Submit an application for participation in the tour "big trip around Kamchatka". Tour "big trip around Kamchatka"

Day 1. Meeting

Having made an eight-hour flight Moscow-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, you land at the airport, from the runway of which a majestic view of the volcanoes opens. Meeting with the guide of the group.

After acquaintance, transfer to a hotel located in the resort area of ​​the village of Paratunka, remarkable for its balneological springs. Time difference between Moscow and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky + 8 hours. Therefore, tourists devote a day of acclimatization, swimming in pools with healing thermal water of Kamchatka.

Day 2. Vachkazhets waterfalls and hot baths in Ozerki.

Our journey through Kamchatka begins with a leisurely walk to the ruined mountain ensemble of Vachkazhets. Leaving the car by the road, we will go along the forest road to Lake Takhkoloch, which has found its shelter right at the foot of the massif. Here will be the first small stop to capture the surrounding beauties.

We go around the lake on the right and begin a leisurely climb, first climbing a hillock, then along a stream running down the slope. A large number of Kamchatka ground squirrels live on the local slopes. Sometimes they are difficult to spot, as their color is designed to camouflage, merging with the ground, but if you make any loud sound, you can see how they scatter into their holes.

Next stop at the waterfall. On a steep slope, we can go down into the gorge and get as close as possible to the waterfall. Mountain rivers are cold in any weather and refreshing moisture hangs in the air. After the inspection, we return to the trail and climb the steep slope to the Vachkazhets circus. Here is the maximum point of our ascent and the entire valley is visible, along which we walked before. The descent is carried out along the stream with interesting rifts and small waterfalls.

We return by the forest road to our car and before returning to the base we stop at the health-improving complex "Ozerki", where we relax in the hot saturated water of mineral springs rich in hydrogen sulfide. Those who wish can plunge into the cold river flowing nearby.

Denis 3 - 5. Rafting along the Bystraya River with fishing

Our trip around Kamchatka continues, and next is a three-day rafting on the Bystraya River, which is the right tributary of the Bolshaya River, one of the largest rivers on the peninsula. An incredible number of salmon live in the reservoirs of Kamchatka rivers: sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, char and the famous Kamchatka trout - mykizha.

It remains to stock up on gear, spinners, spinning rods, do not forget a good mood and go! The car will take us to the place where the rafting will begin. Travel time is about two hours. Tourist rafting on the Bystraya River is not sports, it is primarily gambling and enjoying the pictures of wildlife that open before you. And so, things are packed in waterproofing bags, we sit down and set sail.

Someone has already cast a bait - and here it is, the first catch! It can't be that fast?! The task of the cook - to catch fish for dinner, was completed in the shortest possible time. At the bottom of our raft, char, sima, pink salmon and grayling tremble - the royal fish from which sashimi is immediately prepared, poured with soy sauce and lemon juice. And the fishing continues! But our catch has already exceeded all expectations, so the fish are caught on a catch-and-release basis. Every now and then admiring exclamations are heard from neighboring rafts and the competition of the most successful begins.

And here is our parking lot. We break camp. Someone is resting, but someone cannot stop and continues to fish, entering the water from the shore. For dinner - Kamchatka fish soup - it's just a gastronomic delight! And there is also fish fried on coals and baked in leaves! The evening flies by unnoticed by a leisurely conversation by the fire.

Early in the morning, leaving the tent, take security measures, because your neighbor may be a brown bear, a big fan of feasting on spawning fish.

We continue our wonderful voyage. How beautiful is the nature around us! The unhurried flow and the murmur of water beating at the sides dispose to complete serenity and relaxation. The rafting ends, we say goodbye to our escorts and go to Malki, to plunge into the thermal springs. Malkinsky springs have a special unique composition of water. This is a group of small reservoirs filled with healing hot water. It seems that you can lie in the source for hours, but be moderate because the composition of the water is very saturated with salts and minerals.

Day 6. Departure to Gorely volcano.

We leave for the southern group of volcanoes. Here begins our next long segment of the journey through Kamchatka. The most optimal trip, during which you can feel these edges, takes 3 days and takes place with overnight stays in tents.

The first volcano we will visit is Gorely - a unique natural object located 75 km from the regional center of Kamchatka. It is best to get to the foot of the volcano by vehicles with high cross-country ability and adapted to the conditions of our off-road. The journey takes about 4 hours, but the time flies by unnoticed, as the magnificent panorama that opens from the windows delights and inspires travelers.

We pass the Serebryany stream and in front of us is the handsome Vilyuchinsky volcano. From it, straining on the slopes, our car will start climbing the serpentine to a pass about 900 meters high. Stop at the equipped observation deck, from which you can clearly see the boundless expanses and silhouettes of volcanoes - Mutnovsky, Gorely, Avachinsky, Koryaksky.

We descend into the Gorely caldera, grandiose in size - 9 by 13 kilometers in diameter, and drive up to the starting point of the ascent. Where is our volcano? Its shape does not look like a cone, as we usually imagine a classic volcano. Rather, it is a ridge formed by cones running into each other. This is a real active volcano. Its height is 1829 meters.

The ascent is not long, about 3 hours, and does not require special loads. This is a favorite weekend route for the local population. In the right rhythm and in a good mood, we begin our ascent. The path is clearly visible. We are surrounded by old lava flows and kekkur, surprising with their bizarre additions.

The exit to the crater is always a surprise and a shock with the beauty that opens up to the eye. Volcano Gorely is rightfully considered a natural monument! Gorely has several cones and 11 craters. We will visit the most famous - "Blue Lake", with a beautiful lake at the bottom and "Active", in which the vital activity of the volcano continues today. Clubs of sulfuric steam rise to the sky, and sometimes you can hear the hum of the processes taking place in the depths. The walls of the craters are sheer and picturesque. Going around them along the edge, we will admire their composition and color shades of rocks.

And now we are at the top. There are no words that adequately convey the grandeur of the panorama that surrounds us! We are waiting for the descent, dinner and overnight under the starry sky.

Day 7. Inspection of the Mutnovsky volcano

Our goal today is the Mutnovsky volcano. This is undoubtedly one of the most unique places available to a tourist traveling around Kamchatka. The volcano with a height of 2323 meters is active today. The transition to the crater is carried out with a small climb through a fault formed as a result of volcanic activity. A little effort - and you are in hell or heaven? Definitely undecided. The splendor of the glaciers, shimmering with a variety of colors and boiling waters waiting for them at the base, create a fantastic picture! The volcano lives its own harsh life. Powerful fumaroles emit poisonous sulfuric fumes, mud pots are boiling, something is making noise and gurgling everywhere.

On thermal sites covered with clay, you need to move with great care. Everything is changeable in nature. Sources disappear and are reborn. Perhaps, at the moment, there is emptiness under you at a shallow depth. Falling into a boiling mass is a terrible prospect.

The Vulkannaya River runs along the bottom of the crater, forming a deep canyon called the "Dangerous Ravine" along the way, and three kilometers below it abruptly breaks off to a height of 80 meters with a powerful waterfall. Magical spectacle! We return to the camp after the inspection.

Day 8. Dacha thermal springs.

We are moving to the Dachnye springs. One of the first in the USSR GEOTES Mutnovskaya is located in the neighborhood. This power plant generates electricity using the natural heat of the earth, exactly the same from which Dacha thermal springs are fed.

Before the springs, you will also have to walk along a not steep slope. Here are the processes of modern active volcanic activity. During the tour, we will examine the mud pots, pulsating springs. In the afternoon we return to the recreation center in the Paratunka zone.

Day 9. Sea voyage: Avachinskaya bay - about. Starichkov - Russian Bay

Having studied the Kamchatka Territory from land, it is important not to miss the exploration of the marine world. Our peninsula is washed by the seas and the ocean from three sides, and since ancient times, the life of the indigenous people has been somehow connected with the sea. We have to go beyond the gates of Avacha Bay to the Pacific Ocean. The route will be laid along the east coast to the south. Let's pass by three brothers from an old Kamchatka legend who guard the entrance to the bay. The sad cries of seagulls always accompany these fairy tale characters. Every now and then, sea birds rush past the ship in search of something to profit from. They are represented by puffins, guillemots, gulls, cormorants. Sometimes you can meet quite rare specimens, such as the Steller's sea eagle.

The first stop on the way is Starichkov Island, named after a rare bird species - the Old Man. This is a protected area, which is under scientific observation. We will go around the island from different sides and admire the bird colonies. By the way, there are a myriad of them here and noise and din are constantly heard. On the coastal reefs, we may already meet seals. They are gullible and can swim close enough.

We continue our walk and soon we get to the Russkaya Bay. This place is quite deep and protected from ocean disturbances. In this regard, a lot of spawning fish settles here, and other predators come with it. Killer whales, whales, seals and our feathered friends all participate in this feast. You can meet whales and killer whales throughout the summer, but most of them come in August. We will have enough time to take pictures of the entire ichthyofauna of the bay. We will also have lunch on board. We return to the hotel in the evening.

Day 10. Transfer to the airport - Big trip to Kamchatka

This is the last day of our trip. On the way to the airport, we will stop by the monument "Russia Begins Here" for a souvenir photo. All the best to you, friends!

Kamchatka is one of the most exotic and interesting regions not only in Russia, but in the whole world.

I don't know if there is anywhere else where you can find ski resorts, the ocean, volcanoes, thermal springs, "ethnic" villages and an incredible selection of seafood nearby. How best and more convenient to see all the sights of this region. I'll tell you... This is Kamchatka!

The main airport of Kamchatka, which is located twenty-five kilometers northwest of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, is in an absolutely incredible natural environment. I don’t even know if there is another airport somewhere in the world, when landing on which the plane first maneuvers between mountain ranges and volcanoes, then makes a U-turn over the city, as if showing passengers where they are flying, and, finally, descends over the most picturesque bay in the world.

If you are going to Kamchatka, then here are the options for excursions in this wonderful region.

Helicopter tours

This excursion will provide an opportunity to see all the beauties of Kamchatka, which are usually inaccessible to the gaze while on the ground. Rise above majestic volcanoes, inaccessible alpine lakes, river sources, impenetrable mountain ranges and forests. Visit the crater of active and sleeping. Enjoy the spectacle of the diversity of the animal world of Kamchatka.

Only from a bird's eye view can you see the unique world of Kamchatka. Visit the most remote and untouched by civilization places.

Sightseeing helicopter tours in Kamchatka last 5-6 hours on average, and allow you to see most of the untouched territories, nature reserves and reserves, volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, spawning rivers and lakes with one or two landings.

Helicopter excursions will allow you to see the Valley of Geysers, the caldera of Uzon volcano, Nalychevo, Lake Kurilskoye, Ksudach volcano, and much more.

Climbing volcanoes

To visit Kamchatka and not climb? Live in the land of volcanoes and not conquer at least one of them? Climbing the volcanoes of Kamchatka is one of the most interesting and popular tourist routes on the peninsula among tourists and locals. The excursion will reveal majestic horizons, mountain ranges, endless threads of rivers and mirrors of lakes. You will feel all the greatness and power of nature, walking along the narrow path between humanity and the universe. Standing at the top, you will know the very essence of being. You will see the end of the earth, where the world begins. You can climb volcanoes: Avachinsky, Gorely, Mutnovsky and to the waterfall "Spits of Veronica". Tours last from 1 to 3 days.

Jeep tours

We bring to your attention exciting trips on all-terrain vehicles along light Jeeping routes, overcoming gravel and forest roads, combined with hiking and climbing volcanoes, as well as frankly heavy off-road. You can see the beauties of Kamchatka accessible only to hikers and off-road travelers, feel the atmosphere of real adventures, driving through unique places: forests, fields, swamps, crossing rivers and mountain passes. Make a tour to the Kuril Lake, to, to the waterfall "Spits of Veronica", to Gorely, Mutnovsky and Vachkazhets. Tours last one day.

Combined tours

If you like active rest in the bosom of nature - this is your option! Tours that combine active recreation on water, land and in the air are a series of impressions, bright and unforgettable, when emotions simply overwhelm. Such trips include hiking, climbing volcanoes, fishing, boat trips, diving, visiting nature reserves, hot springs, geysers.

Horse tours

An extraordinary feeling is to be experienced, which cannot even be imagined, standing with both feet on the ground. Only sitting in the saddle can one feel the feeling of flight, which from time immemorial was considered the privilege of birds. Horse riding tours in Kamchatka are fascinating and unforgettable one-day and multi-day trips to the Pacific Ocean, Timonovsky hot springs, endless and beautiful nature reserves, river sources and blue lakes.

Sea trips

Among the variety of tours and excursions offered to tourists in Kamchatka, I would especially like to note boat trips along the Avacha Bay and cruises along the eastern coast of the peninsula, the Commander Islands and the Kuril Islands. This is not only a great opportunity to fully enjoy a sea voyage, but also to visit the unique nature reserves of the Kamchatka Territory. Watch the bird colonies. Follow the migration routes of whales. Enjoy the game of white-sided beauties Orcas. Race to ride on the waves with Kamchatka dolphins.

During excursions, on comfortable ships, you enjoy the views of picturesque bays, bays, steep rocky shores and grottoes. You take part in sea fishing. Experienced divers will get sea delicacies from the seabed: Kamchatka crab, sea urchin, which can be tasted without leaving the deck.

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Rafting on the rivers of the Kamchatka Territory is one of the types of active water tourism. It is ideal for relaxing with friends, colleagues or family. No special skills and special physical training are required, suitable even for beginner outdoor enthusiasts. Also, this type of recreation will help you relax, take a break from work and the bustle of the city in a short period of time. Rafting on the rivers in the spring, as they say "on high water", is interesting because the rivers have a maximum flow rate, which is very interesting for people who want to tickle their nerves.

In summer, rafting on the river acquires other advantages: it is warm, you can sunbathe, fish. At the same time, the rivers become calmer, so you can safely take children with you. Rafting on the rivers of Kamchatka is interesting because the landscapes are constantly changing along the banks of our rivers. The beauty and grandeur of the rocky shores, forests, turbulent tributaries are amazing. The nature of Kamchatka is also rich in local forest dwellers: foxes, hares, bears.

There are enough comfortable hotels in Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky hotels on their official websites offer their guests a large number of rooms at different prices and services to choose from. Additionally, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky hotels offer a wide variety of special offers.

Use all the possibilities for planning trips and business trips to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky! Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky hotels are waiting!

What types of hotels are there in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and how do they differ? The minimum cost of living in the hotels of the city is 1,200 rubles. There are several such hotels. Mini Hotels of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The minimum cost of living is from 700 rubles. These are small hotels that can simultaneously receive from 10 to 40 guests. Some mini-hotels have their own cafe. You can also stay in a guest house or mountain-sports base. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

The magical land is waiting for you. Welcome to experience!

Read about Kamchatka.

Kamchatka is a land of untouched wilderness located on the periphery of the Russian Federation.

It is impossible to arrive there by train, since the railway to the peninsula is not laid. All you have left is planes and ships.

Now many tour operators offer sightseeing tours to Kamchatka. Extreme tourism in this region is gaining momentum.

In this article, we will learn about the cost of such a trip, explore seasonal price fluctuations and tell you exactly where you can buy tickets.

The cost of the tour to Kamchatka

When choosing a tour to this region and calculating the price of a trip, you should know that the final cost will depend on several factors:

  • point of departure;
  • Time travel;
  • flight cost;
  • number of days in the tour;
  • the complexity of the tour;
  • transportation.

The most popular types of outdoor activities in Kamchatka are:

  • tracking;
  • fishing;
  • helicopter tours;
  • car tours;
  • combined expeditions.

Tourist routes pass through remote, wild and hard-to-reach places. The lion's share of the cost of the tour is the transportation of tourists by helicopters and SUVs.

The complexity of Kamchatka tours is:

  • light,
  • middle,
  • heavy.

It also affects the price range.

The tourist infrastructure on the peninsula is poorly developed - this should be taken into account when planning a trip. Usually the price of the tour includes:

  • transfer;
  • medical insurance;
  • accommodation (hotel, camp site, recreation center);
  • transportation along the route;
  • services of specialists (cooks, guides, instructors, porters, pilots).

Below we will analyze the services of some travel companies offering to buy a tour to Kamchatka, and also mention the main travel directions.

"Land of Volcanoes"

This company offers multi-day tourist tours on the most popular routes:

  • Valley of Geysers,
  • volcano Uzon,
  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka,
  • valley of death,
  • Verkhne-Semyachinsky springs, etc.

The cost of the ticket does not include the flight (approximately it is calculated from Moscow separately).

  • Trekking tours (4-8 days) - 106-126 thousand rubles.
  • Trekking tours (12-14 days) - 76-136 thousand rubles.
  • Helicopter tours (4-8 days) - 106-126 thousand rubles;
  • Helicopter tours (11-12 days) - 94-136 thousand rubles;
  • Car tours (3-6 days) - 12.600-42.000 rubles;
  • Car tours (10-13 days) - 64-77 thousand rubles;
  • rafting on the Fast River (three days) - 18,000 rubles;
  • mixed tour (fishing and car travel, 9 days) - 98,000 rubles;
  • combined tours for 14-17 days (fishing and car) - 78-96 thousand rubles.

Tourist club "Kamchatka"

The company offers economy class tours, which will cost an order of magnitude cheaper:

  • Multi-day hike (14 days, crossing the entire peninsula) - 35,000 rubles;
  • Pacific Ring (12 days) - 24,000 rubles;
  • Acquaintance with Kamchatka (13 days) - 21,000 rubles;
  • Big nine-day trip - 29,000 rubles;
  • Bears and volcanoes (11 days) - 42.000 rubles, it is proposed to visit:
    • lakes,
    • the hot springs,
    • monuments of natural origin.
  • Kamchatka in June (9 days) - 29,000 rubles;
  • Colors of autumn (11 days) - 19,000 rubles, these are:
    • Volcano Dzendur,
    • pacific coast,
    • Nalychevo natural park.


Here the emphasis is on a wide range of entertainment:

  • Fishing - 11.000-12.000 rubles per day;
  • One-day alloys - 5.000-10.000 rubles;
  • Climbing (1 day) - 4.900-9.900 rubles;
  • Excursions and horse riding tours (1-2 days) - 5.500-9.900 rubles;
  • Expeditions on ATVs, jeep tours (1 day) - 5.200-6.900 rubles;
  • Sea excursions (6 hours) - 3.850-7.700 rubles;
  • Tracking (2-14 days) - 5.400-135.000 rubles;
  • Helicopter and walking tours - 30.000-34.000 rubles.

You have already understood that the prices of tours to Kamchatka with a flight will have to be calculated separately. Mentally add the resulting amount to the prices indicated above - this is how you get the total cost of the trip.

The unique nature and sights of Kamchatka attract many tourists to the peninsula. Someone goes for extreme sports and adventures, someone for amazing landscapes and inspiration, someone for an unusual vacation. However, the Kamchatka Peninsula is not the place where you can fly for the weekend. The inaccessibility and peculiarities of the climate of this region make travelers carefully prepare and think over their vacation. The weather can disrupt a trip or spoil it, so you need to know when is the best time to go to Kamchatka.

In winter and summer - holidays for every taste

You should not go to the peninsula in the clear off-season, which in Kamchatka is slightly shifted in time compared to the mainland. This is the spring period from about April to June and autumn, starting in October. Due to inclement weather at this time, there is a high probability of spending the entire vacation in a hotel without seeing any of the local attractions. The rest of the time you can fully enjoy the beauties of the region and perfectly relax.

When it is better to go to Kamchatka to rest depends on the preferred type of recreation: active or passive-contemplative, whether you just want to be in silence in the bosom of pristine nature or gain impressions to last a year ahead.

Winter is the most suitable season for fans of extreme sports. Downhill skiing or snowboarding on untouched snow-covered slopes will give an unforgettable experience. Having reached the top by helicopter, you can slide down to the very coast of the Pacific Ocean or even descend into the crater of the volcano. The ski season lasts approximately from December to May. Snowmobiling and dog sledding are also popular at this time of year. Views of Kamchatka in winter are no less breathtaking than in summer, and swimming in thermal water pools in the cold season is an indescribable pleasure. For example, the famous Paratunsky thermal springs are a real paradise for those who appreciate the combination of comfort and exoticism.

Regardless of the season, it will be interesting to visit the Regional Museum in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the Bystrinsky Ethnographic Museum in Esso, to look into the Itelmen village. In bad weather, it is especially pleasant to sit in a cafe or restaurant and feast on local seafood delicacies. But going on a helicopter tour, for example, to the famous Valley of Geysers, will only work if the weather is good.

Best season for camping romance

The time when it is better to go hiking to Kamchatka is, of course, summer. It is short and usually cool on the peninsula, although sometimes the air warms up to +35. But the weather is unpredictable, so when going on a long hike in Kamchatka, you should stock up on waterproof and comfortable clothes and shoes.

Each warm month is good in its own way. In July and August you can admire the fields of subalpine flowers, and in September you can admire the riot of autumn colors.

Fans of unhurried walks will enjoy hiking for mushrooms and berries (which, by the way, grow in abundance on the peninsula and are much superior in taste to the mainland ones) or “photo hunting” for representatives of the local fauna. Well-prepared tourists with a reserve of time can afford a long hike with visits to natural parks, volcanoes and thermal springs. The most visited places include:

  • Nalychevskaya valley,
  • Pacific beaches with black volcanic sand,
  • summer sources,
  • volcanoes, for example, Avachinsky, Plosky Tolbachik, Mutnovsky and Gorely. By the way, there are about 300 dormant and 30 active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Even a person with average physical fitness can climb to the top of some volcanoes. The most desperate can climb the famous Klyuchevskoy volcano, which frightens tourists with its activity, though without an instructor and some experience in such ascents it is better not to risk it.

Special attention should be paid to the local fauna. In Kamchatka, you can get acquainted with amazing animals - European gophers and black-capped marmots, old birds and puffins. Some of them are already accustomed to human attention, they are happy to let themselves be fed and photographed. It is not uncommon to meet an ermine, a sable or a fox on a hike. An obligatory point for some travelers is to watch bears, of which there are a great many in Kamchatka. No wonder the peninsula is called the "bear land". Most often, bears can be observed in the foothills at the height of the Kamchatka summer or on rivers where clubfoot fish.

A trip to the sights of Kamchatka gives you the opportunity to get in touch with the amazing nature of the region, enjoy breathtaking landscapes, and feel like a real conqueror of wildlife. To cover the largest number of attractions, you can use the services of helicopter companies.

Good time is the key to successful fishing

Kamchatka, famous for its crabs, fish and caviar, attracts anglers from all over the world. Fishing in Kamchatka is a great way to combine business with pleasure: enjoy a leisurely contemplation of nature and taste salmon caught with your own hands. The pleasure is not free - for each day of fishing you need to buy a special license, and there is a limit on catching fish. True, if only the process attracts in fishing, you can take a picture with the catch, and release the fish back into the sea. A license for this type of fishing will cost less. When it is better to go fishing to Kamchatka depends on what kind of fish you want to catch. In late August - September, the most massive run of coho salmon in the rivers of Kamchatka is observed. In the first days of June, the chinook fishing season opens, the season closes after the celebration of Fisherman's Day (the second Sunday in July).

If finances are limited, then choosing the time to visit Kamchatka, you should take care of air tickets in advance. In the so-called low season, prices are much lower, and you can save a lot.

When planning a trip to Kamchatka, you should take into account all factors, including the season - and then the rest will really be unforgettable, and the impressions from the bear land will last until the next vacation. And maybe he will be in Kamchatka again?

Watch our new video from the unique tour "Legends of the North"

Tourist seasons in Kamchatka

For your convenience in planning your vacation, we will tell you about the features of traveling around Kamchatka in different seasons and explain what time is most favorable for a particular activity.

The peak of visiting Kamchatka by tourists, of course, falls on the summer season.
Let's start with him.

Kamchatka rightly bears the name of the fish land. Fishing is one of the main economic areas of the peninsula. Not to mention the fact that there are a lot of avid fishermen among the local population. Moreover, both river / lake and sea fishing is common. River and coastal waters abound in a very wide variety of species, but of course the most famous are salmon: mykizha, coho salmon, kunja, chum salmon, pink salmon, char, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon.

fishing lovers can come to Kamchatka already from the beginning to the middle of June - the time when chinook (king salmon) - the largest of the Pacific salmon - enters the rivers.
Fishing in Kamchatka continues until October.
Also in June, boat trips along Avacha Bay, to Russkaya Bay will start and will continue until the end of September.

July and August- the most favorable months for lovers of trekking and climbing: the snow comes off almost all slopes, with the exception of non-melting snowfields and glaciers in the highlands, trails are open. Helicopter excursions to the Valley of Geysers and Kuril Lake also start in July.

August- I would like to emphasize that it is the final summer month - the most pleasant time for traveling around the peninsula, when there are a lot of fish in the rivers, all routes are open, the weather is warmest; this is also the best time for watching bears on Kuril Lake and for trips to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes (Tolbachik volcano).

September- the trekking period continues, the mountain circus of the Vachkazhets volcano is especially beautiful at this time, but snow is already falling on the tops of many volcanoes.
Excursions are also made to the Valley of Geysers and to the Kuril Lake, boat trips.
September is a great time for photo tours, when nature acquires bright contrasting colors, the air becomes clearer.

October November- fishing is still available on some rivers until mid-October: Opala, Pymta, Bolshaya. But the main tourist destinations are no longer available: snow falls, the summer season closes and preparations for the winter season begin.

Winter season in Kamchatka it starts in December and continues until the snow melts - that is, almost until mid-May (in mountainous areas).

December - January- the most wonderful and magical time is, of course, the New Year holidays! If you decide to spend them in Kamchatka, then a wide variety of snowmobile excursions, skiing, dog sledding and even boat trips are waiting for you.

February - April- during this period, freeride lovers tend to get to Kamchatka. Here you will find the most interesting routes for ski touring, which are accompanied by the most experienced mountain guides of Kamchatka. The most experienced and advanced riders will discover the slopes of volcanoes and the highest mountains, where they will be delivered by helicopters - these are heliskiing and heliboring.

Snowmobile excursions to volcanoes, hot springs, and the Pacific coast continue. You can also get to the ocean in winter on super-passable off-road vehicles that will confidently take you through snowdrifts to the ocean beach with black volcanic sand.

May- the snow cover begins to slowly open up routes for us to travel to volcanoes by car. We will be the first to pave the way to Mutnovsky volcano, which is also beginning to thaw and provide the best view of its active crater, and the Gorely volcano caldera is covered with the brightest blue lakes.

Plan your trip with us and know that no matter what season you choose for a trip to Kamchatka, our region will always find something to surprise you and leave unforgettable pleasant memories!

general information

It must be remembered that you can get to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - the main city of the region only by plane. The plane arrives at the Elizovo airport (30 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). The airport connects Kamchatka with Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk.

It is necessary to tell us in advance information about your arrival: flight number, date of departure, airport of departure - this information is necessary for us to organize your meeting. (nnon-standard meetings are negotiated additionally with a representative of the company, pcosts associated with late or early departure are not reimbursed)

The cost of stay programs includes: transfers according to the program, services of a professional guide, meals on routes, accommodation on routes, permission to visit parks.

Off-route meals and all food preferences for on-route meals (what is allowed, what is desirable and what is not to be eaten) are agreed in advance.
It must be borne in mind that as a result of the vagaries of the Kamchatka weather, the order of routes may be changed. Routes such as climbing volcanoes, excursions around Avacha Bay, helicopter route options are sensitive to changes in weather conditions.

Planning a trip to Kamchatka

Even a month is not enough to enjoy the beauties of Kamchatka. In any case, you need to plan a trip for at least a week.

You can and should start looking for tickets for the summer months in the fall. Fortunately, airlines provide such an opportunity. The closer to the date of the planned trip, the higher the cost of the ticket.

In addition, at the end of August, beginning of September, Kamchatka vacationers return home. A vacation in Kamchatka is planned very early.
In November - December, airlines often offer cheap airfare for March.
In the winter months, the cost of air tickets to Kamchatka is much lower than in the summer months.

There is only one way to get to the Kamchatka Peninsula - by air.
The message is year-round. Planes arrive at the airport of Yelizovo.

Non-stop flights to Kamchatka can be made from the following cities:
Moscow, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok

Direct flights with 1 or 2 landings depart from:
St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg

When you check in for a flight P ask for a window seat on the left side of the cabin in the direction of the aircraft. It will simply take your breath away when the plane, going down, suddenly plunges into the clouds and “emerging” from them will present to your attention the Kamchatka volcanoes in all their glory.

Some passengers, forgetting that they are on a plane, even try to turn around to continue enjoying the beautiful views. Having shown the volcanoes, the pilots will turn the plane towards the ocean, and your air liner will make a lap of honor over the most beautiful bay in the world - Avachinskaya ... In general, if it is possible to book seats in advance - do it, you will not regret it!

Visas and registration

Every foreign guest needs a visa to enter Russia. To apply to the Russian Embassy, ​​you will need an invitation from the host (your hotel, travel company, business partner or Russian friend). A tourist visa is valid for a maximum of 30 days.

To obtain a visa for longer trips, a business visa (multiple entries 3, 6, 12 months) must have a good reason, although you will not be able to stay in Russia for more than 90 days in any 180 day period. Don't forget that you need an insurance certificate and a document confirming your negative HIV status if you want to get a visa for more than 3 months.

Check the documents at the consulate before submitting. You must be registered within 72 hours of your arrival in Russia. If you do not check in on time, you will have serious problems when you check out.


In Kamchatka, a service charge (tips) is usually not included in the bill, as is done in many countries.

Weather in Kamchatka is unpredictable and can change very quickly. In the mountains, the air temperature can drop to 0 ºС, precipitation in the form of rain, thick fog, strong wind are possible, so be careful in choosing and preparing your clothes.

Mountainous terrain, talus, snowfields, grassy slopes, wet paths and turbulent riversare a source of increased danger.
Tourists should remember that the mountains and gorges of Kamchatka are prone to avalanches, especially in February - March - during the period of heavy rainfall.

Kamchatka brown bear

Harmless at first glance, bears are actually quite dangerous ...

In Kamchatka, the largest brown bear in the world lives next to a person. They constantly meet each other in the forest, on rivers, lakes, in mountain valleys and at the foot of volcanoes. Bears are intelligent, curious and rather peaceful animals that usually prefer to avoid meeting you. They rarely attack people.

However, sometimes bears can threaten a person or even attack. This happens when a meeting with a person happens unexpectedly for them. Then they are forced to protect themselves and their offspring or just food. Situations are also dangerous when bears get used to human food. So your safety, like that of the bear, will depend on you and your reactions and actions in the wild.

When traveling with a professional guide, listen to his advice and instructions. He is a professional and knows how to behave in the wild!

Don't harass the bear! Traveling through the wild, you find yourself in its territory!
- Never put up tents on the trail, even if it is poorly visible. Seeing a tent on its path, a bear may try to remove an unexpected obstacle from its path.
- Don't put tents too close to each other, creating a small area of ​​your camp. The bear should not be frightened by the sudden appearance of a large object (for example, a cluster of tents in one place).
- Do not allow food, especially condensed milk, to be stored in your backpacks. Bears can smell treats even through an iron can. And never miss an opportunity to get it out of your backpack! Give your products to the chef, who will put them in special containers.
- Keep your camp clean! Do not leave dirty dishes and food waste overnight. Wash dishes, burn waste, burn cans at the stake! Never bury waste! The bear will still try to dig up the find!
- Never imitate the growl of a bear and do not scream piercingly! You won’t be able to become a bear, but you can scare an animal and cause aggression - yes.
- If the bear is on the same path as you, step aside to a safe distance and let it pass!

Bears are the real rulers of Kamchatka. They are its guardians and deserve your respect. Do not violate their rights to the territory and then they will allow you to see yourself in their natural habitat without threats and attacks!

What to take with you to Kamchatka (standard list of things ):

Identity documents, compulsory health insurance policy.

♦ Backpack for 45 liters You will need a backpack of this volume for radial exits. For example, for climbing volcanoes. In a backpack you will carry a snack, as well as personal items - a hat, gloves, a jacket, etc. In case of warm weather, you can take off your jacket and put it in your backpack, in case of bad weather, take extra warm clothes with you.

Trekking boots with hard grooved soles and waterproofing The ideal option is high mountain boots that fix the leg and protect the ankle. The corrugated sole is necessary for movement on stones, slag and snowfields. Impregnation from getting wet is necessary to protect shoes while traveling in the rain, in the early morning, when the dew has not yet had time to dry, while crossing streams, snowfields, while rafting down mountain rivers. ! If you are purchasing new shoes, then before leaving for Kamchatka, you need to break them in well. Otherwise, in the mountains, you run the risk of rubbing your feet badly. Alternative - rubber boots without a heel.

Warm windproof waterproof jacket with a hood. In the mountains, even at the height of the summer season, snowfields remain, thick fog can suddenly fall (clothes get wet instantly), rain with strong gusts of wind is no exception. Having a hood on a jacket is a big plus.

Warm windproofwaterproof pants ski or snowboard pants that do not hinder movement are suitable.

Comfortable hiking clothes, shorts Things should be made of lightweight material that dries quickly and is able to retain heat in case of temperature changes. Do not take jeans and similar trousers to the mountains. They get wet quickly, dry for a long time, do not warm and do not keep warm.

Sneakers After climbing and long transitions in the camp, you will be comfortable and pleasant to be in light shoes.

thermal underwear The weather in Kamchatka is unpredictable. Therefore, there is never a lot of warm clothing, because it can be removed at any time. In thermal underwear it is also comfortable and convenient to sleep, being in a tent in a sleeping bag.

A warm sweater It is especially necessary in the mountains in the late afternoon or at night, when the air temperature can drop very much.

wool socks Thick wool socks prevent blisters from forming. During long walks, it is not recommended to wear cotton and synthetic socks.

T-shirts It is desirable to have at least one T-shirt with long sleeves.

Gloves, warm mittens Protect your hands from the cold and cuts from slag or ice.

Woolen cap Protects from cold and wind.

Cap or panama hat For sun protection.

Change of underwear

Gaiters / gaiters / "lanterns" Worn over boots. Protect the foot and boot from small stones, sand, slag, snow and water. Especially convenient when climbing mountain peaks and passing marshy terrain.

Bath and bathing accessories Necessary when visiting "wild" hot springs, as well as thermal pools in the Paratunka River area.

Seat for sitting on stones and slag Sold in almost any sports store. They are light, do not interfere with movement, moreover, they are additional protection for the lower back. During rest stops, they are indispensable when sitting on rocks or on a cold slope.

Personal care products Kamchatka is a wild place. Therefore, during a multi-day hike, only in rare cases will you be able to use a shower or bath.

Individual first aid kit The instructor-guide will have a general first-aid kit with the necessary medicines. But, if you have any special medications that you may need, be sure to bring them with you. It is also desirable for everyone to have their own set, consisting of a patch and a bandage in case of corns and small cuts / scratches on stones.

Sunglasses They will protect your eyes from sun glare on the surface of the water and on the snow, and while fishing in fine weather, they will reveal what is happening under the water.

Headlamp with a set of spare batteries In the dark, it will be an indispensable assistant while searching for things in a tent, trails to the dining room or toilet.

Trekking poles. They greatly facilitate self-insurance when moving over stones, as well as when descending. On the rise and when driving on a flat surface, they save energy.

Sun cream and after sun When driving in clear weather, there is always a risk of sunburn. Snowfields and glaciers increase this risk several times.

Cream against mosquitoes and midges / balm after bites Mosquitoes and midges cause great inconvenience while traveling. We recommend that you always keep mosquito repellent in your backpack. In Kamchatka, Gardex (red) copes well with mosquitoes.

Mosquito net Sometimes there are so many mosquitoes and midges that no ointments help. In this case, a mosquito net will save you.

Knife The most convenient - small and foldable.

Photo and video equipment On the route, we recommend taking spare batteries / accumulators for cameras, as it will not be possible to charge them in the mountains. We also recommend taking spare memory cards with you. You will be photographing a lot, but the opportunity to free the card in time for new photos may not present itself.

Copies of documents in sealed packaging.

Advice. When traveling around Kamchatka, try to write down your feelings and impressions on paper. Perhaps this advice will seem completely stupid to you. However, the magic of Kamchatka's attraction is such that the bright colors and emotions given to you by this extraordinary land will overwhelm you even more when you are back on the plane heading back to your worries and everyday life.

At these moments, your notes will help you remember Kamchatka without sadness, and every now and then the memories that arise in bright flashes will form into an adventure story. After reading which sadness will be replaced by a firm intention - be sure to return

We will provide you with care and comfort, just tell us where…

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