Measures to increase sales in hypermarkets. Technologies for increasing sales: a step-by-step algorithm for a unique strategy

The acquisition of goods is a process that obeys certain psychological stereotypes of customers. Some things are bought spontaneously (a sudden inner impulse plays a dominant role here), and some - only after a scrupulous analysis of the available information about the product.

Making plans

How to increase sales in retail store? This is a question that worries most store managers. Unfortunately, a miracle cure has not yet been invented that allows you to quickly and efficiently raise revenue to heaven. There are many challenges to overcome on the path to prosperity. And it's up to you to decide if you can do it.

Real steps

According to experts in this field, there are the following ways to increase sales:

Ensuring a stable flow of customers and frequency of purchases.

An increase in the average check, that is, the sale of goods for a large amount.

Which path is best to follow? How to increase sales in the most efficient way? To answer these questions, consider each method separately.

Increase in the number of buyers

To make as few mistakes as possible by deciding to stick to this plan, you need to be a competent marketer. Special knowledge will help answer the question of how to increase sales compared to the previous reporting period.

According to retail statistics, at least one in ten visitors will definitely buy something. Therefore, the more visitors, the more buyers. How to increase sales in a retail store?

The most effective options

  • Place all kinds of promotional materials on the so-called shopping trail next to outlet. To do this, it is necessary to determine exactly where the customer flow passes near the store. Advertising materials are designed to make people remember the existence of the outlet and visit it.
  • Distribute promotional information of an information-stimulating nature. Decide which channel will be most suitable for disseminating information about your store - glossy magazines, radio, television, directories, Internet advertising, mailbox flyers, etc.
  • The most advantageous option is the so-called cross-events. They are joint promotions with other firms. the main objective is to attract as many customers as possible with the help of partner companies. As an example, the following event can be cited: a store that sells perfumery and cosmetic products distributes discount coupons on the territory of a nearby office center. The people who come to the store are the attracted customers of the partner. Another option is an event aimed at the exchange of flows. So, on the territory of a clothing store, customers are provided with bonuses for jewelry, and in a jewelry store - vice versa. Such cross-promotions allow you to increase sales in a retail store, spending a minimum amount of money for this purpose. This covers the most loyal audience.
  • Place ads at the boundaries of the outlet coverage. It is no secret that each store has its own reach of customers, that is, people who are ready to go or go there to purchase the necessary goods. For example, a grocery mini-market has a shopping area limited to a couple of residential buildings, since few people decide on a half-hour walk for matches or salt. If we consider a large store household appliances, then we can talk about the whole area. The “warmest” circle will be made up of buyers living closest to this outlet. The working coverage is average in "warmth" group, located a few stops from the store. This is where the bulk of potential buyers are concentrated. On the border of this particular circle, you should place an advertisement for a retail outlet. This option will allow step by step to expand the coverage of territories.

Increase in the number of purchases

Here in the first place is thoughtful work with the existing customer base. This entire array can be divided into regulars, the main mass and the so-called ballast. Let's consider these types in more detail:

Regulars are active and most loyal customers. The share of such clients should ideally be from 20 to 40% of the total audience.

The bulk. These people visit the store from time to time, they are capable of “treason” if, for example, a sale is held at another outlet.

- Ballast. Customers who are outside the target audience of the store, or visitors make up this layer.

If you are wondering how to increase sales in a retail store, you should work most closely with the second type of customer. Professionals know that it takes less money to retain customers than to attract new customers. It's time to launch a loyalty program, which is a system of events aimed at encouraging and retaining customers. An important pattern: 80% of profits are provided by 20% of buyers.

The loyalty program has several strategic goals:

Stimulation of constant appeals of buyers;

Increasing the amount and frequency of purchases;

Building a client database;

Formation of a solid reputation of the company in the eyes of customers;

Attracting new customers.

The mechanisms of cumulative discounts and bonuses work very effectively.

Increasing the conversion of the outlet

How to increase sales in a retail store, taking into account this indicator? First, we note that conversion refers to the ratio of buyers to visitors. It is quite natural to strive to ensure 100% conversion. However, even 50% will be acceptable.

There are two most common reasons for low conversion. This is unsatisfactory merchandising and unproductive work of the staff.

Increasing the average amount in a check

To increase this indicator, you can sell either an expensive product or more units of a cheap product. The second option is considered the simplest. What steps to take in this case?

In achieving the goal, competent duplication of the most popular goods at additional points, filling the checkout area with useful little things, and laying out sets will help. No less important permanent job with staff: trainings, seminars, lectures, etc.

Above is general information. Now let's look at how to apply the acquired knowledge in certain areas.

Simple tricks will help you understand how to increase wholesale sales or succeed in retail. Strive to ensure that every step you take is aimed at improving the quality of services and forming a good image of the company.

Florist business

How to increase sales of flowers? To do this, here are some examples of effective tricks:

  • Building a sales system. Did the client buy a bouquet? Excellent! Ask him what kind of ribbon is better to twist the flowers (at the same time, offer the most advantageous option for you), what toy he will choose for the bouquet (“These flowers are usually taken with teddy bear…”), what kind of chocolate does the recipient prefer - black or white?
  • Formation of the client base. Try to get the contact details of each buyer. Run lotteries. For example, each person who bought a bouquet before a certain date gets a chance to win ten thousand rubles on account of buying flowers.
  • Stimulation of sellers. An employee who sells bouquets for a large amount receives, for example, a certificate for spa services. Holding such competitions regularly, you will think less and less about how to increase the sale of flowers: the employees will do everything for you.
  • Anticipating customer expectations. Very effective in this regard is the presentation of cute trinkets with purchases made. A successful example of one of the flower shops: on Valentine's Day, store employees launched butterflies, which delighted all customers.

Second hand

In order to succeed in this business, it is very important to choose the right location for the outlet. To sell used items, it is not necessary to rent space in elite business centers. Perfect place in residential area or close to the market.

How to increase second-hand sales using an air freshener? In fact, this means of household chemicals can help in the formation of a positive image of the company. The fact is that all second-hand goods are disinfected with a special gas before being sent from Europe. Such chemicals have an extremely unpleasant odor. That's why a couple of spray cans of air freshener will come in handy. In addition, it is important to provide natural ventilation of the room.

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! Webmaster Alexander is with you. What is the monthly turnover of your company? It doesn't matter if it's 1 million or 30 thousand per month - in any case, you will be interested in increasing sales.

What are the ways to increase sales now?

There are two main ways to increase company profits:

  1. increase in the number of customers (lead generation);
  2. an increase in the average check, i.e. either an increase in the cost of services, or the development of a system of additional sales.

Let's now examine each of them in more detail.

How to increase the number of clients?

All currently existing ways to increase the number of customers can be divided into two large subcategories:

  • increase in the number of customers due to manpower (increase in the number of managers);
  • increase in the number of customers through the introduction of new marketing technologies and advertising.

As for the increase in the number of managers, everything is clear: the more managers we hire, the more they make cold calls and the more sales our company will have. Let's talk about methods from the second category.

What technologies to use to increase profits?

We use the following powerful tools for ourselves and our clients:

  • landing page;
  • SEO optimization.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

SMM - promotion of your product in social networks

SMM is an abbreviation for English. SocialMediaMarketing means promoting a product through social networks. With a successful combination of social networks and selling sites, you can get good results. In the article, I told how my student managed to get orders for 200,000 rubles. in the first 10 days after the launch of her project.

Skillful project management based on social networks allows you to sell with a large average bill. In my experience, there are projects whose average bill is 100,000 rubles. At the same time, you need to clearly understand what kind of product you want to sell, and based on this, build your positioning in in social networks.

If you are just starting to look closely at social networks, I recommend reading these two articles: and.

LandingPage - selling your product through one-page sites

Literally translated from English, this phrase means "landing page". This is what one-page sites are called. I have already talked about their potential in an article. In general, I can safely say that a competent launch of an advertising campaign in Yandex Direct works wonders and brings impressive profits. I will show it on a "live" example.

Take a company that manufactures built-in wardrobes. Her average check is 45,000 rubles, of which 22,500 rubles. - net profit. The conversion of incoming calls into orders is 50%.

Stages of promotion

1) We create a landing page with a conversion of calls into orders of at least 5%.

Thus, for $250-400 we get about 100 clicks. 5 of them are converted into orders. With a conversion of 50%, we get 2.5 orders for $250–400. Considering that the profit from these orders will be 22,500 × 2.5 = 56,250 rubles, this direction can be considered very promising for business development.

The main problem on this stage is that it is almost impossible to create a landing page and set up Yandex-Direct on your own, and the cost of such services is quite high: an average of 100,000 rubles. for setting. You can, of course, find cheaper options, but you need to understand that professionals with smaller budgets simply do not work and you risk running into scammers. Nevertheless, this technology has one big “plus”: traffic from Yandex Direct is quite stable, and by setting everything up once, you will get an uninterrupted flow of customers for several years!

SEO - increase sales through SEO optimization.

Many people believe that after they create a website and fill a couple of pages on it, they will have an endless stream of clients. This is far from true! In Internet entrepreneurship, a webmaster (website creator) and an SEO specialist (promotion specialist) are two completely different specialties. It often happens that the customer first goes not to the SEO specialist, but to the webmaster, which is fundamentally wrong! The fact is that the features of website promotion are largely different from the ideas of a webmaster about website building. And the work of a professional SEO specialist is much more expensive. For example, if the design and layout of the site together cost 100,000 rubles, then SEO optimization of the site may require from 200,000 to 1,000,000 rubles; it all depends on the complexity of the queries being promoted.

You can do SEO optimization yourself (how to do this is described in a series of articles) or turn to professionals.

Why do you need to do SEO-optimization of the resource?

The main reason is that competent website optimization allows you to generate the most stable traffic. If the site is well optimized, it will give customers more than one year. At the same time, large optimization costs are required only for initial stage. As a rule, in the first year the resource is gaining popularity and in the future it is only required to maintain the project at the proper level.

Now imagine that 1,000, 2,000, or maybe even 3,000 targeted customers visit your site. What turnover will your company get with a conversion of at least 3-4%? The answer to this question just explains why companies put such serious funds into the development of their sites. Perhaps you will start thinking about attracting new customers through the site.

If you have any questions, you can ask me in the section or send me a message "In contact with".

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that by introducing these three components into your business, you will significantly increase the profits of your company.

As a nice addition, I have prepared for you the 10 most effective psychological tricks which can be successfully used in online marketing and sales. I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that using these chips I managed to increase the sales of one of my clients several times. Namely, from zero to 53,000 baht per day. (The work was carried out in Taylada). See this video for more details:

How to increase sales: 10 psychological secrets

1. Overcoming "barrier to entry"

Very often people feel some doubts, they do not know exactly whether this product or service will suit them, whether they need to pay money for it. And if it doesn't fit, what should you do? There are many doubts and even more questions that fuel these doubts.
Therefore, a lot of companies offer their customers to use a product or service for free, but only for a limited period. If we talk about the IT sphere, then there are various demo and light versions that have reduced functionality, but can show what the program is capable of.
By giving a person the opportunity to use a product or service for free, you thereby dispel his doubts and increase the chances of a purchase. full version. As a rule, using the program for a month, a person understands that without it it will not be so convenient, not so comfortable, so he decides to buy.
The presentation of your proposal also plays a huge role here. Create a tasty phrase, a lure that will be hard to refuse. Something like this: “The first 30 days of using the program is absolutely free. Feel all the privileges of our service and, in the future, you will ask yourself why you didn’t use it before.” Of course, this is text quick hand and you should create something more catchy, something that will make a potential buyer take advantage of your free offer.

2. Strength beliefs

Scientists regularly conduct various studies that are based on the influence of belief on the behavior and decision of people. Not so long ago, an experiment was conducted during which people were told that according to all tests and studies, they belong to the number of "politically active voters." And, strange as it may seem, more than 20% of those who received such an installation increased their activity during the elections.
I would like to note that the volunteers for the study were chosen completely randomly, but their decisions and actions were influenced by this attitude, the fact that they are part of the group of “active voters”.
This psychological factor can be used in sales as well. You need to convince your customers that they are unique, that the product you offer is intended exclusively for a limited number of consumers, and it was “he”, your buyer, who got into this number of lucky ones.

3. Understand the types of buyers

Neuroeconomists distinguish three main types of buyers:
— economical;
- Spenders;
- Moderate spenders.

With spenders and moderate spenders, everything is clear, they already like to buy, not always paying attention to the need for this product and its price. But in order to force the “thrifty” to fork out, and there are a little more than a quarter of all buyers, there are several methods of influence.

Price change. In fact, the price remains the same, but it is broken down into parts that are already easier to perceive. This is how household appliances supermarkets operate in Ukraine now. If a plasma TV costs 12,000 hryvnias (48,000 rubles), then they offer to split the payment into 24 equal parts and pay a small amount every month. The truth is more attractive than laying out a lot of money at once. This method works and is very effective.

All at once. Here you need to offer the client to pay a little more, but to get maximum comfort and a package of services. This is what tour operators do when they offer All Inclusive tours. A person feels that this type of vacation will be more comfortable, safe and convenient, therefore, he may overpay for the services provided.

And the third method is very often used by paid online cinemas abroad. You can choose to pay per movie, or you can sign up for a monthly subscription to save money. As a rule, people make out for a month and it’s not a fact that this subscription pays off.
Of course, there are many more methods, but the essence of all is the same - to influence the perception of the price.

4. Become stronger, called upon its limitations

Very often, large companies are afraid to admit their problems and shortcomings, which causes a storm of negativity and a flurry of emotions from users. Well, there is another side of the coin. Companies do not notice their shortcomings until the “thunder strikes”, and when it strikes, it may be too late.
Therefore, learn not just to recognize the shortcomings, but to use them for your own commercial purposes. Have you ever received e-mail responses to comments about the work of a particular service? If yes, then be sure that such a company works in the right way, cares not only about its services and customers, but also about its reputation.
Also a very interesting move was chosen by a large printing company in Ukraine. On the main page of their website it is written that they are the number 2 company in Ukraine, and this fact haunts them. Therefore, they work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, have the lowest prices and optimal quality. And all in order for buyers to appreciate them and be able to call them the best company in the country.

5. Tell me how act farther

The scientist has repeatedly focused on the fact that a person perceives even the most relevant information worse if it is not followed by a clear instruction for action. This effect is seen very clearly in sales. If you do not tell the client why he needs this or that product, then he is unlikely to buy it.
And if, when choosing a blender, you show what wonderful cocktails it can make, that you will pamper yourself and your family with fresh smoothies and delicious creamy soups every day, then the desire to buy this blender will increase significantly.

6. Nobody doesn't like to wait

A very important factor in online shopping is the delivery time of goods. Therefore, you must clearly outline when and what time the buyer will be able to receive the product he has chosen. This is very important on the eve of big holidays, when a delay of at least one day means that you will not receive money for the goods.
The largest online store of household appliances in Ukraine, when ordering goods, always calls the buyer back, specifies the day of delivery, address and even time. The courier arrives within an hour of the appointed time. Clarity and responsibility - this is what can distinguish you from many competitors.

7. Find a competitor

Try to create a competitor for yourself, even if it is virtual. Your offers, against the background of the opponent, should look more attractive and impressive. This will let the buyer know that you care about pricing policy, always try to make more profitable and relevant offers, always go one step ahead.
In the world of big brands, there are plenty of such confrontations - Apple and Samsung, who are fighting in the smartphone market. And what is the well-known couple of Pepsi and Coca Cola worth to everyone. You can watch their "battles" forever. These posters, videos, billboards with each other's jokes attract the attention of millions of buyers around the world. Surprisingly, both win in such a war, because attention is riveted to both brands.

8. Engage like-minded people

Very often, companies use this psychological move. They claim that when buying a product, part of the money will go to charity. According to surveys conducted in the United States, more than 60% of buyers were inspired to make a purchase in this store precisely by the fact that the proceeds from sales will go to those in need.
Such charity events are often held by McDonald's, but the most striking and spectacular was the action from TOMS Shoes. The meaning of the action was that when buying any pair of shoes, the other pair will go to the children. As a result, the company has sold millions of pairs of shoes around the world, and another million went to the kids.
Such promotions are also highlighted in the media, which will be an additional good advertisement for your business.

9. Proof of

Your site must have reviews about a particular product. Studies show that the buyer is more willing to make a choice when he sees hard facts. If 500 people have bought this product, left a bunch of comments and put good ratings, then the probability of buying will be much higher than that of a cheaper product with the same characteristics, but without reviews.
Motivate users to leave their reviews, and after some time this will significantly increase sales and improve conversion.

10. Surprise their clients

Don't be a standard and template business. Try to constantly surprise and delight your customers. A prime example are household appliances stores that add a small bonus to a standard order in the form of some small equipment: speakers, headphones, a mouse for a computer, etc. The user does not expect this, and such a gift will be very pleasant. Believe me, he will tell dozens of friends about it, leave a flattering comment, and will also order from you more than once.

Promotions and sales: 33 ideas on how to attract a buyer

You will be surprised: sometimes the buyer is even ready to ... undress in order to receive the desired product. But seriously - you should not be limited to the typical "let's make a discount and let's distribute flyers." There are many options for promotions, even with discounts you can come up with something unusual - and effective.



13. "Now or Never"

14. "Motivated" discount

Promotion in the Calipso store.


Promotion in the jewelry store

19. For the future


Half a liter of blood for the iPhone.

"Silpo" and monsters Stikeez

Promotion at the Olvi gas station.

33. Original promotions

There are many ways to attract the attention of buyers - discounts, gifts, free samples and much more, but marketers do not stop generating new ideas and surprising consumers. We studied the experience of retailers from different areas and compiled a list of trade marketing promotions that work.

Discounts in online and offline retail

In mid-2016, marketing firm Nielsen investigated the impact of promotions on shopper choice in grocery stores. The results are impressive. Thus, 51% of 1,000 respondents confirmed that their interest in discounted goods increased over the year. Price reduction is the most common way to attract the attention of store visitors to specific products. However, discounts are different. Along with the traditional seasonal sales in Russian and foreign retail, there are quite creative promo solutions.

The action is often found in fashion retail. It allows not only to increase sales, but also to sell stale goods, receive funds and free up space in the warehouse for new arrivals. Larger events are also referred to as "warehouse liquidation". The mechanism works well - people are ready to buy things from last year's collections at a discount.

Liquidation in the baby store.

This model is used not only by retailers, but also by representatives of the restaurant business. On certain days and times, the store has big discounts on a specific product or category. Hours are usually known in advance.

However, Simteks, a St. Petersburg home appliances store, took a different path. The fact that on Friday there will be "happy hours" and a 30% discount on Italian household appliances, buyers were informed in advance. But the times change every week. Already for the third time the shops were in a rush from early morning. Marketers coped with the task of attracting customers to inconveniently located retail outlets.

This model is used when you need to attract the attention of a specific audience segment. There are a lot of options - discounts for mothers with children, owners of Maltese Shepherds, pensioners, etc. There are also more creative options - a promotion for visitors in white or customers with green handbags.

"Family" action in "Pyaterochka".

This mechanism is often used by fashion retailers. Girls love to go shopping in companies, so the “bring a friend and get a discount” marketing campaign is in demand, and the discount depends on the number of attracted customers - 5% for one, 10% for two, 15% for three, and so on. Another kind of such promotions is discounts for new visitors - a regular customer passes a coupon to a friend.

Multi-move "Refer a friend" promotion - perhaps too difficult to complete

This is how Alfa-Bank in Belarus attracts customers.

The store makes profitable offers to specific customers. For example, birthday people get a discount on a cake or other holiday products. The large Lenta hypermarket went even further. Personal offers are formed based on the analysis of the purchase history. The client receives information about discounts on goods of interest to him by mail or in an email newsletter.

50% discount on your favorite products in the "Lenta".

The promotion is more typical for online retail. Orders begin to be accepted when the goods are not yet in stock. To encourage buyers to pay in advance, the store reduces the price of pre-order.

Discount for pre-ordering RRD equipment.

The buyer is active - puts likes, subscribes to groups in social networks or e-mail newsletters, writes reviews - and receives a profitable offer. Such actions pursue several goals at once. They stimulate sales, increase the loyalty of the target audience, increase the subscriber base or community in social networks.

200 rub. to purchase underwear in a couple of clicks on the social network.

One of the options is special offers for those who have spent a certain amount in the store one-time or gradually. In the latter case, the buyer is offered to keep receipts or is given a special card on which the seller puts marks with each purchase. The client receives a large one-time discount or bonus card. The percentage on it can increase as you pass the milestones - 5% for purchases of 5,000 rubles, 7% - for 10,000 rubles. and so on.

More shopping - more discount.

The purpose of the event is to increase loyalty and increase the amount of the average check. Also used to sell slow-moving goods. An example of such an advertising campaign in footwear and accessories stores is a discount on a handbag when buying a pair of shoes from the same collection, in a supermarket - a discount on nuts when buying a package of beer.

Discounted accessories for smartphones and tablets.

This model is often used by grocery retailers. Every day in the store there is a discount on a certain category of goods. To attract the attention of the audience, they come up with creative names - “Fruit Tuesday” or “Meat Friday”.

Discounts on meat in the BIGZZ chain, Minsk.

Such a promotion is a good way to get rid of stale goods or draw attention to a new one. In order for buyers to better navigate, promotional products are marked. You can use bright stickers or price tags of the appropriate color.

Minus 30% for goods with a "red" price tag.

13. "Now or Never"

This technique is used by online retailers to combat abandoned carts. The visitor walks through the pages, selects products, but never reaches the checkout. After a while, an email arrives with a discount on the models added to the cart.

The buyer will receive a 5% discount and free shipping if he returns and places an order.

But the MYTH does not reduce prices, but “squeezes” the buyer with a fragment of the book:

An extra free chapter is a good incentive to buy the whole book.

14. "Motivated" discount

To earn a bonus, the buyer must complete certain actions. What kind of madness people do not go for the sake of profit. For example, in the Moscow diving equipment store Diskus, customers were offered to put their heads in the aquarium. The size of the discount depended on the time that a person could spend under water holding his breath. There were always those who wanted to test their strength - people appreciate more what they get for a reason. And discounts, for which you had to try, are used more willingly.

People are gambling, they like to play and win. Buyers perceive positively promotions in supermarkets with elements of a lottery. For example, when making a purchase, an arbitrary discount breaks through on the receipt. The size can vary from 5% to 50%.

Random discounts on embroidery kits.

An original solution was found in a shoe store - the amount of the discount was tied to the size of the customers' feet. Another example is a marketing campaign in a sports equipment store. The buyer had to bring an old bike. It was weighed on the spot, the percentage discount on the new inventory was equal to the weight of the old one in kilograms.

Promotion in the Calipso store.

And here is another solution: “Turn in old clothes and get a discount”:

Price reduction is the most common, but far from the only way to attract visitors to the store and motivate them to buy more. This mechanism is good to use when, along with increasing sales, the goal is to get rid of individual products. However, you can increase the average check and audience loyalty without lowering prices.


Even more than buying at a bargain, people love getting something for free. This is actively used by retailers, who come up with different mechanics with gifts. The attention of consumers is attracted by both really valuable goods and pleasant little things. The effectiveness of marketing campaigns can also be affected by the original presentation.

One of the most common mechanics. By purchasing a product of a certain category, the client receives the second one as a gift. These can be the same products - a common "two for the price of one" promotion. Also, as a gift to the main one, they often offer related products or consumables. There are also quite original combinations - vodka and Borjomi, Raffaello and condoms, etc.

Action in the salon of home textiles.

This option is not suitable for every store. But it works great in jewelry stores, where sales directly depend on the number of fittings. One of the stores managed to survive the crisis and increase sales by offering pearl jewelry for each fitting. Their prime cost is low, due to the increased sales, the action has more than paid for itself.

Promotion in the jewelry store

19. For the future

Sometimes a gift to a random visitor can increase sales if you need to take care of the free product and buy consumables. They decided to carry out an unusual marketing campaign in a pet store. The owner invited students from a nearby school on a tour. At the end everyone got a small fish for free. After a while, the parents came for aquariums, equipment and food. The cost of this living creature is low, but related products are decent.

We are talking about joint actions of companies from different fields. A good example is the Seventh Continent supermarket and the Sunlight jewelry store. When buying products for a certain amount, the client receives a certificate for jewelry. The action usually involves cute trinkets - pendants or beads for Pandora bracelets.

Joint action of Pyaterochka and Sunlight.

Such promotions are usually carried out by manufacturers, but retailers also often use this mechanic. So, in one jewelry salon, expensive gifts were raffled among buyers - cars, apartments and travel. Even more creative idea came to the mind of marketers of the Ukrainian store "Citrus". They gave away a limited edition red iPhone 7 to blood donors. During the action period, in several centers, each donor was given something like a lottery ticket.

Half a liter of blood for the iPhone.

It is good to launch gift marketing activities at the opening of a new outlet in order to attract customers. Good example Promotions showed the marketers of the Svyaznoy salon. Employees scattered "lost" wallets with an invitation to come to the opening of a new store and exchange the find for a gift - a T-shirt with the inscription "The most honest resident of the city."

In honor of the opening, Bukvoed exchanges balloons for books.

Marketers actively use techniques from computer games- achievements, awards, leaderboards, statuses and others. In grocery chain retail, customers are offered to collect toys. A collection of characters is created, an album or a box with slots for each figure is sold separately. Plenty of examples from real practice - Ukrainian network"Silpo" and monsters Stikeez, Russian "Dixie" with their "stuck" and "Magnet" with toys and tokens from Star Wars. The bottom line is always the same - in order to get or buy a figurine for a pittance for a collection, you must first purchase for a certain amount - 500-1000 rubles. Thus, the promotion increases the average check quite well, and at the same time increases the loyalty of the target audience - people like to play and share their successes in social networks.

« star Wars on the Magnit network.

Buyers are offered to collect a certain number of items and exchange them for valuable prizes. Network hypermarkets donate sets of knives, frying pans and other household items of good quality. A sticker is issued for a purchase for every 50, 100 or 200 rubles. Thanks to the promotion, collectors come to purchase in specific stores and pick up more items in order to get a prize faster.

Coupon for chips in the cosmetics store "Professional's Choice".

Action scenarios are limited only by the imagination of marketers and business owners. The main thing is to offer buyers what they need, or engage in interesting game with elements of competition.

Marketing activities have different goals - increase sales, attract customers to a new store or attention to a new product, increase reach or loyalty. All previous examples directly or indirectly help to solve all problems. In this section, we will talk about promotions that are mainly aimed at increasing the average check.

This is how they motivate to spend more in the “At the same time” network.

This model is most typical for online stores. The promotion is limited by the amount of the order - at least 1000-3000 rubles. Many people prefer to put an extra and not very necessary product in the basket than to throw away 300-500 rubles. to the wind.

Having tried a new product or drink, the visitor can buy something that he did not originally plan. The mechanics are used by market traders and sellers of watermelons - after tasting a refreshing treat on a hot day, it is impossible to pass by and not buy it.

Honey tasting at BeeHappy store

People like to feel that they are part of a big and useful cause, so the inscriptions “By buying this product, you help children” or “I love nature” work. Of course, a charity project should exist not only in promotional materials.

"Panda-karta" in the "M-video" store.

In grocery retail, you can often find products that sell no more than 2-4 pieces per person. Miraculously, a queue grows at the counter, where it used to be empty. The fear of not being on time, of missing out on something important, works into the hands of marketers. Even those who do not need the goods at all are in a hurry to pick up their portion of "exclusive".

Action in the Novosibirsk store "Holiday".

This model is used to increase the average check. Shoppers are offered a set of related items, such as tea and sugar or gin and tonic. The point is that buying a set is more profitable than buying each product separately. However, kits are chosen even by those who need one thing, thereby leaving more money at the register.

In a set, each item is cheaper.

There are other strategies to increase the average check, the simplest of which is to increase prices. However, in this case, some buyers may go to competitors to save money.

Promotions to attract attention to the brand and increase loyalty

Creating a buzz around the store means attracting customers and almost guaranteed to increase sales. In the struggle for the attention of the audience, companies take risky steps, sometimes on the verge of a foul. But such events always bring results, and the winners are not judged.

Some stores encourage customers to do crazy things for gifts and discounts. One of the varieties of such promotions is the strip game. The pioneer in this business was Euroset, which 10 years ago gave phones to those who came to the salon naked. However, most retailers do not resort to such drastic options. So, in 2016, at the OLVI gas station, they gave a full tank of gasoline to everyone who came to refuel in a bikini and in heels. The conditions were the same for everyone without exception.

Promotion at the Olvi gas station.

Similar promotions were carried out by fashion retailers in different cities and countries. As for loyalty, of course, one can argue here, but the marketers of these companies definitely coped with the task of attracting attention and creating a stir.

Action in one of the shoe stores in Grodno.

This mechanism is often used by home appliance stores. In exchange for an old washing machine or refrigerator, the buyer receives a new one with a surcharge. The surcharge is usually 10-30% less than the usual cost of equipment, and the store increases sales and receives working parts. HM also carried out a similar action - in exchange for a bag of old clothes, the visitor received a small discount on a new one.

Exchange old for new in MediaMarkt.

A prize received in a fair fight brings more joy than an ordinary gift. People are ready to compete for the sake of simple titles and ratings, and they are capable of much for a discount or a prize. Great Opportunities give social networks for drawings. Repost contests draw attention to the brand, increase the reach of the target audience and increase loyalty.

Another common model is pranks using special hashtags, including creative ones. You can also use this tool offline. So, a grocery supermarket arranged a competition for speed - the winner was the one who, at the set time, scored more purchases in the basket and ran to the checkout. The lucky one took everything for free, the rest of the participants received a discount. Another example of gift chasing is a promotion at a sports equipment store. Customers had to choose any product and run to the checkout in a minute. A wet t-shirt photo contest was organized by a plumbing store for its customers. Photographed on the spot, the winner got a shower.

Creative competition in the fabric store.

33. Original promotions

Unusually designed advertising campaigns attract attention and are remembered, and the coupon for the next purchase becomes a reason to look into the store again. Under New Year the children's supermarket launched the "Compliments and Wishes" campaign. At the checkout, customers pulled out a beautifully designed scroll with wishes and a coupon for a gift or discount. Customers liked the event so much that the store began to repeat it before every holiday.

This is far from full list ideas that will attract visitors to the store and increase sales. In each area of ​​retail, you can come up with a dozen more creative promotions. To increase response, reach and achieve better results, it is worth combining offline and online tools, constantly analyzing the reaction and needs of the target audience. A careful calculation of marketing promotions will help not to go into the red.

trade marketing, marketing campaign Promotions and sales: 33 ideas on how to attract a buyer 2019-02-18 2019-02-18

The business must be profitable. Growing profitability is the main indicator of successful development. How to increase sales in a retail store in an environment where the market is oversaturated with goods and competitors? Today, this question is relevant for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. There are many tools and ways to influence income growth, we will consider the most effective ones.

How to increase retail sales

Each business is unique in its own way, the peculiarity of retail trade lies in the sale of goods by the piece. The customers of these stores are ordinary people. This is the only resource on which all attention should be focused. Based on needs ordinary person, business strategies are built and events are organized to increase sales in retail trade. The task of the seller is to convey the product and sell it competently. Marketing technologies help to learn about the needs and preferences of consumers. They are also effective in the sale of goods. Before practicing techniques to increase profitability, it is important to figure out what went wrong and why sales are declining.

Such analysis will help to solve many problems.

Conditions and factors affecting profitability

External factors can reduce the profitability of a retail store: economic and political crises, weather disasters, etc. A person cannot change these circumstances, but there are other reasons that reduce profitability. Many of them arise through the fault of store owners. The short-sightedness and passivity of the management, the presence of competitors, the irrational use of premises and the lack of transport interchange lead to errors. There are many negative factors, but most often revenues fall for the following reasons:

  • inexpressive design;
  • insufficient or too wide assortment;
  • poor quality service.

The solution of the indicated problems guarantees a good result and return. You no longer have to think about how to increase sales in the store and “survive” among competitors. Success comes to those who act and do not wait. As for the buyer, his attention must be won. Nowadays, it is not enough just to sell a quality product. People go and return to places where shopping is pleasant.

About buyers and ways to attract customers

The modern consumer is very demanding. Preferences depend on impressions and the more pleasant emotions and reviews, the higher the likelihood that they will return to your store to spend money. The buyer is pleased to come to a cozy room, communicate with polite sellers, see attractive prices and participate in interesting promotions. All of these items have a significant impact on increasing retail sales and have a positive impact on revenue growth.

Many people know that it is necessary to work with the client base, but how to do it right? To begin with, it is important to analyze traffic and highlight those people who are really ready and will shop in your store. Loyal customers should become favorite customers. Such people should be appreciated, pleased with new products, pampered with discounts. They tend to be active and loyal, they know about your store and visit often. Even if they just came in and did not buy anything, they should be met and seen off in a friendly manner. If you need to buy something, a regular customer will be the first to visit your store.

For casual visitors, it does not matter in which store to leave the money. They go for the range, prices and convenience of shopping, they love sales and promotions. There are many visitors among casual buyers and this is definitely not your target audience. In any case, they should not be ignored. Service should always be top notch, and everyone who enters your store should leave happy.

Customer retention

Customers can be poached from competitors. You can lure with a price or offer a new, unusual product. There are many marketing tricks, but there is a rule in trade that has been tested in all areas: it is easier and cheaper to keep customers than to find and attract new ones.

You can hold different ways. Most of them are based on attention and special attitude to each customer. In retail, the individual approach works very effectively. Make the visitor feel welcome and special. Give souvenirs, congratulate on holidays via SMS or by e-mail, make a discount on your birthday, thank you for the purchase. All these signs of attention will be appreciated and will have a positive impact on sales.

If you sell clothes, you can stimulate sales. When lowering prices, be sure to justify this event. The buyer must be aware of the nuances, otherwise he will think that they are trying to shove defective or low-quality goods into him. In search of a solution to the question of how to improve trade in a clothing store, it is better to immediately exclude fraudulent ways. There is a risk of losing regular customers and facing the problem of finding new ones. Approaches must be honest. By the way, this rule applies to advertising companies.

Retail Store Advertising Opportunities

You need to advertise yourself when there is something to offer, otherwise investments will be meaningless. If you are sure that the assortment is completed and worthy of consumer demand, take up a plan of promotional activities. It all depends on financial possibilities. No matter how much you are willing and able to put down, advertising should inform and stimulate. Emotions play an important role in the retail market.

The audience must be captured, interested and captivated.

How to improve sales in a clothing store

There are many ways, we will highlight the most common and effective marketing communications:

  • social networks;
  • radio and television;
  • printed matter: booklets, flyers, stickers, etc.
  • pillars, bright signs, banners;
  • loyalty cards: bonus, privileged, accumulative;
  • mass events with the participation of animators.

This list can be continued, since the possibilities of the advertising market are not limited. For the sake of unique PR, many store owners are willing to spend a lot of money. Well organized advertising company increases the chances of entrepreneurs to succeed, but how to increase sales in retail if advertising is ineffective? This, unfortunately, happens often. The money is spent, but the expected influx to the store is not observed. There may be several reasons: the wrong place was chosen, an unclaimed assortment, advertising texts and videos are unattractive and do not call for action, excessive advertising intrusiveness. The latter, by the way, is annoying and can scare away the buyer.

Effective Advertising

To avoid these mistakes and unreasonable investments, you need to act carefully and taking into account the needs of your consumer who lives next to the outlet. Flyers in elevators, roadside banners, tenders, and in-store promotions work well. Such concentration allows you to “bind” the buyer and make sure that he only comes back to you for shopping. Stimulation should be constant, but do not overdo it in the desire to "lure" clients. When making discounts, keep in mind that some buyers get used to it. They come, look and do not buy, waiting for the price to drop.

What determines the force of attraction of the store? Design and assortment

The increase in sales directly depends on the image. From a visit to the store there are different impressions, the better they are, the more often and more they will buy from you. Beautiful design, availability of goods, high-quality assortment - all these are the main components of a favorable image. Excessive pathos can repel, at least every third buyer thinks so. They are simply afraid to go into such stores, initially assuming that everything is expensive there.

For product display and window dressing often attract designers and merchandisers. With a modest budget, you can not spend money on these services. Having studied the nuances, everything can be organized on your own. Look at your store from the side, through the eyes of the buyer. Unattractiveness and inexpressiveness are always repulsive, visitors will simply pass by. They need to be interested by playing on curiosity.

Goods layout rules

There are certain rules, guided by which you can positively influence the increase in sales in a retail store:

  • The display of goods should be clear and accessible so that it can be touched, smelled, turned in hands. In retail, the arm's length rule applies. The client takes the goods to which he freely reaches. If the product is above or below the designated area, it will be ignored.
  • The buyer must understand the logic of placement, quickly navigate, move easily and find what they need. Many people are afraid of inconsistency. The goods must be distributed by groups, sets or brands.
  • Themes for design should be relevant, and showcases should showcase your product. If you sell clothes, you need to refresh your perception by rearranging and updating mannequins. This is a very effective measure in solving the issue of how to increase sales in a clothing store. People often buy exactly what they liked on the mannequin. If these are counters, everything should lie beautifully. Consider quality signage. Let it be bright and informative, and do not experiment with fonts, the names should be readable.
  • Maintain cleanliness and temperature. The customer will not linger in the store, where it is hot or cold. The temperature should be comfortable and the cleanliness impeccable. No dust or bad odors.
  • It has been proven that a customer stays longer in a store where neutral, soft music plays. Nice little thing can inspire for an unplanned purchase and increase traffic.
  • Prices, especially low ones, must be visible and true. Do not deceive the buyer. Realizing that he was circled around his finger and the prices from the windows and mannequins differ from the cost of goods on the shelves, they will no longer enter your store.
  • Store doors must always be open.

Reasons for the decline in sales

If your customers do not return to you, the reason may be insufficient assortment. Compare yourself to your main competitors. Chat with customers and find out what they want to see on the shelves. The circle of buyers is formed gradually, but it depends on you how attractive and passable your store will become.
The reason for the decline in sales is often too large assortment. Finding the right one becomes problematic. The buyer will be confused and leave without a purchase.

You need to sell what is for sale, but if some product was quickly sold,
no need to buy the same. Surprise with new products, this is the perfect way out. At least, this is what those who managed to solve the problem of how to increase sales in a clothing store and avoid financial losses think so. Very efficient sales of related products. You can offer a bracelet for a dress, a scarf for a coat, a belt for trousers. The counter with discounted goods works well. It is difficult for many to resist the temptation to buy something from this price category.

Sales are unpredictable. If a product gets stuck in warehouses and collects dust on the shelves, you can think about changing the assortment. An analysis of sales dynamics and a prompt response to changes in demand help to increase profitability.

Personnel issue

The success of any business depends on the quality of service, namely on the seller who sells the goods. How to increase sales in a retail store if the seller does not have enough experience? Actually, this is not a problem. It is not difficult to teach skills, motivation and training help. Intra-company marketing is very important. An interesting pattern was revealed: the higher the salary and better conditions labor, the more diligent the seller, and accordingly, the higher the sale.

The modern buyer does not just go to the store to buy something, it is important for him to enjoy the process itself. And the seller should help with this. A good employee is able to sell any product, a bad one will not sell even the highest quality.

The inability of the seller to start a dialogue is the main reason for inefficient trading. How to increase sales in a clothing store is written a lot and often. Among the qualities necessary for the seller, they distinguish the ability to resolve conflicts, smiling, competent speech, knowledge of the assortment. All of this is welcome, but human qualities which are very difficult to eradicate. According to surveys of buyers, the arrogance, importunity and untidiness of the seller are most repelled. If there is such an employee in your team, do not waste time on re-education. Find another seller and teach him all the intricacies of the trade.


In order for the buyer to go to the store, you need to be not at the level of competitors, but higher and better. Analyze the work, look for weaknesses, work on mistakes and use all the miracles of quick wits. This is the only way to increase retail sales. Uniqueness should be in everything: product, price, service. Profitable business- this is primarily the use of all necessary resources, tangible and intangible.

Unfortunately, a universal way to increase profitability has not yet been invented, but there is certain rules and approaches that can lead to good results.

With development market economy The private business sector is growing from year to year. It is quite natural - all more people do not want to work for someone, they want to open an independent business. And depend only and exclusively on yourself. Despite the fact that your business is always a risk of burnout, business acumen, ability and endurance can help bring your small business to success. But still, owning a business is not an easy task, especially when it comes to trade. Quite often (and at any stage of development of this, the question arises of how to increase the level of sales?

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Any trade is both a profitable and very risky business, since it requires a careful study of market conditions, flexibility and resourcefulness in business decisions and, of course, luck from the businessman. Let's consider the simplest, and therefore a clear example, in a store.

First, it should be noted that any trade is based on compromises. There are several. The first is between the price and the quality of the goods. AT recent times such a concept as “brand” has “wedged” into this scheme (which most often does not affect at all, but can increase the price). The quality of the goods (and better both the quality and the popularity of its trademark) should be at the maximum high level, while the price should not be a penny higher than the price set by competitors. On the contrary, an artificial, albeit small, underpricing is encouraged (especially at first).

The second important trade-off that must be observed if you want to learn in practice how to increase the level of sales is the ratio of supply and demand. The first, as you know, gives rise to the second. Accordingly, there are two options: either to sell goods that will always be needed, or to occupy a specialized (narrow) niche of the market sector, securing a lasting influence on it. To do this, either expand or, conversely, narrow the range of products sold.

However, this is not the only way to ensure an increase. First of all, it should be remembered that various kinds of promotions and advertising moves give only a one-time effect, possibly attracting a small wave of buyers, but it is the quality of the services provided that will make regular customers out of this spontaneous wave. To understand how to increase the level of sales, we turn to the following diagram. The work of people and for people is always necessary, that is, we start from the individual. In order to ensure an increase in sales, it is necessary that all managers, salespeople, warehouse workers - in general, all staff work like a well-coordinated mechanism, perfectly understanding their own functions and understanding what corporate ethics is.

Further, constant and thoughtful work with the client is necessary. Clear, fast and polite service will make the store popular in a fairly short time. We must not forget that the seller himself must be well versed in the goods being sold.

That's the whole answer to the question of how to increase sales. The answer is simple, but the main thing here is to bring all its elements to life. And, perhaps, based on the tips above, come up with something of your own!

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