Pedigree fluffy cats. Cat breeds with photos and names

A pet is a true friend, almost a member of the family, requiring attention, affection and care, like a child. Why is it important to read a detailed description of the breed? Each breed has its own character traits. According to the description with a photo, you can judge whether the cat meets the standards, whether it is an ideal representative of the breed. A complete description of the breed of cats will allow you to get to know the nature of the animal better, and choose the same a pet that will become the most devoted friend.

List of cat breeds

Cat breeds starting with the letter A

  1. Abyssinian

kitties mysterious origin have funny big ears with tassels, beautiful oriental eyes and a friendly disposition. .

  1. Angora

  1. american curl

American curl white

  1. Australian smoky

Sociable and docile cats with a beautiful spotted color. All about the breed here.

Australian smoky

  1. Asian tabby

Those who have ever seen the slightly slanted oriental eyes of this cat will remember them for a long time. Owners of a beautiful shiny coat and graceful oval paws. Learn how to care for an Asian tabby at detailed description breeds.

Asian tabby

  1. american wirehair

Despite the name, these cats are soft like plush toys. A full description can be read by clicking on link.

american wirehair cat

  1. american shorthair

Compliant and friendly creatures, despite the love of food and relaxation, will not allow the appearance of mice on their territory. How to properly care for the breed read here.

american shorthair

  1. Anatolian

Excellent jumpers from Turkey, these cats are similar to Van cats, the only difference is their lower weight. More.

Anatolian cat breed

  1. Arabian Mau

Those who want to make a devoted friend should pay attention to this particular breed. Inquisitive, active, they adore their owner, if he shows care and attention in turn. How to make friends with an Arabian Mau read here.

Arabian Mau

Cat breeds starting with the letter B

  1. Balinese

The Balinese belong to the Siamese group. They are stubborn, jealous, self-sufficient, have an inexhaustible supply of energy. In the house, cats of this breed will be gentle and kind family members. Learn how to make friends with a cat here.

Balinese cat

  1. Bengal

Love real predators and want to get a leopard? Then a Bengal kitten is what you need. They love to conquer heights, have an angelic character, which does not fit in with their wild intonations in their voice. But Bengals are not lovers of chatting, they will not bother with their growl. What else distinguishes this breed,.

bengal cat

  1. Burmese

The origin of fluffy beauties with sapphire eyes is shrouded in secrets. For a long time they guarded the sacred Buddhist temples. Intelligent, unobtrusive, smart cats are easy to train. Read more about the breed here.

Burmese cat breed

  1. Bobtail

  1. bohemian rex

These cats are easily recognizable by their wavy long hair, otherwise they resemble Persians. They love affection and comfort.

Bohemian Rex cat

  1. Bombay

It has long been known that a black cat does not bring misfortune, but good luck and joy. Get a mini panther at home and get a great companion and friend. lovers home comfort They get along well with other pets. More read here.

Bombay cat

  1. brazilian shorthair

Give your warmth and affection to a slender fluffy beauty! These cats suffer without attention, they are kind and trusting. For more information about the breed, please visit link.

brazilian shorthair

  1. British Shorthair

Plush lovers will love this popular breed. Like all Englishmen, cats are real intellectuals, punctual, have impeccable manners. Just don't call a cat a Scot, he'll be offended! How to make friends with a British kitten, and how to properly care for a pet,.

British Shorthair

  1. british longhair

So sweet and friendly, Brits are popular with pet lovers. They have a fluffy beautiful tail and a lovely muzzle. What qualities are loved british cats, you can find out here.

british longhair

  1. Bramble breed

Relatively the new kind big cats managed to win the hearts of animal lovers. Fearless and affectionate, playful and loyal, excellent hunters, cats of this breed choose one owner for themselves, to whom they feel special affection. More about the breed.

Bramble cat breed

  1. Burmese breed

Once you see her, you will never forget her. It seems that the Burmese cat knows something that is not known to a person. What other unique qualities an animal of this breed has, you can find out here.

Burmese cat

  1. Burmilla breed

Having crossed a Persian and a Burmese cat, it turned out an animal with a surprisingly beautiful long fur of a silvery color. Fully trusting their master, Burmillas do not forgive betrayal.

Burmilla breed

Cat breeds starting with the letter V and G

  1. Van cat (Turkish van)

Lively, cheerful, playful, Van cat gives only positive! For those who wish to purchase true friend in the face of a Turkish woman, you need to know how to properly care for her.

Turkish van

  1. havana cat

A cat is a chocolate that resembles a Cuban cigar in color. Naughty, playful and friendly. More about the breed here.

Havana breed

  1. Himalayan cat

No, the cat is not named after Himalayan mountains. The birthplace of the animal is the United States, and it was named because of the similarity with the color of the Himalayan rabbit. Cats of this breed are related to the Persians and Siamese and require careful care. How to take care of a Himalayan cat read here.

Himalayan cat

  1. Breed Herman Rex

The habits of this cat are similar to those of a dog. Smart, funny and energetic, cats love cleanliness, willingly clean up after themselves toys and plan their day in advance. More here.

German Rex breed

Cat breeds with the letter D, E, K

  1. Devon Rex

Big funny ears and a bright expressive look - that's what a Devon Rex cat will remember. They love good food and the company of people. All characteristics of the breed read here.

Devon - Rex breed

  1. Donskoy sphinx

The Russian breed of hairless cats is highly intelligent, friendly and sociable. The nails and torso need some care. You can find out more here.

Donskoy sphinx

  1. Egyptian mau

Each cat of this breed has a unique spotted pattern on its fur. Loyal, energetic and curious, Egyptian Mau have a hunting nature, but at the same time find mutual language with other cats and even dogs.

Egyptian mau

  1. Celtic cat

These cats are similar to ordinary domestic cats, they come in all sorts of colors.

Celtic cat

  1. canadian sphynx

The magical appearance of this cat is amazing. A graceful, sociable animal requires increased attention. Learn more.

canadian sphynx

  1. Khao mani

Siamese relatives with white fur. White gem- this is how the breed is translated from Thai, and this applies to both the appearance and the character of cats. To know more about the breed.

Khao mani breed

  1. Korat breed

Don't know what to give the newlyweds? Great gift- cat breed Korat. Since ancient times, Thais have considered it a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Real family people love peace and quiet. Read full description of the breed

Korat cat breed

  1. Cymric the cat

Tailless cat, one of the variations of the Manx breed. There are 4 different types. More about the breed.

Cymric cat breeds

Cat breeds with the letter L, M, N

  1. Breed LaPerm

The cat is an Indian with curly hair. There are both long-haired and short-haired LaPerms. All about the breed here.

Laperm breed

  1. munchkin

“What cute kittens with short legs!” - I just want to exclaim when I see representatives of the Munchkin breed. In everything except the length of the paws, these are ordinary cats, they come in various colors, each has its own unique temperament. How to care for thoroughbred kitten read in full description .

  1. Maine Coon

The cat is somewhat reminiscent of a raccoon, hence the name. Powerful and strong, with a soft silky coat, the Maine Coon loves water treatments, is friendly and playful. There are many legends around the history of the origin of the breed, read more about the breed.

Maine Coon

  1. Cat Napoleon

Mini cat is a commander. It is a relative of Persians and cats of the Munchkin breed. Despite the name, he does not plan to conquer new lands, he is an affectionate and devoted homebody. Requires special care, details in full description of the breed.

Napoleon cat

  1. Breed Nibelung

The cat got its name because of the color of the wool, reminiscent of fog. Long and muscular animal with long silky hair. Read more about caring for the Nibelungs here.

Nibelung breed

  1. norwegian forest

A large and strong cat is adapted to harsh climatic conditions. They have a water-repellent long coat, long legs, a strong body and a fluffy tail. They get along well with other pets and children. How to prepare the Norwegian Forest for the exhibition and take care of the coat read in full description of the breed.

norwegian forest cat

  1. Neva Masquerade

A beautiful and attractive cat with thick soft fur is always in the spotlight, and she loves it very much! She loves to take care of herself, is accommodating, gets along well with children. More about the breed here.

Neva masquerade cat

Cat breeds starting with the letter O, P, R

  1. Oriental

Another one of the relatives of the Siamese cat. There are shorthair and longhair. Unlike the Siamese, it has green almond-shaped eyes. Slender and graceful, various colors. She loves to play and take part in all household chores. Those who decide to have an Oriental should consider playing with an animal so that the furniture in the house is not damaged. More about the breed.

oriental cat

  1. Ocicat

Resembling only outwardly a wild animal, the Ocicat is an ordinary cat, friendly and calm, which can be trained. Read full description of the breed.

Ocicat breed

  1. Persian cat

Big expressive eyes, flattened nose and long beautiful fur. Learned? Of course, this is the famous Persian cat. Having got a Persian at home, do not forget to buy a vacuum cleaner, and a hairbrush, and a bunch of other accessories for caring for a cute and pet. How to properly care for a Persian cat, read in full description of the breed.

Persian cat

  1. Peterbald

sphinx from northern capital Russia. A relative of the Don Sphynx and Oriental. It can be described in one word - long. An elegant cat, friendly, affectionate, cannot live for a minute without communication with a person. More about the breed here.

peterbald breed

  1. Ragdoll

That's who never worries, always relaxed, so this is the ragdoll. Per unusual ability to relax muscles, the cat was nicknamed rag doll. A large and strong animal completely trusts its adored master. Special care is required for the long coat of the Redgall. More about the breed in full description.

Ragdoll breed

  1. Ragamuffin

A new variety of Redgall, which has different colors. Calm and sociable cat, distinguished by intelligence, can be trained. Read the full breed description here.

Ragamuffin breed

  1. Russian blue

A shiny beautiful fur coat with a bluish tint is the main pride of a cat of this breed. Graceful, with expressive green eyes, a born hunter with an aristocratic character, has long won the hearts of pet lovers. More about the breed here.

Russian blue

Cat breeds starting with the letter C, T, U

  1. Selkirk Rex

Do you like sheep, but is it troublesome to keep them in an apartment? Get a Selkirk Rex. These are unusual kitties with curly hair, which needs careful care. How did such an amazing breed, read in full description.

Selkirk - rex

  1. Siamese cat

Like the famous figure skater, this cat is graceful and plastic. It has a long and flexible body, larger ears. Do not offend a Siamese cat, the offender will not be forgiven. Read the full breed description here.

Siamese cat

  1. Siberian cat

A large powerful body, medium-length hair, large wide-spaced eyes - such is the Siberian cat. Wayward, smart and friendly. How to care for cats of this breed, you will learn in full description.

Siberian cat

  1. singapore cat

Miniature cat with unusually expressive eyes. They have a short silky coat. The character is flexible, gentle and devoted, the Singaporean loves to play and have fun, has an inexhaustible supply of energy. More about breed here.

singapore cat

  1. Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Scottish fold cat

  1. snowshoe

You can't drag this cat out of the bath by the ears, she loves water so much. She is easily recognizable by her white shoes on her paws and characteristic white stripes on her muzzle and chest. Charming and sociable. What other qualities do snowshoe cats have, read here.

Snowshoe breed

  1. somali cat

Semi-longhair cat, sometimes unusual colors. A relative of the Abyssinian cat, graceful, fragile, with a fluffy tail. More about the breed here.

somali cat

  1. Thai cat

A close relative of a cat from the Kingdom of Siam, it differs in color and shape of the muzzle. According to legend, it serves as the guardian of the house from evil spirits. Read the details in full description of the breed.

Thai cat

  1. Ukrainian Levkoy

So far unrecognized breed of hairless lop-eared cats will appeal to connoisseurs of everything unusual. It does not require special care. Read more in full description of the breed.

Ukrainian Levkoy

  1. Ural rex

If you do not want to spend money on a nanny for children, get a Ural Rex. Medium sized, graceful cat long legs and short hair (there are also long-haired), always follow the child, purr a lullaby at night. Full description of the breed here.

Ural rex

Cat breeds with the letter X, C, H, W, E, Z

  1. Highland Fold (Scottish Fold Longhair)

The cat of this breed has a docile nature. The nose is short and wide, the ears are folded down and forward, but due to the coat, they seem to be completely absent. More here.

highland fold

  1. Ceylon cat

The cat has nothing to do with the island of Sri Lanka, its homeland is Italy. This animal is of medium size, strong build, flexible and muscular. It has a short thick coat, the care of which comes down to proper feeding. What is the temperament of this cat, and what are the colors, read in the full description of the breed.

Ceylon cat

  1. Chausie

An exact copy of a wild reed cat in appearance, but affectionate and friendly, as it should be domestic cat. Chausie is an animal of a rare breed, has a strong body, large ears planted on top of its head. More here.

Chausie breed

  1. Chartreuse

Cats of all shades blue color. Observers are shy, not sociable, not aggressive, but not cowardly either. Excellent hunters. Learn all about the breed here.

Chartreuse breed

  1. exotic cat

The same Persian cat, but with short hair. Clean and friendly aristocrat. Details in full description of the breed.

  1. Javanese cat

The domestic oriental cat has large pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes, long legs and a thin tail. Stubborn, demanding, but loving animal. He does not sit still, loves to play and climb trees. Details in full description.

Javanese cat

Why a thoroughbred pet

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Today it has become popular to acquire thoroughbred cats. Each breed is beautiful and graceful in its own way, plus, with such a cat you can take pride of place at the exhibition. But you should not judge a cat by its appearance, it should fit the style and lifestyle. The catalog contains many useful information about animals: appearance, temperament, necessary care. Representatives of the Persian and Angora breeds need special care for six, but they are not so dependent on communication with a person. Most of the time you are at home and want some fun? Get a Siamese or Abyssinian cat. If there are small children at home, you need a pet with a lot of patience in order to withstand all this squeezing. A good nanny would be a British or Scottish cat.

Diversity of the cat world

The world of cats is diverse. They differ in color, eye shape, coat length, character and other equally important criteria. Exists a large number of organizations involved in the development of standards and registration of breeds. How a relationship with a pet develops depends on the person. For a cat, the owner is the most adored person on earth; from his betrayal, the animal will have a scar in the soul. For a person, a cat is a healing salvation from depression and bad mood, a fluffy ball that can warm the heart on the coldest evenings.

Fact about cats

Over millions of years, the cat family has adapted to various conditions in the wild, which has made them excellent hunters! But, despite the thousand-year friendship with people, they managed to keep the instinct of a hunter!

Go to the headings to the left of the article, there you will learn more about domestic cats and everything connected with them !!

Cat family

These are predatory animals living in all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. The smallest are domestic cats, the largest are lions and tigers. All cats, small and large, have keen hearing, sense of smell, excellent eyesight, incredible agility and quick reactions. Lions and tigers are huge physical strength. A lion, for example, can break a zebra's or a buffalo's spine with a paw strike. A tiger can kill an animal 8 times its weight and fight a bear. There are cases when a lion or a tiger dragged the carcass of a dead animal, weighing about a ton, several miles along the ground!

Variety of wild cats

The fastest animal is also a representative of the cat family, cheetah! It can reach speeds of around 100 km/h and get there faster than many modern cars. Leopards live mainly on a tree, sometimes descend to the ground to hunt. These cats mainly feed on monkeys like chimpanzees, baboons, and sometimes antelope or warthogs. In the jungle South America inhabit jaguars and panthers, which are dangerous for their ambush hunting. In the mountains of South America live cougars hunting llamas, guanacos, deer. In the mountains of Central Asia live Snow leopards.

In the forests of the Northern Hemisphere live lynx, are also very dangerous and strong cats. Their strength is such that wolves, on extremely rare occasions, attack them; mostly bypassed, seeing them as worthy opponents. Another feline representative caracals, have a very fast reaction and retractable claws, which can grab more than one bird from a flying flock. Asia is home to many varieties of tigers.

The largest is the Amur tiger. Its length is about 4.5 meters, body weight up to 400 kg. He is also the largest cat in the world. Tigers have great strength, speed, agility and are excellent swimmers. The Amur tiger can overcome brown bear in a fight, his southern relatives, Bengal tigers , hunt crocodiles and pythons.

Cats lead a solitary life, cubs are raised and raised by females. lions live in prides, where the leader is a large male. The pride includes several females, young males and small cubs.

Crossbreeding of some feline species in captivity is possible. For example, liger, obtained by crossing a lion and a tigress, is larger than a lion and a tiger, which can weigh 500 kg or more!

Nowadays, almost all types of cats, with the exception of domestic cats, are listed in the Red Book. Their habitats are narrowing due to the active exploitation of nature by man. In almost all countries of the world, reserves have been created to preserve the population of these animals.

Article name


Cat breeds in alphabetical order with photos and descriptions - Scottish, British, Angora, Sphynx and other short-haired, long-haired cat breeds.

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you happen to be the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what antics to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by accident, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Fans of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!

“Statistics knows everything,” the heroes of Ilf and Petrov claimed. It turns out that 600 million domestic cats coexist with us side by side!

All breeds of cats are divided into:

Fluffy and hairless, short-legged and long-legged, tailless and decorated with a plume - more than 100 cat breeds have already received official recognition, but literally every day new breeds appear.

Shorthair cat breeds

Abyssinian cat

This cat breed is one of the most ancient. The Ethiopian beast (as the beauty is also called) is a cat of rare intelligence and rare obstinacy. The breed is famous for its exceptional colors - wild color, red (sorrel or cinnamon), blue and fawn are typical for. Ideally, if each hair of her coat has a triple ticking. Photos of the descendants of the Zul cat, the first Abyssinian brought to Europe, do not convey all the wild charm of the representatives of this breed.

Australian mist

The Australian Smoky cat is one of the cat breeds that can safely be called unique. Born in the homeland of the kangaroo, in Australia, he took the best from his closest relatives - the Abyssinian cat, Burmese and from simple non-purebred cats. The best, first of all, is expressed in color. This is either a spotted coat or a marble-spotted coat with a common ticked background. Outside of Australia, this breed is almost never found.

american wirehair cat

Cats dressed in "wire coats" differ from American Shorthair cats (more on them below) not even in the quality of the coat, but in its appearance.

Being soft to the touch, outwardly it seems prickly and creates the illusion of a wire. Often the "wire effect" is not expressed over the entire skin, but is concentrated along the ridge and tail.

american shorthair cat

There are breeds of cats that can be called centenarians, and the American Shorthair cat is just one of them. The average life expectancy of an American woman is 15-20 years! The popular breed was recognized by Americans as early as the 17th century, but was officially recognized only in 1904 thanks to the cat Buster Brown.

Today, Brown's descendants have conquered not only America, where there are already 100 specialized nurseries, but also Japan, which does not lag behind American breeders.

american bobtail

All cat breeds have a history. For some, it is short and such breeds are most often bred artificially, while for others, the history stretches back several centuries. So it happened with, which descends from cats living in Indian wigwams. There is an opinion that these were not yet cats, but domesticated lynxes. Indeed, if you look at the pictures of the short-tailed American Bobtail, then there is clearly something lynx in it!

american curl

If you compare popular cat breeds with photographs of rare breed cats, then the difference is sometimes noticeable only in details, but these details decide everything! Yes, at important detail the ears appeared to be twisted backwards. Moreover, a similar inversion is formed in kittens of the American breed not from the moment of birth, but only by the age of 4 months.

Anatolian cat


(eng. Snowshoe - “snow shoe) - was born in an American nursery. Graceful cats have a nice disposition and charming appearance. Not all kittens in a litter are perfect, but those who have the best qualities snowshoe, become the standards of cat beauty.

Turkish angora

We can say about this breed - it is recognized by everyone! Brought into the world from the Byzantine city of Angora back in the 16th century, the angora cat conquered everyone so much that for a long time Europeans called all white cats angorkas. By the way, Turkey still has a program to protect the Angora cat, because it is considered the national wealth of the country. also a long-lived cat. 13, 15, 20 years old - this is the norm for her.

turkish van

British journalists brought two kittens of this breed from Turkey in the middle of the last century. The kittens were named Van Atilla (boy) and Van Guzeli Iskenderun (girl). Van Guzeli amazed connoisseurs with a coat of red and white Van color. Today, either only the classic red-white/cream-white Van colors are recognized, or black-white/blue-white, tortoise-white Van colors are also acceptable.

highland fold

Appeared quite recently and she immediately had to defend her right to the breed. Breeders were perplexed - if there are only folds, straights and British in the pedigree, then where do long-haired kittens come from? However, the Highland Fold by its very existence dispelled all doubts - there will be a long-haired Scot!

Long haired cat breeds


Very similar to the Persian cat, but the latter is never colorpointed. Another difference from persian cat- The Himalayan cat is more mobile and playful. Long-haired cats are bored of decorating the world with themselves and they are happy to run after a sunny bunny.

Persian cat

Oh, the oldest and most popular! Yes, a creature descended from the cat Shaherizada should be treated with special respect. A snub-nosed cat lifts its nose for any reason and does not really like the fuss around it. According to the standard, about 100 varieties of color are known, but all these cats are similar in type of addition - they are strong and massive.

Hairless cat breeds

Donskoy sphinx

You will be surprised, but the breed is considered aboriginal. Varvara kitten, matched kind person on one of the streets of Rostov-on-Don, without knowing it, laid the history of the breed. Hairless type is divided into four types: naked (or plasticine), flock, velor and brush. Most often, rubber (naked) cats are naked-born.

canadian sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx does not have a naked birth. Yes, and absolute naked among them are not found. But there are kittens that from youth easily jump up to 1 meter in height, and having matured - almost one and a half meters! It is noted that they have very good memory and are easy to train.

Peterbald or Petersburg Sphinx

A long muzzle, large ears set apart, flat cheekbones and an elegant body on high legs - this is a Petersburger cat. According to the types of skin, experts distinguish: brush, brush point, velor, flock, naked and flat-haired variation.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Not only is he naked, but also lop-eared! Well, all 33 cat pleasures! Breeding this breed began in 2000, and the first representative of the breed was born in 2004 and his name was Levkoy Primero. One can argue about the cuteness of this breed, but one cannot but agree that the Ukrainian Levkoy is very cosmic and organic. Many believe that this is the cat of the future.

Here we have listed all the cat breeds with pictures that you needed to know about. Share in the comments which breed is your favorite.

Long-haired breeds are especially popular with cat lovers. Such pets require special care, nutrition, and this must be remembered when acquiring a small fluffy lump, meowing charmingly in the palms. From the first days, the owners of a long or semi-long thick “fur coat” need to be taught to hygiene procedures, combing, so that in the end the pet does not turn into a monster with huge tangles, but becomes a real pride of the owners and decoration of the house.

What to look for when buying a cat

Among the dozens of breeds included in the official lists of felinological organizations, long-haired ones occupy a third. Each representative of the breed has documents that indicate not only the parents, but also all the ancestors, almost up to the seventh generation.

Among the dozens of breeds included in the official lists of felinological organizations, long-haired ones occupy a third.

But having documents isn't everything. Each animal must have certain and clearly described features: color, head shape, body size, and much more. So, those who want to get a purebred pet should certainly be extremely careful when choosing a kitten, they are not offered in the markets and near supermarkets.

Important. Experienced breeders with a good reputation, officially registered in the local branches of felinological clubs, almost never advertise what they sell, and even more so, they give it to good hands kittens of any breed. At best, these will be mestizos from parents without a pedigree, culling specimens, kittens with defects in color or physique.

Of course, this does not mean that the baby will grow up ugly, stop being fluffy or affectionate. Among the "nobles" - cats great amount stunningly beautiful, with unique data of representatives capable of conquering the hearts of lovers. If the decision to get a kitten is not connected with business plans to get rich as a breeder or cattery owner, additional expenses for documents will not be required. A veterinary confirmation of the kitten's health and vaccinations will be sufficient.

There are many felinological organizations in the world that have the right to confirm the pedigree of cats. Not only on different continents, but even in each country, breed standards do not always coincide, therefore, discrepancies in descriptions are quite common. Thousands of clubs where cats are registered, hundreds of organizations that include these clubs, up to 1.5 thousand breeds registered in them: how not to get confused!

Only three official organizations can confirm the breed of a cat.

The official leaders, whose opinion is considered unquestioning authority, are only three felinological organizations:

  1. International (World FIFe) Cat Federation.
  2. Cat Fanciers Association of America (CFA).
  3. European Federation (WCF) of felinologists.

Of the 45 breeds registered in the first of them, 40 in the second and 70 in the third, there are from 10 to 15 fluffy ones. The standards are described strictly here, animals are tracked for dozens of generations, despite the fact that felinology itself is quite young .

Curls are popular for their unusual appearance and complaisant nature. The breed was registered in the middle of the last century, its representatives are of medium size, can have wool of any color, semi-long or long, pleasant to the touch, without undercoat.

The tail, wide at the base, gradually narrows, it is as long as the body, the paws are medium. A distinctive feature is the structure of the head and ears, which have become the pride of the breed. Around the second week of life, kittens' ears turn outward, remaining so for life.

Having received recognition, the breed is cultivated today, the trait is fixed in each generation. Playful, affectionate pets get along well with children, breeders talk about the rare ability to remember commands, even the intelligence of these amazing creatures.

Balinese can hardly be called fluffy, they have a stunningly silky, but semi-long coat without undercoat. The people often call these beauties just Siamese fluffy cats because of their "color-point" - color, but this is wrong. It is difficult to meet real Balinese cats today.

Refined gracefulness with almond-shaped eyes of a stunning of blue color, light, almost white body and painted in brown, tortoiseshell, and even chocolate-black areas of the wedge-shaped head and legs. On the neck - an ermine collar, a fluffy tail proudly raised by a flag.

This is the whole Balinese, proud, playful, capable of being offended in earnest, a great hunter and a devoted friend.

Blue-eyed fluffy Siberians - giants, also reminiscent of Siamese in color - Neva Masquerade. Name of your fluffy tail cat breeds received for the dark "mask" on the muzzle.

The tail is also darker than the body. Large body, round correct form head, ears set wide apart and slightly tilted. The coat is very dense, besides, like that of the ancestors - Siberian cats, with a double undercoat, very long and thick on the legs, hind legs are dressed in trousers, the tail and collar are very lush.

This breed took the best from its ancestors - the British with stuffed, that is, very dense, but short hair and Persian cats with a stunning fur coat. Muscular strong body with short legs, amber eyes, round massive skull with round mustache pads.

The outer hair can be either tortoiseshell or tabby, blue, peach, white, smoky.

The size of the cat is slightly larger than average, the body of the correct proportions, muscular and well developed. The eyes are almond-shaped, the cheekbones are high. The coat and undercoat are very rich.

Important. The Norwegian forest is very similar to the Siberian beauties, but a little smaller, the cheekbones are higher, and the tail, according to experts, is longer and richer.

The mane and pants are very lush. The character is harsh, you can’t really play with this, although they appreciate attention and affection. Extremely independent.

It is impossible not to fall in love with these cats, especially for connoisseurs of unusual colors. The Persian in appearance is the color of the Siamese in wool up to 15 cm - this is 7 kg of tenderness, love and grace with turquoise eyes.

Important: the range of colors is very rich, the points can be smoky gray, chestnut, cream, there are also striped ones. It is noted that at low temperatures in the rooms where the beauty lives, her color becomes darker.

An elegant, well-built cat has a very thick, semi-long coat. High paws, a small muscular body, a neat head, tapering downwards, a very long neck, and a tail decorated with a stunning plume. White cats with fluffy tails can have brown, green, amber, blue eyes.

Important: odd-eyed beauties are most valued, such an unusual genetic “incident” often occurs in angoras.

Breeders talk about the high intelligence of this breed, the ability to learn tricks, bring balls and slippers, even put out the lights.

Persian cats are well known to all lovers. Their extraordinary structure of the skull, almost human “face” with a flattened nose, rich woolen cover are familiar to many. Red fluffy cat- This is about the Persian giants. But in addition to the cream shade, this breed contains white, black, gray and even purple.

Among the new breeds of Persians are exotics with a very dense coat of medium length, especially for lovers of the peculiar appearance of Persian cats who cannot take care of the wool of 15 cm in length on a daily basis.

Burmese sacred cats are stunningly beautiful. Burmese are very fluffy, with blue or amber eyes, dark paws, muzzles, and ear tips. There is little dark in them, they are rather golden-white, very playful, inquisitive.

This breed was almost completely destroyed, the breeders barely managed to bring out the Burma that met the standards by crossing Siamese and Persian cats.

One of the strangest breeds of cats, the standards of which are not generally accepted so far. With normal body sizes, munchkins have legs 3 times shorter than usual. They are called "cat dachshunds" for such an unusual deviation.

And these cats can sit on two legs, watching what is happening around. Very similar to meerkats, they turn their heads in all directions or freeze motionless. Semi-long coat is very dense, pleasant to the touch. Kittens are affectionate, friendly, attached to the owners.

They can be of different colors, with medallions around the neck.

One of the most fluffy, quite large and widespread throughout the world - Siberians. The Siberian cat is popular because of its albeit rich, but hypoallergenic wool, which, even when shedding, does not fall off in tufts, littering the apartment.

Beauties need to be combed out constantly, but care is much easier than for Persians. Variations of almost all colors are acceptable, Siberians are white, and striped, and smoky. Excellent hunters with an independent disposition, often recklessly bold, guarding the owner and territory even from opponents of much larger size.

Black and white fluffy cat- Turkish van with semi-long hair, according to FIFe. They were the first to recognize the right to existence of Vans with black and tortoiseshell spots.

Some are called vans and completely white fluffy cat, although generally accepted standards are a tail that looks like a red ruff with bright rings, spots of the same color on the head near the ears. Spots with patterns on the body are acceptable, but at least 80% should be white.

Important: crossing two completely white individuals can lead to the appearance of deaf offspring.

White fluffy cat- Burmilla, can have both long and short silky hair. Only sometimes the very tips of the hair are painted in fawn, cream, chocolate colors. The longest hair is on the tail, like a train reaching for handsome men when they gracefully respond to the call.

home distinguishing feature cats of this breed - blue eyes in any color, except for white and Himalayan. The coat is silky, of medium length. If the cat is decorated with a large number of spots, the tip of the tail must be of the same color.

Oriental longhair cats look unusual and very beautiful. Perfectly developed muscles, thin skeleton, flexibility and grace, rather large size and yet no bony or signs of obesity.

Very large ears, long and flexible tail, dense coat, wedge-shaped head. Very similar to the Balinese, but the eye color is green, the coat color is solid, spotted or striped. Black fluffy cat- Oriental can impress any guest.

Bobtails are known not only for their tough character and devotion to the owners, but also for the absence of a tail. The short process is simply lost in the long hair. Cats are extremely playful, they know no mercy in hunting.

We invite you to get to know.

A young breed, the requirements for which are already quite strict: the tail is from 5 cm, a clear line of transition from the forehead to the nose, large head and the grace of a lynx in a swaying gait. Weight up to 10 kg.

Very similar to Ragdoll cat bred only for the sake of mixing colors . blue fluffy cats, grey, tortoiseshell, white and mottled, which spread in a limp mass in the hands - these are ragamuffins, intended, it seems, to teach people to deal with stress.

Important: when deciding to acquire fluffy cat, you should remember not only about allergies, but also that most time will have to be spent on grooming, combing, washing with special products for silkiness, fighting burrs and litter after walking.

Although many people get pleasure from this, because the sleek handsome men, imposingly lounging on sofas and going hunting, are the subject of constant admiration and pride of the owners.

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