Composition on the topic “Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov. The difficult relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya

/ / / The relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya (based on Goncharov's novel Oblomov)

The novel "" became the crowning achievement of the great Russian writer I.A. Goncharova. The author worked on his brainchild for ten long years, honing every line, every scene, bringing it to the ideal. The problems that Goncharov raises in his work have not lost their relevance in our time. That is why we enjoy reading this great novel.

The basis of the plot of the novel "Oblomov" lies in the dramatic relationship between the protagonist and Olga Ilyinskaya.

The protagonist of the work is a classic representative of the Russian nobility of the mid-19th century. Oblomov leads a rather inert lifestyle. He spends almost all his time lying on the couch, immersed in dreams. Reading books and newspapers, Ilya Ilyich considers an empty occupation, which is not worth wasting time on. So Oblomov would have lived if one day his childhood friend Andrei Stoltz had not come to him. Andrei was the complete opposite of Ilya Ilyich. Life was bursting out of him like that. Stolz was outraged by his friend's way of life, so he decides to get him out of bed and make him live for real.

Friends begin to visit various social events, dine in restaurants, go to the theater. One day he introduces Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. This acquaintance awakened in Oblomov feelings that had not previously existed. Ilya Ilyich confesses his love to the girl. In turn, Olga understands these feelings as a duty to save a person. After all, these relations were provoked by Stolz and Ilyinskaya in order to save Oblomov.

Needless to say, she did a great job in her role. Oblomov "wakes up". He throws off his dressing gown, wakes up at seven in the morning, leads an active lifestyle. According to Goncharov, Ilya Ilyich at that moment showed his best human qualities.

Oblomov experienced a "poem of graceful love." Under the strict guidance of Ilyinskaya, he made up for his lost life. He showed interest in newspaper articles, foreign literature. True, Goncharov tells us that Oblomov learned only “what revolved in the circle of daily conversations in Olga's house. Everything else was buried in the realm of pure love.”

Life problems and troubles (building a house and a road in his native village) haunted Ilya Ilyich. Over time, Oblomov began to lose confidence in his abilities, and with them feelings for Olga faded. Now love for Ilya Ilyich is a definite duty. That is why the heroes of the novel are forced to leave.

Oblomov finds his happiness in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna, who was able to surround the protagonist with the necessary comfort and care. She was able to revive his native Oblomovka for him. And Olga married Stolz.

In my opinion, the love feelings of Oblomov and Olga were doomed from the very beginning. If Ilya Ilyich gave himself completely to them, then in the actions of Ilyinskaya we see a cold calculation. The only thing Olga needed was to change Oblomov. It was the future Oblomov that she fell in love with. What she said to Ilya Ilyich at the moment of their last conversation. Oblomov, in turn, needed care and peace of mind, which he found in Pshenitsyna's house.

Ilya Ilyich and Olga were completely different people with their ideals and values. That is why their paths diverged.

The love story of Oblomov and Olga begins in the spring, during the flowering of lilacs, the rebirth of nature and the emergence of new wonderful feelings. Ilya Ilyich met a girl at a party, where Stoltz introduced them. At first glance, Oblomov saw in Olga the embodiment of his ideal, harmony and femininity, which he dreamed of seeing in his future wife. Perhaps, the sprouts of a future feeling were born in the soul of Ilya Ilyich already at the moment of meeting the girl: “From that moment, Olga’s persistent gaze did not leave Oblomov’s head. In vain did he lie down on his back to his full height, in vain did he take the most lazy and calm poses - he could not sleep, and that was all. And the dressing gown seemed disgusting to him, and Zakhar was stupid and unbearable, and the dust with cobwebs was unbearable.

Their next meeting took place at the dacha at the Ilyinskys, when Ilya Ilyich accidentally escaped “Ah!”, Revealing the hero’s admiration for the girl, and his accidental movement, which embarrassed the heroine, made Olga herself think about Oblomov’s attitude towards her. And a few days later a conversation took place between them, which became the beginning of the love of Oblomov and Ilyinskaya. Their dialogue ended with a timid confession of the hero: “No, I feel ... not music ... but ... love! Oblomov said quietly. She instantly left his hand and changed her face. Her gaze met his gaze fixed on her: this gaze was motionless, almost insane, it was not Oblomov who looked at it, but passion. These words disturbed the peace in Olga's soul, but the young, inexperienced girl could not immediately understand that a strong wonderful feeling began to emerge in her heart.

The development of relations between Olga and Oblomov

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga developed as something independent of the heroes, but dictated by the will higher powers. The first confirmation of this was their chance meeting in the park, when both were glad to see each other, but still could not believe their happiness. A fragile, fragrant branch of lilac, a delicate, quivering flower of spring and birth, has become a symbol of their love. Further development The relationship of the characters was swift and ambiguous - from bright flashes of vision in a partner of his ideal (Olga for Oblomov) and a person who can become such an ideal (Oblomov for Olga) to moments of disappointment.

In moments of crisis, Ilya Ilyich despairs, afraid to become a burden for a young girl, fearing the publicity of their relationship, their manifestation is not according to the scenario that the hero dreamed of long years. The reflective, sensitive Oblomov, far from the final parting, understands that Olgino “I love not to eat the real real love, but the future ... ”, feeling that the girl sees in him not real person, but that distant lover that he could become under her sensitive guidance. Gradually, the understanding of this becomes unbearable for the hero, he again becomes apathetic, not believing in the future and not wanting to fight for his happiness. The gap between Oblomov and Olga does not occur because the characters fell out of love with each other, but because, having freed themselves from the veil of their first love, they saw in each other not at all the people they dreamed about.

The love of Oblomov and Olga is a combination of two opposites that were not destined to be together. Ilya Ilyich's feelings were rather admiration than true love to the girl. He continued to see in her an ephemeral image of his dream, a distant and beautiful muse that would inspire him without forcing him to completely change. Whereas Olga's love in Goncharov's novel Oblomov was aimed precisely at this transformation, the change of her lover. The girl did not try to love Oblomov, the way he is - she loved another person in him, the one she could make of him. Olga herself considered herself practically an angel who would illuminate the life of Ilya Ilyich, only now an adult man wanted a simple, “Oblomov” family happiness and was not ready for drastic changes.

Using the example of Olga and Ilya Ilyich, Goncharov showed how important it is to love his individuality in another person, and not try to change him in accordance with the distorted, illusory image of the ideal that is close to us.

According to the tradition that has developed in Russian literature, love becomes a test for heroes and reveals new facets of characters. This tradition was followed by Pushkin (Onegin and Tatyana), Lermontov (Pechorin and Vera), Turgenev (Bazarov and Odintsova), Tolstoy (Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova). This topic is also touched upon in Goncharov's novel Oblomov. On the example of the love of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the author showed how a person's personality is revealed through this feeling.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a positive image of the novel. This is a smart girl with sincere, devoid of affectation, manners. She did not enjoy much success in the world, only Stoltz managed to appreciate her. Andrei singled out Olga among other women, because “although unconsciously, she walked a simple, natural path of life ... and did not deviate from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will ...”

Oblomov, having met Olga, first of all drew attention to her beauty: "Whoever met her, even absent-minded, stopped for a moment in front of this so strictly and deliberately, artistically created creature." When Oblomov heard her singing, love awakened in his heart: “From words, from sounds, from this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, nerves trembled, eyes sparkled and swam with tears ...” The thirst for life and love that sounded in Olga’s voice, echoed in the soul of Ilya Ilyich. Behind the harmonious appearance, he felt a beautiful soul, capable of deep feelings.

Reflecting on his future life, Oblomov dreamed of a tall, slender woman, with a quiet, proud look. Seeing Olga, he realized that his ideal and she are one person. For Oblomov, the highest harmony is peace, and Olga would be a statue of harmony, "if she were turned into a statue." But she could not become a statue, and, presenting her in his "earthly paradise", Oblomov began to understand that he would not succeed in an idyll.

The love of the heroes from the very beginning was doomed. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya meaning of life, love, family happiness understood differently. If for Oblomov love is a disease, a passion, then for Olga it is a duty. Ilya Ilyich fell in love with Olga deeply and sincerely, idolized her, gave her all his “I”: “He gets up at seven o’clock, reads, carries books somewhere. On the face of no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom. There were even colors on him, a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage, or at least self-confidence. You can't see a robe on him."

In Olga's feelings, a consistent calculation was visible. Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. Despite her youth, she was able to discern in him open heart, kind soul, "pigeon tenderness." At the same time, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would revive such a person as Oblomov. “She will show him the goal, make him fall in love again with everything that he fell out of love with, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And all this miracle will be done by her, so timid, silent, whom no one has obeyed until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of such a transformation!

Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, he also needed feelings that would bring him closer to his native Oblomovka, a blessed corner of the earth where he grew up, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, sleep, in idle conversations: care and warmth, demanding nothing in return. He found all this in Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, and therefore became attached to her as to a dream come true about returning.

Realizing how different their views on life are, Oblomov decides to write a letter to Olga, which becomes a real poetic work. This letter reads a deep feeling and desire for happiness for the beloved girl. Knowing himself, Olga’s inexperience, in a letter he opens her eyes to a mistake, asks her not to make it: “Your present love is not true love, but future. This is only an unconscious need to love ... ”But Olga understood Oblomov’s act differently - as fear of misfortune. She understands that anyone can stop loving or fall in love with another person, but she says that she cannot follow a person if there is a risk in this. And it is Olga who decides to end their relationship. In the last conversation, she tells Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will also leave Stolz if she stops believing in him.”

Having written a letter, Oblomov refused happiness in the name of his beloved. Olga and Ilya broke up, but their relationship had a profound effect on their future life. Oblomov found happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which became for him the second Oblomovka. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything.

The love of Olga and Oblomov enriched the spiritual world of both. But the greatest merit is that Ilya Ilyich contributed to the formation spiritual world Olga. A few years after breaking up with Ilya, she confesses to Stolz: “I love him not as before, but there is something that I love in him, to which I seem to have remained faithful and will not change like others ...” And in this shows the depth of her nature. Unlike Stolz, life goals which have boundaries, people like Oblomov and Olga all their lives do not stop thinking about the appointment of a person and asking themselves the question: “What next?”

Materials about the work of the writer and the novel "Oblomov".

In the work "Oblomov" Ivan Goncharov quite reverently describes the romantic aspects of the life of the main characters. He will try to figure out whether sincere feelings can completely change the way people live.

The love and relationship of Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya with quotes will prove that positive changes are possible only when a person confidently goes through life without fear of difficulties.

First meeting

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya were introduced by their mutual friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. The men visited the young lady's estate in order to listen to her singing. musical talent girls made an unforgettable impression on Ilya. He did not take his eyes off her, listened, and looked with rapture.

Ilyinskaya also constantly considered a new acquaintance.

“As soon as Oblomov turned timidly in her direction, hoping that she was not looking, he met her gaze, filled with curiosity, but so kind. The songs in her performance touched a nerve.

He wanted to stay at the manor longer, but due to excessive confusion, he decided to leave early. From that moment on, all his thoughts are occupied by Olya.

Love changes people

"Olga's persistent gaze did not leave Oblomov's head."

He wanted to visit her more often. Positive changes began to occur with the man. He began to follow appearance, for order in the house. Oblomov continues to visit the Ilinsky estate. Soon he confesses his love to Olga. Confused by the words she heard, she runs away from him. Out of embarrassment, Ilya does not appear in her house for a long time.

Oblomov constantly thinks about his beloved. The young lady dreams of knocking out all laziness from him, weaning him from the habit of sleeping before dinner.

“She won’t doze off, she will show the goal, make her fall in love with what she fell out of love with.”

Gradually, she began to achieve her goals. Elijah was unrecognisable.

Development of the novel

“Their sympathy grew and developed. Olga blossomed along with feelings. There was more light in the eyes, and grace in the movements.

Lovers spend a lot of time together. “With her, he reads from morning to evening, sends flowers, walks on the lake, in the mountains.” Sometimes, he does not sleep at night, his imagination draws a portrait of Ilyinskaya.

Sometimes it seems to Oblomov that people condemn them, especially the girl. Ilya's uncertainty about his own appearance leads to writing a letter to Olga, with a proposal to stop meeting. Such a turn of events will upset her so much that Oblomov will understand how strong her feelings are. “I love otherwise. I'm bored without you, parting for a long time - it hurts. I found out, saw and believe that you love me. The sincerity of his beloved makes him think about marriage.

"Oblomovism" wins love

With the advent of autumn, Ilya Ilyich is increasingly visited by sad thoughts. He rarely saw Olga. Gradually, Oblomov began to show himself real. Indulging the girl, carrying out her instructions, it seemed that he was doing it only for her. Dislike for books and sciences returned. He often began to postpone trips to the Ilyinskys' house. When Olga herself visited him, he came up with all sorts of reasons for postponing trips. Despite the cooled ardor of Ilya, the relationship of the young continued.

Oblomov periodically told Olga that he did not trust her love. And when he said that the wedding date should be postponed, due to financial instability in the estate, she decided to end the affair. She is once again convinced that this man will not become her. reliable support. “I loved what I wanted to be in you, I loved the future Oblomov!

The protagonist of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, has been leading an absolutely inactive life for a number of years, constantly lying at home on the couch, actually not going anywhere and devoting time only to dreams. Oblomov does not stop dreaming about life in his possessions, in Oblomovka, together with his future family He is going to get married and have children in the future. However, year after year passes, and Ilya Ilyich does not even try to find any real bride he dreams of some perfect woman but does nothing to meet her.

But thanks to his active and energetic friend Andrei Stolz, Oblomov makes an acquaintance with the young Olga Ilyinskaya during his summer stay at the dacha. Olga sings beautifully, and Ilya Ilyich is greatly impressed by her performance of the aria, he cannot help crying. Oblomov does not hide his sincere admiration for Olga, she seems to him the ideal that he always aspired to, after a few meetings Ilya Ilyich is sure that he is in love with this girl and has always been waiting for her.

As for Olga herself, she heard a lot about Oblomov from Stolz even before they met. Andrei said that Ilya should definitely be helped to overcome his apathy and make him live differently, because he has many virtues, such as kindness, honesty, breadth of soul, decency, tenderness. When a girl really meets this man, she is carried away by the idea of ​​his transformation and the desire to resurrect him for real life. Olga, who does not actually have life experience, believes that love for her will really be able to change Oblomov and make him completely different.

Ilya Ilyich actually becomes much more active, it also seems to him that Olga and her love gave him new life, he is ready to act and move on for the sake of his beloved. Oblomov makes an official proposal to the girl, she accepts it without hesitation, at this moment both believe that they will be happy together in the future.

But as soon as the infinitely lazy, timid and indecisive Ilya Ilyich is required to perform at least some specific actions as a groom, he is completely lost and begins to doubt whether he should change his fate so drastically. Even filing an application for marriage to the ward becomes a problem for him, he is still unable to get there, no matter how much he intends to. Further, Oblomov thinks about how to ask Olga's hand from her aunt, who is the guardian of the girl, since she no longer has parents.

He understands that the aunt will ask about his financial situation, about money matters, about the state of the estate, while Ilya Ilyich is absolutely not ready for this, he has not visited his possessions for many years and has no idea how things are going there and what income he can count on. He constantly puts off this most important conversation, referring to Olga for some reasons invented by himself.

The girl more and more clearly sees Ilya's weakness, his complete lack of confidence in himself and in the future, she begins to understand that she made a mistake in her choice. In addition, Olga is also convinced that Oblomov is returning to his former way of life again, that he again sleeps for a long time after dinner, from which she tried to wean him. The girl with bitterness and pain feels that all her efforts were in vain and she will not be able to do anything with this person.

During the last conversation, Olga frankly announces to Ilya Ilyich that she hoped that he would still be able to live at least for her sake, but he had already died spiritually a long time ago, so they should part, they have no future together. Oblomov is in despair, but he also understands that there is no need to continue the relationship further, they will bring nothing but pain and disappointment to both of them. When reading the novel, there is no doubt that the separation of these two was indeed natural, they would never have been able to build a full-fledged, harmonious family, as Olga subsequently developed with best friend Ilya Ilyich Andrey Stolz.

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