Why did an experienced mayor believe Khlestakov. Why did the mayor so easily believe the talkers Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky? What works of Russian classics depict the mores of bureaucracy and in what way can these works be compared with Gogol's

The mayor with such ease believed the talkers Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky for several reasons. The most important is the mayor's fear, which eclipsed his mind; instead of doubting the words of the talkers, the hero begins to think about the riots that occurred during Khlestakov’s stay in the city of N: he recalls that over the past two weeks a non-commissioned officer’s wife was flogged, that “the prisoners were not given provisions” ... Fear of that The fact that the auditor saw these violations and would report them to St. Petersburg had such a strong influence on the mayor that he could not think of anything else.

The second important detail is the fact that Khlestakov behaves in the same way as an auditor should behave: he refuses to pay for a room and food, looks into other people's plates, settles in the cheapest room. And if the reader understands that the hero does this because of his own poverty, then the mayor with Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky see in these actions the intention to find as many violations as possible in the city of N.

The morals of bureaucracy are depicted in many works of Russian classics, one of which is the play by A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". In this work, officials, as in Gogol's "Inspector", are depicted as uneducated people and eager to get as much money as possible, as high as possible. However, if in N. Gogol's play officials are ridiculed and punished for their vices, then Famus society remains unpunished.

A.P. Chekhov also portrayed the mores of bureaucracy. The hero of the story "The Death of an Official", Chervyakov, and Gogol's characters are united by the fact that they are very afraid of higher officials. However, if such an attitude of the heroes of the "Inspector" to the authorities is justified by the fear of punishment for embezzlement of public funds and dishonest attitude to their duties, then Chervyakov, on the contrary, is afraid to be without punishment. Chekhov's hero literally cannot live without being punished for sneezing on General Brizzhalov's bald head.

Updated: 2018-08-14

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Useful material on the topic

  • Why did the mayor so easily believe the talkers Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky? In what works of Russian classics are the mores of bureaucracy depicted, and in what way do these works echo Gogol's The Government Inspector?

Despite the fact that the landowners Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky were famous in the city of N as gossips and talkers, the mayor easily believed their words that the guest, who has been living in the tavern for a week and behaving “strangely”, is the same auditor, about whom “ deigned to receive a notice.” I believed, firstly, because the envoy from the capital, awaited with horror by the officials of the city of N, should arrive incognito. Secondly, according to the landowners, the stranger is suspiciously observant: he looks into the plates of the visitors of the tavern, and he himself “takes everything on the account and does not want to pay a penny.”

The mayor "grabs his head": the auditor has been watching the unrest in the city for two weeks. During this period, a non-commissioned officer's wife was flogged, "the prisoners were not given provisions", and on the streets "impurity", "shame", "reproach".

Panic fear of the mayor takes over his sanity, makes "icicle, rag" to be mistaken for "important person", to believe gossips and talkers.

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol needs no introduction. He is known, in particular, for the fact that he struggled with the shortcomings of contemporary society with the help of laughter. In 1835, Gogol decided to compose a play that would present true Russian vices and characters. So in 1836 the comedy The Inspector General was born. Its main character is Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich. Today we will talk about why Khlestakov was mistaken for an auditor, a big official from St. Petersburg. After all, it would seem that his true position in society was not difficult to unravel.

The news of the imminent arrival of the auditor

In order to answer the question of why Khlestakov was mistaken for an auditor, it is necessary to turn to the very beginning of the work. Gogol's comedy begins with the fact that Anton Antonovich, the mayor, gathers officials together and says that he has "unpleasant news" for everyone. It turns out that soon an auditor should arrive from St. Petersburg with a check. At the same time, it is not known how he will look and when exactly he is going to arrive. This news, of course, shocked the officials of the city of N. It brought some confusion into their measured and lazy life.

State of affairs in the city of N

It should be said that the officials were bribe takers. Each of them is only concerned with how to get more money. It seems that at that time in the city of N it was common for officials to spend the city treasury and receive bribes. Even the law was powerless against it.

The mayor, for example, justified himself by saying that his salary was insufficient. He allegedly did not even have enough for tea with sugar. As for the city judge, he did not at all consider that he was a bribe taker, since he took it not with money, but with puppies. The postmaster of the city of N also distinguished himself. To obtain information, he opened other people's letters.

Of course, such an irresponsible attitude of officials to official duties eventually led to the fact that the city fell into disrepair. It is clear that the news about the upcoming inspection alarmed the local leadership. It is not surprising why Khlestakov was mistaken for an auditor in this turmoil.

Preparing for the Auditor's Arrival

While waiting for the arrival of the authorities with a check, each of the officials began to frantically remember what needed to be done. Finally, they all began to make attempts to restore order in their departments. There was a lot of work. Servants in the courthouse were drying clothes and breeding geese. Patients in the local hospital smoked tobacco and wore dirty clothes. The church should have been built a long time ago, 5 years ago, but its opening did not take place. The mayor ordered everyone to say that the fire had destroyed this building. It was ordered to demolish the old fence, located near the shoemaker. In its place, it was ordered to put a model of straw. Mayor Anton Antonovich himself, looking at such a deplorable state of affairs, self-critically admitted that this was a "bad city."

Khlestakov's arrival

City officials, of course, were afraid of their superiors. Therefore, they were ready to see an inspector from the capital in any visitor. That is why the officials mistook Khlestakov for an auditor. When a rumor spread that some unknown person had been living in a hotel in the city of N for a long time, everyone decided that this stranger must certainly have been an auditor. In addition, Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich (that was the name of the guest) arrived from St. Petersburg and was dressed in the latest metropolitan fashion. Indeed, why would a resident of the capital come to a county town? There can be only one answer: for verification! We hope it is now clear to you why the officials mistook Khlestakov for an auditor.

Meeting of the "auditor" with the mayor

The meeting of Ivan Alexandrovich with the mayor is very curious. The latter in a panic put a box on his head instead of a hat. The mayor handed out the last instructions to his subordinates on the go before meeting with an important guest.

The comical scene of the meeting of these heroes lies in the fact that both of them are afraid. Khlestakov was threatened by the innkeeper that he would hand him over to the mayor, and he would be sent to prison. And then the mayor appears ... Both heroes are afraid of each other. Ivan Alexandrovich also screams loudly and gets excited, which makes his guest tremble with fear even more. The mayor tries to give him a bribe to appease him, invites the "auditor" to live with him. Having met with an unexpectedly warm welcome, Khlestakov calms down. Ivan Alexandrovich at first does not even suspect who the mayor considers him to be. He does not immediately think about why he was received so warmly. Khlestakov is completely sincere and truthful. He turned out to be simple-hearted, not cunning, because he did not intend to deceive at first. However, the mayor believes that the auditor is thus trying to hide who he really is. If Ivan Aleksandrovich were a conscious liar, he would have a much better chance of being unraveled and understood. The way they took Khlestakov for the auditor is very significant. General fear did not allow the officials and the mayor to open their eyes.

How Khlestakov played his role in the comedy "The Government Inspector"

We note that in the future, Ivan Alexandrovich was not at a loss. He played the role imposed by circumstances superbly. At first, Khlestakov thought, when he saw the officials and the mayor, that they had arrived in order to put him in prison for not paying the debt for the hotel. However, then he guessed that he was mistaken for some high-ranking official. And Ivan Alexandrovich was not averse to taking advantage of this. At first, he easily borrowed money from each of the city officials.

Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" became a respected person and a welcome guest in any home. He charmed the mayor's daughter and wife, and even offered his daughter to marry him.

Lying scene

The scene of Ivan Alexandrovich's lies is the climax of the work. Khlestakov, in the role of an auditor, having drunk a lot, talks about the fact that he has an excellent position in the capital. He is acquainted with Pushkin, has lunch with the minister, and is an indispensable employee. And in his free time, Khlestakov allegedly writes musical and literary works.

It seems that because of his lies, he is about to be exposed, but the local public hangs on his every word and believes in all sorts of absurdities. Osip, the servant of Ivan Alexandrovich, turns out to be the only one who understood the mistake made by Khlestakov. Fearing for his master, he takes him away from the city of N.

The deception is revealed

What did the city officials have to do when they discovered that they had been deceived by some petty official who had arrived from St. Petersburg! In the play, a fight breaks out between them. Each of them seeks to find out who failed to recognize the impostor, why Khlestakov was mistaken for an auditor. However, the misadventures of city N officials do not end there. After all, the news comes that a real auditor has arrived! This is where the play ends.

The positive hero of the play

Nikolai Vasilievich was often reproached for the absence of positive characters in his work. Gogol replied to this that there is still one such character - it is laughter.

So, we answered the question: "Why was Khlestakov mistaken for an auditor?" Briefly summing up the above, we note that fear is the main cause of the general mistake. It is he who is the engine of the plot in Gogol's work and creates a situation of delusion. It is the fear of losing warm places and the fear of verification that gives rise to absolutely all the characters of the comedy.

The hero of the comedy "The Government Inspector" - Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - is not an adventurer, not a selfish deceiver; he does not set himself any conscious goal at all. Khlestakov is all within the given minute, acts and speaks almost reflexively, under the influence of circumstances. Khlestakov is sincere both when he tells the truth and when he lies, for his lies are akin to the fantasies of a child.

But it was this sincerity that deceived Gorodnichy and the company, who were expecting to meet a real auditor, who turned out to be powerless in the face of naivety and unintentionality.

Frightened by the upcoming revision, the Governor is so seized with fear of the imaginary authorities, who find out “sins”, that he fawns ingratiatingly with Khlestakov, humiliates himself, being overweight and solid, bends over in front of the “strong”, in front of his higher rank, “although this is just a rag ". Rude and cruel with all who are below his rank or dependent on him, he flatteringly and insinuatingly, kindly and gently wooes the guest, trying to please, propitiate and enchant him. With "great happiness" he gives him his daughter as a wife, he is almost ready to sacrifice his wife to him.

The mayor comes to his highest triumph, but does not notice how Khlestakov disappears from under his nose completely and irrevocably.

TICKET 14 question 1

The image of Tatyana Larina as an artistic discovery of the author (Based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Tatyana was formed under the influence of folk principles and sentimental literature, she is a deeply feeling nature. Recall the nightly conversation with the nanny. We see her feelings, their depth in Tatyana's excitement.

Let us turn to the portrait of Tatyana, depicted in chapter 8. Pushkin gives preference to Tatyana, thus defending the ideal of female beauty - naturalness, simplicity, spirituality of the external appearance with thought and feeling.

Has Tatyana changed when she became a secular beauty? No, Tatyana remained the same inside, she only learned to "rule herself." At the same time, Princess Tatyana is no longer a timid dreamer girl, she is a woman with a sensitive, loving heart and a subtle, deep mind.

Tatyana continues to be alienated from everyone in society, as well as in the village. (read Tatyana's letter to Onegin).

Tatyana's last explanation to Onegin... Although Tatyana's words contain a sense of offended pride and pain from unfulfilled dreams, there is no malevolence, no moralizing, no triumph in them. The verses that follow these words breathe with special sincerity. Tatyana speaks sadly about her great love, about her tragic fate, about the fact that "happiness was so possible." She wants to explain her feelings, her decision and understand Onegin. Pushkin admires the heroine in the last scene. His ideal is a faithful woman, even if she does not love her husband. Here it is - the ideal of a woman:

"But I am given to another, I will be faithful to him for a century."

How much pain and disappointment in these lines, but also how much lofty feeling!

TICKET 14 question 2

Khlestakov's story about Petersburg life in act 3 as one of the climactic scenes of N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General"

Khlestakov, in the words of the mayor, is the most empty person, "icicle", "rag".

Already in the appearance of Khlestakov, Gogol emphasizes his insignificance - "a young man of about twenty-three, thin, thin and, as they say, without a king in his head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office."

Khlestakov is not just a dreamer. He himself does not know what he is saying and what he will say in the next moment. If you get scared in front of him, then he will go to be brave. And as soon as you step on him, he will tighten his tail.

The appearance of Khlestakov in comedy is not accidental. The county environment demands that the metropolitan "thing" tower over it, and Khlestakov joyfully goes towards such a desire, his lies get away with it. The characters themselves "make" Khlestakov. There is an expression: "The retinue makes the king." Topics for conversation are given to him by those around him. They themselves, as it were, put everything in his mouth and create a conversation. Khlestakov goes with the flow, formed by district fear and delight in front of the capital person.

The fear of officials and Khlestakov's Petersburg dress turn him into an auditor in an amazing way. Although he himself was not going to impersonate an important person. Only in the fourth act does he realize that he was mistaken for a "statesman", this was due to his "Petersburg physiognomy" and costume.

However, Khlestakov quickly entered the role and, in the end, even began to talk down to the officials.

Yes, Khlestakov lies, lies with inspiration, without thinking about what was said, “the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly,” he speaks and acts without any consideration. But his lie is only about one thing: how rich, noble, famous and omnipotent he is. The more the officials tremble with fear, the more Khlestakov is sprayed, and vice versa, the more horror the officials experience.

When in the province Khlestakov talks about his life in St. Petersburg, he does not just fantasize, but composes fables. Only in the first words of the boastful confession slips a mention of the real role of the hero in bureaucratic Petersburg: “You may think that I am only copying: no.” He begins to lie with increasing force: “And the watchman is still flying on the stairs behind me with a brush: “Let me, Ivan Alexandrovich, I’ll clean your boots,” he says.

Starting with a simple fib about writing "rhymes", listeners will learn that he is the author of many vaudeville and comedies, stories and fashionable novels.

The climax in the comedy, when Khlestakov gives full scope to his imagination. And that fantasy is miserable, his stories about life in St. Petersburg testify to this. Let us recall how Khlestakov strikes the imagination of officials with his St. Petersburg dinners. The watermelon on his table is "seven hundred rubles", and the main advantage of the soup is in the great distance - it "came straight from Paris on the ship." Khlestakov's speech is poor and primitive, which corresponds to his inner emptiness and stupidity. With everyone he is on a “friendly footing”, he calls everyone “brothers”, and Pushkin is a “great original”.

"Scenes of Lies" is Gogol's formidable warning to subsequent generations, wishing to protect them from a terrible disease - Khlestakovism.

TICKET 15 question 1

The meaning of the name and the originality of the protagonist of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

The beginning of the 19th century in literature is characterized by the search for the main character, the hero of time. Both Griboyedov and Pushkin were looking for him, and Lermontov was no exception.

Pechorin is a man of a very definite time and position. He is an intelligent nobleman, his soul "corrupted by the light". By nature, Pechorin is an activist, but since he is the son of his time, his activity is empty and fruitless, and his actions are petty. He raises the question of the purpose and meaning of human life, of his appointment. For example, on the night before the duel with Grushnitsky, he reflects, asking himself: “Why did I live? For what purpose was he born? Ah, that’s right… I had a high appointment…”.

Pechorin never found the main goal in life, and this is the tragedy of his fate. Pechorin is characterized by individualism. The portrait description helps to understand the inconsistency of Pechorin's character, his split.

dazzlingly clean linen and a dusty velvet frock coat, soiled gloves;

wrinkles and feminine tenderness of the skin;

strong build and a small aristocratic hand;

Demonic Traits: and 23 and 30 years old; blond hair and black mustache and eyebrows; his eyes did not change when he laughed; phosphorescent eyes.

Pechorin himself admits that there are two people in him: one lives, the other thinks and judges; one strives for high ideals, the other is a skeptic. Pechorin himself sees and feels that his soul is corrupted.

Having become acquainted with the “hero of our time”, we can draw conclusions:

1. Pechorin is not capable of friendship, selfishness is inherent in him, he does not have real affection; he seeks to bring every life situation to conflict.

2. Bela Pechorin forcibly pulls out of her natural environment and leads her to death with his egoism.

3. His soul is unable to sympathize with another soul. Free from friendship, Pechorin repels the ingenuous kindness of Maxim Maksimych.

4. Pechorin destroys Mary's love, mercilessly kills Grushnitsky, completing his villainy with the words: "Finita la comedia!"

In the novel, Pechorin is a lonely wanderer who cannot sit still. Pechorin speaks of his fate: "I was ready to love the whole world - no one loved me, I learned to hate." Life itself killed love in him, erasing the line between good and evil. Lermontov describes in Pechorin the desire for something bright, apparently giving rise to such an attractive feature in him as love for nature. Just contemplation of the beauty and harmony of nature is not enough for him, because he is an active nature, he cannot stop there.

Lermontov's idea is to show a contemporary person, his psychology, his character, as the author himself notes, "... a portrait made up of the vices of our generation, in their full development." To emphasize the typical image of Pechorin for Russia, Lermontov calls his novel "A Hero of Our Time". TICKET 15 question 2

The theme of the motherland in the poem by A.A. Block "Russia"

“I consciously and irrevocably dedicate my life to this topic,” wrote Alexander Alexandrovich. This Blok said about the theme of Russia, the Motherland in his work. The image of the Motherland appears in his lyrics gradually, as if it opens one face, then another.

One of Blok's poems dedicated to the theme of Russia, the motherland, is the poem "Russia".

The image of Russia is seen by Blok through the motifs of the road, wind, path.

As soon as Blok felt like a national poet, he fell in love with the word "wild". Russia was dear to him precisely because of its savagery, disharmony, and chaos.

Nothing in Blok's poems about Russia will be understood by those who sought in them benevolent thoughts about the magnificence of Russia. He did not know pity for Russia:

I can't pity you

And I carefully carry my cross ...

What kind of sorcerer do you want

Give me the robbery beauty! ..

He expresses a premonition that something terrible is coming to Russia, that Russia will give the “robber beauty” to a sorcerer who can “lure” and “deceive” her: and at the same time expresses the belief that Russia will not be lost:

You won't disappear, you won't die

And only care will cloud

your beautiful features.

“In essence, he praised Russia for what others would curse her for,” Gukovsky said.

TICKET 15 question 3

How does Chatsky's attitude towards Sophia change during the action of the comedy "Woe from Wit"?

The conflict of Griboedov's play "Woe from Wit" is a unity of two principles: public and personal. Being an honest, noble and progressive-minded person, Chatsky opposes the Famus society. At the same time, the drama is aggravated by a feeling of ardent but unrequited love for Famusov's daughter Sofya.

Upon returning to Moscow, Chatsky is excited by the meeting with Sophia, discouraged by her cold reception, trying to find in her the understanding that, apparently, was before. Between Chatsky and Sophia, to some extent, what happens between Sophia and Molchalin happens: he loves not the Sophia that he saw on the day of his arrival, but the one that he invented.

Chatsky does not make an attempt to understand Sophia, it is difficult for him to understand why Sophia does not love him. Chatsky turns out to be too straightforward, not allowing the thought that Sophia could fall in love with Molchalin, that love does not obey reason. Involuntarily, he puts pressure on Sophia, causing her dislike. Chatsky can be justified by his blindness with passion, we can say that his "mind and heart are out of tune."

Gradually, Chatsky begins to see clearly. Sophia, dissatisfied with his phrase about Molchalin, says about Chatsky: "Not a man, a snake." With her tacit consent, a rumor spreads that Chatsky is out of his mind. This rumor spreads quickly. The hero, embarrassed by the coldness of Sophia and trying to understand who she loves, begins to behave imprudently, he is at a loss. But until the end of the play, he is blind. His insight comes in the last act, when he, hiding in the servant's room, hears a love dialogue between Molchalin and Lisa, and then Molchalin with Sophia.

Complete disappointment pushes him to leave Moscow, and his famous "Carriage for me, carriage" ends the action of the comedy.

TICKET 16 question 1

Female images in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov is not without reason called "The Hero of Our Time", because the whole work is subject to the disclosure of the image of Pechorin. The same can rightfully be said about the female images of the novel.

The first female character that the author introduces us to is Bela, a savage, daughter of a mountain people. What attracts Pechorin in this woman? Of course, she was good, the author created a romantic pictorial portrait, which emphasizes that she was thin, tall, her eyes stand out - "black, like those of a mountain chamois." Bela is proud and independent, she has the blood of her people.

And what is Pechorin's attitude to this love? We learn with some surprise from his lips that the love of a savage woman is little better than the love of a noble lady. He is ready to give his life for Bel, but it's boring with her. Bela is one of the captivating and touching images of the novel.

Another woman on Pechorin's path was Princess Mary, the same noble lady.

The image of Princess Mary is drawn most fully. She is smart, pure and naive, passionate about romanticism, loves to talk about feelings and passions. Her purity reveals Pechorin's selfishness. By his own admission, he does not love Mary, wants to seduce and will never marry. The story of the seduction of Princess Mary is an occasion for Pechorin's deep introspection and extended monologues in his diary.

The only woman who was able to understand and feel Pechorin was Vera. Her image is given only by hints, which can be explained precisely by the similarity with the character of Pechorin himself. Faith, loving devotedly and selflessly, could make Pechorin's happiness. Realizing this, Pechorin, after Vera's departure, tries to catch up with her, drives the horse, cries and rejoices that he can cry. But this love story even more emphasized the loneliness of the hero, his inability to feel true.

Thus, the female images of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" reveal Pechorin's character traits. However, the skill of Lermontov as a narrator lies in the fact that even without creating detailed, complete images, sometimes using only characteristic details, the author creates vivid and memorable portraits.

TICKET 16 question 2

The philosophical theme of the poem by S. A. Yesenin

"I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…"

This poem was written in 1922 already in the mature period of the author's life. In the system of Yesenin's philosophical works, it plays an important role, as it most clearly reflects his worldview. It is of particular importance for all creativity, because in general, in Yesenin's lyrics, much more attention is paid to the theme of the motherland and the theme of love.

Theme of the work- reflections of a mature person about the past life, about its meaning, about its perception. The lyrical hero is trying to solve for himself the problem that sooner or later confronts every person - the problem of accepting or not accepting the departure of youth. The author deduces his decision: the main idea of ​​the poem is the need for humility in the face of inevitability.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable...

philosophical idea humility dominates everything else.

The theme of the inevitability of the end. The humility of the lyrical hero is the acceptance of the whole world, in all its diversity.

Composition of the poem. The change of seasons, the course of the life of a lyrical hero, the movement of certain images: the beating of the heart, the galloping of a pink horse.

Genre of the poem- reflection - most relevant to the topic and allows you to better convey the idea to the reader.

The poem is very musical, which is generally characteristic of Yesenin's lyrics.

To convey emotionality in the poem, the author uses exclamations, questions, frequent appeals (“a wandering spirit”, “my life”, etc.) For the same purpose, the first line presents a selection of verbs that are close in meaning (“I do not regret, I do not call , I'm not crying").

There are many metaphors in the work (“withering gold”, “country of birch chintz”, “flame of the mouth”, etc.) and comparisons (“as if I galloped on a pink horse in the early spring”).

Unusually bright rendering of color in a work- white smoke of apple trees, gold of withering, copper of leaves.

General mood of the work- appeasement, slowness, narration calmly and measuredly, contributes to further reflections of the reader, allows you to think and speculate.

The attitude towards Yesenin's lyrics is very ambiguous, which is explained primarily by the deep personal fullness and emotional charge of all his work.

TICKET 16 question 3

to the main character of the story?

The author of "The Lay ..." set as his task not to reproduce historical events, but to evaluate them. Igor's battle with the Polovtsians and his defeat is an occasion to portray the state of the Russian land, torn apart by the internecine strife of the princes. The author expresses the idea of ​​the need for unity, the resurrection of the old ideals of "brotherly love".

The attitude of the author of the Lay to his hero is ambivalent. On the one hand, he condemns him, and on the other, he sympathizes with him. After all, Igor is a man of his troubled times. He sees in him one of the representatives of Russia, sympathizes with him, proud of his successes and grieving for his failures. However, at the same time, the author of the Lay speaks with condemnation of local politics and discord.

The reasons that forced Prince Igor to oppose the Polovtsy are tragically contradictory. He was driven by tribal interests, and a heightened sense of military honor, and awareness of his patriotic duty. The courage of the warrior, according to the author, won out in him a sober political calculation: the nomadic Steppe could not be resisted alone. The unreasonable actions of Igor destroyed the army, forced the prince to taste the shame of captivity and escape from it. Brave but reckless Igor goes on a campaign, despite the fact that this campaign is doomed to failure from the very beginning. He goes, despite all the unfavorable "signs". At the same time, his main motivation is the desire for personal glory. Nothing stops Igor on his fateful path.

TICKET 17 question 1

The theme of fate and its development in Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" was created in an era that brought to life a whole gallery of images that for many years were habitually called "superfluous people" by critics. But was Pechorin superfluous?

Lermontov portrayed the fate of Pechorin as very tragic; “Immense forces” are contained in his soul, but there is a lot of evil on his conscience.

His character is so contradictory that it is difficult to understand what Pechorin really thinks about, what Pechorin feels.

Each person has his own destiny, his fate. But strong and “alive” people are able to change it, to make it better. This is how Pechorin is looking for applications for his outstanding abilities, "immense mental strength."

Pechorin's inner world is very complex: neither the beautiful "savage" Bela, nor the kind-hearted Maxim Maksimych, who does not understand the depth of the officer's suffering after Bela's death, are able to comprehend him. And only because Pechorin was unwell and emaciated for a long time, we understand the true power of Grigory Alexandrovich's experiences. We notice his eyes that didn't laugh when he laughed. "This is a sign of either an evil right, or a deep permanent sadness." Longing for the fact that Grigory Alexandrovich does not find a worthy application for his outstanding abilities.

In the novel A Hero of Our Time, Pechorin speaks of his fate: "I was ready to love the whole world - no one loved me, I learned to hate." Life itself killed love in him, erasing the line between good and evil. Lermontov describes in Pechorin the desire for something bright, apparently giving rise to such an attractive feature in him as love for nature. Just contemplation of the beauty and harmony of nature is not enough for him, because he is an active nature, he cannot stop there.

Pechorin does not stand still, he is looking for himself, but to no avail. Interesting personalities appear on his life path (Bela, Mary, Vera) who would help him find himself, save his soul. Pechorin is a lonely wanderer. And, realizing that he was created for something big, he goes further, but alone. Pechorin is a wanderer in life. Throughout the novel, the life of the hero is bright and varied. And the finale is a quiet death, not noticeable to society, somewhere far away, in one of the corners of our Motherland ...

TICKET 17 question 3

Why did Sophia choose Molchalin and how does this characterize her?

(According to the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”)

One of the greatest works of the first half of the 19th century is A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”. The author posed a number of the most important problems of his time.
The protagonist of the comedy, Chatsky, is considered both in his relationship with representatives of the Famus society, and with Sophia, whom he loves. The author shows her attitude not only to Chatsky, but also to Molchalin.

By nature, Sophia is endowed with good qualities: a strong mind and an independent character. She is able to deeply experience and sincerely love. For a girl of the noble circle, she received a good education and upbringing.

The image of Sophia Pavlovna is complex, two souls live in her:

One is a sentimental girl who drew an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople from French novels, and it was they who developed dreaminess and sensitivity in Sophia.

It was not by chance that she drew attention to Molchalin, who, with his features and his behavior, reminded her of her favorite heroes. However, it cannot be said that the heroine is blinded: she is able to assess the chosen one sensibly and critically.

Sofya loves Molchalin, but hides this from her father, who, of course, would not recognize him as a son-in-law, knowing that he is poor. The heroine sees a lot of good things in her father's secretary:

Submissive, modest, quiet,
Not a shadow of worry on your face

That's why I love him.

Another Sophia- a child of the Famus society with all the ensuing consequences.

Sophia also fell in love with Molchalin because she, a girl with character, needed a person in her life whom she could manage.

But suddenly Sophia becomes an unwitting witness to Molchalin's conversation with Lisa and sees her chosen one in a different light. She realized that in fact Molchalin was taking the form of a lover, he needed Sophia only in order to take advantage of her influence at the right time. His goal was also to get a higher rank, so he, according to the precepts of his father - to please. But now she has lost a man who was very suitable for her as a husband-boy, a husband-servant, she is struck to the very heart, she is destroyed. Sophia does not understand that she needs another person, such as Chatsky. And if she had grown up in a different environment, she might have chosen Chatsky. But she chooses a person who suits her better, because she does not think of another hero. ("A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush")

Griboyedov introduced us to the heroine of the comedy as a dramatic person. This is the only character that is conceived and executed as close to Chatsky.

TICKET №18 question 1

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol


Comedy "The Government Inspector" (1835)

History of creation

AT 8. secondary

B9. satire

mayor. That's when he stabbed, so stabbed! Killed, killed, completely killed!

I don't see anything. I see some pig snouts instead of faces, but nothing else ...

Bring it back, bring it back! ( Waving his hand.)

Where to turn! I, as if on purpose, ordered the caretaker to give the best

three; the devil managed to give an order ahead.

Korobkin's wife. That's for sure, an unprecedented embarrassment!

Ammos Fedorovich. But damn it, gentlemen! he took three hundred

rubles loan.

Artemy Filippovich. I also have three hundred rubles.

Postmaster (sighs). Oh! and I have three hundred rubles.

Bobchinsky. Pyotr Ivanovich and I have sixty-five

banknotes, sir, yes, sir.

Ammos Fedorovich (spreads his hands in disbelief). How is it, gentlemen?

How is it, in fact, we have so blundered?

Mayor (hits himself in the forehead). How am I - no, how am I, you old fool? Survived

stupid sheep, out of my mind! .. I have been living in the service for thirty years; no merchant, no

the contractor could not conduct; scammers over scammers deceived, rogue and

rogues such that they are ready to rob the whole world, hooked on the hook! Three

I deceived the governors!.. What about the governors! ( waved his hand) nothing to say

about governors...

Anna Andreevna. But that can't be, Antosha: he got engaged to


mayor (in hearts). Got engaged! Kukish with butter - here you are engaged!

Gets into my eyes with a betrothal! .. ( In a frenzy.) Look, look,

the whole world, all Christianity, everyone, look how foolish the mayor is! Fool

him, the fool, the old scoundrel! ( He threatens himself with his fist.) Oh you,

fat-nosed! Icicle, rag mistook for an important person! There he is now

all the way fills with a bell! Spread history around the world. Few

the fact that you go into a laughing stock - there is a clicker, a paper maraca, into a comedy

will put you in. That's what's embarrassing! Chin, the title will not spare, and they will all bare their teeth

teeth and clap. What are you laughing at? - Laugh at yourself!.. Oh, you!..

(He slams his feet on the floor in anger.) I would have all these paper maracas! Uh, clickers,

damn liberals! damn seed! I would tie you all in a knot, I would erase it into flour

you all to hell in the lining! in a hat there to him! .. ( Fists and beats

heels to the floor. After some silence.) Still can't come in

myself. Here, truly, if God wants to punish, he will first take away the mind. Well

what was in this heliport that looked like an auditor? There was nothing! That's just

there was nothing like half a little finger - and suddenly everything: the auditor! auditor! Well who

first released that he is the auditor? Answer!

Artemy Filippovich (spreading his arms). How did it happen, for the life of me,

I can not explain. It was as if some kind of fog had stunned, the devil beguiled.

Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, who released - that's who released: these fellows!

(Points to Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky.)

Bobchinsky. Hey, not me! didn't think...

Dobchinsky. I'm nothing, nothing at all...

Artemy Filippovich. Of course, you.

Luka Lukic. Of course. They ran like crazy from the tavern:

"I came, I came and I don't make money..." We found an important bird!

Mayor. Naturally, you! urban gossipers, damned liars!

Artemy Filippovich. Damn you with your auditor and


mayor. Only prowling around the city and embarrassing everyone, ratchet

damn! Sow gossip, short-tailed magpies!

Ammos Fedorovich. Damn buggers!

Luka Lukic. Caps!

Artemy Filippovich. Morels are short-bellied!

Everyone surrounds them.

Bobchinsky. By God, it's not me, it's Pyotr Ivanovich.

Dobchinsky. Uh, no, Pyotr Ivanovich, you're the first to...

Bobchinsky. And here it is not; you were the first.


B1. Specify the genre of the work from which the fragment is taken.

B2. What is the name of the hero mentioned by the Governor.

VZ. Establish a correspondence between the three characters appearing in this fragment and their ranks.

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

B4. Establish a correspondence between the three characters appearing in this fragment and the characteristic given to them in the play. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

B5. The Gorodnichiy’s speech in this scene is accompanied by comments “waving his hand”, “hitting himself on the forehead”, “threatening himself with his fist”, etc. How are such author's comments called in dramaturgy?

b6. The mayor pronounces the phrase: “What are you laughing at? "You're laughing at yourself." What is the name of the saying, characterized by brevity, capacity of thought and expressiveness?

B7. Korobkin's wife does not take part in the main action, she appears only in the above scene. What is the name of such a character?

C1. How does the Governor appear in this episode and what dramatic means contribute to the disclosure of his character?

C2. What human vices does Gogol reveal in The Government Inspector, and what other works of Russian literature denounce these shortcomings?

IN 1. Comedy

IN 2. Khlestakov

AT 5. remark

AT 6. Aphorism

AT 7. Secondary

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