Etiquette and rules of official receptions. About etiquette at official events (business etiquette)

Etiquette is the established procedure for the behavior of a business person among the clients around him. Business etiquette is an established procedure for business communication, based on the principles and norms of business ethics, which includes a number of rules that form the basis of etiquette adopted for civilized businessmen. Invitations to official events are handed out or sent out 10-12 days in advance. Sometimes a phone number is indicated for answering and the deadline by which the inviting party asks to inform about your decision.

You must arrive at the official appointment at the specified time. Being late is a gross violation of etiquette. When going to an official event, the invitees should pay attention to their appearance.

As a token of gratitude for the invitation, it is considered necessary to bring a gift. The type of gift, its price depends on the type of event being held and the attitude of those invited to the host of the event.

You should be ready to speak, so you need to think over its text in advance.

Guests should be seated in strict accordance with generally accepted standards. It is necessary to observe the recognition of official and social status of guests, honorary titles, age. Violation of this rule can be regarded as a deliberate infliction of moral damage to both the guest personally and his company, representative office or the country he represents. When seating, the languages ​​spoken by those present should be taken into account. Cover cards with the names of the guests are placed near the instruments.

The concept of etiquette includes the rules of greeting, acquaintance, farewell.

Acquaintance is a relationship between people who know each other. It is based on the interest that people show to each other. Dating rules:

The younger is introduced to the elder, the man to the woman, the subordinate to the boss, his colleague to the visitor or client. A new employee is introduced to colleagues by the manager or an employee already familiar with him. When introducing boys and girls, they are called by name. Family members who have the same last name as the person they meet are introduced by name and patronymic and specify who they are to him. when meeting, you should look into each other's eyes, while smiling. those who have just arrived at the reception are not introduced to the persons who are leaving it. if there is a need to be introduced, and there is no one around, then you should give a hand and clearly identify yourself. In society, the mistress (owner) of the house or the organizer introduces people to each other.

Greeting rules. entering the room, the person who enters greets all strangers with a tilt of his head and shakes hands with those with whom he is already familiar. greetings on the street consist of a slight bow without exclamations. sitting at a table in a cafe, restaurant, they greet acquaintances only with a nod of the head. A man, bowing to a woman, rises from his chair. He gets up when a woman approaches him. a man greets a woman, a younger one greets an older one, a younger woman greets an older one, and a man who is much older than her, the younger one greets the older one. at the moment of greeting, there should not be a cigarette, chewing gum in the mouth and you should not keep your hand in your pocket. it is always recommended for men to greet by shaking hands, for women - by mutual agreement. The initiator of the handshake should almost always be a woman, but her hand is never kissed in the street as a sign of greeting. They only do it indoors. It is customary to kiss the hand only of a married woman.

When parting, it is customary to express satisfaction with the meeting. Leaving for a short time to pay attention, you need to say: "We'll see you again." In a situation of farewell, apologies for the time taken are appropriate, it is necessary to thank the interlocutor for the attention and courtesy shown.

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  8. The choice of types of repair measures according to the technical condition and the frequency of work performed.

1. Official receptions: organization, holding, rules of conduct.

2. Types of informal receptions: types and etiquette features.

3. Etiquette of table communication: restaurant.

In recent years, international relations have been actively expanding along the lines of economic, commercial, and cultural relations. This implies the observance in the process of communication of certain traditions and conventions, rules and norms adopted throughout the civilized world. The current level of international communication involves the participation in official events not only of diplomats and politicians, but also of business people and specialists. Meetings with foreign business partners and presentations held within the country with domestic partners, and just chatting with friends at a party or in a restaurant, should also be held at a fairly high level, in compliance with international rules of etiquette. All this requires knowledge of the specific norms and rules specific to the etiquette of official and informal events.

The main types of receptions, both official and informal, are: breakfast, lunch, buffet lunch, dinner. Receptions such as a buffet table, a cocktail, as well as small receptions - a coffee or tea table. Receptions are divided into daytime and evening receptions, as well as receptions with seating at the table and without it.

Daily meals are considered a glass of wine with cheese or breakfast. All the rest are evening. According to international practice, the most honorable types of receptions are breakfast and lunch. Receptions such as brunch, dinner after the theatre, picnic, fondue, barbecue, beer table, etc., in terms of their organization methods, are a combination of the main types of receptions.

Over time, it turned out that official receptions began to play an important role in the development of business contacts and friendships, and the main thing at the reception was not food and tasting drinks, but expanding contacts and obtaining the necessary information in an informal setting. In conversations at receptions, there is a mutual exchange of views, and the usefulness of this exchange depends on the experience and diplomatic skills of each of the interlocutors. In most cases, visiting receptions is a continuation of official activities. Many years of international practice have established the types of both business and secular receptions, methods of their preparation, special rules of etiquette that should be followed by their participants.

Business receptions are arranged on the occasion of national holidays, anniversaries of events, in honor of a foreign delegation staying in the country, at the opening of a representative office of a company, presentation of goods, as well as in the order of daily work. The more crowded the reception is, the earlier guests should be invited (approximately 7-10 days in advance).

An invitation to a reception in Western countries is issued in a special way. If the official invitation says "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, I have the honor ...", then you need to answer like this, "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith." When the letter contains the names of two or more organizers of the reception, the answer is addressed to the one in whose house the event will take place. When composing an answer, you should repeat all the names indicated in the invitation. If guests are invited to an official reception with their spouses, and one of the spouses cannot come to the reception, then the consent of one family member and the refusal of the other are given in one letter. The form of consent or refusal of the invitation depends on the type of the invitation itself.

Formal invitations are answered with a letter or postcard, especially invitations for breakfast or lunch. But if a phone number is indicated on the invitation, then it is permissible to give a preliminary answer by phone.

If you refused the received invitation for a good reason, and circumstances have changed for the better, and you can come to the reception, then you should do so. If you have been invited to a seated reception - breakfast, lunch, dinner - and at least 10 days before the start of the appointment, then you can call the reception organizers and explain the situation. If there are extra seats at the table, then the issue can be resolved positively. With regard to receptions that take place without seating at the table - a cocktail, a buffet table - where the number of guests is not limited by the possibilities of the table, the problem of one more guest is solved quite simply.

If you accepted an invitation and then for some reason decided to refuse it, then only illness, misfortune with a family member, or sudden and inevitable departure can excuse you. In any case, you should immediately inform the organizers of the reception about your intentions.

Having refused an invitation under one of the above pretexts, you should no longer accept another invitation that is more interesting for you, since there is always a chance of meeting acquaintances at another appointment who are sure that you are sick or away. If you don't want to go to a particular reception, then the phrase "unfortunately we'll be busy on the thirtieth" gives you the option to accept another offer.

It is considered normal to stay at the reception up to 1.5 hours. Coming to the reception at the beginning and leaving it at the end is considered to be an expression of special respect for its organizers. Late arrivals and early departures (without a valid reason) are seen as a guest's desire to emphasize a strained relationship with the hosts of the evening.

If the reception is businesslike, then the arrival of employees of firms, representative offices, etc. later than their management is considered a gross violation of etiquette. If you are late, and the hosts of the reception are not where they should meet the guests, then it is advisable to find them and say hello. In cases where an official reception is arranged with seating at the table, it should be noted that the time allotted for gathering guests is approximately 30-35 minutes. (at this time cocktails are served), after which the hosts and guests sit down at the table.

International practice identifies three types of receptions that are held with seating at the table: breakfast, lunch, dinner. At these receptions, guests are seated at the table according to their social status or diplomatic rank.

Places at the table are divided into more honorable and less honorable. The most honorable place at a male reception is to the right of the owner, and at a mixed reception, when both men and women are present, it is to the right of the mistress of the house. Next are the places to the left of the hostess and the owner. As you move away from the hostess and the owner, the places become less honorable. The main rule of seating: the most honored guests sit in the most honorable places. When seating at the table, there are also a number of rules:

Men are seated to the right and left of the hostess, the ladies surround the host, then the places alternate: men are seated next to the women, and vice versa;

A woman is not seated with a woman on the ends of the table if a man is not sitting there;

The husband is never seated next to his wife;

Two foreigners from the same country also do not sit together;

If the reception is businesslike, then the last places at the table are occupied by employees of the company - the organizer of the reception, but not women.

So that guests can easily find their places at the table, in the living room at the entrance to the dining room a table map is displayed or hung out, which indicates the place of each guest. In addition, on the table at each device, usually on the tallest glass or next to the device, a card with the name of the guest is placed. Sometimes a card with a table diagram is included in the official invitation.

Cards are placed on the table with the names of the invitees. When there are no such cards, the hostess goes to the table first and seats everyone else. Women sit down as soon as they find their place, despite the fact that the hostess can stand until all the ladies are seated.

Men move a chair to the women who take a seat to their right, helping the ladies to sit down at the table, while they themselves continue to stand until the hostess of the reception sits in her place. Although the guest of honor escorts the hostess of the house, at the table he usually looks after the neighbor on the right, and the neighbor on the left helps the hostess.

The ceremonial reception requires full dress uniform. In this case, on invitations (in the lower left corner) they usually write: white tie (white tie, which means tailcoat) or blask tie (black tie - tuxedo); Evening dress (evening dress, i.e. the same tailcoat), moreover, if the form of clothing is indicated, the fulfillment of this condition is mandatory.

Ladies in such cases should be in evening dresses, dresses made of silk, velvet, brocade and other exquisite fabrics, on their feet - elegant evening shoes, often gold or silver, an elegant handbag, expensive jewelry. Ladies' toilets should be elegant, but not pretentious - the ability to combine elegance with simplicity is most appreciated. It is better if the outfit is strictly cut, soft colors.

Whether you are holding a reception in a restaurant, a club or at home, whether you have gathered a hundred people or just six, the indispensable conditions for holding a reception are the same:

The invitees must be people close in spirit and social status;

The menu should be thought out in advance so that the dishes served on the table will please your guests, and the dishes should be chosen such that you can cook well;

A well-served table means that everything on it is in excellent condition: the tablecloth is ironed, the silver is polished, the crystal is sparkling;

The servants or voluntary assistants are needed experienced, making a good impression; the host and hostess should be cordial and hospitable.

B-B-Q- a variant of an informal reception, which is held in the open air. Usually close friends or relatives are invited to it, which is quite acceptable to do by phone.

To hold such a reception, you need to have two things: enough space and special devices for cooking. Barbecue dishes are prepared on a special brazier. If the reception is in the evening, your garden or patio where the reception is being held should be brightly lit with lanterns or string lights. If it gets cool in the evening, you can invite guests to the veranda or to the house.

For table setting, a formal service is not required; on the contrary, ceramic dishes and ordinary cutlery will look good. Don't forget about the flowers - they can be placed in jugs or unusual vessels - they will emphasize the charm of a summer evening.

The main dish at the barbecue reception is meat, fish or game cooked on a brazier. You can prepare light snacks, but they should be few, since the main course is very satisfying. Nuts and crispy potatoes are fine. Don't forget to add more herbs and sauces. The host is usually engaged in hot dishes, and after he puts the piece of meat or fish he likes to the guest, the guest himself will choose the seasoning or herbs that he likes. Any drinks can be served

And beer, and wine, and juices - the main thing is that they are combined with cooked
you barbecue.

Branch - type of reception, which is a late breakfast, turning into an early lunch, which is held closer to lunch in time. The brunch is informal, even everyday, and there is no need to look for a special occasion for it - it is held when you just want to meet friends or neighbors. Treats are placed on the table, as at a reception a la buffet, they are usually more modest than at lunch or lunch - beautiful sandwiches, waffles, chicken pieces in sour cream. They also prepare a signature dish. On a separate table - juices and coffee.

At official events.

Official events include various receptions and ceremonies arranged on the occasion of national holidays, historical anniversaries, the arrival of foreign delegations, heads of state and government, etc. Receptions are held by heads of state, government, ministers, as well as embassies, consulates, trade missions of the country Abroad.

Usually, official receptions are held by military attachés, commanders of ships on a friendship visit in foreign bases, as well as representatives of the local military command and civil authorities in order to show honors to the military guests who have arrived.

Diplomatic receptions are also held independently of any events, in the order of daily diplomatic work. In the practice of diplomatic missions, these techniques are the most common. Not numerous in terms of the number of invited persons, such receptions are a convenient opportunity for making contacts, strengthening and expanding ties, obtaining the necessary information, influencing local circles in the right direction, and explaining the foreign policy of one's country.

Regardless of the purpose, volume and type, any diplomatic reception is political in nature, since it is a meeting of representatives of foreign states. While abroad, one must respect the rules and customs adopted in that country. When inviting a foreigner to an official event, care should be taken not to put him in a position that humiliates or offends his national dignity. Otherwise, he may regard this as disrespect for his state and nation.

First of all, it is necessary to strictly and strictly observe diplomatic etiquette. Diplomats, when performing their functions, organizing official events, participating in ceremonies and procedures, act in accordance with the diplomatic protocol, which is understood as a set of generally accepted rules, traditions, conventions observed by governments, state representations abroad (embassies, consulates, etc.) and their employees when communicating with each other. At the same time, one should not forget that diplomatic protocol and general civil etiquette are two different things.

Answer to the invitation:

A special invitation is sent to the official reception. In all cases, when the letters R. S. V. P. or the phrase “Please answer” are not crossed out in the received invitation for breakfast, lunch, dinner or other type of reception, it is necessary to inform in advance by phone or letter whether the invitation is accepted or not. Lack of response or its belatedness are considered as manifestations of impoliteness and impoliteness. If for some reason the answer cannot be given in advance, it is better to refuse the invitation than not to give an answer at all or to delay it.

After a positive response to the invitation has been given, attendance at the reception is mandatory. Only in the most extreme case, if any unforeseen and urgent circumstances have arisen that prevent attending this reception, it can be refused, but always with advance notification of the host of the reception. If the letters R. S. V. P. are crossed out or absent in the invitation (this is possible mainly in invitations to receptions held standing, without seating at the table), it is not necessary to give one or another answer.

Coming and leaving:

For breakfast, lunch, dinner or any other type of reception, in the invitation to which you are asked to respond, you must arrive exactly at the time indicated in the invitation. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be perceived negatively and even with resentment. If several representatives from the same department or institution are invited, and they come to the reception together, then it is customary for the juniors to come first, and then the seniors. If the reception is held without seating at the table and the invitation indicates the time of the beginning and end of the reception, then you can come and go at any hour within the time specified in the invitation.

It is not necessary to come to the beginning of the reception, as it is not necessary to be at the reception until the end. It is believed, however, that coming to such a reception at the beginning and leaving the reception at the end of it is an expression of the especially friendly attitude of the guest to the host of the reception. And, vice versa, if there is a need to show or emphasize the coldness or tension of relations with the reception organizer, it is enough to stay on it for 15-20 minutes and, having said goodbye to the host, leave.

Staying unnecessarily at a particular reception longer than the time specified in the invitation is not recommended, as this can be burdensome for the hosts. An unfavorable impression is made by cases when guests at a particular reception leave it all immediately after the departure of the main guest. It is better to disperse gradually. In all cases, officials are advised not to leave the reception earlier than the senior guests.

Behavior at the time of admission:

Any diplomatic reception is a meeting place for representatives of foreign states, who in their relations with each other adhere to the established rules of courtesy, courtesy and tact. Foreign guests who come to the reception, thereby show respect to the diplomatic representative and his country, and therefore they should be received with honor and attention.

The diplomatic representative and his staff make sure that their guests are comfortable, talk with them, treat them. Employees of diplomatic missions should not be allowed to gather in their own circle, forgetting about foreign guests. At receptions such as a cocktail or standing buffet, guests themselves come to the tables, collect snacks on their plates and move away from the tables to allow other guests to approach them.

The diplomatic protocol and its rules are historical categories that arose and developed simultaneously with the whole complex of the diplomatic service.

They arose and are developing not as a result of the decisions of some individuals and their desires, but as a necessity, an indispensable condition for the implementation of successful diplomatic practice.

Diplomatic protocol includes etiquette and ceremonial.

Etiquette is a set of rules, the behavior of diplomats and other officials during various diplomatic events (negotiations, visits, receptions). Includes norms and customs associated with the culture of behavior, culture of life, communication, etc.

Ceremonial - the established procedure for holding a solemn official act (meetings of heads of state, etc.).

Thanks to television, today you can see a lot with your own eyes: solemn meetings of heads of state, government receptions, conversations, press conferences. But all this is a "scene". But what is happening "behind the scenes" of the diplomatic protocol is known only to a small circle of specialists.

The current trend towards cooperation between states and communication between people has taken on a truly global character.

And this, in turn, reinforces the importance of observing certain ceremonial and protocol customs and rules.

There were attempts, taking into account the development of interstate relations and the practice of diplomatic ceremonial and protocol that has developed in different countries, to create something like a generalized monographic study specifically devoted to diplomatic protocol. But this idea remained unrealized.

To perform the numerous functions of the diplomatic protocol, special services are created in all countries. The structure of these services may vary. Today there are two such systems in the world:

  • 1. Decentralized or distributed. According to this system, protocol divisions are present in different state institutions at different levels of government and government. This is the most common system (USA, UK, Germany, Japan).
  • 2. A centralized system, in accordance with which the main coordinating body is created in the country, which pursues a unified state policy in the protocol support of international contacts of officials at various levels. The protocol services of France and Italy can serve as examples of this system.

But this division is rather conditional. Often in a particular country you can observe elements of both systems.

AT Russian Federation The State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acts as a unified state protocol. The protocol activities of a number of higher state bodies are carried out through the State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On issues related to the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, the Department works together with the Protocol Service of the President.

Functions of the State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

International protocol practice shows that the diplomatic protocol service, although it can be called differently and have different subordination, however, ensures the execution of approximately the same scope of duties.

The Department of State Protocol is a structural functional subdivision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Protocol Department ensures a unified protocol practice in Russia.

In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of Russia, decrees of the President, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions and instructions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

The department consists of the following divisions:

Department for the stay of the diplomatic corps;

Department of Visits and Delegations;

Department of information work with the diplomatic corps, registration and government telegrams.

The tasks of the Department include:

  • 1. Ensuring a unified protocol practice in the Russian Federation, monitoring compliance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Missions of Foreign States on the Territory of Russia.
  • 2. Protecting the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens in the performance of tasks related to the presence of the diplomatic corps, monitoring the observance by foreign diplomats of the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.
  • 3. Participation in the development of proposals and the implementation of events of a protocol and organizational nature, during visits abroad by the President, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as visits of state and government delegations, heads of state, heads of governments of foreign countries, ministers of foreign affairs to Russia.
  • 4. Control over the compilation and sending of telegrams on behalf of the head of state in connection with national holidays and other memorable dates of foreign states.
  • 5. Maintaining permanent working relations with the diplomatic missions of Russia abroad, providing them with the necessary assistance in protocol work.
  • 6. Maintaining business contacts with diplomatic missions of foreign states on the territory of Russia on issues within the competence of the Department.
  • 7. Study and generalization of international protocol practice. Based on the main tasks listed above

Department of State Protocol:

  • 1. Prepares, in agreement with other departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, documents for the reception of foreign delegations in the Russian Federation at the highest and high levels, develops draft programs for their stay and, after appropriate approval, organizes protocol events (meetings, seeing off delegations, laying wreaths, breakfasts, lunches, visiting theater, etc.).
  • 2. Organizes the accreditation of heads of foreign diplomatic missions.
  • 3. Deals with issues of diplomatic privileges and immunities of foreign diplomatic and administrative and technical workers, as well as their customs privileges.
  • 4. Prepares letters of credence and revocable letters of ambassadors of the Russian Federation sent abroad.
  • 5. Carries out the registration of the personnel of the diplomatic corps and the issuance of relevant documents to them.
  • 6. Participates within its competence in the settlement of material claims of Russian citizens and organizations against diplomatic missions and their employees.
  • 7. Organizes the presentation of the diplomatic corps to the President of the Russian Federation, as well as to the heads of state who arrived in Russia on official visits (at their request).
  • 8. Organizes the invitation of the heads of diplomatic missions to events and ceremonies of a state nature, as well as to international events held in Russia (festivals, exhibitions, fairs, etc.).
  • 9. Publishes the collection Diplomatic Corps in Moscow.

Ethics - (the doctrine of morality, morality) - a system of norms for the moral behavior of people, their social duty, their obligation in relation to each other.

Etiquette (from French) - means demeanor.

Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct relating to the external appearance of attitudes towards people.

Modern business etiquette is the ability to adapt to a specific life situation without losing one's social status.

Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people in the service, in public places and on the street, at various kinds of official events - receptions, negotiations.


Our time is marked by the expansion of political, economic and cultural ties with foreign countries, the creation of joint ventures with foreign firms, which contributes to the growth of communication between people from different countries at all levels. Receptions are one of the forms of business communication between people.

A reception is a meeting of invited persons (usually with officials) at someone's in honor of someone or something. Distinguish receptions business and solemn.

Business receptions are associated with the invitation of representatives of a particular company. They are organized in order for the parties to receive advice on a particular issue, as well as on the occasion of the creation of a joint venture by them, for example, or in honor of the opening of a joint exhibition, etc. Such receptions are usually arranged by phone or in writing, specifying the exact time and number of guests.

Guests are invited either to a room specially designed for this purpose (negotiation or reception room), or to the reception organizer's office. In this case, a table for the reception participants is attached to the desk. On one side of the table, the invitees are seated, with the leader in the center, and on the other, the reception organizer (opposite the leader of the invitees) and other employees participating in the negotiations sit down.

During the reception, the leader should not sit at his desk, so as not to oppose himself to the rest of those present.

The representative of the host party meets those invited at the entrance to the institution, indicates where the wardrobe is, helps the ladies take off their coats and escorts them, and he himself goes in front, to the reception room or to the host's office.

The reception organizer meets the arrivals at the entrance, without leaving the premises, and greets each of them. In this case, the head of the arrivals represents each of the arrivals.

The reception organizer, after all those present have taken their places at the table, introduces his employees to the guests (and there are usually as many of them as those invited), each of whom greets the guests with a tilt of his head.

Then negotiations begin.

At business receptions, in addition to the items necessary for negotiations (writing paper or notepads, pencils or pens) and laid out on the table so that it is convenient for each participant to take them, refreshments are provided, as at ceremonial receptions.

As a treat, mineral and fruit water are placed on the table before the guests arrive. Additionally, cigarettes and matches are laid out. Accordingly, there should be bottle openers and ashtrays on the table. Sometimes the traditional treat is supplemented with coffee or tea, and in some cases with cognac. They are served at the signal of the organizer of the reception.

As a rule, business receptions last no more than an hour.

Solemn receptions, depending on what event was the reason for their organization, and the composition of the participants in whose honor celebrations are organized, are official and unofficial.

Receptions are official when those present are invited to them due to official necessity.

Official receptions are arranged in honor of the arrival of the head of a foreign state or government, diplomatic and other official representatives. The reasons for them can also be national and state holidays, anniversaries, as well as congresses, symposiums, conferences, opening and closing of international exhibitions, signing contracts, trade agreements.

Informal receptions are organized for friendly meetings, family celebrations, weddings and other traditional holidays.

Receptions in honor of or with the participation of official foreign representatives are usually called diplomatic. They allow you to show politeness, attention, respect and hospitality towards individuals - the head or members of a foreign government, diplomatic representatives, scientists, cultural figures, etc., as well as various official organizations.

In the diplomatic practice of communication, there are various techniques. Here is some of them:

Reception "A glass of champagne" - on the occasion of a national holiday, the departure of an ambassador, in honor of a delegation, etc. At this reception, guests are served champagne, toasted nuts, chocolate, and sometimes small cakes.

At the "Glass of Wine" reception, guests are served wine, various canapes, tartlets, fruits.

The "Barbecue" reception is held outdoors during the summer, usually on Sundays. Grilled meats, wines and soft drinks are served.

Most often, diplomatic receptions are organized as invitations to breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner (banquets).

The most common time for a diplomatic breakfast is from 12 to 13 hours. It usually lasts 1-1.5 hours, 45-60 minutes of which guests spend at the table.

Lunch starts between 19:00 and 21:00 and lasts 2-2.5 hours, while guests spend all the time at the table.

Guests are invited for tea by 3-4 pm. It usually lasts 1.5-2 hours, of which guests spend about an hour at the table.

Dinner is served after 21:00.

Each of these techniques usually consists of two parts.

The first is a meeting, greeting and gathering of guests, private and general conversations, a preliminary acquaintance of the invited with their places at the banquet table, an aperitif.

The second is a banquet, most often at a full-service table or a buffet banquet.

For receptions, banquets, it is necessary to have two adjacent halls: one for receiving and gathering guests, the other for a banquet.

In the hall for receiving and gathering guests, called the entrance hall, they put several chairs, a round table covered with a tablecloth, on which they put cigarettes (in packs or cigarette cases), matches, cigars in boxes, scissors for cutting the ends of cigars, ashtrays, put candelabra with lighted candles . The room is usually decorated with fresh flowers in baskets or tall vases.

To familiarize guests with their places at the banquet table in the entrance hall, a reduced layout of the main table is placed in a conspicuous place, on which cards are placed indicating the surnames, names and patronymics of each guest in the order that strictly corresponds to their places at the banquet table. An arrow made of plastic or other material is placed in the center of the table, showing the direction in which the table is located, and the sequence of placing places at the table in the banquet hall, starting from the front door.

If the banquet is held simultaneously in several halls, each of which has several tables, a different system of preliminary acquaintance of guests with their places is recommended. In the entrance hall on a stand located in a conspicuous place, a list of participants in the reception is posted indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of each participant, the number of the hall or its name, table numbers and place. Here, on the table, each of the guests will find a schematic plan for the location of banquet halls, tables in each of them and their seat number.

Before inviting guests to the banquet hall in the entrance hall, they are offered an aperitif.

Aperitif - a drink (drinks) that is recommended to guests to quench their thirst and stimulate appetite. As aperitifs, soft drinks, juices and wine and vodka products are offered. Non-alcoholic drinks are served with mineral table waters - Narzan, Moscow, Dzherma, etc., as well as sparkling water and other carbonated drinks, and unsweetened ones, since sugar reduces appetite, and ordinary chilled water with ice.

The best juices for an aperitif are: lemon, grapefruit, pomegranate, tomato, grape (from unsweetened grape varieties), etc.

From wine and vodka drinks, such as vermouth (by the way, it is considered the best drink for an aperitif), champagne (dry or semi-dry), natural wines (white or red), as well as cognac and vodka are used as an aperitif.

There are three types of aperitifs: ordinary, combined and mixed. Ordinary is an aperitif consisting of one drink when served, for example, only vermouth or, say, champagne (Fig. 1).

Rice. one.

A combined aperitif is several drinks poured into glasses, glasses, piles, for example, mineral water in glasses, juice in glasses, wine, or cognac, or vodka, in appropriate glasses (Fig. 2).

Rice. one.

Mixed aperitifs are specially prepared mixtures of various drinks, such as unsweetened cocktails.

Aperitifs are served to guests on small trays covered with napkins.

Sliced ​​lemons, olives, almonds and other nuts are often served as appetizers as appetizers.

I must say that receptions often end with the serving of cocktails or other aperitifs, and then coffee is offered to guests. However, as a rule, ceremonial receptions end with a banquet, for which all guests are invited to the banquet hall by the host or, at his signal, the head waiter, if the banquet is held in a restaurant.

The time spent in the reception hall (anteroom) is used by many to meet business people and establish business relationships with them.

What should everyone invited to a gala reception know and be able to do?

First. Not only do not be late for an appointment, but, on the contrary, be 5-10 minutes, and for a big reception - 10-15 minutes before the appointed hour.

Second. At the entrance to the reception hall (anteroom), greet the host with a tilt of the head, and when extending their hands and shaking hands.

Third. You should not linger for a long time near the host and occupy him with questions and any kind of conversation, as this will distract him from other guests.

Fourth. Moving away from the host, greet all previously arrived guests with a tilt of the head.

Fifth. Seeing a friend in the hall, go up to him and shake his hand. If you have already greeted the rest of the guests, you can strike up a light conversation with this person.

Sixth. At a convenient moment, go to the layout of the banquet table or to the list of participants with the plan for arranging tables and numbering the seats and remember the table number and the number of your seat, specifying from the layout on which side of the table your seat is and how far it is from the end of the table. It is also necessary to remember who will be Fig. 15. Serving a combined aperitif sit at the table to your right, his name and patronymic.

Seventh. If an unfamiliar woman is sitting to your right, you need to ask one or another acquaintance who knows this lady to introduce you to her.

If your neighbor is a man, then it is allowed to get to know him without intermediaries.

Eighth. The aperitif at such receptions is served by the waiters. As soon as the waiter approaches you, you, having learned from the lady that she wants to drink, serve her the appropriate aperitif, and then choose a drink for yourself. Empty dishes should be placed on a special tray for used dishes, which is located on a separate table or on a table with cigarettes. In this case, you can offer the lady, your companion, canapes or nuts, which, as a rule, are served with an aperitif.

Ninth. After being invited to the table, you offer the lady your right hand and go with her to the banquet hall for the banquet host and the main guest.

Approaching the table, pay attention to small cards, also known as cover cards, with surnames and initials, and sometimes positions, which will help you orient yourself.

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