How to draw a snow city. Draw a winter landscape: a step-by-step drawing master class for children

Snowball outside the window is an excellent occasion to take a brush in your hands and depict all the charm of winter-winter. Show kids some ways to draw snowdrifts, "crystal" trees, "horned" snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let winter "painting" bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to create masterpieces

So, let's turn on some nice background music and… draw winter with the kids!

Draw "snow"

You can imitate snow in the picture in different ways.

Option number 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the right amount of glue directly from the tube, if necessary, you can smear it with a brush (if you plan to cover large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off the excess cereal.

Option number 2. Draw with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. We stir the “snow” well and draw winter!

Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly fulfills the role of "snow" in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you want to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

The most popular toothpaste won, perhaps, for the fact that it is easily washed off, so you can draw with paste on glass. Feel free to take tubes in your hands and let's go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in the house!

Option number 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you get an excellent "snow" paint.

Option number 5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt on a drawing circled with PVA glue, you get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect will be obtained if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils

Stencils make the process of drawing easier for those who "don't know how" (as it seems to him). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.

Leaving the part of the image covered by the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes with a hard brush in different sides etc. Experiment!

Several sequentially superimposed stencils and splashes. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a hard bristle brush for this purpose.

A knitted snowflake will help create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

We draw with wax

Wax drawings look unusual. Using an ordinary (not colored) candle, draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet with dark paint. The image "appears" right in front of your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?

The effect of fluffy wool will help to create a simple technique: dip a flat brush into thick paint (gouache) and apply strokes with a “poke”. Drawings with white paint always look better on a dark contrasting background. All shades of blue are perfect for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees

The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip in paint and dab in the right places - that's the whole secret of "snow caps" for trees.

Finger painting is great for kids. We dip the index finger in thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!

Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using a cabbage leaf. Cover a sheet of Chinese cabbage with white gouache - and voila! On a colored background, such a painting looks especially impressive.

No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even donate your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure that the child does not taste his new “brush”.

The trunk is a handprint. Everything else is a matter of minutes.

A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the fingerprints of a small artist.

Not everyone will guess how this charming Birch Grove. The resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the desired width and glue on a white sheet. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw characteristic "lines" so that the birches become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Thick paper is suitable for these purposes, the adhesive tape should not be too sticky so as not to damage upper layer drawing.

Draw with bubble wrap

Apply on bubble wrap white paint and apply to finished drawing. Here comes the snow!

The same technique can be applied in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…

This idea is suitable for the most young artists, and for those who want to make a gift "with humor". Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig hands, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what is left of the poor snowman. Such a drawing could be great gift relatives on behalf of the baby. More more ideas in our article.

Draw with palms

An easy way to create amazingly touching new year card is to tell a story about funny snowmen. A whole family will turn out if, on the basis of a palm print, draw carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What is there outside the window?

What does the window look like from the street? Unusual! Invite the child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may be outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own "winter" drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.

Winter night gouache step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class in gouache painting from 5 years old "Winter landscape". Color streamers

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov, city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creation of a decorative landscape "Winter Night" in gouache technique.
- continue to acquaint children with the expressive features of the colorful gouache material: applying a smear, working with several colors at the same time, creating color stretches;
- exercise in the work with a brush with all the pile and its tip;
- educate a sense of color, aesthetic taste.

Hello dear friends and guests! I present to your attention a master class on drawing a decorative landscape. During school year I offer children several classes that include exercises on working with color and creating color stretches. This second session is held in winter time Welcome to our creative workshop!
Materials and tools:
- sheet of A3 paper
-palette (in case of a limited color scheme, children create desired color, we will get to know about it in the previous lessons)

Master class progress:

We begin work on the landscape with a white round spot - later it will turn into the disk of the moon. Then we apply semicircular strokes of red, orange and yellow colors around the spot.

We wash the brush and begin to gently mix these colors in a circle. We make semicircular strokes on the border of colors - smoothly combine one color with another, wash the brush periodically. For good connection colors, it is important that the paint layer is wet, the gouache has a creamy consistency (if the paints are dry, then they must be poured warm water, let it brew, and then carefully drain the water).

All work on the background consists of circular strokes, as if we are sculpting a snowball. Gradually introduce different colors into the work and carefully connect them together.

For more gentle transitions, we sometimes use white.

Next to the yellow stripe, draw in blue.

With my brush, we draw it along the border of yellow and blue, we get greenish shades. Clots of green color form on the brush - add strokes to them on the outer edge of blue.

Next, we work with several colors at once - we apply chaotic strokes of white, burgundy and blue colors.

With a clean brush, we combine the colors - carefully mix them together.

It is not necessary to repeat the same colors as mine, try to create soy color combinations - play with color, so to speak. But at the same time, one should not forget about blue color, as we draw a magical winter night.

The work on the background is completed, you need to let the paints dry a little, paint on an even disk of the moon in white, and start drawing a tree.

We draw immediately with paints, first we outline the direction of the tree trunks, in brown.

Then we give the lines shapes, at the bottom the tree trunks are thicker. It is better to draw from top to bottom, we start working with the end of the brush, and then with the whole pile.

Next, we work in black - draw the bark of trees. We apply black strokes and slightly blur the color, make smooth transitions from black to brown.

Now we draw branches, they also thicken a little towards the trunk.

When drawing snow, you need to pay attention to the fact that it lies on top of the branches.

At the bottom of the work, draw a small snowdrift, and with the tip of the brush, snow flakes over the entire surface of the work.

The works of my children, snow flakes here they painted with their fingers.

Here we used a toothbrush.

Thank you for attention! All the best and brightest to you! Winter landscape in mixed media. Step by step drawingDecorative winter landscape. Step by step drawing

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a beautiful winter landscape, winter with paints, namely watercolor, in stages. We will draw snow, trees in the snow, a house with a snow-covered roof in the distance, a frozen lake in the foreground. Winter is attractive and fabulous in its own way, although it is very cold, but sometimes it is very fun, for example, leaving snowballs or blinding.

Highly beautiful drawing winter you should succeed. Here's one. Isn't it a wonderful drawing? You will definitely like the lesson of drawing winter with paints. Work done on watercolor paper A3 format.

I sketched the landscape with thin lines. I sprinkled some liquid to keep the white. I filled the sky with blue paint, added ocher at the bottom “in a wet way”. When the paint dried a little, with a darker blue paint with the addition of a drop of red, she painted a distant forest, carefully bypassing the house. While the paint was dry, I washed the brush, wringed it out and collected the paint from the place where there would be snow-covered trees and smoke from the chimney.

I painted the trees behind the house with a more saturated color.

I drew a house mixing blue, red and a little brown paint. Where the snow lies, she left an unpainted sheet.

I painted a snow tree in front of the house and flooded the lake using ocher, blue and red paint. You need to take quite a bit of red to make it easy purple hue. On the left side of the sheet, I marked the trees of the second plan.

I painted snow and tree trunks, on the left I specified a group of trees of the second plan and the forest behind them.

Now let's move on to the right tree. We will draw from “light-to-dark”. First, with a not very dark paint, we denote the trunk and branches, as well as the place where the crown is located.

To work out the snow-covered branches, I took a thin brush No. 0 and No. 1.

Gradually more and more detailed, bypassing the snow branches.

Between the tree trunks, I made the foundation in a wet way, using all shades of blue and ocher. At the same time, I began to draw tree trunks.

I slightly refined the snow branches between the trees and the bush under the tree with a darker paint. When everything was dry, she could not resist and quietly removed the dried liquid with a soft rubber band. With a wide brush, I painted a snowdrift, so that the colors flowed into each other.

I drew the shore and highlighted the bush under the tree with darker paint.

On the other side of the lake, I painted snowdrifts and shadows from trees.

I painted snow in the foreground, sprinkled dark paint from a brush. When all the work was dry, I removed the liquid to preserve the white.

As soon as the ground is covered with snow, every person, loving winter, there is a holiday in the soul. So why not try painting a winter landscape in oil on your own? As soon as you start painting, the frozen winter landscapes will seem so picturesque to you that you will immediately want to reproduce them on canvas. In this article, we will analyze the basics of writing oil paintings, and also, be sure of this, we will learn the basics of drawing paintings that depict snowy winter landscapes. paintings winter scenery artists are admired by the whole world, because the Slavic winter is really the most beautiful!

Preparation and materials

What do we need to know in order to paint a beautiful winter landscape in oil? Snowy winter landscapes, oil paintings for inspiration, and your desire to create something wonderful is pretty much all you'll need. You can paint with bristle brushes or palette knives, using thinner or working without it, mixing paints with linseed oil, which helps to create a special structure. finished work. In order for the picture of the winter landscape to turn out to be really impressive, it is advised to use a palette knife when registering different sizes, a canvas measuring approximately 30 by 40 centimeters on a stretcher, as well as oil paints and napkins with which you will wipe your palette knives in the process of working on your creation.

Provide yourself with an apron that you do not mind spoiling with oil paints, and be sure to cover the place where you will work on the picture with transparent oilcloth or an unnecessary sheet. No matter how beautiful the picture would turn out in the future, it will not be very pleasant for you to wash your apartment and yourself later from paint, which, by the way, can ruin the carpet on the floor or your favorite sweater.

What first?

When prescribing winter, you should know that the canvas must first be painted in a neutral color, for example, with a liquid primer mixture using a wide brush. After an hour of drying of the primer, you can start drawing a sketch, while not forgetting about the composition. future picture. Wait until the canvas is completely dry and sketch with soft pencil e.g. 2V or 3V. The snowy winter landscapes of oil paintings have always fascinated those who look at them.

Draw the sketch carefully, being careful not to put too much pressure on the canvas. The pencil will be covered with oil paints, but such accuracy is necessary so that you get used to the composition and can immediately think about what and in what color you will write. Having finished a rough sketch of the future picture, proceed to the preparation of paints.

It's time to paint!

For a winter landscape, oils must first be mixed and kneaded on a palette with linseed oil to achieve a consistency that will help the painting to be effective. The rest of the paints do not need to be mixed with oil, because when working you will bright colors mix with white, and in them linseed oil is already present.

In any picture, the sky first appears. In winter, especially on cloudy days, it is rather pale, so after mixing the blue color with white, you need to paint over the entire space allotted for it with a palette knife. Closer to the horizon line, for a realistic picture, you need to add blue color, closer to the border of the picture - grayish or white. You can add a few white strokes to make clouds.

And after the sky - snow!

After you have registered the sky in the picture, proceed to the rest of the big spots - snow on the slopes, a lake, winter forest. In order to achieve realistic effect, add blue, brown paint to the snow, gently kneading on a palette with white. Write strokes horizontally, tilting them slightly where there are smooth ascents or descents on the terrain.

Carefully inspect what you get - there should not be a single unpainted speck of the canvas! It is better to notice the gaps at this stage, because it will be more difficult to remove them later, as you will move on to registration small parts completing the winter landscape.

Don't Forget the Details

Since you have decided to paint a picture of a winter snowy landscape in oil, achieve maximum realism. That is why, if you have a lake or any other body of water at work, do not forget about the reflections in the water. They are usually slightly distorted, the colors are not transmitted as brightly as on real objects. Do not forget about the islands of snow that lie on the frozen surface of a river or lake, paint them with brown paint, well diluted with white.

Trees and bushes, written in broad strokes, need detailing in order to get the most realistic look. To do this, use a thin brush or the edge of a palette knife.

last strokes

When you finish painting the winter landscape in oils, scatter snow over most of the objects you have depicted. For example, on the roof of a house, the tops and branches of trees, a boat moored near the shore. With the help of white and a bristle brush, create the effect of freshly fallen snow by mixing a little blue paint into the white. The movements should be light and accurate, since the picture is almost ready, and you, of course, would not want to spoil it with one wrong stroke.

Leave finished painting in a dry, ventilated room, allowing it to dry, and the smell oil paints- weather out. Only after your winter oil landscape is completely dry, you can take care of the place where it will be located. Frame the picture in beautiful frame, for example, white with gilding, with carved patterns and scuffs. You can leave the canvas without a frame - this way it will give the impression of an unfinished painting, but take care of the side edges of the canvas: paint over them with paint stains that seem to have accidentally spilled over the edges of the picture.

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