Ems delivery phone. Free hotline number of the Russian Post

Dear site visitors!

Please note that our company has nothing to do with EMS Russian Post. The mail tracking service is available on our website solely for your convenience. All questions about your postal items should be addressed to EMS Russian Post at tel. 8 800 200 50 55.

EMS tracking of postal items

Each postal item, during its registration for shipment, receives a unique identifier (code). It is also called a tracking code (from the English track - follow). EMS Russian Post works with two types of codes: a domestic 14-digit numeric code and an international 13-digit alphanumeric code.

14-digit domestic Russian postal item code

You can find it on the check that was given to you upon receipt of the postal item (letter, parcel post). Important! to track the postal item, the code must be entered without spaces and brackets (even if such are present in the receipt). For example, 11512780151384

13-digit international postal code

Such a code is assigned to either international shipments or domestic express shipments. The code consists of two uppercase Latin letters followed by 9 digits and closing two uppercase Latin letters. For example, YF123456789RU. Obra Note that spaces in the tracking code are also not allowed.

Where is the parcel?

The EMS Russian Post information system records the movements of all postal items. Thanks to this, as well as our EMS parcel tracking service, you can quickly find out the location of your parcel, rejoice at its delivery to the addressee, or sound the alarm in time and send an application to search for the postal item. In order to get information about the passage of your parcel, simply enter its code in the "Postal item code" field and click the "Search" button.

Total 8 , average score 1.0

Postal workers at 18 Vernadsky Prospekt open parcels from Europe, take what they like and put bricks for weight and send it back to Europe in 1.5 hours so as not to be responsible for their actions. Employees are not only THIVES, but also machinists at this post office. I ask you to prepare for the courts in Europe for fraudulent activities. All evidence is available that the theft of the contents occurred at 18 Vernadsky Prospekt. The parcel was taken by these workers upon arrival to get it hidden and was quickly sent to the airport. The Spanish postal account will be given to the Russian postal service in the theft of the parcel and contents.

is the review helpful? / +2

Russian Post on the street. Vernadsky apt. 18, workers open parcels from Europe with a large weight, take away the contents and put mail waste in the parcel and do not inform the recipient, change the data in the computer that the addressee has left and send back so that workers at this address are not suspected and responsibility for theft is removed other people's packages.

healthy? / +2

Natalia 1

Disgusting work. Couriers lie and do not deliver the package. I have been sitting at home since Sunday to get the parcel. All phones are answered by parrots with the same text. Accept complaints. And the parcel is still unknown where! They send an SMS with the text "An attempt was made to deliver the shipment" No courier, no call, no parcel! HORRIBLE work of the whole service! Shameless LIE!

healthy? / +3

Alexander 1

I am a disabled person of the 1st group, waiting for 2 parcels with medicines from Israel from 23-9-2017. They are located, as the operators answer me from September 23, 2017 at Vernadsky Avenue 18. And they offer to pick up the parcel myself, I tell them that I am disabled and cannot do it physically, so the sender from Israel paid a lot of money for delivery in order to I got them delivered to my home! I call them several times a day and ask them to arrange delivery, they allegedly do the registration, they take all the data from me and assure that the parcels will be delivered tomorrow, I call in the morning and ask what is happening with my parcels? They answer that your order was not transferred to the courier, I ask why? Template answer: we do not have such information! And it lasts from 24-9-2017 daily! To this day i.e. To 3-10-2017. I call several times a day, I ask, I beg you to bring me parcels, there are glasses, medicines that are very necessary for me! All to no avail! They offer to come by myself, for the hundredth time I say that I am disabled, they don’t give a damn about it! Operators offer to issue an "appeal" such as a claim, (complaints) they say they will call you back within 2 hours, I agree! And nothing has changed! No one calls and no parcels are delivered. All these tricks to excuse them! I read the reviews about this notorious EMS service Russian Post and I think that my package, like that of other citizens, has already been taken away by these Ghouls in their holes! Only they ran into the wrong people this time, my Israeli sender today 3-10-2017 sent them an appeal to the office, if the parcels were stolen and not delivered, he sues EMS and, as it should be with a good lawyer, I don’t scare, but not enough seem! Compensate for material damage and moral damage to the maximum! We have records of all telephone conversations with operators, as they promise with an oath that the parcels will be delivered to you tomorrow! I recorded all conversations and sent to the sender! I will not write, as in previous reviews, that the Russian Post EMS service is disgusting, I will say otherwise - it does not work at all, but only shames Russia in front of the whole West! I think it is necessary to create an alternative service in our great Russia in spite of this anomalous pathology - EMS Russian Post, which has millions of dollars in income from us and puts them in its pocket, doing nothing good and useful for us citizens of Russia, but only creates problems for us, and there are so many of them in our country! With this our EMS mail of Russia, I feel we will soon return to the last century and send parcels like old stuff! I.e. Approach train conductors or stewardesses, pay and send parcels with them! And what, but reliably and on time! It is unfortunate, but the service departments of the whole world are moving forward, improving the service, but we have the opposite! Services such as EMS should be driven with a filthy broom from the international market, they only work to enrich themselves and do nothing for us - for whom they should work and for those who feed them! Summary: These are Ghouls who drink our blood with you!

healthy? / +3

I was waiting for a parcel from America, I bought it on Ebay. 2 months have passed, there was still no parcel, I even had to open a case for a refund. It turned out that she has been in the EMC for a MONTH (!)! No calls from couriers or customer service - silence.

healthy? / +2

I'm shocked! I was waiting for a parcel with Yoox for a month and a half. On October 17, an SMS was received that the parcel was handed over to the courier and today, November 16, an SMS that the shipment was issued! For a return. I thought I'd call - I'll intercept, since it was only "registered", but it wasn't there! Everything is already gone! Here are nimble!)

healthy? / +2

The fast delivery service from "Russian Post" offered Muscovites a long-awaited service for forwarding postal items. The new service is called "EMS optimal". Postal workers guarantee the delivery of parcels and parcels in Moscow the next day after its registration for dispatch.

The recipient of the parcel can wait for the courier at home or pick up the parcel at the distribution center. If the shipment was issued before 8 pm, then you can receive the parcel from 8 am inclusive on the next business day.

The price of a parcel for an individual is 180 rubles, if the weight is up to 5 kg, then 40 rubles for each kg.

For corporate clients, the price of a parcel is 160 rubles per piece, and 35 rubles. for each next kg.

Courier delivery - 250 rubles. for individuals and 230 rubles. for corporate clients.

Centers for issuing and receiving parcels (TSVPP)

1) 127576
Address - st. Abramtsevskaya-3

2) 115487
Address - Andropov Ave.-38
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - st. Barbolina-4
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

4) 127220
Address - st. Bashilovskaya-1, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

5) 125284
Address - st. Running - 11
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

6) 127474
Address - b\r Beskudnikovsky-12
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

7) 115372
Address - st. Biryulevskaya-55, building 1, station 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - st. B. Ochakovskaya-17
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - st. B. Tulskaya - 2

10) 119619
Address - pr. Borovsky-14
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - sh. Borovskoye- 37, bldg. 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - st. Bratislavskaya-15, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

13) 117042
Address - st. Venevskaya-3
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

14) 119192
Address - st. Vinnytsia-1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

15) 117447
Address - st. Vinokurova-28, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - Vladimirskaya st. - 3
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Address - pr. Vostryakovsky-11, building 1, station 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

18) 117216
Address - st. Grina-5B
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

19) 127081
Address - Dezhnev-34 Ave., st.2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

20) 127473
Address - st. Delegatskaya-11
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

21) 119049
Address - st. Donskaya-3
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

22) 125475
Address - st. Zelenogradskaya-31, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

23) 109457
Address - st. Zelenodolskaya-24, bldg. 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

24) 117461
Address - st. Kakhovka-19, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

25) 117519
Address - st. Kirovogradskaya-17, bldg. 1B
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

26) 125130
Address - st. Clara Zetkin-31
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

27) 127543
Address - st. Korneichuk - 44
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

28) 125412
Address - sh. Korovinskoe-25/30
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

29) 111033
Address - sq. Krasnokazarmennaya - 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

30) 117628
Address - st. Kulikovskaya-1a
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

31) 115068
Address - st. Leninskaya Sloboda- 4
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

32) 119296
Address - pr-t Leninsky-64/2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

33) 127349
Address - st. Leskova-8
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

34) 115598
Address - st. Lipetskaya-50, station 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

35) 129347
Address - st. Losevskaya-22
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

36) 109147
Address - st. Marxist - 9
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 18

37) 123098
Address - st. Marshal Novikov - 5
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

38) 115304
Address - st. Medikov-20
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

39) 129110
Address - Mira Ave.-51, st.1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

40) 119285
Address - st. Mosfilmovskaya-34
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 8 to 20, Sun from 9 to 18

41) 127549
Address - st. Muranovskaya-3
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

42) 101000
Address - st. Myasnitskaya-26
Working hours - 24/7

43) 117186
Address - b\r Nagorny-10
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

44) 123592
Address - pr. Nemansky-9
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

45) 117418
Address - st. Novocheremushkinskaya-56, bldg. one
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

46) 109144
Address - b-r Novocherkassky-44
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

47) 109651
Address - b-r Novocherkassky-5, station 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

48) 117463
Address - st. Paustovsky-8, bldg. one
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

49) 109341
Address - st. Pererva-56/2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

50) 111141
Address - st. Perovskaya-33, bldg. one
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

51) 125124
Address - st. Raskovoy-14
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

52) 107258
Address - b-r Rokossovsky-33/12
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

53) 117535
Address - st. Rossoshanskaya-7, bldg. 1B
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

54) 109417
Address - pr. Ryazansky-82, building 5
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

55) 129323
Address - st. Sedova-7, bldg. one
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

56) 119136
Address - pr. Setunsky 3rd-16
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

57) 117452
Address - b-r Simferopolsky-22, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

58) 105484
Address - b\r Lilac-65, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

59) 117624
Address - st. Skobelevskaya-23
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

60) 119620
Address - pr. Solntsevsky-9
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

61) 115470
Address - st. Shipbuilding-13
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

62) 111673
Address - st. Suzdalskaya-16a
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

63) 127018
Address - st. Suschevsky Val- 23
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

64) 129345
Address - st. Taininskaya-24
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

65) 115432
Address - st. Trofimova-15
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

66) 119330
Address - University Avenue-21, building 1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

67) 107199
Address - st. Uralskaya-11
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

68) 121601
Address - b\r Filevsky-39
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

69) 117556
Address - st. Fruit-8, building 1, station 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

70) 107392
Address - st. Khalturinskaya-13
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

71) 117546
Address - st. Kharkovskaya - 8, building 2, art. 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

73) 117208
Address - st. Chertanovskaya - 9, building 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

74) 115419
Address - st. Shabolovka-69/32
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18, Sun from 9 to 14

75) 115569
Address - st. Shipilovskaya-13, bldg. 2
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

76) 127282
Address - st. Shirokaya-1, bldg. one
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

77) 109388
Address - st. Shosseinaya-35
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

78) 105523
Address - sh. Schelkovskoe- 84
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

79) 111531
Address - sh. Enthusiasts - 98G, Art.1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

80) 109390
Address - st. Young Lenintsev-3
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

81) 115583
Address - st. Ash-19 k1
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

82) 115597
Address - st. Ash-36
Working hours - weekdays from 8 to 20, Sat from 9 to 18

Overview of EMS Russian Post - express delivery of EMS Russian Post

General information about EMS Russian Post

EMS - Express Mail Service - is an international service, the main work of which is the transportation of postal correspondence. The work of the company claims to be of high quality, and the delivery of urgent mail, or express delivery, is timely. EMS Russian Post is a branch of the state postal operator - Russian Post, and is subordinate to it. Express delivery EMS in Russia goes to all regions, territories and republics of the country. The number of EMS post offices in Russia exceeds 42 thousand. To receive a shipment, it is enough to come to the EMS office or call a courier. EMS has its own branded packaging. If necessary, consults on customs. It is possible to provide such services: insurance and tracking of postal items, cash on delivery, delivery or sending a parcel outside business hours. Upon request, clients are provided with advice on the "Hot Line" of the company. Each client with questions or difficulties can count on an individual approach. It is important that EMS works with individuals and corporations.

Express Delivery EMS Russian Post

Geographically, EMS Russian Post operates throughout the country and draws up IGOs. An EMS customer can arrange their shipment at any EMS branch. If the client cannot issue at the office or does not want to, it is necessary to call an EMS courier. Fast delivery in a short time will bring the shipment into the hands of the addressee. Working principle of EMS express delivery within Russia:

  • To send from outside the EMS office, you must call a courier.

  • The sender is obliged to fill in all the accompanying documentation himself, except for the fields for official information, which are filled in by the courier or operator.

  • It is mandatory to inform the courier about what is the item being sent. The courier has the right to inspect the shipment to identify items prohibited from shipment.

  • The courier takes the shipment to the Sorting Center, where they will carry out all the procedures for registering the shipment and processing. After the completion of the operations, the shipment will be sent to the recipient.

  • Express delivery EMS works in such a way that the shipment is delivered "to the door" of the addressee.

  • If the shipment was not delivered: the courier is obliged to inform the addressee about the received shipment by available means (by phone, notification). If it was not possible to inform the addressee, the shipment will be stored at the EMS department. You can receive the shipment within 30 calendar days.

Working principle of express delivery from abroad:

  • All IGOs ​​EMS to the recipient country Russia are registered in Track&Trace EMS - a unified tracking system. According to the issued track code on the site, you can track the shipment.

  • Customs departure procedures are mandatory for all IGOs ​​to and from Russia.

  • Customs clearance of the postal item takes three business days, after which the item is transferred to the delivery service.

  • Delivery of the item to the addressee's door.

Restrictions for postal items within Russia:

  • The weight of postal items must not exceed 31.5 kg

  • In size - one of the sides of the departure should not exceed 1.50 m

  • Another calculation formula: parcel length + largest circumference (other than length) = amount, which should not exceed 3 m

Shipment insurance EMS Russian Post

EMS provides cargo insurance services against all possible risks of physical damage. You can carry out the shipment insurance procedure at any EMS Russian Post office and when transferring the shipment to the courier by filling out the required application form. When applying for insurance, the sender is obliged to present the object of insurance to the courier or operator at the EMS department. To apply for insurance, it is important to remember that the amount must correspond to the value of the investment:

  • The minimum amount of insurance is 3000 rubles.

  • The maximum insurance amount for correspondence is 20,000 rubles.

  • The maximum amount of insurance for other types of commodity investments is 300 thousand rubles.

  • The maximum insurance amount for precious metals is 1 million rubles.

If the insurance amount is 10 thousand rubles or more, the sender is obliged to confirm the value of the investment with documentation for this investment.

customs control

For residents of Moscow (private and legal entities), EMS Russian Post provides services for the issuance of IGOs ​​for customs clearance. List of EMS Russian Post services for individuals:

  • Checking the correctness of filling out the documents provided to the Customs Service for the passage of MPOO

  • Taking into account tariffs and limits, an approximate calculation of the cost of the final customs payment is made

  • Registration and verification of the declaration (exact indication of the name of the attachments being sent and their value in the language of the recipient country, English or French)

  • Client consultation

There are two options for passing customs control. The first - with a customs receipt order. The addressee pays EMS Russian Post the amount of customs duty. The amount will be transferred to the Customs Service. The second - with the customs notice. This means that the IGO will go through customs control.

Tariffs EMS Russian Post

What should be considered for calculating the cost of express delivery:

  • Distance covered by the departure

  • Tariff zone of the sender and recipient

  • Postage weight

  • Availability of additional services

For each of the points there is a surcharge to the amount payable. For hard-to-reach regions: an allowance of 110 rubles. (including VAT) for each kg of the weight of the shipment (weight rounded up). Shipments for which insurance is issued add 0.6% of the insurance amount to the delivery cost, VAT - 18%.

Forms of payment

You can pay for the services provided by EMS Russian Post:

  • Cash payment to the EMS courier or at the points of receipt of shipments.

  • By bank transfer. The client receives a current account, where he transfers the specified amount. The account belongs to EMS Russian Post, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post. It is also possible to pay by third parties for companies with which the contract is concluded.

  • Pay to the recipient. It is possible only if an agreement is concluded between the recipient and EMS Russian Post.

EMS Russian Post for individuals and corporate clients provides the following services:

  • Packing by EMS

  • Everything related to customs

  • Forwarding

  • Insurance

  • C.O.D

  • Delivery of online purchases

  • Payment of compensation

EMS Russian Post website

The official website of EMS Russian Post is www.emspost.ru. All useful information for EMS customers is collected here. On the main page of the site, you can calculate the cost and delivery time within and outside the country, track the EMS shipment using the existing track. On the site you can find out:

  • More about delivery regions in Russia: location of EMS offices and collection points, see the list of branches located in hard-to-reach regions.

  • Control dates for the passage of shipments within the country and abroad.

  • Learn more about EMS shipments from abroad.

  • Familiarize yourself with the tariffs for IGO express delivery, learn about tariffs in the international network zone, about restrictions on the territory of delivery.

  • Familiarize yourself with the types and cost of branded packaging.

  • Get acquainted with the detailed list of items and substances prohibited for shipment.

  • View a sample addendum.

The client can fill out a form to receive SMS notifications. There are two types of notifications: on the delivery of the item and on the receipt of the item at the address OPS. The cost of one notification is 1 ruble. Other useful information available for download:

  • Application form for shipping insurance.

  • Guide to tariffs, which describes: tariffs for the city, for the region, for Russia, for the countries of the world.

  • Bank details for payment.

  • Forwarding sheet.

Also on the site you can conclude an agreement between EMS Russian Post and legal entities.

Contacts EMS Russian Post To contact EMS Russian Post, use the feedback form on the main site. Unified reference service EMS Russian Post - 8 800 200 50 55 (toll-free within Russia) For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is possible to contact customer offices

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