Mario Casas marital status. Mario Casas: personal life, wife, children, family

Actor Mario Casas, who starred in both parts of the film "Three meters above the sky", continues to respond only with silence on the topic of the novel between him and his co-star Maria Valverde. The girl herself recently told reporters that the spark between her and Mario Casas always slips only on the set, but do not confuse cinema and reality. The girl said that there was never a romance between her and Mario.

Mario Casas and Maria Valverde

But where then so many pictures, photos, where Mario Casas and Maria Valverde hugging? The actor himself is a Spaniard, but he was born in the north-west of this country, where a soft and calm, slightly phlegmatic people live. The cult of the family is especially developed here, and Mario Casas demonstrates this in every possible way. He loves his parents, brothers and sister very much. All the tattoos on his body are letters, capital names of the names of his native people. In addition, having got himself into the world of cinema, the actor dragged his sister and brothers along with him. The brothers are now acting in films and TV shows, have at least 9 roles, and the sister has taken a place on television.
Mother Mario Casas always told her son that it was customary for them to tie themselves in serious bonds only once in a lifetime. Therefore, the actor, at the age of 26, has not yet had any serious relationships, only short-lived light novels and hobbies. Every time he starts dating a girl, time passes, and Mario says - what did I find in her at all? Colleagues in the "workshop" tirelessly repeat that Mario Casas is still a ladies' man, but he himself will never admit it.

Marie Casas and Clara Lago

After the presentation of the film "Three meters above the sky: I want you" Mario Casas and main character film Clara Lago tried to keep apart, drove away in different cars, but around the corner both stopped, moved the taxi and drove off in an unknown direction. The young man himself, as always, denies everything. No one knows if there was an affair between him and Maria Valverde, the actors hide their personal lives too much from everyone.
However, one thing is clear: the girls are crazy about this handsome Spaniard. Surprisingly, sometime in 2006 he was noticed by the main sex symbol - Antonio Banderas, who was looking for a man on leading role in his own film "Summer Rain". They became Mario Casas. His magnificent press is mesmerizing, and despite the fact that the guy is lazy by nature and absolutely does not go to the gym. He is proud of his body, but does nothing to maintain such a magnificent figure. Once Mario Casas even arrived at a press conference with a naked torso to show it to everyone.

The Spanish actor, who broke the hearts of girls with his role in the film "Three meters above the sky", is back on the screen. On April 7, the film "Palms in the Snow" was released in the cinema, where its hero Killian again suffers because of love. AT exclusive interview Woman's Day Mario talks about the challenges of filming, his new girlfriend and when last time fought over a woman.

What hooked you on the plot of the film "Palm Trees in the Snow"?

I first read Luz Gaba's novel of the same name while it was being prepared for the film adaptation. And I found that I really want to play this role, primarily because life path my character, which includes a segment from 18 to 38 years.

The film has stunning landscapes - what do you remember about the filming locations?

It was cool in Colombia, where we filmed, to fly in an 8-seat sports plane that looked like it was about to fall! Virgin beaches where you can meet real tribes, selva, where there are snakes, lizards, tarantulas, waterfalls. The opportunity to travel like this, to know the world, to go into the jungle - is priceless!

Which scene do you remember as the most difficult?

The scene where I beat a plantation worker with a whip.

Mario Casas and Berta Vasquez in Palm Trees in the Snow

You starred in the film with your girlfriend, actress Berta Vazquez. Is working with a loved one easier or, on the contrary, more difficult?

The film “Three meters above the sky” brought you world fame, in Russia it is also very popular. With what emotions do you remember shooting now, do you love your hero?

Of course I love him. It was an incredible experience. The most important thing for me was Fernando Gonzalez Molina, who saw the potential in me and invited me to star first in his “Brain Drain”, and then in “Three meters above the sky” and “Three meters above the sky: I want you”. Ultimately, we developed a sincere friendship with the entire team. After all, it was not like usual - three, four, five months of filming and that's it. Not! First one year, then the next year we gathered again, already matured, having experienced a lot of things.

What moments in your life would you describe as “three meters above the sky”?

I looked like Ache. At the age of 16-18, the same rebelliousness lived in me. Now I also love motorcycles, cars, drive, but I no longer ride without a helmet. I also loved and was disappointed in love. One day something happens, everything collapses, and after a few years you suddenly see that you both have matured, become wiser, received new experience. People often let the insecurities and fear that their first love left in their hearts affect their next relationship. So yes, I experienced a lot of what you see in the Three Meters duology.

Photo: frame from the film "Three meters above the sky"

You are a recognized sex symbol, you have many fans around the world. How has popularity changed your life?

Sometimes you want to go to the beach with friends, live as you used to live - and you can't. I have to change some habits - if before I went to the cinema at six in the evening, ate a hamburger and went to have fun, now there can be shootings, interviews and so on. But in the end, you adapt.

In Russia we say: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." Are your friends mostly from the acting world? What qualities are important to you in people?

In people I appreciate simplicity and respect. I have few friends, and even fewer from the acting world. My real friends are from Barcelona, ​​I've known them since I was 5-6 years old. When they see me on the cover of some magazine without a T-shirt, they send me a photo on my mobile with emoticons. This helps keep your head from spinning with success.

We looked at your Instagram - and you are there with a beard! Is this an image for a new role? How do you feel in such an image?

Alex de la Iglesia made me grow my beard, because on February 8th, the shooting of the new film "The Bar" began, in which I play a hipster. I am executive. They tell me to let go of the beard, I let go. I'm neither better nor worse with her.

This is what the actor looks like now

What does your ideal free day look like?

My free day is to get up, work out, ride a bike or roller-skate. Something to teach by tomorrow's working day, to be with friends and family ... Like any person. I also like to play football, tennis...

Mario Casas is one of the most famous Spanish actors. After the release of the film "Three meters above the sky", a beefy macho man with a languid look is known all over the world. Mario is a recognized sex symbol of Spain, and his personal life is the subject of constant discussion in the media. With almost every partner on the set, the actor had an affair or light flirting. The current girl of the burning brunette was no exception. Casas also met her while working on a new project and fell in love from the first romantic scene.

Army of Brides by Mario Casas

The Spanish actor made his first steps in cinema back in 2005. young talent directors immediately noticed. Mario with enviable constancy began to appear in TV shows and films. Naturally, his popularity among the fair sex also grew. As the actor himself repeatedly admitted, he never had a release from the girls. By virtue of his character, he led a very wild life, not burdening himself with lengthy novels.

Amaya Salamanca

The first more or less serious hobby of Casas was his colleague in the TV series "Dream Without Fear" Amaya Salamanca. The couple appeared several times in nightclubs and at official ceremonies. The press immediately started talking about the love of young actors. Neither Mario nor Amaya have confirmed this information. Short novel former colleagues on the set remains in question. Celebrities did not comment on their relationship, but spent a lot of time together

Blanca Suarez

The next alleged girl of the sultry handsome man was his partner in the TV series "The Ark" Blanca Suarez. The actors knew each other before filming. television project: They crossed paths while working on Neon Flesh and Brain Drain. Rumors about a celebrity romance began to appear precisely after their participation in the series. The tabloids even spread the information that Casas agreed to this project only because of his partner. Mario and Blanca played a couple in love in the TV series The Ark for three years.

On-screen love and incredible chemistry between the main characters could easily "leak" outside the set. Actors were often invited to shoot together in famous glossies, they attended premieres together and official events. But Mario and Blanca denied the rumors about their romance and stated that they were just friends.

Clara Lago

After the release of the second part of the melodrama "Three meters above the sky", fans of the dilogy began to actively wonder if Mario, according to tradition, had an affair with the pretty actress Clara Lago. This time the actor and his screen love tied only the film and its promotion. Celebrities appeared together several times at the premieres of the picture, but their relationship did not cross the line of workers. In addition, during this period, the handsome Spanish man was already flirting with Maria Valverde.
Shot from the film "Three meters above the sky: I want you"

However, Cuore magazine published photos of Mario and Clara kissing passionately in a bar in Madrid. This photo was taken in March 2011, even before the filming of the second part of "Three meters ...". It turned out that the celebrities are old acquaintances, they had already worked together in the TV series Paco and His People, and the compromising photo was taken after the Silver Frame ceremony. According to Mario's sister, who is his official representative, Casas and Lago have nothing in common, except for four kisses.

"Three meters above the sky" with Maria Valverde

The first serious relationship of the Spanish handsome man was his romance with his colleague in the film "Three meters above the sky" Maria Valverde. Screen passions so captured the actors that a feeling arose between them and in real life. Mario and Maria initially hid their relationship from the press. The initiator of this behavior with the media was Ms. Valverde. In search of another love story, the paparazzi opened the hunting season for alleged lovers. As a result, it turned out that between the actors really broke out strong feeling and they even settled under the same roof.

Roman Casas and Valverde lasted four years. The media and fans predicted a wedding for the couple. There was information in the press that the actors got engaged and Maria was expecting a baby.

Mario and Maria wore the same rings as a sign of love and got the same tattoos.

Walking in Madrid, 2012

Despite the strong attraction and harmony in the relationship, the couple broke up. According to one version, the actors broke up by mutual agreement, according to another, Mario fell in love with new colleague on set, Berta Vasquez. About what actually happened, "history is silent." It is authentically known that Casas and Valverde do not maintain a relationship, although the actors declared great respect for each other.

Mysterious Berta

Before the filming of Fernando Gonzalez Molina's film "Palms in the Snow", few people heard about Berta Vazquez. Even now, little is known about the young actress and part-time girl Mario Casas.

The exotic Vasquez was born in Kyiv. Berta's mother is Ukrainian, and her father is Ethiopian, his girlfriend has never seen him. From the age of three, she lived with a foster family in Spain. Before the casting of the melodrama Palm Trees in the Snow, Vasquez was engaged in dancing and wanted to succeed in the singing field. Berta tried to participate in the Spanish version of the Voice show. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the girl was not selected for the competition, and she decided to try herself as an actress. Berta was engaged in dancing and singing

The first more or less large and even successful project of the mulatto was the series "Vis a vis" in 2015, which already has two seasons. Vasquez also had the experience of filming in the short film "L'Agent", directed by Penelope Cruz.

Casas and exotic Vasquez

Each new love of the Spanish heartthrob was covered in the press, but the relationship between Mario and Berta caused a real information boom in the Spanish media and a flurry of emotions among the actor's fans. The thing is that Casas had an affair with his on-screen lover immediately after breaking up with Maria Valverde. The actors met on the set of the film "Palm Trees in the Snow"

The actors tried not to comment on their relationship. Apparently, the split between the Spanish sex symbol and his ex-fiancee was "painful" as none of the celebrities told the media about their "free" status. So when Mario started paying attention to Berta in September 2014, fans of the Valverde-Casas couple were shocked. Rumors immediately spread in the press that the amorous actor had exchanged the sophisticated Maria for the sexy Bertha.

Only after some time, the actor's sister Sheila gave an interview in which she said that Casas and Valverde broke up in the spring of 2014. Whatever it was, new novel most desired actor Spanish cinema and the unknown Berta Vazquez became main theme secular chronicles. Mario ignored all the questions of journalists, fortunately, at that moment he was busy filming.

At Madrid Casas Airport and its new girl greeted by a crowd of photographers. The actors stepped on native land together, but kept cold.

Be that as it may, the young people were not going to hide their romance, after a while kissing Mario and Berta were caught in the lenses of the paparazzi. It became clear to the fans of the actor that the final point was put in relations with Maria, and Berta is the new passion of the Spanish heartthrob.

Ideal relationship

After some time, the hype in the local media subsided, and Casas, along with a new passion, was able to calmly walk in his native Madrid. An interesting fact is that Mario never commented on the new novel. The couple in love appeared together in bars and restaurants, but ignored official events.

Only a year later, Berta and Mario began to attend premieres and festivals together. On the eve of the presentation of the film "Palm Trees in the Snow", which became fateful for the couple, the actors actively filmed for fashion glossies and even gave joint interviews. Journalists "tactfully avoided" questions about his personal life, being wary of the violent reaction of the handsome Spanish man.
At the premiere of "Palm Trees in the Snow"

The girlfriend of the favorite of girls from all over the world, one of the most famous modern - Mario Casas, dark-skinned beauty Berta Vasquez comes from the Ukrainian capital. She is half Ethiopian, half Ukrainian. As a result of such a mixture of blood, an exotic mulatto of incredible beauty was born. Of course, she was able to fall in love with such a handsome man as Mario.

Mysterious Berta

She is only twenty-five years old. She became popular after the release of Fernando Molina Gonzalez's film Palms in the Snow. Before that, few had heard of her. The film also brought Bertha Vazquez quite a wide popularity, especially among young people. And even more fame was added to her by the fact that she began to meet with the favorite of millions, the handsome Casas. Nevertheless, she belongs to the category of girls who do not like to talk about their past, and even more so advertise their relationship with a young man.


Berta Vasquez, whose photo is published in the article, was born, as already noted, in the city of Kyiv in the spring of 1992. She is Ukrainian by mother and Ethiopian by father. At birth, the girl was given the name Birtukan Tibebe. She never saw her father, she said. When the girl was only 3 years old, for completely unknown reasons (the girl says that she doesn’t remember anything at all about this time of her life), she was adopted and, together with her foster family, went to live in Spain, in the city of Elche. Berta always knew that she was “adopted”, but her new parents treated her more than warmly, they were engaged in her education and spiritual development. Ever since infancy, Berta Vasquez was attracted to art: music, vocals, dancing. She sang and danced beautifully.

Creativity in the life of Berta Vasquez

Since childhood, she had a great ear for music, as well as the taste, thanks to which she always chose and listened, and then tried to perform beautiful works from both modern and classical repertoire. When Berta grew up, many told her that she had a sexy voice and a velvety timbre. She was also seriously fond of dancing, she was very plastic and flexible, she felt the rhythm perfectly. The girl even tried to participate in the Spanish version of the Voice project. However, none of the jury members turned to her during the blind auditions, and she was left out of the competition. Then she decided to try herself as an actress, and, as you can see, she did it much better.

Berta Vasquez: filmography

After she received acting education, the girl began to audition for participation in various films and TV shows. At first, she received only episodic roles, which she did well. And in 2015, she got her first significant role in the TV series Vis a Vis (“Visavia”), she starred in its two seasons. Finally, the girl was able to prove herself, demonstrate her acting talent to the public, and, of course, fully show the benefits of her magnificent appearance. Vasquez also starred in the short film L'Agent. By the way, the inimitable actress of Spanish origin Penelope Cruz herself acted as the director of this picture. The actress also starred in the films En tu cabeza, Las pequeñas cosas, but for her, the runway, a kind of springboard to the world of fame and success, was the work in the film "Palms in the Snow". Finally she got one of the main roles!

In the film, she performed superbly as a married African-American woman who was prevented by the war from flying with her husband to his homeland. So she remains alone with the children and hopes to see her husband again. And he, although with all his heart devoted to her and the children, after a while turns on new family, but continues to help his African American. So, in the film, the heroes of Mario Casas and Berta Vasquez got married, and then parted forever, continuing to love each other at a distance. This picture turned out to be successful for Berta not only in terms of creative career. It was here that she met her current lover, even if he is in no hurry to legitimize their relationship.

Love story

Mario is the favorite of many girls not only in Spain, but all over the world. Naturally, he has no shortage of girls. From time to time he has new passion, and this, of course, is written in the press. After Berta Vazquez and Mario Casas began to meet, all the local media began to post her photos (if possible with him), as well as publish her biography, Interesting Facts both about the girl herself and about the star couple. Before meeting Berta, the actor meets his partner Maria Valverde. And suddenly, his new partner in the film “Palm Trees in the Snow” appears on the horizon in the person of Berta Vasquez. Mario Casas, as he himself later admitted, at first did not pay attention to her. Perhaps his heart was still occupied by a previous girlfriend, but then, when they had to play in romantic scenes, a spark flared up in reality. However, according to the testimony of people close to Casas, he was very worried about the break with Valverde. Therefore, his relationship with Bertha at first was rather restrained and developed slowly. The Valverde-Casas couple had an army of thousands of fans, and, naturally, they did not want to see them apart.


Both Mario and Berta, after they began dating, tried not to advertise their relationship, although, as you know, the paparazzi strove to get at least some intimate information about them, take pictures of the couple in moments of tenderness, etc. The actors also did not want to comment on their relationship. And then gossip lovers began to say that perhaps this was not serious, and Mario met with Berta in order to annoy Valverde. Maybe they will reunite. And suddenly, an interview appeared in the press with the sister of the sex symbol of Spain, Sheila, in which she said that her brother broke up with his girlfriend in the spring of 2014. With Berta, they began to meet only in September. This meant that the beautiful mulatto had nothing to do with their parting. Gradually, the public began to get used to the idea that the most sexy actor Spain has a new girlfriend. They took a closer look at the beauty Bertha and found her very pretty. Still would! The mixing of Ethiopian and Ukrainian blood had a very interesting result. The girl is actually very attractive and sexy.

Sweet couple

One day, the paparazzi heard a rumor that the couple was returning to Spain together. Journalists and photographers were waiting for young people at the airport. The couple no longer hid their relationship, but tried to stay rather cold, without any demonstrative tenderness. Shortly after that, a trickster was able to catch a frame where the lovers kiss. After that, it became clear to everyone that a return to Valverde was no longer planned, and that the couple was more than serious. Soon the hype around Casas and Berta Vazquez subsided. Photo of Mario with his new girlfriend no longer caused discontent among the fans, on the contrary, those who once supported him previous novel, today already rejoiced romantic relationship mulatto beauties and a sexy Spaniard. At first time " life together” they spent their leisure time together, but did not appear on official receptions. However, a year later they began to go to receptions and presentations together. And now, finally, the time has come for the premiere of the painting “Palms in the Snow”, exactly the one that united them. At the event, everyone already knew that the main characters-spouses in the film are a couple in real life. They gave joint interviews to several publications, although they set a condition for journalists not to ask questions about their personal lives.

First revelations

In the spring of 2016, a year and a half after the beginning of their romance, Mario Casas himself told one of the prestigious Spanish publications about his relationship with his girlfriend. It was in this interview that he told about exactly when he fell in love with Berta. He also admitted that he does not yet think of legitimizing relations with her, although he considers their connection to be very strong. Young people are actually very passionate about each other. Berta is ready to follow Mario anywhere in the world. They live together in the capital of Spain, Madrid, walk together, relax, travel. However, no one dares to make predictions about how long this relationship will last and whether it will lead the young to the altar.

Mario Casas Sierra is a Spanish television and film actor who has recently become popular outside his country, thanks to fruitful cooperation with foreign filmmakers. However, in Spain, a young man has been the idol of many girls for quite a long time.

Mario's career began with commercials, after which he established himself in his desire to connect his life with cinema. In many ways, the actor has become a sought-after actor due to his attractive appearance, handsome physique, art education and talent for one hundred percent "get used" to the role, "feel" your character.

When the girls different ages and nationalities are first seen on the screens of such a handsome young man, the first thing they do is begin to find out height, weight, age, how old is Mario Casas. The Spanish actor will turn 32 this year. Mario is a rather tall guy - 1 meter 80 centimeters and weighs 80 kilograms.

Men envy his physique, boys try to imitate the actor, and girls dream of a romantic dinner with such a handsome man.

Keeping yourself in great shape helps active life position film actor and a serious passion for football in childhood. Who knows, if his parents hadn't had to move, maybe there wouldn't be popular actor Mario, but would be a successful footballer. Mario Casas photos in his youth and now give us the opportunity to observe how a young man becomes more and more courageous as he grows up.

Biography and personal life of Mario Casas

Biography and personal life of Mario Casas - began in Spain, in the city of La Coruna, where in 1986 the future actor was born. From childhood, the boy showed great promise as a football player, he worked at the Deportivo club, which is known throughout the country. However, at the age of eight, he and his family were forced to move to live in Barcelona, ​​it was not possible to continue training.

Parents had nothing to do with television, his father, Ramon Casas, worked at a construction site, and his mother, Heidi Casas, was a housewife. Mario's mother couldn't work also because she raised three of his brothers: Oscar, Christian and Daniel, and sister Sheila.

After big football did not work out, the teenager dreamed of becoming a policeman or a fireman. At the age of sixteen, Mario starred in commercials. After filming, the young man realizes that it is easy for him to work on camera, he is good at it. When it's time to decide on the future craft, Casas, without thinking twice, goes to Madrid to study acting.

Filmography: films starring Mario Casas

Filmography young actor begins with participation in series that were broadcast only in Spain. However, his wonderful game is slowly beginning to be noticed and in 2006, thanks to the director Banderos and his film “Summer Rain”, in which the Spanish film actor starred, Mario was also known abroad. A year later, he was invited to star in the comedy series "Paco and his people", which appeared on television for about five years.

The real popularity and celebrity, Mario brings the film "Three meters above the sky", where he played the main male role. We can safely say that after this film, the actor gained worldwide fame and, as a result, an army of fans around the world. This was followed by two roles in the comedies Sex, Parties and Lies and Brain Drain. All directors note Mario's ability to feel his character to the last. But the film "Neon Flesh" received ambivalent reviews from critics: some argued that the picture was a complete bad taste, while others - that it was a breakthrough in the global film industry.

Among latest paintings we can distinguish "The Invisible Guest" and "Wild Story"

Mario Casas, after he became famous, participated in various nominations more than once and was awarded many prizes.

Family and children of Mario Casas

The young actor always puts home, his family and friends in the first place. Now the family and children of Mario Casas are his parents and younger brothers and sister. Himself younger brother It is too early for Daniel to think about a profession - he is too small. Two other brothers, Oscar and Christian, want to follow in the footsteps of their older brother - to become actors and are making good progress in this direction, and sister Sheila decided to devote herself to jurisprudence, becoming a lawyer.

Mario decided to decorate his already perfect body with tattoos. He made not just some beautiful hieroglyphs on different parts bodies - he inscribed the names of his loved ones.

The actor on camera has repeatedly admitted that he is ready and wants to finally meet the girl with whom he will create happy family. They will have three children to begin with, and she will also understand and accept all the traditions of his hometown Galicia.

Mario Casas wife

The wife of Mario Casas - will have to accept all the customs and rituals that she honors and strictly observes famous actor- such a condition he himself repeatedly told reporters in an interview. So those girls who are well acquainted with all the traditions of Mario's hometown have real chance become his wife. In the meantime, he is single and photographs appear in the press every now and then, where he is often with different companions. Basically, his girlfriends become partners in films. At the beginning of his career, Mario had an affair with Amaya Salamanca, although the couple broke up a few months later. After some time, they talked about his relationship with Blanca Suarez, although young people denied these data.

The actor began a long-term relationship with Maria Valverde: they were seen everywhere together, they passionately talked about their love for each other. No wonder that after all these confessions, in yellow press headlines appeared: "Mario Casas and Maria Valverde - wedding, photo 2016." However, the actor and actress did not react to this in any way. After some time, young people decided to live together. Then rumors spread that, most likely, they were expecting a baby. Unfortunately, all this turned out to be untrue, soon celebrity couple dispersed. With whom the idol of many girls is now is not known for certain.

Mario Casas latest news

Mario Casas - last news only delight numerous fans of the Spanish actor. In 2016, the film "The Invisible Guest" was released. At this time, the actor had an affair with Berta Vasquez - their acquaintance again happened on film set, but at the end of work on their joint film, the couple broke up. And in 2017, the Spanish celebrity tried his talent as a director - he worked on the film "33".

The actor of Spanish origin is not only closely engaged in filming in films, but also participates in public life– he actively helps the foundation for the fight against children with leukemia, the founder of which is Opera singer José Carreras.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mario Casas

Instagram and Wikipedia Mario Casas are not his only pages on the Internet. The actor is also registered on Twitter and Facebook. However, there is a slight catch for some Mario fans: since his native language Spanish, respectively, all publications in Spanish. So if you really want to know what a young man writes about and shares with his subscribers, you will either have to learn the language or use the services of an online translator.

Now Mario Casas is completely immersed in work, his life practically takes place on the set. However, Mario finds time to study of English language, because he believes that in the future it will help him move even further along the career ladder, reach a new level.

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