History of foreign literature in 9 volumes. History of world literature

Format: DOCX, eBook (originally computer)
Year of issue: 1983-1994
Genre: collection of articles, textbook
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 7587
Description: The History of World Literature is a multi-volume publication prepared by the Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky and considering the development of the literatures of the peoples of the world from the era of antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century.
According to the original plan, the story was to consist of 10 volumes. However, by the beginning of the release of the edition, volume 10 (literature from 1945 to the 1960s) was withdrawn from the plan and replaced by a “detailed conclusion” for volume 9. In total, 8 volumes were published from 1983 to 1994, although title page invariably stood "in 9 volumes"; Volume 9, dedicated to the literature of 1917-1945, never saw the light of day, although it was prepared (as reported in the preface to volume 8, in connection with the process of "radical reassessment" of many literary phenomena Soviet period, it was decided not to publish it).
The initiator of the publication was I. G. Neupokoeva. The editor-in-chief was G. P. Berdnikov (vols. 1-7), in the 8th volume, his deputy Yu. B. Vipper is listed as the editor-in-chief, and Berdnikov is simply a member of the editorial board.
The editorial board included: A. S. Bushmin, D. S. Likhachev, G. I. Lomidze, D. F. Markov, A. D. Mikhailov, S. V. Nikolsky, B. B. Piotrovsky, G. M. Fridlender, M. B. Khrapchenko, E. P. Chelyshev. In volume 8, L. G. Andreev, P. A. Nikolaev, V. R. Shcherbina were added to them. In addition, each volume had a separate editorial board headed by the editor-in-chief.

Volume 1
Volume I is devoted to the development of world literature from ancient times, from its folklore origins, to the beginning of AD. e. The volume analyzes both the early literatures of Asia and Africa, and those that replaced them and partly absorbed their achievements. classical literature Asia and European antiquity.

Volume 2
Volume II covers the period from II - III centuries. n. e. to XIII - early XIV c., that is, the Early and Mature Middle Ages. It examines in detail the process of radical transformation literary traditions Antiquities and the formation of literature among young peoples; it is shown how, as a result of the complex interaction of these two principles, a new type of literature develops - medieval literature.

Volume 3
Volume III reproduces a picture of world literature from the end of the 13th - the beginning of the 14th century. until the turn of the XVI - XVII centuries. It has a wide range of literature European Renaissance- the epoch defined by F. Engels as "the greatest progressive upheaval ever experienced by mankind" and the fate of humanistic tendencies in the literatures of the peoples of the East is described in detail.

Volume 4
Volume IV covers literature XVII century. The authors of the volume trace how the main public conflict epoch - the clash between forces striving to preserve the dominance of medieval foundations, and the tendencies of the New Age making its way - is refracted in literature in a peculiar way different regions peace.

Volume 5
Volume V is dedicated literature XVIII in.

Volume 6
Volume VI gives a picture of world literature from the Great French Revolution before mid-nineteenth century. It shows the steady expansion of international literary connections leads to having a huge historical meaning qualitative leap in the development of the world artistic culture, which was noted by the classics of Marxism in the "Manifesto Communist Party".

Volume 7
Volume VII is devoted to the literary process of the second half of XIX century.

Volume 8
Volume VIII covers the development of world literature from the 1890s to 1917, that is, in the era of the formation of imperialism and on the eve of the proletarian revolution.

Add. Information: The text mostly lacks illustrations and synchronistic tables

Moscow: Nauka, 1983-1994, 7587 pages.

The History of World Literature is a multi-volume publication prepared by the Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky and considering the development of the literatures of the peoples of the world from the era of antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century.

According to the original plan, the story was to consist of 10 volumes. However, by the beginning of the release of the edition, volume 10 (literature from 1945 to the 1960s) was withdrawn from the plan and replaced by a “detailed conclusion” for volume 9. In total, 8 volumes were published from 1983 to 1994, although the title page invariably read “in 9 volumes”; The 9th volume, dedicated to the literature of 1917-1945, never saw the light of day, although it was prepared (as reported in the preface to volume 8, in connection with the process of "radical reassessment" of many phenomena in the literature of the Soviet period, it was decided not to publish it) .

The initiator of the publication was I. G. Neupokoeva. The editor-in-chief was G. P. Berdnikov (vols. 1-7), in the 8th volume, his deputy Yu. B. Vipper is listed as the editor-in-chief, and Berdnikov is simply a member of the editorial board.

The editorial board included: A. S. Bushmin, D. S. Likhachev, G. I. Lomidze, D. F. Markov, A. D. Mikhailov, S. V. Nikolsky, B. B. Piotrovsky, G. M. Fridlender, M. B. Khrapchenko, E. P. Chelyshev. In volume 8, L. G. Andreev, P. A. Nikolaev, V. R. Shcherbina were added to them. In addition, each volume had a separate editorial board headed by the editor-in-chief.

Volume I is devoted to the development of world literature from ancient times, from its folklore origins, to the beginning of AD. e. The volume analyzes both the early literatures of Asia and Africa, as well as the classical literatures of Asia and European antiquity that replaced them and partly absorbed their achievements.

Volume II covers the period from II - III centuries. n. e. to the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century, i.e. the Early and Mature Middle Ages. It examines in detail the process of radical transformation of the literary traditions of Antiquity and the formation of literature among young peoples; it is shown how, as a result of the complex interaction of these two principles, a new type of literature develops - medieval literature.

Volume III reproduces a picture of world literature from the end of the 13th - the beginning of the 14th century. until the turn of the XVI - XVII centuries. It widely presents the literature of the European Renaissance - an era defined by F. Engels as "the greatest progressive upheaval ever experienced by mankind" and describes in detail the fate of humanistic tendencies in the literatures of the peoples of the East.

Volume IV covers literature XVII centuries. The authors of the volume trace how the main social conflict of the era - the clash between forces striving to preserve the dominance of medieval foundations, and the tendencies of the New Age that is making its way - is refracted in the literature of various regions of the world in a peculiar way.

Volume V is devoted to the literature of the 18th century.

Volume VI gives a picture of world literature from the French Revolution to the middle of the 19th century. It shows that the steady expansion of international literary ties leads to that qualitative leap in the development of world artistic culture of great historical significance, which was noted by the classics of Marxism in the "Manifesto of the Communist Party".

Volume VII is devoted to the literary process of the second half of the 19th century.

Volume VIII covers the development of world literature from the 1890s to 1917, that is, in the era of the formation of imperialism and on the eve of the proletarian revolution.

The text mostly lacks illustrations and synchronistic tables.

The first eight volumes of the History of World Literature were published in 1983-1994. (T. 1--8: Complete set. The ninth volume was not published. The publication is completed.)

Edition of the Academy of Sciences. Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky. M. Science. 1983-1994 More than 5000 pages, illustrations, tables. Hard cover. encyclopedic format.

The `History of World Literature` brought to the attention of readers is intended to characterize the historical movement of literatures ... (More) world from ancient times, from the very origins of literature, to the XX century. and identify the leading patterns of this movement. In Marxist literary criticism, this is the first work with such a wide scope of generalized material. The need for the creation of this kind of work is obvious. This necessity is dictated by the very logic of the development of our literary science. Per recent times the geographical and historical boundaries of the studied literatures and artistic monuments have noticeably expanded. At the same time, interest in finding ways to generalize the richest historical and literary material available is becoming ever more acute. Convincing evidence of this is the significant achievements Soviet science in the development of methods for the comparative study of the world literary process. The publication of a Marxist history of world literature meets the urgent social needs of our day.

"History of World Literature", prepared by the Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with a number of other scientific institutions and organizations, is a unique publication that examines the development of the literatures of the peoples of the world from the era of Antiquity to the present day.

Inside the volume, the presentation is built according to the cultural-territorial principle. Name indexes are attached to all volumes (as if the publication was published under the auspices of the IRLI, and not IMLI), synchronistic tables in which the most significant literary events are visually presented in a single chronological order. The first eight volumes of the History of World Literature were published in 1983-1994. It seems to us that the first volume is the leader in the composition of authors: it is decorated with the names of S. S. Averintsev, M. L. Gasparov, P. A. Grintser, V. Vs. Ivanova.


T. 1. ancient literatures(until the beginning of a new era).

T. 2. Literature III-XIII centuries.

T. 3. Renaissance (XIV-XVI centuries).

T. 4. XVII century.

T. 5. XVIII century.

T. 6. XIX century.

T. 7. XIX century.

T. 8. World literature on turn of XIX and twentieth centuries. (From the 1890s to 1917, that is, in the era of the formation of imperialism and on the eve of the proletarian revolution).

Inside the volume, the presentation is built according to the cultural-territorial principle. All volumes are accompanied by synchronistic tables, in which the most significant literary events are visually presented in a single chronological order.

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