What is the name of the autobiographical story of Korney Chukovsky. Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich - biography, life story: Kind grandfather Korney

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Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich

(31.03.1882 – 28.10.1969)

On March 31, 1882, Korneychukov Nikolai Vasilyevich (KORNEY IVANOVICH CHUKOVSKY) was born in St. Petersburg, when the boy was 3 years old, his father, a St. Petersburg student, left the family, and the mother with two children was forced to move to Nikolaev then Odessa.

The childhood and youth of the writer were spent in Odessa.

Mom was black-browed, portly, tall woman, her face, beautiful and regular, in some places was touched by smallpox. She, without straightening her back, washed someone else's linen, and the money she received for washing was, it seems, her only income. Ekaterina Osipovna, made every effort to give her children an education: her sister entered the diocesan school, Korney Ivanovich went to the Odessa gymnasium.

From childhood, Korney Ivanovich was addicted to reading, from an early age he began to write poetry and poems. In the Odessa gymnasium, he met Boris Zhitkov, in the future also a famous children's writer. Chukovsky often went to his house, where there was a rich library collected by Boris's parents. From the 5th grade of the gymnasium, he was expelled by decree on the release of the gymnasium from children of "low" origin. FROM youthful years led a working life, read a lot, studied self-taught English and French, independently completed the gymnasium course, passed the exams and received a matriculation certificate.

In 1901 (19 years old) in the newspaper "Odessa News" the first article "Korney Chukovsky" appeared, under the title "On the eternally young question." Then articles and feuilletons were written on the most different topics. And so my literary career began.

At the age of 21 (1903) he was sent as a correspondent to London, where he lived whole year in England, studied English literature, wrote about it in the Russian press.

At the age of 22 (1904) he returned to Russia and published his articles in newspapers and magazines.

At the age of 22 (1905) he leaves for St. Petersburg, where he is engaged in journalism. In 1908 Chukovsky's first book was published. "From Chekhov to the present day" . Since the autumn of 1906, K. Chukovsky settled in the Finnish town of Kuokkala near St. Petersburg.

By profession, Korney Ivanovich - a literary critic wrote critical articles about literature, poet, memoirist, translator and storyteller. He was already a well-known writer, the author of many books. He loved his profession very much and sincerely considered it his calling. And if someone told him that soon he would become famous in a completely different way. literary genre He would probably be very surprised. And he would have been even more surprised if he had been told that poems and fairy tales for children would glorify him. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller quite by accident. It turned out like this. Made him sick little son ishka. He fell ill in Helsinki, Korney Ivanovich took him home in the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale. When he started, he himself did not know what would happen next. And it didn't really matter that much. It was important not to be silent, not to stop, not to stumble for a second, but to quickly sculpt line to line to the clear sound of carriage wheels:

There lived a crocodile.

He walked the streets

Smoking cigarettes!

spoke Turkish,

Crocodile Crocodile Crocodile

It all seemed to him, probably, the purest nonsense, but the boy suddenly calmed down and began to listen. About what happened next, Korney Ivanovich recalled this: “The verses affected themselves. My only concern was to divert the attention of the sick child from the attacks of the disease. Therefore, I was in a terrible hurry ... the rate was on speed, on the fastest alternation of events and images, so that the sick little boy did not have time to moan or cry. So I chattered like a shaman:

And give him a reward

One hundred pounds of grapes

One hundred pounds of marmalade

One hundred pounds of chocolate

And a thousand servings of ice cream!”

The boy stopped being capricious, listened, not looking up, and then calmly fell asleep. But the next morning, barely waking up, he immediately demanded that his father again tell him yesterday's tale. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

Perhaps this case would not have had any consequences. But soon something similar happened again with Korney Ivanovich. He sat at his desk and worked on an important article that a serious scientific journal had commissioned for him. Suddenly he heard a loud cry. That cried him youngest daughter. She roared into three streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. He left the office, took the girl in his arms and, unexpectedly for himself, quietly said to her:

Gotta wash up

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Thus was born the famous "Moydodyr".

Chukovsky has always been surrounded by children for as long as his contemporaries remember him. He usually started various games with the guys, fiddled with them a lot, and always where he was heard children's laughter, it was possible to find Chukovsky. He often played with children near his dacha, on the shore of the bay, built various fortresses with them, started exciting games in which he himself took part. The writer's friendship with children lasted more than half a century. It is difficult to imagine Korney Ivanovich without children, without constant live communication with the kids. He was a constant friend in sanatoriums, kindergartens, schools, at holidays with seriously ill children - his arrival was always a holiday for the children "Chukosha" was always welcome.

At the age of 33 (1915), Chukovsky first turned to creativity for a children's audience - he wrote a poem "Crocodile".

At the age of 34 (1916), M. Gorky invites Chukovsky to head the children's department of the Parus publishing house and begins to write for children: poetic tales "Crocodile", "Moydodyr", "Fly-sokotuha", "Barmaley", "Aibolit" and others. Korney Ivanovich is listened with interest, and then his poems are read by very young children. Chukovsky's poems are surprisingly easy to remember by children. “They climb from the tongue,” as the kids say.

Korney Ivanovich widely uses folklore forms in his children's books - counting rhymes, sayings, riddles, sayings, comic "absurdities", for which he came up with his apt name - "shifters". Humor - sometimes funny, sometimes sad. In fairy tales - among other things of its population, consisting of children, pirates, animals and living things, the author himself and his grandchildren are present.

AT school years Chukovsky opens us domestic classics, treasures of Russian lyric poetry. Thanks to the work of Chukovsky, we read excellent English, american novels, stories, poems. Thanks to translations Korney Ivanovich, children and teenagers can read books such as

"Tales" by Kipling,

"Robinson Crusoe" D. Defoe,

"Tom Sawyer", "Huckelberry Finn" M. Twain,

"The Adventure of Munchausen" Raspe,

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" Beecher Stowe

"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Conan Doyle.

At the age of 46 (1928), a book was published - "Little Children", which became the prototype future book "Two to Five". This book is remarkable in that the author has been writing it for 50 years. It was reprinted 21 times during his lifetime.

In 1938 Chukovsky moved to Moscow. In October 1941, the writer and his family were evacuated to Tashkent. Living in evacuation, Chukovsky took great participation in the work of the organization that was in charge of searching for lost children and parents, and how many tears of sadness and joy were shed by him along with his sponsors, how many dramas and the most incredible happy accidents were experienced with them!

K. I. Chukovsky is not only a storyteller, translator, but also a researcher of literature. Since 1913, his work began on the restoration of Nekrasov's texts and the study of the poet's work. Almost half a century of work was given to Nekrasov by Chukovsky. In the study of the work of this great Russian poet, Chukovsky played a truly enormous role. For many years of his life, Chukovsky was engaged in the study of the work of N. A. Nekrasov, his skill. Korney Ivanovich worked on Nekrasov's manuscripts for whole days. He found many different poems, letters, explanations. Thanks to Chukovsky, we read Nekrasov, we know about him.

In the 1950s, Korney Ivanovich and his wife, Maria Borisovna, finally moved from Moscow to the summer cottage village of Peredelkino near Moscow. In 1955, Maria Borisovna died. Korney Ivanovich lived in Peredelkino last years life, and here, as elsewhere, he was surrounded by children.

In old age, as in youth, my best rest is daily communication with children between the ages of two and twelve. Without this fellowship, life is incomplete for me; in him I see the source of mental health and happiness

He gives fairy tales to children not only in books. Gathering children around him, Korney Ivanovich plays with them in different games, in winter he rakes snow with them, sculpts a snowman, in summer he collects brushwood and cones, kindles a fire in the forest. Gradually, cheerful bonfires of Chukovsky at the beginning and at the end of each summer (“Hello, summer!” and “Farewell, summer!”) Become traditional holidays for children of all nearby villages. “We invite everyone to the fire! The entrance fee is 10 cones!” In recent years, up to one and a half thousand children have been at the stake. The following people came to visit children during the bonfire days in different years: -Lev Kassil, Sergey Mikhalkov, Sergey Obraztsov, Arkady Raikin, Rina Zelenaya, Serafima Birman, Agniya Barto, Konstantin Fedin,

In 1957, Chukovsky built and opened a children's library. There were circles in the library. Writers who live in Peredelkino and come from Moscow often meet with children. Korney Ivanovich presented the children's library built with his own savings to the village council, but continued to take care of it incessantly and daily.

In 1957, Chukovsky was awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philology.

In 1962, Oxford University awarded Korney Chukovsky honorary title Doctor of Literature.

High growth, Long hands with large tassels, large facial features, a brush mustache, a large nose, a naughty strand hanging over the forehead, is KORNEY IVANOVICH CHUKOVSKY.

Crossword based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

1. What was the name of the MUHA - (TSOKOTUHA)

2. Grandmother dirty - (FEDOR)

3. What was the name of Aibolit's evil sister (VARVARA)

4. What was the name of the Dwarf- (NOSE)

5. Long live fragrant soap, fluffy towel, and tooth powder and thick (COMB)

  1. And I do not need any marmalade or chocolate, but only small children! To whom do these words belong (BARMALEY)

7. The whole day Moidodyr cleaned and washed him, but he did not wash off, did not wash away these black (INK)

8. We do not want to quack anymore. Who… (DUCKINGS)

  1. Who asked for a dozen new and sweet galoshes for dinner (crocodile)

10. I am the famous Great Washbasin (MOIDODYR)

11. What was the name of the dog - (ABBA)

12. They gave Murochka a notebook, became Mura (DRAW)

13. What was the name of the parrot - (KARUDO)

14. Get on me, Aibolit, and, like a big ship, I will take you forward... Who said these words (KIT0

15. What was the name of the doctor (AYBOLIT)

Korney Chukovsky is a Russian writer who is known in many parts of the world. This person has an amazing fate that cannot but arouse interest. The following are known Interesting Facts about the life of Chukovsky:

  1. Few people know that Korney Chukovsky is not a real name, it's just a pseudonym. This talented person in fact, the name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov. He was born back in 1882. For the first time, he published his article under a fictitious pseudonym.
  2. Roots was illegitimate son ordinary laundress. He achieved his fame only thanks to his strength, diligence. He worked hard, loved to study, but he never graduated from the gymnasium.

  3. Chukovsky independently took up the study of English language . It prompted him to travel to England. Arriving in this country, he concluded that he did not understand the people around him, and they could not figure out what he was talking about. After some time, he managed to establish a language with the British. But he always had a noticeable accent.

  4. The first place for Korney was occupied by literature. He loved to read and learn new things. Having become acquainted with a new book, he necessarily analyzed it. When he arrived in Moscow, he was noticed by many famous writers.

  5. The creativity of this talented person began with journalism. For a long time he was one of famous critics literature in Russia. Chukovsky communicated with many writers.

  6. Chukovsky had 4 children, but survived three of them. One son died at the front, the second - 4 years before his father went to the next world. But the death of his daughter especially hurt the writer. He called her "murochka", often dedicated his works to her. But at the age of 11 she was gone.

  7. Chukovsky's daughter died of bone tuberculosis. When she was sick, the writer created new book, which tells about Dr. Aibolit. The father writes that the doctor will definitely come and save all the sick. In this way, he calmed his "murochka". When in last time my daughter was ill, my father was tired of fighting for his work. So he admitted his mistakes to a literary newspaper. But he took the illness and death of his daughter as a punishment for this act.

  8. Korney stood out for his special kindness, as he did not refuse to help anyone who turned to him.. Often he defended those who were arrested, helped pensioners to knock out pensions and housing. He could send money to a person if he needed them. If he notices a talented unknown author He will definitely help him.

  9. Chukovsky became famous not only for his works for children. He was an excellent linguist, critic, and translator.

  10. Chukovsky was a quick-tempered nature. He could quickly flare up, shout, express sarcasm. It is impossible to predict what the writer's reaction will be in a particular situation.

  11. In one book of Chukovsky there is main character- fly Tsokotukha. One species of fly that scientists have discovered is named after her.

  12. Despite the fact that Korney does not have higher education but he taught himself English. He went to London as a correspondent.

  13. For literature, Chukovsky gave 62 years. This is an exact figure, since the writer worked every day, he had no days off. He stuck certain rules to save your time. He woke up at 5 am, and went to bed already at 9 pm, did not get involved in card games, did not go to visit friends.

  14. Chukovsky believed that books for children should be decorated with illustrations.. If there is no picture next to the verse, 50% of its effectiveness is lost. He considered children's books without illustrations worthless.

  15. Korney had sleep problems throughout his life.. Another daughter said that walking on the street and work did not help her father either. Chukovsky argued that insomnia is a terrible condition. After all, in this way you are with yourself for a long time, so you start to annoy yourself.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (name at birth - Nikolai Emmanuilovich Korneichukov, March 31, 1882, St. Petersburg - October 28, 1969, Moscow) - children's poet, writer, memoirist, critic, linguist, translator and literary critic.

Chukovsky's parents lived together in St. Petersburg for three years, they had eldest daughter Maria (Marusya). Shortly after the birth of his second child, Nicholas, the father left his illegitimate family and married "a woman of his circle"; Chukovsky's mother, a peasant woman from the Poltava province, was forced to move to Odessa. Korney Chukovsky spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev. For some time future writer studied at the Odessa gymnasium. Chukovsky never managed to finish the gymnasium: he was expelled due to his low birth. These events were described in the autobiographical story "The Silver Emblem", where the injustice and social inequality of the society of the sunset era was sincerely shown. Russian Empire that he had to deal with as a child.

Chukovsky wrote his first article in Odessa News in 1901, and in 1903 he was sent as a correspondent from this newspaper to London, where he continued his self-education in the Library british museum, studied English and was forever carried away English literature. Before the revolution, Chukovsky published critical articles about contemporary literature in newspapers and magazines, and also released several critical collections: "From Chekhov to the present day", " Critical stories”, “A Book about Modern Writers”, “Faces and Masks” and books: “Leonid Andreev Big and Small”, “Nat Pinkerton and Modern Literature”.

In 1916, he wrote his first fairy tale for children, The Crocodile.

Chukovsky was fascinated by the poetry of the American poet Walt Whitman and, starting in 1907, he published several collections of translations of his poems. In 1909 he translated R. Kipling's fairy tales.

After the revolution, the direction of Chukovsky's literary activity began to change. At the turn of the 20s, together with E. Zamyatin, he led the Anglo-American department in the Gorky Collegium " world literature". Translations English authors occupied a prominent place in his work. He translated Mark Twain ("Tom Sawyer" and "Huckelbury Fin"), Chesterton, O. Henry ("Kings and Cabbage", stories), retold for children "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" by E. Raspe, "Robinson Crusoe" by D. Defoe . Chukovsky acted not only as a translator, but also as a theorist of literary translation (the book " high art which went through several editions).

Chukovsky is a historian and researcher of the work of N. A. Nekrasov. He owns the books "Stories about Nekrasov" (1930) and "The Mastery of Nekrasov" (1952). He published dozens of articles about Nekrasov, found hundreds of Nekrasov lines banned by censorship. Articles are devoted to the era of Nekrasov - about Vasily Sleptsov, Nikolai Uspensky, Avdotya Panaeva, A. Druzhinin.

In his critical works, Chukovsky always proceeded from reflections on the language of the writer. In the late 1950s, he took part in a discussion about language and wrote the book Living Like Life (1962), in which he spoke as a linguist. Defending the living language from the dominance of bureaucratic turns of speech, he declared "clerkship" the main disease of the modern Russian language. With his light hand this word entered the Russian language.

Great place in literary heritage Chukovsky is occupied with his memories of I. Repin, M. Gorky, V. Korolenko and many others. others, collected in his book "Contemporaries" (1962). The memoirs were written on the basis of the diaries that Chukovsky kept throughout his life. "Diary" was published posthumously (1901-1929. - M .: Soviet writer, 1991; 1930–1969 - M.: Contemporary Writer, 1994). The handwritten almanac Chukokkala, which contains autographs, drawings, jokes of writers and artists, was also a great help for memory. Chukokkala was also published posthumously (1979; 2nd ed. 2000).

Chukovsky gained the greatest fame as a children's poet. His fairy tales "Fly-Tsokotuha" (1924), "Cockroach" (1923), "Moydodyr" (1923), "Barmaley" (1925), "Confusion" (1926), "Telephone" (1926) and others are loved many generations of children. Chukovsky summarized his observations on the psyche of small children, on how they master their native language in his book. famous book"From two to five", which went through 21 editions during his lifetime.

Critics noted that at least six Chukovskys can be counted in the literature. This is Chukovsky - critic, translator, children's poet, literary historian, linguist, memoirist. His books have been translated into many foreign languages from Japan to the USA.

Hundreds of articles have been written about Korney Chukovsky in our and foreign press. defended several dissertations abroad and in Russia; books have been published about him.

In 1962, Oxford University awarded Korney Chukovsky the degree of Doctor of Literature Honoris causa, in the same year he was awarded the Lenin Prize.

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Topic: Life and work of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky


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Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a pseudonym, and his real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov. He was born in Petersburg in 1882 in poor family. He spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev. In the Odessa gymnasium, he met and became friends with Boris Zhitkov, in the future also a famous children's writer. Chukovsky often went to Zhitkov's house, where he used the rich library collected by Boris's parents.

But the future poet was expelled from the gymnasium due to his "low" origin, since Chukovsky's mother was a laundress, and his father was gone. The mother's earnings were so meager that they were barely enough to somehow make ends meet. I had to take a gymnasium course and learn English on my own. Then the young man passed the exams and received a certificate of maturity.

He early began to write poetry and poems, and in 1901 the first article appeared in the Odessa News newspaper, signed by the pseudonym Korney Chukovsky. In this newspaper, he published many articles on a variety of topics - about exhibitions of paintings, about philosophy, art, wrote reviews of new books, feuilletons. Then Chukovsky began to write a diary, which he then kept all his life.

In 1903, Korney Ivanovich went to St. Petersburg with the firm intention of becoming a writer. There he met many writers and found a job - he became a correspondent for the Odessa News newspaper. In the same year he was sent to London, where he improved his English and got acquainted with famous writers, including with Arthur Conan Doyle and HG Wells.

In 1904 Chukovsky returned to Russia and became literary critic. He published his articles in St. Petersburg magazines and newspapers.

In 1916, Chukovsky became a war correspondent for the Rech newspaper. Returning to Petrograd in 1917, Chukovsky received an offer from M. Gorky to become the head of the children's department of the Parus publishing house. Then he began to pay attention to the speech and turns of small children and write them down. He kept such records for the rest of his life. From them was born famous book"From two to five." The book has been reprinted 21 times and replenished with each new edition.

In fact, Korney Ivanovich was a critic, a literary critic, and he became a storyteller quite by accident. Crocodile came first. The little son of Korney Ivanovich fell ill. His father took him home on a night train, and in order to at least slightly alleviate the boy's suffering, under the clatter of wheels, he began to tell a fairy tale:

"Once upon a time there was a crocodile,

He walked the streets

Smoking cigarettes,

spoke Turkish,

Crocodile, Crocodile, Crocodile...

The boy listened very carefully. The next morning, when he woke up, he asked his father to tell the story of yesterday again. It turned out that the boy memorized it all by heart.

And the second case. Korney Ivanovich heard how his little daughter did not want to wash. He took the girl in his arms and, quite unexpectedly for himself, said to her:

"I must, I must wash

Mornings and evenings.

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!"

This is how Moidodyr appeared. His poems are easy to read and remember. "Themselves climb from the tongue" as the kids say. Since then, new poems began to appear: “Fly-sokotuha”, “Barmaley”, “Fedorino grief”, “Telephone”, “Aibolit”. And he dedicated the wonderful fairy tale "Wonder Tree" to his little daughter Mure.

Except own fairy tales for the children he retold for them the best works world literature: novels by D. Dafoe about Robinson Crusoe, Mark Twain about the adventures of Tom Sawyer. He translated them from English into Russian, and did it superbly.

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, he built Vacation home where he settled with his family. There he lived for many years. He was known not only by all the children of the village, but also by the little inhabitants of Moscow and the whole Soviet country, and beyond its borders.

Korney Ivanovich was tall, long arms with large brushes, large facial features, large curious nose, brush mustache,

a naughty lock of hair hanging over her forehead, laughing bright eyes and a surprisingly light gait.

In Peredelkino he had a very important work. He built a children's library near his house. Children's writers and publishing houses sent books to this library at the request of Korney Ivanovich. The library is very comfortable and bright. There is a reading room where you can sit at the tables and read, there is a room for kids where you can play on the carpet and draw with a pencil and paints at small folding tables. Every summer the writer spent for his children and grandchildren, as well as for all the surrounding children, who numbered up to one and a half thousand, happy holidays"Hello summer!" and "Goodbye summer!".

In 1969, the writer died. Chukovsky's house in Peredelkino has long been a museum.


1. I know the world: Russian literature. - M: Publishing house ACT LLC: LLC
Astrel Publishing House, 2004.

2. Chukovsky K.I.

The Miracle Tree and Other Tales. - M.: Children's literature, 1975.

3. Who is who in the world?: Encyclopedia.

Biography and episodes of life Korney Chukovsky. When born and died Korney Chukovsky, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes from a literary critic, writer, publicist, Photo and video.

The years of life of Korney Chukovsky:

born March 19, 1882, died October 28, 1969


Your path was bright, flawless, bright,
He lit up our lives for centuries,
You immortalized your memory
How talented and sincerely created.


He was expelled from the gymnasium in the fifth grade - because of his low birth. That did not prevent him from learning English and French on his own, becoming a journalist, translator, literary critic and, finally, a great children's writer. Biography of Korney Chukovsky - life story amazing person, incredibly talented, kind and sincere. Such were the books of Chukovsky, which are still loved by children of any age.

Chukovsky was born in Odessa - he was an illegitimate child, he and Chukovsky's sister, Maria, were born by a Poltava peasant woman from the son of a family in which she served as a maid. Soon Chukovsky's father left the family and married a woman of his circle. Since Chukovsky did not have a patronymic, when he began to write books, he took a pseudonym for himself, calling himself instead of Nikolai Korneichuk - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. After the revolution, this name also appeared in the official documents of the author. Future children's writer He was very worried about the absence of his father. Perhaps that is why he himself was able to become such a sensitive and loving dad. And thanks to this, he wrote such wonderful and kind works.

But he started his literary activity Chukovsky is not at all like the author of children's fairy tales. He worked as a journalist for a long time, on duty he traveled a lot around Europe, was engaged in translations English poets and writers, wrote many literary works, for example, about Alexander Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anton Chekhov, Fyodor Dostoevsky. He began to write for children when he was already well known in literary circles. For some time, Chukovsky had to face the condemnation of his works for children, they say, some kind of nonsense and dregs are hidden behind beautiful rhymes, even the derogatory term “Chukovshchina” appeared. For several years, Chukovsky said goodbye to writing for children, having a hard time experiencing such an attitude, as well as his own, personal tragedies - the death of his daughter Murochka and son Boris, the execution of the husband of his second daughter, Lydia.

Real recognition and popular love came to Chukovsky in the last years of his life. At that time he lived in a dacha in Peredelkino, arranging gatherings for the surrounding children and meeting with various celebrities who wished to come and chat with the great writer. Chukovsky's death occurred on October 28, 1969, the cause of Chukovsky's death was viral hepatitis. Literary critic Yulian Oksman, who was present at Chukovsky's funeral, begins his memoirs of that day with the words: "He died last person, who was still somewhat embarrassed. Korney Chukovsky was buried at the Peredelkino cemetery, where the grave of Boris Pasternak is also located. At the dacha where the writer lived in recent years, Chukovsky's house-museum now operates.

life line

March 19, 1882. Date of birth of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov).
1901 The first publications in the newspaper "Odessa News".
May 26, 1903 Marriage with Maria Goldfeld, a trip to London as a correspondent for Odessa News.
1904 Birth of son Nicholas.
1906 Moving to the Finnish town of Kuokkala (now the village of Repino).
1907 Birth of daughter Lydia, publication of translations by Walt Whitman.
1910 Birth of son Boris.
1916 Chukovsky compiling the collection "Christmas Tree", writing "Crocodile".
1920 Birth of daughter Maria (Murochka).
1923 The output of Chukovsky's fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Cockroach".
1931 Death of Chukovsky's daughter, Maria.
1933 Children's book release verbal creativity"From two to five."
1942 The death of Chukovsky's son, Boris.
1955 Death of Chukovsky's wife.
October 28, 1969 Date of Chukovsky's death.
October 31, 1969 Chukovsky's funeral.

Memorable places

1. House of Chukovsky as a child in Odessa.
2. House of Chukovsky since 1887 in Odessa.
3. House of Chukovsky since 1904 in Odessa.
4. House of Chukovsky in 1905-1906 in St. Petersburg.
5. House of Chukovsky in 1917-1919 in St. Petersburg.
6. Chukovsky's house in Moscow, on which a memorial plaque in memory of Chukovsky is installed today.
7. House-Museum of Chukovsky in Peredelkino.
8. Children's library. K. I. Chukovsky in Kyiv, opened in the country, where the writer rested in 1938-1969.
9. Peredelkinskoe cemetery, where Chukovsky is buried.

Episodes of life

Korney Chukovsky, wide circles better known as a children's writer, he was very worried about such fame. Once he confessed in his hearts that all his work was so obscured by "Moydodyr" and "Fly-Tsokotuha" that one gets the feeling that he did not write anything else at all.

One day Gagarin came to Chukovsky's dacha. The writer extended his hand to the astronaut at the meeting, but he, instead of shaking it, kissed it. By that time, Gagarin had already flown Earth, in the whole world there was no person more famous than our cosmonaut, but Chukovsky still remained for him his favorite children's poet, before whom he bowed.

Chukovsky treated his wife very tenderly. When she was gone, he continued to talk to Maria, telling her all the news. A few months after the death of his wife, Chukovsky wrote to Oksman: “This grief completely crushed me. I don’t write anything (for the first time in my life!), I wander around restless. In his diary, he wrote that he was in a hurry to visit his wife at the grave, as if on a love date. “And one more thing: when a wife dies, with whom she has lived inseparably for half a century, the last years are suddenly forgotten and she appears before you in all the bloom of youth, femininity - a bride, a young mother - are forgotten White hair, and you see what nonsense time is, what powerless nonsense it is, ”Chukovsky admitted.


"A children's writer should be happy."

Documentary film about Korney Chukovsky


"Korney Ivanovich was the brightest, most worthy representative of the Russian intelligentsia in its greatest, deepest traditions."
Varlam Shalamov, Russian prose writer, poet

“With all his activities, Chukovsky showed that, in contrast to gloomy, self-satisfied, boastful ignorance, culture is always cheerful, open to new experiences, benevolent and modest. Culture is a continuous celebration of enrichment, recognition, the joy of spiritual life. But culture is also memory. Ignorance seeks to forget, culture does not forget, and in this it is akin to conscience.
Yuri Lotman, literary critic, culturologist

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Robert Anson Heinlein is an American writer. Together with Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, he is one of the "Big Three" of the founders of...

Air travel: hours of boredom punctuated by moments of panic. El Boliska 208 Link to quote 3 minutes to reflect...

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful poetic ...

Tony Blair, who took office on May 2, 1997, became the youngest head of the British government ...
From August 18 in the Russian box office, the tragicomedy "Guys with Guns" with Jonah Hill and Miles Teller in the lead roles. The film tells...
Tony Blair was born to Leo and Hazel Blair and grew up in Durham. His father was a prominent lawyer who ran for Parliament...
HISTORY OF RUSSIA Topic No. 12 of the USSR in the 30s industrialization in the USSR Industrialization is the accelerated industrial development of the country, in ...
FOREWORD "... So in these parts, with the help of God, we received a foot, than we congratulate you," wrote Peter I in joy to St. Petersburg on August 30...
Topic 3. Liberalism in Russia 1. The evolution of Russian liberalism Russian liberalism is an original phenomenon based on ...