A new direction in youth dances. Vogue dance style

It is not very likely that you will be invited to a social ball, you are much more likely to be in a club or at a party of friends in a different democratic setting.

The ability to dance will come in handy everywhere. Having mastered the technique, you will feel confident, increase self-esteem, improve posture and figure, change internally, feeling incomparable pleasure. Find out which modern dances for girls are the most popular and where to learn fashionable dance moves.

Dancing as a useful hobby

Possession of one's body in dance is given to almost all people, but excessive modesty prevents many from realizing themselves. If you are shy in companies and refuse men who invite you to dance, rebuild yourself internally. Especially modest girls can try to learn how to dance modern dances at home by turning on their favorite music and improvising in front of a mirror.

This hobby is suitable for women of all ages, with any weight and body type. Do not be shy if you have a non-standard figure, lush hips, large breasts or a protruding tummy.

Dancing is useful not only for mood and beauty, but also for good health. Thanks to dance movements, blood flow increases, lung function improves, and the heart strengthens. After regular classes posture improves, coordination of movements and the work of the vestibular apparatus are normalized.

For every girl and woman there is suitable look modern dance, in which it is easy to turn shortcomings into virtues. Dancing regularly, girls become more feminine, their gait and facial expressions change. The choreography teaches the art of seduction and coquetry, playfulness and a confident look. At the same time, dancers know how to keep their distance and are never toys in the hands of a man.

Where to learn to dance quickly and beautifully

There is two ways to learn to dance- independently and under the guidance of a teacher. The first option is ideal for those who once studied choreography, and now just want to master a new style. The second guarantees success for everyone.

Homeschooling and its features

For self-study, girls can use video lessons on modern dance, read books on choreography, watch films, study theory in magazines.

It is important not to neglect the recommendations of the virtual choreographer, but to strictly follow them. More importantly, find good courses and materials for self-study. It is better to choose a few, and only then weed out the extra ones, having understood the nuances.

For starters, of course, you can do without a suit, but a suit helps you tune in to the right mood and immediately teaches you to move according to your clothes. Be sure to need suitable music, which will help you choose the training lessons and a description of the dance.

It is better for beginners to choose directions in which improvisation allowed. As a rule, these are "natives" of street styles, they do not require special training, costumes and a partner. Having mastered the technique of free dance styles, you will feel confident on the dance floor.

Harder to master classic styles in which you want to learn the position of the body, head, hands, basic positions and steps. Such directions require classes with a teacher at home or at school.

Education in schools and studios

If you are used to taking everything seriously and want to be not only a participant, but also the central link of the dance floor, then it is better to enroll in a modern dance school.

Benefits of studying in the studio:

  1. Experienced teachers, good schools have professional choreographers.
  2. No need to think about where to find a partner or team for pair and group dances.
  3. Professional dance hall with mirrors, the right music.
  4. A special atmosphere and new friends with similar interests.
  5. For girls - the opportunity to find a mate not only for the waltz, but for life.

To find out what services such schools provide, we called the studio fashion dance, working in Moscow, and asked a few questions.

What dance styles can you teach a beginner?

We have a lot of directions, ranging from waltz and tango, including ballroom and modern, trendy Latin American and oriental dances, and ending with go-go and erotic styles for special occasions.

And what, you can teach any girl to dance?

For each client, we find the most suitable style for him, taking into account personal data and wishes. There are no people who do not know how to dance, this is given to man by nature, the main thing is to open up correctly.

And with what wishes come to you most often?

The most popular direction among boys and young girls is modern dance, older women want to learn belly dancing, and ladies who have free time in retirement are drawn to the waltz.

The global problem of modern youth is marriage. Especially for newlyweds, we opened a course pre-wedding preparation, within which we stage the dance of the bride and groom, father and daughter, friends and girlfriends.

What do you need to get started and how much does it cost?

First you need to come to us and express your wishes. We help to orient in the names and styles, jointly select a group and a teacher. Further, everything is individual, including prices. We have a lot of discount programs. Better go to the dance school website fashion dance If you don't understand, call us, we'll be happy to tell you everything!

Types of modern dances for beginners

It is easiest for beginners to master the styles of modern dance, in which there are no clear rules for choreography. Small flaws are practically not noticeable here, they are mistaken for improvisation and personal highlights of the girl.

Free dance - the choice of dreamers

Free, also known as rhythmoplastic or plastic dance, appeared at the beginning of the last century. The basis of this dance style is ballet, diluted with free movements from everyday life. Main essence this direction - emancipation, energy, interaction with the environment.

In free dancing to modern music, improvisation, spontaneity, and creativity are encouraged. Perhaps this is the best choice for beginners, as there are no strict rules for choreography and technique, but there is an opportunity for self-expression.

Girls can perform free dances both alone and in a pair with a man. The absence of strict limits is a guarantee that you will not look bad dancing, because everyone can come up with their own movements.

Art Nouveau as the choice of the free

Art Nouveau arose against the background of the rejection of traditional ballet techniques. His credo is the rejection of canons and conventions, the embodiment new choreography. Modern came to modern girls from the twentieth century. One of the founders of the direction was Isadora Duncan. Another dancer who contributed to the development and popularity of the style is Mary Wigman, who abandoned traditional beautiful movements in favor of unusual and even shocking ones.

Modern is danced barefoot, its main choreographer is nature. The technique cannot be called complicated, the main component of success is the emotionality of the dancer. Sensuality in every movement is a guarantee of your own pleasure and the delight of others.

Electro - youth direction

Electro is one of the most popular destinations in the list of modern dances for girls, available for beginners. In fact, this is a street dance that was born in the middle of the last century to club music. Electro dance more hands than the body, so it is ideal for beginner dancers and people with poor physical fitness.

They are divided into two directions:

  1. Milky Way - calm movements, somewhat similar to the performance of an actor on stage. Each exit of the dancer is a small performance with a beginning and an end. It is better to start learning to dance electro from this type, then moving on to a more complex direction.
  2. Electro - active movements, smoothly turning into each other at high speed. The main thing here is to feel the music and understand what they are singing about in the song so that the movements do not contradict the meaning.

Tectonic - dynamics and energy

Tektonik is another modern dance direction for girls and guys. Tektonik combines dance elements of techno, hip-hop, popping, locking. True fans stick to a certain style of clothing - skinny jeans, tight T-shirts, basketball-like sneakers. They are distinguished by futuristic hairstyles with gothic elements.

However, there are no strict requirements, you can dance tectonics in any clothes and with any hairstyle. Not only tight-fitting, but also loose clothing is allowed - hoodies, shorts, tops. Most suitable for movement flat shoes.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of tectonics - heavy and soft. Each group includes several types of dance. It is difficult to learn dance elements on your own, it is better to do it in a group or with a teacher.

Breakdance is a favorite of plastic

Breakdance is a dance for modern girls who own acrobatics, which originated in the seventies of the last century. Breakdance literally covered the masses with a wave in 1984 after the release of the movie Beat Street. They began to dance it at discos, in clubs and even at school parties.

The break is divided into two large groups- lower and upper:

  • The top break is similar to the popular disco dance. It is characterized by sharp interlocking movements of the arms, legs and the whole body. The upper break group includes many stylistic directions.
  • Bottom breakdancing is more complex and filled with acrobatics. It is danced on the floor, it needs physical preparation and strength to hold the body. This type of modern dance is more suitable for boys than girls.

Break clothes need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Girls - bi-girl, dancing break-dance in a beautiful sportswear famous brands to look stylish and attractive. FROM short haircut no problem, but the owners of long hair need to take care that the hair does not interfere with movements.

Hip-Hop - naughty and rhythmic

Hip-Hop originated in New York's working-class environment in the mid-seventies. Within a few years, he became part of the youth culture in many countries. In the late nineties, Hip-Hop turned out to be a full-fledged component music industry. Nowadays, this direction is distinguished into a fashionable subculture, this is a popular style that has become a lifestyle for some.

Hip-hop is danced to rhythmic music, including rap. Rhythm, as a rule, is set by DJs, and dancers and dancers need to have time to hear the music and think over the movements to it.

Contempo - the flight of the soul

Contemp successfully combines several dance directions. He attracts girls with the simplicity of movements and the ability to improvise. The founders of the contempo, among whom was Isadora Duncan, did everything so that everyone could master this dance.

Contempo training should begin with the preparation of muscles, joints and ligaments. The bottom line is the alternation of tense muscles with a sharp relaxation. The contempo is built on the contrast of ups and downs, characterizing contradiction and balance. It is better to dance barefoot, so that nothing interferes with freedom.

Hakka - the choice of modern girls

Hakka appeared in the eighties of the twentieth century, thanks to the hardcore musical direction. The energetic movements of this distinctively named modern dance dictate bass beats. hard rock. This is one of the most emotional dance styles that requires endurance and sports training from girls.

During exercise, you can even lose weight, as a lot of energy is expended and calories are burned. Hakka strengthens the muscles of the legs, pumps up the hips and makes the lower body more toned and slender.

At the same time, Hakka is easy to learn for beginners, it has little basic elements, and everything else is improvisation that fits into the framework of the style.

Go-Go - for disco stars

Go-Go originated in the mid-sixties of the last century, initially it was one of the ways to entertain visitors in entertainment venues, festivals, clubs, and discos. AT Russia Go-Go came only in the nineties, it was actively used not only in clubs and discos, but also to draw attention to any social events.

No need to consider Go-Go something obscene, dancing woman always remains unavailable. At the dawn of Go-Go dancers were even hung up in cages so that men would not even think about the possibility of approaching.

The ability to dance Go-Go is necessary for self-confident girls who love to attract attention and be in the center of events. Go-Go will come in handy in a club or disco, it will teach you to catch the rhythm, control your warmth, play and improvise.

The best dance directions for women

For women who look at dance as a hobby and one of the opportunities for self-realization, there are many modern trends. You need to proceed from the existing skills and initial physical fitness. Gradually, the bar can be raised, moving on to more complex styles.

Oriental and Indian dances for beginners

Oriental charm will never go out of fashion, because the spirit of the East leaves no one indifferent. All exclusively feminine, they are playful and light. Modern types are ideal for girls and women who cannot be classified as thin - curvaceous and even a protruding tummy are welcome. After a few lessons, the little ones forget about their complexes and serve them as their virtues.

Most Popular three directions:

  • Egyptian - it is characterized by modesty, more closed clothes;
  • Arabic - one of the main roles is played by hair, the play of loose hair is an element of dance;
  • Turkish - revealing outfits, contact with the audience, dancing on the table.

Belly dance is the most favorite oriental dance, bright, spectacular, fabulous. You can learn it on your own, but it is better to attend at least a few classes at school. For belly dancing, a costume, jewelry, and makeup are important. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, belly dance has come out of the underground and even entered the structure of the All-Russian Dance Organization.

Alluring Indian melodies make you start dancing even those who have never learned to dance. Indian choreography is based on Natya- dance-musical style, born from the theory of Bharata Muni "Natya-shastre". Not only movements are important, facial expressions, eye play, internal energy play a huge role here. These skills will not interfere in life.

List of popular pair dances

Pair dances, both ballroom and modern, help girls quickly find a common language with men, learn to be in a pair, dominate and obey, depending on the situation. For shy girls and women, this is the best way to get rid of excessive modesty and awkwardness from the touch of a man.

The most popular modern pair dances:

  • Waltz - slow, which does not lose popularity and is constantly evolving. The ability to dance a waltz is a sign of good taste.
  • Tango - old Argentine dance, which is still called modern. Today, tango is divided into many types: Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom, Finnish and others.
  • Balboa - very close contact with a partner, the bodies should be pressed tightly against each other so that there is no gap. There are not many movements, so this modern dance is great for beginners.
  • Rock and roll - rhythmic pair dance with loose movements. Rock 'n' roll requires acrobatic skills and long workouts, it's best to train with one partner as it requires a lot of lifts at a fast pace.
  • Flamenco is a bright cocktail of Moroccan, Spanish and gypsy motifs full of improvisation and mystery.
  • Paso doble is a dance style that is reminiscent of Spanish bullfighting. The man plays the torero, and the girl plays the cloak or mulet in the hands of the matador.
  • Rumba - a dramatic dance of love to the rhythms African drums superimposed on clave rhythms. Modern rubma is divided into ballroom, Cuban, African and gypsy.

When choosing a dance, be guided by the initial training, posture, endurance, the work of the vestibular apparatus. This does not mean that you have to tie yourself down, just start small. You may first need to do or, and only then move on to dance exercises.

List and descriptions of modern dances prepared with the participation of fashion dance schools. Especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies".

If a person does not like to dance, then he has not yet found his dance. The benefits of rhythmic movements to music have been proven even by doctors. It's a great hobby, a great way to pass the time, and an enjoyable type of exercise.

innumerable, everyone can find what he likes. Today we will talk about several topical areas. Some of them appeared only in our days, some gain a second wind after years oblivion. Turn on the music, we're starting!

Modern dance styles for girls: list

How to stay in sports physical shape? Choose a dance lifestyle! Ownership of the body is given to everyone, but due to excessive modesty, not everyone can realize themselves in the indicated direction. Those who are especially humble can study at home, but it is more difficult and takes more time. In the case of pair types, if there is no pair, you will have to go to classes.

Dancing is good for health, both physically and mentally. Benefits for dancing:

  • positive attitude;
  • the formation of an even posture;
  • physical activities;
  • normalization of coordination of movements;
  • stabilization of the vestibular apparatus;
  • strengthening the heart;
  • improvement in lung function;
  • fun pastime;
  • self confidence;
  • new hobby.

This kind of art is an alternative to physical exercises in the gym. Such a hobby is suitable for representatives of all ages, physical fitness, body type, weight.

Dance moves turn flaws into winning virtues. Femininity will appear, gait will change, gestures will become smooth.

Modern trends contain dozens and even hundreds of styles. Consider popular and interesting varieties.


Twerk, shake, booty dance - it's all about him. The dance direction, in which the masterful ability to shake the booty comes to the fore, came from Africa, and spread thanks to Miley Cyrus, who performed it incendiary at the MTV awards.

Booty dance - solo hips and buttocks. The dancers write out eights, vigorously contract their muscles, “vibrate” their booty (this element is called a “shake”). The upper body is practically not involved, but the performer has to tighten the upper abs properly in order to "keep the bottom".

Twerk does not imply a strictly defined rhythm or music. It is usually performed to rap and hip-hop.

Short shorts, bikinis, tight leggings or leggings are worn for performances and training. Shoes are required as comfortable as possible, so sneakers or sneakers are more often chosen. Also use knee pads so as not to get injured or bruised during a fast or long element.

Dancing booty dance, you will feel like a wild woman, inviting and frank, and at the same time it’s good to pump up your legs and buttocks.


Vogue is a dance of poses. It appeared back in the 70s, when the professional modeling business began to gain momentum. People who could not get on the catwalks gathered in groups and imitated fashion models, depicting their frilly poses. Then music appeared, and just imitation turned into a cultural phenomenon.

Vog is characterized by emotionality, active rotation of the hips and arms, hypertrophied mannerisms, rhythmic falls. The main thing is to keep your face!

Vogue is performed under House, in tight, figure-hugging clothes, and certainly in high heels! The main element of culture are battles - competitions of dancers.

Despite the mannerisms and hypertrophy, vogue is a technical direction. Each gesture is carefully worked out, even the position of the hands matters, so a thorough warm-up takes place at the beginning of the workout.

Contact improvisation

Not all modern dance styles for girls involve solo performances or long-term mastery of choreography. Contact improvisation or CI is a movement of the soul, a way to feel your partner or try to recognize a stranger. The history of this direction begins in 1972, the progenitor is Steve Paxton, an American choreographer.

The main task is to keep continuous contact with the partner, continuing to move without freezing. Partners can touch as they like - backs, heads, hands.

Choreography and beauty of performance are not particularly important here, the essence lies in inner experiences and sensations. They dance KI in loose clothing that does not restrict movement, often barefoot, to calm, meditative music.

Today, CI is actively used in psychotherapy - the search for a point of contact in rhythmic expressive body movements to a musical composition helps couples to get to know and feel each other better.


Another pairing style on our list is hot bachata. It appeared in the Dominican Republic in the bitter years of the early 20th century, when the only happy entertainment for the impoverished people was love and dance movements to music.

Bachata involves very close contact. Ligaments are mostly circular and smooth, no sharp turns or throws over the shoulder. The partner gently moves from one side to the other, the steps of the dancers are small and accurate, the hips move freely.

Bachata is also a style of music, so you won't have to choose a melody for a long time.

The form of clothing for classes is a skirt or dress for a lady, a suit for a gentleman. Shoes - shoes with heels in order to emphasize the movements of the hips. Dance movements of the body are sensual and passionate, but not sharp and assertive as in tango.

Popular styles, like hundreds of years ago, reflect the prevailing moods in society. Rhythmic and erotic movements based on close contact of partners are becoming more and more popular. Who knows, maybe we're getting closer?


The direction appeared in the mid-60s in the last century. Initially, it was a way to entertain guests in clubs, festivals, discos. It appeared in Russia later, in the 90s. Even if you are not a fan of nightlife, it is worth learning a few ligaments.

The ability to dance in the Go-Go style will give self-confidence to any girl, teach you to catch the rhythms of music, control your body, and improvise beautifully.

Go-Go is distinguished by dynamic, temperamental, bright ligaments. Although it is considered a club erotic dance, it has nothing to do with striptease. The dancers don't undress to the music. Clothing can be chosen both revealing and more closed.

East style

Oriental dancing is the art of seduction that came from the east. Oriental charm is always fashionable and popular, perfect for beginner dancers. An exclusively feminine direction, ideal for owners of magnificent forms.

The movements are light, sensual, spectacular, fascinate with the beauty and grace of the curves of the body, help to forget about the complexes.

Performed exclusively in special "costumes". The right image will help you tune in to the oriental pace.

Popular destinations:

  • Arabic - a popular direction in which gestures with loose hair play a key role;
  • Egyptian - modest movements, more closed stage costume;
  • Turkish - accompanied by revealing outfits, contact with the audience, there are dance movements on the table.

- this is an ideal option for maintaining tone and good physical shape for any modern man. It is not difficult to learn them - as a rule, in order to master the technique of the chosen direction and start improvising, you should study for about six months. Moreover, you will not need a partner, which means that you will be able to plan your workouts without depending on anyone and without focusing on anyone.

What styles are modern club dances

It should be noted that modern club dances include many styles and trends. And we will talk about the most common of them below.

Trends such as "Hip-hop" and "Funk" have been popular for a long time. These club dances are performed to dynamic and modern, but non-aggressive music, and in them short sharp movements are harmoniously combined with smooth and plastic ones.

A specific style that involves intensive performance of movements with a wide amplitude, as well as a variety of turns. As a rule, this dance direction implies that the dancer moves at high speed, and therefore it is ideal for battles or for performing on stage.

This is very characteristic direction, which is based on broad movements that attract attention. Moreover, the dancer's artistry and his ability to improvise are extremely important for GO-GO.

Such dances are performed to specific electronic music, and their distinctive features are drive, high speed, movements with a large amplitude.

Trance. This style is somewhat similar to the previous one, however, in addition to the movements related to the "House" direction, it also includes a variety of waves.

A very fashionable direction, which in our time has many fans, is R&B. Such dances are performed to the appropriate music, they are distinguished by dynamism and plasticity. And because R&B is considered an ideal option for fans of disco clubs.

strip. The direction under consideration is suitable, first of all, for people who want to learn how to feel their body. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, STRIP is chosen by girls, and this program includes a wide variety of elements of classical and modern, as well as jazz choreography.

This is a rather specific dance, in which you can find elements of locking, hip-hop, popping, as well as techno. Moreover, the direction in question implies the performance of rather complex movements, but with a small amplitude.

Latin style. Initially, this style did not belong to the category club dances. However, every year it is gaining more and more popularity - and it is not surprising, because many modern disco clubs host themed Latin parties.

There are other areas of club dancing, which are less common in our time. So every person who wants to learn how to dance beautifully and modernly, master his body to perfection and always make an indelible impression on others, can choose exactly the style that he likes the most.

Striptease, Strip plastic, Pillon

Striptease is the art of seduction... It is interesting because it is able to reveal femininity, sensuality and sexuality in a dancer. Becoming on a par with a man, a woman of our time is increasingly forgetting to be a woman. Stripping refreshes instincts, breaks the shackles of stiffness, teaches you to express feelings and emotions. Pillon classes, in turn, provide amazing physical training.

Difficulties: Rhythmic gymnastics skills, good stretching and a beautiful figure are required.

Top Break Dance, Dup Step, Popping, Electric Boogie

The dancers of these genres are real "dance magicians", originating from the art of pantomime. What they do is amazing! Not for nothing, today there is no one cooler than breakers in modern dance. In their speeches we see highest level control over the body, the most complex elements, so unimaginable that sometimes it even hurts to watch. Excitement bordering on horror!

Difficulties: to really achieve something in breakdancing, you need to devote yourself to it. And you need to be extremely careful, it does not do without injuries.

Go-Go, Waking, Vogue

Just what you need for fashionistas who are hungry for the stage! The highest degree of posturing and acting skills. They play on the elegance of forms and lines that reveal the beauty of a half-naked body. Vogue and Waaking are "pathos for whites." The Vogue style is characterized by model poses, it imitates catwalk walking. The style of Waaking, which took a lot from Vogue, is dominated by hand movements (the name itself translates as “waving hands”), they borrowed many movements from locking. Go-Go is a looser style that mixes the previous two and adds elements of other styles, such as the strip. This is the most popular style of dancing nightclubs.

Difficulties: excellent physical data and moral readiness are required to perform on stage practically in underwear.

Jazz Modern, Contemporary Dance

Modern interpretation ballet, which preserves aesthetic traditions, but gives freedom and flexibility of technique, abolishing the rigid standards of the classics. Choreography is at the heart of these styles. Most higher educational institutions under contemporary dance presents Contemporary. But the paradox is that this genre is completely unsuitable for dancing to modern dance music. This is purely a stage dance technique.

Difficulties: in order to achieve success in this style, you need to practice from childhood.

Classic. Choreography

The highest "theatrical" form of choreographic art, the embodiment of the highest aesthetic ideals. This is an exclusively stage dance, focused on the audience. It is characterized by strict standards and high requirements for performance techniques, many of which are performed at the limit of human capabilities. In terms of complexity, the elements of ballet can only be compared with the elements of break dance.

Difficulties: professional ballet classes do not go unnoticed. Extremely high demands leave their mark on the formation of the body, especially since ballet should be practiced from childhood, while the body is still supple. Damage to ligaments, tendons, joints, overdeveloped individual muscle groups and much more are possible.

Latin American dances, salsa, hustle

These destinations are extremely popular today. This is not only dancing, this is leisure, communication, discos. These styles bring people together: energetic, passionate movements, exciting swaying of the hips ... Although these are mostly pair dances, they are organized in such a way that you can easily change partners and make new acquaintances. And they do not require special training, they are quite simple to learn.

Difficulty: on initial stage for lovers of complexity is not enough, the main thing is to find a suitable partner.

Lower Break Dance

The lower break is a masterpiece of modernity, bordering on the impossible, going beyond the limits of human capabilities. He absorbed the elements and style of Hip-Hop culture, performed by DubStep or Hip-Hop music. Technical essence style - "torque" control in all possible positions, i.e. continue to rotate with changes in position on any points of support, even on the head. This is the most complex acrobatics superimposed on the rhythms of music. Suitable for short, stocky dancers.

Difficulties: Extremely difficult to prevent injury


Folk spanish dance with obligatory traditional costumes. Flamenco is particularly dramatic and attracts a fairly mature audience. This is a spectacular and expressive genre filled with passion. He is characterized by a specific choreography of the hands, active beating of tap-dancing trills and luxurious pas in frilled chic skirts in a gypsy manner.

Difficulties: need a keen sense of rhythm

Oriental dance, Tribal

Art of seduction, erotic dance of the East (ancient striptease). It is performed in specific costumes with ringing scales, which enhances the musicality of the dance, synchronization with the music. Oriental dance is rich in all kinds of techniques for plasticity, rhythm, abounds small details and decorations. Really professional dancers fascinate with the beauty of the curves of a semi-naked body and clear, finely drawn movements. Unlike other styles, “oriental dancers” delight with the expressiveness of curvaceous forms, the ability to profitably reveal the features of the female figure.

Difficulties: small shaking, vibrations are harmful to the not yet formed female body.

The basis of modern dance, improvisation for the dance floor

Base of Modern Dance- dance format for the dance floor, suitable for music of different genres. This is a universal dance technique that is combined with any style, type and manner. It is not required to memorize dance sequences and performances, the dance is built on the principle of a constructor: there are basic elements and rules, how they fit together. After studying several movements and learning how to combine them with each other, you can improvise to different music, for this a few months of training are enough. The whole dance is based on rhythm, plasticity and coordination of movements.

Difficulties: to achieve beauty and ease in improvisation, it takes time to restore atrophied muscle groups.

Shuffle, House, ElectroDance, Tecktonik, C-walk

Active styles for expressive youth: techniques with swings and jumps to music with a direct rhythm. Extremely energy-consuming, attract a lot of attention and require a lot of space. You will be unlucky if you find yourself next to such a dancer on a crowded dance floor, since this does not happen often, but these styles have become a hit at street festivals! These techniques turn you on - you just want to join and start dancing. But the dancers are not enough for a long time, because. the set of movements is not particularly large and varied, and all are quite energetic.

Difficulties: finding a place to fulfill them

R'n'B, Hip-Hop

Initially, R'n'B is a culture of funk, jazz and soul. She also contributed to the emergence of rock and roll. In the future, R'n'B and Hip-Hop began to actively mix, because. they are both part of the African American culture. Today, R'n'B as a dance includes any possible technique, but all of them are performed in a particularly pathetic manner, in the obligatory ultra-fashionable outfit. R'n'B classes are a great solution for those who want to "show themselves." This style gives self-confidence, a sense of one's own coolness and sexuality, it is a cure for complexes and insecurity, which young people lack so much; that is why it is purely a youth movement.

Hip-hop, however, is a serious direction, where the pathos is justified by the really cool training of dancers who do not neglect breakdancing.

Difficulties: constant psychological pressure within the team, where the spirit of struggle and competition reigns.

ballroom dancing

Pair dance with rigid choreographic standards. The dancers are completely attached to their partner, who is extremely difficult to replace.
Flaws: injury, occupational diseases. Considering that this is professional dance to participate in competitions, the departure of a partner almost always entails the collapse of the professional career of a dancer.
Advantages: fully reveals the topic of interaction with a partner. The highest form of possible paired dance art.


This is the most ancient, and at the same time the most modern style of dance. It is constantly changing, as the standards of femininity and masculinity change. You can dance it in different ways, but the meaning does not change. This is a dance that arouses sexual interest, allowing you to enjoy your image, the effect that you produce. This is the most emotional style of dance, in which the features of male and female movements are maximally expressed. There is a very thin line between the most beautiful and the most disgusting. Therefore, high qualification of the choreographer is simply necessary.

club dance

The broad concept of "club dance" includes many movements of various styles. They can be performed synchronously or solo. Club dance today is divided into 2 directions: to music with a direct rhythm and to music with a broken rhythm. Straight rhythm is classical electronic music like Disco House, Techno, Progressive. A broken rhythm is a break beat, breaks, R'n'B, Hip-Hop.


Born, in times of relevance ballroom dancing, modern jazz is a combination of classical techniques, street dance styles, jazz improvisation.

top break dance

A combination of all “old school” styles, such as plastic, slides, king-tat, robot. Break Dancing is exciting, vibrant, and colorful. For this reason, he became very popular. Break dancing first appeared in the South Bronx (Big Up's to da Bronx!) in the 70s. At first, it was danced on cardboard boxes laid out on the street, which turned the sidewalk into a stage. Street dancers mixed aerobatics dance with martial arts and disco dance, and each performer crafted it own style. Music poured from portable stereo tape recorders. Now it's a personal way to get in shape and have fun!


A dance technique that allows you to get a crowd of spectators using standard artistry techniques, wide, amplitude movements that capture attention, courage and play. One of the main elements of Go-Go is the expression of sexuality and the minimum amount of clothing.

street dance

In the early 1970s, the United States formed great amount groups dancing in the streets, subsequently reincarnated into culture. It has incorporated a popular form filled with elements of various dance styles.

Stage, power style of synchronized dance, which allows you to work out the quality, endurance. A large number of synchronous connections of popular movements and courage are presented.

Power dance style for a stage where movements are performed in full force and with high speed. This style features a large number of "wide" movements, swings, rotations and reversals.

Slide man (Moon Walk)

All kinds of moonwalks in all directions. This technique is perfectly combined with plastic. The style is based on moonwalks, which give an illusory effect of sliding on the floor. The style includes more than 20 types of gaits. Swimming or sliding then semi is an illusion created with your feet. This creates the feeling that you are trying to go in one direction, but you are actually moving in another direction. Classic example of this effect is the ‘Moonwalk’ made famous by Michael Jackson. The actual illusion is an old Mime trick.


As a result of the "psychedelic revolution" of the late 60s, a culture of music, fashion, and dance was formed. The manifestation of one's individuality in this form is relevant to this day. The disco style influenced many other styles that appeared later.


It has gained great popularity all over the world, thanks to the music to which it is performed. This trendy dance direction helps to get not only an excellent sports shape, but also provides an opportunity to show "aerobatics" in clubs. The style evolved from "Hip-Hop", became more diverse and complex. The abbreviation "R&B" stands for "Rhythm and Blues". As a rule, it is danced at the level of improvisation.


Trance as a stylization of dance technique, with a softer character of movements based on specific features electronic trance music, absorbed mostly movements that anyone can perform without special physical training. This is a dance of deep feelings, not always clear to others.

Club dances (Club - dance) - now it's all that is trendy, energetic and modern. This style is a mix, a stormy combination of many dance styles and directions. Club dances are movements and locks from locking, jumps from house, necks and swings from hip-hop, plasticity and eccentricity of waking, elements of jazz, major and mood from funk.

Breakdancing is one of the most dynamic modern styles. Stunning acrobatic stunts and dizzying spins of the dance embodied the young, unbridled, rebellious spirit of the street. Breakdance originated in the poor neighborhoods of New York in the late 60s. In the beginning there was James Brown's famous Get on the Good Foot dance.

Strip plastic is a dance filled with sensuality, flexibility, plasticity. This is the dance of the conqueror of hearts, light, and, at times, a little daring. The name of the dance contains the term “Strip” (from English - to undress), but over time, plasticity separated from striptease and formed as a separate direction, which implies a plastic, graceful female dance.

Kramp is a style of modern dance in which you can throw out your emotions. This is an original street dance, jerky and impulsive, aggressive and explosive, fast and rhythmic, which allows you to turn your accumulated negative emotions into incendiary, interesting dance show. The geographical and temporal reference point from the beginning of the life of the dance is 1992.

Improvisation is a real opportunity to express yourself in a dance movement very honestly, frankly and accurately. This is an opportunity to look into yourself, discover new, hitherto unknown reserves, discover your creative potential. Awareness of this opens up a chance for self-knowledge, for gaining even greater personal integrity. Improvisation is the highest form of dance, which combines the perfect control of the body.

Hip-hop is one of the most popular modern dance styles today. This style is very interesting and multifaceted. It absorbed the mannerisms and movements of many street styles that appeared earlier: break, popping, locking. The huge popularity of hip-hop dance is directly related to the versatility and diversity of this dance style.

Locking is a whole subculture dance art. This is one of the most positive funky dance styles. It differs in a comic-comic style of performance, pantomime and facial expressions play an important role in it. Locking is filled with emotions, dynamic and clear movements. The basis of the whole dance is the closing positions of the locks, from these movements the name of the style was formed - Locking from the word lock “Lock”.

LA style is a modern style, which in recent times enjoys great popularity, and finds its fans in a wide audience of energetic, relaxed and self-confident modern youth. LA style - comes from the "Los Angeles" style, a style that came out of hip - hop, it is also called Hip Hop Choreography. Do not confuse it with New Style (New York style). They have fundamental differences between them.

Go-Go (go - go) - is not any particular style. This is a set of styles that are combined in one direction. Go-Go is danced at fashionable parties, presentations and in nightclubs. Today, not a single club party can do without a Go-Go dance performance. Dancing go-go- erotic dances in which, unlike striptease, the dancers do not undress.

The R'n'B style is a trendy club dance performed to rhythm and blues music, as well as one of the most popular modern dance styles, which combines elements of blues, hip-hop and funk. R'n'B is considered to be the most popular dance direction of club dances in Europe and all over the world today. And acts as a whole layer modern culture, which includes dance, music and clothes.

Sexy R'n'B - today it is still quite a young trend in modern dance. It is based on the styles and movements of such mega-popular trends as jazz, strip-plastic, hip-hop, and of course, its base is the foundation of the foundations, R’n’B is the style. Sexy R'n'B is constantly evolving and improving, enriching and replenishing itself with more and more new movements.

Club mix - today it's all that is trendy, modern, energetic. This is a mix, a passionate mixture of many dance styles and trends. Club dances are jumps from House dance, swings and necks from Hip-hop, eccentricity and plasticity from Waacking dance, mood and emotionality from funk.

A rather young dance style that was formed in 2000 in France, in the wake of the popularity of Belgian club movements. It is also known as Electro Dance, tck, vertigo, Milky Way - this is a kind of style - a mix that contains elements of techno, jumpstyle, hip-hop, locking, popping

Recently, in Europe, the direction of club dances called "House" (House) is gaining popularity. The name of this dance comes from musical style house. House is now danced at almost all newfangled parties. House is distinguished by a unique style of performance, one might say, with a slight touch of glamor and imposingness. House is very dynamic, rhythmic.

C-Walk, aka Crip, - Clown, -Crown-walk - is one of the styles of modern street dance that is constantly developing and gaining more and more new rounds of popularity. The main distinguishing feature and original feature of this style is the masterful work of the feet, the virtuosic execution of such intricate movements with the feet that it seems that the dancer “writes out” the signs of the alphabet and whole words.

Among all club styles - the most extravagant, attractive and eccentric style is Wacking. Today it is impossible to imagine the modern world of dance without this style. This dance is constantly evolving and becoming more and more popular not only as an opportunity to show your dancing talent, but also as an opportunity to reveal and demonstrate your individuality.

It is physically and psychologically pleasant for us to feel our body flexible, toned, relaxed, without pain in muscles and joints. No less joy gives us a sense of peace, harmony with the outside world, a sense of satisfaction with oneself, one's body, one's life. Stretching will help us achieve this state of mind and body.

For today most of Modern dance styles are cocktails of elements and movements from other dances, and Ragga Jam is no exception. This is an explosive mixture of street ragga, hip-hop, jazz, generously seasoned with Jamaican and Antillean motifs. To date, ragga - jam - one of the fashion trends, which conquered Europe and America with its originality.

The very name of the style Street Dance (Street Dancing) said everything for itself. Street dance is a mixture of different dance genres and cultures. Breakdance, hip-hop, house, RnB and many more ingredients are mixed in this cocktail. The name of this style combines many dance styles that were born outside dance studios and ballet schools.

Street Jazz is a modern dance direction, a distinctive feature of which is a variety of styles: R`n`B, modern, locking, popping, ragga, house, electric boogaloo and, of course, classical jazz. And as a basis in it, as in most of the newfangled dance styles now, the dance base of hip-hop is laid.

Latina is quite simple to perform and very often it resembles rhythmic beach dances. Thanks to this, Latin can be danced almost everywhere. But the incendiary movements of Latina look especially impressive in nightclubs - liveliness and rhythm, passion and frivolity - ideal qualities for a night of fun.

Salsa is considered to be a more elegant and slower version of rumba, in which partners almost never touch, while being very close to each other. At one time, the Latin American bourgeoisie considered salsa one of the most worthy and noble dances.

Pilates is actually a special complex of physical activities, the distinguishing feature of which is its functionality and versatility: all Pilates exercises are designed in such a way as to have the maximum effect on the entire body, and not on its individual parts.

Hustle is a mixture of many types and styles of dance, including boogie-woogie and rock and roll, a variation of which is "dirty dancing". Hustle is a pair dance for discos, parties, clubs, which, due to its colorfulness and ease of execution, is insanely popular all over the world.

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