What new concepts does the work of dowry open up. The main conflict of play A

The play "Dowry" is one of the psychological dramas that Ostrovsky turned to in the 1870s. She is a little out of general context author's dramaturgy, along with social ones, it contains psychological issues. After we pass brief analysis of the play "Dowry", the accents that Ostrovsky placed in the work will become more obvious, and the author's idea will also be clear.

Socio-psychological problems of the play "Dowry"

A dowry is a girl who does not have a dowry, and therefore it is difficult for her to get married. This defines the main conflict in the play. The social position of the heroes determines their fate, their outlook on life and, in many respects, their character. So, at the beginning of the play, two successful merchants Knurov and Vozhevatov talk about the omnipotence of capital.

Let's start our analysis of the play "Dowry" with this thought. They are accustomed to measuring everything with money. It is noteworthy that Vozhevatov replies to Knurov’s remark about how nice it would be to “ride” with Larisa to Paris, and not fall in love with her for long, Vozhevatov replies: “There is a price for every product”, “I ... I won’t give too much.” In the hierarchy of life values, the main place is occupied by money, wealth, luxury. This determines the relationship of people to each other. Paratov is universally respected by the fact that he littered with money. Larisa's mother, Harita Ignatievna, welcomes wealthy suitors without thinking about her reputation. According to the merchants, in her house there is a “bazaar”, “campaign”. Karandyshev is jealous of wealthier people, which exacerbates his painful pride.

In this world, everything is bought and sold. When analyzing the play "Dowry", note this. Paratov says that he is “marrying a million”, having no feelings for the bride at all. In the finale, Larisa, having learned that Knurov and Vozhevatov are playing toss, who will get it, bitterly exclaims: “They are right, I am a thing, not a person.”

But no less important is psychological conflict. It is determined by the contradiction between the world of capital, its values ​​and the desire for sincerity of feelings, purity human relations. The tragedy of Larisa is that she "looked for love and did not find it." Knurov notices that Larisa is "simple" in the sense that she does not know how to be hypocritical, cunning, luring suitors. She believes in Paratov's feelings, realizing only at the end that he deceived her. He does not immediately realize how small and insignificant Karandyshev is. The contradictions between inner aspirations and reality lead to a dramatic denouement.

Analysis of the play "Dowry" - a system of images

The system of images in drama seems to form two poles. On one of the rich merchants, wealthy people, respected in the city. On the other - Larisa Ogudalova. Merchants, unlike Ostrovsky's other dramas, are educated and travel to Europe. However, they life priorities It's still money and pride. These are Knurov, Vozhevatov, Paratov, Karandyshev, despite the difference social status. Everyone believes that Paratov is a "brilliant gentleman", a man broad soul. In fact, for him “there is nothing cherished”, marriage to money is more important than Larisa, who truly loves him. Karandyshev, speaking about feelings for the bride, thinks only how everyone will envy him now. Even mother main character, Harita Ignatievna, sells her daughters, trying to marry them off. But as can be seen from the analysis of the play "Dowry", this does not bring them happiness.

The main character of the play is Larisa Ogudalova. Her name comes from the Greek for "seagull". Larisa is a romantic, talented, subtle nature. She plays beautifully, she is noble and beautiful. But because of poverty, they look at it only as a momentary entertainment.

Larisa is taller, bolder, better than others. With all the external attention to herself, Larisa is lonely. Her spiritual qualities, mind, talent turn out to be of no use to anyone: they go to her house only to have fun and spend time. Love for Paratov also does not find a response. He seduces her, knowing that he will not exchange a millionth bride for a dowry. Karandyshev puts above all his offended pride, and marriage to Larisa is a reason for him to assert himself. Understanding her loneliness, hopelessness in the world of omnipotence of capital and calculation lead Larisa to the thought of “how good it is to die”, to forgive everyone and die. Therefore, she calls Karandyshev's shot a "good deed."

In this article, you read a brief analysis of the play "The Dowry" by Ostrovsky. Visit our Literature Blog where you will find many articles on this subject. Also read

The famous play "Dowry", which Ostrovsky wrote for four years from 1874 to 1878, the author himself considered one of his best and most significant dramatic works. Although shown in theater stage in 1878, it caused a storm of protest and indignation, both among the audience and critics, the play received its well-deserved share of popularity only after the death of the famous Russian playwright. A clear demonstration of the main idea that the author wanted to show people that money rules the world, and in modern society they are the main driving force, allowing their owners to control the fate of other people dependent on them, many did not like it. Like other innovations in the play, incomprehensible to the general public, all this caused a rather sharp assessment of both readers and critics.

History of creation

In the early seventies of the nineteenth century, Ostrovsky worked as an honorary magistrate of the Kineshma district, on duty he participated in various high-profile trials and was well acquainted with the criminal reports of that time, which gave him rich literary material for writing works. Life itself gave him plots for his dramatic plays, and there is an assumption that the preimage storyline in "Dowry" was the tragic death of a young woman whom he killed own husband, Ivan Konovalov, a local resident of the Kineshma district.

Ostrovsky begins the play in late autumn (November 1874), making a marginal note "Opus No. 40", stretching its writing for four long years, due to parallel work on several more works, and finishing it in the fall of 1878. The play was approved by the censors, preparations began for publication, which ended with its publication in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski in 1879. This was followed by rehearsals of theater companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, who wanted to play the play on the stage, bringing it to the judgment of the audience and critics. The premieres of "Dowry" both at the Maly and Alexandria theaters were a failure and caused sharp negative judgments from theater critics. And only ten years after the death of Ostrovsky (the second half of the 90s of the XIX century), the well-deserved success finally came to the play, largely due to the huge popularity and fame of the actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya, who played leading role Larisa Ogudalova.

Analysis of the work

Story line

The action of the work takes place in the Volga town of Bryakhimov, which looks like the town of Kalinov from the play "Thunderstorm" only after 20 years have passed. The time of such petty tyrants and tyrants as Kabanikha and Porfiry Wild has long passed, it has come " finest hour"for enterprising, cunning and dodgy businessmen, such as the millionaire Knurov and a representative of a wealthy trading company Vasily Vozhevatov, who are able to buy and sell not only goods and things, but also human fates. From their dialogue, which tells about the fate of a young woman, Larisa Ogudalova, deceived by a wealthy master Paratov (a kind of grown-up Boris, Diky's nephew), the first act of the play begins. From the conversation of the merchants, we learn that the first beauty of the city, whose artistry and charm has no equal, marries a poor official, absolutely insignificant and miserable in their opinion, Karandyshev.

Larisa's mother, Kharitona Ogudalova, who herself raised three daughters, tried to find a good match for each daughter, and for the youngest, most beautiful and artistic daughter, she prophesies a wonderful future with a rich husband, only one simple and well-known fact spoils everything: she is a bride from poor family and has no dowry. When the brilliant, young master Paratov appears on the horizon among her daughter's admirers, the mother tries with all her might to marry her daughter to him. However, having played with Larisa's feelings, he leaves her for whole year without any explanation (during the dialogue it turns out that he squandered his fortune and is now forced to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines in order to save his position). Desperate Larisa declares to her mother that she is ready to marry the first person she meets, who becomes Yuli Kapitonych Karandyshev.

Before the wedding, Larisa meets with Paratov, who returned after a year's absence, confesses her love to him and runs away with him from her unloved fiancé to his ship "Swallow", which the unlucky bankrupt also sells for debts. There, Larisa tries to find out from Paratov who she now belongs to him: his wife, or someone else, then she learns with horror about his future marriage to a rich bride. The heartbroken Larisa with a proposal to take her to the Paris exhibition, and in fact become his mistress and kept woman, is approached by the millionaire Knurov, who wins this right from Vozhevatov (after conferring, the merchants decide that such a diamond as Larisa should not be wasted, they play her fate by tossing a coin). Karandyshev appears and begins to prove to Larisa that for her fans she is only a thing, a beautiful and refined, but absolutely soulless object, with which you can do as its owner wants. crushed life circumstances and the soullessness of people-dealers who so easily sell and buy human lives, Larisa finds this comparison with a thing very successful, and now in life, having not found love, she agrees to look only for gold, and nothing else. Insulted by Larisa, who called him miserable and insignificant, Karandyshev, in a fit of jealousy, anger and hurt pride with the words “So don’t get you to anyone!” shoots Larisa with a pistol, she dies with the words that she does not blame anyone, and forgives everyone everything.

main characters

The main character of the play, Larisa Ogudalova, a young woman without a dowry from the city of Bryakhimov, is a slightly grown-up Katerina from the play Thunderstorm, previously written by the same author. Their images are united by an ardent and sensitive nature, which eventually leads them tragic ending. Just like Katerina, Larisa "suffocates" in the dull and musty town of Bryakhimov, among its inhabitants, who are also bored and dreary here.

Larisa Ogudalova finds herself in a difficult situation life situation, which is distinguished by some duality and undeniable tragedy: she is the first smart girl and beauty of the city, she cannot marry worthy man because she is a dowry. In this situation, two ways out are outlined in front of her: to become a kept woman of a rich and influential married man, or choose a husband of a man of a lower social status. Grasping at the last straw, Larisa falls in love with the image she created of a handsome and brilliant man, the bankrupt landowner Sergei Paratov, who, like Boris, Diky's nephew in The Thunderstorm, finds himself in real life a completely different person. He breaks the heart of the main character and with his indifference, lies and spinelessness literally "kills" the girl, i.e. causes it tragic death. The tragic death becomes a kind of “good deed” for the main character, because for her the current situation has become a life tragedy that she could not cope with. That is why in their last minutes, the dying Larisa does not blame anyone for anything and does not complain about her fate.

Ostrovsky portrayed his heroine as an ardent and passionate nature, who survived severe mental trauma and the betrayal of a loved one, who, nevertheless, did not lose her sublime lightness, did not become embittered and remained just as noble and pure soul which she has been throughout her life. Due to the fact that the concepts and aspirations of Larisa Ogudalova were fundamentally different from the value system that prevails in the world around her, even though she was constantly in the center of public attention (like a beautiful and elegant doll), in her soul she remained lonely and not understood by anyone. Absolutely not understanding people, not seeing lies and falsehood in them, she creates for herself perfect image the man that Sergey Paratov becomes, falls in love with him and cruelly pays for his self-deception with his life.

In his play, the great Russian playwright amazingly talentedly portrayed not only the image of the main character Larisa Ogudalova, but the people around her: the cynicism and unscrupulousness of the hereditary merchants Knurov and Vozhevatov, who played the girl’s fate with a simple lot, the immorality, deceit and cruelty of her failed fiancé Paratov, greed and depravity her mother, who is trying to sell her daughter as profitably as possible, envy, pettiness and narrow-mindedness of a loser with a heightened pride and a sense of ownership of the jealous Karandyshev.

Features of the genre and compositional construction

The composition of the play, built in a certain way in strict classical style, contributes to the growth of mental tension among viewers and readers. The time interval of the play is limited to one day, in the first act the exposition is shown and the plot begins, in the second act the action gradually develops, in the third ( dinner party at the Ogudalovs) - the climax, in the fourth - tragic denouement. Due to this consistent linearity compositional construction the author reveals the motivation of the characters' actions, which becomes well understood and explainable both for readers and viewers, who realize that people act one way or another not only because of their own psychological characteristics but also because of the influence of the social environment.

Also, the play “Dowry” is characterized by the use of a peculiar system of images, namely, “speaking” names invented for the characters: the name of an exalted nature, Larisa Ogudalova, translated from the Greek “seagull”, the name Harita has gypsy origin and means “charming”, and the surname Ogudalova comes from the word “ogudat” - to deceive, to cheat. The surname Paratov comes from the word "paraty", which means "predator", Knurov - from the word "knur" - a wild boar, named after Larisa's fiancé Yuliya Karandysheva (The name is in honor of the Roman Gaius Julius Caesar, and the surname is a symbol of something small and insignificant ) the author shows the incompatibility of desires with the capabilities of this hero.

In his play, Ostrovsky wanted to show that in a world where money rules and a certain social stigma is stuffed on everyone, no one can feel free and do what he really wants. As long as people believe in the power of money, they forever remain hostages of social cliches: Larisa cannot become the wife of a loved one, because she is a dowry, even rich and influential merchants, just like the bankrupt Paratov, are bound hand and foot by social dogmas and cannot marry at will, to receive love and human warmth just like that, and not for money.

It is thanks to the enormous power of emotional impact, scale, topicality of the issues raised and undeniable artistic value that Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry" occupies an honorable place among the classics of world drama. This work will never lose its relevance, each generation of readers, immersed in the world of experiences of the characters in the play, will discover something new and find answers to eternal spiritual and moral questions.

Ostrovsky devoted his play "Dowry" to the image of provincial businessmen and nobles who adapted to European style life. The drama shows the specific conditions that have developed historically - the generation of businessmen of a new formation. Dmitrievna becomes the center of their interests, her fate does not bother them, they solve it "in between". The social stratum of the society in which the girl lived did not interest her from the point of view of practicality, her only interest was love.

Ostrovsky reflects the complex life dialectics in the play. "Dowry" (analysis of the work) indicates the dramatic personality in a cruel society. The triumph of "idols" with a wolf's grip is striking in its vulgarity without a drop of shyness.

The main line of the work is the struggle of several men for one girl, and they need her only as a trophy.

Ostrovsky's "Dowry" begins with a playful dialogue between Ivan and Gavrila, which gives the reader a clear idea not only about one city, but also about the post-reform period of the country as a whole.

After that, businessmen Knurov and Vozhevatov appear, from whose conversation it turns out that Larisa was going to marry Karandyshev, a worthless person. The reason for this decision of the girl was the unbearable constant presence in the house of crowds of suitors, who are constantly invited by her prudent mother.

But no one is attracted to a dowry. Ostrovsky tells the reader about Knurov's desire to see Larisa as his kept woman. Next, the writer introduces us to the brilliant young master Paratov, who courted Larisa for about two months, and then disappeared. The girl in love with him rashly and decided to accept a proposal for marriage from the first comer. It turned out to be a beggar, self-satisfied, but painfully loving himself Karandyshev, whom Larisa is ashamed of.

With such initial events, Ostrovsky tries to evoke in the reader. "Dowry" (analysis of the play) causes intrigue with an unusual heroine and fear for her fate. The cannon shot intensifies the alarm, frightening Larisa and announcing the arrival of Sergei Sergeyich Paratov. Having learned about the upcoming marriage of his former passion, being engaged to the "gold mines", the young man expresses a desire to visit the Ogudalovs.

At the dinner in honor of the engagement of Larisa and Karandyshev, a series of events take place that contribute to the dramatic continuation of the play. Ostrovsky's "Dowry" tells how the initially respectful Paratov turns into an impulsive and proud person, who by no means wants to be defeated.

The reception arranged by Karandyshev turns into a farce. The groom gets drunk, everyone makes fun of him, the dowry feels like a laughingstock. Ostrovsky offers a new twist to the reader's judgment. Paratov is trying to lure Larisa for a walk along the Volga. The guests persuade the girl to sing, Karandyshev, trying to show power over her, categorically forbids performing the song. It is his pathetic word “I forbid” that becomes fatal, in spite of the groom, Larisa not only sings, but also runs away with the whole company.

After spending the night with Paratov on the ship, the failed bride finds out that the young man is not free. Knowing about the shameful position of Larisa, Knurov and Vozhevatov decide her fate by playing "toss". Ownership of the girl goes to the first, and he offers to become her generously paid kept woman. She became a thing - the dowry understands. Ostrovsky ends the play tragically - wanting to take revenge, Karandyshev kills Larisa with a shot. Before dying, she thanks her fiancé for deliverance from suffering.

Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky created a whole galaxy of Russian characters. Mostly they were merchants: sedate, with a bushy beard. And if in some plays of the playwright one can meet real "tyrants", then there are works where Ostrovsky continued the traditions of Turgenev in the image female characters. The "Turgenev" girl is resolute, she can be the first to confess her feelings and will never give up her words.

In Ostrovsky's plays "Hot Heart", "Thunderstorm", "Snow Maiden" images of such heroines are created - decisive and courageous, but with tragic fate. Even among these bright girls with a "hot heart" one can be singled out - Larisa Ogudalova, the main character of the play "Dowry". Outstanding personality, she stands out from her surroundings and is strikingly different from her mother, who is trying to find a benefit in everything.

She, Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova, can be understood: she alone raised three daughters. Yes, only the two elders, married, had an unfortunate fate: the first Caucasian husband stabbed to death out of jealousy, the second was at the mercy of a cheater. Larisa - last hope mother: she sings beautifully, performs Russian romances, plays music, dances. And the mother hopes that such a talented and beautiful daughter she will be able to marry well, so that she lives like Christ in her bosom. Therefore, she teaches: "It is better to humiliate yourself from a young age, so that later you can live like a human being."

In the mind of a woman with gypsy name Harita, humanly, is when there are many men in the house, wine flows like water, compliments sound. It is no coincidence that Larisa's current fiancé, a poor official, Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev, compares life in the Ogudalovs' house with a camp. Only all the tricks of the mother are in vain, because Larisa is a dowry. And in the society that surrounds the girl, there is only money. The new masters of life, unlike the heroes of "Thunderstorm", are no longer petty tyrants: their power is based on money. “I have nothing cherished; I will find a profit, so I will sell everything, ”says another hero of the play, Sergei Sergeyich Paratov,“ a brilliant gentleman ”, in the author’s assessment.

And this is true: Paratov, whom Larisa fell in love with so much that she “almost died of grief”, easily exchanged her for the “millionth” bride - the daughter of the owner of the gold mines. Having left her without explanation a year ago, now, when Larisa decides to marry the “first comer” Karandyshev, Paratov, having appeared again, accuses Larisa of treason. At a meeting, he reproachfully says that he would like to know “whether a passionately loved person is soon forgotten: on the next day after parting with him, in a week or a month ...”

And Larisa, who has already told her fiancé that "Sergei Sergeyich is the ideal of a man," loses her head again. She forgives her beloved, who disappeared unexpectedly a year ago, and "not a single letter." Larisa is a romantic person, so she does not notice obvious things. She proudly tells Karandyshev how a year ago Paratov shot in cold blood at the watch she was holding in her hand. But this fact, rather, suggests that Larisa does not mean anything to him. In addition, Paratov is vindictive: having barely met Karandyshev, he manages to hurt the pride of a poor official, but insists that it is Julius Kapitonich who apologizes to him, the master of life. And then, at a dinner party, he gets drunk on him in order to once again humiliate him in front of people who measure everything with money.

It just so happened in Ostrovsky's plays: against the backdrop of resolute and courageous heroines, men turn out to be lethargic and lifeless. In the play "Thunderstorm", the husband of Katerina Kabanova depends on her mother in everything, which as a result leads to tragedy: his young wife voluntarily passes away.

In "Dowry" the situation is similar: out of desperation, agreeing to marry Karandyshev, she begs him to leave for the village to start new life, little reminiscent of the former camp. But the petty official, who endured ridicule in the hope of waiting for reciprocity from Larisa, is now "spreading his wings." He wants to wipe out the representatives of the upper class, and he gives a dinner in honor of Larisa Dmitrievna to say: she chose the most worthy person for her suitors - him, Yuli Kapitonych. This is his revenge for the envy that he had to experience every time he saw Larisa's beautiful and successful fans.

But by this act, he even more causes contempt from those who are used to drinking champagne in the morning and having lunch in a restaurant. After all, he, a poor official, has enough money only for cheap liquor, the bottles from which are carefully sealed with labels from expensive wine. And if Larisa, in response to accusations of treason by Paratov, says that her fiancé has the most important advantage - he loves her, then in the final she is disappointed in him. She speaks in disgust ex-fiance kneeling in front of her: “You are too insignificant for me,” and then bitterly admits: “I was looking for love and did not find it.”

It is difficult to find love in a society where everything is just bought and sold. Paratov is selling his favorite ship, the Lastochka, because he found a profit - a bride with a million dollar dowry. But he commits a much more vile act: having humiliated her fiancé in the eyes of Larisa, he gives hope for the future and, taking advantage of the situation, seduces the poor girl, and then confesses that he is engaged - he has “golden chains”. That's when the epiphany comes to the heroine. She understands that everyone around, even own mother, look at it as a thing, for fun.

She does not have the courage to commit suicide, as Katerina did in The Thunderstorm, but she finds the strength to admit that no one has ever tried to look into her soul, she has not seen sympathy from anyone, has not heard a warm word. Larisa passes a terrible sentence to herself: "I did not find love, so I will look for gold." And she is really ready to take a ride to an exhibition in Paris with the middle-aged merchant Knurov, who won her in the "toss" from a younger rival, she is ready to become his kept woman, that is, to sell herself at a higher price, because the only consolation remains for her: if you really are a thing, then very expensive.

The finale of this psychological play is a foregone conclusion. Sobered up, but rejected, Karandyshev shoots at Larisa, and for her this becomes a salvation. Now she cannot be bought or sold - she remains free and truly happy. She dies with words of forgiveness on her lips. Thus, the author shows that death is a tragic way out of the insoluble moral contradictions of time, a sentence to a society that is not able to preserve the treasure of a spiritual personality, beauty and talent.

A.N. Ostrovsky created an amazing gallery of Russian characters. Representatives of the merchant class became the main characters - from "domostroevsky" tyrants to real businessmen. The playwright's portrayals of women were no less vivid and expressive. Some of them looked like the heroines of J.S. Turgenev: they were just as brave and resolute, had warm hearts and never gave up their feelings. Below is an analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", where the main character is a bright personality, different from the people who surrounded her.

History of creation

The analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" should begin with the history of its writing. In the 1870s, Alexander Nikolayevich was an honorary judge in one county. Participation in trials and familiarity with various cases gave him new opportunity search for themes for their works.

Researchers of his life and work suggest that the plot for this play was taken from his judicial practice. It was a case that made a lot of noise in the county - the murder local resident his young wife. Ostrovsky began writing the play in 1874, but progress was slow. And only in 1878 the play was completed.

Actors and their brief description

The next point in the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is small characteristic actors plays.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character. A beautiful and impressionable noblewoman. Despite her sensitive nature, she is a proud girl. Her main disadvantage is poverty. Therefore, her mother tries to find a rich groom for her. Larisa is in love with Paratov, but he leaves her. Then, out of desperation, she decides to marry Karandyshev.

Sergey Paratov is a nobleman who is over 30 years old. An unprincipled, cold and calculating person. Everything is measured in money. He is going to marry a rich girl, but does not tell Larisa about it.

Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev is a petty official who has little money. conceited, his the main objective- win the respect of others and impress them. Jealous of Larisa to Paratov.

Vasily Vozhevatov is a young rich merchant. I've known the main character since childhood. A cunning person without any moral principles.

Moky Parmenych Knurov is an elderly merchant, the richest man in the city. He likes the young Ogudalova, but he is a married man. Therefore, Knurov wants her to become his kept woman. Selfish, he cares only for his own interests.

Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova - Larisa's mother, widow. Cunning, she tries to profitably give her daughter in marriage so that they do not need anything. Therefore, he believes that any means are suitable for this.

Robinson is an actor, mediocrity, a drunkard. Friend of Paratov.

One of the points in the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is short description the plot of the play. The action takes place in the Volga city of Bryakhimov. In the first act, the reader learns from the conversation between Knurov and Vozhevatov that Sergei Paratov, a rich gentleman who loves to appear spectacularly in society, is returning to the city.

He left Bryakhimov so hastily that he did not say goodbye to Larisa Ogudalova, who was in love with him. She was in despair because of his departure. Knurov and Vozhevatov say that she is beautiful, smart and performs romances incomparably. Only her suitors shun her, because she is a dowry.

Realizing this, her mother constantly keeps the doors of the house open, in the hope that a rich groom will marry Larisa. The girl decides to marry a petty official, Yuri Kapitonych Karandyshev. During the walk, the merchants inform them of Paratov's arrival. Karandyshev invites them to a dinner party in honor of his fiancee. Julius Kapitonych arranges a scandal for the bride because of Paratov.

Meanwhile, Paratov himself, in a conversation with the merchants, says that he was going to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines. And Larisa is no longer interested in him, but the news of her marriage makes him think.

Larisa quarrels with her fiancé because she wants to leave with him for the village as soon as possible. Karandyshev, despite the constraint on funds, is going to give a dinner party. Ogudalova is having an explanation with Paratov. He accuses her of cheating and asks if she loves him. The girl agrees.

Paratov decided to humiliate Larisa's fiancé in front of the guests. He gets him drunk at dinner, and then persuades the girl to go on a boat trip with him. After spending the night with her, he tells her that he has a fiancee. The girl realizes that she is disgraced. She agrees to become the kept woman of Knurov, who won her in a dispute with Vozhevatov. But Yuri Karandyshev shot Larisa out of jealousy. The girl thanks him and says that she is not offended by anyone.

The image of Larisa Ogudalova

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" one should also consider the image of the main character. Larisa appeared before the reader as a beautiful, educated noblewoman, but without a dowry. And, finding herself in a society where the main measure is money, she was faced with the fact that no one takes her feelings seriously.

Possessing an ardent soul and a warm heart, she falls in love with the treacherous Paratov. But because of his feelings, he cannot see his true character. Larisa feels lonely - no one even tries to understand her, everyone uses her like a thing. But despite the subtle nature, the girl has a proud disposition. And just like all heroes, she is afraid of poverty. Therefore, she feels even more contempt for her fiancé.

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" it should be noted that Larisa does not have great fortitude. She does not decide to commit suicide or start living the life she wants. She accepts the fact that she is a thing and refuses to fight any further. Therefore, the groom's shot brought her peace, the girl was glad that all her suffering was over, and she found peace.

The image of Yuri Karandyshev

In the analysis of the play "Dowry" by Ostrovsky, one can also consider the image of the heroine's fiancé. Julius Kapitonich is shown to the reader as small man who is important to earn the recognition of others. For him, a thing has value if rich people have it.

This is a proud man who lives for show and causes only contempt from others because of his pathetic attempts to be like them. Karandyshev, most likely, did not like Larisa: he understood that all men would envy him, because she was the dream of many. And he hoped to get what he wanted public acceptance after their marriage. Therefore, Julius Kapitonich could not come to terms with the fact that she left him.

Comparison with Katerina

Comparative analysis of "Thunderstorm" and "Dowry" by Ostrovsky helps to find not only similarities, but also differences between the works. Both heroines - bright personalities, and their chosen ones are weak and weak-willed people. Katerina and Larisa have warm hearts and fall in love with men who match their imaginary ideal.

Both heroines feel lonely in society, and internal conflict heating up more and more. And this is where the differences come in. Larisa didn't have that inner strength, which was with Katherine. Kabanova could not come to terms with life in a society where tyranny and despotism reigned. She rushed into the Volga. Larisa, realizing that for everyone she is a thing, cannot decide on such a step. And the girl does not even think about the fight - she just decides to live now like everyone else. Perhaps that is why the viewer immediately liked the heroine Katerina Kabanova.

Stage productions

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's drama "Dowry", it can be noted that, contrary to expectations, the performances failed. The viewer seemed bored with a story about a provincial girl who was deceived by a fan. Critics also disliked actor play: for them it was too melodramatic. And only in 1896 the play was staged again. And even then the audience was able to accept and appreciate it.

An analysis of Ostrovsky's work "Dowry" allows us to show what a serious psychological subtext the play has. How detailed the characters are. And, despite the sentimental scenes, the play belongs to the genre of realism. And her characters have replenished the gallery of Russian characters, masterfully described by A.N. Ostrovsky.

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