mockery. Unwashed aphorisms about mockery

Ridicule of intelligent people is the natural privilege of fools.

We explain to people that if no one has laughed at at least one of them, they may not be creative enough to work.

You know, there are moments - infrequently, of course - when your intellect approaches the mind of a person.

Ridicule is the offspring of satisfied contempt.

What ridicule they do not hesitate to listen to, they themselves say.

Modern men don't cry! - Why? - They are afraid that the mascara will flow!

Whom they make fun of, there are some of those people.

A rare chicken will be able to peck grains without shitting on a plate ...

Gay Pride in Jerusalem... Why don't they hold a Gay Pride in Sodom and Gomorrah? It's not far, and the place is shot...

Ruthlessly mocking other people's weaknesses is one way to gain an advantage in the struggle called growing up.

Zoro, where should we go? - There. - Great, let's go back!

Mockery is the language of the devil.

That which deserves neither strong hatred nor special pity is most easily ridiculed.

Many people, from their ignorance and lack of education, defile the faith of other people. It seems to them that if a person speaks about God, then he is necessarily a sectarian or too obsessed with his religion. So say those people who love only themselves and do not value life at all, it seems to them that if they spit in people, they will live happily. Apparently life has not yet enlightened such people, but each has its own period of enlightenment. Sometimes such people have to lose the most precious thing in the world so that they think about their unlucky soul.

Mocking kills fanaticism as much as oil puts out a fire.

Never make fun of the Motherland, mother and wife.

Do not laugh at the old man: you will become one yourself.

Ridicule often solves important problems better and more powerfully than a stern diatribe.

More recently, people laughed at me ... And now he himself has joined their cheerful choir. And that hurts the most.

The most evil mocker - who ridicules his own hobbies.

How can a thinking being fail to understand that, laughing at a person who is sincerely disposed towards him, he slides into a swamp, from which you cannot pull him out by any means?

Only those shortcomings that you yourself have are successfully ridiculed.

Each nation mocks the other, and they are all equally right.

In order to live happily ever after, some are ready to sing along to anyone.

A foreigner arrived in the Russian hinterland. The weather is nasty, the roads are lucky, the mood is lousy. How do they live here? A man in one boot walks towards him. Satisfied ... - What are you rejoicing about, look: there is mud, slush all around, and you have lost your boot. - Don't lose it! Found!

It is believed that the truth is able to withstand everything, but there is no test for it harder than ridicule. Only if the truth has passed the test of ridicule can it rightly be considered the truth.

If a sharp word left traces, we would all be soiled.

You can't hate a person you can laugh at.

It is better to give cause for laughter than for ridicule.

That blind man to whom you gave the coin is not pretending, he really does not see. - Why did you decide this? - He told you: "Thank you, beauty!"

Ridicule, even the most mediocre and stupid, can ruin any character, even the most beautiful and noble. Take, for example, the donkey: his character is almost flawless, and this is a storehouse of intelligence next to other ordinary animals, but look what ridicule has done to him. Instead of feeling flattered when they call us donkeys, we feel doubt.

A strong blow is dealt to vices when they are exposed to public ridicule. Reprimand is easy to bear, but mockery is far from being the case. Nobody wants to be funny.

Ukrainian vegetarians proved that lard is a plant...

The redhead mockingly asks the bald man: - Why didn't God give hair? - He gave red, but I did not take!

Never make fun of serious things.

Laugh with others, not at others.

Laugh - from the heart. Laugh - from heartlessness.

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they, if they want, can laugh at me.

Whoever wants to observe propriety in ridicule must understand the difference between a morbid addiction and a healthy hobby: ridicule of the first offends, and the second is received favorably.

Do you have buckwheat? - Yes, in the deli department, right behind the caviar!

To endure ridicule, but not to ridicule yourself. The first is a kind of courtesy, the second is pugnacity.

The mocker is always a superficial being.

It's all rubbish, rubbish - and rubbish those people who pour dirt on their friends' heads and make fun of them.

People tend to laugh at what is inaccessible to their poor understanding.

Beautiful, like a gray horse; graceful as a gold tooth; agile as an ironing board.

To mock fame, religion, love, everything in the world is a great comfort to those who do not know what to do.

Natanych! Don't get upset! She obviously got excited about her grandfather. You look more like your grandmother.

Scoffers are good prophets.

To know others, there are two means: one is mockery, and the other is flattery.

Superficial knowledge leads to ridicule, and in-depth knowledge leads to misunderstanding.

They say you love one thing, but you have to be content with what you have. So I love serenades, but I have to be content with the chorus of envious people.

If you have brittle hair, an ugly face, crooked legs and a nasty voice, don't worry... You are MASYANIA!

The most important thing is to be able to laugh at yourself. And do not be afraid of ridicule from the outside.

Yes, there is more use in a joke than in a strike.

People with petty vanity cannot forgive either ridicule, or a harsh tone, or insufficient attention to themselves.

A person who is endowed with the gift of ridicule tends to find fault with everything that gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his talent.

The tendency to ridicule sometimes speaks of the poverty of the mind.

Ridicule is the most subtle way to expose the faults of others.

My young friend, do not laugh at old age and do not hope to remain young! Do not waste time in empty ridicule, achieve respect by deeds!

When we pursue wit, we often fall into stupidity. And not only in stupidity, but also in arrogance, bordering on contempt.

If the desire is real, then he is not afraid of ridicule.

Do you know what an order is? - Yes, this is when ordered! - As I understand it, you did not pass the difficult word "tautology" at school.

The rhyme does not fit me, I don’t know what to do ... Yes, let it burn in the fire! Since I don't understand it. And I tried this way and that, but it turns out a solid joint ... What can I do? Friends! I don’t know ... And in, I read the periodic table ...

My firmament is crystal clear and full of iridescent pictures, not because the world is beautiful, but because I am a nerd

If something, in our opinion, was lacking in the treat, or if we did not like something in the house, do not mock it on the side.

Laughter is an integral part of our life, when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection of positive statuses about humor, laughter and a smile. Let them cheer you up and your friends! Read sayings and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, do not forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. No matter how you twist it, there is some truth in this aphorism. To date, there is even a science of laughter therapy, founded by Norman Cousins. It all started with the fact that Cousins ​​heard a fatal diagnosis from doctors. Since then, he began to regularly lock himself in his room and watch comedies. It was then that a miracle happened - he recovered. This once again proves that laughter is the best medicine, not only for problems, bad mood, but also for the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be sly. Laughing, half-heartedly, is much more difficult, but smiling is easier than ever. Do not be cunning, give others only a sincere smile, such as a child can give. After all, children's laughter and smiles are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all difficulties with a smile and enjoy life the way children do.

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathizing, wishing well, if you have not managed to evoke a wise and kind smile from him, he will laugh maliciously, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an essential part of childhood.

Laughter is a good start to a friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.

Laugh with your friends, not at them, and your friendship will last forever.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of incomplete higher education.

People with completed education always have a reason to laugh - the size of their salary ...)

Humor is truth in doses that are safe for life.

Doses are safe as long as the dark humor doesn't kick in...

Those who often die of laughter live longer.

When we laugh to death, we prolong our lives.

Humor and laughter - along with love - are the main components of a healthy life.

Do you want to be healthy? Never let laughter out of your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from the human face.

If you want warmth, then it's time to smile.

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose.

A person who has a sense of humor will be able to come out beautifully from any situation.

Quotes of great men

Kind laughter is the sunshine in the house (William Thackeray).

Without laughter, the house will be overcast even on the sunniest day.

Happiness comes to the house where they laugh (Japanese proverb).

Give each other a smile, laugh more often and open the door to happiness!

As long as we laugh, we're all right (Saul Bellow).

A man lives as long as he laughs.

Double be kind
And, so as not to offend someone,
When you laugh out loud
Be able to see through the wall with your heart (E. Evtushenko).

Never laugh at something that makes a person feel pain.

Laugh with others, not at others (Elbert Green Hubbard).

Laughter exists to cheer up, not to make fun of someone.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borge).

If you want to get closer - smile to each other!

He who never laughs at himself misses out on many great opportunities to laugh. (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes your own actions can be a great reason to laugh.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool (Belarusian proverb).

Fools are known to be happy, so let's laugh!

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger (Gregory of Nazianzus).

When a person is overcome by anger, you just need to make him laugh.

Crazy and contagious laughter

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

It is better to catch laughter than the flu!

Some people have such an infectious laugh that when they laugh, you laugh too, without even knowing what it is about ...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great pastime)

It happens that it's not funny here,
And in front of your eyes without a mood you spoil
The moment will jump, splashes of laughter will flow,
Then you take it and, without hesitation, laugh.

Let everyone have more reasons to laugh!

The most contagious laugh is from the chef!

Especially when he gives out a salary ...)

Sharp eyes, contagious laugh!
The figure is slender (pah, pah, pah, so as not to jinx it!)
And let modesty adorn only those
Who else has nothing to embellish themselves with!

Contagious laughter attracts more jewelry!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness.

If you want to feel like a doctor, infect people with your laughter and heal them of sadness...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

The smile of a child is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears run down the cheek...

And if tears flow down your cheeks from laughter, then you live in paradise.

A smile costs nothing, but is highly valued ...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile - when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile - when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile... and you'll feel better immediately.

Smile, and everything will be like in the song: “From a smile it will become brighter for everyone ...”)))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth is straight to the ears.
And burst into loud laughter,
Like three year olds.

Learn to enjoy life in children ...)

There is nothing authentic left in the world, except for a child's smile.

A child's smile is the most sincere thing that can be.

Laughing for no reason is a sign that you are either an idiot or a pretty girl.

And why did they forget about normal guys?)

Watch the laughter of a small child, it is so natural, it comes from his depth, it seems as if joyful bells sound from the very heart.

Children's laughter is real life!

Let laughter and smile become your companions for every day. Stock up on quotes and aphorisms about laughter and forward to meeting new discoveries!

There is nothing, but live happily.

Joy is not eternal, sadness is not endless.

God also turns crying into joy (transforms).

Mix business with idleness, spend time with fun.

Mix business with idleness: you won't go crazy.

The joke doesn't go down the drain.

Do not be angry for a joke, but do not go into offense.

Sharpen balls, sharpen balusters, belentryas.

For bread and salt, every joke is good.

To joke, to make people laugh.

Joking, making everyone laugh.

Skillfully to joke - to amuse people.

Who amuses people, the whole world stands for it.

Dead joker: he joked and died.

The joker is dead: he died on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he got up and stole a horse.

There is no better joke than at oneself.

And people come out laughing. You will not serve, so you will joke.

Jokingly, people drink honey. He joked, joked, and joked.

Jokes go in fur coats. A joke is a matter of course.

The boyar is happy with the jester, but he does not go in line with him.

The jester is not a jester, but a good bastard.

Jester striped, eversion, pea, Podnovinsky.

Without leprosy for an hour. Ours surprise the intestinal row.

The mice are burying the cat. The cat feigned, the fox cut her hair.

This is laughter for chickens. The chickens are hungry.

The heart rejoices and the face blossoms.

My head was spinning with joy, my spirit was tight.

He does not hear the earth under him (he did not see; for joy).

Take your soul away (i.e., rejoice, amuse yourself).

Bursting with laughter. Laughing side kicked.

Everyone rolled with laughter. Do not burst with laughter.

The mocking one has white teeth.

The tearful one will shed tears, and the laughing one will tear himself up with laughter.

There is no better fun than someone who has heartfelt joy.

Fun is better than wealth. You can't buy a cheerful disposition.

Look merrily, like a soldier on the charter in the front.

It's fun to live, but it's red to die.

He is like a red egg. His hand laughs and his leg laughs.

Dance, soul, without cantush, look for a pan without a zhupan.

And the stove and the shop are dancing. Go, hut, go, upper room!

Driver, what will you take a fathom up?

Someone's ruble is crying, but my penny is jumping.

In a merry hour, even death is not terrible.

Know how to joke, know how to stop.

An extra horn (joke) is not good for fun.

Joke until the color has entered your face (until you get angry).

Joke over the other until the paint enters the face.

More (more expensive) ruble do not joke.

A joke will not lead to good (will not lead to good).

There is no truth in jokes. In the jokes of the truth hci Where laughter lives, that is sin.

On fables (On lyas) you will not go far.

You never know. To joke the hell with your brother.

The devil would joke with the demon, the water man with the goblin.

Do not joke with the sharp-headed (devil): it will pull.

Goblin will joke - he won't let him go home; the water one will joke - drown.

The brownie joked: he dragged the horse into the doorway (broke it).

The fool will burn the house, so happy with the fire.

Bad joke bastard. He joked well, people confused.

Do not joke, in which there is no way.

They don’t joke about what they don’t give into their hands.

Those do not play, from which they die.

Don't joke with the devil: he will shoot out of a baton, he will kill.

Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.

Every joke is dissolved in two: it's funny for the cat, for trouble for the mouse.

Yaganov's joke (cannon) beats his own.

He froze, but he got mad. He frolicked, had fun, and fell into the pit.

He started a joke: he lost his fox coat.

They made a joke: they took off Varvara's fur coat.

And not every joke suits a fool.

Out of place sad, not good fun.

Don't be fooled, and so not smart.

From a fool and laughter we cry rushing.

Know how to joke, know how to laugh it off.

You are a funny guy (funny), but will you be alive?

Do not laugh, friend, without having outlived the century.

Laughter is good, but there will be some kind of ridicule.

Whoever you laugh at, he will cry over you.

People will laugh, and we will laugh.

What you laugh at, you work for.

The last laugh is better than the first.

Martyn was joking, but he hid (fell) under the tyn.

Do not laugh, brother, a stranger to your sister: your own in girls.

Do not laugh with your nose: the blow will stick (runny nose. Pskov province).

Don't laugh, peas: no better than beans.

The trouble with laughter is feasible (Under the power), but the trouble with tears is unbearable (beyond the strength).

There is no time for laughter (no time for laughter).

It is better to dwell in the house of the righteous weeping than in the house of joy of the wicked.

Whoever lives in joy, that and the grief is dumb.

The merry one wants to live, but cannot die!

Handsome (husband) for sin, and bad for laughter.

Tear bellies, tummies; burst, roll, fall into laughter; die, sit down with laughter, hold on to your sides.

It's enough to bare your teeth. And the wolf scoffs, but does not laugh.

Laugh if your teeth are good (as long as your teeth don't hurt).

It's young to laugh: the hair hasn't grown on the teeth yet.

Not before good cheered up. This laughter before tears.

Laughter has been standing at the gates for thirty years, but it will take its toll.

You will not be full of laughter. Laughter is a bagpipe: he blew it, played it, and threw it away.

Laughter leads to tears. And laughter leads to sin.

Other laughter responds to weeping.

Martyn joked, and fell under the tyn.

Who is cheerful, and who hung his nose.

It's funny to you, but it hit my heart (and he's sick).

And it's funny that the stomach is thin.

Behind the fun, sorrow follows on the heels.

No sorrow without joy, no joy without sorrow.

And laughter and grief. And laughter and sin.

Laughter takes with a fool, but grief is here.

Play is play, business is business. Laughs chuckles, but business is business.

Beer is beer, business is business, but a joke go to a strange village.

Laughter is laughter, and a joke is on (to) the side.

Seriously. Joke is a joke, but business is business.

Joke joke, but buy rye (and take care of the rye).

The jester in friendship is unreliable (unreliable).

Don't believe the joke. They don't believe in a joke in friendship.

Do not joke with a jester: he will pierce with a probe.

It's good to laugh on a dry shore.

The joke is not a joke.

Gnawing (Gnawing) nuts is not for ridicule.

This joke is (not) in a fox coat (a joke in a fur coat: warm, beneficial to the joker; not in a fur coat: naked, rude, unpleasant).

Jokes are jokes, but people don't mess around.

Joking jokes, but don't piss people off.

Jokes to joke - to stir up people. Good jokes, bastards.

He jokes, twists the whip on himself.

Shut up, look around. Joke, but take care of the space behind your back.

Joke joke, but buy bread (and pay the debt).

On the age-old joke no one will.

To another and get rid of a century, just a joke to joke.

We live in jest, but we die for real.

Do not laugh, water: she is young.

Do not laugh, peas, over us (over the beans): you yourself will be under your feet (or: you will get wet, you will burst).

To joke on a friend (another), to love jokes on yourself.

If you love a joke on Thomas, then love on yourself.

Who does not like (does not understand) jokes, do not joke about it.

Well, the jug is full of jokes (said the fox, hitting it with his head).

It’s enough to joke, the wolf said to the trap, let go of the paw.

Pick someone up. Get in someone's teeth.

It's also funny, for that matter.

People used to be smarter, but now they are happier.

Now the people have become painfully funny: they won’t let you lie.

Who is funny, he is tearful.

  • Laugh at others, cry at yourself.
  • After laughter there are tears.
  • There are smiles worse than tears.
  • Do not laugh at the old - you yourself will hunch over.
  • Don't laugh, peas, they're no better than beans: if you get wet, you'll burst yourself.
  • Do not laugh, kvass, not better than us.
  • The pot laughs over the cauldron, but both are black.
  • Do not laugh at someone else's misfortune: your own is on the ridge.
  • You will not be full of laughter.
  • Laughter leads to tears.
  • Do not laugh, peas, at the beans, you yourself will be under your feet.
  • Who is funny, he is tearful.
  • Other laughter responds to weeping.
  • Do not laugh brother, stranger sister: your own in girls.
  • From the great to the ridiculous one step.
  • To one it is funny, and to another it came to the heart.
  • Laughter through tears.
  • Swallowed the mix.
  • Chickens for laughs.
  • It's funny to a fool that his nose is on his side.
  • Laugh at yourself.
  • The fun has gone, tear your stomach from laughter.
  • Laughter is not a sin, as long as it is pleasant for everyone.
  • Whoever laughs a lot, lives easier.
  • Laughter for no reason, a sign of a fool.
  • I would laugh at a fool, if not my own.
  • You laugh in vain, if you don't cry.
  • Laughs the one who laughs last.
  • And laughter, and sin.
  • It's such a creepy joke.
  • The soldier laughs - the enemy will have to cry.
  • Cheerful laughter - health.
  • It's funny to a fool that his mouth is on its side.
  • There is laughter through tears.
  • Other laughter, like a sin: it will break out, and the person will be offended.
  • If you don't like it - don't laugh, but don't bother others.
  • Laughter force brother.
  • Laughter is laughter, but business is business.
  • Laughter laughter, and jokes aside.
  • Laughter will not live forever.
  • What you laugh at, beware of it yourself.
  • Good laughter is not a sin; with laughter, and trouble lives half the trouble.
  • Who makes the world laugh, the whole world stands for it.
  • Laughter is the brother of strength. (belor)
  • Then you will laugh when your soul rejoices. (muzzle)
  • Whoever is easy on the heart, the whole world laughs. (ukr)
  • Who is cheerful, he always laughs. (muzzle)
  • Do not laugh at the fallen. (Tuvin)
  • Don't laugh at the one who falls first. (Abkhaz, Adyghe, Kabard)

Proverbs about laughter

Proverbs and sayings about jokes, jokes, laughter

Humor makes life more fun. Jokes, laughter, smiles bring joy to the house, to the soul. With them, health is better and things are easier. Proverbs and sayings speak about this. At the same time, they teach to distinguish between a cheerful state of mind and a cheerful, wild way of life, a good joke and one that can offend. A good holiday with laughter and jokes. No wonder the proverbs say that laughter prolongs life.

  1. But it happened - and the goat ate the wolf.
  2. Without leprosy for an hour.
  3. The armless crate robbed, the bare-bellied man put in his bosom, the blind peeped, the deaf eavesdropped, the dumb guard shouted, the legless ran in pursuit.
  4. Feel at home, but don't forget that you are visiting.
  5. There was a mare - there was no collar; they got the clamp - the mare was gone.
  6. He lived in people - he saw the light, he shod an ax on his leg, girded himself with an ax handle.
  7. Elderberry in the garden, and uncle in Kyiv. I love you because Wednesday is a holiday.
  8. Jokingly said, but seriously conceived.
  9. You laugh, but we don’t even have half a laugh.
  10. You can't buy a cheerful disposition.
  11. Fun is not a hindrance.
  12. Fun is salvation from troubles.
  13. The winds blew - they blew off the hat, took off the caftan, the mittens themselves slept.
  14. I saw jelly in a dream, so there was no spoon; went to bed with a spoon - did not see jelly.
  15. The crow flew, the dog sat on its tail.
  16. That's why she didn't shoot: she wasn't loaded.
  17. Here's a cookie for you: whatever you want, that's what you'll buy.
  18. It doesn't matter: what is eighteen, what is two to twenty.
  19. Every joke is dissolved in two: the cat is amusing, but the mouse is in trouble.
  20. They say that chickens are milked and cows lay eggs.
  21. The need is wise, the need is cunning, the need went to inventions: the stockings are new, the heels are bare, she walks barefoot herself.
  22. Thunder rumbles, but not from a cloud, but from a dunghill.
  23. Chest wide open, tongue not shoulder.
  24. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula: it knows what is bitter, what is sweet.
  25. Let's visit each other: first you will call me, and then I will come to you.
  26. Let's be friends: then I come to you, then you take me to you.
  27. It is clear that the matter is dark.
  28. Day to night - ahh shorter.
  29. A good joke does not destroy friendship.
  30. Welcome, let's knock down a bucket: hoops under the bench, and riveting in the oven - it will not leak.
  31. Do not joke more than a ruble.
  32. Went for nothing, brought - nothing.
  33. If it weren’t for if and not but, I would have been a general for a long time.
  34. There is a fur coat, and sewn, but sewn on the wolf.
  35. Rode does not go and "well" no luck.
  36. Wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle.
  37. For bread and salt, every joke is good.
  38. A bun with kvass, yogurt with milk went on a spree.
  39. Hello, godfather! - I was at the market. - Are you deaf? - Yes, I bought a rooster. - Farewell, godfather! - I gave five altyns.
  40. We know you, not for the first time, you were with us, the boots were gone that time, we did not think about you, only after you we had no one.
  41. And the wolf grins, not laughs.
  42. And we do not slurp cabbage soup.
  43. And it happens that a sheep eats a wolf.
  44. Ivan, bridle my filly! - What about you? - Yes, you see, a chunk in your hands. - Well, put it in your hat! - Do not climb.
  45. Ivan, tell my horse "whoa"! - What about yourself? - Lips are cold.
  46. From a flea, a shaft, and from a match, an ax handle.
  47. Thirty-three lackeys came out of the wasp tongue.
  48. Other laughter responds to weeping.
  49. If not if not, then mushrooms would grow in the mouth.
  50. No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.
  51. No matter how you turn, one is shorter than the other.
  52. What is your name? - They call it a name, but they call it a duck.
  53. The goat disappeared: it was eight - it became nine.
  54. Finished the job - walk boldly.
  55. The cow roars, the bear roars, and who is tearing whom, the devil himself will not make out.
  56. They cut the cow in two: they milked the backside, and boiled it in the front.
  57. Kochet laid an egg, and the crow cackled.
  58. Whoever sat on a nail is not in the mood for jokes.
  59. Who ate the pie? - Not me! - And who else to give? - To me.
  60. Who knows how to have fun, grief is afraid of that.
  61. Who jokes jokes, he twists the whip on himself.
  62. Laziness, open the door - you'll burn! - I'll burn, but I won't open it!
  63. People praise - they won't praise, people blaspheme - they won't blaspheme; the winds blow - they will not scatter; the sun dries - does not dry; rains wet - not wet.
  64. The bear is not a dog's pleasure; a pig in the garden is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd to sheep; a bad judge, who is stupid or deaf.
  65. Medvel caught! - Lead here! - Don't go! - So go yourself! - Don't let me!
  66. Interfere with idleness, spend your life with fun.
  67. We soaked, we soaked, then we began to dry. We dried, we dried, they threw it into the water to wet.
  68. On a fly with an ax, on a mosquito with a butt.
  69. It's cold outside, and money is melting in your pocket.
  70. They don't get angry at a joke.
  71. Attack is afraid of a smile.
  72. Don't care about the bed, and you can sleep on the floor.
  73. Do not be afraid of the dog - the owner is on a leash.
  74. Not for anything, anything but other things.
  75. No time for jokes for a fish, if they grab it with a hook under the gills.
  76. Dad didn’t buy a hat - let his ears freeze.
  77. Don't laugh, peas, no better than beans.
  78. Do not laugh, kvass, not better than us!
  79. Don't poke your nose, Friday, before Thursday, wait your turn.
  80. Not like that, and not very much.
  81. It’s not so funny that it entered the yard, it’s funny that it doesn’t leave the yard.
  82. Don't mess with fire - you'll get burned.
  83. Do not joke with such a joke, who is sensitive to every word.
  84. Neither one nor the other boiled, and even that burned.
  85. One leg is shod, the other is bare, and if there was a third, I don’t know how it would go.
  86. In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest.
  87. He doesn’t say for nothing: he will spread the word like a pitchfork, and he is silent.
  88. It's a bad joke that ends in a fight.
  89. Make fun of yourself: you will laugh healthier.
  90. Let's live - we'll make a fur coat, but we won't make money, even if we say that it was acquired.
  91. He hit the sky with his finger - in the very middle.
  92. Come visit me when I'm not at home.
  93. Mat, than not clothes, but there is also a festive sack.
  94. Sit where you are.
  95. Shot down, knocked together - that's the wheel! Sat down and went - oh, good! I looked back: some knitting needles are lying.
  96. There are no weddings without jokes and jokes.
  97. Rocktooths are not loved.
  98. Laughter through tears.
  99. Laughter is not a sin.
  100. You will not be full of laughter.
  101. Laughter is laughter, and business is business.
  102. Dog, what are you barking? I scare wolves. - The dog that tucked its tail? - I'm afraid of wolves.
  103. In front - the sea, behind - grief, on the right - moss, on the left - "oh."
  104. Stop - stagger, walk - do not stumble, speak - do not stutter, lie - do not lie.
  105. So don't ooh, ooh again.
  106. It's funny to you, but it came to my heart.
  107. Do not joke, in which there is no way.
  108. Titus, go thresh! - My belly hurts. - Titus, go slurp cabbage soup! - Where's my big spoon?
  109. He does not lose heart who trusts in God.
  110. You shut up, and I will assent.
  111. A fool has stupid jokes.
  112. Who has nothing, but we have the same.
  113. The gloomy fun is boring, the fun and boredom is fun.
  114. He's got the devil in the lining, Satan in the patch.
  115. Anything, whatever, not whatever, whatever.
  116. A smile helps a joke, it lifts the mood.
  117. The mind says: it's time to leave the yard, and the hop says: we'll wait for the beating, but go home together.
  118. Know how to do business, know how to have fun.
  119. Be able to joke - be able to stop.
  120. Know how to joke - know how to laugh it off.
  121. Clever as a pop Semyon: he sold books, bought cards, climbed into a barn, but plays alone.
  122. Skillfully to joke - to amuse people.
  123. Smart, smart! The whole street knows about it, the rooster and the hen, the cat Yermoshka and me a little.
  124. Fedul, why pouted his lips? - Yes, the caftan burned through. - Can you make it? - There is no needle. - How big is the hole? - Yes, one gate remained.
  125. I wanted to sit on two chairs, but ended up on the floor.
  126. What are you carrying? - Hay. - What hay, it's firewood! - And if you see, then why do you ask?
  127. What should we build a house: draw - we will live.
  128. What are you doing? - Nothing. - What about you? Yes, I help him.
  129. Joke and be careful, otherwise you can get into trouble.
  130. Joke, don't joke.
  131. Joke jokes, but don't piss people off.
  132. A joke warms a person.
  133. Joke is a joke, but business is business.
  134. A joke is a minute, but it charges for an hour.
  135. If you love jokes about Thomas, then love yourself too.
  136. A good neighbor is not slandered by a joke, but the tongue on a joke, like a razor, is sharpened.
  137. To joke a joke - to amuse everyone.
  138. I am not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not a driver. - Russian proverbs and sayings

Proverbs about laughter

You will not be full of laughter.

Where there is sin, there is laughter.

Other laughter responds to weeping.

It's funny to you, but it came to my heart.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

It's stupid to talk - to make people laugh.

From a fool and crying with laughter rushing.

Laughter is not a sin.

Even if you don't like it, laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine.

An oath to a clever man is terrible, but to a fool it is ridiculous.

To whom passion-adversity, to whom laughter-fun.

Even a subtle sneer bites.

Not everyone laughs who bares their teeth.

Laughter is small, but sin is great.

Quick haste - people laugh.

You laugh, but we don’t even have half a laugh.

Where they laugh and cry.

It is easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing.

Laughter is laughter, and deed is deed.

It's not funny - the husband's wife beats, but it's funny that the husband is crying.

About laughter

Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.

Laughter and tears will break through.

Without bread - death, without salt - laughter.

She cries with her eyes and laughs with her heart.

And laughter and sin.

Sin is not a laugh when death comes.

You will not be full of laughter.

You are a hindrance to people, but laughter and fun to him.

You are a hindrance to people, but laughter and fun to us.

I would be glad to cry, but laughter overcame.

One is fun, the other is not funny.

Don't laugh, peas: no better than beans.

Where there is sin, there is laughter.

He who laughs last laughs best.

Laughter is not smoke, it does not eat eyes.

And the wolf scoffs, but does not laugh.

Don't laugh, damn it, it's not sweeter than a radish.

Laughs chuckles, but business is business.

Even if you don't like it, laugh.

From a fool and crying with laughter rushing.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Laughter is small, but sin is great.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Neither crying to cry, nor laughing with laughter (i.e., grief).

To whom passions-adversity, to whom laughter-fun.

Do not laugh at the old, and you yourself will be old.

Laugh at a friend, cry at yourself.

The ears of the right one are laughing, and the tongue of the guilty one is dull.

Joy Laughter is the brother of strength.

It's not funny that the husband's wife beats, but it's funny that the husband is crying.

This is laughter for chickens. The chickens are hungry.

In a merry hour, even death is not terrible.

You live a century, you will not smile.

It's fun to live, but it's red to die.

Poverty is not a sin, and bondage is not laughter.

And it's funny that the stomach is thin.

The heart rejoices and the face blossoms.

Every joke has some truth.

Laughter leads to tears.

They led me to sin, and left me to laugh.

Laughter takes with a fool, but grief is here.

Laughter is good, but there will be some kind of ridicule.

Crying does not pay, but does not owe laughter.

Everyone rolled with laughter. Do not burst with laughter.

The devil would joke with the demon, the water man with the goblin.

Under the power of trouble with laughter, and unbearable - with tears.

And not every joke suits a fool.

Grandfather dies, and the woman laughs.

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