"He was our national pride." Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died

Dmitri Hvorostovsky has died at the age of 55 after a long battle with brain cancer. About the tumor Opera singer found out in the fall of 2015 and almost immediately began treatment ..

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died of brain cancer / Photo: globallook

55-year-old Dmitry Hvorostovsky fought brain cancer for two years, but, unfortunately, the disease turned out to be stronger. The sad news about the death of the artist was announced by Dmitry Malikov on his Twitter page. "Dmitry Hvorostovsky is dead," he wrote. Numerous fans, friends and colleagues mourn and express their condolences to Dmitry's family in in social networks. Now it’s hard to believe that a talented artist is no longer among us, because many until the last hoped that Hvorostovsky would win, cope, get out. He learned about the terrible diagnosis two years ago. He did not remain silent, he told the fans everything as it is.

“Due to a progressive illness, I canceled one event, the second, the third, I didn’t want any rumors to spread, empty speculation began, and I stated everything as it is. It was a perfectly logical step on my part. Probably, the act is not too typical, but everyone chooses for himself. It's easier for me to live. In any case, I would have to give comments later, to explain something. Why not say right away, thereby trying to close the topic? I’m not used to lying and misleading people, ”the opera singer said in an interview with TASS as part of the First Persons project.

Having learned about the disease, Hvorostovsky underwent several examinations at once in leading clinics in Russia, America and England. Doctors prescribed the artist a long course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. All in the same interview, Dmitry said that the treatment is very difficult for him: health fails, hair falls out, weakness. It is necessary, but he does not intend to give up.

There were periods when the disease receded and Hvorostovsky gladly went on stage. So, during the summer of this year, the audience greeted their favorite artist with deafening applause. After the singer did not find the strength to perform an encore, he burst into tears, and some of the audience wept along with their idol. During the concert, Dmitry often put his hand to his heart, making it clear that this meeting was very dear to him.

“I thank you all for such an award, for respect. My performances make me move on, move forward, ”the artist admitted then. Did he know then that this performance would be his last in his career.

All this time, next to Hvorostovsky were his family and friends. Wife Florence supported her husband not only at home in London, but also on tour. She often published his photos and touching posts on social networks wishing him strength and health. opera diva Anna Netrebko, for example, performed at one of the concerts in a T-shirt with a portrait of Dmitry in his support. Even ex-wife, forgetting past grievances, called the opera singer with a wish for a speedy recovery.

In the last few months. He canceled a concert in Moscow scheduled for September 26th to continue his treatment, but unfortunately, the disease turned out to be worse..

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was 55 years old since he was born in 1962, the singer died on November 22, 2017, the opera singer died in the morning in the circle of his family and loved ones, he calmly went to heaven, Dmitry Hvorostovsky fought brain cancer for more than two years. He was the first to tell everyone about his death. famous singer Dmitry Malikov. Death came early in the morning at 3:30, the singer died in London in a hospital.

A terrible event happened, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died, who had been fighting a cancerous brain tumor for several years. Many fans of the singer's talent hoped that a miracle would happen, but it did not happen. At the age of 56, Hvorostovsky died. The singer selflessly battled cancer for the past two years.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky was only 55 years old. He has been battling brain cancer since 2015, which is two and a half years. alas, he passed away on the morning of November 22, 2017 in London with his family. Dmitry Hvorostovsky lived and worked for many years in the capital of our region, the city of Krasnoyarsk. In Krasnoyarsk, as in general and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, he was very loved. Very, very sorry.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky died. How old was it? How many years have you been battling cancer?

On November 22, 2017, it became known about the death of a famous Russian People's Artist opera baritone singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. He was 55 years old, he just recently celebrated this anniversary.

For the last two and a half years of his life, Hvorostovsky struggled with brain cancer, this diagnosis was made in June 2015.

Subsequently, the singer underwent several courses of chemotherapy in London.

In August 2015, he returns to the stage and performed in New York at the Metropolitan Opera.

However, in December 2016, his health began to deteriorate sharply, and he again canceled all his performances.

And here is the sad news, Hvorostovsky left us forever.

In the last minutes he was not conscious. On the morning of 21, his parents flew to him in London, at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic, where he was undergoing treatment. They even managed (as far as possible) to talk. They said goodbye to him, although until the last no one believed that Dima would not be.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky became widely known in 1989 after winning the international competition vocalists in Cardiff "Singer of the World", and already in 1995 he became the People's Artist of Russia. Blessed memory to him.

Today it became known (November 22, 2017) that he died talented person and a great singer with a baritone, world celebrity, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky (born October 16, 1962). He was only 55 years old, just a month ago the anniversary took place. He died in London, where he had long lived, at 3.36 am.

The fact that the singer actually died became known from Lilia Vinogradova, as well as Dmitry Malikov. Later information confirmed by family members of the artist.

The cause was a brain tumor. The performer fought cancer for two and a half years. His performances on stage helped to cope with the disease.

After the death of Mikhail Zadorny, who had a similar problem, we still hoped that Dmitry Hvorostovsky would be able to overcome the disease, but it turned out to be beyond the control of the great singer. His concert was also planned in our city, but it did not take place two years ago. It seems quite recently, back in September or October, rumors about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky were refuted. And today, many doubted their veracity. But, unfortunately, it turned out to be true.

After two years of fighting a serious illness, brain cancer, at the age of 56 great singer and public favorite Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in the early morning in London today November 22, 2017. And this sad news has already been officially confirmed. We can only mourn and mourn for such a loss.

But his art will remain forever in the memory of people, you can listen and watch recordings of his concerts, enjoy his talent again and again. This great artist left a deep mark on the art of opera.

Today, at three o'clock London time, the wonderful singer D. Hvorostovsky died. It can be said without exaggeration that great talent and it's a big loss for music world. In addition to being a wonderful singer, he is also a handsome man. It is a pity that such a person passed away so early, at the age of 56.

When ill, he performed, held himself and looked good and believed that he would cope with the disease. Alas, the miracle did not happen.

The famous opera singer was diagnosed with cancer and the doctors could not do anything.

The singer died at the age of 55.

The diagnosis was made two and a half years ago.

To great sorrow, it became known about the death of the great singer and artist Dmitry Hvorostovsky ... ..

55 years…. very little, the dawn of life and career. But Dmitry fought for a long time with deadly disease. His heart stopped in London at 3:36 a.m. local time.

Two years ago, the singer was diagnosed with a brain tumor. But the artist continued to lead an active lifestyle along with treatment, without canceling concerts.

The artist has four children from two marriages. Condolences to all...

On November 22, 2017, the heart of the famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky stopped. This sad news was confirmed by both relatives and friends of Hvorostovsky.

Quite young, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was only 55 years old.

The singer was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015. For two years, Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with this disease. He was treated in London, at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic.

Even during treatment, he sometimes went on stage, even in early June 2017 he sang at the Bolshoi concert hall Krasnoyarsk. Leaving the stage, and the audience did not want to let him go, Dmitry Hvorostovsky said: “I don’t say goodbye, I say goodbye to you.”

Now they write that the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a lie and disinformation. Here, for example, on one of the leading news and analytical resources of Ukraine there was such information today, at 1 hour 57 minutes.

It turns out that everything went from Komsomolskaya Pravda", But what guided the management of" KP ", publishing this news, here is the question.

They say that the wife of Hvorostovsky this news denied on her social network.

The rumors about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, which appeared on the night of October 11, were denied by his wife Florence.

Actually, no more proof is required.

It seems that it all started with the journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda. In pursuit of "fried" news, they no longer want to check the information. Faster to the front lines.

Another lie when they bury famous people. His wife has already given a retraction on Facebook. She wrote that he was sitting next to me and the rumors about death were not true. Even such reputable publications as Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about the death of Hvorostovsky. This is how they write, without checking, just to be the first.

The death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - a lie or a truth? Proof of

This is a lie and it is not clear who was the first media to spread this news. The fact is that the wife wrote in her microblog on Facebook that these are fictions and that he is alive and well. His friends immediately began to write that it was far-fetched and they spoke to him an hour ago on the phone.

He spoke with Dmitry Bertman an hour ago, and also got in touch about working with Eduard Musakhanyants via WhatsApp.

Everyone is shocked that he was buried alive, of course, many believed in this news, because they know that he has been treated for oncology for a year now. There are already denials of this news in many electronic publications. For example, in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, it was far-fetched and these were rumors.

There was information that Dmitry Hvorostovsky had died. He fought cancer for several years. The press has already begun to write articles in his memory, but the information turned out to be false. Hvorostovsky's wife reported indignantly that her husband was at home, next to her.

It is difficult to say who needed it, but in one night Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to both die and resurrect with " light hand» of our press and a close friend of the singer, who decided to announce his death of the singer for reasons only known to him.

This is the kind of information that is not played with, usually checked and rechecked many times before writing such terrible words.

The wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky denied this tragic news, which we are all very happy about.

Tonight, on October 11, information appeared in the press that after a long struggle with cancer, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. However, after some time, a refutation appeared that this information had nothing to do with reality.

It confirmed close friend opera singer, and then Hvorostovsky's wife wrote in one of the social networks. She stated that the singer is alive and in this moment is at home.

After such good news, Dmitry's friends and fans rushed to wish him years life, a speedy recovery and a return to the stage.

Many media, including the respected publication Komsomolskaya Pravda, hastily reported the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky that night.

They wrote that he allegedly left us on the night of October 10-11, 2017 in London, where he was being treated for his illness. They did not give any reference to the source of this information and did not rely on anyone's statements.

After some time, Dmitry's wife wrote on her Facebook that this was a lie and wrote very emotionally.

The wife of the soloist D. Hvorostovsky, Florrens, refuted all reports of the death of her husband, she posted all her information on her Facebook page. Dmitry has been treated for oncology for 2 years already, the first news about his illness was received in 2015, he was subjected to radiation therapy and began to recover, he was treated by the best doctors in England. Dmitry almost immediately returned to the stage after treatment, the disease has not yet been defeated and he continues to fight it.

Published on 11.10.17 02:37

On the night of October 11, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London. The cause of death for the media did not become a mystery - the artist had been fighting cancer for two years.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky died: the cause of death is already known to the media

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On the night of October 11, the famous Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 54. According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the musician died in his apartment in London, where he had been staying for the past few weeks. In the capital of England, he had previously been treated at a clinic.

Recall that for about two years Hvorostovsky struggled with cancer after a tumor was discovered in the artist in June 2015. intkbbee brain.

After a course of treatment in September of the same year, Hvorostovsky returned to the stage, performing main party in Giuseppe Verdi's Il trovatore at the New York Metropolitan Opera.

In December last year, Hvorostovsky announced his refusal to participate in opera productions "for the foreseeable future."

“I have problems with balance due to my illness, so it’s quite difficult for me to perform in performances,” the singer explained.

That same month, he was hospitalized with pneumonia.

In the fall of 2016, in order to undergo chemotherapy, the singer canceled his performance in the production of "Simon Boccanegra", which was scheduled to premiere at the Vienna Opera.

After treatment, on his birthday, October 16, the singer performed on the stage of the Old Opera in Frankfurt.

Hvorostovsky last appeared on stage in June 2017. With a shoulder injury, the artist performed in hometown, after which he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

A concert scheduled for September 26 at the Moscow State Conservatory has been cancelled.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky did not live up to his 55th birthday for only five days.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in 1955 in Krasnoyarsk, graduated from the Pedagogical College and the Institute of Arts, from 1985 to 1990 he was a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk state theater opera and ballet.

Then he acted in the leading opera houses world, since 1994 he lived in London. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

In early September, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding the baritone with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th Class.

Today, November 22, at the age of 56, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. First, TASS received an official message about the death of the artist from the executive vice president of 21C Media Group Sean Michael Gross, who was the official representative of Hvorostovsky in London.

With deep regret, we inform you that on November 22 at 3:20 in London, Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky, everyone's favorite opera baritone, passed away, wonderful husband, father, son and friend. He passed away after two and a half years of fighting a serious illness - brain cancer. Dmitry Alexandrovich was only 55. His last days he spent surrounded by loved ones - in a hospice, not far from his home in London.


The singer's wife, Florence Hvorostovskaya, also announced the death of her beloved on Facebook. She expressed her hope that her husband had gone to a better world.

Goodbye, my dear Dmitry! With a heavy heart, I say goodbye to you! I hope you left us the best place and may your soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to friends, relatives and all those who loved Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Stay strong!


At the end of 2016, Dmitry Hvorostovsky stopped performing at opera stage due to the complications caused by the disease. However, he did not stop concert activity. In June 2017, he took part in the Austrian festival "Grafenegg" - it was a concert "Dmitry and his friends".


In September of this year, for a special contribution to the development of culture, the opera singer was presented to the highest state award. Russian Federation- Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.


In October of this year, Hvorostovsky "Russian media. On the night of October 11, news of the singer's death appeared on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website. The publication noted that the artist could not cope with a serious oncological disease, which he had been fighting for more than two years. Later this news was denied by the manager of the singer and his wife.

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