Who were the main characters in the drama robbers. Sergey chuprinin

8th grade


Elena Alexandrovna KUDINOVA - teacher of Russian language and literature, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory.

Lesson-reflection on the drama of F. Schiller "Robbers"

I take two lessons to work on the play, the third is a generalizing lesson-thinking. At the first lessons, there is a detailed work on the text of the play, reading by roles.

In preparation for the final lesson, the children were divided into creative groups with tasks: the Actors group was preparing the third scene of the second act of Bohemian Forests for staging; a group of "Designers" prepared a playbill, portraits of the main characters - Franz Moor and Karl Moor; the Researchers group worked on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"; the Art Critics group worked on the history of the creation of the 9th symphony by L.V. Beethoven.

Decor: theatrical screen, portrait of the writer, playbill for the drama, illustrations for the work.

Musical accompaniment: L.V. Beethoven. 9th Symphony, Ode to Joy.

Epigraph:“I really can cause amazement” (Karl Moor).

Introductory speech of the teacher

In the previous lessons, we got to know you with the famous classical drama of the German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) The Robbers, a writer whom A.S. Pushkin put on a par with the greatest figures of different eras - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Racine. Today, the last page of the play has been turned, so there is an impromptu curtain in the classroom, as the conversation will go not just about a literary work, but about a drama where the art of speech and theater are merged. “Let's talk about the stormy days of the Caucasus, about Schiller, about fame, about love,” we will say after A.S. Pushkin.

Today's lesson is a reflection lesson. We will try to answer the questions: How did we, students of the 8th grade, understand the pages of a great work? Do we need Schiller's plays in modern times, or have they become deep history? What is a classic, a classic work? What feelings did the main character of the play evoke in you?

Conversation with the class

The play The Robbers is set in 18th century Germany. Its plot is built on the enmity of two brothers. What can you say about the main characters of the play?

Student responses

The main characters are the brothers Karl and Franz Moors. One of them - the younger brother Franz - a heartless, hypocritical, low man. He does everything to discredit his older brother in the eyes of his father, Count von Moor. Treacherous, despotic, outwardly ugly Franz pursues only one goal - power and money.

The other - the noble, fiery, heroic, daring Karl Moor, by the will of fate, turned out to be the leader of a gang of robbers.

What artistic technique underlies the construction of the characters of the brothers? Justify it.

When characterizing characters, Schiller uses the technique antitheses. The appearance of the brothers, their inner world, their actions are contrasting.

One hypocritically pretends to be a meek and loving son, although in fact he is ready for meanness in order to discredit Karl. The other is generous, capable of lofty feelings. In the characterization of the brothers, antonyms are used: vile - generous, shameless - honest, immoral - noble.

Look at the portraits of these heroes, made by the "Artists" group. How do you think they managed to convey the main character traits of the characters? Support your answers with quotes from the text. (Extended responses from students.)

“Who now dares to come and pull me to an answer or say to my eyes: “You are a scoundrel!” Now down with the burdensome mask of meekness and virtue! Look at the real Franz and be horrified!.. Stroking and caressing is not my custom. The pallor of poverty and slavish fear is the color of my livery. I will dress you in this livery!” (Characterization of Franz; act 2, scene 2.)

Amalia. Faded colors cannot repeat the lofty spirit that shone in his fiery eyes...

Old Moor. That friendly, affectionate look.” (Characterization of Karl; act 2, scene 2.)

Teacher. As a result of Franz's intrigue, Karl Moor becomes a criminal, his desire for freedom turns into hatred for all of humanity as a whole. Wanting to restore justice and take revenge on his brother, Karl becomes the leader of a gang of robbers. However, the life of robbers is far from the ideal of a “moral world order”. One of the key scenes of the play is the scene in the Bohemian forests. Let us turn to the fragment of the 2nd scene of the 3rd act.

Group "Actors" presents a fragment of this scene from the words of the father: “So this is the dragon's lair! With your permission, my sirs, I am a minister of the church, and there are one thousand seven hundred people standing there, guarding every hair on my head ... ”to the words of Moor:“ Now we are free, friends ... ”

Conversation with the class

Why is a priest brought into the camp of robbers?

Answer. The playwright puts his hero through a test of conscience.

What better helps us understand the character of the protagonist?

Answer. Schiller in The Robbers managed to show the innermost movements of the soul through the monologues and replicas of the hero. Karl Moor's monologues help us understand what an internally contradictory path from hatred and revenge to the realization of the horror of death and repentance the hero goes through. He takes upon himself the right to execute and pardon, but the atrocities and excesses of the robbers do not give him the opportunity to become the same. The hero's monologue shows how deeply he experiences discord with his conscience.

“Moor. How do you know that I don't have terrible dreams at night, that I won't turn pale on my deathbed? How many things have you done that you are responsible for? Know, ambitious young man: laurels do not grow green for murderers and arsonists! It is not glory that meets robber victories, but curses, dangers, death, disgrace!”

Teacher."Robbers" is a rebellious drama, and its hero is a noble robber. What a rich topic! Schiller was not the first to discover it, and in Russian literature it was continued in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". I suggested comparing the hero of Schiller's play with the famous hero Vladimir Dubrovsky to a group of literary critics.

What can be said about the life goals of these heroes? What qualities of the characters seem similar to you?

Response from the Research Group. The theme of rebellion and the noble robber is presented in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", written in 1832-1833. Vladimir Dubrovsky - a Russian nobleman, fed by a sense of revenge for the insult and death of his father, is forced to burn down his family estate and go into the forest as the leader of the robbers. The scene in the Bohemian forests is reminiscent of a scene from Chapter XIX: “In the middle of a dense forest on a narrow lawn rose a small earthen fortification, consisting of a rampart and a moat, behind which there were several huts and dugouts ... The robbers each occupied a certain place. At this time, three sentinels ran to the gate. Dubrovsky went to meet them. "What?" he asked them. “Soldiers in the forest,” they answered, “we are surrounded”...”

Dubrovsky and Karl Moor are united by the similarity of destinies. Karl does not kill for robbery, but distributes his legal part of the booty to orphans. They both fit the characteristic - noble. The actions of Vladimir Dubrovsky, his desire for revenge and the rejection of it coincide with the path of the hero Schiller, only he, unlike Vladimir, surrenders to justice, and does not hide abroad. Considering these images of world literature, we see similarities in the depiction of the rebel hero by Pushkin and Schiller. Nobility, honesty, generosity unites these heroes. Their inner world and character is incompatible with the environment (a gang of robbers) in which they both fall: “I am not a thief, tell them that my trade is retribution, my trade is revenge” (Karl Moor).

Teacher. For two hundred years, the finale of the play has been interpreted in different ways. Invariably, the main question of the finale also arises before us:

What did the protagonist condemn himself for? Why is he surrendering to justice?

Based on the analysis of the last act, the guys show the protagonist's awareness of the disastrous nature of his path and the desire to retribution for the death of Amalia, father and brother. A person is responsible for his actions both to himself and to society: “Oh, I am a fool who dreamed of correcting the world with atrocities and observing the laws with lawlessness! I called it vengeance and right!.. What I have ruined is ruined. Never recover the defeated! But I can still appease desecrated laws, heal the wounded world...” With bitterness and shame, Karl Moor admitted that he had gone the wrong way. With the sword, he tried to restore justice in the world, but his good intentions were accompanied by dishonorable atrocities.

Why did we put the words of Karl Moor “Yes, I really can cause amazement” as an epigraph to the lesson?

Did the main character surprise you? How do you feel about his actions? (Student answers.)

Teacher. F. Schiller remains popular in Russia in the 21st century, just as he was popular in the 19th century. His plays do not leave the stages of Russian theaters: the Moscow Theater named after A.S. Pushkin, Maly, BDT and others. Viewers and readers of our time continue to look for an answer to the question: is it possible to remain a person without repentance? The act of the protagonist of the play, Karl Moor, continues to cause controversy and judgments to this day, some of which were presented in our lesson. The thoughts of the great poet about the measure of responsibility of a person for his actions were close to the great Russian writers of the 19th century (for example, A.S. Pushkin and F.M. Dostoevsky).

The work of the great German poet did not go unnoticed by musicians.

Group "Artists". In 1824, the already seriously ill Beethoven wrote the last - the 9th symphony. It was a song of freedom, a fiery appeal addressed to posterity. The final part of the symphony sounded especially solemn. The composer set the music to the words of Schiller's ode "To Joy". In a single impulse, the great composer and the great poet called on everyone: “Hug, millions!” (Expressive reading of the ode to students.)

Joy, unearthly flame,
Paradise spirit that flew to us,
Intoxicated by you
We entered your bright temple.
You pull together effortlessly
All divided by enmity,
Where you spread your wings
People are brothers among themselves.
Hug, millions!
Merge in the joy of one!

(Beethoven's 9th symphony, ode "To Joy" sounds.)

Compare Schiller's ode-song with his "Robbers". Could the characters in the drama accept it? (Student answers.)

Final word from the teacher. Years pass, the director's interpretations and costumes change, certain accents shift, but the fiery pathos of the tragedy remains unchanged. Schiller and his hero continue to passionately appeal to human conscience, and readers and viewers continue to search for truth to this day.

Homework. Write a short essay-reflection on the topic “What is close to the modern reader of F. Schiller’s drama “The Robbers”?”.


  1. History of German Literature: In 3 vols. M.: Raduga, 1985. Vol. 1.
  2. Libenzon Z.E. Friedrich Schiller. M.: Education, 1990.
  3. Materials of the lessons of I. Arkin: Literature at school, 1998.

I take two lessons to work on the play, the third is a generalizing lesson-thinking. At the first lessons, there is a detailed work on the text of the play, reading by roles.

In preparation for the final lesson, the children were divided into creative groups with tasks: the Actors group was preparing the third scene of the second act of Bohemian Forests for staging; a group of "Designers" prepared a playbill, portraits of the main characters - Franz Moor and Karl Moor; the "Researchers" group worked on A. S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"; the group "Art Critics" worked on the history of the creation of the 9th symphony by L. V. Beethoven.

Decor: Theatrical screen, portrait of the writer, playbill for the drama, illustrations for the work.

Musical accompaniment: L. V. Beethoven. 9th Symphony, Ode to Joy.

Epigraph:“I really can cause amazement” (Karl Moor).

Introductory speech of the teacher

In the previous lessons, we got to know you with the famous classical drama of the German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) “The Robbers”, a writer whom A. S. Pushkin put on a par with the greatest figures of different eras - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Racine . Today, the last page of the play has been turned, so there is an impromptu curtain in the classroom, as the conversation will go not just about a literary work, but about a drama where the art of speech and theater are merged. “Let's talk about the stormy days of the Caucasus, about Schiller, about fame, about love,” we will say after A. S. Pushkin.

Today's lesson is a reflection lesson. We will try to answer the questions: How did we, students of the 8th grade, understand the pages of a great work? Do we need Schiller's plays in modern times, or have they become deep history? What is a classic, a classic work? What feelings did the main character of the play evoke in you?

Conversation with the class

The play The Robbers is set in 18th century Germany. Its plot is built on the enmity of two brothers. What can you say about the main characters of the play?

Student responses

The main characters are the brothers Karl and Franz Moors. One of them - the younger brother Franz - a heartless, hypocritical, low man. He does everything to discredit his older brother in the eyes of his father, Count von Moor. Treacherous, despotic, outwardly ugly Franz pursues only one goal - power and money.

The other - the noble, fiery, heroic, daring Karl Moor, by the will of fate, turned out to be the leader of a gang of robbers.

What artistic technique underlies the construction of the characters of the brothers? Justify it.

When characterizing characters, Schiller uses the technique Antitheses. The appearance of the brothers, their inner world, their actions are contrasting.

One hypocritically pretends to be a meek and loving son, although in fact he is ready for meanness in order to discredit Karl. The other is generous, capable of lofty feelings. In the characterization of the brothers, antonyms are used: vile - generous, shameless - honest, immoral - noble.

Look at the portraits of these heroes, made by the "Artists" group. How do you think they managed to convey the main character traits of the characters? Support your answers with quotes from the text. (Extended responses from students.)

“Who now dares to come and pull me to an answer or say to my eyes: “You are a scoundrel!” Now down with the burdensome mask of meekness and virtue! Look at the real Franz and be horrified!.. Stroking and caressing is not my custom. The pallor of poverty and slavish fear is the color of my livery. I will dress you in this livery!” (Characterization of Franz; act 2, scene 2.)

Amalia. Faded colors cannot repeat the lofty spirit that shone in his fiery eyes...

Old Moor. That friendly, affectionate look.” (Characterization of Karl; act 2, scene 2.)

Teacher. As a result of Franz's intrigue, Karl Moor becomes a criminal, his desire for freedom turns into hatred for all of humanity as a whole. Wanting to restore justice and take revenge on his brother, Karl becomes the leader of a gang of robbers. However, the life of robbers is far from the ideal of a “moral world order”. One of the key scenes of the play is the scene in the Bohemian forests. Let us turn to the fragment of the 2nd scene of the 3rd act.

Group "Actors" presents a fragment of this scene from the words of the father: “So this is the dragon's lair! With your permission, my sirs, I am a minister of the church, and there are one thousand seven hundred people standing there, guarding every hair on my head ... ”to the words of Moor:“ Now we are free, friends ... ”

Conversation with the class

Why is a priest brought into the camp of robbers?

Answer. The playwright puts his hero through a test of conscience.

What better helps us understand the character of the protagonist?

Answer. Schiller in The Robbers managed to show the innermost movements of the soul through the monologues and replicas of the hero. Karl Moor's monologues help us understand what an internally contradictory path from hatred and revenge to the realization of the horror of death and repentance the hero goes through. He takes upon himself the right to execute and pardon, but the atrocities and excesses of the robbers do not give him the opportunity to become the same. The hero's monologue shows how deeply he experiences discord with his conscience.

“Moor. How do you know that I don't have terrible dreams at night, that I won't turn pale on my deathbed? How many things have you done that you are responsible for? Know, ambitious young man: laurels do not grow green for murderers and arsonists! It is not glory that meets robber victories, but curses, dangers, death, disgrace!”

Teacher."Robbers" is a rebellious drama, and its hero is a noble robber. What a rich topic! Schiller was not the first to discover it, and in Russian literature she found a continuation in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". I suggested comparing the hero of Schiller's play with the famous hero Vladimir Dubrovsky to a group of literary critics.

What can be said about the life goals of these heroes? What qualities of the characters seem similar to you?

Response from the Research Group. The theme of rebellion and the noble robber is presented in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", written in 1832-1833. Vladimir Dubrovsky - a Russian nobleman, fed by a sense of revenge for the insult and death of his father, is forced to burn down his family estate and go into the forest as the leader of the robbers. The scene in the Bohemian forests is reminiscent of a scene from Chapter XIX: “In the middle of a dense forest on a narrow lawn rose a small earthen fortification, consisting of a rampart and a moat, behind which there were several huts and dugouts ... The robbers each occupied a certain place. At this time, three sentinels ran to the gate. Dubrovsky went to meet them. "What?" he asked them. “Soldiers in the forest,” they answered, “we are surrounded”...”

Dubrovsky and Karl Moor are united by the similarity of destinies. Karl does not kill for robbery, but distributes his legal part of the booty to orphans. They both fit the characteristic - Noble. The actions of Vladimir Dubrovsky, his desire for revenge and the rejection of it coincide with the path of the hero Schiller, only he, unlike Vladimir, surrenders to justice, and does not hide abroad. Considering these images of world literature, we see similarities in the depiction of the rebel hero by Pushkin and Schiller. Nobility, honesty, generosity unites these heroes. Their inner world and character is incompatible with the environment (a gang of robbers) in which they both fall: “I am not a thief, tell them that my trade is retribution, my trade is revenge” (Karl Moor).

Teacher. For two hundred years, the finale of the play has been interpreted in different ways. Invariably, the main question of the finale also arises before us:

What did the protagonist condemn himself for? Why is he surrendering to justice?

Based on the analysis of the last act, the guys show the protagonist's awareness of the disastrous nature of his path and the desire to retribution for the death of Amalia, father and brother. A person is responsible for his actions both to himself and to society: “Oh, I am a fool who dreamed of correcting the world with atrocities and observing the laws with lawlessness! I called it vengeance and right!.. What I have ruined is ruined. Never recover the defeated! But I can still appease desecrated laws, heal the wounded world...” With bitterness and shame, Karl Moor admitted that he had gone the wrong way. With the sword, he tried to restore justice in the world, but his good intentions were accompanied by dishonorable atrocities.

Why did we put the words of Karl Moor “Yes, I really can cause amazement” as an epigraph to the lesson?

Did the main character surprise you? How do you feel about his actions? (Student answers.)

Teacher. F. Schiller remains popular in Russia in the 21st century, just as he was popular in the 19th century. His plays do not leave the stages of Russian theaters: the Moscow theater named after A. S. Pushkin, Maly, BDT and others. Viewers and readers of our time continue to look for an answer to the question: is it possible to remain a person without repentance? The act of the protagonist of the play, Karl Moor, continues to cause controversy and judgments to this day, some of which were presented in our lesson. The thoughts of the great poet about the degree of responsibility of a person for his actions were close to the great Russian writers of the 19th century (for example, A. S. Pushkin and F. M. Dostoevsky).

The description of events in the novels and other works of the great German poet did not go unnoticed by the musicians.

Group "Artists". In 1824, the already seriously ill Beethoven wrote the last - the 9th symphony. It was a song of freedom, a fiery appeal addressed to posterity. The final part of the symphony sounded especially solemn. The composer set the music to the words of Schiller's ode "To Joy". In a single impulse, the great composer and the great poet called on everyone: “Hug, millions!” (Expressive reading of the ode to students.)

Joy, unearthly flame,
Paradise spirit that flew to us,
Intoxicated by you
We entered your bright temple.
You pull together effortlessly
All divided by enmity,
Where you spread your wings
People are brothers among themselves.
Hug, millions!
Merge in the joy of one!

(Beethoven's 9th symphony, ode "To Joy" sounds.)

Compare Schiller's ode-song with his "Robbers". Could the characters in the drama accept it? (Student answers.)

Final word from the teacher. Years pass, the director's interpretations and costumes change, certain accents shift, but the fiery pathos of the tragedy remains unchanged. Schiller and his hero continue to passionately appeal to human conscience, and readers and viewers continue to search for truth to this day.

Homework. Write a short essay-reflection on the topic “How close is the drama of F. Schiller “The Robbers” to the modern reader?”.

Literature History of German Literature: In 3 vols. M.: Raduga, 1985. Vol. 1. Libenzon Z. E. Friedrich Schiller. M .: Education, 1990. Materials of the lessons of I. Arkin: Literature at school, 1998.

F. M. is one of the most famous Russian thinkers and writers in the world. His outstanding works were loved not only by readers of the 19th century, they are no less loved and read in our time. His work has overcome many decades and remains interesting to the modern reader, and the problems that F. M. touched on are relevant even now, which causes even greater interest in this outstanding personality and his works.

No one will argue that the most famous work of F. M. Dostoevsky is the novel "Crime and Punishment". However, the novel "White Nights" is rightfully considered the most poetic. It describes in detail the relationship of a man who unrequitedly fell in love with the main character Nastenka, who, not counting on reciprocal feelings, helps the girl find her happiness with another person - with the one whom Nastenka sincerely loves.

This novel allows us to conclude that the feelings and thoughts of F. M. Dostoevsky, embodied in his works, including the novel "White Nights", are inimitable and unique. I am sure that the originality of the plots, the most diverse problems the writer seeks solutions to in his works, his attitudes and thoughts to these problems will always remain of interest to readers.

Undoubtedly, everyone has their own opinion about certain problems, but each of us will be able to find something interesting in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky just for himself. It is known that the great Russian philosopher and writer considered Jesus Christ to be his ideal. And no one can condemn him in this, because this is his own decision and his choice, and the writer did not impose his worldview, his thoughts and feelings on anyone.

F. M. simply talks about the people who lived in his world. Therefore, everyone, both young and old, both believers and non-believers, is interested in reading his novels and recognizing their contemporaries in their heroes. In the darkest corners of St. Petersburg, one can always find a poor dreamer hiding from the sun and poverty, feeling guilty about everything, embarrassed, with stupid speech, with ridiculous manners, reaching the point of self-destruction. The author creates a generalized portrait of such a dreamer: "A crumpled, filthy kitten, which, snorting, with resentment and at the same time hostility, looks at nature and even at a sop from the master's dinner, brought by a compassionate housekeeper."

A great connoisseur of the human soul, F. M. describes the characters of the heroes of his works with great skill. For example, in the novel "White Nights" he managed to fully reveal the images of the main characters of the work through their monologues. Despite the fact that the author did not give specific characteristics, we got full portraits of the characters, putting them together from mosaic pieces, each of which is a masterfully polished detail of the novel, separated from everything superfluous.

For his works, F. M. chose wonderful plots that made his books unforgettable and unique. All the events taking place in them seem as real and reliable as possible, and the final of these works can never be predicted.

The mastery and psychologism of F. M. Dostoevsky, the diversity of characters and plots, individuality, unpredictability and reliability - all this makes the thoughts and feelings of the outstanding Russian writer, reflected in his works, interesting to modern readers.

The Robbers was completed in 1781. Schiller had just graduated from the course of the Military Academy in Stuttgart, and he wrote the drama while still studying at it. The young writer had to publish the drama at his own expense, because not a single publisher in Stuttgart wanted to print it.

But the director of the Mingham Theater, Baron von Dahlberg, undertook to stage it. The premiere took place in Mainheim in 1882. Schiller immediately became famous.

Genre and direction

Young Schiller is an ideological follower of Sturm und Drang, an association close to sentimentalism. The members of Sturm und Drang carried the educational ideology on German soil. Rousseau's works are very important for Schiller, especially his literary work. Rogues reflects the idea of ​​the "natural man", the rejection of modern civilization and doubts about progress. Schiller shared the religious concept of Rousseau (one of the qualities of Franz Moor's negative hero is godlessness). Schiller puts Rousseau's ideas into the mouths of his heroes.

The genre of the work "Robbers" is drama. In the finale, all relatives of Karl die, and he himself goes to surrender to the authorities. The contradictions in his life are unresolvable. He is broken morally and expects physical retribution. Some researchers specify the genre, calling the work a robber drama.

Topics and issues

The theme of the drama is enmity and hatred between close people, capable of killing; responsibility of a person for his choice and his actions, for moral obligations.

The priest pronounces the main idea: there is no greater sin than patricide and fratricide. Karl echoes him in the final: “Oh, I am a fool who dreamed of correcting the world with atrocities and observing the laws with iniquities!”

In the preface, Schiller admits that his goal as a playwright is "to peep into the innermost movements of the soul." The problems raised in the drama are human passions: revenge and betrayal, the slander of the eldest son, the grief of the deceived father, the choice of Amalia, the loyalty of the robbers and Charles to the word.

Social problems are connected with the omnipotence of the feudal lords (the story of Kosinsky, whose beloved became the mistress of the prince, and he took Kosinsky's lands and gave them to the minister). One of the epigraphs of the drama is "To tyrants".

The women in the drama make a choice between honor and love. Amalia (Kosinsky's fiancee) chooses love (losing her lover in the process). And Karl saves his Amalia from such a choice by returning home on time.

Plot and composition

The plot is borrowed by Schiller from Schubart's story "On the History of the Human Heart". The plot was influenced by stories about noble robbers fighting against feudal lords. Robbery was a frequent social phenomenon of Schiller's time.

The younger son Franz slandered the elder Karl in the eyes of his father, and then declared him dead. He wished to inherit his father's wealth and marry his brother's fiancee. He declared his sick father dead and locked him in the family crypt.

Karl, a noble robber, but also a murderer, feeling worried for his bride, decides to secretly sneak into the family castle. He finds a barely alive father who spent 3 months in a crypt, still loving him Amalia. Karl wants to take revenge on his brother for the suffering of his father, but he strangles himself with a string. The father dies when he finds out that Karl is a robber, and Amalia asks to stab her, just not to part with him again. Carl fulfills the request of Amalia and surrenders to the hands of justice, along the way doing a good deed for the father of 11 children.

Heroes and images

Old Man Moore wants only one thing: that his children love each other. He is too soft, which Franz uses and pulls out of his mouth a curse addressed to Karl. It was the father's refusal to accept his son in his castle that prompted Charles to become a robber. The father either curses his son, or calls him a pearl in the crown of the Most High and an angel. The old man is not ready to accept his son Karl as a robber and murderer, he dies from this news.

Franz Moor, the youngest son, is cunning and deceitful. His goal is to take possession of his father's estate. In his own words, he is mired in all mortal sins. Franz suspects that all people are like him. Franz considers a person to be dirt, but he himself is completely devoid of conscience.

The priest calls Franz a tyrant. Franz is an atheist, but deep down he is afraid of meeting God. He is tormented by the sin of parricide, which is reflected in the dream of the Last Judgment. His death is correlated with sins: he strangled himself like Judas.

Elder brother Karl Moor is a noble robber. He himself does not consider himself to be either a criminal or a thief, calling his trade retribution, and trade - revenge.

Karl is pious, but he treats the churchmen with contempt, calling them Pharisees, interpreters of the truth, monkeys of the deity.

Karl, according to the father, is consumed by pride. Indeed, Karl scorns the robbers, calling them godless scoundrels and an instrument of his great plans.

Carl is a natural person, acting according to common sense. Upon learning of his brother's deceit, Karl is ready to flee so as not to kill him in anger. He is generous and generous, giving Daniel a purse. At the end of the tragedy, Karl decides not only to surrender to the authorities, but also to help the poor man by giving him money for his capture.

At the same time, Karl is a robber and a murderer. He would like to forget the cries of his victims, trying to find justification for his actions in his pedigree and his upbringing.

Carl has a heightened sense of justice. He himself rebels against human laws, considering them unfair, but is outraged that Franz violates God's laws when he kills and tortures his father: “The laws of the universe have been turned into dice! The connection of nature broke up ... The son killed his father.

From Karl's point of view, revenge justifies his robbery and the murder of his brother. And yet he does not consider himself entitled to be happy and love if he has killed so many.

Daniel, a seventy-year-old servant, is exceptionally honest. He does not console Franz, who told a terrible dream about the Last Judgment, but only promises to pray for him. Franz calls this sincerity the wisdom and cowardice of the mob. Daniel refuses to stab Franz when the hour of retribution approaches, not wanting to commit a sin.

Robber images

They are loyal to their chieftain and do not agree to hand him over to the authorities even for a signed pardon. Charles calls the robbers punishing angels. Obligations to them force Carl to kill Amalia.


The girl is faithful to her lover, idealizes him. Amalia is ready to go to the monastery, having learned about the imaginary death of Karl and his father, but she does not agree to become Franz's wife, she wants to stab herself when her younger brother harasses her by force.

Amalia cannot imagine her life without her lover. When a girl finds out that her fiancé is a robber, she calls him both a demon and an angel at once. She herself becomes a victim of the debt of her beloved.


The conflict in the drama is external and internal. External social conflict: rebellion against feudal arbitrariness. He encourages Karl to become a robber, and Franz to plot against his father and brother. At the end of the novel, the conflict is resolved by Karl's recognition of the fallacy of his path.

Karl's internal conflict is the contradiction between the right to protest and the criminal ways of its implementation based on violence. This conflict is unresolvable.

Internal conflict is inherent in every hero. Amalia resolves the conflict between her love for Carl and her sympathy for Carl in disguise. Franz's inner conflict is the question of the existence of God. The father cannot decide whether to forgive or curse each of his sons.

Artistic originality

For the young Schiller, the main thing in drama is to convey his ideas to the reader and viewer. The plot is not based on life facts, but comes from ideas. The character of the hero in Schiller is conditional. He builds it rationally, based on his meager knowledge of society and the world, subordinates to the idea.

Schiller created a new type of drama. It has a political component, pathos, emotionality and lyricism.

Songs play an important role in drama. Karl and Amalia sing, restoring their strength by playing the lute and pouring out longing. The songs reveal the true feelings of the characters, for example, Charles sings about Caesar and the traitor Brutus, having learned about his brother's betrayal.

The theme of moral duty in Friedrich Schiller's drama The Robbers

Student's essay based on the drama of Friedrich Schiller "Robbers". The outstanding German humanist Friedrich Schiller thought about the meaning of human life. He believed that modern man had lost his simplicity, sincerity in relations with others and lived not by faith, but by calculation, and even in his neighbors he no longer saw friends, but rivals. The Robbers is Schiller's first drama. Created by a young genius, it still remains one of his most interesting works. It shows the confrontation between two brothers - Karl and Franz, sons of Count Moor, carriers of two opposite worldviews. Karl hates the squalor of the surrounding life, treats with contempt those who obsequiously obey the rulers, and oppresses the poor. He does not want to live according to those laws, thanks to which hypocrites, rogues, usurers live so well. “Is it possible for me to squeeze my body into a corset, or is my will laced up by law? The law makes snails crawl what eagles should fly.” Karl Moor is a pure and kind young man at heart. Upon learning of his father's decision to deprive him of his inheritance, he falls into despair, perceives a personal insult as a manifestation of injustice, which has already become the norm in human relations. He and his comrades hide in the Bohemian Forest, becoming the leader of the robbers. Karl begins to rob the rich, noble, those in power, and helps the disadvantaged and persecuted.

His brother Franz adheres to completely opposite ideas and principles. In this image, Schiller showed a cynical person, without honor, conscience, a cruel egoist. Hypocritically exposing the student life of his brother Karl in black colors, he disgraces him in front of his father, achieves that the entire parental inheritance passes to him. Moreover, he claims the hand of Karl's bride - Amalia. The purpose of Franz's life is the satisfaction of his own passions. He justifies any of his crimes, believes that honor, conscience are needed only by the common people. Franz strives for power and money and believes that there is no such obstacle that would prevent him from achieving his goal. He hides his own father in a tower and dooms him to starvation. Meanwhile, Franz begins to be haunted by terrible visions, which can be called the pangs of a humiliated conscience - retribution for cruelty and crimes. With his soullessness, he even adorns his own coat of arms: “The pallor of poverty and slavish fear are the colors of my coat of arms. Franz is unable to overcome remorse, fear of inevitable punishment, and finally lays hands on himself. However, Karl does not win either. At the end of the drama, he is overcome by doubt: did he choose the right path? And he realizes that he went the wrong way. For his crimes, he pays with the death of his father and bride Amalia and comes to the conclusion that in nature there is no noble murder or high revenge. He sees the greed, the cruelty of the robbers who make his case unfair, and decides to surrender to the authorities. “On the way here, I happened to talk with a poor man ... he has eleven. A thousand louis is promised to the one who brings the big robber alive. The poor fellow can be helped."

Depicting the disputes between the brothers, between Karl and the law, Schiller violates an important question in the drama: if violence is fought against with violent methods, then the noble avenger himself will not become a criminal? The author believes that retribution is inevitable for anyone who has violated the moral law, regardless of the motives for which he committed the crime. In his work, Schiller showed the inconsistency between the human right to protest, on the one hand, and the criminality of any violent protest, on the other. This contradiction is tragic, since, according to the author, it has not been resolved in real life.

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