Ukrainian culture of the 14th-16th centuries. Culture of Ukraine in the 16th century

Brotherhood. Military and material support was provided by the Ukrainian. Belonging to the European state of the Commonwealth allowed Ukrainians to study at universities in Europe, that is, to know many languages, to use the achievements of the world, to perceive the ideas of the Reformation and spread them in Ukraine.

Observing the neglect of the education and culture of their native people, a small Ukrainian began to think about the rise of national education. Centers for the development of education in the cities of Ostrog, Lvov, Kyiv.

The ancient Russian city of Ostrog in the 70s pp. 16th century was a significant center of Ukrainian culture, "Athens". Its owner Konstantin Ostrozhsky became a zealous defender of Ukrainian culture. Occupying the Kyiv governor, he served and participated in the suppression of the Cossack-peasant movement. However, remaining Orthodox, K. Ostrozhsky stood up for the Ukrainian faith and language. In 1576, he founded the Greek-Slavonic school, which existed until 1640. It studied the Old Slavonic, Greek, Latin languages, as well as the “free sciences”: arithmetic, grammar, logic, rhetoric, music, etc. Soon the school received the status of Ostrozhskaya and took its rightful place among contemporary European universities. The position of the first rector was taken by a famous teacher and writer. Vasily Surazhsky, a graduate of European universities, Demyan, Cleric Ostrogsky taught there. The school contributed to the spread of education in Ukraine, produced many educated people. Among them - the hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and the son of the rector, later a well-known scientist, writer and church leader Meletiy. Many polemical works belong to his pen, and the book “Slovenian Grammar” was published in 1618, for many years, until the end of the 18th century, it was used as a manual of the Old Church Slavonic language and was repeatedly reprinted.

At the end of the XVI century. fraternities began to play an outstanding role in the organization of Ukrainian schools, and the Ostrozh school contributed to the opening of fraternal schools in Lutsk, Lvov. As the number of schools increased, so did the number of educated people. The spread of education contributed not only to the development of culture, but also to the liberation movement.

The first and largest in Ukraine was founded in 1586 Lvov fraternal school. In accordance with the charter, children of different classes were recruited into it. The students were taught the then Ukrainian bookish language that they understood. They studied Old Church Slavonic, Greek and Latin, rhetoric (literature), theology and music. The school produced highly educated people, through whom it had a great influence on school education not only in Ukraine, but also in Belarus, Moldova and other countries.

The Kyiv fraternal school founded in 1615 deserved even greater recognition. One of its organizers and the first rector was , who was formerly the rector of the Lviv fraternal school. Having borrowed the main statutory and educational ideas from the Lviv school, the leaders of the Kyiv fraternal school significantly expanded the range of subjects studied and deepened their content. The school has won public recognition. Help her private individuals, including the hetman.

The students of the fraternal school were from the Cossacks and the environment. In 1632, at the initiative of Peter, the Kyiv fraternal school merged with the school of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and was reorganized into a higher educational institution - the Kiev-Mohyla collegium.

Printing spread in Ukraine in the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries. At this time, printing houses appeared in Lvov, Ostrog, Kyiv, Chernigov and other cities, where the same brotherhoods were engaged in them. Printing especially developed after the arrival in Lvov of an experienced printer expelled from Moscow, a graduate of Krakow University. Arriving in Lvov, he outlined his educational tasks in the following words: “I must scatter around the world and distribute the spiritual useful to everyone. In 1573, I. opened a printing house in Lvov, a 1574 p. published in full edition the book "", which tells about the deeds of the disciples of Jesus Christ. It was the first printed book in Ukraine with highly artistic design of miniatures, the coat of arms of Lviv and the personal mark of the printer. Ivan's "Primer" was also published here.

Having moved through material deprivation to the estate of K. Ostrogsky in Ostrog, Fedorov founded the Ostrog printing house there and published in it in 1580 the now unique “Ostroh Bible”. It was the first complete edition of the Bible in Old Church Slavonic, and for many years served the Orthodox in the fight against the offensive in Ukraine. The printer also published a primer called "ABC with Grammar", which became an important tool for the dissemination of education.

A well-known printing house in Ukraine was founded in 1615 by Archimandrite Elisey Pletenetsky at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It was already quite a developed enterprise, it produced a significant amount of literature. It published mainly works of religious content: stories about the deeds of Christ, the servants of the Orthodox. The first book of this enterprise printed in 1616 was the Book of Hours, a collection of prayers. Individual copies of the book have survived to this day. And the most famous book of this publishing house was also preserved to our time, "Kyiv-Pechersky Paterik". This precious collection of stories about the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, permeated with religious fantasy, has absorbed original works from the time of Russia to the 15th century. The patericon glorifies the leading figures of Russia-Ukraine and the Pechora Monastery, builders, and artists. It describes the life and way of life of princes, ministers of the church and the attitude towards them and towards the monastery of different segments of the population.

3 end of the 16th century. writers, teachers, printers are increasingly beginning to turn to the living colloquial speech of the Ukrainian people. This "simple language" gradually became the language of business papers and works of art, and she herself began to gain new features of the "book" or literary language. Translations were also carried out from the Church Slavonic language into the language of the Ukrainian common people. In 1561 p. in the town of Peresopnitsa, the son of Archpriest Mikhail Vasilievich and the archimandrite of the local monastery, Gregory, translated the Gospel from Church Slavonic into a “simple” language. Written on parchment, it has many decorations, ornaments, miniatures, headpieces. And phonetics, grammar, vocabulary have distinct signs of a living colloquial Ukrainian language. Today, the President of Ukraine will take the oath of allegiance to the people on the Peresopnytsia Gospel.

Ukrainian scientists paid great attention to the study of the language. Even before in 1596 p. in Lvov, Lavrentiy Zizaniy published "Slovenian Grammar", containing the basics and future Ukrainian grammar. A 1627 p. Pamvo Berinda published in Kyiv the first Ukrainian-Old Slavonic dictionary - “Lexicon of Slovene-Russian. It contains about seven thousand explanations of Church Slavonic words in Ukrainian.

In the XVI century. Ukraine has its own, diverse and multi-genre literature. The events in Berestti caused a whole confluence of polemical (debatable) literature between Catholics, Uniates and Orthodox. Talented writers and thinkers directed their works to substantiate the correctness or fallacy of Brestsky's decisions and the legitimacy of the spread of Uniatism and Catholicism. In response to the presentation of the book "In Defense of the Union of Brest", which justified the conquest of the Orthodoxy of Rome, many polemical works appeared. Ipatiy Potiy spoke from the side of the Uniates.

One of the first to respond in defense of Orthodoxy was the rector of the Ostroh School, Gerasim Smotrytsky. He was supported by the book "Caution". A large work "Polynodia, or the Book of Defense" was written by Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Zakharia Kopystensky. He called for the unity of the Slavs and for the unity of all Orthodox. And the greatest contribution to polemical literature was made by the talented Ukrainian writer Ivan Vyshensky, originally from Judicial Cherry in. According to I., he was "one of the parents and creators of the folk south-Russian literature." An ardent patriot of Ukraine, a humanist, he, using religious controversy, opposed social injustice. After spending 40 years in the Athos monastery in Greece, I. Vishensky sharply criticized Rome, the Union of Brest and official Uniates. He led a particularly sharp controversy in the works: “A Brief Answer to Peter’s Complaint”, “Remembrance to Latin Philosophers”, “Epistle to Having Fled from the Orthodox Faith. In all his works (17 of them came to us), Ivan Vyshensky exposed the greed of the ecclesiastical and secular of all three churches, their desire to finally enslave Ukraine and its unfortunate population.

Religious works were distributed in large numbers - translations of the plot of the Bible, reflections on the commandments and church teachings. Their authors were clergy - Elisey Pletenetsky, Melety and Gerasim Smotrytsky, Zakharia Kopystensky. In their work they paid much attention to the education of morality, brotherly love, humility and respect.

It went on and beat off the past of our people. The most famous among the chronicles of that time were Kievan (852-1500), Gustynsky (from Russia to 1598) and Lithuanian-Russian (1515-1543). Their authors glorified the struggle of the people against foreign invaders and called the Slavic peoples to unity in this struggle.

Poetry was born, the first works of which were close in meaning and form to folk songs. poems were supplemented with humorous and satirical panegyrics, fables, epigrams. With the development of literature, Ukrainian speech improved. The speech included all the richness of folk speech, it rose to the level of literature.

A completely new phenomenon was the creation of school theaters. First, they arose in the Ostroh and Lvov schools, and later in Kyiv, Lutsk and others. Teachers wrote poems, eulogies, cries (groans), dialogues. Students trained for this became actors, and spectacles were held in school and church yards.

The creation of the school theater was facilitated by works from poetics and rhetoric, most of which, unfortunately, have not reached us. Among the surviving unique dramatic publications of that time, one can name the “Russian Tragedy” by an unknown author. its content consists of a prologue, three acts and an epilogue. The characters were engaged in a dialogue in Ukrainian. The comedy of burlesque (joking) style was reminiscent of Ukrainian folk art in content.

At first, school theaters staged plays on religious and church themes (mysteries. But later comedies on everyday topics spread. In the intervals between the actions of the main productions, miniature comic works were performed - interludes and interludes. early 17th century

And the mobile puppet theater - nativity scene enjoyed special love of the people. It was a fairly large wooden box on two floors, where religious dramas were staged upstairs, and skits on various topics were staged downstairs. Actors in it are students - students who went with a nativity scene from city to city, thus earning a living. Speaking for the puppets, students in a humorous and satirical way exposed greed, dishonesty, injustice and other human vices.

The folk epic has received significant development. One after another, numerous historical songs and thoughts appeared, mourned the suffering of the people from attacks, oppression and Tatar robberies. In folklore, such talented Ukrainian epic monuments as “The Thought of Pavlyuk and”, “Escape of the Three Brothers from Azov”, “Marusya”, “Samoilo Koshka”, “Ukraine tormented” were born, dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence. As well as heroic-epic songs about the unprecedented brave deeds of the Ukrainian Cossacks - the defenders of the people: "Oh, it's early on Sunday," "Lights are burning across the river." One of the Ukrainian folk songs - "To the Danube, to the Danube, why do you flow sadly" even got into the content of the Czech grammar of the 16th century.

The heavy Cossack-non-tractor was talentedly sung in the national duma about “Fesk Ganju Andyber, hetman of Zaporozhye. It says: “A Cossack-netyaga arrives in the city of Cherkassy on a Cossack-netyazi with three semiryazi, cattail opatin, hop belt. On the Cossack to the poor netyazi, the Moroccans are prominent five and fingers.

Already in the XVI century. songs and thoughts were performed by wandering singers - kobzars and bandurists. 3 generations passed on their skills and knowledge. Kobzars are called Ukrainian Homers for those wonderful works they composed and performed. Ukrainian folk dumas have remained unique to this day, perfect in their artistic form and musical saturation.

According to the traditions of the past, musical and dance music developed. Professional music mainly served the church service. Ritual songs, carols gained more and more secular character. Everyday, lyrical songs and dances spread - hopaks, cossacks, snowstorms. Kobzars used violins, tambourines, . Traveling musicians united, creating original ensembles, most often "troist music". They served holidays, weddings, various ceremonies. The number of musical workshops increased in the cities, and Cossack military bands appeared. The art of performing religious choral and solo singing of psalms and chants was perfected, the creators and performers of which, as a rule, were teachers and students of fraternal schools.

The original and unique architecture of different regions of Ukrainian lands appears before us rich and varied. These are wooden buildings of the inhabitants of the Carpathians, stone churches and houses of Galicia and the Dnieper region. A few architectural sights of Ukraine of that era have survived to our time. These are churches, separate private houses. Despite their age, religious buildings still fascinate with elegant architectural forms, white walls, magnificent stucco ornaments, multi-colored roofs, gilded domes and rich interior decoration.

In Kyiv, a shopping center was created on Podil, in the complex of which the town hall and the house of the Kyiv brotherhood occupied a dominant place. After the fire of 1527, the center of Lviv was built in stone. Here, numerous stone merchants and philistines combined monumentality with the aesthetic design of facades. An example of civil development is the house of the merchant Kornyakt built in 1580 on Rynok Square.

At the beginning of the XVII century. in construction, bizarre forms of the Baroque style borrowed from Europe became noticeable. The buildings were decorated both on the facade and in the interior with sculptures, paintings, decorative ornaments. In the Baroque style, the tombstone of Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky was completed and installed in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The fine arts of Ukraine also reached a high level, in particular, painting - portrait and wall painting, painting, iconography and graphics. Schools of painters and engravers existed throughout Ukraine. They taught talented young men to draw icons and portraits of the nobility. The image of a living person appears in art, the desire of the master to move away from the canonical Byzantine icon-painting patterns. It has more earthly, human, vital. This is noticeable in the portraits of Prince K. Ostrozhsky, merchant K. Kornyakt, Metropolitan, .

Some success was achieved by the authors of miniatures in handwritten books and engravings in printed books. A striking example of highly artistic and rich design with colored miniatures is the Peresopnytsia Gospel. The first engravings on secular subjects appeared in 1622. These are illustrations for "Poems on the plaintive cellar of Hetman Peter", which was written by the rector of the Kyiv fraternal school Sakovich.

In the history of Ukraine, as well as in world history, the XVI century. became an important frontier, which ended the era of the Middle Ages and began new times of civilization. The great geographical discoveries had little effect on the Ukrainian lands, where the agrarian society continued to develop. But there were changes in him too. The First Lithuanian Statute and the "Charter for Portage" legislatively secured the servitude, and at the interstate level transferred Ukrainian lands to Poland.

A significant page in the historical life of the Ukrainian people of the XV century. was the formation of a free and his glorious - a stronghold of the struggle against the Polish-Lithuanian oppressors and Tatar robbers.

In the conditions of foreign domination, in the absence of statehood, the main spokesman for the national isolation of the Ukrainian was the Orthodox Church. The immediate consequence of the Lublin Union of Poland and Lithuania was 1596. She pointed to the edge of the national-religious issue in Ukraine.

3 end XVI and 30th pp. 17th century across the Dnieper Ukraine swept, directed against social and national-religious oppression. Despite the difficult living conditions, Ukrainians still developed their own science, education, various fields of art and culture.

History of Ukraine, Grade 8

Topic: Culture of Ukraine in XVI century.

Purpose: to determine the conditions and state of development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century, to characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art; to develop in students the ability to work independently with different sources of information and, on their basis, to determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art, draw conclusions and generalizations, form students' ability to work with ICT; to cultivate national-patriotic and aesthetic feelings.

Predicted results:

Students will be able to:

  • determine the conditions and state of development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century;
  • characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art;
  • to name the names of prominent figures of culture and art;
  • evaluate their activities;
  • recognize and describe outstanding cultural monuments;
  • independently work with different sources of information and on their basis determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art;
  • Work with ICT.

Lesson form: project defense.

During the classes

Students are divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Development of education in XVI century"

Group 2 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Development of literature and printing in XVI century »

The 3rd group received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Peculiarities of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in XVI century".

Each group prepared a presentation on a given topic.

І. Updating of basic knowledge.


Problematic issue: to determine the conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century.

  1. Did Ukraine have its own state during this period?
  2. Which states included Ukraine?
  3. What policy did these states pursue towards the Ukrainian people?
  4. What role did the Orthodox Church play in the life of the Ukrainian people?
  5. What is culture?
  6. How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of Ukrainian culture?
  7. Could this stage in the history of Ukraine become a period of national cultural revival?

Students work with a historical document, filling in the following table:

"Conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century"

Positive Factors

Negative factors

Document #1

« Ambiguous processes have been attached to the cultural development of Ukraine at the same time. The fall of the Byzantine Empire became the destabilizing cultural processes. What allowed the Christian Orthodox religion to be encouraged, fundamentally reoriented trade, pushed the culture of the state in the Ukrainian lands; the presence of the ruling power; the growing threat of the Polish and Catholic after the establishment of the Union of Lublin; Tatar aggression. The rise of Ukrainian culture was sown by technical and technological progress; viniknennya that development of vlasnogo drukarstvo; the appearance of a cossack. Mutually, the officials have fundamentally changed the cultural face of the Ukrainian lands.”(Boyko O.D. History of Ukraine)

Checking Student Tables

Conclusion: At this stage of historical development, the Ukrainian lands did not have their own state and were part of other states, which led to the peculiar development of their culture.

ІІ. Development of education.

Mini project 1 group.

Questions for consolidation:

  1. What and how was taught in fraternal schools?
  2. What requirements were put forward for teachers of such schools?
  3. What do you think the pupils of such schools were like?
  4. What place did educational institutions occupy in the national-cultural development?

"Press" method

How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of education in the period under study?

III . "The Development of Literature and Printing in XVI century »

Mini project 2 groups

Questions for consolidation:

  1. What do you know about the activities of Schweipolt Fiol? What was the significance of the appearance of his printed books for the cultural life of Ukraine?
  2. What was the significance of the activities of Ivan Fedorovich? What books have been published?
  3. What role did chronicles play?

Ranked series method

Make a ranked series in groups of the given topic.

Yes it is…

Yes, it is, but...

No, it's not...

No, it's not, but...

IV . Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in XVI century.

Mini project 3 groups

Students receive a creative task:based on the mini-project of the group, draw up flowcharts:

1. The main directions in the development of architecture.

2. The main directions in the development of sculpture.

3. The main directions in the development of painting.

V . Generalization and systematization.

Microphone Method

1. Today in the lesson we studied the topic ...

2. During the lesson, we learned ...

3. The main characteristic features of the development of the culture of Ukraine in the period under study are ...

4. Today we met such cultural figures as ...

5. Today we got acquainted with such cultural monuments as ...

6. We learned such characteristic signs of the development of art as ...

Method "Discussion"

Did you experience in the XVI century Ukrainian culture a period of renaissance?


Homework: preparation for control testing, prepare an additional report on the topic:

"Culture of our region in the period under study"

Construction of places of worship

Urban planning.

Defense palaces

construction of fortifications and castles





monumental sculpture

The main directions in the development of sculpture


portrait genre






Main directions

In the development of painting

Culture in Ukraine in the XVI-first half of the XVII century. Historical conditions for the development of culture - section Philosophy, Educational and practical manual on the discipline history of culture and arts of Ukraine Development of Ukraine As part of the Commonwealth Caused the Development of Ukrainian...

The development of Ukraine as part of the Commonwealth determined
development of Ukrainian culture in the conditions of national, feudal
and religious oppression, humiliation of Ukrainian culture, language, customs, Orthodox faith, etc.

The development of the economy has contributed to the needs and needs.
people, the development of education, higher education, typography, etc.

The growth of the national liberation movement from the 2nd half!.
The 16th century caused the awakening of the national consciousness of the Ukrainian people, their more attentive attitude to their culture, language, history and traditions.

The development of Ukrainian culture proceeded in close relationship and under the influence of the cultural values ​​of Western Europe of the Renaissance and the development of Russian and Belarusian national cultures.

There was a growing need in society for educated people, both for developing production and trade, and for the national liberation movement - ideologists capable of fighting against the imposition of Uniatism. Therefore: the number of primary schools is growing, both church (Orthodox, Uniate, Catholic, Protestant), teaching the Old Slavonic language, arithmetic, prayers, singing, etc., and secular schools (Slavic-Greek-Latin), where Latin was additionally studied (the main language in Western universities), dialectics, astrology, geometry, astronomy, etc. etc. The first, most famous such school was the Ostroh school, founded by Prince Ostrozhsky, who invited a few well-known teachers: the rector - Gerasim Smotrytsky, who later became the Patriarch of Constantinople, the teacher - priest Demyan Nalivaiko - the brother of the leader of the uprising Severin Nalivaiko, several teachers from Greek universities and others

Fraternal schools were first opened under Lvov (1585), and
then under Kiev, Lutsk, Kamenetz-Podolsk and other brotherhoods, from
differing from other schools: they demanded love from teachers and equally
his attitude towards all children, regardless of origin; brings up
whether patriotism, respect for the native language and culture, for Orthodoxy;
the curriculum was similar to the Slavic-Greek-Latin school.

At the beginning of the XVII century. in Kyiv, the archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra E. Pletenetsky organized a circle of writers, whose members were 3. Kopystenskpy, P. Berinda, T. Nemka, L. Zizaniy-Tusta-
novskn L, A. Mitura and others. they were prepared for printing
ty and the "Book of Hours" was published, in 1618 - "Vizerupok Tsnot", in 1C 19 -
"Anfolionion." volume of 1048 pages.

Higher education - the first higher school was the Kiev-Mohyla collegium, established in 1632 on the basis of the association. Kiev fraternal school (Iv 15) and Lavra school (1031). patronized
Kyiv Brotherhood and the founder of the Lavra School, Archimandrite Pet
rum Mohyla (hence the name "Mohyla"). Thanks to the
in 1633 - 1647 I. Tomb reform education school system
Ukraine was rebuilt according to the most efficient system - the Jesuit colleges, college education coincided with the European type.

According to his will, the metropolitan left his library, the building and the farm on Podil, all the property on the Nepologi farm belonging to him, as well as a huge amount for those times - 80 thousand zlotys, to the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium.

Consisted of 7 classes: 1st preparatory, 3 junior, 3 higher. Curriculum: Slavic-Greek-Latin school; Philosophy, geography, history, and other subjects were additionally taught. According to the list of curricula and the level of teaching, it was close to Western European universities and academies, but because of the education in its students of free-thinking and love for the Ukrainian cultural Orthodox faith, it was able to receive the official status of an academy (higher educational institution) only from the tsarist government of Russia in 1701. (closed in 1817).

0na was a model for the creation of similar educational institutions in Forests (1640) and Moscow (1687). Academy for a long time
meni trained cadres, social and cultural figures not only for the UK
regions and Russia, but also for Belarus, Moldova, Romania, South Slavic regions.

Typography - was caused by the need to reproduce educational and other books (because the priests did not have time to copy them) and the possibility of developing technology to create the first printing press.

Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets became the founders of book printing. In 1564 They published in Moscow "Apostle", in 1565. "Hourmaker", "Gospel", distributed not only in Russia but also in Ukraine. Subsequently, I. Fedorov moved to Ukraine, working on the estate of magnate Khodkevich, and then at Prince Ostrozhsky, in 1573. Fedorov founds the first printing house in Ukraine in Lvov and publishes church (Apostol, Ostroh Bible), educational (Primer), non-fiction and other literature (28 publications are known in total)

Following Lvovskaya, printing houses were founded by the brotherhoods in Kyiv, Chernigov, Lutsk, Novgorod-Seversk and other cities.

Meaning - typography contributed to the development of Ukrainian. education, culture, national liberation movement (publicistic literature); raised the international importance of Ukraine, because published literature was known in many countries of Western Europe.

Songs, legends, fairy tales, satirical ditties, etc. reflected the most important events in the life of the Ukrainian people:

Heroic-patriotic themes - about the fight against Tatar and Turkish raids, they sang love for the Motherland, the courage of the defenders, branded traitors;

About the struggle against feudal oppression and dreams of a free Cossack life, where, as a rule, the Cossack hero becomes the main character (the thought “Ivas Konovchenko, Vdovichenko”, “the thought of Alexei Popovich”, etc.);

Human values ​​- about the love of a guy and a girl, betrayal, duty, loyalty and other manifestations of human relationships

(song-ballad "about the Cossack and the girl Kulin", the song "Shepherd, shepherd", etc.).

End of work -

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Educational and practical guide on the discipline history of culture and arts of Ukraine

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During the Age of Enlightenment, Ukrainian culture to a large extent still remained under the influence of the Baroque as a type of culture in its Western and Orthodox versions. The ideas of G.S. frying pans hardly

Goals and objectives of studying the topic
To study the spiritual culture of Sloboda Ukraine - an organic component of the Ukrainian spiritual culture. Analyze art centers, cultural figures of the Sloboda region, their creative

Education and science
The formation of education in Sloboda Ukraine is closely connected with the migration processes that took place from the second half of the 17th century. in this territory. Settlers who were mostly native

The development of spiritual life in Slobozhanshchina
On the territory of Sloboda Ukraine, since the beginning of its settlement, there has been an attempt to create literary, musical and theatrical groups. In the 60s of the XVIII century. famous architect of Slobozhanshchina

Architecture and construction in Sloboda Ukraine
The architecture of towns and villages in the Sloboda region has much in common with the architecture of the entire Left-bank Ukraine, as well as the Dnieper region. However, it has its own characteristics, its own specific features associated

Art of Slobozhanshchina
In parallel with the formation of the ethnic type of Slobozhan, the art of Sloboda Ukraine was created with its own specific regional features. In many ways, it represented a new organ

Holidays, rituals and customs in Slobozhanshchina (XVIII-XX centuries)
Among the many important problems in the history of Ukraine, a significant place is occupied by the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people, incl. and Sloboda, which in the XVII century. became a newly populated area, which is

Goals and objectives of studying the topic
Consider the spiritual needs of man. To study the idea of ​​the revival of national culture. Essence of artistic ideals. The social orientation of art. Creator as a spokesman for the Nazis

Orthodox and Greek Catholic Churches and Their Influence on the Development of Ukrainian Culture in the 19th Century
The basic institution of culture in the XIX century. in the Russian part of Ukraine there was a church, next to which a secular school, the press, intellectual educational movements appeared in the second half of the century

Formation and development of national and cultural identity in Ukrainian lands
In the first third of the XIX century. the main centers of "high culture" were Kharkov in the Russian part of Ukraine and Lvov in its western part. Kharkiv has acquired a special significance for Ukrainian culture, since

School, literacy and national-cultural movement in Galicia
The only stronghold of high Ukrainian culture in Galicia until the middle of the XIX century. remained the Greek Catholic Church. After its incorporation into the Austrian Empire as a result of the policy of

National liberation movement in Ukraine in the 60-90s of the XIX century
Beginning in the 1860s, the radical youth of the empire were commonly referred to as populists. Combining a radical bourgeois-democratic program with the ideas of socialism, the populists came out to

Goals and objectives of studying the topic
Consider the question of the fate of Ukrainian culture in the twentieth century. To study the spiritual state of the Ukrainian nation. Man in the context of historical events. Features of the development of Ukrainian culture, e

Socio-political and national movement in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century
In the history of Ukraine and its people, this period is characterized by the rise of the liberal, national and democratic movement. At the beginning of the XX century. there is an increase in the political activity of the liberal

Ukrainian culture of the late XIX - early XX centuries. (literary life)
Late XIX and early XX centuries. were marked by an extraordinary growth of industry in Ukraine. In agriculture, there was an increased differentiation, the concentration of land in the hands of the kulaks,

Science and education
In connection with the growing need for literate people and specialists, the number of educational institutions and pupils and students studying in them is increasing. In 1914-1915. Ukraine has 26 thousand

Artistic processes in Ukraine in the 30s - 50s
Ukrainian Soviet literature. Soviet U. l. developed in an atmosphere of intense class struggle. As a result of the civil war in Ukraine,

Culture of Ukraine in the 1940s-1950s
In the most difficult situation of the Second World War, the end result of which was impossible to predict, Stalin and his Ukrainian proteges could not ignore the main new people.

The entry of Crimea into Ukraine
In February 1954, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, based on historical and cultural ties, ethnic, territorial unity of Ukraine and Crimea, by its decree included the Crimean region in the Ukrainian SSR. At

Science and culture of Ukraine (80-90s)
In recent decades, Ukrainian culture has been in a critical state due to its ideologization, the narrowing of the scope of the use of the Ukrainian language, and the decline in the quality of education.

Goals and objectives of studying the topic
To acquaint with the place and role of the city of Kharkov in the history of Ukrainian culture. Consider Kharkov as one of the cultural centers of Sloboda Ukraine. The spiritual life of Kharkov, its significance for

The history of the development of the architecture of the city of Kharkov and the Kharkov architectural school
The first documentary information about the emergence of Kharkov dates back to the middle of the 17th century. On a large territory called Sloboda Ukraine, fortified cannons appeared one after another.

The development of fine arts in the city of Kharkov
Academician I. Sablukov founded “surplus” art classes at the city Collegium. They were of great importance for the development of artistic culture in the Sloboda region,

Life and life of the city XVII - XX centuries
The first Kharkov fortress was built according to the drawing given by the Chuguev governor Grigory Speshnev in 1655. It was a palisade of pointed logs, surrounded by a moat and a rampart 11

Kharkov theatrical
Kharkiv is one of the oldest theater cities in Ukraine. In September 1780, during the celebrations dedicated to the opening of the viceroy, the first theatrical performance took place. permanent

Literary life of Kharkov
Kharkiv literary is a special article. If we talk about famous names, then some were just starting here, others were making an emergency landing, others, like Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, were tying

Goals and objectives of studying the topic
Consider Ukrainian culture in the context of world culture. To study the genesis of world and Ukrainian culture: general and specific features. Connections of Ukrainian artistic culture with artistic

Reorganization of the education system
The ongoing reform of education is caused by deep social, political and economic changes in the modern society of Ukraine. There is a need to improve professional training

History of Ukraine from ancient times to the present day Semenenko Valeriy Ivanovich

Features of the development of culture in Ukraine in the second half of the XVI - first half of the XVII century

Features of the development of culture in Ukraine in the second half of the XVI - first half of the XVII century

The influence of Western culture on Ukraine, which began partly in the first half of the 16th century, increased significantly after the Union of Lublin and continued almost until the end of the 18th century. At the turn of the 16th–17th centuries, Ukrainian society adopted the Polish version of the Counter-Reformation, and the introduction of Latin and new pedagogical methods by the Jesuits was not rejected by a part of the Orthodox elite. For the first time in the history of Ukrainian lands, the tops of society came into direct contact with the sources of ancient culture in the 17th century (in Kievan Rus, acquaintance with Hellenism was weak). It is important to note that in Western Europe the transition from ecclesiastical scholasticism to the secular rationalism of modern times took place in the 14th-15th centuries. Therefore, the revival of interest in antiquity there brought back the ideals of the world from the past on the basis of the cult of reason and a just order.

The highest culture for the 17th century came to Ukraine actually from Poland. The reaction to this phenomenon turned out to be ambiguous, causing both approval and resistance, the revival of the values ​​of old Russia. The offensive of Western culture also carried a potential danger: a split in the unity of Ukrainian protonation (the current concept of “nation” began to be used by the educated part of society only at the end of the 18th century). This suggests a comparison with the alienation between the Serbs and Croats, who in the 11th century had almost the same language, but different faith.

The presence in Ukraine of several religious denominations brought not only a grueling confrontation. Protestants from the end of the 16th century assisted the Orthodox in creating polemical literature, brought the written language of local authors closer to colloquial speech, and formed the idea of ​​Ukrainian cosmopolitan messianism. The Uniates put forward the theory of "ethnic nation", its consolidation on a secular basis. The phenomena of Ukrainization of Catholics were also observed: in the activities of the Zamoyskaya Academy, Ukrainian Dominicans, and the cultural community of Bishop I. Vereshchinsky in Kyiv. The Catholic S. Klenovich dreamed of a Ukrainian-Latin-speaking Parnassus, and J. Dombrovsky in his poem "The Dnieper Stones" appealed to the national self-consciousness of the Ukrainian aristocracy.

We must not forget that in the XV-XVI centuries, thanks to the emigration of European humanists to Poland and Lithuania, the proximity of the Renaissance centers (Krakow, Warsaw, Vienna), the ideas of the Renaissance penetrated into Ukraine, including in literary, philosophical, confessional forms. However, the economic development of Ukraine did not create the main protagonist of the Reformation - the burgher, because the dependence of the townspeople, merchants, artisans on the gentry-magnate elite hampered sociostructural changes. Therefore, the Western model of the Reformation turned out to be non-viable, that is, it did not ideologically formalize the social revolutionary processes of the new time. Feudalism intensified, the Reformation in Ukraine did not acquire political functions and remained only a phenomenon of cultural life.

If during the Reformation Western Europe had many free cities, then in Ukraine by the middle of the 17th century more than 80 percent of the cities belonged to private individuals, and the estates of large patrons remained the main centers of new ideas. Hence the result: the innovations of Protestantism became not the mainstay of urban democratic culture, but an elitist religion, and even heretical movements hardly penetrated the masses.

Since the end of the 16th century, Poland has become for Ukraine a kind of window into the European cultural space. Indeed, on the works of such thinkers as A. Modrzhevsky, J. Lasky, poets M. Serbevsky, Jan and Petr Kokhanovsky, many outstanding personalities of Ukraine were brought up. And the works of the above-named authors were not inferior to the best examples of the European Renaissance. In addition, many Ukrainians studied at the universities of Krakow, Padua, Bologna, Prague and other educational centers. In art and architecture, the Ukrainian baroque was actually a reflection, although not a mirror image in content, of its Polish form.

The process of Polonization affected the top of the Ukrainian aristocracy, which deliberately went to the loss of national and religious identity, but replenished the composition of large land magnates. Characteristic in this respect is the example of I. Vishnevsky, a relative of Metropolitan P. Mohyla (Movile). Becoming a Catholic (changing the name "Yarema" to "Jeremiah"), he concentrated in his hands the land areas around the city of Lubny with a population of 288 thousand people, and his son Michael in 1669 received the Polish royal crown. The role of such ethnographic Ukrainians as Zbarazhsky, Czartorysky, Zaslavsky, Pototsky, Sangushki, Sapieha, Khodkevichi, etc. is well known in Polish history.

Apparently, the first scientific and cultural circle in Kyiv was created in the 15th century by the Genoese from the Crimea. In the middle of the 15th century, the enlightened part of Kyivans from among the Jews and Karaites was engaged in translations of the works of Arab and Jewish thinkers - Al-Ghazali, M. Maimoen and others. The existence of this group of "expected" symbolized the reorientation of part of the elite towards Western European Renaissance culture. It is no coincidence that therefore their system of thinking was based on the Arab-European rationalistic philosophy, Hebrew biblical and scientific-natural original and translated literature, The Expectations and heretical teachings close to them represented a religious-oppositional stream, the potential of freethinking matured.

The activities of the Ukrainian-Polish humanists S. Orekhovsky, P. Rusin, Yu. Kotermak, A. Chagrovsky, M. Strijkovsky unfolded. Having accepted the idea of ​​"civil humanism" by G. Baron, they defended its main postulates: justice, social stratification, social correction of social life, the theory of natural law. But in the specific conditions of Ukraine in the second half of the 15th - the first half of the 16th century, these ideas became the subject of not anthropological or ethical concepts, but historiosophical ones.

Part of the colonized Ukrainian intelligentsia considered the Jagiellonian state to be unique and was proud of its past and present. That is why S. Orekhovsky, who studied at four universities in Europe, called himself an ethnic Ukrainian, but politically - a Pole. A number of historians of the Commonwealth deduced the beginnings of Polish statehood from the glory of the Sarmatians, Kievan Rus. Such concepts were contained in the "History of all Russia" by M. Strijkovsky, published in 1582 in Polish, in the "History of Poland" by B. Deboletsky in 1633 and in other works. Note that in Russia the book by V. Deboletsky, in which the idea of ​​the right of the descendants of the Sarmatian tribe to rule the whole world, was published three times by Moscow publishers - in 1668, 1673 and 1688.

The existence of informal societies and the influence of the Polish historical tradition was an inevitable stage in the development of Ukrainian history and culture, the education system. It is impossible to deny the role of Prince A. Kurbsky, the influence of his correspondence (after fleeing from Moscow, he lived with Prince Y. Slutsky in Volyn) on the formation of the political priorities of the aristocracy in Ukraine.

It is also important that the printed word came to Ukraine from the second Polish capital - Krakow. 83 years before the appearance of the "Apostle" and "Gospel teaching" I. Fedorov, the publisher Sh. Fiol published in Cyrillic "Chasoslovets" and "Osmiglasnik", moreover, according to the rules of Ukrainian spelling.

The rapid growth in the number of Jesuit and Protestant schools in the cities of Ukraine forced part of the Orthodox gentry to oppose them with schools that educate the national intelligentsia, primarily the clerical one. In the late 70s of the 16th century, Prince K. Ostrozhsky created a cultural and educational community, which a number of historians mistakenly call the Ostroh Academy. In addition to holding religious and literary disputes, young people were periodically taught the basics of some sciences in Greek, Latin, and Ukrainian. The first head of this institution was M. Smotrytsky, local natives worked as teachers, as well as Poles - both Protestants and Catholics, Greeks. After 1620, the prince's granddaughter Anna Khodkevich reorganized it into a Jesuit college.

In 1614, a fire destroyed the fraternal school near Starokievskaya Gora. Then, on October 15, 1615, the noble bourgeois of Kyiv, E. V. Gulevich-Lozko, presented the city with her estate on Podil, provided funds for a monastery and a school building for children of all classes, houses for pilgrims (already before her death in Lutsk in 1645). The Kiev Brotherhood, which revived its activities, received the right of stauropegia, that is, it was under the direct patronage of the Patriarch of Constantinople. After the semi-legal restoration of the Orthodox hierarchy in Ukraine and Belarus by Patriarch Theophan in 1620 (under the fierce pressure of the Cossack elite), the significance of the Kyiv Brotherhood grew even more. In 1629 it was officially recognized by King Sigismund III. Such figures as Metropolitan I. Boretsky, lawyer V. Boretsky, Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves Monastery Z. Kopystensky, intellectuals M. Smotrytsky and K. Sakovich became active promoters of Orthodoxy and national self-consciousness.

Since 1628, P. Mohyla became the archimandrite of the Pechersk Monastery. He organized a school on its territory, education in which acquired not a Greek-Slavic, but a Latin-Polish orientation. Although this fact alarmed the zealots of dogmatic Orthodoxy, P. Mohyla, who graduated from the Jesuit Academy in Vilna or the collegium of Zamostye, well understood the conservatism of the fraternal schools that used outdated methods of pedagogy and avoided learning Latin. When in 1631 he achieved the approval of his educational institution by the patriarch, the persecution of the archimandrite and one hundred of his students intensified, and the Cossacks even threatened with death for introducing Polish and Latin into teaching. But with a series of skilful diplomatic maneuvers, P. Mohyla neutralized his opponents, and in 1632 achieved the merger of his school with the fraternal school in Podil. On March 12, 1632, in Kanev, Hetman I. Petrazhitsky and representatives of the Cossacks signed a document on patronage over the Kiev-Bratsky (Mohyla) Collegium.

Although the Jesuits, fearing competition from the collegium (their first school was opened in 1620 in Podil), appealed to the Polish authorities to prevent the transfer of higher education into the hands of the Ukrainians, in 1635 King Vladislav IV legalized the Kyiv-Mohyla collegium, refusing all the right to be called an academy, to introduce a number of disciplines.

Under the control of P. Mohyla were educational institutions in Kremenets in Volhynia, in Vinnitsa in the Bratslav region. And yet we note for comparison: the university at Oxford was founded in 1102, in Salamanca and Valencia at the beginning of the 13th century; in Italy from 1245 to 1444 nine universities were opened, in Germany by 1476 there were 13, etc.

Education at the Kiev-Mohyla Collegium lasted five years. Greek, Latin, Polish, Slavic languages, arithmetic, catechisms, liturgy, literary theory and practice, rhetoric, dialectics, logic, ethics, physics, metaphysics were studied. The books of such authors as S. Polotsky, F. Prokopovich, M. K. Sarbevsky, Ya. Kokhanovsky, S. Tvardovsky, I. Gizel, S. Ozhekhoveky, I. Konopovich-Gorbatsky were used as textbooks; , Aristotle. In the upper grades, homework was not practiced, but debates were held every Saturday, and at the end of the year and the course - public debates in Latin. The number of college students reached five hundred. They lived very poorly, often even asked for alms, because there were absolutely not enough donations for their maintenance.

Proving to the Orthodox and Uniate clergy the need for widespread use of Polish and Latin in teaching, P. Mohyla emphasized that knowledge of Greek and Church Slavonic languages ​​is necessary in religious ceremonies, and Latin and Polish - to increase the political significance and activity of the Ukrainian elite. In the 17th century, the majority of educated people in Ukraine, as a rule, knew, in addition to their native language, also Church Slavonic, Polish, and Latin.

The Kiev-Mohyla collegium actually set itself the goal of absorbing the cultural standards of the West, but not developing new concepts. To the extent possible, education here contributed to the growth of national self-consciousness, reviving the memory of the past of Russia. P. Mohyla himself believed that the roots of the population of Kievan Rus came from Japhet, and one of the students called the Ukrainians the “nation” of Prince Vladimir the Holy.

Let us clarify that the training in the collegium was built on the basis of the modernized Aristotle and the theological theses of Thomas Aquinas, therefore it was distinguished by a scholastic spirit. As a result, the trainees lacked independent thinking, neither criticism nor scientific research analysis of sources was practiced, blind faith in church authorities was instilled. In fact, the collegium trained only skillful polemists to defend the faith, preachers, masters of compiling panegyric compositions, using the works of the classics of past eras. Secret and official guards (visitors) were recruited among the students. The court and reprisals were administered by the rector, and corporal punishment was widely used. In the second half of the 16th century, a new literature of a polemical nature was born, represented by such authors as G. Smotrytsky, the Jesuit P. Skarga, M. Bronevsky, I. Potii, and others. The works of I. Vishensky were distinguished by extreme uncompromisingness. They clearly carried the idea of ​​indifference to the earthly socio-political dimensions of life, the assessment of the human mind as a soul-destroying poison. The philosopher from the Athos peninsula in the Aegean Sea did not see the growing national essence of the people of Ukraine, he preached egocentrism, contempt for secular culture, so his concepts largely suffered from anachronism.

As a result of creeping Polonization, the category of Ukrainian magnates disappears as an estate. Therefore, in the 17th century, Ukrainian society was deprived of that leading and organizing force that could engage in local state creativity. The rich Ukrainian gentry was also basically denationalized, and only the petty gentry, part of the white and black clergy, were close to the masses. During this period, the process of unification of the petty-bourgeois aristocracy with the Cossack officers was going on, and it was this union that turned out to be the most staunch defender of Orthodoxy; it started the national-cultural and socio-political awakening.

At the same time, two cultures and two types of Ukrainian character arose - peasant and knight-Cossack. If for the bearers of the first of them the main, pivotal idea of ​​life was God's protection, then for the second - the defense of faith, group shrines, contempt for the earthly, spiritual asceticism (but in a bizarre combination with everyday revelry). If for the Cossack worldview death was the deepest tragedy, then for the peasant it only marked an inevitable stage in the cyclical process of being.

Summing up what has been said, we note that the presence of Ukrainian lands under the rule of the Commonwealth became the reason that at the beginning of the 17th century, Ukrainians were considered on the territory of the Muscovite state as foreigners whose language was as incomprehensible as German or Polish. For this reason, communication in Moscow with L. Zizaniy took place in 1627 through an interpreter.

From the book History of World Civilizations author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

Section 4 In the Race for Leadership: World Development in the Second Half of the 19th and First Half

From the book History of the Middle Ages. Volume 2 [In two volumes. Under the general editorship of S. D. Skazkin] author Skazkin Sergey Danilovich



Chapter 3 RUSSIA IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XV - FIRST HALF OF THE XVII C. temperatures and humidity increased in Eastern Europe. This allowed the population of North-Eastern Russia to start developing

From the book History of Russia [for students of technical universities] author Shubin Alexander Vladlenovich

Chapter 4 RUSSIA IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XVII - THE FIRST THIRD OF THE XVIII C. § 1. ECONOMIC PROCESSES In the second half of the XVII century. there were no significant changes in the economy. Agriculture was still concentrated in the zone of risky farming, which held back the secession

From the book History of Russia [for students of technical universities] author Shubin Alexander Vladlenovich

Chapter 13 USSR IN THE SECOND HALF OF 1960-X - THE FIRST HALF OF 1980-X § 1. POLITICAL PROCESSES Conservative political course. Collective leadership came to power again. Brezhnev became the first secretary of the Central Committee, Kosygin became the chairman of the government,

From the book The Royal Court and the Political Struggle in France in the 16th-17th Centuries author

From the book Soviet aircraft industry during the Great Patriotic War author Mukhin Mikhail Yurievich

Chapter 15 Personnel of the aviation industry in the second half of 1941 - the first half of 1943 The personnel problem in the first months of the war. Already in the first days of the war, the regime of work at aviation enterprises underwent a significant densification. In accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of June 26

From the book The Royal Court and the Political Struggle in France in the 16th-17th Centuries [edited] author Shishkin Vladimir Vladimirovich

From the book Essay on the history of the Lithuanian-Russian state up to the Union of Lublin inclusive author Lyubavsky Matvey Kuzmich

XV. Regional autonomy in the Lithuanian-Russian state in the second half of the 15th and first half of the 16th centuries. Participation of regions in the appointment of local administration. Regional Seimas and their administrative, legislative and judicial activities; participation in resolving issues of external

From the book History author Plavinsky Nikolai Alexandrovich

From the book History of the Ukrainian SSR in ten volumes. Volume three author Team of authors

Chapter V CULTURE IN UKRAINE IN THE SECOND HALF OF XVII century The reunification of Ukraine with Russia had a beneficial effect on the development of education, literature, art, contributed to the further rapprochement and mutual enrichment of the cultures of Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and

From the book General History. History of the New Age. 7th grade author Burin Sergey Nikolaevich

§ 13. England in the second half of the 17th century The period of the Cromwellian RepublicThe feudal monarchs of Europe took hostility to the revolutionary events in England, especially the execution of the king. Even bourgeois Holland provided shelter to the son of the executed Charles I. And in distant Russia, the tsar

author Team of authors

Chapter VIII DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE IN UKRAINE IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE XIX CENTURY The 19th century brought significant changes to the culture of the peoples of Russia. Despite the unfavorable conditions and obstacles set up by the reactionary autocratic-feudal system, the development of culture took place in

From the book History of the Ukrainian SSR in ten volumes. Volume Four author Team of authors

Chapter XVI DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE IN UKRAINE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XIX CENTURY Changes in the socio-economic structure of the country that took place in the second half of the 19th century had a significant impact on the development of the culture of the Ukrainian people. The era of industrial capitalism created a need


CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XVII CENTURY By the middle of the XVII century. capitalist production (manufactory) was widely developed in all the main countries of Europe. Machine production was born, were invented and put into practice

From the book Outline of the General History of Chemistry [From Ancient Times to the Beginning of the 19th Century] author Figurovsky Nikolai Alexandrovich

THE STATE OF CHEMISTRY AND THE PREREQUISITES FOR ITS DEVELOPMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XVII C. While mechanics, physics and astronomy reached by the middle of the XVII century. certain successes, chemistry lagged far behind in its development. The main activity of chemists - in the vast majority

1. Humanistic ideas of the Renaissance in Little Russian (Ukrainian) culture.

2. Education. Typography.

3. The development of artistic culture in Ukraine in the XIV-XVI centuries.

The development of Little Russian (Ukrainian) culture in the XIV-XVI centuries. took place under difficult conditions. The socio-political situation was determined by the final loss of the remnants of statehood and self-government of Kievan Rus - Little Russian (Ukrainian) lands became part of the Lithuanian-Polish state. After the Union of Krevo (1385), Poland launched a total attack on the culture, faith, customs, and traditions of the Little Russian (Ukrainian) people. During the XV-XVI centuries. the unequal struggle with the Tatar horde was still going on, which devastated the region, taking people into captivity.

The spiritual and cultural life of society has changed.

On the one hand, these changes were determined by a decisive reorientation towards interaction with the cultural achievements of Western Europe. In the XIV-XVI centuries. cities are being built, guild production is growing, various types of artistic creativity, crafts, trade are developing, international contacts are being revived, including creative contacts. On the other hand, the expansion of Catholicism, the strengthening of social and national oppression caused an aggravation of the socio-political, spiritual and educational confrontation of the people. The Cossacks become the defender of faith and traditions, the period of formation of which falls in the middle of the 16th century.

The awakening of national self-consciousness was supplemented by the spread of the ideas of humanism of the Renaissance. The growing interest in nature and man laid the ground for the appearance in the circle of European cultures of a galaxy of representatives of the Little Russian (Ukrainian) intellectual elite, who not only mastered the humanistic ideas of their time, but also made a certain contribution to the development of Western European culture.

Having received a proper education in European universities, immigrants from the territory of Little Russia became famous scientists, teachers, doctors, and artists.

Yuri Drogobych (Yuri Kotermak, 1450-1494) became a doctor of philosophy and medicine at the University of Bologna, lectured there on mathematics, and served as rector of the Faculty of Medicine. In Rome, the first published work in our history by a Little Russian naturalist, "A Prognostic Assessment of the Current Year 1483," was published.

Lukasz of Nowy Hrad (died ca. 1542) was a master and professor at the University of Cracow. In this university in the XV century. 13 professors worked - Little Russians.

Pavel Rusin from Krosno (c. 1470-1517), taught a university course in Roman literature in Krakow, wrote poetry, and also taught in Hungary. He is the first humanistic poet of Little Russia and also one of the founders of Polish humanistic poetry.

Stanislav Orekhovsky-Roksolan (1513-1566) realized his multifaceted talent as an orator, publicist, philosopher, historian in many works that were read in Italy, Spain, France, Germany. It is no coincidence that in Western Europe he was called "Ruthenian (Russian) Demosthenes", "modern Cicero".

The work of the early humanists is characterized by a deep knowledge of ancient philosophy, attention to the problems of studying nature, affirmation of the dignity of the individual, his freedom, and the ideals of social justice. They had a positive impact on education and literature, and became the ideological inspirers of Renaissance art.

A sharp aggravation in the XVI century. religious conflicts associated with attempts to convert the population of Little Russia to the Catholic faith, caused the spread of ideas consonant with the ideology of the Reformation.

The system of scientific knowledge in the Ukrainian culture of that time consisted , from theological disciplines, grammar, poetics, arithmetic, ethics, history, law, medicine, music. Translated works on the problems of metaphysics, logic, astrology, astronomy were distributed: "Logic of Aviasaf", "Cosmography", etc. Of undoubted interest is the medical reference book "Aristotle's Gates or the Secret Secret".

Theoretical comprehension and development of ideas consonant with the new era were carried out in con. XVI-beginning 17th century Ukrainian scribes who united around cultural and educational centers created by tycoons-philanthropists or representatives of the urban population to preserve the national culture.

Such a cultural center in con. 16th century became the Ostroh Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (collegium), which was opened in 1576 in the city of Ostrog (now - in the Rivne region) Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky. Over time, this school has risen to the level of European educational institutions. The best Ukrainian and foreign scientists taught there.

The Ostroh school united around itself well-known cultural figures of that time. Writer Gerasim Smo tricky th (first half of the 16th century - 1594) became its rector. He edited and wrote the preface to the well-known Ostrov Bible, the first complete edition of the Bible in Slavonic, published in 1581 by Ivan Fedorov. One of the brightest examples of polemical literature is the work of G. Smotrytsky "The Key of the Kingdom of Heaven" (1587).

Many foreign scientists collaborated with the Ostroh Academy: Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, Professor of Krakow University Jan Liatosch, Greek Kirill Lukaris, who later became Patriarch of Constantinople, and others.

In the last quarter of the XVI - early. 17th century brotherhoods are created in the cities - organizations that, under the growing influence of Catholicism, have become ideological centers for the protection of faith, language, culture, and other spiritual values ​​of the Ukrainian people.

The first of these was the Lviv Brotherhood, which arose back in 1439. It financed a school, a hospital, a printing house, and a library.

At the beginning of the XVII century. brotherhoods appeared in many cities of Ukraine. Each of them opened a school. Leading among them was the school of the Lvov Assumption Brotherhood, organized in 1586. Education in it was regulated by the charter - "School Order".

Education in fraternal schools "began with the study of Slavic grammar, mastery of reading and writing skills, the study of Greek and Latin, knowledge of which enabled students to get acquainted with the achievements of Western European science and literature. The program of fraternal schools also included poetics, rhetoric, and music.

School graduates traveled around Ukraine, spread knowledge, called on the people to repulse the Polish-Catholic influence.

Secularism played a great role in the development of a new culture. literature, associated with the traditions of chronicle writing, the development of Russian (Ukrainian) law: Casimir's "Sudebnik" (1468), Lithuanian Charter (1529, 1566), Lithuanian-Russian chronicles and a short Kievan chronicle XIV - early. 16th century As signs of their era, they reflected the historical offensive of the Lithuanian statehood in its interaction with the cultural tradition of the Ukrainian people.

In 1574, Ivan Fedorov's first book in Ukraine, The Apostle, was published in Lvov, and a little later, The Primer. After moving to Ostrog, he founded a second printing house at the expense of K. Ostrogsky, in which he published a number of books, including the already mentioned Ostroh Bible. It became widespread in Ukraine and abroad, entered the library of Oxford University, the Swedish royal court.

ХV-ХVI - the heyday of folk culture.

Special place in literature that time is occupied by the Ukrainian epic- thoughts, ballads, historical songs. The deep figurativeness of thoughts delighted T. Shevchenko, who put them above Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The ethnographer M. Maksimovich drew attention to the organic connection of thoughts with the history of the people, he singled them out as a separate
literary genre. .

The cycle of thoughts "Marusya Boguslavka", "Samiylo Kishka" and others are imbued with liberating moods and fidelity to the Orthodox faith. Thoughts about the death of a Cossack in the steppe are permeated with high poetics, emotionality, and the spiritual power of invincibility: "The Death of Fyodor Bezrodny", "Three Brothers of Samara". A separate group is made up of an epic glorifying the heroism of the Cossacks: "Cossack Golota", "Ataman Matyash", "Ivas Konovchenko". The heroes of thoughts embodied the best features of the Ukrainian people, their indomitable desire for life, freedom, broad nature, nobility.

AT architecture and fine arts features of the Ukrainian style are formed. They are manifested, first of all, in the stone construction of Western Ukraine, where the Renaissance style organically merged with the Ukrainian folk style, transferred from wooden architecture to stone structures of churches, castles, and city buildings.

At that time, extensive construction of castles-fortresses and castles-palaces was underway, the cities of Lvov, Lutsk, Kamenetz-Podolsky, Przemysl, Brody were replanned and expanded.

There were two architectural and construction schools:

- Galician, which is characterized by masonry with strong walls and several towers (castles in Khotyn, Kremenets, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, etc.);

- Volyn, whose representatives used large-sized bricks for construction. The brick towers of this school look like cylinders, which played a particularly important role in the fortification system.

AT temple building new trends are also observed. More solemn buildings were erected next to the buildings of the old type: in the Hills, a tower-like church of John the Baptist, Cosmas and Domiyan was built, in Lviv - the Church of St. Onufry (XV century), in which fragments (one of the few) frescoes of that time, Petropavlovskaya church on Podol in Kiev (XVI century).

The leading positions in architecture belonged to Lvov, whose Renaissance buildings occupy an outstanding place not only in the history of Ukrainian, but also in Western European art. Thus, the Church of the Assumption, the Kornyakt tower and the chapel of the Three Saints make up a unique architectural ensemble. XVI - beginning. 17th century

On facades, portals, in the interiors of Renaissance houses, palaces, churches, iconostases, sculptural reliefs and rich wood carvings appear. The sculptural portrait, which became widespread in the form of tombstones, is closely connected with the traditions of the Renaissance: monuments to the Kiev governor A. Kisel, K. Ostrozhsky, and others.

Masters of Ukrainian monumental fresco art, were known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. But unlike the fresco painting of the 13th century, which was dominated by the mood of asceticism, renunciation of the worldly, in the 15th century. lyrical, bright, joyful motives prevail: kindness, self-sacrifice, heroism, love. Unfortunately, these fresco masterpieces have almost not been preserved in Ukraine.

Ukrainian painting of the XIV-XVI centuries. developed under the life-giving influence of the iconography of Kievan Rus. Masters strove for expressiveness, brevity, simplicity. The centers of painting were the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Lviv, Przemysl.

The manifestation of humanistic ideas was the appearance on the paintings and icons of the painters' signatures: "Vladyka", "Jacob", "Matthew", etc.

The most common images were: Yuri (George) Zmeeborets, Mother of God, Archangel Michael; plots: The crucifixion of Jesus, the Last Supper, Christmas, the Last Judgment, the Expulsion from Paradise. The saints on the icons are more and more reminiscent of ordinary people, peasants, rather than ascetic martyrs, acquiring certain individual features. A striking example of painting con. XIII - beginning. 14th century is the icon of the Volyn Mother of God, the majestic silhouette of which makes a deep impression and conveys the understanding of female beauty characteristic of that era.

In con. XVI - beginning. 17th century portrait painting is widely developed. Under the influence of the ideas of humanism, artists began to pay special attention to the face of a person, sought to convey the character of the individual, his mind, willpower, self-esteem. These features are characteristic of the portraits of Jan Geburgt, the Polish King Stefan Batory, Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky and others, made by such masters of the famous Lviv school as the artist V. Stefanovich.

Graphic artists worked fruitfully in Ukraine. They masterfully designed books - first handwritten and then printed. Unique in this respect is the design of the Kyiv Psalter (1397), which contains more than 200 miniatures.

In the XIV - XVI centuries. developed musical culture and theatrical art. Musicians, singers, dancers, as before, united around monasteries and episcopal sees.

In instrumental music, such instruments as a whistle, a harp, a tambourine, a bagpipe, etc. were used. The Cossacks preferred the trumpet, timpani, bandura, kobza, lyre.

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