Olga Kobylyanska: famous and unfamiliar. Writer Kobylyanskaya Olga Yulianovna: biography, creativity and interesting facts

listen)) is a Ukrainian writer. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.


Olga Kobylyanskaya was born in large family county court clerk. Father, Julian Kobylyansky, was born in Galicia. Mother, Maria Werner, came from a German family. Her relative was the famous German romantic poet Zacharias Werner. Being German, out of love for her husband, Maria Werner learned the Ukrainian language, adopted the Greek Catholic faith and raised all children in respect and love for Ukrainians.

Since there was no school in the town, Olga's father, taking care of the future of his children, in 1869 achieved his transfer to Suceava. The family lived there for three years. Olga's brothers in Suceava began attending a German gymnasium. In Suceava, Olga meets the local priest and writer Nikolai Ustiyanovich. Between the families as a whole, and between the daughters - Olga Kobylyanskaya and Olga Ustiyanovich - friendly relations are born, which survived until the end of the writer's life.

By 1875, the family moved to the city of Kimpolung (Kimpolunge). There Olga graduated from four classes elementary school. All training took place on German. At the age of fourteen, Olga began to write poetry, as well as write a diary in German.

At the age of eighteen, Olga met the artist Augusta Kokhanovskaya (one of the founders of the women's movement in Galicia, who became the first illustrator of Olga's works), the doctor Sofia Okunevskaya (the first female doctor in Austria-Hungary), and the writer Natalia Kobrinskaya. Moreover, Olga was in love with Natalia's brother Evgeny. Communication with them contributed to the formation of Olga's worldview. Friends advised the writer to write in Ukrainian.

In 1886, Olga Kobylyanskaya's story "She Got Married" was published (in German). Later, he became the basis of a story called "The Man".

Since 1891 - Olga Kobylyanska lives in Chernivtsi.

In 1903, Olga was paralyzed due to complications caused by a cold, and wrote her works without getting up from hospital bed.

The moral and ethical problems of the life of the intelligentsia were raised by Kobylyanskaya in such short stories as The Aristocrat (1896), Impromptu Phantasie. She continues to develop them in subsequent works and creates three holistic images of female intellectuals in the story "Valse melancolique" (1898). Subsequently, she returns to this theme in the stories "Niobe" (1905), "Through the Masonry", "Behind the Situations" (1913).

The theme of the intelligentsia runs through all the work of Kobylyanska - from her early stories and stories to the "Apostle of the mob".

The image of the life of the village, its socio-psychological, moral and ethical problems became the second leading line of Kobylyanska's work. In the short story "The Beggar Woman" (1895), the writer for the first time shows a man from the people who found himself without a livelihood, living on alms.

In the early 1890s. the writer strives to expand the scope of her artistic searches, turns to abstract symbolic themes and images (“Chords”, “Cross”, “Moon”, etc.), writes a number of poems in prose, among which there are masterful artistic miniatures. Kobylyanska is published in the modernist magazines "Mir", "Ukrainian House".

In the mid 90s. 19th century the writer deepens her knowledge of the life of the peasantry, which is facilitated by her close contacts with the inhabitants of the Bukovinian villages, in particular Dymka, which later will enter her work as a terrible tragedy-fratricide ("Earth"). Deeply truthful pictures from the life of the village Kobylyanska gave in the short stories “Rustic Bank”, “In the Fields”, “At St. Ivan", "Time".

The realistic and romantic tendencies of Kobylyanska's work are uniquely combined in one of her works. the best works- the story “Digging the potion early on Sunday”, which is based on the motive of the romantic song-ballad “Oh, don’t go, Grigory, and to the evening parties”, repeatedly worked out Ukrainian writers. The story has been translated into many languages, staged, and successfully plays on the stages of theaters in Ukraine.

The work of Kobylyanska in the 1920s and 1930s, during the period when Northern Bukovina was under the rule of Romania, took place in especially difficult and difficult conditions. The Ukrainian language and culture in this region were severely persecuted, but even in such conditions, Kobylyanska establishes contacts with the Ukrainian literary youth of the progressive magazine "Luch" (1921 - 1923), with the Lvov month "New Ways", with the Kharkov publishing house "Movement", where in During 1927-1929 her "Works" were published in nine volumes.

Some new motifs appeared in the works of the Kobylyany period of the First World War and the times of the Romanian occupation of Northern Bukovina. The writer's stories included the theme of war ("Judas", "A letter from a condemned soldier to his wife", "Towards fate" (1917), "Got crazy" (1923), etc.).

In some stories and short stories of the post-war period, Kobylyanskaya turned to displaying those moral and ethical problems that became the subject of artistic analysis in her works, written in the late 19th - early 20th century. Thus, the motives of "Earth" find a kind of continuation and a certain deepening in the social and everyday story "She-Wolf".

Creativity Kobylyanskaya in the 20-30s. 20th century falls under a certain influence of symbolism (“Dream”, “ Holy Mother of God have mercy on us").

The circumstances of life and creativity Kobylyanska deeply rooted in Bukovinian soil. At the same time, it was never confined within narrow ethnographic boundaries and embraced the whole of Ukraine. Active participant in the all-Ukrainian literary process, Kobylyanska constantly communicated with the cultures of other peoples, in particular those who lived in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Thanks to innovation, consonance with the progressive trends of world literature, Kobylyanska's prose has aroused and continues to arouse considerable interest not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. The best works of the writer came out in translations into many languages.

Riddle: what do they have in common,
Who will I list in order?
Turn on the convolutions at least for a moment -
Well, try to reveal the answer.

I will name you the first student
From Lumumba University -
Pleased with the beauty of Moscow -
The most wonderful flower of the capital's flower bed.

Now get ready: I ​​call the one
Which follows the first one on our list.
She is at the Odessa airport
Director ... I will read without hesitation,

That the third number in Krivoy Rog is us,
Brings - to an unspecified school ...
As soon as she enters the classroom
The teacher... guessed it? "Spur",

I understand that you did not save -
And they couldn't find the answer...
I will also add: the author of "Earth"
Capital in that list... Everything is not going smoothly?

Well, what can you do? I open myself.
Didn't know they were so stupid...
First I give you a hint:
All of the above are called ... Yes, Olga ...

And they share the same last name...
Yes, Kobylyanska... Well, thank God,
The answer sounded ... Author of books -
The root cause, clearly... Little by little

We have come to understand the fact
That the world remembers a proud countrywoman,
Kohl in the most different corners land
That's what girls are called...

Walked in the evenings with the whole crowd
Down the street that bears the same name...
I'm afraid that "Earth" we then with you
Haven't read it yet... Witchcraft

There were evenings on Kobylyanska...
And here she herself once lived
Looking out the window and waiting for love
And, despised the German adversary,

Romania ... And when in the fortieth
The Soviets kicked the impudent Romanian
Red Army rough boot -
And became Ukrainian Bukovina,

The writer spoke in favor
Publicly - in the Ukrainian press...
She was immediately promoted to queen,
So that in an ideological batch

To refer to the classics: if it is,
European thinker,
whose support is valuable to Stalin,
She said “For!”, then let the toads be silent,

That "Anschluss" condemned indiscriminately ...
But the year of the bloody feast is coming
Breaks the fate of the forty-first year -
And Bukovina, poor homeland,

Once again, the Romanian will fall under the heel ...
The Romanians are rampaging in Bukovina ...
Olga does not get up from her chair
She is paralyzed, but now, -

Kobylyanska believes - should
Especially to say the right word
Protest, anger ... She called
The anger of the Sigurans... She is threatened severely

Military tribunal, but left
From the power of the king and Antonescu
Under God's authority, where she could not
Earthly - in Romanian and German -

To sentence the ruler of thoughts,
Because the supreme court happened over her...
And to open her soul to the world
Window until the end I did not dare -

I'm embarrassed... I didn't want to
Dot the "i" unambiguously.
We don't have a single piece of writing left.
Where from the context clearly and transparently

Olga would let us know that her
And the poetess Lesya Ukrainka
Not just friendship burned like coal,
Ah ... Okay - let him finish the picture

With sympathy, the reader to the end -
And understands, not condemns
The one whose soul, as before, in Chernivtsi
Invisible hovering over the city

Where every hour someone
Mentions the name, where with passion
Actors weave fine weaving
From her thoughts and feelings in the pursuit of happiness,

What is equivalent to happiness, and the result
Always tragic, because there is no immortality...
Freed from the Nazis
This radiant star

Ascend to a proud orbit
In the forty-fourth grateful city:
To save the Kobylyanska corner,
In which the heat of the soul and the external cold

Love and dislike endured:
Her apartment was turned into a museum
And the street that took the name
Where we wander in the evenings and stare,

Where the soul is secretly filled
Love, inspiration and light -
That street is so amazingly good...
Museum with her office,

Her things, books - keeps
Her soul is a high reflection -
And the echo is ringing with a gentle voice,
In us, the response is awakening and excitement ...

Genius has a mysterious path
And the logic of fate is extraordinary
By its simple measure it is impossible
Measure, there is always a secret hidden in it.

One hundred different "why?" yes "why?"
Forever left unanswered...
The Lord alone knows everything, but His
Routes are inscrutable - this is -

As an axiom ... Olga was born,
When I was over South Bukovina
Austrian anointed power...
Pan Yulian with better half

Lived in a quiet town
With a semi-Romanian name: Gura-
Humor ... House - and apple trees in the garden,
The German language reigns - the whole texture ...

Then - Suceava, Kimpolunga ... The essence
Those wanderings is obvious: survival.
Where there was earnings, there is a way ...
High meaning in that painful wandering:

Higher education for sons -
There are five of them in the family - with an effort they gave ...
- And Olga and Evgenia? Well, you
After all, getting married means that hardly

It makes sense to open your wallet...
Four years in elementary school
Deutsch teach: "guten morgen, schnell ..." -
And that's it ... Dad and mom weren't joking -

And three elders: Maximillian,
Vladimir, Alexander - went to lawyers,
A classy Julian became a philologist,
Stepan - to the military ... Girls - to shoot

It is not customary to admit to science ...
Pan Yulian and his wife reasoned:
- Of course, let them learn to write -
And okay ... So the sisters looked like

In the initial, and the rest of the whole
Then science was mined by themselves
From books and life... And Eugene Sue
Trendy read and poetry

Marali, as expected, the album ...
Everything, like everyone else ... With only one difference:
All the girls dreamed of one thing:
Marriage - it all ended here ... Olga

I dreamed of something else: to write, create,
Participate in community...
Talk to your friends about it?
No one will understand her decision ...

Deliver joy, first verses
Olga dedicated to her - in German ...
Here you can see the features of the strokes:
German language in local everyday life -

It is common - and for Olga it is native.
She wrote her debut story on it -
"Hydrangea" - and - a wonderful twist:
With difficulty she translated it herself

In Ukrainian... And so it happened:
First, the story will be written in German
Then it just translates at random...
In Ukrainian, the highest marks

I would hardly receive - and then
Her stories, novels, novels
Always, always in the cool editor
Needed ... So what? There is no deceit in that

What Ukrainian classic her
The enlightened community recognized...
Other of her creations in a prick
-- Pornography! No need

In the literature of explicit topics,
No need for passion, jealousy and pain...
What does a woman want - why
Write, read about it? in a strange role

There is a woman in her creations... She
They are not an object of desire, but a source ...
And her psychology is dark -
Sheer Nietzscheanism, if in exact

Estimates denote this nonsense,
What he writes, shocking the bulk
With contempt for the people... Sentence
Severe: you need to read those "creations",

But just to criticize...
Read, my lords, read...
Well, her vocation is to write
About the values ​​of a living soul ... Stare

Eyes, angry critic, into the new "creation"...
But someone voted for the novelty -
And suddenly the choir that blasphemed Olga fell silent:
Is there anyone who is Lesya Ukrainka

Dare to argue? She is,
All-Ukrainian torch by recognition,
I am delighted with that bukovinka ...
This support lay at the base

That literary path
Which Kobylyanska torila
On the virgin soil, through the windbreak... Save
Innovator from bullying - the main thing was

The aspiration of the poetess. And then
Friendship bound two high souls...
Let's reread Olga's books...
"Princess", "Man" ... You need to get used to it

To special twists of the tongue...
But the images, the plots are sparkling...
Her hand is sure, strong...
Here is "Valse melancolique" ... Massive, dense

Cast phrases - and visible in everything
Selfless honesty of feeling -
With such courage she alone
She created herself by means of art ...

In the early nineties - in Chernivtsi
Olga is moving... This city
Ukrainian culture samples
Revealed and inspired, giving a reason

The writer to express herself
As a women's activist...
For the first time, ruining the reputation,
Erotica in high nudity

Introduced in "Nature" ... Cherished
Shame of the unaccustomed and timid:
In a thunderstorm, encrypted like bodies
Merge in orgasm... Looking for trails

To convey the apotheosis
A set of musical analogies
Beautiful, poetic ... Well, the question
Natural: erotic apologies,

Who was the prototype in those creations?
She opened the veil herself
Having confessed, he fell in love with Olga first
Not a Ukrainian - a German ... This play

Played abroad... In Chernivtsi
She searched for love painfully -
Slave of love... Her love is in a vice
She held tight and didn't let go.

For Olga, loving is as important as breathing...
The object was found, we cherish tenderness.
No one can stop Olga
Get carried away by the Ukrainian Makovei ...
In the story, "Share" described the shock:
Pierced the heart with him, desired, a meeting ...
A notebook with a pencil ... I went into the woods,
She wrote something, a pencil crippled ...

What was written became for him
Favorite story of all time...
Believe that there is nothing higher
There is no love in which they became at once

Great and Osip and she -
That that love of literature is higher -
And more valuable for posterity
Than creativity... Not seeing and not hearing

Nobody's reasons, rushed into love,
Like in a whirlpool, pulled Makovey,
Poet and editor...
-- No words --
"Nature" is delightful - blushing,

Editor of "Bukovyna" Makovei
She explained the refusal to publish,
“But it’s too frank, she-she-she ...
Isn't that the reason for the fading

Hot feelings for the timid him ...
As a person and a writer, he is smaller,
Younger than Olga ... Everything came to this:
Suddenly I realized that they had gone far

The paths of their souls, and, therefore, of their bodies
Connecting is boring and ridiculous ...
-- Farewell! - Osip said to Chernivtsi
And dear Olga Kobylyanska... Summer

Their happiness was shattered into pieces,
After leaving, Osip Makovei married ...
And she has a season of deaf longing -
It is possible that she dreamed of her beloved ...

She never married... Never
None of all the men on the planet
The writer's mature years
It will not ignite those feelings that are sung

In her fiery short stories, but to her
Larisa arrived ... Poetess,
Whose friendship grew ever tenderer
And everything is more necessary for both, but the veil

Here it will be omitted by me... Not everyone
The ability to understand others is given
And I will exclude this topic ... Then
I'll touch on something else important...

I dreamed that I would take it into the repertoire
Theater performances based on her short stories,
But the screenwriter is an equal gift with her
Was needed - so, so bold,

No one showed up with her...
When she left, in the Chernivtsi theater
The performance "Earth" was still staged
Goes with success for many years... Habits

We go to the theater weekly
Obliged to Olga's performances,
What filled the minds with thoughts
And they awakened feelings in us - didn't they?

There was a brave director - Vasilko
(Or maybe - Vasilko), as the "Earth"
Managed to lift on stage easily -
(I sit - and listen with bated breath) -

And "It's a week early..."... Translation
The title was enchanting
And coarsened ... Her soul lives
And in the rhythm of the poetic name,

In his alliteration itself,
In an elusive melody: "... Zilla
Kopala "...
Old picture... It was winter
Probably made... Dark wore

Deaf dresses Olga... Same style
Lesya, who is impulsive and nervous ...
And Olga, with thin arms crossed,
I thought ... About Osip, probably ...

1. Biography

1.1. Origin

Father, petty official Julian Kobylyansky, was born in Galicia. He belonged to the gentry family, which had its own coat of arms and came from the Dnieper region. However, the papers about the gentry from the frivolous hand of Yakov Kobylyansky (Julian's father and Olga Kobylyanskaya's grandfather) were not notarized, because he believed that his son would have enough to earn his smart head. This subsequently had a great influence on the fate of the writer.

Mother, Maria Werner, came from a non-Polish German family. Her relative was the famous German Romantic poet Zacharias Werner. Out of love for her husband, Maria Werner learned the Ukrainian language, adopted the Greek Catholic faith and raised all children in respect and love for Ukrainians.

1.2. Childhood

Olga Kobylyanskaya was born in the town of Gura-Humor in South Bukovina in a large family (7 children, Olga is the fourth child).

From childhood, she knew not only Ukrainian, but also Polish and German, which were spoken in her family.

5 years after her birth, her father was transferred to the city of Suceava. There Olga Kobylyanska met a local priest and Ukrainian writer Mykola Ustiyanovich. Both between the families in general and between their daughters, in particular Olga Kobylyanskaya and Olga Ustiyanovich, friendly relations arose, which continued until the end of the life of the writer.

1.3. Creation

In Southern Bukovina, populated mainly by Romanians, there were no Ukrainian, Ukrainian schools or cultural and educational institutions in 1860-1880. The German school could not give Kobylyanska knowledge of the history and culture of the Ukrainian people. Her first literary works, written in German without a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the word "literature" means, fall on the beginning of the 1880s ("Hortenza, or Sketch from the Life of a Girl", "Fate or Will?"). Kobylyanskaya's early unpublished works ( "Hortensa", "Drawing from folk life in Bukovina", "Vision", "Man of the People", etc.). cognitive value, reflecting individual scenes from the life of the shtetl intelligentsia, people from the people.

German, like german culture, played a positive role in the life and work of Kobylyanska. They, as Lesya Ukrainskaya rightly noted, helped Kobylyanska enter the wide world of universal culture. But in order to establish Kobylyanska as a Ukrainian writer, one must have a deep knowledge of not only the Ukrainian language, but also the heritage of Ukrainian literature. She realized this truth more and more clearly and from the end of the 1880s she persistently studied cultural heritage of her people, showed an increasing interest in his life.

Influenced by her entourage - the writer and leader of the women's movement Natalia Kobrinskaya, the first Ukrainian woman- a doctor in Austria-Hungary, Sofia Okunevskaya (she became the prototype of the heroine of the work "Fate or Will?"), artist Augusta Kokhanovskaya (illustrated the short stories of the writer "Uncultured", "Nature", "Battle", "Under the sky") - she began to write on mother tongue. One of the impulses for this was Olga's love for Yevgeny Ozarkevich, brother of Natalia Kobrinskaya.

Then she took an active part in the feminist movement. Becoming one of the initiators of the creation of the "Society of Russian Women in Bukovina", Kobylyanska substantiated the purpose of this movement in the brochure "A little about the idea of ​​the women's movement." The writer raised the issue of the plight of the "middle stratum" woman, actively advocated for the equality of women and men, for the woman's right to a decent life.

These thoughts were in early works writers. In some of them ("Hortensa", "She Got Married", etc.), depicting the spiritual world of her heroines, the writer emphasized their search for personal happiness. In "The Man" (and even more so in "The Princess") the personal happiness of the heroines of Kobylyanskaya is more or less associated with social problems, the active position of a person in life, with the need to deal with adverse circumstances.

Continuing the problems of "Man", the story "Princess" (1895) testified to the expansion of the worldview of the writer, deepening her realistic manner, funds psychological analysis. The story is complex creative history. Its creation and revision was lengthy (1888-1893), the original text was German, later - Ukrainian. They supervised the story in the newspaper "Bukovyna" () and in the same year it was published in Chernivtsi as a separate publication.

Touching upon the moral and ethical problems of the life of the intelligentsia in short stories, such as "Aristocrat" (), "Impromptu phantasie", Kobylyanskaya continued to develop them in subsequent works and created three integral images of female intellectuals in the story "Valse melancolique" (). Subsequently, she returned to this topic in the stories "Niobe" (), "Through the masonry", "Behind the situations" ().

Olga Kobylyanska with Lesya Ukrainian, 1901

The theme of the intelligentsia runs through all of Kobylyanskaya's work - from her early stories and novels to "The Apostle of the Mob".

The image of the life of the village, its socio-psychological and moral and ethical problems - the second leading line of creativity Kobylyanska. The "diaries" of the writer convincingly testify that in the second half of the 1880s she thought about the fate of the people, linking penetration into their life with the mastery of socialist ideas. In the short story "The Beggar Woman" (1895), the writer for the first time showed a person from the people who found herself without a livelihood, living on alms. In the mid-1890s, the writer deepened her knowledge peasant life, which was facilitated by her close contacts with the inhabitants of the villages, in particular Dymka (subsequently, this village entered her work as a picture of a terrible fratricide in the story "Earth").

Deeply truthful pictures from the life of the village Kobylyanska gave in the short stories "Rustic Bank", "In the Fields", "At St. Ivan", "Time", "Uncultured". outstanding achievement Ukrainian literature, a significant contribution of the writer to the development of the theme of the earth in world literature is the story "Earth".

In the early 1890s, developing the problems outlined in her early works, the writer seeks to expand the scope of her artistic searches, turns to abstract symbolic themes and images ("Chords", "Cross", "Moon", etc.), Writes a number of poems in prose, among which there are masterful artistic miniatures. Kobylyanska published individual works in modernist magazines "Mir", "Ukrainian House".

The realistic and romantic tendencies of Kobylianska's work were combined in a peculiar way in one of her best works - the story "Digging the potion early on Sunday", which is based on the motive of the romantic ballad in particular M. Staritsky - in the drama of the same name. The story was translated into many languages, was staged, and was successfully staged.

The work of Kobylyanska in the 1920s-1930s, when Bukovina was under the rule of Romania, took place in difficult conditions. The Ukrainian language and culture were the object of persecution, but even in such conditions, Kobylyanska established contacts with the Ukrainian literary youth of the journal "Luch" (1921-1923), with the month "New Ways" (Lviv), with the publishing house "Rukh" (Kharkiv), where during 1927-1929 her "Create" was published in 9 volumes.

In the works of the Kobylyany period of the First World War and the times of the Romanian domination, some new motifs appeared. The writer's stories included the theme of war ("Judas", "A letter from a condemned soldier to his wife", "Towards fate" (1917), "lost his mind" (1923), etc.) - Similar to the works of V. Stefanik, Mark Cheremshina , O. Makovei, K. Grinevicheva and others.

In some stories and short stories of the post-war period, Kobylyanska returned to those moral and ethical problems that were the subject of artistic analysis in her works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. So, the motives of "Earth" found a kind of continuation and deepening in the story "She-Wolf".

The work of Kobylyanska in the 1920s-1930s was influenced by symbolism ("Dream", "Holy Mother of God, have mercy on us!"). In the novel "The Apostle of the Mob" the writer endowed the Bukovinian clergy, in particular such spiritual shepherds as Fr. Zechariah, many civil and Christian virtues.

Kobylyanska for almost half a century has created dozens of stories, essays, short stories, novellas, critical and journalistic articles, translations, left a significant amount of correspondence. Some of her works are written in German. Of these, only a few were printed in periodicals; in the city they came out as a separate book called Kleinrussische Novellen.

The best works of the writer came out in translations into many languages, in particular Slavic.

2. Diary

In Chernivtsi, there is the only Literary and Memorial Museum of the writer in Ukraine, located in the house where O. Kobilianska lived from 1925 until her death. There, among numerous exhibits and personal belongings, a unique document is kept - Kobylyanska's diary. These are two common notebooks written in German (some words in Ukrainian and Polish). The first entry was made November 1, 1883.

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Olga Kobylyanska - Ukrainian pearl of world literature

Olga Yulianovna Kobylyanskaya was born on November 27, 1863 - she died on March 21, 1942.

Pole by blood of her father and German by mother, born in the provincial town of Gura-Humorului of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Southern Bukovina, modern Romania), she learned the Ukrainian language and became one of the most original and talented writers of Ukraine, whose works "Earth", " Picked up grass early on Sunday”, “Man”, “Princess”, “Uncultured” and others entered the golden fund of world literature.

At the age of 40 (1903) she was paralyzed due to complications caused by a cold, and wrote many works from the comfort of her hospital bed. She was the first to create a different image of a Ukrainian woman, moving away from the "standard" of a village woman downtrodden and oppressed by her husband, showing Ukrainian women who are educated, complex and multifaceted in character, striving for equality with men in society and the family. They argued a lot about this with their best friend between whom there were no secrets in literary and personal life.

Olga Kobylyanskaya became a classic during her lifetime, who was respected and admired (often criticized for feminism, "the idealization of women" and "the cult of beauty and individualism") writers, Vasily Stefanik, composer, historian. In Chernivtsi, where Kobylyanska lived from 1891 until her death, a circle of her admirers worked, and the writer herself defended the Ukrainian language in boyar Romania, and in Soviet Ukraine, and during the German occupation. Moreover, she actively spoke out in the media against Germany's aggression, publishing a number of articles with a bright expressive character. A search was conducted in her apartment by the Gestapo, as a result of which most of the manuscripts were seized, many of them disappeared and have not been found to this day. The Romanian government, which supported the Nazis, brought Olga Kobylianska to court martial. But the occupiers were never able to commit it: the writer died before the start of the trial.

Even more difficult were its relations with the Soviet Union. In 1927, the Kremlin helped the famous but sick Ukrainian writer, who lived in boyar Romania, by accepting her into the USSR Writers' Union and assigning a personal pension, and began to publish her works. At the same time, the words of Olga Kobylyanskaya are known: "We'll live somehow, if only the Bolsheviks don't come."

Achievements of Olga Kobylyanska

The writer said that her merit was that she was able to draw the attention of readers "to the real Marusyas, Hannusyas and Katrusyas, who should become women of a European character."

She was a person with European thinking, was aware of all the cultural, political, literary events of that time, had refined taste in everything: from fashion to literature and household trifles.

One of the main issues of "the whole life and work" of the writer is emancipation, equality of women with men. She is the first in Ukrainian literature touched upon the theme of a woman-intellectual, striving not only for personal happiness, but also to escape from the "bog" of philistinism.

But Olga herself was not a "cold emancipated" feminist. On the contrary, she was very attractive and feminine, "a burning brunette with velvet eyes," who retained a slender figure until her death.

For a long time it was believed that Kobylyanskaya frankly writes "in the interests of Soviet power". They argued this by the fact that in many Ukrainian and all-Union newspapers about fifty articles signed by her name were printed. However, it was recently established that these materials did not belong to the pen of the Ukrainian classic.

Moreover, not a single manuscript of these texts has been found, and there are many mistakes in the articles that Kobylyanskaya could not make. Actually, the style itself is not hers. It is worth recalling the words of the writer herself, which she said to one of the journalists after the annexation of Bukovina to Soviet Ukraine: "It seems we can live, only the Bolsheviks did not come."

Olga Kobylyanska, the author of many masterpieces not only Ukrainian, but world literature, has always admired the simple Ukrainian people, their wisdom, courage, unconquered spirit, even in the most dashing circumstances. In many works of the classic, these features of Ukrainians become leitmotifs, including in the depiction of a Ukrainian woman.

Literary critics note that it was Olga Kobylyanska who became the first writer in the history of Ukrainian literature who showed the image of a Ukrainian woman in a completely new way: she was not a “traditionally” downtrodden, oppressed villager, but an intellectual, a woman striving for knowledge, for enlightenment, who advocated for equality in society between women and men. How can one not remember that Olga herself participated in the feminist movement, was one of the initiators of the "Society of Russian Women in Bukovina".

The woman in Kobylyanska's work is a "live", not stereotyped, personality, possessing a universal spiritual world, the origins of which come from the Ukrainian people. She is brave yet tender, she is controversial but compromise, she is loving and suffering but ready to sacrifice everything if it is "real" feelings.

Sometimes a woman Kobylyanska surpasses in human qualities male characters her colleagues, although the writer is not prone to idealization. On the contrary, in many of her works, with incredible depth of psychologism, the "conscious" and "unconscious" in the motives of women's actions are explored, the formation of their own worldview and, accordingly, actions according to this perception of the surrounding world and the situations in which they find themselves can be traced.

Particularly bright are female characters written out in the works "Hortensa", "She got married", "Man", "Princess", Aristocrat", "Impromptu phantasie", "Valse melancolique", "Niobe", "Through the masonry", "Behind situations", etc.

Depicting the spiritual world of her heroines, Kobylyanskaya traces its formation in the refraction of the fate of most women - the search for personal happiness. However, gradually the personal is closely intertwined with the social problems of society, and the women of Kobylyanskaya more and more often manifest themselves precisely from the position social activities when they are forced to choose the way of dealing with circumstances, overcoming them, tempering their character, rising to new heights.

This was an innovation for Ukrainian literature, because Kobylyanska showed the Woman as a Personality, no less worthy of respect and admiration than the Man, the Woman, who can be called the prototype of the "emancipated" woman of European literature of our days ("Man", "Princess").

In addition, Olga Kobylyanskaya became an innovator in genre and stylistic performance: the writer combined romanticism, realism and symbolism into a single whole, which can be called her individual creative method("Chords", "Cross", "Moon", "Dream", "Holy Mother of God, have mercy on us", poems in prose).

One of the first in the history of world literature and the first in Ukraine, she created a full-fledged genre of poetry in prose, showing that not only a poetic, rhyming word can be exciting lyrical. These works of Kobylyanska reflect the enchanting, magical light of Ukraine with its indescribable beauty, nature, wealth spiritual world Ukrainians, their everyday life is poeticized.

The great achievement of Ukrainian literature was the story of Olga Kobylyanska "Earth", translated into many languages ​​of the world. With this work, the writer laid the foundation for symbolism as a trend of modernism in Ukrainian literature.

Lesya Ukrainka believed that the work was worthy of entering the treasury of world literature. These views were shared by many other great writers of Ukraine, including Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky and Ivan Franko.

Impressed to the depths of his soul by "Earth", M. Kotsyubinsky wrote a letter to the author of the work.

“I am writing to you under fresh enemies about your story “Earth”. I read extremely richly, but I confess that I have been reading such a garne for a long time, so hoarsely, like “Earth”. I just enchant your story - everything: nature and people , and psychology їх - everything is so strongly hostile, everything shows such freshness and strength to talent, so, from the heart, for the experience of emotions, I am glad for our literature. " (From a letter from M. Kotsyubinsky to O. Kobylyanska)

And Ivan Franko said that the "Earth" of the Crimean literary and movnoy vartosti, matim trivaly meaning as a document to the way of our people's message ... ".

Kobylyanskaya herself said about "Earth" that all the characters in the work are not fictional, they are taken from life. The writer also recalled that she suffered, impressed by the facts that she described, but "sobbing, she continued to write."

One of the best works of the writer - the story "I Gathered Grass Early on Sunday", combining the romantic and the realistic in her work, has been translated into many languages ​​and successfully plays on the stages of theaters in Ukraine.

The writer for the first time in Ukrainian literature raised the issue of the position of women in society, advocating the equality of women with men ("Hortensa", "She got married", "Man", "Princess", etc.)

It was Kobylyanska who introduced into the literature of Ukraine new type character - female intellectuals ("Aristocrat", "Impromptu phantasie", "Valse melancolique", "Niobe", "Through the Masonry", "Behind the Situations", etc.)

Also, for the first time in Ukrainian literature, thanks to the work of the writer, the image of a "new man from the people" appeared - a man who found himself without a livelihood, forced to live on alms ("The Beggar").

Interesting facts from the life of O. Kobylyanska.

The father of the future writer Julian Kobylyansky was born in Galicia. He belonged to the gentry family, which had its own coat of arms and came from the Dnieper region.

Mother, Maria Werner, is German by nationality. Her relative was the famous German romantic poet Zacharias Werner. Out of love for her husband, she learned the Ukrainian language, adopted the Greek Catholic faith, raising all children in respect and love for Ukraine and everything Ukrainian.

Olga's brother Stepan was a painter (he also painted portraits of his sister). Another brother, Julian, is a well-known philologist and author of several textbooks.

Olga Kobylyanska learned Ukrainian on her own. She also knew Polish and German.

One of the incentives to write in her native language was Olga's love for Yevgeny Ozarkevich, the brother of her friend Natalia Kobrinskaya.

Olga actively participated in the feminist movement.

One of the best works of Kobylyanskaya - the story "Princess" - was written and finalized over the course of five years (1888 - 1893). The original text was written in German. The final version is in Ukrainian. The story was published in the newspaper "Bukovyna" in 1895 and in the same year was published in Chernivtsi as a separate edition.

She was friends with Lesya Ukrainka. Friends not only discussed literary plans and ideas, but also shared details from their personal lives with each other, supporting one another.

About one of her greatest creations, the story "Earth", Olga Kobylyanskaya wrote in her autobiographical essay that all the facts and characters are real, taken from life. She admitted that while working on "Earth" she suffered physically from the facts with which she worked, under their impression she often sobbed, but continued to write.

She never married. Her unrequited love, which remained for life, was Osip Makovei, the editor of the Bukovyna newspaper. He discovered her talent, corrected and edited the texts, helped 24-year-old Olga develop her original style. The girl was in love, Osip Makovei offered his hand and heart to a completely different lady.

Biography of Olga Kobylyanska.

Olga Kobylyanskaya was born on November 27, 1863 in the city of Gura Humora (Romania) in a large family. Her father was a secretary of the county court, and her mother devoted her whole life to raising children.

Since there was no school in the town, Olga's father, wanting to educate the children, was transferred to Suceava in 1869, where the family lived for three years. There, the girl, along with her brothers, attends a German gymnasium.

By 1875, the family had moved to Kimpolung, where Olga completed four years of elementary school. And since Bukovina was then a colony of Austria-Hungary, all training took place in German.

She wrote her first works at the age of 14. These were Hortense, or an Essay on the Life of a Girl, Fate or Will?

At the age of eighteen, Olga met the Ukrainian artist Augusta Kokhanovskaya (later she illustrated novels by Kobylyanskaya), the first Ukrainian female doctor in Austria-Hungary Sofia Okunevskaya, one of the founders of the women's movement in Galicia, the writer Natalia Kobrinskaya. These women provided a huge impact on the formation of the girl's worldview. It was they who advised her to engage in creativity in the Ukrainian language.

In 1886, Olga Kobylyanskaya published the story in German "She Got Married", which became the basis for the future first widely known story "The Man" (1892).

In 1894, he became one of the initiators of the creation of the "Society of Russian Women in Bukovina".

In the early 1900s, Olga wrote "Chords", "Cross", "Moon", many of the poems in prose. Some works were published in the magazines "Mir" and "Ukrainian House".

In 1901, Olga Kobylyanska published "Earth" - the pearl of Ukrainian and world literature. Subsequently, the work was filmed.

In 1903, Olga was partially paralyzed due to a cold, which caused a complication.

During the First World War (Bukovyna was affected by hostilities), he created "Dream", "Juda", "Towards Fate", "A Letter from a Condemned Soldier to His Wife" - works filled with pain from loss, suffering, death, but at the same time emphasizing the courage of the Ukrainian people, overcoming the unthinkable disasters of war.

After the First World War, in the conditions of Bukovina occupied by Romania, when the Ukrainian language was banned, Kobylyanska actively collaborated with the Luch magazine of Ukrainian literary youth, with the Lvov magazine New Ways, and with the Kharkov edition Rukh. They published her works in 9 volumes.

In 1927, Ukraine celebrated the 40th anniversary of the public and literary activity Olga Kobylyanska. The government of the country assigned her a personal pension, and in Kharkov (at that time the capital of Ukraine) they began to issue complete collection works of the writer.

On November 22, 1940, a solemn meeting was held in honor of the 55th anniversary of creative activity Kobylyanska. She was awarded a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. She was accepted into the Writers' Union of Ukraine. And in Kyiv, a two-volume edition of her works was published.

In the early years of World War II, the paralyzed Olga Kobylyanska was unable to evacuate from Chernivtsi. However, she actively opposed the actions of the Nazis. As a result, her apartment was searched, the manuscripts were confiscated, and some of them have not yet been found.

The Romanian government intended to publicly execute Kobylianska. But it could not, because on March 21, 1942, the writer died. She was buried at the Chernivtsi cemetery.

Perpetuating the memory of Olga Kobylyanska.

In the city of Gura-Humora, where the writer was born, a monument was erected and the square was named after her.

In a number of Ukrainian cities, streets were named after Kobylyanska, including in Chernivtsi.

A literary and memorial museum of Kobylyanska was opened in Chernivtsi, the Chernivtsi Music and Drama Theater bears the name of Olga Kobylyanska.

A monument to the great Ukrainian writer was erected in Chernivtsi.

In the village of Ungur, Oknitsa region (Moldova), a museum and a monument to the Ukrainian writer Olga Kobylyanskaya were opened, and the local lyceum was named after her.

Olga Kobylyanskaya in social networks.

In "Odnoklassniki" search "Olga Kobylyanska" found 1 group.

2 communities were found in "Vkontakte" for "Olga Kobilyanska".

In Youtube, for the query "Olga Kobylyanska" - 1,400 responses.

Documentary film: Olga Kobylyanska.

How often do Yandex users from Ukraine search for information about Olga Kobylyanska?

To analyze the popularity of the query "Olga Kobylyanskaya", the Yandex wordstat.yandex search engine service is used, from which it can be concluded that as of January 16, 2016, the number of requests per month was 5,506, which can be seen on the screen.

Since the end of 2014 the largest number requests were registered in February 2014 - 71,881 requests per month.

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Biography, life story of Kobylyanskaya Olga Yulianovna

Kobylyanskaya Olga Yulianovna was born in 1863 on November 27 in a large family. The town in which the girl was born was called Gura-Humora. Her father was a petty official, secretary of the county court. Olga's mother devoted her whole life to raising children.

The place where the town of Gura-Humora was located is a distant region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, untouched by Ukrainian culture. Since there was no school in the town, Olga's father, taking care of the future of his children, in 1869 achieved his transfer to Suceava. The family lived there for three years. Olga's brothers in Suceava began attending a German gymnasium. Little Olga gradually enriched herself with knowledge along with them.

By 1875 the family had moved to Kimpolung. There Olga graduated from four classes of elementary school. All training was in German, since Bukovina was then a colony of Austria-Hungary. Ukrainian language the girl studied outside the school walls.

It was in the county town of Kimpolung that the girl's path to the world of knowledge began, which she overcame completely on her own. The Kobylyansky family was filled with an atmosphere of love for literature, wise word and folk customs.

At the age of fourteen, Olga began to write poetry, as well as write a diary in German. Her first works - "Hortensa, or an essay from the life of a girl", "Fate or will?" cognitive value, they display individual life scenes of the small-town intelligentsia.

At the age of eighteen, Olga met Kokhanovska Augusta (Ukrainian artist). Olga also began to make friends with Sofia Okunevskaya (a highly educated doctor), Natalya Kobrinskaya (writer). This communication undoubtedly contributed to the formation of Olga's worldview. Friends then advised the writer to write in Ukrainian.

In 1886, the German-language story "She Got Married" was published. This story later became the basis of the story called "The Man". The story "Man" was completed in 1892, it was with the release of this work that Olga was formed as a Ukrainian writer, a true master of the artistic word.


Olga was also very close with. Friends shared their literary ideas, told each other the details of their personal lives, supported each other in everything.

At that time, girlfriends did not have much access to different areas knowledge and art. Because they tirelessly fought for independence. strong in spirit and outcast women Olga showed in "The Man" and "The Princess".

The great achievement of the Ukrainian fiction became the work "Earth". Olga then wrote in her autobiographical essay that all the facts and all the characters in the story "Earth" are not fictional, taken from life. Olga also admits in the essay that she simply suffered physically from those facts, under their impression, and often, while writing, sobbed.

At the peak of the girl's prosperity as a writer, a misfortune happened - an illness. It so happened that in 1903, a cold gave a complication, Olga was partially paralyzed.

The death of her mother, her father's illness, her own troubles, as well as material needs - all together caused the writer's creative decline. However, even in this position, Olga continued to work. In the early 1900s, Olga wrote “Chords”, “Cross”, “Moon”, as well as a whole chain of poetry in prose (“Mallows” (1896), “There the stars made their way” (1900), “Pine trees sway sadly "(1901)," Through the sea "(1903) and others). The writer published some of her creations in magazines under the names "Mir" and "Ukrainian House".

The tendencies of romance and realism in the work of the writer are peculiarly combined in the work “Digging the potion early on Sunday”. This story has been translated into several languages ​​and staged.

The war of 1914 brought a lot of grief. Olga was struck by the strength of the people, their ability to overcome the terrible disasters of war. For some time they passed through Bukovina fighting. The pain of the soul from death, ruins, torment was embodied in the works "Dream", "Juda", "Towards Fate". The greatest tragedy was filled with "A letter from a condemned soldier to his wife."

After the war, Bukovina was occupied by boyar Romania. Olga's work at that time took place in especially difficult conditions. Ukrainian culture and language were persecuted. Then Olga managed to establish contacts with the progressive magazine "Luch", which was run by Ukrainian literary youth, with the Lvov magazine "New Ways", with the Kharkov edition "Rukh". These magazines published her creations in 9 volumes.

In 1927, the Ukrainian literary community celebrated the 40th anniversary of Olga's social and literary activities. The government of Soviet Ukraine assigned Olga a personal pension. In Kharkov (at that time - the capital of Ukraine) the release of the complete collection of works by Olga Kobylyanskaya began.

By 1940, the Bukovina region became a part of Soviet Ukraine. On November 22 of the same year, a solemn meeting was held in honor of the 55th anniversary of Kobylyanska's creative activity.

Olga Kobylyanska was awarded by the government with a diploma from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. At the same time, Olga was admitted to the Writers' Union of Ukraine. A two-volume edition of her works was published in Kyiv.

On the attack Nazi Germany Olga responded with furious articles. In her old age, the paralyzed Olga did not have the opportunity to evacuate from Chernivtsi. Her apartment was ransacked, her manuscripts were confiscated, some of them disappeared without a trace. The Romanian government brought Olga to a military court. However, the intentions of the executioners could not be realized: Olga Kobylyanskaya died. It happened on March 21, 1942. She was buried in the Chernivtsi cemetery.

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