How much baby food does a 4kg old cat need. Feeding cats

The nutrition of a pet should be carefully considered by the owner if he cares about the health and well-being of the kitty. Therefore, it is very important to know how many times a day you need to feed your cat. Age and physiological changes should be taken into account: it is important not only to choose the right and balanced food, but also to observe the number of meals so that the animal grows up happy and does not gain excess weight but he wasn't hungry either.

Proper feeding of cats and cats, what should be their diet, why is it important

Good nutrition is the key to a long life and good health. Deciding to save on food, the owners later regret the act: the plush animal starts having problems with digestion, they have to spend money on doctors. If the diet is balanced, the cat will not gain weight, her heart will not swim with fat. The baby will be mobile, playful, full of strength and energy to please the owner. He will be able to cure even your illnesses, being in an excellent mood.

What should be proper nutrition? It is necessary to carefully monitor what dishes you give, whether they contain vitamins and minerals, whether your cat is getting enough. Particular attention is paid to the diet during the period of illness, bearing kittens, feeding them, as well as after operations. Always make sure that food is served at a strictly allotted time: the schedule is very important, you should not feed the animal in between, except for treats during training.

How much food (dry and/or wet) should be given to the cat and how often

So how many times a day should you feed your cat? It all depends on the age of the animal, the quality of food, lifestyle, so the indicators are individual. In order not to be mistaken, periodically put the animal on the scales, making sure that it is within the normal weight range, because obesity is quite common among felines.

How much food does a cat need per day - table:

Age Frequency of appointments Mass of food at a time (wet food, g) Mass of food at a time (dry food, g)
Up to 3 months 6 10 6
3 to 4 5-6 20 15
4 to 5 5-4 25 20
From 5 to 6 4-3 35 28
6 to 8 3 40 30
From 8 months 2 50 35

Note! These criteria are approximate, focus on the size of the animal - large breeds require more food.

The amount of food taken is affected by the quality of the food: for example, holistics contain more proteins, carbohydrates, fats, they more meat, no ballast substances. If you prefer to buy budget goods, then you should know that their consumption will be higher - the kitten simply will not eat the prescribed portion. It is better to give preference to quality products: only at first glance it seems that they are expensive, but you will save money on the number of meals. And the animal will thank you with excellent health, excellent health, mobility and other positive aspects.

It is forbidden to give all kinds of sweets and chocolate - they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the animal. Source: Flickr (Olesya_Zyablitseva)

How many times a day to feed the cat with natural food, in what quantity

With natural feeding, you should carefully select the diet, determining how much the cat should eat per day. The number of receptions can be left the same, or reduced by one position. The mass in grams per day should look like this:

Type of feed Up to a month 1-3 months 3-6 6 to 1 year adults
Meat products 10 20 60 80 110
Low-fat varieties of fish 6 15 50 70 90
Milk 20 50 110 140 150
Cottage cheese 4 7 10 15 40
cereals 15 35 60 75 80
Vegetables and berries 10 15 25 35 40
Animal fat 1 1 3 3 6
Meat meal and by-products 1 3 10 12 15
Fish fat 0,5 0,5 1 1,5 1
chicken eggs 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Note! Do not forget to include vitamins and useful elements in your diet - it is even more difficult to get them with natural food.

It is forbidden to give all kinds of sweets and chocolate - they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the animal. By the way, milk is also poorly tolerated by the body, so replace it with cottage cheese. Lactose is not digested, despite the fact that animals love this drink.

Now you know how many times a day you need to feed a cat. However, it is better to coordinate such criteria with the veterinarian, paying attention to the individual characteristics of the animal. Do not forget that a special regimen is required for diseases, treatment, pregnancy and feeding in cats. Make sure that the pussy does not need anything, provide access to fresh water. If the hair begins to fall out or the condition worsens, then you are doing something wrong - first of all, review the diet.

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Complete nutrition of pets implies not only a balanced diet for nutrients and vitamins, but also a feeding regimen. How many times a day to feed a cat depends on the health of the pet, its appearance and well-being.

There are several approaches to the question of the frequency of feeding cats. Some owners believe that the animal should have free access to food at any time of the day or night. Proponents of scheduled feeding rightly believe that cats should receive food in doses, at a strictly allotted time.

Experienced breeders and many veterinarians recommend that owners adhere to the regimen, arguing that what feeding domestic cats in certain time has a number of advantages:

  • A pet that is fed on a scheduled basis suffers less indigestion and is in better health than pets that have free access to a bowl.

  • Feeding by the clock helps to accurately determine the amount of food, which is important for prevention in animals, especially neutered cats and spayed cats.
  • In this mode, the owner has the opportunity to monitor the appetite of the animal, control the amount of food eaten, make adjustments to the diet, for example, how many sachets of food to give the cat per day.
  • Following a strict schedule weans the pet from begging for food from the owner's table.
  • Feeding at fixed times is convenient for full-time owners.
  • Cats trained to eat on a schedule are less independent, as they understand that it is the person who is the source of such an important resource as food. Pets become more affectionate and contact.
  • Scheduled feeding is necessary for small kittens, sick animals, while controlling weight gain and general condition.
  • In the hot season, serving food at certain hours is the prevention of poisoning with spoiled feed.

An adult healthy animal is best transferred to a meal twice a day. For example, you can feed a cat in the morning at 7 am before work and at 7 pm after work. It is desirable that between feedings there are equal intervals of time. This mode is suitable for the owner's office work.

If the owner works in shifts, then the mode should be adjusted to the work schedule. Then, with a double serving of food, it is divided into two equal parts.

Despite the undeniable advantages of feeding pets on a schedule, this regimen also has disadvantages. First of all, not all owners are able to provide a pet with a fresh portion of food at certain hours. In addition, not all animals have a positive attitude towards such regimen nutrition. For some impressionable individuals, the absence of a food bowl can be a serious stress.

Should food be left on the plate?

In the event that the owner does not have the opportunity to feed the cat on a schedule, breeders recommend leaving the food in the bowl freely available. This type of feeding is suitable for mentally balanced animals that are not prone to overeating. In this case, the animal has an unhindered opportunity to eat during the day. Do not leave food freely available for small kittens and individuals prone to overeating.

When choosing a regimen with constant access to food, the owner is faced with the question of how much dry food a cat needs per day. In this regard, veterinarians recommend that owners follow the recommendations of dry mix manufacturers.

Feeds from different manufacturers differ in their nutritional value, a set of energy components. As a rule, the age, weight of the animal and the recommended amount of dry food are indicated on the packaging. This useful information should be taken as a basis by the owner when determining how much dry food a cat needs per day.

An average fluffy pet weighing 3 - 4 kg per day needs from 40 to 80 grams of food, depending on its nutritional value. With a weight of 4 - 6 kg, the amount of dry food ranges from 70 to 110 grams per day. These figures are approximate. The amount of dry food depends on the taste preferences of the pet, its energy costs. Sedentary homebodies require less food. If the animal is active, has access to the street, then its nutritional needs will be higher.

The owner should also remember that the amount of food eaten should correspond to the physiological needs of the pet. For example, pregnant and lactating cats need a larger portion compared to normal females.

It is convenient to measure the right amount of the mixture with a special measuring container, which many manufacturers put in large packages. When feeding ready-made dry food, the owner must supply the pet with water. Clean filtered water should be freely available to the animal.

How to understand by weight about obesity or wasting

The owner needs to have an idea of ​​how much the cat should eat per day, so that on the one hand, to prevent overeating, and on the other hand, to provide the pet with a sufficient amount of energy substances. To control weight, it is convenient to use regular weighing. Most often, this technique is used for small kittens and young animals.

Using special tables that reflect such parameters as breed, age by month, sex of the animal, the owner can control the weight gain and how much the cat should eat per day.

So, for example, the weight of a young cat british breed at the age of 12 months it ranges from 4.5 to 7 kg, cats - 2.5 - 4.7 kg. If the animal belongs to a large Maine Coon breed, then the weight of a cat at the age of 1 year is in the range from 5.9 to 9 kg, and cats - 4.5 - 7.5 kg. The given figures give general idea about the compliance of the pet with the average indicators.

If it is not possible to weigh the animal, you can determine the degree of fatness and how much food a cat needs per day by probing the body. If the chest ribs are not palpable under the fingers, then obesity can be suspected in the pet. Protruding ribs indicate the exhaustion of the body.

You can determine the degree of fatness by probing the base of the tail. With obesity, the bone is practically not felt. If the animal is exhausted, then the bones at the base of the tail are not only palpable, but also protrude, which can even be detected visually.

Taking care of health and appearance his fluffy homebody, the owner wants to know how much the cat should eat per day. It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally due to the variety of factors affecting the amount of feed. The amount of food consumed depends on the breed, gender, taste preferences, activity and physiological state animal.

An example of an optimal menu

How much wet food a cat needs per day depends largely on the energy content of the food. When feeding a pet with natural products, owners often look for the optimal diet that allows them to feed their cat with energy-rich food. For every kilogram of its weight, an average adult animal should receive at least 10 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 1 g of carbohydrates.

The total energy value of feed should be at least 40 kcal per kilogram of live weight. In addition to energy substances, food should be rich in fiber (approximately 1 g per 1 kg of animal weight), as well as vitamins and minerals.

  • 2 kg of beef, 200 g of rice or buckwheat, 400 - 500 g of vegetables (carrots, broccoli, turnips, sweet peppers). Boil meat, cereals and vegetables separately. Scroll boiled foods in a meat grinder, add 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil and some beef broth. Divide the mixture into portions and freeze. For an adult cat weighing 3-5 kg, this amount is enough for a week.

  • 1 kg of chicken fillet, 100-150 g of vegetables, 100 g of boiled rice. Pass chicken meat, vegetables and boiled rice through a meat grinder. Form meatballs and boil them in boiling water for 15-10 minutes. Refrigerate and freeze.

In addition to the meat and vegetable mixture, the animal must be given 20-30 g of dairy products daily. It is better to give preference to low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir.

You can roughly calculate the amount of wet food using the recommendations of specialists. Veterinarians advise: the amount of food a cat eats per day should be no more than 7.5% of the animal's weight. For example, if a cat weighs 4 kg, then it should eat no more than 300 g of natural products per day. However, the figure will be indicative.

When feeding natural food, the owner should take care of supplying the pet with vitamins and minerals. A consultation with a veterinarian will help you choose the optimal vitamin and mineral supplement that provides the cat with the necessary biologically active substances.

If the owner has the opportunity to feed the cat on a schedule, then you should adhere to the feeding schedule. This approach will allow you to control the health of the animal, reduce the risk of obesity or malnutrition. If the cat has free access to food, you should adhere to the norms recommended by experts for dry and wet food.

For information on how and what to properly feed a cat, see this video:

Feeding is carried out naturally. The owner either prepares the food himself or uses suitable commercially available convenience foods. The latter is considered the most favorable. It is necessary to accustom cats to a variety of foods as kittens.

Remember! You should not often feed the cat the same dishes, as it is relatively easy to get used to the monotony in nutrition. If you constantly give a cat only one type of food - one that she especially willingly eats, then it is likely that she will refuse other food. And this can easily lead to illness, as it has been scientifically proven that cats who enjoy the freedom to choose food do not always choose a diet that takes into account the body's need for nutrients.

The amount of nutrition needed depends on a number of factors. Age plays an important role: young growing animals need more food than adults. The size of the body, weight, as well as temperament, the load of the animal influence here. The latter can mean the biological load on the cat during the period of feeding kittens.

conditions cannot be ignored environment and content. It is not the same thing to keep an animal in a heated room or in a cold cage. Differences in content will primarily be expressed here in different amounts of feed. When preparing food, remember that the cat needs in large numbers squirrel. The ratio of proteins to carbohydrates, including non-digestible dietary fiber, should be 2:1.


In adult cats, depending on the breed and gender, the weight is usually from 2.5 to 4.6 kilograms. However, many cats “step over” this frontier. It would be wrong to calculate the daily ration of such animals according to the “live” weight. She is excessive, and it is desirable that full cats, like fat people periodically got on the scales and dropped the weight to normal. It would not be harmful for the owner to stand on the scales together with the cat, because excess mass shortens the life of not only animals ... ( Tip: You can weigh a cat like this: first weigh yourself with the cat, then weigh yourself and subtract your weight from the first.)

Need for food

An adult cat needs daily 100-150 grams of protein-containing food (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, nutritional yeast, soy flour) and 50 grams of carbohydrate-containing supplementary foods, including non-digestible dietary fiber (oatmeal, cereals, rice, various vegetables - carrots, spinach, cauliflower, green beans and less acceptable greens).

The cat assimilates meat and fish normally in its raw form; it is better to cook or bake food containing carbohydrates, then its digestibility will increase, and by adding 5-10 grams of vegetable oil 2-3 times a week, you will cover the lack of a cat's body in fatty acids (provided that the fat contained in the meat, will not be removed, but will benefit the cat).


It should be noted here that among cats, as among people, there are individuals with poor appetite. More often it is about individual qualities, which are not associated exclusively with the function of the digestive organs, but depend on metabolism. Due to castration, the metabolism often changes and the need for food is reduced.

Usually purebred cat handed over to a new owner at the age of 10 weeks. The one who sells must inform the new owner about the basic rules for keeping and feeding. It is especially important to know the composition of food and how often to feed. Good owners, who are interested in the normal development and health of the kittens sold to them, always have a memo where the main numbers and dates are marked. Naturally, the information about food contained in the written manual given to the new owner must correspond to the food actually given in the owner's house, and not be just a "wish".

At the age of 10 weeks, meals should be 4-5 times a day and be from 120 to 150 grams per day. Keeping in mind the increased growth of the animal, you need to take care of the rich content of protein and mineralization (calcium) of food. By 4 months, cats already need the amount of food that an adult animal needs. The number of meals should still be 4. On the 5th month, we reduce the number of meals to 3 per day, and on the 7th - to 2.

Number of meals

It is up to the owner himself to choose how many times a day to feed the cat: one or two. It will not be harmful, and certainly not a mockery of the animal, if in the evening you feed him the entire daily portion. Experience shows that it is much more useful for a cat to eat this meat dinner than to live on treats throughout the day, often consisting of foods that are completely unsuitable for the animal, including chocolate. There should always be clean water next to food.

The dishes from which the cat eats, of course, should be different from those that people use. Firstly, for hygienic reasons, and secondly, the dishes are an optical signal, talking to a cat that this is where her food is located. Those who do not follow this rule should not be surprised if they see how their beloved cat one day kisses the contents of their plate ... The cat's dishes should be as clean as ours.

There is another approach to feeding: the cat should receive food when she wants. Maybe it's several times a day. If this does not bother you and if your cat does not overeat, then in my opinion this approach is preferable. By the way, can you provide permanent access your cat to dry food (remember the water!), and then she can eat when she wants.

Feeding time

Feed the cat every day at the same time. Her body gets used to it and includes meals in its daily rhythm. Free range animals usually arrive at feeding time.

Food must be warm

Hot food or food freshly taken out of the refrigerator is not good for a cat. Just like its carnivorous relative in the wild, our cat needs a nook to eat. This is a must for any owner.

Rest after eating

“After eating, the cat needs rest” - this motto is always adhered to by the cat. Digesting food is work for the body, and the cat does not like to be played with during this time. Respect this period of time, even if it is at the end of the day when you have free time. Although not all cats adhere to this rule. For example, my Schweika willingly plays right after a meal.

leftover food

You can't leave them in the bowl. In summer or in a hot room, protein foods spoil very quickly.


To calculate the need for food for a cat, you need to use simple calculations. Experts calculated the need for food for different ages, during pregnancy and raising offspring - in kilojoules per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. Therefore, the former calculations in kilocalories had to be abandoned. But the conversion from kilocalories to kilojoules is possible: it is enough to multiply the value in kilocalories by 4.19 and you will get the result in kilojoules.

The energy requirement of a young cat (between the 7th and 12th weeks) is 838 kJ. Growing and pregnant cats need 419 kJ. In adult animals, the energy requirement is reduced to 335.2 kJ. Lactating cats should receive 1047.4 kJ and overweight cats only 251.4 kJ until their weight returns to normal.

On products available for sale, the calorie content is written or their number can be determined from the tables in culinary guides, so for you it will not be great work pick up a certain amount of food for the cat.


We must not forget that the food offered to our cat is not always completely digestible. It must be assumed that digestibility is on average 75-80 percent. Take this into account when determining the amount of feed. On the other hand, we must not forget the individual characteristics in the evaluation of food, which we have already spoken about. At low temperatures and during intense heat, the need for energy increases.

traditional food

With it, you need to take the energy content from special tables and calculate calories on paper. Considering the proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats given on the Cat Nutrition page, a suitable diet can be achieved.

By nature, cats are not gourmands, and the fact that they prefer one or more dishes in food is not proof that this is really useful for them. FROM early age it is necessary to accustom the cat to a varied diet, avoid feeding it for a long time with the same food, adhere to a balanced diet. This will help you avoid cat whims and raise a healthy animal.

It is believed that a cat needs 30-60 g of feed per 1 kg of live weight per day. The weight of an adult animal is 2-4 kg. For lovers of accurate information, we present sample cat diets(g/kg live weight, components are ground and mixed):

raw beef (fatty) - 20.0
raw liver - 10.0
boiled oatmeal - 4.0
vegetable oil - 0.2
dry yeast - 0.1
water - 10.0

raw beef heart - 20.0
light raw - 10.0
boiled rice - 4.0
cottage cheese - 3.0
dry yeast - 0.3
water - 7.0

raw fish - 30.0
raw liver - 5.0
boiled oatmeal - 4.0
vegetable oil - 2.0
dry yeast - 0.2
water - 4.0

raw fish - 20.0
cottage cheese -10.0
boiled oatmeal - 4.0
vegetable oil - 1.3
dry yeast - 0.2
water - 9.0

Suggested dry yeast, of course, beer and not bakers. They are bought in a pharmacy as a vitamin preparation.

Let us also bring sample menu for an overweight cat:

Morning. 40 g of dairy products or special milk for cats.
Day. 100 g boiled defatted lung.
Evening. 20 g of industrial feed.

Morning. 75 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Day. 100 g minced meat.
Evening. 10 g of cereal and 2 teaspoons of vegetable puree.

Morning. 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of ground sprouted wheat grains.
Day and evening. 150 g of boiled low-fat fish.

Feeding with commercial feed

Dry food. Most cats readily eat these foods, especially if they are accustomed to it from an early age. Your veterinarian will recommend a specific diet for your cat. The main disadvantage of this type of food is a small amount of fat. Therefore, if your cat receives dry food, then it is necessary to add fats. In this case, you can use this species feed as the main.

soft food also makes sense to give to a cat. It is somewhat more expensive than dry and also contains an insufficient amount of fat. Liquid ingredients, preservatives, and high amounts of sucrose can cause digestive upset in some cats. Therefore, this type of nutrition can only be recommended as an addition to the main one, and it must be used very carefully.

canned food are the most expensive, but also the most complete type of food. Canned food is usually made either from meat and meat products, or from cereals with the addition of vitamins and mineral salts and allows you to make a balanced and complete diet. Eliminate canned foods that contain large bone fragments or blood, as well as other indigestible materials, as this indicates poor quality food.

If your cat is fed canned or dry food, read the box or jar carefully about how to use it.

Remember! Feeding only dry food is bad for cats. If your cat eats only dry food, it is important to get rid of this habit as soon as possible (see "Picky Eating"). If the above tips did not help, try to resort to a more effective remedy - two or three days of fasting. It won't hurt her remember the water!).

Partially used information from the books "All about cats" ch. ed. Y. Tyra, N. Nepomniachtchi "Cats", Nikishina E. "500 practical advice cat owners" and G. Berbel "Cats"

Being one of the most popular pets, the cat has long settled in the dwelling of a person, giving him the pleasure of communication and his gentle purring. The preservation of the health and beauty of this animal directly depends on how attentive its owner is to such concepts as appropriate maintenance, quality leisure and proper nutrition of the pet. Knowing these features, you can make the most optimal diet for the cat, which will give him enough energy and provide him with the necessary substances.

The importance of a balanced diet for cats

A representative of the cat family is a very independent creature, able to choose the most convenient daily routine for itself, and needs quality food. After all, this is the key to maintaining her health and attractive appearance. Everyone knows how nice it is to watch a beloved pet in good condition: shiny coat, bright colors of the "fur coat" and activity - all this should be considered the main manifestations of a complete diet for a fluffy family member. The question arises: how many grams of dry food to give a cat a day?

The answer to this question allows you to know how much and what type of food should be given to this full member of the family to maintain it. Have a good mood and no digestive problems.

The volume and number of grams of food that should be provided to a pet depends largely on its age, eating habits and physical activity. These indicators should be considered important when choosing a diet, and the general well-being of the Fluffy will help determine what quality and whose production it is preferable.

Important! Many cat lovers prefer quality dry food, which provides the animal with the necessary nutrients, ensures that it is quickly satiated and does not negative influence on health and mood.

How to feed: basic rules

However, before drawing up a nutritional plan, you should study the rules that must be strictly observed when compiling a diet with any dehydrated food. These include the following recommendations:

  1. Constant access to fresh drinking water is required. Granules, having a high concentration, cause intense thirst due to the absorption of liquid inside them. digestive system therefore, the food should be washed down with a sufficient volume of water after ingestion.
  2. Starting to give granules of a professional manufacturer, you need to completely exclude natural food from the diet.
  3. How many sachets of food should I give my cat per day? The number depends on his age, physical indicators, activity and features of the digestive system.

Food preferences will allow you to find out what kind of diet is required so that the pussy always eats with appetite - felines are particularly demanding on the products they eat. A large selection will allow you to better compose the diet of your furry family member.

Important! When deciding how many grams of food a cat needs per day, it should be borne in mind that prior consultation with a veterinarian after a full examination will allow you to better understand what types of high-quality granules are suitable in order to improve its physical performance, provide the necessary substances and always be sure of the benefits of the selected product.

Presenting a concentrated and highly nutritious food, dehydrated options are intended for all groups of cats. Their varieties allow you to make a meal plan for both completely healthy and young individuals, as well as for the elderly. Food lines suggest, for example, the presence of species for cats with physical disorders, pronounced food addictions, for weakened and inactive cats.

This variety allows the owner to correctly compose her daily diet. Thanks to a wide range, it becomes possible to simplify the feeding regime without accustoming the pet to the "human" table, thereby taking care of his health and instilling healthy eating habits.

Knowing how much dry food to give a cat per day, you can calculate the required amount in advance and purchase a large bag to reduce the cost of food. Often sellers offer the opportunity to buy the selected type of pellets in large quantities at a reduced price, which is beneficial and removes all worries about satiating the animal for a long time. Also on the packaging is usually indicated the volume of servings and the number of feedings. On average, small individuals (2-4 kg) need 40-70 g of food, and larger (4-6 kg) representatives 70-110 g, but these figures may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the pet.

Which option to prefer depending on age?

For the full development, a kitten needs such products that will cover his daily need for vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. A growing organism requires increased doses of elements such as:

  • Calcium, which provides strong claws, teeth, dense coat.
  • Iron, which stabilizes the composition of the blood and gives energy.
  • Phosphorus, which is also responsible for the development and preservation of the skeletal system, guarantees it the necessary hardness.
  • Vitamins (D, E, A, C), giving clarity of vision, stability nervous system and the proper functioning of many body systems.
  • Proteins - without them, weight will not be gained in the required amount, muscles will not give relief to the kitten's body and will not provide mobility in the joints.

A sufficient number of these elements is contained in ready-made food intended for feeding young cats and kittens. They have a special composition, distinguished by a high concentration of nutrients and high calorie content.

Representatives of the middle-aged cat class no longer need a large amount of substances that are building material their bodies. Proteins and carbohydrates are already standardized differently, and options intended for consumption in this age group have a more balanced composition both in terms of the volume of components contained and in terms of total calorie content.

Older individuals no longer need additional energy. They thrive on reduced-nutrition brands without a high protein content.

How does a cat's weight affect food choices?

Like people, their pets can have a good appetite, and gaining excess weight can sometimes become a health problem. That is why owners who care about their pet choose brands with a specific calorie content.

With a tendency to gain excess weight or extremely little physical activity, a diet is chosen that allows this family member to fill up without the possibility of gaining unnecessary calories. Such food includes ingredients with low nutritional value. Rich in vitamin composition, they perfectly support the functioning of organs, fully satisfying all needs.

And yet, how to feed a pet if he has a pronounced overweight? Gradually reducing the daily rate, you can save your pet from excessive appetite and stabilize the mass. This will not spoil the mood of the animal, and will ensure the peace of mind of the owners. Constant weight control will allow you to make the necessary changes to the nutrition plan.

If your purring family member is too active, and his appetite is unstable, there may even be a lack of mass. Figuring out how much to feed per day is easy. To do this, you should very carefully introduce an increase in the volume of food given per use with constant weighing.

Important! Also, an examination by a veterinarian will help to understand how to feed a pussy with insufficient weight. He will be able to exclude probable diseases and prescribe drugs that stimulate appetite. Professional examination and consultation will help to avoid problems with the condition of the pet.

Calculation of the number of grams per day depending on the brand of the manufacturer

Today, there is a wide variety of manufacturers on sale, whose products provide good health our pets, give them energy and delight them with an enticing taste and aroma. When choosing food for your pet, you should answer the question of how much a cat should eat per day to maintain its activity. The volume of a single serving among different brands may differ: for example, holistic and super premium foods are more nutritious, so they need less to saturate. You can find feeding recommendations on each pack, however portion sizes are approximate and the required amount may vary from individual to individual. Your veterinarian will help you determine the best diet for your cat.

All brands of such food are divided into classes:

  • Economy - these are options with inexpensive ingredients, characterized by a large number of flavors, but very dubious in quality. Individuals with any abnormalities in physical condition should not eat these types of food. The choice of economy class may be suitable for those who are not too picky about nutrition, but at the same time are completely healthy.
  • Premium feeds are more attractive in smell and taste, but their value in terms of the content of useful components is also low.
  • Choosing a holistic class implies a high cost and guaranteed high quality. How much should a cat eat per day on this diet? It depends on his condition and the needs of the body.

Benefits of prepared food

According to veterinarians, dehydrated food is recognized as the most correct in terms of combination useful qualities and amenities for owners, food for all categories of cats.

When deciding on the choice of a manufacturer for your fluffy pet, you need to choose one that will cover the need for all substances, maintain and improve the mood of general well-being, and will also constantly delight your pet. Extensive selection options will allow you to make your pet's food tasty and varied, and the owners will provide peace of mind for the condition of the pet.

An analysis of the type of food in question will help to make right choice in all its diversity, and the healthy condition and cheerful mood of the cat will please its owners for a long time.

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Every owner of a British cat is faced with a choice: And this choice should not be based on commercials"Whiskas" that emerge from memory at the most opportune moment, but on the analysis and comparison of information, and the experience of other cat owners. In this article, we will talk about how to properly feed your cat dry food so that she lives a long and happy life with you.

3. When feeding with dry food, vitamins do not need to be given to cats. High-quality feed already contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. And some lines of Hills and RK even contain malt paste for removing wool.

4. Veterinarians and owners of British cats cannot agree on whether it is possible to feed dry food and wet canned food at the same time. The answer is: theoretically possible, but NOT recommended. Cats like wet food much more than dry food, and there is a risk of obesity, and subsequent problems with disruption of the heart, kidneys, and liver. Therefore, if you add canned food to drying, strictly control!

If you are feeding your British pet dry food, and want to diversify the diet with wet canned food, then this should be no more than 25% of the daily ration, and canned food should be from the same manufacturer and from the same feed line.

Attention! If your cat is a "small drinker", then dry food is HARMFUL and even DANGEROUS for her - in the sense of overloading the kidneys (ICD may begin) and the formation of constipation. Such a cat should be fed either in kind or canned food or dry food diluted with water. At first, cats refuse to eat this "dry food soup", but over time they get used to it. Milk and kefir do not replace water, and when feeding with industrial feeds, it is not necessary to give it!

When eating wet food (canned food), the problem of drinking water partially disappears, since wet food is 70% water, and theoretically this amount of liquid is enough for a cat.

When choosing a wet food, keep an eye on the vitamins that are included in its composition, they may need to be replenished. It is allowed to diversify the diet (applies only to canned food!) - natural products.

6. No need to feel sorry for your British animal that he eats the same food all the time. Cats have very delicate and sensitive stomachs, and with the same good food, she won't get sick.

7. Feed sellers are interested in you feeding as much food as possible, and that it ends quickly and you buy a new pack. That's why Do not give cats as much food as indicated on the package. It's too much. For normal healthy life an adult cat needs less. More specifically, if your cat weighs 5 kg, then you give her the amount of food indicated for cats weighing 4 kg. That is, 1 "size" / kg less.

8. If a measuring cup is included with the food package, be sure to double-check the dosage on the scale. We had a case when we measured the cat's norm with a branded measuring cup (Orijen food) and then when we outweighed the daily norm of food on the scales, it turned out that there was an error of 30 grams, and we realized that we were overfeeding the cat ourselves without knowing it.

If your British cat suddenly turns into a beggar for food, then you do not need to feel sorry for her. Give a strictly allotted portion and, if possible, feed in small portions 4-5 times a day.

9. If you have been feeding your british cat economy class food, then try to switch it to good quality food as soon as possible. If it is not possible to buy super-premium food, at least switch to natural food. The change of feed should happen immediately, and forever! At first, your British animal will protest in the form of hunger strikes and refuse new food. But this is normal, given your animal's addiction to the flavors of cheap feeds.

If your cat eats a premium food, but for one reason or another you must change the line of food or the manufacturer, then the change of food in this case occurs within 2 weeks. Add about 20% of the new food to the old food and gradually more and more until you completely switch to the new one. Important point in such a change of feed - pay attention to the stool of your pet. If diarrhea / constipation / ... then stop giving a new food and look for something else.

10. And in conclusion, I would like to note that it has been scientifically proven: as a result, feeding a pet with premium or super premium food is cheaper (health is already clear) than if you feed it with economy class. Therefore, as a result, the change of feed will not affect the budget.

Friends, now you know how to feed a cat with dry food! Love your cats and feed them right!

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