Aitmatov actively participated in the socio-political life of the country: he was the secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; after perestroika, he was a member of the Presidential Council, headed the journal Foreign Literature. Since 1990 he has been in diplomatic work.

He died on June 10, 2008 in a hospital in the German city of Nuremberg in a clinic where he was being treated. He was buried on June 14 in the historical and memorial complex "Ata-Beyit" in the suburbs of Bishkek.

Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov (Kyrgyz Chyngyz Torokulovich Aitmatov) (December 12, 1928, Sheker village, Kyrgyzstan - June 10, 2008, Nuremberg, Germany) - Kyrgyz Soviet writer who wrote in Kyrgyz and Russian, People's Writer of the Kyrgyz SSR (1974), Hero of the Socialist Labor (1978).

His father Torekul Aitmatov was a prominent statesman of the Kirghiz SSR, but in 1937 he was arrested and shot in 1938. Mother, Nagima Khamzievna Abdulvalieva, a Tatar by nationality, was an actress in a local theater.

After graduating from eight classes, he entered the Dzhambul zootechnical school, from which he graduated with honors. In 1948, Aitmatov entered the Agricultural Institute in Frunze, from which he graduated in 1953. In 1952 he began publishing stories in the Kyrgyz language in periodicals. After graduating from the institute, he worked for three years at the Research Institute of Cattle Breeding, while continuing to write and publish stories. In 1956 he entered the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow (graduating in 1958). In the year of graduation, his story “Face to Face” (translated from Kyrgyz) was published in the October magazine. In the same year, his stories were published in the Novy Mir magazine, and the story Jamila was also published, which brought Aitmatov world fame.

In 1990-1994 he worked as the ambassador of the USSR and Russia in the Benelux countries. Until March 2008, he was Kyrgyzstan's ambassador to France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Since January 6, 1994 retired.

In 2006, he participated in the release of the book "Autograph of the Century".

Chingiz Aitmatov is a world-famous writer, a classic of Russian and Kyrgyz literature, a laureate of the most prestigious awards. His books - "And the day lasts longer than a century ...", "Farewell, Gulsary!", "White ship", "Spotted dog running along the edge of the sea" - have been translated into dozens of languages. These novels-parables have become the property of world literature.

The Scaffolding Block, like many other works by Aitmatov, warns that the Day of Judgment has begun long ago - you just have to force yourself to see it.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR, member of the Presidential Council of the USSR, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, member of the secretariat of the Union of Writers and the Union of Cinematographers, one of the leaders of the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Foreign Literature", initiator of the international intellectual Movement "Issyk-Kul Forum".

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