The fastest flight of the ball in football. The strongest kick in football history

Watching sports battles is quite an exciting experience, but sometimes the projectiles develop such speed that you can only follow the progress of the game by the movements of the athletes. When measuring such high speeds, various modern methods and instruments are used. Among them are hand-held radars for balls (for example, tennis to determine the speed of delivery), high-speed video cameras and others. But even an ordinary digital camera can capture the achievement with a small error.

The greatest speed of sports equipment, which is given acceleration by pushing or hitting a person (and not a device or motor), is developed by a shuttlecock in badminton. His average speed during professional matches is about 300 km / h, but the Japanese Naoki Kawamae managed to set a record of 414 km / h (initial speed).

In second place is the golf ball. Here the record is 326 km / h, and in a normal game, the projectile accelerates to 270 km / h.

Amazes the imagination with swiftness and a tennis ball. The highest recorded achievement is 251 km / h, and in a normal game, the projectile flies 1 m in 0.018 seconds (200 km / h). Not far behind tennis and table tennis. A light celluloid bouncer bounces off the player's racket at a speed of 180 km/h.

The heavier and larger the projectile, the more difficult it is for a person to give it swiftness, besides, balls beaten off with their feet or hands (and not with a racket) fly more slowly. For example, in volleyball the speed of the ball during professional games is 130 km/h, in beach volleyball it is about 100 km/h (the record is 114 km/h, Igor Kolodinsky). A hockey puck flies a little faster - from 150 km / h, and the legendary Canadian forward Bobby Hull managed to accelerate it to 190.4 km / h.

Athletics metal projectiles are rather slow against the background of balls and shuttlecocks, the average flight speed of a disk or a shot is only 90 and 50 km / h, respectively. However, during the competition, the main thing to remember is that it is not the speed of the projectile to which the athlete accelerates it that is of decisive importance, but the thoughtful tactics of the game and dexterity when meeting with an opponent.

Someone likes in football spectacular strikes for accuracy, and someone - for strength. We ask the last ones to stay in their places, because in front of you are 10 most powerful shots - the strongest blows in football, and not necessarily leading to goals.

Let's make a reservation right away that in our top ten, of course, there are the strongest blows in football, which were officially recorded and then "calculated". And if your friend Kolya is not on the list, who hits the ball stronger than Roberto Carlos, but works as a mechanic at the foundry, then we, of course, are very happy for Nikolai, but we won’t include him in our “top 10”. So let's go!

10th place. Obafemi Martins - 135 km / h

The Nigerian's "goleshnik" for Newcastle, scored against Tottenham in 2007.

9th place. Tugai - 135.5 km / h

Turkish legionnaire Tugai did not score many goals for Blackburn, but his powerful shot at Tottenham in 2006 will clearly go down in football history as one of the “terrible guns”.

8th place. Roberto Carlos - 137.1 km/h

You won't believe it, but that very goal by Roberto Carlos against Barthez at the Stade de France is only in 8th place in our hit parade. But it seemed that then the ball flew just at sky-high speed.

7th place. Alan Shearer - 138 km / h

A goal scored back in 1997 against Leicester. By the way, then Shearer scored a hat-trick, but we are interested in the one who made the score 2:3. Find it in the video below.

6th place. Matt Le Tissier - 139.6 km / h

Le Tissier loved to score against Newcastle - he did it for every taste, but one day, in 1997, Matt put all the heroic power into his shot, and got to us in 6th place.

5th place. Richie Humphreys - 154.3 km / h

Who is this Richie Humphreys? Yes, such a guy played for Sheffield Wednesday when this club was noisy in the Premier League, and in 1996, Richie “thrown a plop” into Villa's goal, which allowed him to easily get into the list called "The hardest shots in football."

4th place. David Trezeguet - 154.4 km / h

The French striker has played for many great teams, but his most powerful goal-scoring shot came with Monaco against Manchester United at Old Trafford in 1998. It was something!

3rd place. David Beckham - 157.5 km / h

Where are we without Beckham and his Thunderbolts!? One of these, against Chelsea in 1997, was third on the list of the most powerful in football. And nothing that the distance to the gate was small, the main thing is the speed of the ball!

2nd place. David Hurst - 183.5 km / h

Another not-so-famous football player in football history, but his shot and power speaks louder than any name. Hurst's shot at Arsenal's goal in the 1996/97 season was not crowned with a goal, but for a long time he held the record for hitting power.

1 place. Ronnie Heberson - 210.8 km / h

And here it is - the strongest blow in football! Moreover, he was also far from the most famous character in the game. Brazilian Ronnie Heberson, while playing for Sporting Lisbon, scored from a free kick, and shot so powerfully that the ball was not visible at all on the way to the goal. The gun is easy!

Do you want to know who has the strongest kick in football? Then you've definitely come to the right place.

The main feature of football has always been and remains a strong kick. This sport has so many fans, precisely because of the beautiful goals that are scored after verified, accurate and very strong blows. Each footballer, in fact, is the strongest athlete who simply must be able to deliver strong and accurate shots at the opponent's goal. But even among the best there are real champions, whose blows have become a real sensation.

Which player has the strongest shot?

Below we will talk about several football players who, in different years of their stellar career, managed to distinguish themselves with incredibly strong shots on the ball, which also reached its goal and hit the goal. But it is worth remembering that among football statistics there are no official data on the impact force, all data on the impact gets into the press by chance, only if the impact is truly strong and sensational. We can say that the force of impact will be determined by eye, so we are not chasing serious objectivity and analytics. Therefore, everyone will decide for himself which player has the strongest shot, and we will only provide a few significant examples. So let's get started.

David Beckham

The owner of one of the strongest blows in world football is a wonderful football player and one of the most handsome men in the world -. Back in 1997, David set a personal record by scoring a goal against the Chelsea football club. The ball after impact flew at a speed of approximately 156 km / h. The Chelsea goalkeeper, after such a powerful blow to his goal, could only shrug. It is worth noting that Beckham during his career was famous just the same for his masterful execution of free kicks.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Not only is he one of the best football players in the world with hundreds of goals scored, he also managed to score the biggest shot in the history of football. According to rough data, after the most powerful blow from Ronaldo, the ball flew at a speed of 185 km / h.

Such an indicator did not come as a surprise, because Ronaldo is one of the most hardworking footballers who worked very carefully on his shot. Ronaldo himself chose the perfect acceleration for himself and even the stance during the impact. What is there to say? A real expert in his field.

Roberto Carlos

This player has long held the title of the player with the strongest shot in the history of football. But after the end of his sports career, one of the best defenders in the world still lost his lead. But despite this, his free kick in the Confederations Cup against France in 1997 remembered the entire football world.

Then Carlos from a distance of 35 meters dealt a powerful blow to the opponent's goal at a speed of 198 km / h. This kick even baffled some scientists who tried to unravel the secret of the Brazilian defender's kick and calculate the unusual trajectory of the ball after it hit.

Lukas Podolsky

This football player just took away all the laurels from Roberto Carlos, because his blow surpassed everyone at once in strength at times. Lucas set a world record in a match against the Australian team at the South African World Cup. Then the football player hit the ball, the speed of which in flight was 202 km / h. Then Lucas scored a goal in the upper left corner of the gate. The blow was so strong and accurate that the goalkeeper of the Australian team did not even have time to react.

Stephen Reid

This Irish defender who plays for the club "Blackburn" is not so often scored goals. But if he already manages to hit the ball, then he does it really hard. In 2005, Reed managed to score his best goal against Wigan Football Club. Then the ball seemed to fly out of a cannon and pierced the “nine” of the goalkeeper at a speed of 189 km / h. It is worth noting that the match was held in 2005, on December 31, just before the celebration of the New Year. Reid managed to make a great gift to his coach, fans and teammates.

Ronnie Eberson

At the moment, this talented Brazilian footballer continues his sports career in the German club Hertha. But earlier, Eberson played for the Portuguese Porto, where he managed to score the ball into the goal of the Naval football club with incredible force. The ball has developed a speed of 210 km / h. It is quite obvious that the goalkeeper of the opponents will not be able to help his team in any way, because the ball flew into his goal at the speed of a sports car.


Well, the most powerful blow in the history of football at the moment was delivered to the incredibly popular football player of the Brazilian national team - Hulk. This attacking midfielder nearly tore the net during a match against FC Shakhtar during the Champions League group stage. Then the Hulk managed to score the ball at a flight speed of 214 km / h. Unconditionally, this is a new world record that no one has yet broken.

I found out a lot of interesting things about world speed records in sports.


The first official speed record for a car was thought of to be fixed on December 18, 1898. As much as we would like to inform you that Danila Golovasty, a peasant from the Vyatka province, was the owner, we will not deceive you: the first record achievement belongs to the French race car driver Count Gaston de Chasselus-Loba. The car was electric and reached 63.149 km/h.

Naturally, the count immediately had many followers and already on April 29, 1899, the 100-kilometer line was overcome for the first time: the Belgian Camille Zhenatzi reached a speed of 105.876 km / h.

Science since then, as you understand, has not stood still, and with the advent of jet engines, the record exceeded 1000 km / h. Now the best result in history is 1227.986 km / h, it was shown by the Englishman Andy Green on October 15, 1997 on a dry lake in the American Black Rock Desert, Nevada. The total power of two turbofan engines was 110 thousand (!) Horsepower.

If you are interested in the speed records of Formula 1 cars, then we will talk about them in another post. Off the track, the best achievement was set a dozen years ago by the then test driver of the Honda team, Alan van der Merwe - 413 km / h.


The world speed record on a motorcycle was set in the same place where van der Merwe's achievement was - on the dried-up salt lake Bonnevelle in Utah. American Rocky Robinson accelerated there to 605.697 km / h. How the wind whistled in his ears even scary to imagine.

It is clear that on a bicycle you will not even come close to this figure. An ordinary bike ride takes place at speeds of 15-25 km/h, professionals on the track go at a speed of 35-40 km/h, and in a group they accelerate to 50-60. This is due to a decrease in aerodynamic drag for those who ride behind the leader. When athletes synchronously replace each other at the head of the peloton, it is much easier for them to maintain high speed.

However, at not too long distances, it is possible to do this alone. The time trial record has been held by Australian Roan Dennis since July 2015. in the first stage of the Tourde France, he traveled 13.8 km at an average speed of 55.45 km/h. He also holds the record for the hour race on the track. in the allotted hour, he covered 52.52 km.

The absolute speed record for a bicycle is the one set by Canadian Sam Whittaker in September 2008. 132.45 km/h. True, his vehicle looked a little like a traditional bicycle:

This coffin on wheels is called Ligerad the athlete lies rather than sits in it. Turning while lying inside this colossus is not very convenient, but Whittaker did not need it.


Let's get closer to real sports, you say. Come on.

We have already talked about it is 44.71 km/h and belongs to Usain Bolt. It is clear that this very speed record was set during Bolt's best start. at the World Championships in Berlin in 2009, when he clocked 9.58 in the 100m.

We talked about, which is more than four times faster than Bolt. Alexander Ryazantsev threw a hockey disc at a speed of 183.7 km / h, setting a record at the KHL All-Star Game in 2012.

Projectiles in baseball and handball travel at about 170 and 120 km/h respectively. The most lethal blow in men's tennis is owned by Australian Sam Grog with a record of 263.4 km / h, in women's Sabina Lisicki from Germany 210.9 km/h

And look what happens to a 240 km/h golf ball when it hits a steel surface:

Although actually 240 km / h for this elastic ball no limit, the official speed record is 326 km / h.

But the fastest sports equipment is ... a badminton shuttlecock! The world speed record for a shuttlecock is 493 km/h. Tan Bun Khan from Malaysia distinguished himself with such a blow.

Well, what about a soccer ball, you ask? As you can see, such records are not officially recorded, but unofficially, the championship belongs to the current Zenit Hulk. While still playing for Porto, he put the ball into Shakhtar's goal in the Champions League game at a speed of 218 km/h.

It seems to us that this is not the limit and the Hulk could send the ball to hell that is, sorry, harder, but sometimes it just can't stand it:

Each professional football player has a strong kick, the accuracy of which is painstaking work. And if a football player is not just a professional, but also a truly talented one, he often scores beautiful goals, which are followed by millions with bated breath.

Throughout the history of football, there have been many bright cannon shots that were sent clearly to the opponents' goal. We decided to collect the TOP of the most powerful kicks in football that other players have not yet been able to beat.

5. David Beckham - 156 km / h (England)

Beckham scored his strongest blow in football back in 1997, when Man Yu met with London's Chelsea. The midfielder easily drove the ball into the opponents' goal, which flew there at a speed of 156 km / h.

4. Cristiano Ronaldo - 185 km / h (Portugal)

The collection of awards and trophies from Cristiano Ronaldo is constantly updated and the football player is not going to stop there.

The fact that the star Portuguese is considered one of the fastest and most technical football players is known to everyone. In addition, Cristiano Ronaldo knows firsthand what the strongest kick in football is. The Portuguese scored a goal against the opponents at a speed of 185 km/h. Despite the fact that he is recognized as a master of free kicks, he did it from the field.

This phenomenal goal simply left no choice for the Chelsea goalkeeper. During his professional career as a football player, David Beckham repeatedly scored beautiful goals, but the midfielder was more famous for the accuracy of his strike than for his strength. But, nevertheless, in our ranking of strong kicks in football, Beckham takes an honorable fifth place.

3. Roberto Carlos - 198 km / h (Brazil)

When asked who has the strongest shot in football, the gifted Brazilian footballer Roberto Carlos immediately came to mind, a powerful shot, which for a long time was a real record for hitting power.

At the Confederations Cup, Carlos scored a masterpiece against France, flying into the net at a speed of 198 km / h. Such a beautiful goal is admired to this day, and some football coaches use it as a good example, explaining how to hit with the outside of the foot.

The goalkeeper of the French national team had no choice but to look after the ball flying into the net.

2. Lukas Podolski - 202 km / h (Germany)

Until 2010, the most powerful strike in football belonged to Roberto Carlos, until the German striker Lukas Podolski showed what he was capable of.

At the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, Podolski sent the ball into the goal of the Australian team at a speed of 202 km / h. Despite the fact that, unlike other powerful shots, the German's shot was not so colorful, as it was scored from a free kick and flew into the goal quickly, this does not negate the fact that Podolski was the author of a powerful shot.

1. Hulk - 214 km / h (Brazil)

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