What is the idea of ​​the work. Theme and idea of ​​a literary work

This book contains 2000 original ideas for short stories and novels.

When analyzing literary work traditionally use the concept of "idea", which most often means the answer to a question allegedly posed by the author.

The idea of ​​a literary work - this is the main idea that summarizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of a literary work.

Artistic idea of ​​the work - this is the content-semantic integrity of a work of art as a product of emotional experience and development of life by the author. This idea cannot be recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; it expresses itself throughout artistic structure product, unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conditionally (and in a narrower sense) the idea stands out as the main idea, ideological conclusion and “life lesson”, naturally arising from a holistic comprehension of the work.

An idea in literature is a thought contained in a work. There are a lot of ideas expressed in the literature. Exist logical ideas and abstract ideas . Logical ideas are concepts that are easily transmitted without figurative means, we are able to perceive them with the intellect. Logical ideas are inherent in documentary literature. But artistic novels and stories are characterized by philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and effects, that is, abstract elements.

But there is also special kind very subtle, barely perceptible ideas of a literary work. artistic idea is an idea embodied in a figurative form. It lives only in figurative implementation and cannot be expressed in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the worldview of the author, transmitted by the speech and actions of the characters, on the depiction of pictures of life. It is in the clutch of logical thoughts, images, all significant compositional elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea that can be concretized or illustrated. The idea of ​​this type is inseparable from the image, from the composition.

The formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. In the literature, it is influenced personal experience, worldview of the writer, understanding of life. An idea can be nurtured for years and decades, and the author, trying to realize it, suffers, rewrites the manuscript, looking for suitable means of implementation. All themes, characters, all events selected by the author are necessary for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that an artistic idea is not equal to an ideological concept, the plan that often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring non-artistic reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, literary critics restore the history of the idea, the history of creation, but often do not discover the artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author goes against himself, yielding to the original intention for the sake of artistic truth, inner idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If you know in advance everything that you would like to talk about, then you should not contact artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of ​​a literary work comes out of the visual image

The idea of ​​a literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, sometimes try to formulate the idea of ​​their work. Dostoevsky wrote about The Idiot: “The main idea of ​​the novel is to portray positively beautiful person". For such a declarative ideology Dostoevsky scolded: here he "distinguished himself", for example, Nabokov. Indeed, the phrase of the great novelist does not clarify why, why he did it, what is the artistic and vital basis his image. But here it is hardly possible to stand on the side Nabokov, the mundane writer of the second row, never, unlike Dostoevsky that does not set itself creative supertasks.

Along with the attempts of the authors to define the so-called main idea of his work, opposite, although no less confusing, examples are known. Tolstoy to the question “what is War and Peace”? answered as follows: "War and peace" is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed. Unwillingness to translate the idea of ​​your work into the language of concepts Tolstoy demonstrated once again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I wanted to say in words everything that I had in mind to express in a novel, then I would have to write the very one that I wrote first" (from a letter to N. Strakhov).

Belinsky he very accurately pointed out that “art does not allow abstract philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only poetic ideas; and the poetic idea is<…>not a dogma, not a rule, this is a living passion, pathos.

V.V. Odintsov expressed his understanding of the category "artistic idea" more strictly: "The idea literary composition is always specific and is not directly deduced not only from the individual statements writer (facts of his biography, public life etc.), but also from the text - from replicas goodies, publicistic inserts, remarks of the author himself, etc.”

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky also spoke of the need to distinguish between rational, that is, rational, and literary ideas: "By an idea, I mean not only a rationally formulated judgment, statement, even not only the intellectual content of a work of literature, but the whole sum of its content, which constitutes its intellectual function, its goal and task." And he further explained: “To understand the idea of ​​a literary work means to understand the idea of ​​each of its components in their synthesis, in their systemic interconnection.<…>At the same time, it is important to take into account the structural features of the work, - not only the words-bricks that make up the walls of the building, but the structure of the combination of these bricks as parts of this structure, their meaning.

The idea of ​​a literary work is an attitude to the depicted, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (inclination, intention, preconceived idea) in the artistic coverage of this topic. In other words, idea -it is the subjective basis of a literary work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary criticism, based on other methodological principles, instead of the category “artistic idea”, the concept of “intention”, some kind of premeditation, the author’s tendency to express the meaning of the work, is used.

The grander the artistic idea, the longer the work lives. The creators of pop literature, who write outside of great ideas, will soon be forgotten.

V.V. Kozhinov called the artistic idea the semantic type of the work, which grows out of the interaction of images. An artistic idea, unlike a logical idea, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole.

AT epic works the idea may be partly formulated in the text itself, as was the case in the narrative Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea permeates the structure of the work and therefore requires a lot of analytical work. Piece of art as a whole is much richer than the rational idea that critics usually isolate, and in many lyrical works it is simply impossible to single out an idea, because it practically dissolves in pathos. Therefore, one should not reduce the idea of ​​a work to a conclusion or a lesson, and in general it is imperative to look for it.

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TOPIC- The subject, the main content of reasoning, presentation, creativity. (S. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language, 1990.)
TOPIC(Greek Thema) - 1) The subject of presentation, images, research, discussion; 2) statement of the problem, which predetermines the selection of vital material and the nature artistic narration; 3) the subject of a linguistic statement (...). (Dictionary foreign words, 1984.)

Already these two definitions can confuse the reader: in the first, the word "theme" is equated in meaning with the term "content", while the content of a work of art is immeasurably wider than the theme, the theme is one of the aspects of the content; the second makes no distinction between the concepts of topic and problem, and although topic and problem are philosophically related, they are not the same thing, and you will soon understand the difference.

The following definition of the topic, accepted in literary criticism, is preferable:

TOPIC- this is a vital phenomenon that has become the subject of artistic consideration in the work. The range of such life phenomena is THEME literary work. All phenomena of the world and human life make up the scope of the artist's interests: love, friendship, hatred, betrayal, beauty, ugliness, justice, lawlessness, home, family, happiness, deprivation, despair, loneliness, struggle with the world and oneself, solitude, talent and mediocrity, the joys of life, money , relations in society, death and birth, secrets and mysteries of the world, etc. etc. - these are the words that call life phenomena that become themes in art.

The task of the artist is to creatively study the life phenomenon from the sides interesting to the author, that is artistically reveal the topic. Naturally, this can only be done asking a question(or several questions) to the phenomenon under consideration. This very question, which the artist asks, using the figurative means available to him, is problem literary work.

PROBLEM is a question that does not have a unique solution or involves a set of equivalent solutions. The ambiguity of possible solutions of the problem differs from tasks. The collection of such questions is called PROBLEMS.

The more complex the phenomenon of interest to the author (that is, the more topic), the more questions (problems) it will cause, and the more difficult these issues will be to solve, that is, the deeper and more serious it will be issues literary work.

The theme and the problem are historically dependent phenomena. different eras dictate to artists different topics and problems. For example, the author of the ancient Russian poem of the 12th century "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" was worried about the topic of princely strife, and he asked himself questions: how to make Russian princes stop caring only about personal gain and enmity with each other, how to unite the disparate forces of a weakening Kyiv state? The 18th century invited Trediakovsky, Lomonosov and Derzhavin to think about scientific and cultural transformations in the state, about what should be ideal ruler, put in the literature the problems of civic duty and equality of all citizens, without exception, before the law. Romantic writers were interested in the secrets of life and death, penetrated into the dark nooks and crannies human soul, solved the problems of a person's dependence on fate and unsolved demonic forces, the interaction of a talented and extraordinary person with a soulless and mundane society of inhabitants.

19th century with its focus on literature critical realism drew artists to new themes and made them think about new problems:

  • Through the efforts of Pushkin and Gogol, the “small” man entered literature, and the question arose about his place in society and his relationship with “big” people;
  • became the most important women's theme, and with it the so-called public "women's question"; A. Ostrovsky and L. Tolstoy paid much attention to this topic;
  • the theme of home and family acquired a new meaning, and L. Tolstoy studied the nature of the connection between upbringing and a person’s ability to be happy;
  • unsuccessful peasant reform and further social upheavals aroused a keen interest in the peasantry, and the theme peasant life and fate, discovered by Nekrasov, became the leading one in literature, and with it the question: what will be the fate of the Russian peasantry and all of great Russia?
  • tragic events in history and public sentiments brought to life the theme of nihilism and opened up new facets in the theme of individualism, which received further development Dostoevsky, Turgenev and Tolstoy in an attempt to resolve the questions: how to warn the younger generation against the tragic mistakes of radicalism and aggressive hatred? How to reconcile the generations of "fathers" and "children" in a troubled and bloody world? How is the relationship between good and evil to be understood today, and what is meant by both? How, in an effort to be different from others, do not lose yourself?
  • Chernyshevsky addresses the topic of the public good and asks: "What should be done?" so that a person in Russian society could honestly earn a comfortable life and thereby increase social wealth? How to "equip" Russia for a prosperous life? Etc.

Note! The problem is question, and it should be formulated mainly in interrogative form, especially if the formulation of problems is the task of your essay or other work in the literature.

Sometimes in art, it is the question posed by the author that becomes a real breakthrough - a new one, previously unknown to society, but now burning, vital. Many works are created in order to pose a problem.

IDEA(Greek Idea, concept, representation) - in literature: the main idea of ​​a work of art, the method proposed by the author for solving the problems posed by him. A set of ideas, a system of author's thoughts about the world and man, embodied in artistic images called IDEA CONTENT artistic work.

Thus, the scheme of semantic relationships between the topic, problem and idea can be represented as follows:

When you are engaged in the interpretation of a literary work, you are looking for hidden (in scientific terms, implicit) meanings, analyze explicitly and gradually the thoughts expressed by the author, you just study ideological content works. While working on task 8 of your previous work (analysis of a fragment of M. Gorky's story "Chelkash"), you dealt precisely with questions of its ideological content.

When performing tasks on the topic "Content of a literary work: Author's position"Pay attention to the contact statement.

You have set a goal: to learn to understand a critical (educational, scientific) text and correctly, accurately state its content; learn to use analytical language when presenting such a text.

You must learn to solve the following tasks:

  • highlight the main idea of ​​the entire text, determine its topic;
  • highlight the essence of individual statements of the author and their logical connection;
  • convey the author's thoughts not as "one's own", but through indirect speech("The author believes that...");
  • expand your vocabulary concepts and terms.

Source text: With all his creativity, Pushkin, of course, is a rebel. He certainly understands the correctness of Pugachev, Stenka Razin, Dubrovsky. He, of course, would be, if he could, on December 14 at Senate Square along with your friends and associates. (G.Volkov)

Variant of the completed task: According to the firm conviction of the critic, Pushkin is a rebel in his work. The scientist believes that Pushkin, realizing the correctness of Pugachev, Stenka Razin, Dubrovsky, would definitely be, if he could, on December 14 on Senate Square, along with like-minded people.

Listen to conversations. You can include snippets of these conversations in your story.

Listen to the song and pay attention to its words. What feelings does it evoke in you? Happiness? Sadness? Just describe your experiences or come up with a character for the lyrics of the song.

Sometimes it's enough just to write the title of your future story, and the words will flow by themselves. As a result, you can get an excellent essay.

Write in the fanfiction genre (amateur literary compositions based on popular novels, films, television series). Make up a story about the crazy antics of your favorite character, actor, or musician. You can write your version of the creation of a particular song. There are many fanfiction sites where you can publish your writing and get feedback from readers.

Check out the logs. In some libraries you can borrow old editions of publications. Just flip through the pages and view their content. Found scandalous story? Take it as the basis of your story. Does the magazine have subscriber Q&A pages? Make one of the described problems your character's dilemma.

Look at photos of strangers. Try to imagine what their names are, who they are, what their life path. Describe them in your story.

Base your essay on your own life experiences. Or write an autobiography!

If you write not on a computer, but with a pen on paper, use quality supplies. It will be difficult for you to realize your creativity with a poor pen and crumpled paper.

Write about the fulfillment of your wildest dreams and fantasies. Don't worry, names can be changed!

Create an association map. It will help organize information about characters and events, especially if your visual perception predominates.

Watch music videos at www.youtube.com. Describe your opinion about what is happening, your thoughts and feelings about it.

If you keep or kept a diary, flip through your old entries. Look for topics and ideas for your essay.

Practice freewriting. This will take you about 10 minutes a day. Just write down whatever comes to mind without distraction for 10 to 20 minutes. You do not need to correct errors and correct the text. Even if something like "I don't know what to write" comes to your mind, just keep writing until inspiration strikes.

A great way to find new ideas is to write with your family or friends when you have nothing else to do. Take a piece of paper and write three lines on it on any topic. For example: "Once upon a time there was a small bird. She loved to fish because she loved to eat." Then fold the sheet so that only the last line is visible - "she loved to eat" - and pass it to next person. He will write, for example: "... she loved to eat nuts under the summer breeze. And suddenly a huge monster appeared ...". Keep writing until you have covered the entire sheet. Reading the resulting text will give you a lot of fun.

Artistic idea

Artistic idea

The main idea of ​​a work of art. The idea expresses the attitude of the author to the problem posed in his essay, to the thoughts expressed by the characters. The idea of ​​the work is a generalization of the entire content of the work.
Only in normative-didactic essays does the idea of ​​a work take on the character of a clearly expressed, unambiguous judgment (such, for example, fable). As a rule, an artistic idea cannot be reduced to some separate statement reflecting the author's thought. So, the idea of ​​“War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy cannot be reduced to thoughts about the insignificant role of the so-called. great people in history and about fatalism as a representation that is most acceptable in explaining historical events. When perceiving the plot narrative and the historical and philosophical chapters of "War and Peace" as a single whole, the idea of ​​the work is revealed as a statement about the superiority of natural, spontaneous life over the false and vain existence of those who thoughtlessly follow the social fashion, strive for fame and success. The idea of ​​the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment" is broader and more multifaceted than the idea expressed by Sonya Marmeladova about the inadmissibility for a person to decide whether another has the right to live. For F. M. Dostoevsky, no less important are the thoughts about murder as a sin committed by a person against himself, and as a sin that alienates the killer from people close and dear to him. Equally essential for understanding the idea of ​​the novel is the idea of ​​the limitations of human rationality, of an insurmountable flaw in the mind, capable of constructing any logically consistent theory. The author shows that only life and religious intuition, faith can be a refutation of the God-fighting and inhuman theory.
Often the idea of ​​a work is not reflected at all in the statements of the narrator or characters and can be determined very approximately. This feature is inherent primarily in many so-called. post-realistic works (for example, stories, novels and plays by A.P. Chekhov) and the writings of modernist writers depicting an absurd world (for example, novels, stories and short stories by F. Kafka).
The denial of the existence of the idea of ​​a work is characteristic of literature postmodernism; the idea of ​​a work is not recognized by the theorists of postmodernism either. According to postmodern ideas, artistic text is independent of the will and intention of the author, and the meaning of the work is born when it is read by the reader, who freely places the work in one or another semantic context. Instead of the idea of ​​a work, postmodernism offers a play of meanings, in which a certain final semantic instance is impossible: any idea contained in a work is presented with irony, with detachment. However, in fact, it is hardly justified to speak of the absence of an idea in postmodernist writings. The impossibility of a serious judgment, the total irony and the playful nature of existence - this is the idea that unites postmodern literature.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

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Gasoline is yours, our ideas

When analyzing a literary work, the concept of “idea” is traditionally used, which most often means the answer to a question allegedly posed by the author.

The idea of ​​a literary work - this is the main idea that summarizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of a literary work.

Artistic idea of ​​the work - this is the content-semantic integrity of a work of art as a product of emotional experience and development of life by the author. This idea cannot be recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; it is expressed by the entire artistic structure of the work, by the unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conditionally (and in a narrower sense) the idea stands out as the main idea, ideological conclusion and “life lesson”, naturally arising from a holistic comprehension of the work.

An idea in literature is a thought contained in a work. There are a lot of ideas expressed in the literature. Exist logical ideas and abstract ideas . Logical ideas are concepts that are easily transmitted without figurative means, we are able to perceive them with the intellect. Logical ideas are inherent in documentary literature. But artistic novels and stories are characterized by philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and effects, that is, abstract elements.

But there is also a special kind of very subtle, barely perceptible ideas of a literary work. artistic idea is a thought embodied in a figurative form. It lives only in figurative implementation and cannot be expressed in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the worldview of the author, transmitted by the speech and actions of the characters, on the depiction of pictures of life. It is in the linking of logical thoughts, images, all significant compositional elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea that can be concretized or illustrated. The idea of ​​this type is inseparable from the image, from the composition.

The formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. In literature, it is influenced by personal experience, the worldview of the writer, understanding of life. An idea can be nurtured for years and decades, and the author, trying to realize it, suffers, rewrites the manuscript, looking for suitable means of implementation. All themes, characters, all events selected by the author are necessary for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that an artistic idea is not equal to an ideological concept, the plan that often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring non-artistic reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, literary critics restore the history of the idea, the history of creation, but often do not discover the artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author goes against himself, yielding to the original idea for the sake of artistic truth, an inner idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If everything that I would like to talk about is known in advance, then you should not turn to artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of ​​a literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, sometimes try to formulate the idea of ​​their work. Dostoevsky about The Idiot he wrote: "The main idea of ​​the novel is to depict a positively beautiful person." For such a declarative ideology Dostoevsky scolded, for example, Nabokov. Indeed, the phrase of the great novelist does not clarify why, why he did it, what is the artistic and vital basis of his image. But here it is hardly possible to stand on the side Nabokov, the mundane writer of the second row, never, unlike Dostoevsky that does not set itself creative supertasks.

Along with the attempts of the authors to determine the so-called main idea of ​​their work, opposite, although no less confusing, examples are known. Tolstoy to the question “what is “War and Peace”? answered as follows: “War and Peace is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed.” Unwillingness to translate the idea of ​​your work into the language of concepts Tolstoy demonstrated once again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I wanted to say in words everything that I had in mind to express in a novel, then I would have to write the very one that I wrote first" (from a letter to N.Strakhov).

Belinsky he very accurately pointed out that “art does not allow abstract philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only poetic ideas; and the poetic idea is<…>not a dogma, not a rule, this is a living passion, pathos.

V.V. Odintsov expressed his understanding of the category “artistic idea” more strictly: “The idea of ​​a literary work is always specific and is not directly derived not only from the individual statements of the writer lying outside of it (the facts of his biography, social life, etc.), but also from the text - from replicas of goodies, journalistic inserts, remarks of the author himself, etc.”

2000 ideas for novels and short stories

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky also spoke about the need to distinguish between rational, that is, rational, and literary ideas: “By an idea, I mean not only a rationally formulated judgment, statement, not even just the intellectual content of a work of literature, but the entire sum of its content, which constitutes its intellectual function, its goal and task. And further he explained: “To understand the idea of ​​a literary work means to understand the idea of ​​each of its components in their synthesis, in their systemic interconnection.<…>. At the same time, it is important to take into account the structural features of the work - not only the words-bricks that make up the walls of the building, but the structure of the combination of these bricks as parts of this structure, their meaning.

The idea of ​​a literary work is the attitude to the depicted, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (inclination, intention, preconceived idea) in the artistic coverage of this topic. In other words, idea is the subjective basis of a literary work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary criticism, based on other methodological principles, instead of the category “artistic idea”, the concept of “intention”, some kind of premeditation, the author’s tendency to express the meaning of the work, is used.

The grander the artistic idea, the longer the work lives. The creators of pop literature, who write outside of great ideas, will soon be forgotten.

V.V. Kozhinov called the artistic idea the semantic type of the work, which grows out of the interaction of images. An artistic idea, unlike a logical idea, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole.

In epic works, the idea may be partly formulated in the text itself, as was the case in the narrative. Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea permeates the structure of the work and therefore requires a lot of analytical work. A work of art as a whole is much richer than a rational idea, which critics usually isolate, and in many lyrical works, it is simply impossible to single out an idea, because it practically dissolves in pathos. Therefore, one should not reduce the idea of ​​a work to a conclusion or a lesson, and in general it is imperative to look for it.

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