Who wrote the storm story. Creative story "Thunderstorms

One of the masterpieces of Ostrovsky and all Russian dramaturgy is rightfully considered "Thunderstorm", which the author himself assessed as a creative success, rejoiced when the actors managed to realize his plan, deeply worried if he encountered misunderstanding, acting mediocrity or a careless attitude to the play.

"Thunderstorm" was conceived by Ostrovsky during a journey along the Volga from the source of the river to Nizhny Novgorod in a mail coach with actor Provo Sadovsky. The playwright was fascinated by the beauty of the great Russian river and the cities and villages along it. These were long-term ethnographic studies. In his correspondence from Tver, Ostrovsky wrote about the frescoes that struck him, which he saw when examining the ruins of the city of Vertyazin. These images on the topic of the Lithuanian ruin will resonate in The Thunderstorm. In the charming Torzhok, Ostrovsky met with the strange customs of girlish freedom and strict seclusion, preserved from the times of Novgorod antiquity. married women. These observations will be reflected in the characters of the unmarried Varvara and Katerina, doomed to family captivity.

Ostrovsky especially liked Kostroma for the rare beauty of its nature, a public garden with strolling merchant families, a gazebo at the end of the boulevard, from where a view of the Volga distance, delightful open spaces and picturesque groves opened.

The impressions received fed Ostrovsky's work for many years. They were also reflected in "Thunderstorm", the action of which takes place in the fictional remote Volga town of Kalinov. Kostroma residents have long argued that it was Kostroma that was the prototype of the city of Kalinov.

When Ostrovsky submitted his play to censorship, the famous dialogue between the playwright and an official took place, who saw in Kabanikha a symbolized figure of Tsar Nicholas and therefore expressed doubts about the possibility of publishing the play. However, it was published in the Library for Reading magazine in 1860, for which censorship permission was obtained not without difficulty.

However, even before the magazine publication, The Thunderstorm appeared on the Russian stage, for which it was primarily intended. The premiere took place on November 16, 1859 at the Maly Theater on the occasion of the benefit performance of the largest actor S. Vasiliev, who played Tikhon. Other roles were also played by outstanding masters P. Sadovsky, N.V. Rykalova, L.P. Nikulina-Kositskaya and others. This production was directed by A.N. Ostrovsky. The premiere and subsequent performances were a huge success and turned into a continuous triumph. The same stage success awaited the actors of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Here the performance was also staged by the playwright himself.

A year after the brilliant premiere of The Thunderstorm, the play by A.N. Ostrovsky was awarded the highest academic award - the Great Uvarov Prize, which was awarded at the request of the writer I.A. Goncharov and professors P.A. Pletnev and A.D. Galakhova. This award was the first evidence of the significance of the contribution that Ostrovsky made both to Russian literature and to Russian stage art.


Rogover E.S. Russian literature of the second half of the nineteenth century M., 2006

A. N. Ostrovsky was a prominent literary figure. He changed a lot in the production of plays, and his works are distinguished by realism, the views of which the writer adhered to. One of his most famous works- the play "Thunderstorm", the analysis of which is presented below.

The history of the creation of the play

The analysis of The Thunderstorm should begin with the history of its writing, because the circumstances of that time played an important role in the creation of the plot. The play was written in 1859 during Ostrovsky's travels around the Volga region. The writer observed and explored not only the beauty of nature and the sights of the Volga cities.

He was no less interested in the people he met on the journey. He studied their characters, features of life, the history of their lives. Alexander Nikolaevich made notes, and then based on them he created his work.

But the history of the creation of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" has various versions. For a very long time, they were of the opinion that the writer took the plot for the play from real life. In Kostroma, there lived a girl who, unable to withstand the harassment of her mother-in-law, threw herself into the river.

The researchers found many matches. It happened in the same year in which the play was written. Both girls were young and very early age were given in marriage. Both were oppressed by their mothers-in-law, and their husbands were of weak character. Katerina had an affair with the nephew of the most influential person in the city, and a poor Kostroma girl had an affair with a postal clerk. It is not surprising that because of this a large number coincidences for a long time everyone believed that the plot was based on real events.

But more detailed studies disproved this theory. Ostrovsky sent the play to the press in October, and the girl folded a month later. Therefore, the plot could not be based on the life story of this Kostroma family. However, perhaps, thanks to his powers of observation, Alexander Nikolaevich was able to foresee this sad end. But the story of the creation of the play has a more romantic version.

Who was the prototype of the main character?

In the analysis of "Thunderstorm" one can also point out that there were many disputes about who the image of Katerina was written off from. There was also a place for the personal drama of the writer. Both Alexander Nikolaevich and Lyubov Pavlovna Kositskaya had families. And this served as an obstacle to the further development of their relationship.

Kositskaya was theater actress, and many believe that she is the prototype of the image of Katerina in Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm. Later Love Pavlovna will play her role. The woman herself was from the Volga region, and the playwright's biographers wrote that "Katerina's Dream" was recorded from the words of Kositskaya. Lyubov Kositskaya, like Katerina, was a believer and loved the church very much.

But The Thunderstorm is not only a drama about personal relationships, it is a play about the growing conflict in society. In that era, there were already people who wanted to change the old order, but the stagnant "house-building" society did not want to obey them. And this confrontation is reflected in Ostrovsky's play.

The action of the play takes place in the fictional city of Kalinov on the Volga. The inhabitants of this town are people accustomed to deceit, tyranny, ignorance. Several people from Kalinovsky society stood out for their desire to a better life- this is Katerina Kabanova, Boris and Kuligin.

The young girl was married to the weak-willed Tikhon, whose harsh and despotic mother constantly oppressed the girl. The boar established very strict rules in her house, so all members of the Kabanov family did not like her and were afraid. During the departure of Tikhon on business, Katerina secretly meets with Boris, an educated young man who came from another city to his uncle, Diky, a man of the same tough temper as Kabanikha.

When her husband returned, the young woman stopped seeing Boris. She feared punishment for her act because she was pious. Despite all the persuasion, Katerina confessed everything to Tikhon and his mother. The boar began to tyrannize the young woman even more. Boris was sent by his uncle to Siberia. Katerina, having said goodbye to him, rushed into the Volga, realizing that she could no longer live in tyranny. Tikhon accused his mother that it was because of her attitude that his wife decided to take such a step. it summary"Thunderstorms" Ostrovsky.

Brief description of the characters

The next point in the analysis of the play is the characterization of the heroes of Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm. All characters turned out to be memorable bright characters. The main character (Katerina) is a young woman brought up on the orders of house building. But she understood the rigidity of these views and strove for a better life, where all people would live honestly and do the right thing. Pious, she loved to go to church and pray.

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna - widow, wealthy merchant's wife. Adhered to the foundations of house building. She had a strong temper, established tyrannical orders in the house. Tikhon - her son, a weak man, liked to drink. He understood that his mother was unfair to his wife, but was afraid to go against her will.

Boris is an educated young man, he came to Dikoy to give him part of the inheritance. Impressive, does not accept the laws of Kalinovsk society. wild - influential person, everyone was afraid of him, because they knew what a stern disposition he was. Kuligin is a tradesman who believes in the power of science. Tries to prove to others the importance of scientific discoveries.

This is a characteristic of the heroes of Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, who played a significant role in the plot. They can be divided into two small societies: those who hold old views and those who believe that change is necessary to create better conditions.

A ray of light in a play

In the analysis of "Thunderstorm" it is worth highlighting the main female image- Katerina Kabanova. It is a reflection of what tyranny and a despotic attitude can do to a person. The young woman, although she grew up in the "old" society, unlike the majority, sees all the injustice of such orders. But Katerina was honest, did not want and did not know how to deceive, and this is one of the reasons why she told her husband everything. And those people who surrounded her were accustomed to deceive, fear, tyrannize. And the young woman could not accept it, all her spiritual purity opposed it. Because of the inner light and the desire to live honestly, the image of Katerina from "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky was compared with "a ray of light in a dark kingdom."

And the only joys in her life were prayer and love for Boris. Unlike all those who talked about faith, Katerina believed in the power of prayer, she was very afraid of committing a sin, so she could not meet with Boris. The young woman understood that after her act, her mother-in-law would torment her even more. Katerina saw that in this society no one wanted to change, and she could not live amid injustice, misunderstanding and without love. Therefore, throwing herself into the river seemed to her the only way out. As Kuligin later said, she found peace.

The image of a thunderstorm

In the play, one of important episodes associated with thunderstorms. According to the plot, Katerina was very afraid of this. natural phenomenon. Because people believed that a thunderstorm would punish a sinful person. And all these clouds, thunder - all this only increased the oppressive atmosphere of the Kabanovs' house.

In the analysis of "Thunderstorm" it should also be noted that it is very symbolic that all the episodes with this natural phenomenon are associated with Katerina. It's a reflection of her inner world, the tension in which she was, the storm of feelings that raged inside her. Katerina was afraid of this intensity of feelings, so she was very worried when there was a thunderstorm. Also, thunder and rain are a symbol of purification, when a young woman threw herself into the river, she found peace. Just like nature seems cleaner after the rain.

The main idea of ​​the play

What main point"Thunderstorms" Ostrovsky? The playwright sought to show how unfair society is. How they can oppress the weak and defenseless, that people are left with no choice. Perhaps Alexander Nikolayevich wanted to show that society should reconsider its views. The meaning of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is that one cannot live in ignorance, lies and rigidity. We need to strive to become better, to be more tolerant of people so that their life is not like " dark kingdom"Like Katerina Kabanova.

personality conflict

The play shows the growth internal conflict at Katerina. On the one hand - the understanding that it is impossible to live in tyranny, love for Boris. And on the other - strict upbringing, a sense of duty and fear of committing a sin. A woman cannot come to one decision. Throughout the play, she meets with Boris, but does not even think about leaving her husband.

The conflict is growing, and the impetus for the sad death of Katerina was the separation from Boris and increased persecution from the mother-in-law. But personal conflict is not the most important place in the play.

social question

In the analysis of "Thunderstorm" it should be noted that the playwright tried to convey the mood of the society that was at that time. People understood that changes were needed, that the old system of society should give way to a new, enlightened one. But the people of the old order did not want to admit that their views had lost their force, that they were ignorant. And this struggle between the "old" and the "new" was reflected in A. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm".

creative history"Thunderstorms"

Ostrovsky came to the artistic synthesis of the dark and light beginnings of merchant life in the Russian tragedy "Thunderstorm" - the pinnacle of his mature creativity. The creation of "Thunderstorm" was preceded by the playwright's expedition along the Upper Volga, undertaken on the instructions of the Naval Ministry in 1856-1857. She revived and resurrected his youthful impressions when, in 1848, Ostrovsky first went with his family on an exciting journey to his father's homeland, to the Volga city of Kostroma and further, to the Shchelykovo estate acquired by his father. The result of this trip was Ostrovsky's diary, which reveals a lot in his perception of the life of provincial, Volga Russia. The Ostrovskys set off on April 22, on the eve of Egor's Day. “Spring time, frequent holidays,” Kupava says to Tsar Berendey in “ spring fairy tale » Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". The journey coincided with the most poetic time of the year in the life of a Russian person. In the evenings, in the ritual spring songs that sounded outside the outskirts, in groves and valleys, peasants turned to birds, curly willows, white birches, to silk green grass. On Yegoriev's Day, they walked around the fields, "called Yegory", asked him to keep the cattle from predatory animals. Egoriev's day was followed by green Christmas holidays (Russian week), when they danced round dances in the villages, arranged a game of burners, burned bonfires and jumped over the fire. The path of the Ostrovskys lasted a whole week and went through the ancient Russian cities: Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. The Upper Volga region opened up for Ostrovsky as an inexhaustible source of poetic creativity. “Merya begins with Pereyaslavl,” he writes in his diary, “a land abundant in mountains and waters, and people and tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and obligatory, and a free mind, and a wide open soul. These are my beloved countrymen, with whom I seem to get along well. Here you will no longer see a small bent man or a woman in an owl costume, who bows every minute and says: “and father, and father ...” buildings and girls. Here are eight beauties we got on the road. “On the meadow side, the views are delightful: what kind of villages, what kind of buildings, just like you are not going through Russia, but through some promised land.” And here are the Ostrovskys in Kostroma. “We are standing on the steepest mountain, under our feet is the Volga, and ships go back and forth along it, either on sails or barge haulers, and one charming song haunts us irresistibly. Here comes the bark, and charming sounds are barely audible from afar; closer and closer, the song grows and poured, finally at the top of its voice, then little by little it began to subside, and meanwhile another bark approaches and the same song grows. And there is no end to this song ... And on the other side of the Volga, directly opposite the city, there are two villages; and one is especially picturesque, from which the curliest grove stretches all the way to the Volga, the sun at sunset somehow miraculously climbed into it, from the root, and did many miracles. I was exhausted looking at this ... Exhausted, I returned home and for a long, long time I could not sleep. A kind of despair took over me. Will the painful impressions of these five days be fruitless for me?” Such impressions could not turn out to be fruitless, but they were defended and matured in the soul of the playwright and poet for a long time before such masterpieces of his work as “Thunderstorm”, and then “Snow Maiden” appeared. The great influence of the "literary expedition" along the Volga on Ostrovsky's subsequent work was well said by his friend S.V. Maksimov: “The talented artist was not able to miss a favorable opportunity ... He continued to observe the characters and worldview of the indigenous Russian people who came out to meet him in hundreds ... The Volga gave Ostrovsky plentiful food, showed him new topics for dramas and comedies and inspired him to those of them that constitute honor and pride domestic literature. From the veche, once free, Novgorod suburbs breathed those transition time when the heavy hand of Moscow fettered the old will and sent the voivode in an iron fist on long raked paws. I had a poetic “Dream on the Volga”, and the “voivode” Nechai Grigoryevich Shalygin rose from the grave alive and active with his opponent, a free man, a runaway daring townsman Roman Dubrovin, in all that truthful atmosphere of old Russia, which only the Volga can imagine, in one and the same time both devout and robbery, well-fed and little bread ... Outwardly beautiful Torzhok, jealously guarding its Novgorod antiquity to the strange customs of girlish freedom and strict seclusion of married men, inspired Ostrovsky to deeply poetic "Thunderstorm" with playful Varvara and artistically elegant Katerina ". For quite a long time it was believed that Ostrovsky took the plot of The Thunderstorm from the life of the Kostroma merchants, that it was based on the Klykov case, which made a sensation in Kostroma at the end of 1859. Until the beginning of the 20th century, Kostroma residents proudly pointed to the place of Katerina's suicide - a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, which in those years literally hung over the Volga. They also showed the house where she lived - next to the Church of the Assumption. And when the "Thunderstorm" was for the first time on the stage of the Kostroma Theater, the artists made up "under the Klykovs."

Kostroma local historians then thoroughly examined the Klykovo case in the archive and, with documents in their hands, came to the conclusion that it was this story that Ostrovsky used in his work on Thunderstorm. The coincidences were almost literal. A.P. Klykova was given away at the age of sixteen to a gloomy and unsociable merchant family, consisting of old parents, a son and an unmarried daughter. The mistress of the house, severe and obstinate, depersonalized her husband and children with her despotism. She forced her young daughter-in-law to do any menial work, refused her requests to see her relatives.

At the time of the drama, Klykova was nineteen years old. In the past, she was brought up in love and in the hall of the soul in her by her doting grandmother, she was cheerful, lively, cheerful. Now she was unkind and a stranger in the family. Her young husband, Klykov, a carefree and apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the harassment of his mother-in-law and treated them indifferently. The Klykovs had no children. And then another man stood in the way of the young woman, Maryin, who works in the post office. Began suspicions, scenes of jealousy. It ended with the fact that on November 10, 1859, the body of A.P. Klykova was found in the Volga. A long legal process began, which received wide publicity even outside the Kostroma province, and none of the Kostroma residents doubted that Ostrovsky had used the materials of this case in Groz.

Many decades passed before Ostrovsky's researchers established for sure that The Thunderstorm was written before the Kostroma merchant Klykova rushed into the Volga. Ostrovsky began work on The Thunderstorm in June - July 1859 and finished on October 9 of the same year. The play was first published in the January 1860 issue of The Library for Reading. The first performance of The Thunderstorm on stage took place on November 16, 1859 at the Maly Theatre, in a benefit performance by S.V. Vasiliev with L.P. Nikulina-Kositskaya as Katerina. The version about the Kostroma source of the "Thunderstorm" turned out to be far-fetched. However, the very fact amazing coincidence says a lot: it testifies to the foresight of the national playwright, who caught the growing conflict between the old and the new in merchant life, a conflict in which Dobrolyubov saw “something refreshing and encouraging” for a reason, and the famous theatrical figure S.A. Yuryev said: “Thunderstorm” was not written by Ostrovsky ... “Thunderstorm” was written by Volga.

"Thunderstorm" was not written by Ostrovsky ... "Thunderstorm" was written by Volga.
S. A. Yuriev

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky was one of the largest cultural figures 19th century. His work will forever remain in the history of literature, and it is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the development of the Russian theater. The writer made some changes to the staging of plays: attention should no longer be focused on only one hero; a fourth scene is introduced, separating the audience from the actors, to emphasize the conventionality of what is happening; portrayed ordinary people and standard everyday situations. The latter position most accurately reflects the essence realistic method, which Ostrovsky adhered to. His literary creativity started in the mid 1840s. Were written "Own people - let's settle", "Family pictures", "Poverty is not a vice" and other plays. The story of the creation of the drama "Thunderstorm" is not limited to working on the text and prescribing conversations between the characters.

The history of the creation of the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky originates in the summer of 1859, and ends a few months later, already in early October. It is known that this was preceded by a journey along the Volga. Under the patronage of the Naval Ministry, an ethnographic expedition was organized to study the customs and mores of the indigenous population of Russia. Ostrovsky also took part in it.

The prototypes of the city of Kalinov were many Volga towns, at the same time similar friend on a friend, but having something unique: Tver, Torzhok, Ostashkovo and many others. Ostrovsky, as an experienced researcher, recorded all his observations about the life of the Russian provinces and the characters of the people in his diary. Based on these recordings, the characters of "Thunderstorm" were later created.

For a long time there was a hypothesis that the plot of The Thunderstorm was completely borrowed from real life. In 1859, and it was at this time that the play was written, a resident of Kostroma left home early in the morning, and later her body was found in the Volga. The victim was the girl Alexander Klykova. during the investigation, it turned out that the situation in the Klykov family was quite tense. The mother-in-law constantly mocked the girl, and the spineless husband could not influence the situation in any way. The catalyst for this outcome was love relationship between Alexandra and the postal clerk.

This assumption is deeply rooted in the minds of people. For sure in modern world tourist routes would have already been laid in that place. In Kostroma, "Thunderstorm" was published as a separate book, when staging the actors tried to resemble the Klykovs, and locals they even showed the place where Alexandra-Katerina supposedly threw herself. Kostroma local historian Vinogradov, to whom he refers famous explorer Literature S. Yu. Lebedev, found in the text of the play and in the "Kostroma case" many literal coincidences. Both Alexandra and Katerina were married off early. Alexandra was barely 16 years old. Katerina was 19.

Both girls had to endure discontent and despotism from their mothers-in-law. Alexandra Klykova had to do everything menial work at home. Neither the Klykov family nor the Kabanov family had children. The series of "coincidences" does not end there. The investigation knew that Alexandra had a relationship with another person, a postal worker. In the play "Thunderstorm" Katerina falls in love with Boris. That is why for a long time it was believed that The Thunderstorm was nothing more than a case from life reflected in the play.

However, at the beginning of the 20th century, the myth created around this incident was dispelled by comparing dates. So, the incident in Kostroma took place in November, and a month earlier, on October 14, Ostrovsky took the play for publication. Thus, the writer could not display on the pages what had not yet happened in reality. But the creative history of "Thunderstorm" from this does not become less interesting. It can be assumed that Ostrovsky, being smart person, was able to predict how the fate of the girl would develop in the typical conditions of that time. It is quite possible that Alexandra, like Katerina, was tormented by the stuffiness that is mentioned in the play. The obsolete old order and the absolute inertia and hopelessness of the current situation. However, you should not completely correlate Alexandra with Katerina. It is quite possible that in the case of Klykova, the causes of the death of the girl were only domestic difficulties, and not a deep personal conflict, as with Katerina Kabanova.

Most real prototype Katerina can be called the theater actress Lyubov Pavlovna Kositskaya, who later played this role. Ostrovsky, like Kositskaya, had his own family, it was this circumstance that prevented further development relationship between playwright and actress. Kositskaya was originally from the Volga region, but at the age of 16 she ran away from home in search of a better life. Katerina's dream, according to Ostrovsky's biographers, was nothing more than a recorded dream of Lyubov Kositskaya. In addition, Lyubov Kositskaya was extremely sensitive to faith and churches. In one of the episodes, Katerina says the following words:

“... Until death, I loved to go to church! For sure, it happened that I would go into paradise, and I don’t see anyone, and I don’t remember the time, and I don’t hear when the service is over ... You know, on a sunny day, such a bright pillar comes from the dome, and smoke walks in this column, like clouds, and I see that it used to be that angels in this column fly and sing.

The history of the creation of the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is entertaining in its own way: there are both legends and personal drama. The Thunderstorm premiered on November 16, 1859 at the Maly Theatre.

Artwork test

"Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky - a significant and powerful work of Russian It attracts attention with the most interesting events taking place in the play, and with its difficult problems. The drama itself was filmed more than once, enjoyed significant success at the audience. The image of the city of Kalinov, in which the action takes place, symbolizes an enchanted vicious circle from which it is impossible to escape without hurting the soul and heart.

The history of the creation of "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky

I. S. Turgenev spoke very positively about this work, with special trepidation and enthusiasm emphasized the enormous talent of A. N. Ostrovsky as a writer. The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" goes back to the socio-political situation in the country during the fifties and sixties of the XIX century. This was crucial moment in history and social thought. At that time, more and more accusatory literature began to appear, and the work of A.N. Ostrovsky came at the right time. Topics that were popular at the time and caused considerable controversy: serfdom, the position of women in society and the diverse intelligentsia. A.N. Ostrovsky in "Thunderstorm" raises at least hot topic- domestic tyranny, the domination of money over the life and meaning of a person.

The year 1859 is considered to be the year of writing the drama, at the same time the first productions of the play appeared in the best and in St. Petersburg. The work appeared in print a year later (1860). The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" shows that the work most fully reflected the socio-political thought of that time.

The meaning of the name

If we turn to the semantic load of the drama, then its title reflects the basic state of the main characters. The whole city of Kalinov lives in tension, which also happens when a thunderstorm is expected as a natural phenomenon: stuffiness reigns everywhere, there is not enough fresh air. The life of the city dwellers is just as painful: many are in a depressed state, under the yoke of domestic tyranny. The storm should bring relief and liberation. Heroes are looking for a way out difficult situation but they do not know how to act independently, listen to the voice of their own heart. A.N. turned out to be a real master in depicting such characters. Ostrovsky ("Thunderstorm"). The history of the drama emphasizes to the maximum the impossibility of solving the problem peacefully and the futility of such attempts.

Compositional and ideological component

The drama consists of five acts, with ten days elapsed between the third and fourth acts. The whole play can be conditionally divided into four parts: agonizing expectation, accompanied by languor and suffering, preparation for the denouement. A lot of controversy among researchers causes the death of Katerina. Would she be able to live on in the society that surrounded her, or not? The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" proves that the author wanted to show strong personality able to rise above the circumstances own life, therefore he endows the main character with the integrity of nature, unbending will and

Indeed, the death of Katerina is a foregone conclusion. If she had not died by her own decision, then she would have been crushed by the cruel customs prevailing in the city of Kalinovo. She would have to break her freedom-loving nature and adapt to the orders of society. Her whole inner being, her soul opposed these orders. Therefore, death for her becomes a way out, deliverance from oppressive suffering and fear. Katerina's heart is a free bird, which she sets free.


Penetratingly draws a difficult picture of the life of the main character Ostrovsky ("Thunderstorm"). An analysis of this work shows that Katerina lived in loving family where everyone respected each other's personal choice and freedom. With her marriage, Katerina lost contact with her family and lost her freedom. That is why she is so lonely and sick in the house of the Kabanovs, that is why she cannot get used to its foundations, indulges in memories of the past: “Was I like that? I lived, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild!”

strong or weak main character? Did she have a choice? What was the decisive event that prompted her to commit suicide? The inability to change her life, to be close to her loved one, the inability to find a way out of the current situation, her own desire for freedom led her to this action. We see that suicide is committed out of desperation, it is not a deliberate and cold-blooded decision, but it is intentional. In relation to herself, to her dreams, the heroine commits weakness, while she did not submit to the society that condemns her and emphasizes her individuality of character by suicide.

"Dark Realm"

This includes representatives of the old society with its rigid moral principles. This is Savel Prokofievich Wild, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. These people will never change: old habits and worldview are so ingrained in them that they find the meaning of life in teaching the young, scolding modern mores.

Wild takes pleasure when he tyrannizes his household: no one dares to say a word across him. He is dissatisfied with literally everything, and no one can please him. Kabanova (Kabanikha) imposes her will on her son and daughter-in-law, categorically refuses to accept someone else's point of view, different from her own.

Tikhon Kabanov

The son of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, a weak and weak-willed person. Not a single step will depart from mother's word, independent decision unable to accept. Ostrovsky draws him defenseless, cowardly. "Thunderstorm", the characterization of the hero testifies to this, emphasizes the adaptive qualities of Tikhon's character and his complete dissolution under the will of his mother.

Barbara, Tikhon's sister

Unmarried girl, daughter of Kabanova. Its motto is the statement: "Do whatever you want, but in such a way that it is sewn and covered."

Ostrovsky does not single it out especially. "Thunderstorm", the analysis of the work testifies to this, in every possible way opposes the masterful nature of Barbara and the purity of Katerina's soul. Varvara achieves her goal by cunning and freethinking, while Katerina prefers the truth in everything.


Nephew of Wild, lives in his house out of mercy. The young guy is used to listening to the expression of discontent and the instructions of his uncle, but if you are attentive, you can see how deeply the reproaches of the Wild One hurt him, how much lies and hypocrisy are unpleasant to him. Boris's inability to resist the will of the power-wielding Wild is the best way to emphasize the work "Thunderstorm". Ostrovsky sympathizes with Boris. The natural delicacy of the hero does not allow him to argue with his uncle, to defend his point of view. One way or another, but Boris is also a victim cruel morals ruling in the city of Kalinov.

The images in Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" are distinguished by a special variety: Kabanikha, Wild, Barbara, Tikhon, Boris - all, as one, know how to adapt. Some suppress, others obey. Katerina is opposed to all of them - a young woman who has retained the integrity of her nature and fortitude. Thus, the work "Thunderstorm" turns out to be very ambiguous. Ostrovsky justifies Katerina for her weakness in sacrificing her life, but endows her with courage and selflessness. Not only special case, and the death of Russia, its impossibility to live according to the old ways, which lead to collapse, is depicted by the author.

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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...