The real name of the Mulyavins is Kurman, and the main curse in the house was the word “Lydia! Vladimir Mulyavin. "I am a modest person" (13 photos) Valery Mulyavin son

Surely many of you at one time listened to the Pesnyary ensemble. What do you know about its founder? Biography of Vladimir Mulyavin, family, interesting facts - you will learn about all this in the article.

Sverdlovsk, January 12, 1941. In the family of the Mulyavins, Georgy and Akulina, joy - the son Volodya was born. This is the 2nd child, there is also a son, Valery (born in 1938).

Volodya's father worked at the largest plant in the Trans-Urals - Uralmash - as a worker. The work was difficult, but it did not prevent Georgy from playing the guitar with enthusiasm. He had a good ear for music, so there was music in Volodya's life from an early age. Mother was a seamstress. There was no great prosperity in the family, they lived like everyone else: from paycheck to paycheck. The ancestors of the parents were educated people, had their own business, but with the coming to power of the Soviets, they, like most merchants, were dispossessed.

Despite the fact that Georgy and Akulina already had 3 children (Valery, Volodya, Natasha), the father left the family. The mother had to support the family by working around the clock. Children soon got used to independence, at least in this way making life easier for their mother.

Vladimir Mulyavin loved to listen to music, understood it, so he managed to master the balalaika on his own. Then he mastered the guitar and other instruments.

The family did not have the opportunity to attend musical performances, respectively, concerts on the guitar and balalaika were held at home, in the yard. When Volodya was able to watch the opera La Traviata, he was so impressed by what he saw that it probably became one of the most vivid impressions of his childhood.

It can be considered a great luck meeting with Navrotsky Alexander Ivanovich, who graduated from the Institute of Culture in Kharkov. He was a wonderful musician who saw talent in the young man and gave impetus to the development of this talent. They liked making music so much that they, sometimes not noticing the time, worked for several hours a day.

He continued his musical education at the music school in Sverdlovsk, becoming its student in 1956. Music, new musical hobbies, playing musical instruments - all this captured and captivated Vladimir. He needs an outlet for ideas, he wanted to create, and together with his friends he creates a jazz band. But jazz in those years was not recognized in our country, there should not be such music in the Soviet Union! He and the entire jazz group are expelled, but nevertheless, over time, he was restored to the school.

The study is over, there are a lot of desires and aspirations, the soul requires a flight! And without a penny in his pocket, in the cargo compartment under the car, he leaves Sverdlovsk. Probably, fate wanted him to be in Kaliningrad. There Mulyavin gathered a group in which he acted as a pop artist - he played the guitar. By that time, he had already married the actress Lisa Karmalskaya. Both were involved in the concerts: Volodya accompanied on the guitar, Liza performed in the original genre of artistic whistling. In 1961, the first-born daughter Marina was born in a young family.

In the early sixties, Volodya performed a lot as a musician, worked in Petrozavodsk, in Kuzbass, in Orenburg. In 1963 he moved to Minsk, having received an invitation from the Belarusian Philharmonic. He played a variety of music, but his interests were increasingly inclined towards folk. He was attracted by the folklore of the peoples of Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus. This was reflected in the music he played.

Living in Belarus, it is impossible for a musician not to know the music of this region, respectively, Mulyavin collected folklore around the country, listened to the performances of local residents, arranged folk music, got acquainted with the works of Belarusian classics.

In 1965 he was drafted into the army. The service was held not far, near Minsk. The years of service turned out to be, one might say, decisive in his work, as he continued to study music: a vocal group was created in the unit, and with his participation an ensemble of the Belarusian Military District was formed. At the same time (so everything turned out happily) Leonid Tyshko, Vladislav Misevich, Alexander Demeshko, Valery Yashkin, who later became part of the original composition of the Pesnyars, were serving in this unit, only in other companies. During the service, they gave concerts in the House of Officers, performed at discos, rehearsed at every opportunity.

After the army, the guys did not have the opportunity to perform together, they all worked in different teams, but did not lose touch with each other. Mulyavin also worked in a team as a guitarist, musician, and there was not even a thought about a singing career. However, once their team worked at a concert by Nelli Boguslavskaya, People's Artist of Belarus, and she, having heard his voice at a rehearsal, said that he definitely needed to sing, having such data. Maybe that gave him a reason to think of himself as a singer.

In 1968, members of the army team created the Lyavony VIA. At first, they acted as accompanists to the dance ensemble "Lyavoshkha", but, having performed in 1969 with their concert and received a well-deserved success, they realized that they could perform according to their own program and be a separate team. At that time, Vladimir's brother Valery (trumpet, guitar) joined their ranks. The ensemble with this name existed until October of the seventieth year and changed its name to "Pesnyary", since neither the leadership nor themselves liked the name "Lyavony". The word "pesnyary" (translated from the Belarusian language - "singers", "poets", "storytellers") they found in Belarusian literature, and it seemed to the guys more consonant with their activities.

The ensemble traveled a lot with tours in cities, in remote villages and villages, where true Belarusian music, folk songs, and local folklore are still preserved. They collected about 150 songs. Mulyavin did not like the stage of that time, many things did not suit him, he wanted something different, real. But the folk theme attracted, I liked the melodious Belarusian songs, the sound of the Belarusian language. He began to study it in order to understand folk songs, to have an idea of ​​what they sang.

In the seventieth year, "Pesnyary" obtained permission to perform in Moscow at the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Permission was not received immediately, as the management stated that their appearance did not meet the standards of that time: strict suits, short hairstyles. And they have long hair, mustaches, beards, catchy costumes - everything is not like everyone else. Mulyavin was forced to prove that for an ensemble singing folk songs, this is part of the image.

At the competition "Pesnyary" they performed the forgotten Belarusian folk song "I dreamed of you in the spring." An original arrangement was made for it, the voices of the soloists are sonorous, beautiful, and the song poured over the hall, capturing the audience. The group just made a splash.

After the competition, they became famous throughout the country. Belarusian songs became popular: they were sung, they were taught by heart, they began to be printed in song collections, they sounded on the radio, and true admirers even got acquainted with the Belarusian language in order to be closer to the work of their favorite performers.

In 1973, the team was on tour in Yalta, and there, shortly before the start of the performance with Volodya's brother, Valery, an accident happened, one might say, an absurd accident: he fell and hit the stones. Upon learning of the death of his brother, Volodya did not cancel the concert, although it was very difficult for everyone. The hall was full, the audience was waiting, and the group went out and played a concert. Volodya could not sing, he only played the guitar. Soon, another grief befell Mulyavin: his sister Natasha died.

In the 1970s, the ensemble gained more and more popularity in the Soviet Union, they began to compare it with the Beatles, began to broadcast it on Central Television, and were invited to tour throughout the country. The folk song "Kasiv Yas Kanyushin" in an unusual rock arrangement has become very famous.

Looking at such popularity of the ensemble, the party leadership decided to use it to promote patriotism, patriotic feelings and ordered songs of ideological content. These songs were performed sincerely, with soul, not cunning, therefore they listened to them with pleasure, they were re-sung, although there were people who were very skeptical about custom songs. Many even thought that “Birch sap” and “My youth is Belarus” were adaptations of folk songs, although they were invented by order.

Vladimir Mulyavin also used the “need for them” for his own purposes: he helped the soloists settle everyday issues, asked them for good conditions in hotels, good equipment, but in his work he was true to his principles: he never sang in restaurants, did not pay for the ensemble was sent on tour abroad. He said so: “I don’t pay for creativity!” They were already expected everywhere, invited on tours abroad. Getting on tour abroad at that time was quite difficult, almost impossible, but they went. Of the Soviet bands, Pesnyary were the first to perform in the United States. The audience gave them a standing ovation, newspapers wrote about a group from the USSR.

Since the ensemble is Belarusian, the leadership wanted them to sing only in Belarusian, but Mulyavin could not agree to this. He did not like and did not want to interfere in the creative process, did not compromise because of the lyrics. There were cases when he did not want to change the words in the song, and because of this, the ensemble was not released on tour for a long time. But in spite of everything, "Pesnyary" was the most touring group in the Soviet Union.

Mulyavin Vladimir was an excellent arranger, he played various instruments well, but he also had a unique voice: a clear and high tenor. He did not receive a vocal education, but he not only heard music, he felt it, felt it, noticed any inaccuracies. He was quite demanding of himself, did not allow flaws in performance, setting an example for the whole team with his attitude to work. At rehearsals, he demanded the same precision from soloists, did not like falseness, forced him to work to the desired result, to the desired note. At concerts, he did not tolerate disrespectful attitude towards the public, demanded feedback from the artists, and the public paid for it with love. And when the audience stood up, applauding, it was deserved.

I was looking for talented soloists for the team wherever possible. Hearing the voice he needed, he called for a rehearsal, so that the applicant understood what requirements he must meet. There was nothing to do without talent. So Leonid Bortkevich and Anatoly Kasheparov appeared in the team. About 50 musicians have changed in the group over the years, of course, there could not be a permanent composition. Someone came, someone left.

After 10 years of activity of the ensemble, Bortkevich left the group, married gymnast Olga Korbut and left for the USA. Kasheparov left next and also went to the USA, where he started his own business. Later, he met in Florida with Mulyavin, they made joint plans, but the conversations remained conversations. Gradually, the creators of the ensemble also left: Leonid Tyshko and Alexander Demeshko.

It was a difficult period for them, for the whole country. There were few concerts, it was rather difficult financially. The ensemble toured with the old repertoire, sang songs that people fell in love with, although Mulyavin over the years of Pesnyary's activity wrote over 10 original programs, several rock operas, and many songs since 1985. But he managed to record the disc only in Holland in 1994, and in the Russian Federation and Belarus these works were never heard then.

The musicians were forced to rehearse even in schools for the deaf and mute, at any venues they could find, with old instruments. Vladimir Mulyavin (Pesnyary) was not idle, he wrote to the management and very abruptly, for which he was removed from the management of the team, leaving him in the position of artistic director. In this situation, his passion for alcohol also played an important role. They appointed Vladislav Misevich (soloist of the group) instead of him. When it came to head of state Lukashenka, Mulyavin was returned to his previous position. Misevich left the band, and all the musicians left. It was not possible to save the ensemble, although Vladimir Georgievich made every effort.

Over time, he recruited a new group, and the anniversary of 30 years was celebrated at the Olimpiysky with a big concert, and Mulyavin's star was laid on the Walk of Fame. In 2001, he was awarded the Order of Francysk Skaryna (the highest award in Belarus).

Karmalskaya toured with her husband, although it was not at all easy with a child. The musicians didn't get that much money, and she, performing complex classical pieces (artistic whistle), did well. For the team, Liza was a salvation during trips: she solved some everyday issues, reproached everyone. She affectionately called Volodya “Flying”. Their love was reflected in many songs that were performed at the performances.

Does Vladimir Mulyavin have children? Yes. Daughter Marina Mulyavina, in memory of her father, together with Olga Brilan, wrote the book "Unsaid ...". In the book, she shared her memories, told how he really was, how hard she went through the divorce of her parents, how she forgave her father, and about many other things that only she could know about.

In 1975, the second child was born in the family of Volodya and Lisa - the son of Volodya, but this did not save the marriage. Upon learning of her husband's infidelity, Lisa filed for divorce.

The second wife of the musician was Svetlana Slizskaya. In marriage, daughter Olga was born in 1976. Svetlana led a free lifestyle, she did not go on tour with her husband. As evidenced by the biography of Vladimir Mulyavin, the couple separated in 1981. How did Vladimir's personal life develop further?

On the set of the film "Walking Through the Torments", the future couple, Vladimir Mulyavin and Svetlana Penkina, meet. They legalized their relationship in 1981. A year later, the second son of Vladimir Mulyavin was born. They named him in honor of his brother Valery. For the sake of the family, Sveta left the theater and took up raising a child. Valery received a musical education, but did not want to connect his life with music, he began to work with computers.

Some believed that Svetlana played a certain role in the fact that the team broke up. Everyone knew that Volodya consulted with her, that she interfered in his affairs, in the affairs of the ensemble, but, despite this, Vladimir Mulyavin and Svetlana Penkina loved each other and lived together for twenty years.

In 2002, on May 14, Mulyavin, while driving a car, got into a serious accident on a sharp turn near Minsk, although he was a good driver (more than a quarter of a century behind the wheel), and received quite serious injuries (damage to the spinal cord, fracture of the vertebrae, bruises, etc. .). For some time he was in Minsk, then he was transferred to Moscow, to the Burdenko hospital, for rehabilitation. His arms and legs were paralyzed, but, as noted in the newspapers, he worked on himself. Next to him was his wife - Svetlana Penkina.

For 8 months the doctors fought for his life, he himself fought, but the miracle did not happen. January 26, 2006 Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin passed away. Farewell to him in Moscow took place on January 27, and in Minsk on January 28. A Belarusian songwriter of Russian origin was buried at the Eastern Cemetery in the city of Minsk.

In memory of Mulyavin, a boulevard in the center of Minsk was named, a sculptural composition was opened at the Moscow Memorial Cemetery in Minsk, a memorial plaque was installed on his house in Yekaterinburg, and a stamp was issued in his honor in Belarus.

The head of "Pesnyary" regretted that he left the artistic whistle artist Lydia Karmalskaya

January 26 marks 15 years since, how the artistic director and soloist of the ensemble "Pesnyary" Vladimir MULYAVIN passed away. The eldest daughter of the musician Marina recently released a book of memoirs, where she first spoke about the relationship between her father and mother. - the first wife of Vladimir Georgievich Lydia KARMALSKAYA.

- Marina was Are your parents beautiful wedding?

They quietly signed in Kaliningrad. Dad at that time was an 18-year-old boy who played the guitar, and mom was already a sought-after artist of artistic whistling - a rare genre on the stage. They drank the “wedding” bottle of wine for a month and finished it only when friends came to visit ... Mom did everything so that dad became a soloist. When they divorced 17 years later in 1975, dad had the title of Honored Artist of Belarus and was a laureate of numerous competitions.

- You were already 15 years old at the time of the divorce. Who do you blame for this situation?

Girls always love dads. Therefore, I blamed my mother more for what happened. Although he was cheating on her, and my mother, trying to save the marriage, in 1974, despite the ban on having children, nevertheless decided to have a son, whom dad wanted so much. Dad filed for divorce, because mom with little Volodya in her arms simply had no time to do this. I often recall the story of my mother that in her youth a friend Anna Argo she was told that she would be left alone and go blind. The prediction came true.

- What kind of relationship did your parents have after the divorce?

They remained friends. Dad visited mom and sometimes even stayed overnight. At that moment, when my grandmother, my father's ex-mother-in-law, died, he was also with us. Mom then said: “You seemed to feel with your heart that something would happen.” As a smart woman, she understood that my father was first of all a creative person, a musician, and then the head of the family. With second wife Svetlana Slimy, because of which, in fact, he left us, quickly divorced. Then he married an actress Svetlana Penkina. Mom, however, remained alone - she could not find a replacement for such an interesting person. It's not that easy, and she didn't want to. Devoted herself to raising my younger brother.

Marina MULYAVINA (pictured) wrote a book about parents in collaboration with musicologist Olga BRILON. Photo from

- Did you have a conversation with your father, even after years, about why he left his wife with a baby in her arms?

Yes, once. It was difficult for him to discuss this topic. He only remarked: “These women are not left and they are not abandoned.” Dad's eyes spoke of more. He repented that he had left his mother, as well as in many other actions. He has always been a decent person.

- Your book about parents came out right after the death of your father's third wife, stars of the film "Walking through the torment" Svetlana Penkina

I even informed Penkina about the date of the presentation of the book. Svetlana also wrote memoirs, but did not have time to release them. Now the fate of the publication will be decided by her father and son Valery Mulyavin.

What is your relationship with your brother on your father's side?

We are still one family, we have never had disagreements with Valery. My brother is older than my son by a year and a half. He is for me a child to whom I once washed the ass. When Svetlana Alexandrovna was alive, we decided everything together. By the way, after the death of her father, she asked to be buried next to him at the Moscow cemetery in Minsk. They even prepared a place for her. And my mother is buried next to my younger brother Vladimir.

The musician named his youngest son Valery in honor of his brother, who was a musician in Pesnyary, and in 1973 died on tour in Yalta. Photo from personal archive

- They wrote that Penkina suffered from alcoholism and died precisely from binges ...

Svetlana suffered from heart failure and needed a stent. And after the death of her father, she was afraid of hospitals like fire.

- In your opinion, was your father proud of his son Vladimir, on whom he pinned his hopes, and dreamed that did he continue the dynasty?

Volodya was a talented musician, and dad said that he outplayed him. But because of the surname Mulyavin, his brother had to leave the Belarusian State Ensemble "Pesnyary", which at that time was led by Vyacheslav Sharapov. Volodya was very worried about this, but, like his father, he kept everything to himself. He could not understand why he could not find a place in the team where his father worked. (Vladimir Mulyavin died in 2006 from drug use in prison. - N. M.)

- Marina, do you regret not becoming an artist?

Having such parents, you must either be better than them, or look for yourself in another profession. Mom could, but she didn’t teach me artistic whistling, although she always said: “You need a whistle so that the corners of your lips do not fall. Whistle into a jar for 15 minutes a day.” I do not regret at all that I did not become a singer. I married in 1979 and now have two adult sons and two grandchildren. None of them became an artist, we only sing at home. Children, however, play guitars inherited from their grandfather. He gave one to my eldest, and the younger one inherited the instrument from my brother Volodya.

Before her death, Penkina saw her husband's double

Galina Ivanova has been a devoted admirer of the work of Vladimir Mulyavin and the Pesnyary ensemble. A fan was close friends with Vladimir Georgievich.

In 1998 when Mulyavina everyone left, I came to Minsk for his birthday, - Ivanova recalls. - It was on this day that he was summoned to the Ministry of Culture of Belarus. We with Sveta Penkina waiting for him at home. Volodya returned with a bowed head and said that he had been moved from the post of artistic director and appointed Vlad Misevich

With Svetlana and little Valera. Photo: Archive "SB Belarus Today"

- Galina, which of the women do you think Mulyavin loved the most?

Once he admitted: “If it was possible to repeat life, I would have stayed with my first wife,” referring to Lydia Karmalskaya. But he also loved the third one, Svetlana Penkina. When they met, I immediately said to Sveta: “I knew Mulyavin before you, I loved, I will love.” In it, by the way, the people's artist always showed through. She emphasized that for the sake of Volodya she quit her career. But if you look at her acting biography, then, apart from "Walking Through the Torments", there is nothing interesting there.

Why do you think Penkina died so early, at 65?

There are many versions. On the eve of Sveta's death Igor Nikolaev appeared in the image of Mulyavin in the TV show of reincarnations "Just the same". He conveyed it very clearly, even listened to my advice. And from that moment on, Sveta stopped answering the phone. Maybe after 13 years she saw her late husband on the screen and her heart could not stand it? After all, she didn’t drink anymore, but went into a trance in a different way - with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

Just a fact

  • The Belarusian orchestra named after Zhinovich restored the program "Pesnyarov" "Vyanok". The notes were lost, but the collector found a recording from the run of all 15 songs of the concert.

12.01.2017 - 20:17

News of Belarus. Today he would have turned 76. Vladimir Mulyavin, People's Artist of the USSR and Belarus, became a real legend during his lifetime. On January 12, the Belarusian State Philharmonic held a remembrance concert.

"Alexandryna", "Zavushnitsy", "Red Red" - more than one generation has grown up on these songs. And his ensemble "Pesnyary" is a national pride and a real brand of our country. About the life of a brilliant performer and composer on stage and behind the scenes - in the 24 Hours News program on STV.

Anastasia Benediyuk, STV:
You have a tear-off calendar and here it is January 12, 2017. Does that mean that time hasn't stopped here?

Valery Mulyavin, son of Vladimir Mulyavin:
The office is alive. People appear here, dad's colleagues come.

Dad's colleagues and him. In October 2016, Mulyavin's widow, the founder and director of the museum, Svetlana Penkina, passed away. Now all the worries are on the shoulders of Valery Vladimirovich. But the burden, the son of the legendary songwriter admits, is within his power. Every object, every photograph, he grew up in it.

Here are pictures of a family vacation: Greece, Indonesia, France. A little further away is a sculpture brought by Mulyavin Sr. from a month-long tour of Africa, and this exhibit is already from India. Between them is the one that the maestro has never had on his head - a crystal rock crown. Posthumously. As if in anticipation of the creator are sheet music on the piano.

Valery Mulyavin:
The piano that dad used to play all the time. In the morning at 5, at 6 he could be seen here at the Philharmonic. He did not like to wake up his family, he came here and rehearsed.

And here, in the Philharmonic, for the umpteenth time without the culprit himself, the poet's birthday is celebrated. By tradition, a few hours before the festive gala concert, the doors of the museum are still open. Musical heritage, as they say, at arm's length.

Anastasia Benedisyuk:
Vladimir Georgievich often said: the home of the creator is where he creates. It was within the walls of the Belarusian State Philharmonic that “Song about the share”, “Through the whole war”, “Out loud”, “Guslyar” appeared. And music lovers from all over the country come here along Mulyavina Boulevard. The house of the creator is crowded today.

On the stage is an ensemble whose creative path is inextricably linked with Mulyavin. In the auditorium, those who know by heart both "Alexandryna", and "Zavushnitsy" with "Kalyadachka", and "Red Red" with "Slutsk Weavers". They sing in unison with what seems to be an immortal soloist and composer. Also a friend and father.

Oleg Molchan, composer:
Vladimir Georgievich and I spent more than one of his birthdays together. Mulyavin saw him off modestly, but everyone around him always celebrated it very magnificently.

Valery Skorozhonok, ex-soloist of the ensemble "Pesnyary":
Just in time for my birthday, January 12, solo concert. The proscenium was completely lined with flowers, champagne, cognac. This is how people respected Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin.

A hero without a name and surname, he is just Pesnyar - but we know something! The legendary performance about Mulyavin on his day is given on January 12 at the Russian Theater. And for sure sounds "Prayer" in the original performance.

Forum of young composers of the CIS countries will host Molodechno: what awaits the participants?

News of Belarus. Talented musicians from the CIS countries are expected in Molodechno. In April, a forum of young composers will be held here, the Minsk Region program on STV reported.

By tradition, about 30 young men and women will gather under its roof the College of Music. Mikhail Oginsky. For 10 days, talents will attend master classes from their senior and experienced colleagues. Already, college students are seriously preparing for the event in order to represent their small homeland at a high level.

Grigory Soroka, director of the Molodechno Music College named after Mikhail Oginsky, head of the symphony orchestra:
Our young campers, students of the Belarusian Academy of Music, Grodno, Byarestse and other cities are also using them. Jumping some simple free hearinglook, learn. And some of them are already members of this forum. Im then uruchayutstsa abty documents that I am a member of this forum.

The final test for young musicians will be the creation of a composition on the proposed topic and verse. The symphony orchestra of the Molodechno College will accompany the creators.

  • Read more

On June 6, actress Svetlana Penkina-Mulyavina, the widow of the founder of the legendary Pesnyary ensemble, would have turned 66, but she passed away in October 2016. Her departure went unnoticed by many - the actress had long ceased to act in films, lived alone, led a secluded life and did not give interviews. Even those fans who fell in love with her after the release of the films "Walk through the torment", "Take care of the women" and "Solar Wind" gradually forgot about her.

Svetlana Penkina was born in Belarus in the family of a teacher and a military man. After school, she entered the acting department of the Minsk State Theater and Art Institute and began acting in films during her studies. Professional success came to her very early and swiftly: her graduation work in the film "Walking Through the Torments", where she played the role of Katya Bulavina, brought her all-Union popularity and recognition.

In the 1970-1980s. the actress starred quite a lot. Her most notable works were roles in the films "Dust in the Sun", "Take Care of Women", "Solar Wind" and "To the Coming Age". Being a famous actress, she met her future husband, the founder and leader of the Pesnyary ensemble, Vladimir Mulyavin, who was also at the peak of his popularity then.

The actress later recalled their first meeting in 1978: “I went to the scoring of the film“ Walking Through the Torments ”, and Volodya and the guys recorded a new disc there in the sound studio. I remember that I was amazed at my first impression: childish insecurity, huge radiant eyes ... And timidity, surprise. I noted for myself that for sure this person is not the same as they say about him. Three years later, they met again during the Pesnyary tour in Grodno and after that they did not part.

Svetlana became the third wife of Vladimir Mulyavin. In 1981 they got married, and a year later their son Valery was born. Nobody believed in this union - both were strong personalities with difficult characters. Mulyavin's friends did not approve of his wife's too active participation in all his affairs. The musicians of the ensemble "Pesnyary" called her capricious and wayward: "For example, on tour in America we are late for the plane. And she's still not there. Nervous team. It turns out that Sveta went to buy boots. Then she also made a scandal - why didn’t we take out some bags for her? Mulyavin, of course, tried to influence his wife, but a woman is a woman ... She twisted ropes out of him. Sometimes it seemed that Sveta had bewitched him with some kind of spell. At least without her on tour, it was one person. Upon returning home, Georgievich was unrecognizable - the complete opposite.

Be that as it may, the spouses themselves considered this marriage happy and loved each other. Shortly after the wedding, the actress decided to end her film career. She starred in two films in episodic roles and left the cinema for good. Svetlana was really actively involved in her husband's affairs and accompanied him everywhere. She devoted her whole life to him, because of which Nadezhda Babkina once asked her: “Sveta, have you ever thought that you sacrificed yourself?” But the actress herself did not think so.

They spent 20 years together, until the tragic death of Mulyavin in 2003 as a result of a car accident. After his death, the museum of the founder of the Pesnyary ensemble was organized in the Belarusian State Philharmonic, and Svetlana became its director.

We are standing on the porch of Pesniar's studio. The musicians, Volodya's former colleagues, smoke and talk aloud. Last year, in September, Mulyavin Jr. resigned from the ensemble, having worked for a year and three months. Even then there was talk: they say, the musician is cool, but there are problems. They recalled that Volodya had already rewound the term in the late 90s: he was given a year and seven months for exceeding self-defense. Mulyavin Jr. himself said that he defended the girl. Ironically, in prison he met... his father's colleagues. "Pesnyary" performed in a correctional institution with a patron's concert, and Valery Daineko recognized Mulyavin in a crowd of prisoners. Volodya was very similar to his father.

But, despite the release, Volodya, according to people who knew him, remained a good guy. Therefore, the current term under Article 328 of the Criminal Code for drugs, and even more so death in a prison hospital, came as a shock to everyone. But not a complete surprise...

We accidentally found out that Volodya had died, the guys admit. - Mutual friends called. But he hasn't been buried yet. We went to the Moscow cemetery, there is no grave yet. They say that the body was cremated, they will give it out for burial later. He should be buried in his mother's grave. It's in the same cemetery as Mulyavin, just aside...

He was a musician from God, he was great!

A year ago, the girl left Volodya. It seems to be even some kind of church ... I also could not stand it all.

We talked with him constantly, each brought his own arguments. Not that they pressed, they just talked ... After all, all adults.

They didn't go to the doctors. The agreement was this: if you want - work ...

Yes, everything was fine, we went to the gym together, did fitness. Volodya even got better. The girls began to pay attention to him ...

Vyacheslav Sharapov, head of the state ensemble "Pesnyary":

Before "Pesnyary" Volodya worked as a plasterer

The first time I saw Volodya was at my father's funeral in 2003. And I felt sorry for him: thin, in bad clothes ... It was clear that he was having a hard time. The good guy is gone.

Where did he work then?

In some construction companies ... I plastered. Meanwhile, Volodya was a good musician. That's why I called him to the ensemble. And also out of respect for the memory of his father. For two months we could not get enough of him. He changed, even outwardly it was clear that everything was getting better in a person ... I'm not a doctor, not a narcologist, but then I began to notice oddities in behavior.

They say that from the first day of work you had his letter of resignation, and the agreement was this: do you sign the letter as soon as there is a reason?

This statement was not written immediately, but after 8 months. In the summer of 2005, the situation in Ushachi became undisguised, Volodya could no longer control his condition ... And then, at my request, he really wrote a statement with an open date. It lay for 4 months. And when we went to shoot in Moscow to record Mikhail Shvydkov's program “Life is Beautiful”, and Volodya, right during the recording, having left the studio in a normal state, returned with a changed face, I realized that it was impossible to go on like this ... No, he behaved absolutely adequately, did not allow himself any absurdities. On the train on the way back, he began to have some kind of hallucinations ... We did not advertise anything. But musicians from other bands have already begun to notice strange changes that suddenly happen to Volodya...

Although at concerts, the audience perceived him magnificently. It was worth declaring: "Vladimir Mulyavin, the son of a legendary musician," and the hall exploded with applause. True, Volodya did not sing, he did not have the same gift as his father ... From this he experienced psychological discomfort. After all, everyone expected this from him: now he will come out and give out. Although in a low voice he sang very beautifully and clearly. I'm sure I would have cracked up.

And Mulyavin himself had no idea to invite his son to work?

We once discussed with him, but, in my opinion, Volodya was serving a sentence at that time. Vladimir Georgievich, of course, felt guilty for not giving something to his children. Here the youngest son Valera received his own - both love and care. I often saw them together, they practically did not part with their father, Mulyavin did not look for souls in this guy ... But the elder ...

And besides sister Marina, did Volodya have relatives?

No. Mother died in 1999. And communication with half-brothers and sisters was not close. Marina is much older than Volodya, and she was like a mother to him...

When you called Volodya to the ensemble, were you aware of drug problems?

Rumors reached me, but we spoke frankly with Volodya, and he assured me: no, no, everything has long been forgotten.


After the birth of his son Volodya Mulyavin left the family

Volodya is the second child of Mulyavin, born in marriage with his first wife Lidia Karmalskaya. Karmalskaya was older than Mulyavin, together with her an unknown musician came to Minsk and was able to get a job at the Belarusian Philharmonic.

Lydia worked in a genre of artistic whistling, which was rare even at that time. At first, her career was even more successful, and she helped her husband in many ways. Mulyavin and Karmalskaya's daughter Marina was already growing up, "Pesnyary" thundered throughout the Union, and here is the news - an addition is expected in the family. Mulyavin really wanted a son. But, oddly enough, his birth was accompanied by rather tragic circumstances. Volodya was born on June 22.

This is how daughter Marina recalled the events of those days in an interview with a Russian newspaper

“If you give birth to a son, I don’t know what happiness it will be.” And my mother became pregnant, despite the prohibition of doctors. They told their father: "If your wife gives birth, she will not survive." The mother decided to keep the child. She was not allowed to give birth herself, they planned to do a caesarean section. But the birth started earlier. Mom was taken by ambulance to a regular hospital. Fortunately, she survived ... And when the discharge day came, all the doctors, smart mother, midwife with a newborn in her arms were waiting for dad, but he did not come ... He was two hours late ... ". When the offended mother asked why ... "I thought you were really going to die," the father replied. After that, my mother filed for divorce.

Volodya grew up practically without a father. Mulyavin immediately had a new family. In the second marriage, a daughter, Olga, was born. In addition, in the mid-70s, "Pesnyary" traveled throughout the Union, gave 2 - 3 concerts a day. And sometimes - and on eight! With such a concert schedule, there is no time to raise children. And in 1980, Mulyavin married Svetlana Penkina, in this marriage a son, Valera, was born. He is 24 today.

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