Furry in Russia: a combination of the best qualities of man and beast. Who are furries

The Furry subculture in an unprepared person can cause an ambiguous smile. This is because furry fans are interested in ... either animals or people. This is what furries are - animals that move and dress like people. These images are used in literary creativity, animations, fine arts. A fan of furries strives in every possible way to embody himself in the chosen image. The name of the subculture comes from the English "furry" or "furries" - fluffy.

So, the furry subculture appeared in the eighties, in the USA. There it grew to an impressive size - about a hundred thousand people. In our country, there are no more than four thousand furry fans. But, according to research, Russian furry fans value the inner spiritual comparison of themselves with the animal more.

Anthropomorphic animals that talk and wear clothes are often seen in animated films. The good old "Gummi Bears" and "Chip and Dale" can also be attributed to the furry culture.

Furry lovers most often draw. It uses the most various representatives fauna, but most tend to identify themselves with predators: wolves, foxes, lions. There are many works on the theme of furry made by professional artists. Fans of the subculture who do not draw identify themselves with the animal through behavior and habits. Usually they are actively communicating on the relevant sites, forums, chats. They correspond on behalf of a character invented by them. Often whole works of art with plot, dialogues, conflicts.

Ardent fans of the subculture are trying to Everyday life look like your favorite image. This is manifested in the hairstyle, hair color. Furries draw animal faces on their faces, wear false ears and tails.

Furries often make costumes with their own hands. The image had to be carefully thought out! Fans of the subculture in costumes spend time with friends, walk, play outdoor games. They can also be found at children's parties as animators. Furries arrange meetings for themselves: they gather in an agreed place, get to know each other. At furry rallies, competitions can be held for the most impressive costume, drawing or song. Yes, furries sing! This is a whole direction in music. The songs, one way or another, are dedicated to animals.

Furries themselves explain their passion in different ways. Some emotionally talk about love for nature and animals. They are much more comfortable spending time in a forest or park than surrounded by people. Others treat furry as an exciting game, entertainment. Still others like to show their Creative skills in drawing and music.

But people who are far from the subculture are likely to mistake furries for animal advocates or representatives of an advertising campaign.

City crazy or extraordinary dreamers? Furries are most often children and teenagers who need self-expression. And the furry subculture is a good fit for that!

0 Today, Japanese animation has gained quite a lot of popularity in Russia. A lot of teenagers were carried away by this overseas phenomenon. In connection with this, they have some questions about incomprehensible expressions and terms that they meet in the anime. On the site, we will open your eyes to the meaning of many words, so do not forget to bookmark us. After all, we will have a lot of useful information. Today we will touch on such a word as Furry, which means you can read a little below.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend you a couple more sensible publications on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Itadakimas mean, Konbanwa translation, what is Oyasumi, what does Watashi mean, etc.
So let's continue what does furry mean translation?

Furry- this is a characteristic subculture, which includes people who are fond of anthropomorphic (human-like) animals in animation, fine arts, design, and even fiction

There is no single definition of what is Furry. Even within this fandom, people can't always agree on what makes a human Furry.

Some argue that being a Furry means talking and even thinking in fluffy, kawaii, cute words and expressions. When you meet like-minded people, wear an appropriate outfit, draw cute animals, write about them amazing stories, but do not use "fluffy" jargon in your speech - you do not Furry.

Some argue that only sympathy for anthropomorphic creatures makes you a Furry fan. You may not have a clue that there is a Furry fandom, and have never heard of " furry convention", not to mention one of the many websites. In fact, being sympathetic to any anthropomorphic creatures makes you a Furry.

In my mind if you consider yourself Furry Well, that's just your personal opinion.

As with any hobby, most furries are normal people, just like everyone else you meet in abundance at work, at school, in the park, or wherever. Although there is a small percentage, the main core, who took this hobby to "armament", and completely perverted its meaning, sometimes literally.
This phenomenon arose as a merger science fiction, comics and animation fandoms in the 1980s. It flourished, grew, and developed into its own branch of fandom. After some time, this hobby has found adherents around the world. This number is quite enough so that they can be considered as a separate formed subculture. furry fandom highly represented on the internet. In addition, Furry fan meetings are held every year in North America and Europe, the largest of which is Anthrocon in Philadelphia in July, with an attendance of about 2,500 people. Another convention, held every January in San Jose, California, is almost as big as the Philadelphia convention. In 2004, 19 such conventions took place worldwide.

Some Furry fans create furry characters (imaginary characters based on their own personalities) for which they become widely known in the fandom. It is common among these fans to explore their identity. They can write stories around their characters, set up dates so they can bring their characters to life, or role-play on one of the many "furry-themed MUDs" on the Internet, the oldest of which is FurryMUCK. When such Furry fans meet each other in person, they may be more familiar with each other's online prototypes than their actual personalities.
Today, there are many artists who are exclusively engaged in drawing furry characters, as this brings in good money.

By reading this article, you have learned what does furry mean photo, and you will no longer get into trouble if you find this word again.


Who are furries: Subculture, Self-identification, Behavior.

Furry, otherwise ferri(from English. furry - fluffy, covered with fur) is a subculture that brings together people who are somehow interested in anthropomorphic animals in the visual arts, animation, fiction and design. A feature of the subculture is the desire of its representatives to embody the image of an anthropomorphic animal in creativity or in themselves, through identification with it.

Anthropomorphic animals are fabulous animals, that is, fictional creatures that combine the qualities of a person and an animal both in anatomical and behavioral terms.

Human qualities are endowed mainly with predatory mammals - lions, cheetahs, foxes, wolves, as well as rodents. But there are also domestic cats and dogs. These animals are covered with fur, so in the English-speaking part of the subculture they were nicknamed "fluffies" or "fluffy" (furries). This word took root and determined the name of the subculture.

The furry subculture is closely connected with the communities of fans of Disney and pro-Disney animation: The Lion King, Chip and Dale, Gummi Bears, Secret of the Rat. It is in Disney animation that an anthropomorphic animal comes to life full-blooded, acquiring certain features of a person, becoming good or evil, cowardly or brave.

A feature of the furry subculture is the self-identification of some of its representatives with anthropomorphic animals, which manifests itself as a desire to resemble an animal in appearance and behavior, and, possibly, in the form of a preference to draw certain kind(Types of animals. Thus, the consciousness of a furry can form a certain ideal of appearance, behavior and worldview, embodied in the image of anthropomorphic creatures.

Furries, depending on the degree of enthusiasm, may show secondary features - openness, sincerity, friendliness, cordiality and positive interest in their own kind. Interestingly, these features are often interpreted by some furries as unique differences from the inhabitants and as qualities inherent in the entire community as a whole. However, this is not consistent with reality - as in any vast community of people, some furries can set themselves apart from the community, be closed, unfriendly and aggressive, but at the same time no less than other furries love anthropomorphic animals, draw them and identify with them.

For that part of the furry that keeps in touch with the community, the formation of a special furry lifestyle is characteristic, which, again, is characterized by the most trusting and warm relations with its own kind, participation in joint events, meetings, and trips. In Russia, since 2001, meetings of Russian-speaking furries have been held annually (the so-called "confurrents" or "rusfurrens"). American and European furry communities hold charity exhibitions of furry art and so-called fursuits (animal costumes).


Draconity, otherwise draconity, is a concept meaning the state of being a dragon, dragon-like, or dragon-like. It's a slang term for a subculture that feels like dragons in RPGs; also used in slang for furry fans.

The rampant influx of dragons and the emergence of a variety of dragon species in role-playing games has become a cause for concern for the oldest members of the virtual dragon communities. They fear that this contributes to the dissolution of "genuine" dragons in the general mass and discredits the subculture as a whole.
Usually, dragon self-awareness is based on its own understanding of the being of a dragon, that is, the feature that dragons found in themselves in the process of self-knowledge. It is important to note that ideas about the "ideal dragon" vary greatly from individual to individual and can be very different from traditional ideas. But sometimes dragons identify themselves according to the mythological ideas about dragons in the West or East (Europe or China).
The life of the dragon community primarily takes place online, with themed dragon gatherings, commonly referred to as gatherings, taking place in various locations around the world.

Dragons have individuality and, in particular, different characters. Some portray dragons as noble, wise, intelligent creatures, while others characterize them as repulsive, stupid, aggressive monsters. Both of these characteristics are true for some subset of dragons. It is impossible to determine the only thing that makes someone a dragon. There have been attempts to isolate some basic set of qualities that are common to all dragons. The appearance and nature of the dragon is a popular topic of discussion in the community forums. But a universal set of qualities that fit all dragons has not yet been determined.
Many of the dragons first became aware of their draconity when they were involved in a larger community known as the furry subculture - an association of people who in one way or another are fascinated by anthropomorphic animals, or identify with them. Dragons are related to furries as anthropomorphic creatures, that is, possessing human qualities and non-human form (regardless of whether they are covered in fur or not).
An unequivocal answer to the question "Are dragons a subset of the furry phenomenon?" no. Often, on the basis of subjective ideas about morality, morality, intelligence, self-consciousness, worldview and behavior, some dragons consider the phenomenon of draconity to be a separate class of phenomena and to some extent opposed to furry. However, this position should not be considered the only correct one, since the ideas about the cultural ideal of furry can vary in the same wide range as the ideas about the cultural ideal of the dragon. In fact, the only significant difference between furry and draconity is the type of anthropomorphic creature. The dragon may well exist within the furry movement and consider itself a representative of it, without introducing additional entities.

Like the term therianthrope, we can form a similar term dragonthrope(English) dracanthrope), which may more accurately represent a dragon in human body. However, this term practically not used in the environment of dragons. The reason for this is the existing negative experience of trying to rename and separate a new community based on the "bad reputation" of the existing one. "We are dragons, what else can we be called?" - claimed by some representatives of the movement. Thus, the introduction of a new term dragonthrope into everyday life is a potential source of problems of the “elitism of the name”, which does not significant changes into the community structure and not problem solver existing.


yiff (yiff, iff) is a euphemistic (that is, harmonious) name for depicting sexual intercourse between humanoid creatures, as well as drawings depicting the genital organs of humanoid creatures, often of a pornographic nature, in contrast to furry graphics in general, which may not carry any erotic overtones. This is a slang word used by the furry community.

The word is an onomatopoeia and fox-like sounds made during the mating season. In his English spelling(yiff) the word is similar to the onomatopoeic Scottish verb yaff, meaning to bark, bark, squeal.
For example, the expression "yiffy furry" means in the slang of furry fans - "a fluffy, soft humanoid character that excites someone", or the phrase "yiffy drawing" - an erotic drawing, often an anthropomorphic animal, and so on.

[ ] as a lifestyle . Its adherents are called furfagi(from furry fagots(furry fagots); they call themselves wagons(singular number - fur, pl. collected - Fourier).

The spread of the phenomenon

The number of furfags is constantly increasing. This is due to the fact that people who want to give up real world in favor of fantasies, they always find what they consider useful for themselves. Like all subcultures, furfaggotria is prone to spreading and searching for new adherents, since it is more convenient for a furfag to communicate with the same furfag than with a normal person. Because total number furfags is constantly increasing, they are spreading over the Internet, where they always emphasize their belonging to furry while always engaging in campaigning to attract new supporters.

Usually, new person is lured by relatively harmless pictures of humanoid animals to tendentious forums and chats, where more extreme ones - yiff and plushophilia - are consistently imposed on him [ ] . Thus, a person is drawn into an environment of mentally inadequate people, and then he himself becomes one. Further stay of the adept in the environment of the sect leads to inevitable intellectual, psychological and moral degradation, increasing deviation, and painful imprints turn the average furfag into a pederast, plushophile, and sometimes even a zoo- or pedophile [ ] .

Distribution on the Internet

On furfag websites and forums, any statements that reflect furries in a negative light are immediately deleted, and their authors are blocked. Furries are extremely active and negative about any criticism, demanding to remove material they don’t like, furfags have repeatedly staged edit wars, knocked hosters of anti-furfagothic sites and threatened their authors with reprisals. One of the administrators of Wikipedia is a furfag and vigilantly ensures that nothing appears in its Russian-language part that would contain criticism of furfaggotria. For example, on http://iichan.ru/fr/ for any criticism of furry-therianthropy, an immediate ban occurs, and the criticism itself is deleted.

Furry drawings

Drawings depicting furies are a common collectible for furfags. The vast majority of them are yiff and only a small part has any other meaning. For this reason, furry drawings do not carry any value for a mentally healthy person.

A separate genre is furfaggothic comics, the most famous of them is Associated student bodies, which is a kind of analogue of the seditious homoerotic film Brokeback Mountain.

Sexual Aspects of Furry Fandom

Different views on the sexual aspect have caused many contradictions and conflicts within the furry fandom. For example, erotic creativity - a style known as yiff art - and furry cybersex. . The term "yiff" itself is most often used to refer to sexual activity or creativity. This refers to sexual activity within a subculture, whether it takes place in the real world or in the virtual. The term is also used to describe sexual arousal and materials that cause it. In the subculture itself, there is an explanation of the etymology of this term, namely that it is an onomatopoeia of the sound that foxes make when mating

fandom poll

"The Sociology of Furry Fandom", a survey conducted by David J. Rust, which aimed to ascertain the nature of social and sexual relations taking place in the fandom included 360 respondents (325 in person, and 35 online). The survey showed that:

  • Furry fans show a "tolerant" attitude towards certain aspects of sexuality.
  • Included in the fandom a large number of homosexuals, bisexuals, people who maintain polygamous relationships and others non-traditional forms relations.
  • 48% of the respondents reported being bisexual, 25% heterosexual, 19% homosexual and 8% were unsure of the answer. Of these same respondents, 2% showed an interest in bestiality, and less than 1% in plushophilia.
  • Furry fans have "more high level tolerance for non-traditional sexual preferences and activities.
  • Heterosexual furries often show bodily gestures inherent in both sexes when communicating with furries of the same sex, without fear for their sexual orientation [ ] .

Rast explains the misperception of the furry subculture with these observations. However, the accuracy of these observations is called into question for two reasons: in the Rasta survey, respondents were required to provide their real name, and 90% of respondents answered personally, because of which they were not necessarily telling the truth, and this could affect the results of the survey, because some of the homosexuals , and almost all zoophiles keep secret their sexual orientation. Also, due to the fact that the fandom is constantly growing, the survey conducted by Rust may be outdated (the survey was published in 2002, and it was based on data collected in 1997-1998).

Survey conducted by the University of California (2007):

Thus, the victims, or rather the adherents of furfaggotria, are either mentally abnormal, or people prone to mental deviations, or persons who have not reached psychological maturity. That is, people who are not able to adequately perceive the world or find opportunities to connect with other people in a healthy way.

Such a person is offered a universal opportunity to abandon the "bad" real world in favor of a more suitable, illusory and ideal one. He is also offered a social circle endowed with certain common interests. Projection of one's own personality onto an animal that has neither moral nor physical limitations, as well as the desire to obtain a third-party or internal protector from external influences in the form of a beautiful and strong animal. The vast majority of furfags choose for themselves the image of the most physically strong, at the same time with a relatively complex behavioral factor, animals such as felines (lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah), canines (wolf, fox) or even dragons. Also, the rules and conditions of the real world, primarily moral norms, do not apply to the synthetic image of an animal, which plays a role in the desire of furfags to realize introversions.

Furry and religion

The ideology of furry and what it manifests itself in is a violation of the norms of the main religions of the world, which, to one degree or another, separate a person from other animals, as a creature endowed with a special mind (and soul) and the possibility of knowing God. For this reason, the reckoning of man to other animals, this is the overthrow of the gift given by God to man to the knowledge of God, and is a sin. Homosexuality and bestiality are categorically rejected by Christianity.


  • Closed social network of furfags with strict moderation
  • The site of "fans of the cartoon" The Lion King "" (in fact - explicit or latent furfags)
  • Forum "fans of the cartoon" The Lion King "" (furfag on furfag)
  • "CSI - Crime Scene": "Fur and Loathing" (same series)

Who are furries: Subculture, Self-identification, Behavior.

Furry, otherwise ferri(from English. furry - fluffy, covered with fur) is a subculture that brings together people who are somehow interested in anthropomorphic animals in the visual arts, animation, fiction and design. A feature of the subculture is the desire of its representatives to embody the image of an anthropomorphic animal in creativity or in themselves, through identification with it.

Anthropomorphic animals are fabulous animals, that is, fictional creatures that combine the qualities of a person and an animal both in anatomical and behavioral terms.

Human qualities are endowed mainly with predatory mammals - lions, cheetahs, foxes, wolves, as well as rodents. But there are also domestic cats and dogs. These animals are covered with fur, so in the English-speaking part of the subculture they were nicknamed "fluffy" or "fluffy" (furries). This word took root and determined the name of the subculture.

The furry subculture is closely connected with the communities of fans of Disney and pro-Disney animation: The Lion King, Chip and Dale, Gummi Bears, Secret of the Rat. It is in Disney animation that an anthropomorphic animal comes to life full-blooded, acquiring certain features of a person, becoming good or evil, cowardly or brave.

A feature of the furry subculture is the self-identification of some of its representatives with anthropomorphic animals, which manifests itself as a desire to resemble an animal in appearance and behavior, and, possibly, in the form of a preference to draw a certain type (s) of animals. Thus, the consciousness of a furry can form a certain ideal of appearance, behavior and worldview, embodied in the image of anthropomorphic creatures.

Furries, depending on the degree of enthusiasm, may show secondary features - openness, sincerity, friendliness, cordiality and positive interest in their own kind. Interestingly, these features are often interpreted by some furries as their unique differences from the inhabitants and as qualities inherent in the entire community as a whole. However, this is not consistent with reality - as in any vast community of people, some furries can set themselves apart from the community, be closed, unfriendly and aggressive, but at the same time love anthropomorphic animals no less than other furries, draw them and identify with them.

For that part of the furry that keeps in touch with the community, the formation of a special furry lifestyle is characteristic, which, again, is characterized by the most trusting and warm relations with its own kind, participation in joint events, meetings, and trips. In Russia, since 2001, meetings of Russian-speaking furries have been held annually (the so-called "confurrents" or "rusfurrens"). American and European furry communities hold charity exhibitions of furry art and so-called fursuits (animal costumes).


Draconity, otherwise draconity (English draconity) - a concept meaning the state of being a dragon, dragon-like, or dragon-like. It's a slang term for a subculture that feels like dragons in RPGs; also used in slang for furry fans.

The rampant influx of dragons and the emergence of a variety of dragon species in role-playing games has become a cause for concern for the oldest members of the virtual dragon communities. They fear that this contributes to the dissolution of "genuine" dragons in the general mass and discredits the subculture as a whole.

Usually, dragon self-awareness is based on its own understanding of the being of a dragon, that is, the feature that dragons found in themselves in the process of self-knowledge. It is important to note that ideas about the "ideal dragon" vary greatly from individual to individual and can be very different from traditional ideas. But sometimes dragons identify themselves according to the mythological ideas about dragons in the West or East (Europe or China).
The life of the dragon community primarily takes place online, with themed dragon gatherings, commonly referred to as gatherings, taking place in various locations around the world.

Dragons have individuality and, in particular, different characters. Some portray dragons as noble, wise, intelligent creatures, while others characterize them as repulsive, stupid, aggressive monsters. Both of these characteristics are true for some subset of dragons. It is impossible to determine the only thing that makes someone a dragon. There have been attempts to isolate some basic set of qualities that are common to all dragons. The appearance and nature of the dragon is a popular topic of discussion in the community forums. But a universal set of qualities that fit all dragons has not yet been determined.
Many of the dragons first became aware of their draconity while being involved in a larger community known as the furry subculture - a collection of people who are in one way or another fascinated by anthropomorphic animals, or identify with them. Dragons are related to furries as anthropomorphic creatures, that is, having human qualities and non-human form (regardless of whether they are covered with fur or not).
An unequivocal answer to the question "Are dragons a subset of the furry phenomenon?" no. Often, on the basis of subjective ideas about morality, morality, intelligence, self-consciousness, worldview and behavior, some dragons consider the phenomenon of draconity to be a separate class of phenomena and to some extent opposed to furry. However, this position should not be considered the only correct one, since the ideas about the cultural ideal of furry can vary in the same wide range as the ideas about the cultural ideal of the dragon. In fact, the only significant difference between furry and draconity is the type of anthropomorphic creature. The dragon may well exist within the furry movement and consider itself a representative of it, without introducing additional entities.

Like the term therianthrope , we can form a similar term dragonthrope (English) dracanthrope), which may more accurately represent a dragon in a human body. However, this term is practically not used in the environment of dragons. The reason for this is the existing negative experience of trying to rename and separate a new community based on the "bad reputation" of the existing one. "We are dragons, what else can we be called?" - claimed by some representatives of the movement. Thus, the introduction of a new term dragonthrope into everyday life is a potential source of problems of the “elitism of the name”, which does not introduce significant changes in the structure of the community and does not solve existing problems.


yiff (yiff, iff) is a euphemistic (that is, harmonious) name for depicting sexual intercourse between humanoid creatures, as well as drawings depicting the genital organs of humanoid creatures, often of a pornographic nature, in contrast to furry graphics in general, which may not carry any erotic overtones. This is a slang word used by the furry community.

The word is an onomatopoeia and fox-like sounds made during the mating season. In its English spelling (yiff), the word is similar to the onomatopoeic Scottish verb yaff, meaning to bark, bark, squeal.
For example, the expression "yiffy furry" means in the slang of furry fans - "a fluffy, soft humanoid character that excites someone", or the phrase "yiffy drawing" - an erotic drawing, often an anthropomorphic animal, and so on.

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