"The Witch with a Broken Heart": the tragic fate of the deceased Ilona Novoselova. The last love of the dead witch Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova lived brightly and enchantingly, and died unexpectedly and suddenly, both for her fans, and perhaps for herself. Or was this death a suicide? What was going on in the soul of this extravagant personality? From the finalists "Battles of Psychics" there are a lot of fans, fans carefully follow the life of their idols, they sincerely believe that all these magicians are omnipotent, they can foresee the future, bewitch loved ones, remove damage or impose it. But the psychics themselves are dying like flies, they get into ridiculous situations, their supposedly abilities do not bring them happiness, love, or long days of life. And all because these people are ordinary charlatans who take money from the naive population for their mega-services. Just look at the predictions Natalia Vorotnikova on a popular site 7days.ru, she prophesies divorces and the birth of children among actors and actresses, but nothing comes true! This aunt even 50% does not hit the target, but nevertheless continues to predict and probably gets money for it!

Herself Ilona Novoselova in 2008 entered the final "Battles of Psychics", and in 2013 was abducted by unknown people along with her girlfriend (also a transsexual). The kidnappers demanded from their parents Ilona 7.5 million rubles. As it turned out later, the extortionist was one of the builders who were renovating the apartment. Ilona Novoselova. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the clairvoyant could not foresee her own abduction. Moreover, during the investigation by the investigating authorities, it was found that Ilona Novoselova in the past was a man named Andrew. This secret, which came to the surface, dealt a severe blow to the reputation of our heroine, her personal life was in jeopardy. Of course, such information should not have been made public, but Ilona should have understood that her popularity has and reverse side. After the kidnapping life Ilona Novoselova turned into hell, a lot of unpleasant phrases were addressed to her, after all Russia in this regard, far from being a tolerant country. In addition, it is worth noting that all transsexuals have a very unstable psyche: public pressure, their own uncertainty, doubts, hormonal drugs, problems with sexual partners, because not every guy will come to terms with the fact that his woman former man. But Ilona Novoselova played her role successfully for a very long time, until she finally broke down. The first, second and third waves of popularity subsided, from people she already heard not only words of gratitude, because not everyone was affected by her words and spells, someone demanded a return of money, someone threatened a court.

Not long before the tragedy Ilona Novoselova once again quarreled with her boyfriend, he left her for the third or fourth time, our heroine got drunk, maybe she wanted to scare her mother, or maybe she really decided to leave this world, realizing that she was tired of fighting, playing all kinds of roles and enduring pain.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova was a close friend Ilona and she told the press about recent years the life of a deceased psychic. It turns out that Ilon Novoselov she was tormented by the wildest phantom pains after a sex change, and she, in principle, regretted the operation, because without doing it she could meet and fall in love with a woman, create a classic family with her and be happy. Ilona Novoselova she changed sex at the age of 18, from the age of thirteen she dreamed of becoming a man and for twelve years she was tormented by incessant pain.

And yet, transsexual people are not simple, we, people with a traditional orientation, often do not understand them, but nevertheless, quackery under the guise of helping people is still disgusting, although in fact one cunning rogue profits from the stupidity and ignorance of others . Our people are mired in medieval times, they see evil eye and corruption, they tell fortunes on toro cards and coffee grounds, seek advice from fortune-tellers, others endlessly curse each other and call on the punishment of the Lord. People, wake up! Just live according to your conscience, and not by checking the Bible and its ten commandments, do not count on fortune-tellers and higher justice, live with your mind.

A very long time Ilona Novoselova wore her natural first breast size, but then ventured into implants.

Take a look at this photo Ilona Novoselova changed the shape of the nose and lips, began to boldly paint her eyebrows black.

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Posadskaya witch, black magician and seer. Very daring and aggressive - this is how people will remember her. On June 13, the most scandalous participant in the “Battle of Psychics” was found dead - presumably, she fell from the balcony of the apartment where she lived with her boyfriend for the past two years.

The life of Ilona Novoselova is shrouded in mysterious rumors and mystical stories. And now investigators are unraveling the secrets of her death. Psychic fans will surely see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Video: Channel Five

Footage from the place of death of Ilona Novoselova
Video: Channel Five

Black hair, dark clothes, piercing eyes… Classic look a modern witch is complemented by an extravagant accessory - a roe deer paw. According to Novosyolova, this is her magic wand, with which she communicates with the spirits. They help her to foresee the future.

On the show of psychics, she increased her rating with outrageous behavior: she scandalized, showered curses on the program participants, disrupted filming, smoked in the frame and was not shy in expressions. And, despite this, one of the best passed all the tests, as if seeing people through and through.

Video: Channel Five

From the TV screens, Ilona spoke more than once about the fact that she began to see and hear the dead as early as 10 years old. To a girl, due to connection with other world, it was difficult to study and in the seventh grade she switched to home schooling.

Her peers laughed at her, the neighbors shunned her, calling her a witch. Ilona accumulated resentment and cursed all ill-wishers.

Once in a famous TV project, Ilona Novosyolova from Pavlovsky Posad became famous throughout the country. As a result, a line of people who wanted to remove the damage and bewitch her lover lined up to the sorceress. She assured that she identified diseases by smell and healed any ailment. Along with fame, a lot of trouble fell on the woman. The yellow press began to write fables about her. One of the most striking is about gender reassignment. Like, Witch Novosyolova is actually Andrey.

Vlad Kadoni, participant of the show "Battle of psychics"
Video: Channel Five

In 2013, Ilona began a real black streak - she was kidnapped at the entrance of the house and later demanded a ransom from her mother - seven and a half million rubles. The criminals assumed that the famous witch must have money. The police quickly detained the kidnappers, and Ilona remained unharmed. And then it became even more popular.

Video: Channel Five archive

Journalists guarded her at the door of the apartment with the question: how did she not foresee her abduction? Witch Novosyolova promised illness and trouble in response.

Ilona's last lover is a warlock Artyom Besov. The talking name and bold image of the 26-year-old black magician only added to the popularity of their union - on Instagram, the couple was called “beautiful” and “real”.

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

The glory of Novoselova clearly favorably affected the income of the young magician. In his photo with an enviable frequency, elite clothing brands flash, jewelry and electronic gadgets.

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

But the idyll in the relationship of a witch and a sorcerer in real life, as it turned out, was overshadowed by regular scandals. According to the neighbors, the lovers often quarreled - on the fateful day of Ilona's death, it was allegedly noisy outside the door of their apartment. According to one version, the couple had a big fight, and Artyom said with emotion that he would leave Moscow.

Video: Channel Five

Earlier, in an interview, Novosyolova told how at the age of 19 she tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Ilona was then abandoned by a guy and the spirits allegedly persuaded her to stay alive. Like, "the calling of a psychic is more important than women's happiness."

But Novosyolova sadly admitted to her loved ones that she was very lonely and dreams of getting married. A few friends of the psychic say she was aggressive only in appearance. In his heart, he was an extremely vulnerable and very sad child.

Photo: instagram.com/ilonanovoselova

The last post that the witch left on her Instagram page two years ago is an ominous photo of a skull with the caption: "I prophesy to everyone." The most impressionable have already decided that the hereditary sorceress then jinxed herself.

Ksenia Yakubina

“Not a word about Ilona Novoselova”: what the guy from Zlatoust is hiding “In two years, Artem Besov threw the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” four times. The fifth time was the last. The audience remembered Ilona as a strong medium with a difficult character. was unpredictable in actions. But those who knew Novoselova speak of her as a very vulnerable person. Ilona was selflessly devoted to her young man Artem Besov and was terribly afraid of loneliness. MK correspondents found a woman who turned to Ilona for help. "Lyubov Porokhnenko still cannot believe in the girl's death. They met on the beach in Krasnodar, where Lyuba lives. She recognized Novoselova by her bright appearance and the characteristic pronunciation of the letter "r". On a nearby sun lounger was her boyfriend, Artem Besov. Despite everything stories about an eccentric character, the clairvoyant immediately reacted extremely kindly to the woman.Love was going through a difficult period, according to her, Ilona then in literally saved her life. The woman even came to Novoselova in Moscow and then maintained relations in social networks. “Ilona has an amazing aura,” says Lyubov Porokhnenko. “Having a unique gift, she is also a rare person herself. Yes, harsh, but this is only for those from whom she feels false. Ilona herself said that she sees people through. And she said about me with a smile: “Your soul is pink.” Very vulnerable, she herself was afraid of offending those whom she treated well. It hurts so much that she's gone." Lyubov Porokhnenko says that Ilona truly loved her young man: “She was all dissolved in this feeling. Love was everything to her. Ilona was jealous of Artyom, followed his every glance. She was very afraid of losing him. I didn’t notice the same return from him, but everyone shows their feelings in different ways. ” Artem Besov is four years younger than Ilona Novoselova. Demons - real name guy. He is fond of black magic, conducts seances, reads fortunes on Tarot cards, removes and imposes damage, bewitches love and money. This is how he makes a living in the capital. Artyom's childhood friends were also surprised to learn that their friend turned out to be a magician. “He has changed a lot,” says one of them. - We do not communicate now, he has new friends, a different life. I remember him as a calm guy, far from mysticism, sociable. In the capital, Besov was going to receive a second higher education on technical specialty at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, apparently not relying on their superpowers. Then he changed his mind, and answered all the doubts of others on the page in social network. “You are helpless, insecure and closed off in your shabbiness. Adult people no longer have things to do, how to suck on the affairs of others. The retinue makes a name. In your case, it’s not a retinue, but a bunch of miserable bastards trying to make PR for themselves with their stupid opinion ... "But the text of the curse from Besov." "(I won't post it and don't recommend reading it). Ilona and Artem met in 2015. At first they corresponded and called up from different cities. Besov lived in Chelyabinsk, and Novoselova in Moscow. Then he moved to her in the capital and the couple began to live together. At first, Artyom was something like a clairvoyant agent. He organized her receptions in different cities, accompanied her on trips. Then Artem Besov began to conduct sessions himself. Ilona's fame greatly contributed to his popularity and well-being. The number of followers on Instagram grew, the number of customers increased. On pages in social networks began to flicker expensive brands and professional photography. The relationship between the lovers became more and more serious, the guy introduced Ilona to his parents in Zlatoust. True, their life together it is difficult to call serene. According to a friend of the medium Karina Mirzoyan, the clairvoyant regularly quarreled with her chosen one. “Ilona cried all the time because of him. He didn't even let me talk to his friends. This guy brought Ilona. I warned her,” says Mirzoyan. Another friend of Ilona said that Artem left the girl four times already. He came back every time. But Ilona experienced his departure very sharply, she said that she was thinking about suicide. Shortly before his death, Artem and the clairvoyant quarreled again. The conflict did not happen on the day of death, and was not connected at all with Besov's departure to Chelyabinsk, as the media wrote. "MK" tried to find out from Artem himself what happened between him and the girl. Besov told the correspondent that he would not say a word about Ilona Novoselova again. The guy deleted the page on instagram, leaving the questions of the followers unanswered. Ilona died by accident. During her lifetime, she asked to be cremated. On the eve at noon, the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, there were only relatives. The girl's mother needed the help of the ambulance doctors. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as Ilona herself wanted. She will forever remain in the memory of her fans as a beautiful and bright girl, a clairvoyant with a daring character and a very vulnerable soul." has changed (since the first appearance at the battle) over the years with him. She stabbed herself all over, became rude and poured out such words ... and deeds., crossed the line.

On Tuesday it became known about the death of the famous psychic Ilona Novoselova. The girl's body was found under the windows of her rented apartment in Moscow. The audience remembered Ilona as a strong medium with a difficult character. She was obscene, sharply answered and was unpredictable in her actions. But those who knew Novoselova speak of her as a very vulnerable person. Ilona was selflessly devoted to her young man Artem Besov and was terribly afraid of loneliness.

Ilona Novoselova was born on November 2, 1987 in the town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. When the girl was five years old, her parents divorced. At school, Ilona did not have a relationship with either teachers or classmates. At the age of 12, she was transferred to home schooling. In an interview, Ilona Novoselova said that childhood dislike for society is directly related to the unique gift that her grandmother-sorceress gave her. Even at the age of 10, the girl realized that she was not like everyone else. Psychic abilities appeared when she saw a silhouette next to her mirror image deceased grandmother. Since then, Ilona Novoselova, in her own words, "communicates with the dead." At the age of 17, she realized that her mission was to help people. And at the age of 19, the girl made her first suicide attempt. The reason was parting with a loved one. There were two more such attempts.

Fame came in 2009, when Ilona Novoselova became the finalist of the Battle of Psychics. During the test in the TV show, she used tarot cards, black candles, dried roe deer foot.

In real life, the clairvoyant managed without spectacular attributes. MK correspondents found a woman who turned to Ilona Novoselova for help. Lyubov Porokhnenko still cannot believe in the girl's death.

They met on the beach in the village of Arkhipo-Osipovka in Krasnodar Territory. Lyuba recognized Ilona Novoselova by her bright appearance and the characteristic pronunciation of the letter “r”. On a nearby sun lounger was her boyfriend, Artem Besov. Despite all the stories about an eccentric character, the clairvoyant immediately reacted extremely kindly to the woman. Love was going through a difficult period, according to her, Ilona then literally saved her life. The woman even came to Novoselova in Moscow and then maintained relations in social networks. “Ilona has an amazing aura,” says Lyubov Porokhnenko. - Having a unique gift, she is also a rare person herself. Yes, harsh, but this is only for those from whom she feels false. Ilona herself said that she sees people through. She said about me with a smile: “But your soul is of a pale pink color.” Very vulnerable, she herself was afraid of offending those whom she treated well. It hurts so much that she's gone." Lyubov Porokhnenko says that Ilona Novoselova truly loved her young man: “She was all dissolved in this feeling. Love was everything to her. Ilona was jealous of Artyom, followed his every glance. She was very afraid of losing him. I didn’t notice the same return from him, but everyone shows their feelings in different ways. ”

Artem Besov is four years younger than Ilona Novoselova. Besov is the real name of the guy. He is fond of black magic, conducts seances, reads fortunes on Tarot cards, removes and imposes damage, bewitches love and money. This is how Artem Besov makes a living in the capital.

On the main page of his official website, he says: “My name is Artem. I was born in 1991 in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. I began to feel my gift since childhood, when I first saw myself from the side, walking down the street. Of course, then it was very scary and incomprehensible, but it was that moment that became fundamental in my extrasensory practice. Further more. I began to see what was going on long distances from me: what people do, what they talk about and what they think.

Also in the autobiography of Artem Besov it is said that his outlook on life was changed by one incident that occurred in student years. Once, passing by the church, he saw a woman standing near the door of the temple. She looked at the guy, pulled out a small box from the bag, where the Tarot cards lay, and handed them to him. "MK" found fellow students Artem Besov in Zlatoust. Artem studied with them at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. According to them, about the incident with a stranger at the church, and indeed about their esoteric abilities Artem didn't say anything. He was an ordinary guy. True, he was fond of Gothic, but then many were interested in this topic.

Childhood friends of Artem Besov were also surprised to learn that their friend turned out to be a magician. “He has changed a lot,” says one of them. - We do not communicate now, he has new friends, a different life. I remember him as a calm guy, far from mysticism, sociable.

In the capital, Artem was going to receive a second higher education in a technical specialty at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, apparently not relying on his superpowers. Upon arrival in Moscow, he changed his mind about studying and decided to pursue a career as a sorcerer-sorcerer. Those who doubted his talent as a magician and called him a charlatan, he answered on a page on a social network. “You are helpless, insecure and closed off in your shabbiness. Adult people no longer have things to do, how to suck on the affairs of others. The retinue makes a name. In your case, it’s not a retinue, but a bunch of pathetic bastards trying to make PR for themselves with their stupid opinion ... ”And here is the text of the curse from Artem Besov.

Ilona Novoselova and Artem Besov met in 2015. At first they corresponded and called up from different cities. The guy lived in Chelyabinsk, and the girl in Moscow. Then he moved to her in the capital and the couple began to live together. At first, Artem Besov was something like an agent of the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova. He organized her receptions in different cities, accompanied her on trips.

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Published on 15.06.17 08:56

Ilona Novoselova, last news: the journalists also talked about the witch's lover - Artem Besov.

A video was published on the Internet, which depicts the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" a few hours before her death. As he wrote, she was discovered on the evening of June 13 under the windows of the house where she lived. The clairvoyant died after falling from the sixth floor.

According to local residents, a few hours before the tragedy they intcbatch saw Ilona Novoselova in a local store, where she bought alcohol. It is also noted that the girl was very drunk, very upset and constantly talking on the phone.

The sellers stressed that on the day of her death, the witch came to buy alcoholic beverages three times.

Ilona Novoselova, biography: the media talked about her lover dead star"Psychic Battles"

Earlier it was reported that shortly after a quarrel with his young man, the black magician Artem Besov.

It is known that Artem was three years younger than his chosen one. Like Ilona, ​​he was fond of black magic and made a living from it.

"My name is Artem. I was born in 1991 in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. I began to feel my gift since childhood, when I first saw myself from the side walking down the street. Of course, then it was very scary and incomprehensible, but it was that moment became fundamental in my psychic practice. Further - more. I began to see what is happening at great distances from me: what people are doing, what they are talking about and what they are thinking, "Artem's official website says.

According to the couple's neighbors, the lovers often quarreled and sorted things out, and the girl could start breaking dishes right on the landing. The couple also abused alcohol. At the same time, one of Ilona's friends claims that Artem often brought Novoselov on purpose, knowing how she reacts violently to everything.

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