Graduates were awarded in nominations at the district graduation. Holiday "Square of Stars", dedicated to honoring the best students of the school"



Ved1: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Vedas 2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 1: Hello!

Vedas 2: Good evening!
So the solemn moment has come, to which everyone has been going for the last 11 years.

Vedas1: And today we are present at the solemn event of the annual presentation of the prestigious award "Oscar - 2015"

Vedas 2: The most interesting movies created over the past 11 years.

Vedas 1: Sometimes sad, and even sad, but always interesting, bright, unusual, worthy of the highest award - the Oscar!

Ved.2: Everyone knows how honorable it is to receive this award. Today it will not be awarded to Hollywood stars. The main characters of the evening are the graduates of 2015.

Ved.1: It is they who deserve the award for outstanding talents, and it is they who are the stars of this evening!

Vedas 2: Graduates of 2015 MBOU secondary school No. 10 in Birsk are invited to the red carpet.

Vedas 1. We welcome by name. Our first guests on the red carpet are:

Stepping on the red carpetNikulin Igor - a guy of all trades - a computer scientist, an artist, a DJ, and so on and so forth, who played the role of the "master" in all school productions, we welcome him.

Today we welcome the charming, boyish, perky and daring, brave and independentIslamova Victoria , your applause

A tall, slender beauty whose dancing talents require development, we believe in a lucky starOlga Zolotareva welcome her.

Greetings - the sports star of the school: a handsome guy with a charming Hollywood smile, who showed remarkable artistic abilities in the 11th grade, the star of school shows and series -Timerkaev Alexander.

Stepping onto the red carpet - purposeful, always achieving her goals, but modest, shy, our graduate, who has an original oriental appearance -Nasibullina Elvina.

And here comes the president of school student self-government, an indispensable and very responsible nature, organizer and executor of creative ideas at school -Karyakina Anastasia.

- We welcome a smart, strict, modest, having many hidden virtues, undiscovered talents, a handsome guy -Gorbunova Alexandra.

Stepping onto the red carpet is a talented girl from our school, lower grades not a single concert passed without her participation, the singing star of our school, future star world stage -Sakharova Maria.

Meet: a kind, smiling girl, whose smile gives warmth to everyone and cheers up everyone around -Epaneshnikova Tatiana.

Appears on the red carpet - charming, kind, overcoming his shyness at KVN in BDD-Galimov Ramadan

Greetings - A slender black-browed beauty, whose height and appearance is suitable for a model catwalk -Kiyamutdinova Elina

And here he appears - the most shy and most smiling guy among the graduates of 2015, in which there are a lot of undiscovered talents -Chernov Oleg.

The most slender graduate of 2015, diligent and executive, natural blonde and owner of the most long braidAlexandrova Irina

Dear guests, this graduate is not so easy to hide in the school crowd, a temperamental guy with beautiful appearance and a mohawk on his head, of course, this is -Musin Artur

Meet - stylish, extravagant, creative person, a girl with creative thinking and her own personal approach to all decisions -Nabieva Elmira

And here comes a gentle, modest, charming beauty with good diction, the future announcer of the central television -Shevkoplyas-Gurieva Nadezhda

The last graduate appears on the red carpet ... We welcome the charming, sociable brunette graduate, his natural modesty disappears on stage, where he shows remarkable artistic talents -Shpak Dmitry.

    And here are all the graduates of 2015 in front of you, dear guests

(Alumni line up)

    Today they are a little worried,

A little bit happy today

And, of course, you can understand them,

Because in front of them new way!

    He waits, calls, scares a little.

Great things beckon

Let them remember the path

That she took me to school every day!

Vedas 2: “Listen, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it, then it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ...” Today, at our festival, not one star is lit, but a whole starfall of new graduates of our school.

Ved.1. And opened these stars cool lady. We invite the class teacher of the 11th grade, Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna, to the red carpet.

She is cheerful, knows how to organize well, aim, rally children. Students respect her as a teacher, they love her very much for her understanding, support, ability to give advice on any issue of interest to them. This is a caring, patient, benevolent class teacher who wholeheartedly cheers for every student in his class.

Applause to the class teacher.

1. The director is a faithful guardian of order,

Guarantor, as they say now,

He has a strict eye for everything

And devoted to school without a trace,

A thunderstorm of boobies and rake,

Damoclav sword of immodest girls.

Does not notice the looks of languid,

He bears his cross with dignity.

We see no flaws in it.

But all the praises later

After the presentation of certificates,

Pyotr Alexandrovich, time! We wait!!!

2. Director of the school Karachun P.A. is invited to the red carpet.

    The destiny of the young is the joy of flight,
    Knowledge of life, the beginning of the path,
    Study, career, ups and downs,
    Fall down, get up, and go again.

2. Youth has a ringing road,
The young have a way in the palm of their hand,
They are confident, strong and know a lot,
And God forbid they do not turn off the road.

Ved1. We start our film festival "Oscar" (with a musical and dance surprise of our graduates).

Dance Flash Mob

Ved2. For the solemn holding of the Oscar 2014 awards ceremony, to deafening applause, we invite our graduates to the hall.

1. We invite all guests, parents, teachers to the hall.


Music for the Oscars (certificates)

Vedas 2.: Graduation party "Oscar" - 2015 "is declared open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation, Belarus

Ved1. School years left behind, the real one is coming adulthood difficult, with many obstacles and difficulties.

And only purposefulness, perseverance, diligence will help you, graduates, overcome all difficulties and find yourself in life.

Presenter: Connoisseurs of school cinema came to congratulate the graduates of 2015 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The word is given by _________________________________________________


What city? Cannes?

- No, Birsk, - I will answer you.

- Here us nominations

Looking forward to this evening.

Vedas 1. Fanfares sound joyfully.

The solemn moment has come!

Now they will give everyone a certificate,

Who was waiting impatiently.

Vedas 1:
We are approaching the most solemn moment of our filming, to which you have been going for all school years- for the presentation of certificates. To make the film so wonderful, everyone put their hands, head, soul and heart.

Vedas 2. To award the laureates, we invite the chief director of the Film "Burnt by School 2015" Karachun Petr Aleksandrovich to the stage

(Word of the director)

Vedas 1. We announce the first nomination - "Director's Pet".

VED. 2 Graduates! Are there among you those to whom Pyotr Alexandrovich treats well? (Pause)
Raise your hand, no - both hands... clap them!

Now we will find out how insightful you were!
Let's open the envelope!

Vedas 1: Yes, there are so many. Name them yourself, Pyotr Alexandrovich!


Irina, Ramadan and Sasha,

Tatyana, Olya and Vika,

Nastya, Elina, Artur,

Of course, Elmira and Elvina,

Igor, Masha, Ivan would not be forgotten

Sasha, Oleg, Nadia and Dima

Did I name everyone? I love you all.


Vedas. Attention! Certificates of complete secondary education are being awarded to graduates of 2015!

(fanfare for the presentation of certificates)

Vedas. 1. Certificate - it is in the film by the way:
And its name is "Big Life".
But on this, as at the start,
You don't stay long.

Vedas. 2.In the second series, which will be soon.
Take important keys in your hands.
Learn a couple of years.
And get a degree.

Vedas 1. There are those teachers in the school

Who cares about you the most

Who most often praised, sometimes scolded,

Who wholeheartedly helped you in everything.

2nd presenter: - The graduates of our school are already adults, independent people, they decided to hold a return presentation of the Oscar award - awarding school teachers for their services to them.

Graduate: - Dear, infinitely beloved teachers and school staff! Today we have a common holiday. 11 years of joint work behind us. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands now. Over the years we have studied you very well. All of you - wonderful people but each of you has special features character that we liked best in you and that we sought to emulate. After all, a student is not only a sum of knowledge, but also a personality that is formed over many years of study.

Graduate: Attention! Attention!

Following the dictates of the times, we are holding the second part of the Recognition Award . Applicants for "Recognition" were tested for several years in various nominations, including school subjects.

Graduate: - The nomination: “Putin himself is not a decree for him” is dedicated to the strict and attentive, understanding and omniscient headmaster: Karachun P.A.
Dima Shpak : Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the Director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will help anyone urgently.

We want you to stay the same

All adversity in spite of smiling,

And save this dear house,

To meet our children in it.

(Graduates present a medal and a diploma to the director of the school.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Everything is in order, everything is fine, all exams have passed” is dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational and educational work Yamaeva N.G.
Tanya Epaneshnikova:

You are the scheduling goddessYou put in the effortSo that the lessons are fullyWe could visit.Wherever we go to work or study,We are sure that these days are not destined to be forgotten.(delivery of medals and certificates)

Graduate: - The nomination “How long we did not resist, you tried to educate us” is dedicated to the deputy director for educational work Anisimova L.A.

Sasha Timerkaev : For discipline you are strictlyFollow from the morningSo as not to smoke at the threshold,So that the children do not swear.We had fun with youWe painted the floors togetherSo that these days are not forgottenYou will accept the medal and diploma.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: "We will remember you"! dedicated to the first teacher Zaitseva E.S.

Masha Sakharova : “Everyone has only one time in their lifeIt happens its first, its memorable classAnd the first mentor, our first teacher,He opened the door for us to the land of knowledge and discoveries.”

Graduate: - The word for congratulating the graduates is given to the first teacher ....
(Congratulates the first teacher.)

Graduate: - The nomination “I would have learned Russian because you taught us it” is dedicated to the teacher of Russian language and literature Zolotareva E.N.
Graduates! Please note in the futureSo as not to be afraid of essays,It is enough to haveA set of simple definitions:Write that the poet is a prophet,And Gogol ridiculed the orders,That Famusov is bad and nasty,

Graduate:And Chadsky is no longer a rider.Bazarov overtook his age,Onegin is a complex nature,Wild is the image of a tyrant,Gerasim drowned Mumu...That's all the literature for you.

Graduate:I'll be the most honest rules.I would make me learn RussianNot only Russians, but allThen Russia will succeed.Everyone will know literatureAnd our Russian culture.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: “You know everything about numbers and they taught us the same” is dedicated to the mathematics teacher Kail G.K.
The laws of numbers are very strict,And become mathematiciansGiven, alas, not very many,We have learned to countAfter all, in the current difficult century,Everything will have to be counted.

Geometry and algebra meaningNowadays, everyone can appreciateTherefore, for our right decisions,We must thank you from the bottom of our hearts.(delivery)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Columbus discovered America, and we will take it and close it” is dedicated to E.V. Khramov, a history teacher.

Igor Nikulin:

If there is silence in the classroom,Flies don't flySo we have historySomeone is being called.

If everyone rustledSo the teacher is movingAll cheat sheets must be hiddenAnd close all books.In general, we are veryWe love all history!If necessary, we will conquerAny territory!(delivery)

Graduate: - The nomination “Do not twist the colorful globe, it will still come in handy” of our award is dedicated to the teacher of geography Mudarisova G.R.
You and I descended to the depths,Among the quicksands the sands moved,We conquered mountain peaksAnd the permafrost of both poles.

And let there be many more discoveriesWe must make in our life,For showing us the wayWe will always thank you!(delivery)

Graduate: - The nomination "Knowledge of Ohm's laws does not exempt from responsibility" is dedicated to the teacher of physics Yatsenko A.V.
Physics for us is like a birthday,

We are happy to come to class!

Tiles, irons, electric lamps -

Physics is everywhere and always.

Glory to Newton, Ampere, Ohm,

Watt is a good man!

Honor, praise you for being friends

With them we are forever!

Graduate: - Nomination: “Chemistry decorates and heals us and, apparently, will soon feed us” is dedicated to the teacher of chemistry Karelina V.V.


We all know the sorceress:
Worked wonders in test tubes
And love forever for chemistry
She undoubtedly dropped
We always remember
WhatH 2 O-This is water.

Graduate: - In the nominations “Biology we know for sure” and “The most, most, most classy tormentor”, Mardanova L.V. won.

Biology was taught
Stigmas, pistils passed,
DNA and ribosomes
carbohydrates, chromosomes,
How to protect nature
We will know now at “5”.

For seven years we were famously tormented,
Seven years of rest did not give.
Although you were the best for us -
FREEDOM FINALLY has arrived!”

Graduate: - The response word is given to the class teacher Mardanova L.V.
(The class teacher speaks.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Oh, sport, I love you, but strange love” is dedicated to the teacher physical education Sadrtdinov I.A.

In the young month of April, snow melts near the school,
And the physical education teacher kicks out for a run.
The children rushed with a whistle, the heart beats furiously,
Only something pricks somewhere and ripples in everyone's eye,
Striving for the cherished goal, not knowing barriers,
Children are running, rushing, almost flying.

Graduate: – Nomination: “Crazy Hands” is dedicated to the teacher of technology Krasilnikov V.A.

"Your hands are golden
They can create a lot.
How do you do it,
We can't understand!"

We thank you for your love.
It wasn't easy for you at times.
Saying goodbye to you, we say:
Together). "Thank you so much!"

Song "Our" (Masha, Igor, Sasha and Olya)

Vedas 1. Our graduates perform in the nomination “Our feelings of the unspent bowl”.

Issue 1. Dear teachers of our school!

Today on this June day
Please accept our congratulations
For your loyalty and love,
For your dedication to your work!

Issue 2 We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
It's good to be with us
You are smiling now!

You are so extraordinarily kind!
And today it is no coincidence that we
Thank you for everything, let's say together,

Issue 3 Everyone knows if something is needed,
You did not allow refusal,
They always helped us with everything!

Issue 4. Let's not talk today
Banal words, duty phrases,
We wish you good health!
We love you very, very much!

Vedas. In "Childhood" last call"The film" Odnoklassniki "wins" Let's see its excerpt. Song and The film "Classmates".

And now the best comedian of our school is performing, the future pop artist, who will outshine Justin Timberlake himself-Igor Nikulin with his performance

The song "Tick-tock" performed by I. Nikulin


Parents - Holy Word -
In it, ROD burns with the Fire of the Universe,
It sounds new for centuries -
In it, Life sings of imperishable fate.

Graduate. 1 The day before the birth, the Child asked God:

AT 3 - I am very afraid! I don't know at all what am I supposed to do in this world?

IN 1 God replied:

AT 4 - I will give you an Angel, he will always be with you. He will protect you from all troubles.

AT 3- But what is his name?

IN 1 - It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MAMA"!

IN 2. And now, graduating from school, we would like to thank our mothers and fathers, our parents with all our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, who have always stood behind our backs, supporting Hard time, solved problems with you, wrote essays, re-passing school curriculum. Thank you, our relatives, dear ones, for everything that you have done, are doing and will do for us.

AT 3. Mom, you are with me always and everywhere,

Dad and mom are the main people.

The best people on this earth.

If you are near, we know what will happen

Peace of mind for me and for you.

Your warmth will warm you in the cold,

Strong hands will always support

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can heal you easily.

May God grant you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes.

You are our relatives, we invite you

To the school farewell parental waltz.

Song for parents on the motive Quest Pistols "I'm tired"

Vedas. In the nomination of the best retro film, the film "Happy Childhood" won. Attention to the screen, gentlemen.

(Film and Parent Performance)


Film "Happy Childhood"

Parents come out to the music.

    Graduates of distant years send you their fiery greetings!

    One milestone successfully taken - you have received a certificate!

    Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, congratulations on your successful graduation!

4. How quickly our children have grown! They read thick volumes, Solve problems that are incomprehensible to us and ask difficult questions.

5. Yesterday mine asks: - Dad, for how much could you read "War and Peace"? I thought and thought and said: - Well, a hundred rubles!

6. - And mine recently taught my little sister to write the number 8:

How can you not understand! This is the sign of infinity, placed vertically!

7. - And I tell my own, I also studied for deuces, so it will be fair if I encourage you the way your grandfather encouraged me ... with a belt.

8. But I met such a nice woman on the street, she says to me:
“I think you are the father of one of my children…
I ask in horror:
- I?!
- Calm down, - the woman answers, - I'm a teacher.

9.- And how many written greetings we received from teachers in diaries:
10.- Here, for example: Thank you for having an educational conversation with your son. Now he answers at every lesson, however, so far everyone understands him poorly, since he began to stutter.

11.- And here's to us: Parents! Cut the child's hair, I want to look into his eyes.

12.- Yes, and to us: Your son at the lesson of physical education rested like a ram and did not want to jump over a goat.

13.- And I checked my son's diary: physics - 2, chemistry - 2, history - 2, literature - 2, singing - 5. Lord, he also sings.

14. - And I checked the diary, and there are only deuces, I tell him:
- In our time, they were beaten with a belt for such grades!
And he answered me: Cool idea! Come tomorrow after school, we'll take revenge on the teacher!

15. Children bring us nothing but grief. And we are different for them!

16. - Yes, how imperceptibly our children have become adults!

17. And today at your graduation party, we want to wish you:

18. When you're only seventeen,
Leaving the student bench,
Sometimes it's hard to figure out:
Where to go, which way?
And the path through life will be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
May conscience be everywhere for you
Your adviser and compass.

19. So that youth always rules in life,
Love was pure and bright.
So that each star suddenly turned
Your cherished dream.

20. I thank the teachers, I am patient,
That our children were selflessly led.
In an effort to replenish the ranks, they are the first.
They taught life to love, so as not to pass by.
21. And I will not forget to wish, of course,
What is given, diligently multiply.
To the delight of everyone, work wholeheartedly.
And never forget the school walls.

22. Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!

Congratulations on your graduation from school

Great accomplishments and life without troubles!


The final

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only a timid sketch,
Oh, how beautiful proms are!

Let you leave school forever
But leaves a memory of your childhood
Don't forget your school years
Hearts and souls wonderful neighborhood

Yes, your film about childhood is coming to an end,

And all episodes were filmed, dreams were examined,

Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end.
Like a movie tape, the thread breaks.

IN 1 . We want to say again thank you so much you, dear school!

IN 2 . We want to once again thank our esteemed administration and our beloved teachers. And also all those who have always been with us for 11 years.

AT 3. We don't say goodbye to you

AT 4. We are speaking-

ALL Goodbye!!!


The presentation of certificates to graduates is a very important and solemn moment, but, as a rule, modern eleventh graders prefer to introduce show or theatrical elements into the script for this traditional ceremony. Therefore, the organizers are trying very carefully to think over and arrange this part. High school prom. The winning idea is to award everyone by analogy with film festivals, because you can add your own content to it, and prescribe the ceremony for specific graduates, making it individual, and therefore interesting to the heroes of the occasion, their parents and teachers. You can name the ceremony, for example, "Graduate - 2018", having thought over the statuettes and nominations in this topic.

In the proposed version - Star Graduate Graduation Ceremony, the idea of ​​the Cannes Film Festival is taken. The presentation of graduates for such a scenario is offered by teachers or an initiative group of graduates, suitable nominations are selected from the list of names of Russian and foreign films. The image of the presenters is based on “contrast”: one is classical, the other is cool, and the entertainer is based on an unobtrusive “skirmish” between them, which brings liveliness to the ceremony of receiving statuettes and raises the festive mood in the hall. At the same time, the certificates themselves are presented by someone from the school administration or the class teacher.

List of movie titles to choose from to watch in document

(download by clicking on the file)

Oscar Graduation Ceremony


Tray with envelopes, with nominations and names of Oscar winners, figurines



Verka Serdiuchka

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "Film, film, film" - the leader comes out, singing:

Leading(sings or speaks in recitative):“Whoever got into this world became forever happy” Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, so we were lucky today to plunge into this magical atmosphere, to touch its magic, thanks to the stellar cast of graduates (you can call the school! And I had the honor to inform you about the opening of the awards ceremony for the nominees of the film festival "Star Release - 2017"!


Leading: And we will begin our celebration with the most important and most serious: the presentation of the main world award in the field of cinematography - the Oscar.

Verka Serduchka runs in with a statuette in her hands.

Verka Serdiuchka: Am I late? Here he is, handsome! ( Shows statue). Oh what a man! (whispers loudly and mysteriously) Can I keep one for myself, purely as a keepsake?

Leading: Such an award must be earned!

Verka Serdiuchka: What have I been doing all my adult life? It can be said, without sparing my stomach, I bring culture to the masses!

Leading: (strictly) Vera, bring Oscar here for now, and we will discuss your contribution to culture later, today only the actors of the School Years series are nominated!

Verka Serdiuchka: (offended) Whoa!

Leading: (pulls Verka by the dress) Enough already, smile, otherwise I will replace it with Seryoga Zverev!

Verka Serduchka breaks into a Hollywood smile, waving her hand in greeting to the audience.

Leading: (looking away adult company) . Our film festival is, indeed, a bright event of the year, and it was not for nothing that distinguished guests honored it with their presence - teachers, "Honorary Members of the Film Academy", who have special powers: after all, they chose the most worthy. Worthy of this high award! (Takes away the figurine from Verka Serduchka and raises it high above her head.)


Verka Serdiuchka: A very high award! (whispers loudly to his co-host) Raise it higher!

Leading: The floor is given to the President of the Film Academy (name of principal or head teacher)

To thunderous applause, the director (head teacher) comes out: he says words of parting words, thanks to his students. Including the text below.

Director: Of course, our festival is not as big as in Cannes or Venice. But I assure you, friends, it is no less significant for our nominees. Agree, making even the most brilliant film is perhaps easier than raising such smart, beautiful and worthy people from little fools as our graduates. You can talk for a long time, but it's better to see once ...


Leading: Yes, Dear friends, you can talk for a long time ...

Verka Serdiuchka: And can I?

Leading: (glancing angrily at Verka) You can talk for a long time, but the program of our festival is so big that it is better to get straight to the point.

Verka Serduchka presses the button on the screen, an excerpt from the play "The Prince and the Pauper",in which the priest says: "The coronation begins!"

Verka Serdiuchka: The coronation begins!

Leading: Not a coronation, but a nomination! And it does not begin, but is announced. (To the side) God sent a helper! And do not touch the equipment, I beg you!

Verka Serdiuchka: And I sho, I'm niche! ( Modestly looking down, he folds his hands in the castle, under his chest).

Leading: Dear guests, let me begin the ceremony of presenting well-deserved awards.

Sounds like the Oscars

Leading: I draw your attention to the new nominations that have appeared in the regulations of our prestigious film awards on the recommendation of respected Academicians.

Verka Serdiuchka: New? Can I?

Leading: You? Of course, you can ... hand over envelopes and announce the name of the first winner of the award in the nomination "Thin thing".

Verka Serduchka opens the envelope and reads to herself.

Leading: Well? Read!

Verka Serdiuchka: Aloud?

Leading(ironic): No, about myself!

Verka Serdiuchka: And it's not written about me!

Leading: So read about who is written!

Verka Serdiuchka: Eh, well, okay! In the nomination "Thin thing" wins (name of graduate)- a beauty worthy of the podium.

There is a musical beat, applause.

The girl takes the stage.

Verka Serdiuchka: Wow, what a chick!

Leading: Congratulations (name)! Nobody doubts your lucky star. May all your most cherished dreams come true, and may the Oscar help you in this.

The host gives (name) a figurine, at the same time a certificate and gifts are awarded, if provided. At this time, Verka Serduchka rummages through the envelopes, takes out one.

Verka Serdiuchka: The next nomination is called "Mr. X".

Leading: We will grant the honor of opening this envelope (name of the first nominee).

The graduate opens the envelope, reads the name and leaves the stage.

A musical beat sounds, applause, the named eleventh grader comes out. Verka tries to attract the attention of the young man: winks, makes eyes.

Leading: (Name)- the young man is smart, serious and strict. He is a reliable comrade, strong, brave and loyal friend!

Verka Serdiuchka: What about X? Strong in math?

Leading: X, because it has a lot of undiscovered, still unknown to many, talents and virtues! (gives a statuette + certificate) And now, (name), it's your turn to open the envelope and name the winner of the "Lady Luck" category.

(The graduate reads and leaves the stage)

A musical beat sounds, applause, the named graduate comes out.

Verka Serdiuchka: There is no justice in the world, someone and you, please, lady, and even luck to boot, but here ... (sighs and looks enviously at the Oscar statuette)

Leading: (Name) academicians established such a nomination for great perseverance in achieving their goals, because they are sure that luck loves the hardworking!

Verka Serdiuchka: Shaw, so I have a chance! (digs into envelopes) Then I continue to work. The next nomination is "Charmed by Dance"! Is it like this? Well, who are they?

Leading: And this is for us now (name of nominee standing on stage) will say.

A musical beat sounds, applause, the named graduate comes out

Leading: (Name)- a real star of the school. A dancing star, without which not a single holiday or school concert passed. I won’t be surprised if very soon this talented girl will break the applause on the big stage (Gives the girl a statuette + a certificate).

Leading: (looking at the efforts of Verka Serduchka): You don't have to study for a year to dance like that!

Verka Serdiuchka: Yes, I, “Chita-Dritu” without ballet training, you know how to rock it, show me?

Leading: Faith, I believe in the word, but we are here for a different reason. (loud whisper) Quickly announce the next nomination and hand over the envelope (name), to name the next winner.

Verka Serdiuchka: And what am I doing! (announces) Nomination "Light personality". (holds an envelope to the graduate) Well, enlighten us, who shines without nails?

Leading(irritated): Oh, holy Mary, where are the nails?

Verka Serdiuchka: You need to know the classics, young man! (solemnly announces and quotes with pathos) V. Mayakovsky. "Shine and no nails, that's my slogan and the sun!"

Leading: And my slogan is: “Do the job and walk boldly in the sun!” Read (girl's name)!

(Nominee reads and leaves the stage)

Leading: The shyest and most smiling boy in the school. They say that when (name) smiles, around and really becomes lighter! This Oscar is deservedly yours! (a statuette + a certificate is awarded)

Verka smiles, flirts, blows a kiss to Sergei.

Leading(Serdyuchka): Are you not addicted, girl?

Verka Serdiuchka (glancing quickly at the envelope, he reads coquettishly, furtively pointing at himself):"The most charming and attractive"

Verka, without taking her eyes off (name), gives him an envelope without looking, he reads

Leading(rolling his eyes, he takes the envelope from Verka and hands it to the graduate): And who won with us in this nomination?

The graduate reads out and changes places with the named nominee, which comes out under musical accompaniment and applause from the audience. Verka looks after the departing young man, not noticing the new laureate.

Leading: Pro (name) they say: "The sea of ​​charm and the ocean of diligence"! Many teachers will miss the executive and sympathetic (name). And this Oscar goes to the right address. Do you agree, Vera?

Verka Serdiuchka(as if waking up): Yes, I agree, I agree! ( grabs the next envelope) Wow, what a nomination! " Toughie". And who is this walnut? Or coconut? (gives the envelope to the nominee, she reads the name of the graduate and leaves)

A musical beat sounds, applause, the named graduate comes out.

Verka, opening her mouth, bats her eyes, unable to move. Then he keeps his eyes on the young man entering the stage, then checks his biceps to the touch.

Leading: Nikita is a handsome, temperamental young man. I don’t know about other girls, but my colleague seems to have made up her mind.

Verka Serdiuchka: And did you lose anything? Young man, are you free tonight?

Leading: I'll tell you, he'll be busy! How will he celebrate the Oscars? (a statuette + a certificate is awarded). And now I'm ready to read the name of the next hero today, in the nomination…

Verka Serdiuchka(sighing): In the nomination " Kind heart"! (gives the young man an envelope)

The graduate reads the name and descends into the hall, the next nominee to the music and applause rises to the stage.

Leading: Pro (name) everyone says that her kindness gives everyone warmth, and her smile cheers up those around her. Even Oscar looks like she's smiling (gives statuette)

Verka Serdiuchka:"Wake and Sing"

Leading: Yes, I can't sleep!

Verka Serdiuchka: But I sleep and dream, I stand on stage with an Oscar in my hands and sing .. (takes a breath, takes a pose, as if about to sing)

Leading: (strictly) Songs later, now - nomination!

Verka Serdiuchka (offended): Here the nomination is called "Wake up and sing" ( hands the envelope to the graduate so that she reads the name of the next nominee)

The graduate reads out the name and descends into the hall, the named nominee to the music and applause rises to the stage.

Leading:"Charming and kind" - they speak of (name) both teachers and friends. He also has a strong character: overcoming his shyness, (name) successfully performs at school competitions vocal groups. (a statuette + a certificate is awarded)

Verka Serduchka revives.

Verka Serdiuchka: Young man, do you sing a duet? I'm sure you will sing! (a graduate sings along with her or a phonogram sounds) “All right, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, I know that!” And I also know that the envelopes are over! (the last nominee descends into the hall)

Leading: And this means that the award ceremony of our Oscar winners has come to an end!

Verka Serdiuchka: But the holiday - the Star Release Festival - continues. There are many good toasts and cheerful songs ahead.

Leading: There will be more wise parting words and interesting contests.

Verka Serdiuchka: And there will be no more kina?

Leading: No! It will be - it will be, because tonight is a movie night ... However, more on that after a short break.


Graduation party 2011

Graduate Award Ceremony 2011

Ved.1: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved.2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Veda 1: Madame and Monsieur!

Veda 2: Dear comrades!

Veda 1: Seniors and senoritas!

Vedas.2: Sirs and madams!

Veda 1: Citizens and citizens!

Veda 2: Friends! Attention!

Ved.1: Allow the awarding ceremony of the "Graduate - 2011" award to be considered open!

Ved.2: This day will be widely covered by all the media. Today, representatives of various infrastructures, TV and radio companies work in the hall.

Ved.1: Pay attention to how everyone is waiting for the continuation. Flashes froze, and video cameras slowly rustle, afraid to miss the most important moment!

Vedas.2: Look again into the hall, the apple has nowhere to fall.

Veda 1: Today there are many guests of honor in the hall: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ved.2: We thank everyone who came here today to support our nominees, who will share the joy of victory with the laureates of the "Graduate - 2011" award

Vedas. 1: So, welcome to our nominees!

Ved.2: Graduates of the 11th grade and their mentors are invited to the star path:

Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna and Sidorov Evgeny Alexandrovich.

Bondarenko Maria, Golozubtsev Sergey

Petrova Julia, Baigulov Artem

Burova Veronika, Tsarev Denis

Sheludko Evgenia, Smirnov Vladimir

Sazonova Elizaveta, Butakov Ivan

Podarueva Evgeniya, Nisteryuk Andrian

Kurdyukova Victoria, Nastin Pavel

Kutcher Maria, Zherebtsov Andrey

Repina Anna, Seroukhov Maxim

Marchuk Julia, Pankov Ilya

Demeshko Victoria, Paushkin Vitaly

Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Gorkovenko Sergey

Mokhotko Alena, Atopkin Konstantin

Svarovskaya Irina, Lavrinenko Dmitry

Ermakova Evgeniya, Rassomagin Oleg

Chernenko Tatiana, Smekalin Anton

Khakimova Olga, Turetkov Egor

Karmazova Anastasia, Shadrina Evgenia

Batrakova Daria, Korchago Ksenia

Svarovskaya Marina, Tashkinova Julia

Ostapovich Nadezhda, Mayorova Julia

Mashegov Ivan

Ved.1: Thus, 43 students of the 11th grade of the Shegarskaya high school No. 2. The Graduate Award 2011 will be awarded in 11 nominations.

Lead 2: An independent jury was formed to determine the winners. The counting commission, having calculated the result, sealed the names of the winners in envelopes.

Vedas. 1: So at the moment no one knows the names of the laureates.

Vedas. 2: In the meantime, we will remember ...

A graduate is coming out

Graduate: Look guys, what a curious thing I found. This is our old photo album. There are notes and photographs here. 2000, 1st grade…

(music plays)

Send photos from 1st grade


1. Being a first grader is very responsible,

You need to study for "5", respectively,

Gotta be polite

Gotta be brave

You have to lead by example every day.

2. What kind she is with us,

How nice she is

It makes me want to call her mom.

3. And her eyes are kind,

And soft hands

And in her lessons you will not die of boredom.

1. Svetlana Arkadyevna is the kindest!

2. Vera Markovna is the smartest!

3. Svetlana Yurievna - the most glorious!

Together: It makes me want to call you mothers!

(speech by primary school teachers)

(Music, first graders come out)

P1: In ten years we will grow up too -

After all, we are still a little younger.

P2: All photo models will be the same,

The boys are in mustaches and put on suits.

Presenter 1 : Dear graduates! You have to participate in the game "Mouths of a Baby". Our younger friends will tell you the meaning of words related to school. Your task is to guess the word.

P1: There are a lot of windows, brushes and paints. There are a lot of boys and girls, they get "2" and "5". Fairy tales are read to them, and they become smart, kind and polite. (SCHOOL)

P3: Everyone runs to him. When he walks, they sit on him and sit quietly. (LESSON)

P4: You can draw on it, you can scratch on it, even some people manage to sleep behind it. (DESK)

P5: It's a little treat. Sometimes some students in the lesson ask when it will be, and the teacher scolds them, because the lesson has just started. And sometimes the student asks to go out, and the teacher says: “When she was, then it was necessary to go.” (CHANGE)

P6: It happens in summer, and in winter, and in spring, and in autumn; when parents give money to their children so that they go to the cinema, the theater. And it is better, if there is no money, to sleep a lot, watch TV or read a book. (HOLIDAY)

P7: He is the first and last. (CALL)

P1: What good children grew up!

Well, where else can you find them?

P2: And in vain they say that the lessons only torment:

They will teach you a lot in life.

There is a video about school life leafing through the school album TRANSITION!

Leading alumni:

1 graduate : So the 1st class flew by, the 2nd flashed

2 graduate:

Backpacks are heavy. More textbooks.

All in third and fourth grade

Learn, try.

1 graduate:

I love to go to school

But I can't stand girls.

You pull the pigtail once, and then ....

This girl with a bow

Run after me fast

And complain to the teacher.

2 graduate:

2005, 5th grade

Got two again.

I tried my best:

I took home from Masha,

Wrote everything to the blotter -

A teacher on Monday

Dad was invited to school!

1 graduate:

KVN and conversations,

Defeats and victories

Friendship, class, where you aspire again,

Our first love!

2 graduate:

Exhibitions, museums and trips,

Cool hours and evenings.

They cleaned the classroom, did sports ...

We will never forget this!

1 graduate:

The older the class

Not before learning -

Everyone is falling in love! Nothing, no matter how you teach

Not remembered.

2 graduate:

In the ninth grade they wised up. whole year taught.

How the exams passed - Everyone immediately forgot.

1 graduate:

In high school - that's an attack.

Everyone is changing their image.

You can faint

How do you see the students?

2 graduate:

2010 10th grade.

Oh, those lessons-torments!

This is how the mind becomes confused.

When did the French retreat from Moscow?

What is the hypotenuse there?

1 graduate:

Oxides, sulfides, phosphates, acids,

And adverbial turns!

Let this hassle end soon!

Oh, they would have given me a certificate ahead of time.

2 graduate:

School life went by unnoticed.

Enough for mom to live unrequitedly

The time has passed to answer our exams,

Make your choice the only right one

1 graduate:

Gone are the days of carefree childhood

And in life you need to find a place for yourself!

2. graduate:

As in every state there is a ruler,

As in every fairy tale there is a princess,

We have great leaders

Lyudmila Ivanovna and Evgeny Alexandrovich

Recognition for class teachers:

11 A class:

Our awesome leader

Today we say goodbye to school.

And yet thoughts and feelings

Lyudmila Ivanovna, we are returning to you.

Sometimes you were strict with us

And we were scolded for our mistakes,

You were dissatisfied with many

But still, they forgave a lot.

11 B class:

Dear Evgeny Alexandrovich!

We shared joy and sorrow with you, as friends,

And in any of our disputes, you are our chief judge.

We are used to being with you, it is difficult for us without you:

After all, we are your most beloved, your best class.

We will become adults, but, as in our childhood,

We will mentally talk with you about everything,

To help us again at a decisive hour:

Together: After all, we are your most beloved, your best class!

(word to class teachers)


1 . Dear mothers, dear fathers!

It's good to have you around now

In this solemn joyful hour.

We share our joy with you

In life for us you are the compass of the earth.

After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!

We thank you with all our hearts.

2. Dear mothers, dear fathers!

We want to thank you

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is always ready to help.

3. We moved from class to class,

Gain knowledge and grow.

Everything we were taught in school

You helped us get through everything.

4. But how much work ahead of us!

Victory, joy, success ahead!

We expect your support and care

And we promise we won't let you down!

The word is given to parents

Q1: Years passed, you grew up.

Q2: And you step by step approached today's solemn day.

So, we begin the awards ceremony "Graduate - 2011".

Nomination "Miss Excellence"

How wonderful that there are guys in the school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

To announce the winner in the nomination "Miss Excellence"

invited ... .. _______________________________ (Bondarenko Maria)

2. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".
IN 1: If someone smiled at you
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune suddenly returned to you,
That's what charm did.

IN 2: The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm" is given to Korolkova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Petrova Julia, Marchuk Yulia, Gorkovenko Sergey

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Real gentleman".
IN 1: Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Take it and try it yourself!
2: The right to announce the winner of the nomination is granted to Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

The nomination winners are:Baigulov Artem, Lavrinenko Dmitry, Paushkin Vitaly, Smirnov Vladimir

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

4. Nomination "Miss and Mister Kindness".
IN 1: Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
2: The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mister Kindness" is given to Galina Mitrofanovna Zhuravkova.

The nomination winners are:Svarovskaya Marina, Batrakova Daria, Tashkinova Yulia, Sheludko Evgenia, Svarovskaya Irina, Demeshko Victoria

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Miss Artistry".
IN 2. If you are given the talent to shine,
You don't have to bury it in the ground.
1. The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Miss Artistry" is granted to Elena Vladimirovna Butakova.

The nomination winners are:Burova Veronika, Repina Anna, Sazonova Elizaveta, Kurdyukova Victoria

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

6. Nomination "Mr. and Miss Independence".
IN 2. How rare in our life
The person is completely independent.
1. The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. and Miss Independence" is granted to Bondarenko Marina Nikolaevna.

The nomination winners are:Golozubtsev Sergey, Mashegov Ivan, Zyuzkova Ekaterina, Ermakova Evgenia, Smekalin Anton, Rassomagin Oleg

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".
IN 1: From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
2: The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. Veselchak" is granted to Nina Mikhailovna Lauva.

The nomination winners are:Butakov Ivan, Nastin Pavel, Pankov Ilya

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Hope and Support".
IN 1: Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend
And despite all the changes
Reliability was valued at all times.
2: The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Hope and Support" is given to Nisteryuk Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The nomination winners are:Mayorova Julia, Kutcher Maria, Podarueva Evgenia, Chernenko Tatiana

9. Nomination " Faithful friends".
IN 1: We are with you - you and me,
Have been friends for many years.
Such a devoted friendship,
Anyone will envy.
2: The right to announce the winners of the "True Friends" nomination. provided to Evlanova Oksana Vladimirovna.

The nomination winners are:Karmazova Anastasia and Shadrina Evgenia

Medals are awarded, applause. Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Heroes of Sports".

IN 1 . Olympic hopes you tried to grow out of them

Look at the guys, yes, not in vain you have worked hard!

Even if they are eagles, in the future they are eagles!

It does not matter that their Olympic records are not equal!

IN 2. The right to announce the winners of the "Great Athletes" nomination is grantedSergei Vasilievich Ekimovand Vera Mikhailovna Mylnikova.

The nomination winners are:

Atopkin Konstantin, Pankov Ilya, Seroukhov Maxim, Tsarev Denis, Turetkov Egor, Zherebtsov Andrey

"Athlete. Komsomolskaya Pravda. Gorgeous"

Korchago Ksenia, Ostapovich Nadezhda, Khakimova Olga, Mokhotko Alena

"Great Chess Players"

Nisteryuk Andriyan, Mashegov Ivan

A medal is awarded. Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Golden Pen"

1. In that honest feat,

In that happiness of chants,

Whom I serve every moment

My teacher is your miraculous genius,

And the field is your magic language.

2. The right to announce the winners of the Golden Pen nomination is given to Irina Adamovna Kubusevich.

Maria Bondarenko became the winner of the nomination.

(music sounds)

Congratulations gentlemen.

D1: Ladies and gentlemen! Dear graduates! Having traveled half the country, having visited different educational institutions from St. Petersburg to Uryupinsk, we have accumulated excellent material on solving the problems of entering universities.

D2: As you know, applicants are divided into:

D3: knowing nothing and not even guessing about it;

D1: knowing something, but not knowing what exactly;

D2: those who know something, and those who know what exactly;

D3: knowing everything except what is needed;

D1: and finally, those who know everything and even what they do not know.

D2: Determine which group you belong to, this will certainly help in choosing a university.

D3: But do not forget: those who do not have a university behind them, for the time being, live more prosperously.

Together: Good luck to YOU, graduates.

SONG number

Issue 1 We love you, love can still be

In our souls, it has not completely died out,

But she won't bother you anymore

We do not want to sadden you with anything.

Issue 2 We will carry your knowledge through life,

We will be different and difficult at times,

But all your efforts are not in vain,

We are always proud of our school.

Issue 3 It was difficult with us, we know for sure

And sometimes it’s not easy for us with you,

And we still have an exam ahead of us,

And life is big so thank you

For everything that you could teach us,

For your kind but stern eyes,

For being very patient

I especially want to thank you.

Issue 4 For what you sometimes did not notice,

What is learned for a double lesson,

From your outbursts of anger and sadness,

For your first and last call.

Issue 5 For that we will enter life a little smarter,

What could be, of course, without you,

For the fact that we will be a little kinder,

We say: "Thank you!" - every time.

Issue 6 thank you for your inspiration

For your sometimes thankless work!

And may these beautiful moments

They will give you the power of life in the future!

Issue 7 May all students and pupils

You will be forever grateful!

And we still have to learn from you all our lives,

To never lose face!

Issue. eight To become people with a capital letter,

There are many more lessons to come.

And even if we leave your warm hands, we

May your fire burn in our hearts.

And we are for everything: "Thank you!" - we say.

Vedas: We, the graduates of 2011, decided to celebrate the particularly distinguished teachers of our school, those who made it to the exams with them and helped them survive them.

1. Certificates of honor for success in calligraphy, spelling and counting on sticks are awarded to the first teachers Saranina Vera Markovna, Petrova Svetlana Yuryevna, Bezryakova Svetlana Arkadyevna.

2. For the first time in the history of the exact sciences in connection with the nomination of a candidate for Nobel Prize the teacher of mathematics Ivanova Galina Nikolaevna, Artemyeva Nadezhda Ivanovna is awarded.

3. Literature teachers Zaitseva Tamara Efremovna, Ovchinnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna are awarded for love, loyalty and devotion to Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky and others

4. For the subtle synthesis of basketball and historical knowledge in the organisms of students, the teacher of history Eremin Sergey Nikolaevich is awarded

5. For special achievements in the field of pedagogy and the introduction of physical knowledge not only into the heads of students, but also into stone walls Cabinet is awarded the teacher of physics Lauva Nina Mikhailovna

6. Chemistry teacher Lyudmila Ivanovna Batrakova is awarded for increased stamina and Olympic calmness, shown repeatedly in explosive situations.

7. A certificate of honor for a significant contribution to solving environmental and garden problems is awarded to the teacher of biology Logutova Alena Valerievna.

8. A certificate of honor with the title of Honorary Member of the Geographical Society of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation for the two thousand and eleventh discovery of the Strait of Magellan is awarded to geography teacher Irina Adamovna Kubusevich

9. For an invaluable contribution to the minds of students and the development of interlingual communications, a teacher is awarded foreign language Zhuravkova Galina Mitrofanovna, Korobtsova Galina Vasilievna, Evlanova Oksana Vladimirovna.

10. For high achievements of students in running ... from lessons, in jumping .... through fences, in throwing ... notes are awarded to the teacher of physical education and life safety Sidorov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

11. For increased cross-country ability in the bowels of the processor and high-speed swimming in the Internet networks, the teacher of computer science Korolkova Tatyana Alexandrovna is awarded

12. Certificate of Appreciation for strategic talents; for incorruptibility in the fight for healthy lifestyle life; for the mind, for the honor, for the conscience of our era, as well as for harmfulness (in production), the administration of the school is awarded Sidorova E.A., Kubusevich I.A., Eremin S.N.

Issue 1. An ancient beautiful tradition -

The student gives you flowers

At this moment, your faces brighten,

At this moment, you realize:

Issue 2 Your work was, of course, not in vain

And sometimes it was hard for you

But still, how wonderful

Give yourself to your students. (Give flowers to teachers)


If the school has administration,

So does anyone need it?

So, it is necessary

For them to sit in the silence of their offices?!

And torn in the swamps of academic performance,

Break into RONO,



They swear...

And here is the Order!

The floor for the congratulations of the graduates and the solemn presentation of certificates is given to the director of the school Eremin Sergey Nikolaevich.

Issue. 2 With all my heart, with bow and love
We wish you happiness years
Girls - schoolgirls comely
good boys, teacher victories!
Issue 3 Let the sun shine brighter for our school!
Teachers - health, like granite!
May all children please you, relatives
May God always keep you all in everything!

Closing song "Farewell Waltz"

1. Nomination - For activity and initiative
You show activity in any business,
you attract everyone with new ideas,
you help scum, you lead!
always good, interesting with you!

2. Nomination - DREAM OF GIRLS
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream of him day and night,
Serious passions boil in the group,
To waltz with him together.

3. Nomination - For diligence
Both the group and the garden are proud of you, you love to learn,
And you love to work. Rejoice us with new successes,
And in life you can achieve a lot!

4. Nomination - For exemplary behavior
the course you have chosen is correct, you are behaving approximately,
respectfully, obediently, doing everything you need!
Everyone admired you, they looked up to you in everything!
let patience and diligence help knowledge!

5. Nomination - Mr. neatness
Always and in everything he is accurate,
All things are in order, nice to look at.
Dirt, disorder and untidiness -
This boy will not endure.

6. Nomination - Mr. sweet tooth
No cookies, no candy
They don't give me lunch...
I would like creamy toffee
Jumping would be much better!
And from strawberry waffles
I would run better!

7. nomination - Mr. shyness
Smart and educated, in life - a hero,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life
Then there will be no trace of shyness.

8. nomination - Mr. modesty
he is quiet, modest, charming,
and attentive in class.
just speak louder
but apparently there is no power

9. nomination - Mr. degree
unhurried in movements and smart,
he knows how to hold a conversation.
is thoughtful, sees the future,
sometimes so wise - you are given a diva!

10. Nominated - Mr. Athlete
For dexterity, strength and skill,
Hard work in training
For collection nerves of steel,
And for the desire to be the first,
For courage and patience
Talent, drive and inspiration

11. Nomination - Mr. Artist
The guy loves to draw
Adults like to help.
He has many talents.
Let there be a bright road!

12. Nomination - Mister Justice
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
all the guys respect
Everyone wishes him success.

This child knows everything around
He learns the science of life INDEPENDENTLY,
He will fry the eggs himself, if necessary,
Will definitely wash clothes!

14. Nomination - MISTER X
He is a mystery to everyone in the district,
He can achieve what he wants, if he wants,
It always goes its own way.

15. Nomination - MISTER VSE KNOW
Nothing to surprise him
Always and everyone will be INTRODUCED TO THE COURSE,
Who brought what, where did he go,
Tell quickly and skillfully!

16. Nomination - REAL GENTLEMEN
He is helpful, courteous,
no doubt neat.
Many years without change
real gentleman!

A little lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed neatly and handsome,
He, like the DANDY from the magazine, is also important.
Anyone can confirm this for you!

18. Nominated - Miss Imagination
Oh look guys...
These are raindrops
Wanting your strawberry
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
There is a booming sound;
Knock them back
Smile, say hello!

19. Nomination - Miss Curiosity
You are inquisitive, apparently born!
You were in a hurry to get on the road!
The world is limitless, find out everything in it!
And of course, tell us!

20. Nomination - Miss quick wits
You are able to quickly
Good to understand and reason
That two plus two is always four
And in another way, it cannot be!

21. Nomination - The most attentive
Quiet, modest and charming,
And be careful in class.
Save anyone, don't let anyone down
You will tell a verse, you will sing a song.

22. Nomination - Miss Obedience
You act like
You are always attention itself
And therefore, probably.
You are a role model.

23. Nomination - Miss fashionista
fashionista in our group,
How difficult it is for her!
Loves fashion glasses
And high heels!

24. Nomination - Miss cutie
Pretty face, beautiful eyes,
She dresses like a princess from a fairy tale.
Beautiful, slender, like a camomile in a field
You can call it in one word - cutie!

25. Nominated - Miss Capricious
Like our nominee
There's a big pocket somewhere!
And there are no pictures,
No handkerchiefs, no shoes,
No candy, no book
And the whims live there!

26. Nomination - exemplary behavior
You have chosen the right course
you act like
respectfully, obediently
do whatever it takes!

27. Nomination - the best singer
You are a soloist in our choir,
As soon as you open your mouth,
You can hear it even in the hallway
Everyone knows who is singing.

You love to sing from birth
You are the star in karaoke.
Dreaming of Eurovision
Get out when you grow up.

28. Nomination - The most stylish
Every day with a new hairstyle
Going to school is fun
That with a two-meter pigtail,
That curls suddenly curl.

The one with straight hair
Repaint them again...
In front of the mirror for hours
You are ready to stand.

29. Nominated - Most Responsive
Will always respond to a request
And invite guests to his place;
From a joke that hour will laugh,
Tells a lot of news.

30. Nomination - the kindest
Like the sun you radiate
You are warm and kind.
help everyone clean up
Keeping clean...

If an apple is in your pocket,
You will surely eat.
For those who didn't make it,
You will solve all tasks.

See more nominations here.

Option number 1

nomination "Miss Charm"
nomination "Miss My little charm"
nomination "Miss (or Mr.) Fidget"
nomination "Miss Grace".
nomination "Miss Humor".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Resourcefulness".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Artistry".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".
nomination "Miss Spring".
nomination "Miss Energy".
nomination "Miss Style".

nomination "Miss Intelligence".
nomination "Miss Magic Voice".
nomination "Miss Audience Choice".
nomination "Miss Creativity".
nomination "Soul of the group".
nomination "Mr. Real Gentleman"
nomination "Miss Kindness".

Nominated for Clear Smile

nomination for the best appetite...

nomination The most nimble
nomination for the funniest

Option number 2

1. The most slender!
2.Most advanced!
3. The most charming (th)!
4. The sportiest!
5. The most unpredictable!
6. Charming!
7. Tamer!
8. Storyteller!
10. Hunter!

Cypress wrote:

1. Nomination "Clever and clever"!

How wonderful that there are guys in the group,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Clever and clever" is provided by _______.
The winners are: __________________.

2. Nomination "Miss Charm".

In your life, no less than knowledge,
The charm will come in handy.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss Charm" is provided by ___________.
The winners of the nomination are: ______________.
(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Soul of the group".

Becoming a leader in a group is not easy.
Everyone needs to be interesting
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
The right to announce the winner of the "Soul of the Group" nomination is granted to _________.
Nomination winner: ___________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

4. Nomination "Real gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Take it and try it yourself!
The right to announce the winners of the "Real Gentleman" nomination is provided by _________.
The winners of the nomination are: ______.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Photo model".

If everything is fine in a person:
Face and thoughts and clothes
Then maybe not in vain
Hope to become a model.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Photo Model" is provided by __________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

6. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".

If someone smiled at you
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune suddenly returned to you,
That's what charm did.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm" is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _________.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
The right to announce the winners of the "Miss Kindness" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination are: _______.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Sun of the group".

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The right to announce the winners of the "Class Sun" nomination is provided by _______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

9. Nomination "Girls' Dream".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And Grey, sailing scarlet, is waiting,
Not noticing that with them together
Nearby their dreams go through life.
. The right to announce the winners of the "Girls' Dream" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
You don't have to bury it in the ground.
The right to announce the winner of the "Miss Artistry" nomination is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Mr. Independence".

How rare in our life
The person is completely independent.
The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Independence" nomination is provided by _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

12. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
1. The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Cheerful" nomination is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

13. Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support".

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend
And despite all the changes
Reliability was valued at all times.
The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. Hope and Support" is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

14. Nomination "True Friends".

We are with you - you and me
4 years already friends.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will envy.
The right to announce the winners of the "True Friends" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.)

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