Yaremchuk singer. Newzz - current Ukrainian news from the network

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of NAZARY YAREMCHUK - People's Artist of Ukraine, singer, who after the death of Vladimir Ivasyuk became a symbol of Ukrainian song.


Nazariy Yaremchuk was late child- he was born when his father was 64 years old. They say that God gives such children special talents. The fate of this family is simply unique. The father, Nazar Tanasevich, remained a widower with two sons. One of them was a member of the OUN, emigrated to Canada and unwittingly became the cause of many troubles younger brother, who subsequently fell under the KGB's surveillance. The second son died young, leaving his wife Maria with their son. Times were hard, there were few men in the village, and the father married his own daughter-in-law. And although Nazar Tanasevich was already at a fairly mature age, Maria bore him three children: Bogdan, Katya and the youngest, Nazarchik.

His parents sang well: his father’s wonderful tenor embellished the sound church choir, and the beautiful mother played the mandolin, and her fellow villagers listened to her silvery soprano. Nazar Tanasevich dreamed that the youngest would become a priest. The future People's Artist of Ukraine began to sing along with his mother in the very early childhood- he was not yet three years old. And in order to hear better, Nazarchik climbed onto a chair.

When Nazar was 12 years old, his father died, and his mother fell ill and became a disabled person of the first group. And since the family was poor, the boy was sent to the Vizhnitsa boarding school. He studied diligently, participated in all clubs and looked forward to the weekend, meeting with his brothers, sister and mother. Every morning at seven o’clock Nazarchik ran to the fence enclosing the territory of the boarding school to see Katrusya, who was going to school at that time. I dreamed of becoming a traveler, that's all free time disappeared in the mountains.

And then came the passion for football. Together with his brother Bogdan, he played in the local team "Karpaty", which in 1969 became the champion of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The childhood hobby subsequently manifested itself in interest in athletes, friendship with football players, and in specific matters - Nazariy Yaremchuk participated in the revival of the Lviv Carpathians, transferring funds earned at one of the concerts to the team’s account. And with what enthusiasm he later recorded a song about football!

The first attempt to enter the university in Chernivtsi turned out to be both unsuccessful and happy, determining the fate of Nazariy. Returning to his native Vizhnitsa, he took a driving course at the cultural center. As in any other club, groups practiced at the same time, and Nazariy disappeared at ensemble rehearsals. Noticing his passion, the director invited the boy to sing and, hearing his sonorous voice and clear intonation, invited him to join his ensemble “Smerichka”. It was fate. Levko Dutkovsky assembled a wonderful line-up in Vizhnitsa. “It was incredibly difficult in those days,” recalled Vasily Zinkevich. “In terms of culture and skill, we were no worse than Moscow! We managed to see Levka in Nazariya future star, national pride Ukraine. Then everything happened...

“In the late 60s, the Ukrainian stage was experiencing an unprecedented rise: interesting groups and soloists appeared, in Bukovina - “Chervona Ruta” and “Smerichka”, the talent of Vladimir Ivasyuk, Levk Dutkovsky blossomed, and Sofia Rotaru entered the cohort the best masters stage," recalled Nazariy Yaremchuk in one of his last interviews.

In 1970, Nazariy became a student at the Faculty of Geography at Chernivtsi University, and in 1971 the television film “Chervona Ruta” was shot. It was a fantastic success. Levko Dutkovsky recalled that it was as if all the girls in the USSR were in love with Nazariy. In those years, many boys were named by this name.

“The first success for our team came on television, when we became laureates of the “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition,” Nazariy later said.

In 1975, the musical film "Smerichka in the Carpathians" was shot. Estonian filmmakers became fascinated by national symbols and the beauty of the Carpathian landscapes; the film featured Ukrainian songs performed by Vladimir Ivasyuk, Sofia Rotaru, Vasily Zinkevich and Nazariy Yaremchuk. But the times were not the right time to glorify Ukraine: the film was blocked not only from Central Television, but also from UT. There is not even a copy preserved in Kyiv!


Nazariy Yaremchuk met composer Alexander Zlotnik, the author of 30 songs from his repertoire, at the Crimean Dawns festival in Yalta in the late 70s. Since both were shy, Zlotnik asked Anatoly Evdokimenko (Sofia Rotaru’s husband and director of the Chervona Ruta ensemble) to introduce them to each other.

Nazariy then became the winner of the Bratislava Lyra festival, and I thought: “Well, why, being such a colorful Ukrainian singer, should he sing Russian songs if you can write him a good Ukrainian one?” - says Alexander Iosifovich. -- My new melody Nazariy liked it, Yuri Rybchinsky said he would write the text. I already knew that the song should contain the phrases “gai, green gai” and “grai, muziko, grai” - these images were in fashion. After some time we met in Kyiv. Nazariy came to Yura on Kurenevka at about one or two in the morning, waiting for Yura to finish the text. At six in the morning I presented the notes, Yura - the poems, we drank a glass of moonshine (there was no vodka) and celebrated the birth of our first song. “Gai, green guy” was played 10 times a day on the republican radio for only 40 days, and... it was banned as a low-art work (one Lviv poet was crushed by a toad). As a result, the song was not broadcast until Independence. Nazariy performed it in concerts, it was the effect of a genie out of the bottle - it was sung in amateur performances, in Canada and America. Once, in a restaurant in Chernivtsi, a musician knelt in front of me: “Thank you, breadwinner! There is no such parnus from any other song - they order it 15 times!”
The same unfortunate “Guy” in 1981, based on letters from viewers, received about 165 thousand votes (surpassing Pugacheva’s song) in the “Song of the Year” program, and we were invited to filming in Moscow. Nazariy put on a tuxedo, a bow tie, the song was recorded, played several times, it was supposed to be included in the final almost as the first number. And suddenly they tell us: they say, the song is so colorful, and Nazariy is in a tuxedo. If only he was in a captarik!" After all, we came there with what? Well, “Kiev” cake, well, a couple of bottles of vodka with pepper. And there were our own - Pakhmutova, Lyadova, Tukhmanov...

“It is extremely difficult to find “your” song. But it is even more difficult not to change your stage image, to develop it. An artist is brought up in competition, including with himself, with objective circumstances,” said Nazariy Yaremchuk.

These words contain his entire character. Incorruptible and sincere, he always stood up for the truth, stood up for his friends, and this came through in every song. He was a true son of his people - perhaps that is why the people love him so much.

Nazariy was unusually sociable, all his colleagues were friends for him, recalls Oksana Bilozir. - For everyone he found kind word: He came up, put his hand on his shoulder and said something pleasant with a smile.

“What was always amazing about him was his ability to communicate as equals,” said Lilia Sanduleza. - He never put himself above others.


We come from the same area, our villages are on different banks of the river,” Nazariy’s widow, Darina Yaremchuk, told Segodnya. — We met in Kosovo at my brother’s wedding. Nazariy and I walked through the forest, collected lilies of the valley and talked from morning to evening. I had no idea that we would ever meet again. And then my husband died, and one day Nazariy came and told my brother that he wanted to become related to him. I didn't believe it. Such an interesting detail: Nazariy was born when his father was 64 years old, and I am the first child, my father was 53 years old when I was born - he is 36 years older than my mother.

We first got married to him, and only two months later we got married.
We bought a dilapidated house in Chernivtsi in 1990 - we borrowed money from relatives, from friends... We began to live here and at the same time started renovating - there was one mattress on which we slept (and we even got that one from the Philharmonic). And yet we felt very comfortable and happy here together.

And how he rejoiced when Marichka was born! He insisted that I give birth (and I was already approaching 40), and when they brought her home from the maternity hospital, he couldn’t remember how happy he was. I almost prayed on that pillow she peed on. Godfather Nazariy asked her to become Vasily Zinkevich. Marichka remembers him, although she was not three years old when her father died. She once said: “What a pity that I was so little then! I would have taught him how to kiss...”

Of course, we sometimes quarreled, but Nazariy always said at such moments: “Why don’t you notice how good I am? good husband- I’m the best!” When he returned from a tour, he always first went to my eldest daughter Zirochka (he was very worried that she would not feel like a stranger), gave her gifts, taught her how to use cosmetics. His sons understood him. The first that Nazariy wants to marry me, Zirka found out. He told her: “I love your mom very much and would like to become your dad. I will try to do everything to make you happy. Do you mind?" From that day on, she began to call him dad. And Nazariy, having met my mother, addressed her only as mamusya, mommy.

He helped everyone who came to him - they lent money and asked for help in getting housing. People used it so often to make a career...

When Nazar was diagnosed with cancer, I found out that the operation costs $5,000. And no one helped (although many promised), we collected money for the trip and went to Canada. Nazar endeared himself to people - he was lucky to good people. He was operated on by a surgeon who did not take money after learning that Nazar and I had four children (his two sons, my daughter from his first marriage and our Marichka, she was then 2 years and 3 months old). Everyone who communicated with Nazariy after the operation was amazed: he never said a word about how much pain he was in...


Everything in Nazariy’s work came very easily. He had absolute pitch, it was enough for him to hear the melody once, and he remembered it accurately and forever - and immediately fell into the character and manner. He was the first performer of songs based on Yuri Rybchinsky’s poems “The Violin Plays”, “Gai, Green Guy”, “My Land”, he sang about a dozen, but it doesn’t matter how many, it’s important which ones.

Yuri Rybchinsky: - Without any idealization, I can say: Nazariy was a very bright personality. A man devoid of the quality inherent in many singers and actors, he never envied anyone, never spoke ill of anyone. He was a very spiritual person. He retains amazing, perhaps even childish, features: flight, purity. And not only on stage, but also in life, he was like a walking poem. He tried to write himself, showed me his poems, there were quite interesting sketches.

In 1995, I lived in Obolon, and Nazariy was in a hospital nearby, on Kurenevka. I came to see him almost every day - many came to see him, they loved him very much (except for those who were very jealous) - it was impossible not to love him! He had a wonderful, unique smile - a little sad... Last concert, in which he participated, was my author’s evening in “Ukraine”. He couldn’t even sing standing for a long time - he sat down and leaned on something. Imagine that a person, feeling terrible pangs of pain, sings - not everyone is capable of this! Go on stage, sing and smile. Knowing what awaited him, he fell into pessimism, and it seemed that before last day he believed in miracles. I cannot imagine anyone who would be able to face death so courageously.

P.S. IN home Nazariya in Vizhnitsa, his sister Katerina, having buried three brothers (six years ago the youngest, and a year ago - Bogdan and Stepan) created a family museum, preserving the furnishings of this simple hut. Exhibits -- vintage photographs and the first concert costume of Nazariy Yaremchuk. Katerina sings in the choir of St. Demetrius Church, where Nazarius was baptized...

National artist In the Ukrainian SSR, Nazariy Yaremchuk is well known to fans of Soviet pop music of the 70s and 80s as a performer of the popular songs “Chervona Ruta”, “Vodograi”, “Zacharuy”, “Gai, Zeleniy Gai”, “Motherland” and many others. He starred in the musical film "Chervona Ruta" along with other famous Ukrainian singers and performed in the Smerichka ensemble. The cause of death of Nazariy Yaremchuk was cancer.

He was born in 1951 in the village of Rivnya, Chernivtsi region, in peasant family where everyone was singing. From childhood the boy was distinguished by his absolute musical ear, but after graduating from school, he attempted to enter the Chernivtsi University at the Faculty of Geography. However, he did not score the required number of passing points and learned to be a driver. So he became a driver at the Vizhnytsia House of Culture. There, having sung his first songs at the suggestion of the head of the Smerichka ensemble, Yaremchuk became one of the best finds of Ukrainian vocal art.

Unprecedented rise Ukrainian stage During these years he revealed many talents, among which Yaremchuk took a worthy place. Already as a soloist of Smerichka, Nazariy graduated from the university in 1975. In 1971, he took part in the filming of the famous film “Chervona Ruta”, and at the end of the year, together with the ensemble, he became a laureate of the All-Union competition “Hello, we are looking for talents” and the television program “Song of the Year”. A little later, in 1975, the successful duet Zinkevich-Yaremchuk broke up and each of them went their own way: Yaremchuk remained in his native ensemble.

In 1978, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. When Dutkovsky left them in 1982 Music band, artistic director Yaremchuk became “Smerichki”. By that time, he had become a laureate of a number of all-Union and foreign competitions. He was a bright and friendly person, attentive to all his colleagues. According to the recollections of friends, Nazariy Nazarievich was loved by everyone except the most stubborn envious people. In 1988, Yaremchuk completed his professional education at the Kiev State Institute of Culture.

During Afghan war the singer visited Afghanistan more than once, where he performed for Soviet soldiers, and after the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant I traveled to the exclusion zone three times to give a concert to the disaster liquidators. He knew how to respect the asceticism of other people, because he himself was an ascetic. Having become a famous and beloved performer, this man always tried to help young talents make their way onto the stage. In 1987, he became People's Artist of the Republic and received the Order of Friendship. In 1991-1993, Yaremchuk was on tour in Canada, the USA and Brazil.

When he was diagnosed with cancer, his relatives raised funds so that Nazariy Nazarievich could undergo surgery in Canada. The operation did not help: it was too late. Even the seriously ill Yaremchuk continued to perform at concerts. Sometimes he sang, leaning on something so as not to fall, but this did not in any way affect his voice or the quality of his performance: he was courageous to the end.

He died in June 1995, at the age of 44, and is buried in his homeland.


Nazariy Yaremchuk was born on November 30 1951 year in the village of Rivnya, Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region, in the peasant family of Nazariya and Maria Yaremchukov. Was the fourth and most youngest child. He had brothers Stepan, Bogdan and sister Ekaterina.

September 1 1959 year I went to school in my native village. IN at a young age life seemed carefree, but at the age of twelve Nazariy suffered the first severe blow when his father died. The mother was forced to send her son to the Vyzhnitsa boarding school. He treated his studies conscientiously, studied in clubs, paying more attention to choir. After finishing eight classes at a boarding school, Nazariy continued his studies in Vyzhnytska high school No. 1, which he graduated from 1969 year.

After unsuccessful attempt To enter the Faculty of Geography of Chernivtsi University in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, I studied drivers courses. After classes, I stayed to listen to the rehearsals of the VIA “Smerichki”, which was led by Levko Dutkovsky. The leader of the ensemble noticed a regular visitor and offered to sing a song of his choice. It was Igor Poklad’s song “Kokhana”. I liked the voice, and Nazariy was accepted into the ensemble. So since autumn 1969 year, the guy started singing in Smerichka.

Acquaintance with the young Bukovinian composer, medical student Vladimir Ivasyuk played a big role in the life of “Smerichka”. The audience heard the unique “Chervona Ruta”, “Vodograi”, “My Darling”. And then - great amount other songs by the young author. The guys became friends for life. In summer 1971 year the shooting took place musical film"Chervona Ruta" This film made soloists Nazariy Yaremchuk and Vasily Zinkevich people's favorites. But during filming, a second tragedy occurred - his mother Maria Daryevna died.

Then there were victories at the “Song-71” and “Song-72” competitions. IN 1972 year, for their performance of the song “Goryanka”, the soloists of VIA “Smerichka” were awarded the title of laureates of the All-Union competition “Hello, we are looking for talents”. IN 1973 year the ensemble is invited to the professional stage in Chernivtsi. Yaremchuk also goes to sing at the Philharmonic. Nazariy falls in love with Elena Shevchenko, and they get married that same year. The first-born was named Dmitry, and over time Nazariy was born. But this marriage did not bring him happiness - a divorce. IN 1978 Yaremchuk was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

When another tragedy occurred - the murder of Vladimir Ivasyuk - Nazariy was one of the first who, despite the government ban, came to the funeral in Lviv. Then it could cost everything: career, peace, reputation. The funeral column began with a large wreath of white flowers, which Yaremchuk carried with Levk Dutkovsky. It was very dangerous at that time, but Vladimir was their great friend, and no one was interested in the consequences. IN 1980 year, the singer first performed the song “The Violin Is Playing”, then “Song of Memory”, dedicated to Vladimir.

1981 year became for Nazariy the path to international recognition. The ensemble represents the state at international competition"Bratislava Lyre". Soloist Yaremchuk became its laureate.

IN 1982 Nazariy is a laureate of the Republican Prize named after. Nikolai Ostrovsky. IN 1985 - XII diploma student World Festival youth and students in Moscow.

IN 1987 Nazariy was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. A year later he graduated from the stage direction department of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture. Karpenko-Kary. February 2 1991 Yaremchuk married for the second time. Marriage to Darina 1993 year gave the singer a daughter, Marichka.

1991 1993 - years of travel to Canada, the USA, Brazil... His songs were heard in many countries around the world. A long-awaited meeting with my brother took place abroad. Nazariy's father had a son from his first marriage, Dmitry, 27 years older than the future singer. In the 40s, he took part in one of the nationalist groups. After the war Soviet power did not accept and fled to Canada.

IN 1995 year, the singer goes to Canada for treatment, but the operation did not help. He returns to Ukraine to finish singing his latest songs. 30 June 1995 years, a long illness took the life of Nazariy Yaremchuk. He lay in a white embroidered shirt, a sea of ​​people stood around the coffin in sadness... The singer was buried in the central cemetery of Chernivtsi. Nazariy Yaremchuk was posthumously awarded the Shevchenko Prize.

Back in 1971, Yaremchuk became a star on an all-Union scale, performing in Moscow at the “Song of the Year” television festival together with Vasily Zinkevich and Vladimir Ivasyuk, which later became a hit “Chervona Ruta”. After that, the singer had many victories and successes, but they did not force him to exchange his native Chernivtsi for the capital.

...We are talking with Darina Yaremchuk, the artist’s wife, in one of the cafes in the very center of the city - not far from their house, which is located on Nazariya Yaremchuk Street (after the singer’s death, Internatsionalnaya Street was renamed in his honor. - Author’s note). Darina teaches Ukrainian language and literature at the local art school and, of course, is engaged in the work of his daughter Marichka, who decided to follow in her father’s footsteps (she is a 3rd year student at the Kyiv Academy of Variety and circus art. - Approx. ed.).

My interlocutor brought with her several letters that Nazariy Yaremchuk received from fans over the years. Words of admiration and even declarations of love, and in one of the envelopes, between pieces of paper, neatly dried flowers...

Darina Yaremchuk with her daughter Marichka and Yan Tabachnik

"Deep down in my soul I was jealous"

Despite the fact that more than ten years have passed since Nazariy’s death,” says Darina Yaremchuk, “to this day I constantly find new letters and photos addressed to him in our home. During my husband’s life, I never allowed myself to rummage through his personal belongings. And although he had no secrets from me, when I became his wife, I said: “Nazarius, only you will be the master of your pockets.” I opened his diaries only when Nazariy passed away. Of course, their pages cost me so many tears... After all, there was so much recognition, so many warm words for me.

- But have you never been jealous of Nazarius, because, as you know, many women were in love with him?

Naturally, it was deep in my soul. But I never showed this, I didn’t make a scene for my husband. After all, if you allow the seed of jealousy to grow in your heart, you will never be able to trust your loved one. And I trusted Nazariy.

Believe me, fans not only wrote to him, but also called him at home, came up with different stories, to the point that she and Nazariy have children.

We only lived together for five years. And very often I went to concerts with him, and when backstage fans surrounded my husband, I always walked away. And then the husband comes to the hotel room with flowers, his entire face is covered in lipstick from fans, and says: “Darusya, why did you leave me?”


- How did Yaremchuk propose to you? After all, each of you already had previous marriages behind you...

At that time, he had been divorced for two years. And four years before that, I buried my husband. Declaration of love, marriage proposal - everything happened here, in Chernivtsi, in our future common home. Nazariy brought me to an empty house - no furniture, not even steps, and said: “You, as a housewife, must think about how to furnish everything.” But before that it was ours unusual acquaintance. And a wedding in Kosovo in 40-degree frost...

It so happened that Nazariy was friends with my relatives for many years, but we never crossed paths. And then one day, and it was in the summer of 1990, I came to visit my brother and saw in the yard unknown man- handsome, with an amazing smile. And... fell in love. Love at first sight for both of us... Later, when I left and when Nazariy learned more about me, he said to his brother: “It seems to me that you and I will become relatives.” And two weeks later he and his friends arrived in Kosov, where I was then working as a nurse in a district hospital. And he introduced me to them as... his wife. I started to deny, but he didn’t even listen: “Yes, yes, this is my wife. The only thing is that she... doesn’t know about it yet.”

After that, we dated for a long time, and it was a platonic relationship - even without kissing. And when Nazariy returned from a tour of America, he immediately rushed to see me in Kosovo. I brought Verochka, my daughter from my first marriage, a lot of gifts. And he told her that he wanted to become her father. And he really became like family to the girl. However, like his sons for me.


- It must be difficult to live in a house where everything reminds you of your beloved husband. What are your most treasured items here?

All! After all, everything reminds of him. And the most important thing is a small pillow. When my husband and I had a daughter, Marichka, in 1993, we brought the baby from the maternity hospital and placed it on this small pillow. Nazariy later took her on tour with him. For five years we have not had time to quarrel or get tired of each other.

But then came 1995 - the worst... Nazar felt bad. I passed the diagnosis, but the doctors made a mistake. When the correct diagnosis was made, it was already too late...

We went to Canada for examination. And when my husband heard the terrible diagnosis, he just looked at me: “Maybe this is a mistake?” He hoped that he would live. I also planned an evening at the Ukraine Palace dedicated to the 25th anniversary creative activity. Nazariy died in June, and that planned concert has already become a memorial concert...

- Today it is very difficult to find an artist like Yaremchuk: with such a voice, appearance, soul and love of a million-strong public...

I’ll tell you more: during his lifetime, Nazariy became a kind of flag of Ukrainian song. And when, after such hits as “Chervona Ruta”, “Gai, Green Guy”, “Stozhari”, Yaremchuk appeared other, new songs, not everyone accepted it.

Just recently I came across a letter written by a Lviv student in 1987. It struck me so much that I thought: what if today’s viewers approached the evaluation of the songs we hear today in this way... The letter was addressed to the editor music program“And only a little music” with a request to give it to Nazariy Yaremchuk. The girl wrote that she really loved Yaremchuk’s work, but when she heard him perform the song “Chorna Kava” with music by Alexander Zlotnik and poems by Yuri Rogoza, as well as “Paroplavi”, the music for which was written by Igor Krutoy, she was very indignant: how could Yaremchuk sing about some kava? He, the performer of such bright hits? And why did he characterize Igor Krutoy as a promising composer in one of his interviews? After all, the text of “Paroplaviv”, the student writes, was translated from Russian and, according to her, generally resembles one of Toto Cutugno’s hits. The girl emphasized that this is not the repertoire for Nazariy Yaremchuk and he should not sing such songs. In my opinion these are wonderful lyrical compositions about love. But it turns out that Nazariy had no right to sing about such a feeling like that...

- How did you live after the death of your husband, materially?

In the first years, Nazarius’ friends helped. They held a series of concerts in his memory and an evening at the Ukraine Palace. The money was divided among all the children - Dmitry, Nazariy and Marichka. Then I had to go to work in Italy. I worked in Milan for a year and a half as a nurse in one family. But she returned soon, because her daughter was growing up. Now both Marichka and I earn money. She is invited to various performances and takes part in government concerts. Sometimes he even helps me with money. In addition, Marichka speaks excellent English and German languages, also knows Italian. She writes songs herself. Her father would be proud of such a daughter!

The two-story white brick mansion in the capital's Osokorki, where the sons of the late singer come to relax from the bustle of the city with their mother, is reminiscent of the house in Chernivtsi where the children spent their childhood

Right at the gate of the mansion, mountain mint grows - luxurious, with wide leaves, festive green. And, of course, red rue, sung by the People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk: “sontse-ruta”, “char-zilla”, “kvitka nadii” Originally from the Carpathians and pear-“dichka” in the garden with fruits that are small, hard and tart in taste , and Bukovinian “khrustak” cherries are also hard, but, unlike pears, very sweet, and wild raspberries are incredibly aromatic.

Nazariy flatly refused the apartment on Khreshchatyk offered by Shcherbitsky - he could not imagine himself without the Carpathians

My father said: “There is nothing more beautiful than the Carpathians!” recalls 28-year-old Dmitry. “Often on weekends, the whole family and I would go to the mountains with baskets to pick raspberries. My father picked more berries and faster than us. Sometimes we had a competition to see who could string the most strawberries onto a blade of grass. At that time, my brother and I were still children.

And we went mushroom picking so early! At four or five in the morning,” adds 27-year-old Nazariy Jr. — The predawn fog covered the mountains like milk. It was so thick that you couldn’t see the dusk Getting tired, we made a fire and baked russula. Their browned caps were dipped in salt and put into the mouth A divine delicacy! And on the way home they collected herbs - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. All this was then dried to make tea in the winter, when the Carpathians were covered with snow.

Dima, Nazariy, and their mother Elena, the first wife of the People’s Artist, and I are drinking coffee on the veranda.

Nazariy loved nature so much, says Elena, that when the gardens bloomed, he was ready to smell every flower. And, probably, there is not a blade of grass in the Carpathians that he is not familiar with It happened that he would climb to the top of some mountain and shout “E-he-hey!” so that the echo will answer. And how he loved to sing in the mountains!..

According to Elena, when Vladimir Shcherbitsky offered the People's Artist of Ukraine an apartment in the center of the capital - on Khreshchatyk, Nazariy flatly refused it - he could not imagine himself without the Carpathians

Dima and Nazariy Jr., according to them, had a happy childhood.

What gifts did your father bring you from abroad - from his tours? - I’m interested in the guys.

Such that our friends and classmates looked at us as if we were aliens,” answers Dima. -- Eg, watch with a piano keyboard! They resembled a modern mobile phone with a cover. But this was in the early 80s, when we had not even dreamed of cellular communications! You could play any melody on the watch keyboard.

Do you remember, Dima, how in music school we wrote music dictation? - Nazariy turns to his brother. - It was a joke! The teacher played a note on the instrument, and we had to guess it. Of course, my brother and I used the clock: we pressed a key and checked the answer. The teacher, when she heard the sound of a note “out of nowhere,” was extremely surprised. After all, there was no other instrument in the class other than the one she had!

Oh, besides the watch, so many things were given! For example, when my father brought canned cola from America, our friends viewed it as an exhibit from the museum of the future. After all, we have never seen anything like this in stores! - says Dima.

And the toy crocodile that my father brought from America seemed like a real miracle,” recalls Nazariy. -- A small alligator made of a special synthetic substance in warm water suddenly began to grow before our eyes and soon took up half the bath! Such toys in those days were from the realm of fantasy I also remember a talking parrot, smuggled from Laos. True, he spoke Laotian.

“Recognizing the idol, the saleswomen, as if under hypnosis, laid out the best things from under the counters and gave them away without any money.”

And for you, Lena, what did your husband bring? - I turn to the brothers’ mother.

We often traveled abroad together, because we were not only spouses, but also colleagues,” says Elena. — I sang in the Smerichka ensemble, where we actually met. Nazariy was so kind that as soon as I noticed something in a window or on a mannequin, I immediately had it. And when he traveled alone, he brought clothes and shoes - and he always guessed both the size and style Sometimes these were the seventh shoes of the season. I said: “Nazariy, why?!” He just smiled: “Wear it, dear!” He dressed both the children and his friends Only, as a rule, he forgot about himself. I had to buy clothes for him in local stores

Didn't like being fashionable?

Nazarius had very good taste. Favorite color to wear is green. When I first saw him in a dark bottle-colored corduroy jacket, that’s probably when I fell in love. Green is the color of his eyes, the color of “gayu”, about which he sang so inspiredly

For artists of the level of Nazariy Yaremchuk, I heard there was special service in stores

No “specials”! For example, in order to buy furniture made in Chernivtsi by Trembita, we waited a year for our turn to come. I checked in at the salon almost every day. Nazariy was so modest that he would never have asked to sell us furniture out of turn. True, when we went to clothing stores, there was no need to ask anyone for anything. Recognizing the idol, the saleswomen, as if under hypnosis, laid out the best things from under the counters and gave them away without any money!

Were there things that were beyond the means of the People's Artist?

Well, for example, we bought a carpet on credit. Its cost was 500 rubles, and Nazariy’s salary at the peak of his popularity was 350. The fees for concerts were very small - 22 rubles.

In 1987, Nazariy Yaremchuk received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. Of course, he had a car. And in what year did he move to a foreign car?

He never had it! In 1982, we bought a Lada - the so-called “kopek”, light beige. Nazariy christened her “Girsky kin.” Then there was the “six”. The last car in 1996 - a turquoise Volga, and a used one. Nazariy brought it from Slovakia - these cars were exported there

The carpet, once purchased on credit, now lies on the floor in the living room.

Nazariy used to play there with the children and pretend to wrestle with them,” recalls Lena.

The embroidered towels, which he always admired so much, and the crystal vase - it was presented to Nazariy at the Bratislava Lyre competition in 1981 as an audience award, and the stole that covered the sofa, presented for the wedding of Lena and Nazariy by the singer’s older brother, remind his sons of his father. , living in Canada.

My father said that when he went on tour with the ensemble abroad, there were always three or four strangers in the group,” says Nazar Jr. - Apparently, from the security service. Their task was to ensure that none of the artists remained abroad. The special services were especially on alert when Nazariy Yaremchuk went to Canada

“When my father came to visit his friend in the intensive care unit, the patients jumped out of their beds, forgetting that they were almost dying”

Lena, why did you get divorced?

My interlocutor is silent for several minutes.

You know, I think it was ours big mistake, she says. - They did not give in to each other. But we just had to endure this crisis, survive it. A year later I got married, and a year later I gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav. And Nazariy got married two and a half years later - he kept waiting for me to return. Nazariy and I lived for 15 years. When we met, I was 18, he was 23. I will never forget the first bouquet of poppies that he gave me. He looked after me beautifully, unobtrusively

Lord, I can’t believe that Nazarius is no more! For several years now I have been haunted by the same dream: as if I was looking for him and could not find him. When Nazariy was dying, he called me in unconsciousness My sons told me about this; they lived with him in Chernivtsi when they studied at the music school there. If I knew, I would run to him barefoot across the glass

Tears appear in Lena's eyes. She can talk about the late Nazariy for days - about how he cut out a frame for her portrait from wood, and every evening she polished his shoes until they shined and straightened the laces on them About how she prepared it for him favorite dish- “lopotki with lard” (boiled green beans, fried with onions and lard and then stewed in sour cream), and he composed poems in her honor How Nazariy, knowing his wife’s passion for jewelry, brought kilograms of it from abroad, and she every morning for my husband - an avid football fan and the player, went to the kiosk to buy the Sports Newspaper, because he looked through every line of it

I confess to you, I have never met even half of a person like Nazariy in my entire life,” Elena says sadly. “With his death, something inside me seemed to break.” Sometimes it even seems to me that without Nazar I’m not me at all.

Now Lena is her sons' concert administrator. They continue their father’s work, perform songs, including from his repertoire: “Chervona Ruta”, “Stozhari”, “Motherland”, “Gai, Green Guy” Of course, in order to achieve their father’s glory, they still have a long way to go.

You know, my father was such a favorite of the public that when he once came to visit a friend in the intensive care unit, all the patients jumped out of their beds, forgetting that they were on the verge of life and death! - Nazariy Jr. smiles.

People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk has always been honored to host concerts. One day, singer Raisa Kirichenko approached five-year-old Dima and said: “Be proud! Your dad is closing the concert!” Dima looked at her with wide eyes and asked: “Where is daddy’s keys?”

Yes, these were special keys - to the hearts of people, to the hearts of art lovers. Picking them up is the destiny of the chosen ones

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