Age periods and cycles of the planets. Time astrological cycles in the history of Russia

The starry sky is a fortune-telling device available to everyone. By carefully observing the sky, it is not difficult to predict the weather, the change of seasons, the height of the tides ...

After all, all processes in nature are cyclical: no one will doubt that the Sun controls the life of plants, and the Moon controls the menstrual cycle in women. Obviously, in nature there are also such processes, the development cycle of which is not limited to one year; The phases of these processes can be conveniently observed from the planets that "revolve around the Earth" more slowly than the Moon, Venus and Mercury. And is it worth insisting that in reality these planets do not revolve around the Earth, but around the Sun; that they are very far from the Earth and cannot influence earthly life in any way? It is important that over the course of at least the last three millennia, observant people have accumulated a lot of information about natural cycles, the duration of which coincides with the periods of rotation of the planets; and from these observations many of the major tendencies of terrestrial life can be accurately predicted. This is exactly what astrology does - the science and art of predicting the future by the movement of stars and planets.


The moon is the brightest and largest of the planets in the night sky. People have been watching her since time immemorial, and therefore the cycle of her revolution around the Earth (27 days, 7 hours and forty-three minutes) has been studied in the most detail. Particularly detailed information on this issue is contained in the works of Arabic, Indian and Chinese astrologers.

The European astrological tradition is more focused not on the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth, but on the so-called synodic month, i.e. between two new moons. At the time of the new moon, the Moon is in line with the Sun (or, as astrologers say, in conjunction with the Sun); it does not reflect sunlight towards the Earth, and therefore is not visible to terrestrial observers. The synodic month is 29.53 days, and all of its phases can be observed with the naked eye. In the first half of the month, the lunar disk gradually increases, by the middle of the month it reaches its maximum size (full moon), and then begins to decrease and, finally, disappears completely.

Moon phases

It is known that the synodic month corresponds to the full cycle of sexual activity in women; less well known is that the same can be said for men. Thus, the hormonal activity of the human body is "subordinate" to the lunar rhythm, which makes it possible to fairly accurately predict certain trends in human behavior in different phases of this cycle.

The full moon and new moon are traditionally considered unfavorable days for any business, especially for conceiving children. These days are associated with exacerbations of mental illness, depression and nervous disorders (hence the English word lunatic - crazy). The waxing moon (the first half of the month) promotes germination and growth, while the waning moon encourages maturation and wilting.

The solar cycle, or simply a year, is the cycle of the change of seasons and the vegetation of plants. Its exact duration (365, 24222 days) was determined relatively late (at the end of the 2nd millennium AD). Attempts to calculate the exact length of the solar year marked the beginning of astronomy and astrology.

The astrological year begins with the entry of the Sun into the first degree of the Aries sector (March 20 or 21). Astrologers attach great importance to the 12 phases of the solar year - the zodiac months. It is believed that the zodiac month in which a person was born determines the characteristics of the character of this person (and the character, in turn, determines fate). According to the generally accepted opinion, the characteristic features of the zodiac months are as follows:

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): acts aggressively, impulsively, proactively. Gives strength, masculinity, the desire to fight. Indicates an explosion of energy, the desire for excess, instability, mobility, fertility. Represents youth, renewal, progress and contradiction.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): acts balanced, thorough, with conviction. Gives weight, stamina and durability of the Earth; it is a sign of the operation of unconscious processes. Indicates mothers, basic feelings and desires; it is a sign of earthly paradise. Represents hope for the future.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 21): Acts quickly, skillfully, versatile. Gives adaptability, intelligence, eloquence and expressiveness. Indicates division and the beginning of an enterprise. Represents the power of thought.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22): Acts emotionally and supportively. Gives the ability to keep secrets and turn "hidden feelings into actions. Indicates imprisonment, loneliness, the awakening of conscience and long slow preparations. Represents destruction and birth.

LEO (July 23 - August 22): acts powerfully and gloriously, tends to dominate. Gives pride, strength, royalty and the ability to make the secret clear. Indicates kings, fathers, luck and triumph; but also on vanity, a tendency to repress and megalomania. Represents worldly power.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): acts caringly and modestly, strives for justice. Gives a cold mind, a passion for cleanliness and the ability to put things in order in practical matters. Indicates the sacred, virginity, expectation, promises and potential. Represents matter ready for transformation.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): acts rationally and honestly, weighing alternatives. Gives a sense of proportion, elegance, love of beauty; but also indecisiveness and the need for someone's guidance. Indicates a tribunal, a court, a process. Represents the marriage of opposites.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Acts intensely, passionately and secretly. This is poison and medicine, bitter emotions and extreme passions, betrayal, death and resurrection. Points to everything hidden and the end of all things, but also to the mystery of enlightenment. This is a sign of transformation.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Acts generously, idealistically and enthusiastically. Gives a quick spirit, directness and insight. Indicates wealth, optimism and persuasion. Represents evolutionary change.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19): Acts methodically and authoritatively. Gives prudence, certainty and patience; but also timidity and avarice. Points to everything cold, slow and compressed: this is a sign of devilish lies and fertility.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) acts objectively, communicatively and democratically. Gives a clear mind and the ability to make connections. Indicates flowing waters, flow, communication and travel. Represents the union of consciousness and the unconscious.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): acts sensitively, passively, as in a dream. Gives scattered, deep and introverted properties, connecting with the deep processes of the unconscious; but also disorderliness and emotional sensitivity. Indicates fertility, achievement, peace and eternal return.

For more information about the features of the zodiac characters, see the horoscopes section. Due to the fact that the orbits of Mercury and Venus are enclosed within the orbit of the Earth, the movement of these planets across the sky does not look so uniform. According to his observations for many years, there is every reason to believe that the rhythms of the movement of these planets approximately correspond to the rhythms of the intellectual and emotional life of a person.

The Martian cycle lasts about 22 months, or, as is commonly believed in everyday practice, 2

of the year. This is a cycle of complete destruction of many naturally occurring materials, and also an ideal trial period for any ideas, plans and undertakings. It is known that any illusion is destroyed after two years; in addition, the notorious "pood of salt", which. According to the Russian proverb, you need to eat with a person in order to get to know him, which is also calculated for about the same period.

The Jupiter cycle is approximately 12 years. During this time, a complete change of fashion, ideology, aesthetics and ideals takes place on Earth. But one should not think that these changes are so radical: only the external side of events changes, while internal patterns remain unchanged. Revolution is replaced by stabilization, stabilization by stagnation, stagnation by decay; and after 12 years there is a new revolution.

The Jupiter cycle has been most thoroughly studied by Chinese astrologers. They studied each year of this cycle and deduced certain general patterns that make it possible to judge not only the features of the development of society, but also the typical features of the character of people born in a given year. The materials of their research are known in the West as the Chinese zodiac, since each of the 12 years of the Jupiter cycle is named after one of the twelve animals. Next, we will give a brief description of the animals of the Chinese zodiac, indicating their years, as well as "friends" and "enemies" from among other animals.

RAT: quick, witty, intelligent, accommodating, full of charm and grace; cunning, secretive, greedy, thrifty. Friends: Dragons and Monkeys. Enemies: Horses.
Years: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948. 1960,1972,1984,1996,2008.

BULL: hardworking, hardy, honest, frank, reliable; stubborn, gloomy, limited, impatient. Friends: Snakes and Roosters. Enemies: Goats.
Years: 1901. 1913, 1925. 1937, 1949. 1961,1973,1985,1997.2009.

Tiger: Bold, enthusiastic, daring, dynamic, optimistic, lucky, obligatory: impulsive, rebellious, quick-tempered. Friends: Horses and Dogs. Enemies: Monkeys.
Years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938. 1950. 1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010.

RABBIT (also HARE or CAT): modest, reasonable, obedient, shrewd, caring, sophisticated, conservative; cunning, greedy, fussy, prejudiced, prone to snobbery. Friends: Goats and Pigs. Enemies: Roosters.
Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999.2011.

DRAGON: original, energetic, generous, bold, direct, enthusiastic, adaptable, creative; intrusive, tactless, caustic, hasty, unpredictable. Friends: Rats and Monkeys. Enemies: Dogs.
Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964,1976,1988, 2000,2012.

SNAKE: insightful, subtle, cautious, sagacious, compassionate, proud, power-hungry, lazy, angry, cold, possessive. Friends; Roosters and Bulls. Enemies: Pigs.
Years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

HORSE: lively, hardworking, popular, independent, friendly, accommodating, enthusiastic, hardy; selfish, vain, impatient, restless, unceremonious. Friends:
Tigers and Dogs. Enemies: Rats.
Years: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942.1954, 1966,1978,1990,2002,2014.

GOAT (or SHEEP): artistic, cultured, polite, intelligent, sensitive: fussy, selfish, dependent, unreliable, weak-willed. Friends: Rabbits and Pigs. Enemies: Bulls and Dogs.
Years: 1907, 1919. 1931, 1943, 1955,1967,1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

MONKEY: energetic, changeable, resourceful, inventive, witty, persuasive, cheerful; cunning, superficial, deceitful, impudent, impudent, mocking. Friends: Dragons and Rats. Enemies: Tigers.
Years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944. 1956. 1968,1980.1992.2004,2016.

COCK: bright, conspicuous, flexible, bold, passionate, helping people, punctual, enterprising; vain, rude, boastful, aggressive, power-hungry. Friends: Bulls and Snakes. Enemies: Rabbits.
Years: 1909, 1921. 1933, 1945, 1957. 1969.1981,1993,2005,2017.

DOG: caring, unselfish, loyal, generous, modest, deep; fearful, pessimistic, nervous, skeptical, indecisive. Friends: Tigers and Horses. Enemies: Dragons and Goats.
Years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946-1958. 1970,1982,1994, 2006,2018.

PIG (or BOAR): cheerful, frank, homebody, has an aesthetic sense, diligent, amiable, unpretentious; materialistic, superficial, naive, lazy, stubborn, greedy. Friends: Rabbits and Goats. Enemies: Snakes.
Years: 1911, 1923, 1935. 1947, 1959, 1971,1983. 1995. 2007. 2019.

Those who want to check this information with concrete examples should note that the Chinese year usually begins in the last days of January or the first days of February. In addition, each year has additional features depending on its place in the sixty-year cycle, which will be discussed below.

The Saturnian cycle lasts approximately 29.5, or, for good measure, thirty years. The life of most warm-blooded animals fits into this period: few of them see Saturn twice in the same place. According to an ancient Arabic legend, Allah allocated thirty years of life to four living beings - a man, an ox, a dog and a monkey; but all animals have given up half of their lifespan in favor of man. As a result, a person lives like a human for 30 years, then plows like an ox for 15 years, then guards his property like a dog for 15 years, and finally turns into a bald, ugly and stupid monkey. There is some truth in this cruel parable. For a person, each thirty years marks the final transition from one age group to another. At thirty, we realize that we are no longer young; at sixty - we resign ourselves to the inevitable old age. The internal gradations of the Saturnian cycle are not well studied, since this planet moves very slowly and extremely unevenly - just like the psychological maturation and maturation of a person occurs. In addition, 140 days in each cycle, this planet "moves back" and another ten days "stands still" - at least that's how it looks from Earth. Certain analogies suggest themselves here.

The cycles of distant planets are practically not studied, since they are known to mankind quite recently. So far, there is an opinion that the cycle of Uranus coincides with the cycle of activity of the masses, the cycle of Neptune - with the circulation of water in the atmosphere, and the cycle of Pluto - with the rhythm of the tectonic activity of the earth's crust. But it is too early to draw firm conclusions.

The precession period of 72 years is well studied in Western astrology. During this time, the starry sky "turns" one degree to the left, and an attentive earthly observer notices that the Sun is already rising next to another star, or even in another constellation. Precession leads to the fact that the signs of the Zodiac, which initially coincided with the constellations of the same name, gradually shift to the left and cease to coincide with them. The period of precession coincides with the average duration of human life; therefore, mystics call death at 72 years astrologically flawless. "However, much more importance is attached to the period during which the starry sky rotates 30 degrees. This period is called the astrological era (or world era) and is considered approximately equal to 2050 years. It is called the name of that constellation, in which the Sun rises on the day of the vernal equinox (March 21). Thus, the past era was called the Age of Pisces, and the current - the Age of Aquarius. It is believed that the change of astrological eras marks a radical change in the life of all mankind and the nature of the coming civilization will largely be determined by the nature the constellation in which the vernal equinox is located (in our case, Aquarius).

One often hears that astrology is called the science of time. s x cycles. Using the recent history of Russia as an example, I will try to illustrate what this means.

Planets in astrology are so-called personal, for example, Mercury or Venus, social - Jupiter and Saturn, and collective - distant planets beyond the orbit of Saturn. It is logical to assume that Jupiter and Saturn influence society the most. And this is so, for example, the modern eastern (often called "Chinese") calendar is built on the 12-year cycles of Jupiter. And the full 60-year cycle of this calendar is quite rightly associated with two cycles of Saturn (29.5 or rounded 30 years).

Let's see how the cycle of Jupiter plays out in the recent history of Russia. It is logical to take 1905, the year of the first Russian revolution, as a starting point, because this year was the beginning of the birth in Russia of a new model of civilization, which in the very near future will become a real alternative to the modern technocratic model of the post-industrial world, the Western model, which is the pinnacle of the development of the two-thousand-year-old Judeo-Christian Age of Pisces. Unfortunately, the first impulsive attempt to build an innovative civilization of the Age of Aquarius in Russia (“Russian Communism”) turned out to be premature and unsuccessful, but such a transformation of Russian life will undoubtedly take place on a new turn of the spiral in the 21st century, the first century of the Age of Aquarius. And now back to the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter.

So, what milestones in the history of our state are associated with the cycle of Jupiter:

1905- The first Russian revolution, the emergence of a constitutional monarchy;

1917- bourgeois revolution, the overthrow of tsarism, the Great October;

1929- "The year of the great turning point", the rejection of the NEP, the beginning of industrialization;

1941- the beginning of the Great Patriotic War;

1953- the death of I. Stalin, the arrest and execution of L. Beria, the beginning of the "thaw";

1965- the end of the "thaw", the first year of L. Brezhnev's reign;

1977- the new constitution of the USSR, the "Constitution of developed socialism";

1989- "revolutions of 1989", the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the end of the "cold war", which was won by the Euro-Atlanticists led by the United States.

Two years later, B. Yeltsin, L. Kravchuk and S. Shushkevich destroyed the Soviet Union as a result of the Belovezhskaya collusion. The action of this cycle ended, keeping within exactly 84 years, that is, the full cycle of Uranus, the planet considered in astrology to be the ruler of Russia and the Eurasian civilization as a whole. As you can see, the 12-year cycle of Jupiter can be clearly traced in the Soviet period of Russian history from the first impulse of social transformation to the actual collapse of the USSR.

There was also a twelve-year cycle of crises in the socialist camp:

1956 - Hungary, uprising;

1968 - Czechoslovakia, "Prague Spring";

1980 - Poland, the beginning of events, the creation of the Solidarity trade union in Gdansk;

1992 - Yugoslavia, the height of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia, the peak of the collapse of this country.

The given dates clearly illustrate the cycles of Jupiter, but of greater interest to Russia, as the country of Aquarius, are the cycles of Saturn, the second social planet, and part-time ruler of our country in astrology (shares control with the collective distant planet Uranus).

Between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus passes the orbit of the planetoid Chiron, which, as it were, provides a connection and mediation between the conservative principle of Saturn and the revolutionary intention of Uranus. The nature of Chiron is determined by duality.

The cycle of Saturn around the Sun is 29.5 years, sometimes events of a Saturnian nature occur after 29 years, sometimes after 30, and on average it is 29 and a half years. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the cycles of Saturn in our history is the cycle of death of the rulers of Russia, which began on November 1, 1894 with the death of the autocrat of Russia Alexander III from kidney failure (Bright's disease).

Here is the little loop:

The time intervals between events are 29 years and 3 months, 29 years and 1.5 months, 29 years and 8 months. At the end of 2011 and in 2012, no such event occurred, and therefore this cycle can be considered terminated. There is an assumption by astrologers that the ruler's death cycle was broken (perhaps shifted by 4 years) as a result of the rule of the presidential locum tenens Dmitry Medvedev from May 7, 2008 to May 7, 2012. The results of 2016 will show if this is true. And now I will return to the analysis of the thirty-year Saturnian cycle.

According to the first diploma, I have a historical education, and this is how the layout of the four cycles of Saturn seems to me on the example of the events of our recent history. Let us again take the year 1905 as a reference point, which has already proved its effectiveness on the example of Jupiter cycles. The first cycle of Saturn is 1905-1934, the second cycle is 1935-1964, the third cycle is 1965-1994, and the fourth is 1995-2025. Each of these four cycles in terms of the atmosphere in the country and the changes taking place or not taking place in it logically falls into three parts: 18, 4 and 8 years each. It looks like this:

Conservative periods (18 years each) (Saturn time):

1905 - 1922; 1935 - 1952; 1965 - 1982; 1995 - 2012

Transitional periods (4 years each) (Chiron time):

1923 - 1926; 1953 - 1956; 1983 - 1986; 2013 - 2016

Revolutionary or innovative periods (8 years each) (Uranus time):

1927 - 1934; 1957 - 1964; 1987 - 1994; 2017 - 2024

It is easy to see that each Saturnian period consists of a conservative period of 18 years, a transitional period of 4 years, and a period of experimentation or change of 8 years. For example, the periods from 1905 to 1922, from 1923 to 1926, and from 1927 to 1934 and together give the first thirty-year cycle of Saturn.

The first conservative period I consider the period of Saturn proper. Perhaps its duration, empirically determined, can be associated with the cycle of circulation of the lunar nodes (approximately 18.6 years). The transitional period, usually associated with this or that dual power and the struggle of opposing approaches, I associate with the function of an intermediary between the social and collective planets of Chiron. By the way, every 4 and a quarter of the year, transit Chiron changes its zodiac sign. Finally, the eight-year period of changes and various, often revolutionary, experiments in our country is naturally associated with another ruler of heavenly Russia - Uranus. Interestingly, Uranus in numerology just rules the number 8. The periods of Uranus in Russian history are always associated with innovation, change, modernization, and often with new people in power. The next such Uranian period will come in Russia in 2017.

First cycle of Saturn.

1905 - 1922 As a result of three Russian revolutions and the reformatting of the elite and the power vertical, the Russian Empire was preserved with few losses.

1923 - 1926 Death of V. Lenin. The transitional period, the dual power of the "old Bolsheviks" and supporters and nominees of I. Stalin.

1927 - 1934 innovation period. Building the economy of "real socialism": the rejection of the NEP, industrialization, collectivization.

Second cycle of Saturn.

1935 - 1952 The triumph of the Stalinist line, the conservation of totalitarianism in the USSR, the external security of the borders was conserved by the creation of nuclear weapons.

1953 - 1956 Death of I. Stalin. The transitional period, the dual power of the "Stalinists" and the Renovationists, supporters of N. Khrushchev.

1957 - 1964 Innovative period, N. Khrushchev's reforms, the beginning of space exploration.

Third cycle of Saturn.

1965 - 1982 conservative period. The era of L. Brezhnev, the construction of "developed socialism", stagnation.

1983 - 1986 Death of Brezhnev (November 1982). The transitional period, "carriage races", the dual power of "Brezhnevites" and supporters of reforms in the USSR.

1987 - 1994 Revolutionary period, perestroika, reforms by M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin, collapse of the USSR, transformation of Soviet Russia.

The fourth cycle of Saturn.

1995 - 2012 conservative period. At the cost of establishing an authoritarian-liberal regime, it was possible to prevent the disintegration of Russia into small states. The era of V. Putin.

2013 - 2016 Transition period. The dual power of liberal marketers and conservative statesmen. Transformation of the oligarchic kleptocracy.

2017 - 2025 Innovative period, modernization of Russia. A revival of socialism and great power status is likely. Presumably with a new supreme power.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that ahead, and very soon, our country will have another innovation and reform in line with the transition from the liberal to the national-patriotic vector of development, another change of course. We are already clearly observing these processes in 2013-2015 during the Chironian transition period. The socialist achievements of our people (the main ones are the principle of justice and public ownership of natural resources) and strong statehood (inherent in the Soviet period of Russian history) will begin to return to Russia on a new round of the evolutionary spiral. This transition should be carried out with the change of supreme power in 2016-2017. A hypothetical alternative to this is the cessation of the existence of the Russian state, its fragmentation, complete formatting, and then the emergence of new entities on the former territory of Russia. It is clear that such a scenario is unrealistic and cannot take place. Based on this, it now makes sense to expect serious changes in politics and the economy. In my opinion, the preservation of an authoritarian liberal at the head of Russia in this context is impossible, and if possible, then with a complete change in ideology, principles of governing the country, as well as the closest corrupt environment. This issue could have been resolved in 2012, but through the technology of karmic castling, political strategists managed to prevent the overdue changes. But one way or another, Russia cannot avoid these changes.

I want to note that any astrological forecast, including one based on the cycles of the planets, does not give a 100% guarantee that everything will happen just like that, if only because the cycles of the planets have their beginning and their end. Well, besides, life writes much more sophisticated scenarios of events than we can imagine. However, astrological analysis is very accurate in capturing a trend or vector.

Astrology is universal knowledge. It is based on the understanding of ongoing events as elements of a single cycle of development of a phenomenon. Astrological methodology is very diverse, and most of its methods require accurate calculations based on the data of the natal chart and its sweeps in time. Most often, in astrological practice, it is these calculation methods of forecasting that are necessary.However, there are a number of cases for which it is enough to simply understand at what stage of the life cycle a person is. This is where age astrology comes to the rescue. It allows us to imagine life as an integral cycle, which has its own characteristic periods, points of decline and rise. Knowing them, one can even predict - but in a very special "key" - philosophical, psychological, esoteric, while accurate forecasting methods are mainly aimed at predicting events (that is, the causal plane of existence).

The abstract, philosophical side of the issue can, of course, be revealed in exact methods, but there it is “obscured” by the turbulent bustle of material events. If a person is interested in seeing the extremely general patterns of his being, it is reasonable to turn to age-related astrology.

So, what is the essence of this system? In that the cycles of various astrological quantities (planets, nodes) are considered in detail and are combined with each other, forming the characteristics of various periods of life. As a result, each year (or several years) has its own characteristics that are common to all people, regardless of their natal charts. For predicting events, this, of course, is unacceptable, but for understanding many spiritual problems, on the contrary, it is useful, since the phenomena that come to the fore are not individual, not purely personal, but what unites people into a single social family. In addition, some socio-psychological patterns emerge more clearly, which are not at all obvious from an accurate analysis of events.

Age periods in astrology

Age astrology is based on the well-known esoteric principle of development - in a spiral. It implies that the object never returns to the past moment of development, but moves forward all the time (up the imaginary spiral), but on each of its turns (after a certain time has elapsed), the structure of events becomes similar to the one that took place on the previous turn. In other words, history will never repeat itself exactly, but analogies in occurring phenomena can amaze people's imagination with blatant "coincidences" with the facts of the past.

The cycle of the planet is presented in the form of a coil of a spiral, it is divided into parts corresponding to the energy aspects - trigon, sextile, quadrature, opposition. Each of these aspects has both esoteric and purely eventual meaning, for example, the trine denotes the maximum favor in resolving problems controlled by this planet, and the opposition is a personality crisis associated with the difficulties of implementing the principles of the planet.

One of the components of age astrology is the system of symbolic control of the planets during various periods of a person's life. It is as follows: the planets govern age periods in the following sequence:

Moon - from birth to 7 years;

Mercury - from 7 to 14;

Venus - from 14 to 21;

Sun - from 22 to 35;

Mars - from 36 to 48;

Jupiter - from 48 to 62;

Saturn - from 63 to 77;

Uranus - from 77 to 84;

Neptune - over 84 years old.

What do these planetary periods mean? First of all, they point to the esoteric, philosophical essence of certain years of life, to those spiritual or ideological problems that a person will inevitably have to face, regardless of the specifics of the constellations of his natal chart. Consider the distribution of problems by age periods in detail.

Age of the Moon(from birth to 7 years).

At this time, the child is forced to solve the problems of adaptation to the world around him in various aspects - physical, intellectual, spiritual, social. The moon just symbolizes this comprehensive adaptation. In addition, this is the period of the most intensive communication of the child with his parents and the time of maximum dependence on them. During the period of the Moon, the personal qualities corresponding to it are intensively developed: fantasy, intuition, foresight, a sense of danger, various physiological instincts, a sense of family, the instinct to protect property, the main paradigms of social behavior, and much more.

With the optimal formation of events at the age of the Moon, the child turns out to be a completely full-fledged personality with his own integral worldview, capable of defending his rights and adapting to society.

In the worst case, a person does not acquire any significant socialization skills in the first seven years of his life, and remains completely spiritually and intellectually dependent on the environment that raised him; it has not created any protective "shell" against destructive external influences.

Age of Mercury(7 - 14 years).

Mercury is responsible for the processing of information, including primary learning. It is at the age of seven that it should begin, because during the age of the Moon, the child's psyche is gradually preparing for its entry into social processes (which take place in any educational institution). At the age of Mercury, all mental processes become aggravated, proceed extremely intensively and quickly. This time must be used for active learning both in an educational institution, and independent or “home”, as well as for making active contacts with others.

In the positive version of the course of this age, a teenager turns out to have formed significant erudition and information processing skills. During these seven years, a person must learn to receive information from external sources, learn to think and, of course, communicate with others, however, so far only at the mental level - exchanging intellectual information.

If during the time corresponding to the age of Mercury, socialization proceeded with failures and problems, the formation of isolation is likely, the intellect is “on a beggarly information ration”, training has not led to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for modern life. None of the subsequent planetary periods will have the opportunity to study so intensively, process information, and contact with the environment.

Age of Venus(14 - 21 years).

This time, given the qualities of Venus, is optimal for establishing informal and even non-verbal contacts with others. The age of Venus is the time of socialization, based primarily on a person's awareness of his sensuality, sexuality. All physiological sensations become aggravated under the influence of Venus, the teenager begins to be interested in aesthetics, there is a need to dress beautifully. The intellectual side of life loses its sharpness in these years, but the sharpness of sensory signals and non-verbal information increases. The main thing at this age is to please others and get psychological “strokes” (approval) from them.

With the successful course of the age of Venus, a young person develops communication skills with members of the opposite sex, especially with peers; there is a sexual experience and their own aesthetic ideas.

In the worst case, the age of Venus does not contain any impressions of sexual or aesthetic communication, and the young person develops infantilism (as a result of the preservation of the stereotypes of the age of Mercury) or a heavy, insecure, closed character.

Age of the Sun(22 - 35 years).

In this period, by the way, longer than the previous three, a person gets the opportunity to creatively reveal his individuality at various levels. It becomes - like the Sun - bright, attractive, creative abilities find their material embodiment. The "lowest" level of creativity is physical, mainly manifested in sexual activity and childbearing; it can be sports achievements or the transformation of your body; finally, it is precisely this age that is characteristic for the beginning of artistic, aesthetic or scientific creativity proper. The brightest achievements people mainly create during the course of the age of the Sun. A feeling of fullness of life appears and steadily grows, teenage complexes and children's grievances are becoming a thing of the past.

At best, a person becomes more generous during the "time of the Sun", learns to treat life more calmly, tolerantly, balanced; feels like a full-fledged being, possessing the whole set of possibilities.

With an unfavorable course of the age of the Sun, disappointments in oneself and others multiply; creative plans fail; self-esteem tends to zero, and life seems more and more colorless and meaningless. A number of individuals with an exceptionally weak energy and psychological status at the end of this age interval are inclined towards total pessimism or even suicide.

Age of Mars(36 - 48 years).

Mars symbolizes activity, pressure, determination. At this age, people usually come to the need to fight for the conquest of career heights or recognition of their creative viability. This is the most aggressive time, a time of great accomplishments, a thirst for victory over opponents, in any case - a struggle: maybe a struggle with yourself, with your shortcomings. Creative manifestations during the reign of Mars in many personalities are somewhat reduced compared to the age of the Sun, but penetrating power and persuasiveness increase. During this period, the “solar” complacency and a benevolent attitude towards the future disappear (“I still have everything ahead!”, Which is relevant for the age of the Sun), and an understanding of the limitations of time comes (“life passes, you need to catch every opportunity”, “ no time to wait!"). As a result of the dominance of such attitudes, the rhythm of life accelerates, the formation of events reaches its maximum intensity over the entire lifetime. Another Martian analogue is also growing in volume - sexuality, libido. The age of Mars gives record “adventures”, but mainly for those who could not realize their potential during the age of Venus. Now the search for pleasure becomes especially cynical and uncompromising, mixed with it is a growing propensity for violence (without which no Martian "action" can do).

At best, after the age of Mars, a person manages to achieve a high level of socialization, in particular, personal independence and respect for his person. They listen to his opinion, and in general they are treated with caution - it hurts a “serious” person.

In the worst case scenario, disappointment in one's abilities is formed, self-pity and indulgence are gaining strength, based on constant defeats in business. A person gradually slides over these 12 years to complete self-indulgence and no longer believes in his abilities, relying on the negative experience of fighting for his interests; “skeptical pessimism” dominates, impotence or frigidity develops at the physiological level, and premature old age sets in.

Age of Jupiter(48 - 62 years).

This is the age when a person finally finds success - in the broadest sense of the word. It is usually expressed in some solidity, solidity in the eyes of others. And, of course, this is a social success, and therefore it seems objective. It seems to a person that he really has achieved a lot and now has the right to “rest on his laurels”. At the age of Jupiter, almost everyone reaches their social ceiling and clearly understands this: someone becomes the president of the country, someone becomes the head of the company, someone gains fame as a creative figure, someone finally becomes just an “honored worker” of their enterprise . During the reign of Jupiter, the main thing for a person is his status, how he is perceived in the system of traditional coordinates.

Jupiter tends to teach, impart experience, lead, and also - given the ideological nature of this planet - go into politics. Naturally, most famous politicians "bloom" precisely at the age of Jupiter. This age is also associated with an improvement in the financial situation, when children have already grown up and began to earn money on their own, and it is possible to satisfy long-standing desires and realize childhood dreams - to go on a long journey, to buy a new - solid one! - a car, purchase a summer house, etc. The struggle of the age of Mars is over, and it remains to enjoy life on the money earned by the accumulated and recognized authority.

The best option for using the age of Jupiter is the growth of pedagogical activity, which aims to convey the accumulated experience, and to convey it in an original, creative way and, of course, not for the sake of self-assertion over students. This age, at best, inclines towards charity, complacency, grand gestures: a person already has everything that is needed, and it is pleasant to give the surplus to those in need.

Another option for positive work at the age of Jupiter is spiritual leadership in society, that is, the conscious acceptance of the burden of responsibility for the moral state of society. At best, the "Jupiterian" "hurts the soul" for all people, and there is nowhere to go from the need to make their life better. But, of course, this option is available to a few units, and even those most often simply declare Jupiterian values, but in reality they simply vulgarly line their pockets according to the principle of Mars.

In the worst case, any personal development stops at this time, and the individual calms down forever with creative searches and a thirst for knowledge - they come to an end. After this, intellectual degradation sets in for several years, and all mental processes are reduced to only repeating and chewing on the past. At the same time, spirituality “falls”, the previously obvious moral guidelines are lost, the desire to teach stifles and calls for violent actions against the younger ones or students.

Age of Saturn(63 - 77 years).

Already on the basis of the chronological sequence of the ages of the planets, it is clear that this age interval is critical. It is associated with the onset of old age and, in this case, a natural summing up of the results of the path traveled. A person, entering the age of Saturn, more or less suddenly realizes that "all the best is behind" and this circumstance creates an oppressive emotional background of life, exacerbating the already painful "breakthrough" into old age.

In general, the age of Saturn is associated with the strengthening of various restrictions imposed by circumstances on the individual. They are associated both with the deterioration of health, and with a certain social status of a "respectable person", "pensioner" or simply "old man". Feeling his status, yesterday, still full of strength, a person quickly bends to the ground, grows old and begins to behave helplessly. Increasingly, at the age of Saturn, one has to hear from others and say to oneself “no”: you can’t eat a lot of sweets - “sugar” will go off scale, you can’t sunbathe, run, and so on.

Naturally, all these (and many other) restrictions exist only for those who perceive the principles of Saturn negatively - as a curse hanging over humanity. An individual who adequately or positively sees the principles of Saturn, at this time feels light and joyful, since summing up brings satisfaction, the state of health does not bother beyond measure, and the frantic pursuit of pleasure has never been necessary for him.

At best, the age of Saturn gives a person the opportunity to stand out as a formal leader, that is, a truly wise leader, for whom not power is valuable, but the real benefit from it. Such a person, finally, waited for a positive assessment of society and turned out to be in demand, albeit at an advanced age. Saturn always gives rewards to those who work hard and know how to patiently wait in the wings. So, the true purpose of this age interval is formal leadership for the benefit of society.

In an unfavorable variant of development, the age of Saturn turns out to be the last for a person, and after a short time after its onset, chronic ailments become aggravated, “new” diseases also overcome. A person has nothing to offer others, and they also see no reason to support him, except, of course, on-duty phrases that "everything will be fine." As a result - disappointing thoughts about the "wrong" life lived, loneliness, apathy, slow and painful extinction.

Age of Uranus(77 - 84 years).

This is the age to which few live in our time, and this raises the problem of being chosen, distinguished. It is precisely this that Uranus accentuates, symbolizing originality, genius, and distinction. The age of Uranus is very difficult to implement constructively, because it is associated with such specific activities as advanced science and the occult. These areas of activity, subordinate to Uranus, are waiting for those who have not been broken by life's storms and who are still capable of intellectual exploits and great insights.

Uranus is a planet that denies the material, and therefore anyone who is at the age of Uranus loses many of his usual material incentives and desires. Accordingly, one who has devoted his whole life to the pursuit of material goods and pleasures will experience exceptionally severe discomfort during the rule of Uranus: you will “work up” a little in retirement, health allows even less - why live? Most people of this age answer this question - at least subconsciously - in the negative and gradually leave the stage, not seeing any incentives to live.

Those whose intellectual abilities have not fallen asleep and who have something to say in science, on the contrary, acquire a power that they have never felt before - the power of the free flight of thought. Previously, they were hampered by material circumstances and duty to loved ones, but now there is time to focus on understanding the world: money has already been earned and there is enough for bread, grandchildren have been brought up, earthly desires have receded. In this version of the use of the age of Uranus, a person acquires unbreakable calm, a clear, detached view of things and the demand for his mental resources.

Age of Neptune(over 84 years).

Until that time, an absolute minority of the population survives. The age of Neptune - the age of old age - is the most difficult to use effectively. The fact is that Neptune is associated with higher intuition, a prophetic gift and direct comprehension of the world around without the filter of a rational mind. Only selected individuals are capable of this, whose spiritual purity allowed them to pass by the problems of other ages without loss. The material at this time becomes even less significant for the individual than in the previous age of Uranus; the intellect is also “losing ground”, losing the speed of reactions.

The most positive use of the time of Neptune is spiritual practices, meditations and, of course, playing the role of a Guru, an esoteric teacher. Such a teacher is completely detached from everyday and social issues, infinitely kind to students, but does not indulge their selfish inclinations and self-importance. A person of the age of Neptune performs the function of a link between the unknowable boundless universe and the limited social existence of mankind, he transmits to the latter the innermost information for improvement.

With those who lived to the age of Neptune, but did not discover the potential for spiritual growth and cognition, the following happens: the intellect degrades completely, the physical body rapidly deteriorates, and, as a result, falling into childhood with its terry "physiological" egoism, helplessness is guaranteed. and unconsciousness. Such people are waiting for death, as getting rid of such a “humiliating” state, leaving life slowly, gradually, painfully. The latter is especially manifested in the fact that they become a burden for loved ones and completely useless for others.Neptune at worst creates a life devoid of any meaning and any stimulus - just an existence outside of time and awareness.

At the age of Neptune, the classification of ages ends: there is nowhere to go further - they don’t live so long! - and even if a person has lived, say, to 110 years old, all the same - Neptune rules his age.

The general pattern of changing the ages of the planets: the "older" the age, the fewer people live to see it; the more difficult the problems facing a person, the higher the responsibility for the correctness of their solution, the stronger the spiritual loneliness.

Planet cycles

Another direction of age astrology is the analysis of planetary cycles. They, like the planetary ages, are universal for all people. The planetary cycle denotes the stages in the development of the principles corresponding to the planet in question in the life of the individual.

In general, the cycle consists of the following elements:

The starting point of reference, that is, the position of the planet in the radix.

The first quadrature of the transit planet to the initial position is the first crisis that makes a person comprehend the principles of the planet and implement them in his life. If this does not happen, then the further stages of the cycle become more and more painful.

The first trine to the starting point determines the prospects for success in the implementation of planetary principles - much is possible, luck comes, self-confidence increases, much of what previously seemed unattainable is realized.

The planet's opposition to itself. This is the decisive stage of the cycle - its most intense point, when "the question is posed point-blank" - either the principles of the planet are realized and it gives the result of one quality or another, or - in the absence of awareness - there are severe crisis phenomena, from which the individual's self-esteem mainly suffers. Cardinal changes in behavior are possible, dictated by the principles of this planet.

The second trine to the initial position of the planet is already a serious achievement, symbolized by it; this is success, but not “accidental”, as it seemed in the case of the first trine, but natural, deserved and therefore perceived by the individual calmly.

The second quadrature is nothing more than a test of personality for strength in cases dedicated to this planet. A person is already “considered” mature, experienced in these matters, and they “request” him, he has to experience difficulties in certain matters, but - again - the difficulties are natural and understandable.

The return of the planet. Finally, the last element of the cycle is the return of the planet to its starting point - or simply - the return of the planet. The cycle always ends with a reappraisal of values ​​and an analysis of what has been done for him. In many cases, such a reassessment is extremely painful, as the individual feels that he has done little, and indulges in reflection and other psychological "suffering". In some cases, the completion of the cycle gives the results deserved by hard work, and the person finally feels satisfaction from what has been done.

If the reassessment and reorientation are completed, then the next cycle of this planet provides new opportunities for personal development, if not, then difficulties multiply on subsequent quadratures and oppositions, and one cannot even dream of any development. Life in this case flows by inertia; trigons do not give anything new, and quadratures and oppositions pose insurmountable obstacles. As a result, a person closes on the narrowest understanding of himself as a purely everyday being and incapable of any accomplishments. Life is drawn in more and more gray colors and loses its value.

In general, here is the basic information about the course of the planet's cycle.

Influential cycles of the planets

Consider the influential cycles of the planets. These include the cycles of the higher and social planets, as well as the transits of the lunar nodes. The cycles of personal planets are so short that they do not pose any serious problems and do not reveal - this is only a small event raid, insignificant against the background of major cases and the fundamental psychology of the individual.

Jupiter cycle

The shortest cycle of those that makes sense to consider is that of Jupiter (11.89 years).

The first quadrature and trine of Jupiter are not very significant and, apparently, denote the first stages of a child's education: his problems and successes. But the opposition that takes place at 6 years old is already an important aspect - it determines the degree of readiness of a person to collide with society and active learning, that is, the degree of readiness for school and the age of Mercury. The second quadrature and trine in this initial cycle of Jupiter symbolize school problems and the peculiarities of the teenager's social adaptation - he learns to live in society, fills "bumps" (on the quadrature), enjoys attention to himself (on the trine). Finally, the return of Jupiter comes around 12 years. What does it carry?

In conclusion, it is necessary to determine the scope of practical application of the age aspects of the planets. It lies in clarifying the strength of any prognostic elements. Each aspect (directional, transit, progressive, solar) will significantly increase its effect if it coincides in time with the age aspect of the planet that creates it. For example, the directional aspect of Jupiter will be all the more effective and influential for forecasting if it occurs during periods of Jupiter returns. The semantic load of age aspects, discussed above, should also be combined with the interpretation of prognostic aspects. Suppose there is a directional aspect: Saturn (ruler of the Sixth House) in square to natal Mars. Age: 60 years old. Of all the possible interpretations of this directional aspect, knowing the age, one can choose the most correct one. It can be formulated as follows: a forced cessation (or reduction) of active work, a drop in energy, a lack of enthusiasm and self-confidence.

Thus, age astrology can provide significant assistance in forecasting by clarifying interpretations; in addition, knowledge of the characteristics of individual years of life allows a more correct assessment of the problems (and the degree of their relevance) that disturb the clients of an astrological consultant. Age astrology teaches common sense and a philosophical attitude to life processes, which appear natural and universal in the light of this knowledge.

Author of the article: Tsypin Pavel Evgenievich,
Cosmogram data for analysis:
Khrushchev N. S. 04/17/1894. Coming to power in the USSR - summer 1953
Pushkin A.S. 06/06/1799. Death - 02/09/1837.
Rimbaud A. 10/20/1854. Death - 1891.
Gaidar A. 01/22/1904. Death - 1941.
Vysotsky V.S. 01/25/1938. Death - 07/25/1980.
Pavel 1. 10/01/1754. Death - 03/12/1801.
Khasbulatov R. 11/22/1942. leadership in the Russian Armed Forces - 1989.
Baudelaire C. 04/09/1821. Death - 1867.
Putin V. V. 10/07/1952. Election as President of the Russian Federation - 03/26/2000.
Kheifetz Ya. 02.02.1900. Leaving the stage - 10/23/1972.

The whole life of a person can be divided into planetary cycles, during which important tasks, character traits, etc. are formed. If the task of the cycle is not completed, then it will remain hanging on the person, creating problems and difficulties. In a word, each planet shows what and when we must do in order to get that long-awaited development. In this article, I will give the main and main planetary cycles of human life according to the Chaldean series.

Moon cycle (0-7 years)

One of the most important periods in the life of each of us. Since it is at this time that our destiny, personality is formed. The moon is responsible for the inner world, the psyche, psychological patterns and programs. During this period, the personality or ego of the child does not yet exist separately, but only together with the psychological space of the parents. It is at this time that all the main features of character, habits are laid, the first impulse is given to the development of abilities.

In Japan, there is an interesting tradition about this. A child under 7 years old is not touched at all, allowing him to do what he wants. So in a small person a personality wakes up, which in subsequent periods will be corrected and honed by a person. If at this time the parents did not give the child enough love and care, then later this can manifest itself in a variety of problems, such as self-doubt, fear of independence, a sense of failure, and much more.

Mercury cycle (7-14 years old)

When the period of Mercury begins, the child gradually begins to separate from the space of the parents and enters society for the first time. The task of this cycle is to learn how to communicate, communicate with other people, peers. Also during this period, awareness wakes up, the age of the “why-why” begins, information begins to actively flow through the school or other people. Then if during the period of the Moon the child comprehended the world through feelings, empathy, sensations, then during the period of Mercury the world is recognized through the logos and information. If at this time the child has not learned to harmoniously contact the outside world, then he has a communication problem that can haunt a person all his life.

Venus cycle (14-21 years old)

Of course, many people know about this period. After all, this is the time when hormones wake up, and a person begins to realize sexual characteristics. The stage of getting to know your body and its capabilities. In psychology, this period is called the transitional age. It was at this time that the image of the first relationship, the first love, is formed, which can have a strong influence on later life. At this stage, a person learns to enjoy the world, from love. Therefore, if during this cycle a person does not open up, then a severe trauma is born here, when in adulthood a person simply does not know how to enjoy life, and is depressed and melancholy.

Sun cycle (21-29 years)

The sun is responsible for the ego and personality, self-perception. This is the time when everything that a person received in previous cycles begins to develop and bear fruit. Here begins the exit from the parental space, the first understanding of who I am in this world, and what exactly I want from this life. Personality and ego are getting stronger, so a person can behave extremely ambitious and thoughtlessly, he has a feeling that the whole world is open before him. And this is right, in no case should a person be prevented from making mistakes or rash acts at this time, since these mistakes will give valuable experience, which will then play an important role in a person’s life.

Mars cycle (29-36 years)

After the active period of the Sun, a person begins to consciously carve out a place for himself in the world and in society. The period of active realization, it is at this time that the main heights are reached, or the foundation for the next life is built. The energy here is at its peak, together with the resources of the personality that were received in past cycles.

Cycle of Jupiter (36-55 years)

Jupiter is a social planet, so here a person begins to reap the fruits of his labors. Energy is starting to decline, so this is the last chance to build something in this life. The worldview of man is almost completely formed. The purpose of this cycle is to maximize what has already been built. This period is commonly referred to as the "Midlife Crisis". When a person realizes that the first half of life has already passed, energy becomes less, time begins to press, so everything superfluous and unnecessary begins to fall apart during this period. If the tasks of the previous periods are not realized, then it is at this time that the person acutely feels that very crisis and devastation. If the previous cycles are implemented, then at this stage a second wind opens.

Saturn cycle (from 55 years old)

Saturn sums up. Therefore, during this cycle and until death, a person receives the results of his life. His worldview is completely petrified, his energy is declining. The main stages of life have passed, so here a person can evaluate how effective his life is. During the period of Saturn, either universal wisdom or universal stupidity wakes up, depending on how a person went through the previous stages. Time to search for the spiritual and sacred, a complete synthesis of your life experience, worldview. At this stage, the question arises: what can I give away or pass on to the next generation? What will be left after me?

How to behave in the current cycle?

If you want to know where to go next, to fit the current cycle, to “recharge” from what you are doing, to become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Each planet has its own micro- and macrocycle. And this data can also be used to predict certain events in the life of a native.

The forecast is made taking into account the rulers (co-rulers) of houses and planets in houses. It is also worth noting that events in the sphere of life ruled by one or another planet within the macrocycles of personal and social planets and microcycles of transsaturn planets can occur 3-4 months before or after the exact passage of the cycle. When interpreting the cycles of fast planets in the horoscope - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron, as well as fictitious points - Lilith and Selena - macrocycles are of paramount importance. Although microcycles also play a role. When interpreting the cycles of social planets - Jupiter and Saturn - both macro- and microcycles are equally significant. For transsaturn planets - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Proserpina - microcycles are of paramount importance. Macrocycles on a person's life in this case are practically not reflected, but they are important when considering mundane maps.

Macrocycle of the Sun- 11 years.
Microcycle of the Sun- 365 days and 6 hours.
In the areas affected by the Sun, significant events will occur every 11 years: at 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will mark the weeks immediately before and after the birthday.

Macrocycle of the Moon- 19 years.
Microcycle of the Moon— 27.33 days.
In the areas that the Moon influences, significant events will occur every 19 years: at 19, 38, 57, 76, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will mark the days when the Moon enters the sign of the Moon of the native.

Macrocycle of Mercury- 17.34 years old.
Mercury microcycle- 88 days.
In the spheres affected by Mercury, significant events will occur every 17.34 years: at about 17.5, 35, 52, 69.5, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will be marked every three months.

Macrocycle of Venus- 8 years.
Microcycle of Venus- 225 and 227 days.
In the areas influenced by Venus, significant events will occur every 8 years: at 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will be marked by 9-month periods.

Macrocycles of Mars two: 13 and 15 years old. For women, a 13-year cycle is more effective, for men: a 15-year one.
Mars microcycle- 687 days.
In the areas affected by Mars, significant events will occur every 13/15 years: on 13/15, 26/30, 39/45, 52/60, etc.
In addition, periods of about 2.5 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Microcycle of Chiron- 2.2 years
Macrocycle of Chiron- 50.7 years old
In the areas affected by Chiron, significant events will occur every 50.7 years, i.e. around 50-51 years old.
In addition, periods of about 2.2 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Jupiter microcycle- 3 years 18 days.
Jupiter macrocycle- 11.86 years old
In the spheres influenced by Jupiter, significant events will occur every 3 years and 11.8 years: at the age of about 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23.5, 26.5, 29.5, 32.5, 35.5, 38.5, 41.5, 44.5, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59 etc.

Microcycle of Saturn- 4 years 7 months.
Macrocycle of Saturn— 29.5 years old
In the spheres affected by Saturn, significant events will occur every 4.5 years and 29.5 years: at the age of about 4.5, 9, 14.5, 19.5, 24, 29.5, 34, 39, 43.5, 48, 54, 59, 63, 5 etc.

Uranus has two microcycles- 1.7 years and 6 years 289 days.
Macrocycle of Uranus- 84.1 years old
In the spheres affected by Uranus, significant events will occur every 6.8 years: at the age of about 7, 13.5, 20.5, 27, 34, 41, 47.5, 54.5, 61, etc.
In addition, periods of about 1.7 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Microcycle of Neptune - 4.7 and 12.5 years.
Macrocycle of Neptune- 164.5 years.
In the areas affected by Neptune, significant events will occur every 4.7 and 12.5 years: at the age of about 5, 9.5, 12.5, 14, 19, 23.5, 25, 28, 33, 37.5, 42, 46, 50, 55, 59 etc.

Pluto Microcycle- 6.5 and 10 years.
Macrocycle- 248 years old
In the areas affected by Pluto, significant events will occur every 6.5 and 10 years: at 6.5, 10, 13, 19.5, 20, 26, 30, 32.5, 39, 40, 45.5, 50, 52, 58.5, 60, etc. .P.

Microcycle of Proserpine— 65 years old
Macrocycle of Proserpine- 665 years
In areas affected by Proserpine, significant events will occur at the age of 65.

Microcil Lilith- 9 months
Macrocycle Lilith- 9 years
In the areas affected by Lilith, significant events will occur every 9 years at the age of 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 53, 62, etc.
In addition, periods of about 9 months will be marked by relatively important events.

Selena microcycle- Seven months
Selena macrocycle- 7 years
In the areas affected by Selena, significant events will occur every 7 years at the age of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, etc.
In addition, periods of about 7 months will be marked by relatively important events.

Microcycle of Lunar Nodes– 1.5 years
Macrocycle of the Lunar Nodes– 18.6 years old
In the spheres affected by the nodes, significant events will occur every 18.6 years at the age of 18.5, 37, etc.
In addition, periods of about 1.5 years will be marked by relatively important events.

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