Blue berets group composition. Blue berets - autobiography, discography, interviews with performers, video clips, backing tracks

The first concert took place in Afghanistan, on the evening of November 19, 1985 at the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment. November 19 was the ensemble's birthday.
Added Album 2005 Dedication

First composition:
The leader of the ensemble is the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the regiment, Captain Sergei Yarovoy
Squad commander Sergei Isakov
Mechanic - combat vehicle driver Private Igor Ivanchenko
Private Tarikh Lyssov, the only one from the regimental orchestra
Company sergeant major, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov

All group members were awarded orders and medals for their participation in hostilities. From the first concert, which took place on November 19, 1985, artistic director The ensemble is then captain, and now colonel Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy.

From November 1985 to February 1987, the group performed concerts to many parts of the Limited contingent Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan, at the USSR Embassy, ​​trade mission, in the departments of the Afghan KGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as at the Kabul Polytechnic Institute.

In March 1987, the group participated in the third round of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”. The performance of the Blue Berets airborne ensemble came directly from Kabul via teleconference and became a sensation. Victory in the competition was unconditional.

In the summer of 1987, the first giant disc was recorded, which quickly became platinum. This record, as a TASS survey showed, entered the top ten most popular in the country. In October 1987, the ensemble came to Moscow for the first time, participated in concerts at the most prestigious venues in the capital - in concert hall"Russia", Kremlin Palace, Variety Theater, Luzhniki, "Olympic".

In February 1988, the ensemble won the final of the first All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”.

After recording a giant vinyl disc and winning the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing” in 1987, the ensemble became widely known among viewers and listeners throughout the Soviet Union.

By decision of the political department of the Airborne Forces, since 1988, the ensemble was located near Moscow in the military camp of the 196th separate communications regiment of the Airborne Forces (now the 38th separate communications regiment) in the village of Medvezhy Ozera, while remaining amateur, the group successfully tours cities USSR, giving concerts in distant and nearby military garrisons, in fleets, border outposts, becoming one of the most popular army creative groups.

In August 1991, the Order of the USSR Minister of Defense approved staffing table separate concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces "Blue Berets". In 1994, by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General P.S.

Grachev approved the “Regulations on the Airborne Forces concert ensemble “Blue Berets” as part of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble”

Since 1991, the ensemble has been a professional team of the Ministry of Defense and the Airborne Forces. The composition of the Blue Berets is stabilizing.

Until this time, the group performed and worked: Oleg Gontsov Sergey Isakov Igor Ivanchenko Tarikh Lyssov A. Kozlov (cameraman) Vladimir Turkin Valery Panchenko Stas Ufimtsev Marat Abashev Alexander Rogachev Evgeny Rozhkov Victor Rimsha Gleb Razumov Alim Khamizov Mikhail Gurov Denis Kalmykov (cameraman) Evgeniy Borisovich Zolotarev (director) Konstantin Efremov Sergey Zapuskalov Azat Khairutdinov Konstantin Nesterov Oleg Ivanenko

From October 1991 to the present day in the ensemble:

Yarovoy Sergey Fedorovich – artistic director of the ensemble (he is also deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble), Honored Artist of Russia, colonel.

Slatov Yuri Alekseevich – deputy. artistic director (he is also the head (director) of the concert ensemble), Honored Artist of Russia, colonel.

Platonov Denis Yuryevich - accompanist, arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of Russia, senior warrant officer.

Serdechny Egor Evgenievich – foreman of the ensemble, band musician, sound engineer, Honored Artist of Russia, senior warrant officer.

Vakhrushin Dmitry Aleksandrovich - arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of Russia, warrant officer

The Blue Berets ensemble is the only one Music band in the Armed Forces of Russia, where all participants are Honored Artists Russian Federation.
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“The war is over” 1990

“From war to war” 1994

Desk calendar is sad" 1997

"Dedication" 2005

"Minefield" 2009

Interview with the Blue Berets Group
“There was still a good half hour left before the start, and people were already crowding around the Oil Workers’ Palace of Culture. Mostly young people. Here are the guys in blue berets, with orders and medals - yesterday's paratroopers. Some are on crutches. With heavy difficulty, mastering the steps of the main entrance, they walked and walked... Not to a concert, it seemed, but to a meeting, without which they could not live today. And not only them - everyone who, like a password, was collected by two words: “Blue Berets...”

These lines are 14 years old.

The newsprint has already turned yellow and brittle. And you can’t make out anything on a worn-out old cassette... But memory, with enviable tenacity, builds a bridge to those days: hot June of ’88, your first “civilian” tour... We already knew that this war would soon end. We still believed that she would be the last... it had to be so!

And our hope sounded in your songs.

Now, they say, there is not a single line about Afghanistan in the school textbook. And the very young people, like us then, still sing your songs and dream of a beret and vest just because you wear them. And this does not seem strange, because the basis of life is the PRESENT, which is not subject to the winds of time: honor, loyalty, sincerity and holy brotherhood...

The group was created in Afghanistan, in the 350th regiment of the Vitebsk division. How and when did you end up in Moscow?

At the end of 1987, the group returned from Afghanistan (except for Oleg Gontsov, who decided to stay). Sergei Yarovoy received an appointment to the Ryazan Airborne Regiment, and the conscripts, without waiting for any specific proposals from the Airborne Command, quit. The ensemble practically ceased to exist. But only because letters and invitations were coming from all over the country, Yarovoy received an order to create, in fact, a new ensemble based on a communications regiment in the Moscow region. In May 1988, the group was revived.

I have never seen or heard your second disc, “Memory,” released in 1988. Why? Too small a circulation? What songs were on this disc? Were they included in later collections?

The second album “Memory” was recorded at the Melodiya recording company in 1988. It included 12 songs, in particular, “Sineva” was recorded for the first time. Due to bureaucratic delays, the album was never released on gramophone records. It was sold on cassette in very small quantities. Now the Russian Hit company is trying to restore and release this album.

How do musicians join the group? For example, how did it happen that a gifted violinist ended up in the army and now plays your “keys”? Who decides whether this or that person will remain in the ensemble after the end of his military service?

The current composition of the group - S. Yarovoy, Y. Slatov, E. Serdechny, D. Platonov, D. Vakhrushin - has existed for 11 years and has no plans to disperse yet, so there is no problem with musicians now. All came from combat units of the Airborne Forces. The way Denis Platonov (a professional violinist) ended up in the Airborne Forces remains a happy accident for us. Everyone made the decision to work in a team independently and voluntarily.

During the existence of the ensemble, several generations have changed. Do you get to communicate with guys from previous squads, how often? What kind of relationship are you in? What was their fate?

- We are happy to maintain relationships with those former participants group “Pigeon Berets” (and there are about 30 people), who support them with us. Everyone has their own life, but most remember working in the ensemble with great warmth and come to anniversary concerts. We meet and become family friends with 4-5 former Berets.

The group members once emphasized that they were military men first, and musicians second. And the positions were not at all musical - regiment Komsomol organizer, company sergeant-major... Are you now only engaged in creative work or do you have any other service responsibilities?

Since 1991, the ensemble has been a full-time musical group of the Airborne Forces. Creativity is our service. And, believe me, it’s not the easiest...

Everyone loves and respects you. This is especially evident in the number of viewers and listeners. How do your immediate superiors feel about your work? Isn’t he (the boss) annoyed by the presence of such a creative department that constantly disappears on tours, concerts, and rehearsals?

Throughout the 17 years of the ensemble’s existence, the command of the Airborne Forces did not interfere with its creative activities. This is already a great help in the Armed Forces...

During your concerts in the late 80s - early 90s, I heard that all proceeds go to the construction of monuments, hospitals, charity... How are things going now? Is at least part of the money raised during concerts spent on these purposes?

- Indeed, from 1988 to 1991 we transferred more than 1.5 million. Soviet rubles for charity. Unfortunately, not all of this money reached the mothers of the dead and disabled; more often, new cars appeared from the then leaders of veteran organizations, where we came with concerts. None of them asked us if we needed help with equipment, tools, etc. Fortunately, there was a Komsomol that supervised us. When the Union collapsed, the Komsomol died, the Army became impoverished - we were left with “reinforced concrete” guitars in our hands. Television and print turned out to be paid, and our charity became a small crumb. But it is and will be.

Yura Slatov once went on stage with Vysotsky’s guitar. What is its history and is this guitar “alive” now?

V. S. Vysotsky’s guitar occupies the most honorable place in the Blue Berets Museum.

Does such a museum exist?

Yes, it is in our studio. The museum is quite large and filled with unique exhibits - gifts to the Berets over many years...

You tour a lot. Are there any points on the map of Russia, or perhaps neighboring countries, where you always come with a special feeling? How many times a year do you have to go on stage?

- For the last 10 years we have been playing, on average, 160-170 concerts a year. We come to give concerts only at the invitation of interested organizations, mainly, of course, veterans. We are greeted very warmly everywhere. And, conversely, there are only a few cities where we would not like to go anymore. But we won’t name them, because the fault is not with their residents, but with those who organized the concerts.

How is the tour schedule drawn up? Are there any orders, for example, regarding the frequency of visits to airborne units, or do regions where there are no such units have equal chances with those where airborne formations and units are stationed?

The tour schedule is determined by itself, based on invitations. The organization of the concert work is carried out by Yu. Slatov. All cities have absolutely equal chances. The main thing is to call in advance and determine the timing.

What “hot spots” did you perform in?

We performed in all the “hot spots”, and more than once. Throughout the USSR since 1988, as well as in Yugoslavia. Now we are preparing for a trip to Israel.

Are your songs based on true stories?

Not a single song of the group, and 99% of them are written by Yu. Slatov, was written “out of the blue.” All of them have a real plot. Or just thoughts, or just soul. For example, the song “For the Fighters of Alpha” was written after a joint flight with men to Chechnya. They really asked for a song about them...

The musicians in your group are versatile. It is known that Denis Platonov and Dmitry Vakhrushin are also creative. Do they have songs that are not army themed?

- Denis Platonov and Dima Vakhrushin. - our main arrangers. In addition, both really have a lot of their own very diverse songs.

Why is there practically no songs on non-military topics in the group’s repertoire?

There are a lot of songs, but we go to a concert, and people ask more and more about the war and soldiers. The company “Russian Hit”, which has been distributing the group’s songs since 2001, invites us to release a disc in the near future - “Lyrics of the Blue Berets”. By the way, it would be very interesting to find out on the Internet how our listeners would react to this.

Have you ever had to write “to order”?

Did not work out. And there were orders...

They say that in Bear Lakes you have a younger generation, a group of the same name made up of conscript soldiers, is that true?

No, such a group does not exist. When we talk about the younger generation, we mean our children.

What part do the Ministry of Defense, the Airborne Forces Command, the RSVA or other veteran associations take in the fate of the group?

I repeat, all the military structures of the Russian Defense Ministry do not interfere with our work and existence. The Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans, and its leader personally, Franz Klintsevich, are the only ones who provide us with material assistance from public organizations. Our friends - “Afghans”, brothers - “special forces”, former “Alfa” and “Vympel” soldiers help a lot. But there are many more problems - no access to television, no funds for printed materials, for recording a new album, and so on.

What is your attitude to the popularization of “Afghan culture” and, in particular, Afghan songs, on the Internet? It’s no secret that most of those to whom it is addressed are practically never online.

With joy and envy we follow the Internet everyday life of our friends and colleagues: the ensemble “Contingent”, “Black Berets” have their own official websites. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who provides information about us. Any popularization of GOOD MUSIC, in particular the Afghan song, is needed everywhere - on television, radio, and even more so on the Internet, where, unlike television, this song is still available. After all, this is our story, our life, and not the worst. Unfortunately, there is plenty of “prison romance” everywhere, and there are simply no better examples of patriotic, soldier’s songs.

At what stage is the creation of your group’s personal website?

Unfortunately, in our creativity we are significantly behind modern Internet information technologies. We don’t have a person in our group who would know and prepare all the materials for the site, although this work, with grief in half, is coming to an end. Several people made proposals to create our website. Recently he offered help in creating legendary man- Father Cyprian. We ourselves really want to communicate with everyone. We think everything will work out...

Where are the band members from?

All from different places: Sergei Yarovoy is from Kamchatka, Yuri Slatov was born in Ordzhonikidze, Egor Serdechny - in Kharkov, Deniska Platonov - in Saratov, Dima Vakhrushin - in Perm. Now we have been living for many years near Moscow, in the same house, on the same floor.

The theme of your work is not simple, painful... Surely, after concerts, emotional relief is urgently needed. How you spend free time? Where do you go on vacation?

There is little free time. Yarovoy and Slatov love fishing, Serdechny is learning new musical equipment, Vakhrushin happily tinkers with the car, and Platonov...punches holes in new apartment, doesn’t let anyone sleep! We try to spend our holidays with our families; this year everyone went south (to different places).

On anniversary concert talked about the military dynasties of Yuri Slatov and Sergei Yarovoy. Is it possible to find out more about it, because the concert was broadcast at an inconvenient time, and, unfortunately, not everyone was able to watch it.

Yes, anniversary evening on the occasion of the group's 15th anniversary, it was broadcast at 7 am. This is also an indicator of the attitude of our television towards patriotism. In the evening they showed an American film... But, okay, these are emotions. Indeed, in the families of Yarovoy and Slatov, everyone is military: grandfathers, fathers and children. Sergei has a daughter, a FPS lieutenant, and a son studying at the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Slatov has one son at the Military Institute of Radioelectronics of the Space Forces, and the youngest is graduating from the Ulyanovsk Suvorov School and will enter the Novosibirsk Higher School.

How do you evaluate media coverage of military art?

In my opinion, there is no lighting. Complete darkness.

- But some of the modern pop singers, regulars on the screen, commands your respect? How do you generally develop relationships with representatives of show business? Have you ever lived the “life of stars”? Go to parties, participate in “star” concerts?

Of course, in 12 years concert activities on a professional basis we met many famous Russian performers. We often participate in “group” concerts dedicated to certain dates. We are friends with some and enjoy this friendship - with Yura Shevchuk, Anastasia, Oleg Gazmanov. We have never considered ourselves representatives of show business; we are much more pleased with our “Afghan” festival parties. Many well-mannered (there are few) “stars” treat us well, but we ourselves try not to notice others. After all, Yarovoy and Slatov are also Honored Artists of Russia.

Are there any plans to release new albums? When will we see them, and how many new songs will there be?

New material is always being prepared. Registration is subject to availability of funds. There are already six new songs.

You have the opportunity to simultaneously address thousands of people who know and love your songs throughout the country and beyond. What would you like to tell them?

Firstly, thanks a lot everyone! For your love and interest in the ensemble’s work, for your support when it’s difficult and you want to give up everything, for your questions. Like everything around us: people, country, nature – we change too. Sometimes our “Afghans” get offended at us. Veterans are offended because we don’t sing enough old “Afghan” songs - we don’t sing about Patriotic War, women are offended - we don’t sing about love... and so on. Don’t be angry, because, in my opinion, the main thing is that we sing about us - ordinary people who are ready to defend their country, about its soldiers. We sing with our hearts, which are in tune with the hearts of thousands of people. Thank you for this consonance!

Marine and landing force

The first concert took place in Afghanistan, on the evening of November 19, 1985 at the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment. November 19 was the ensemble's birthday.

First composition:

  • The leader of the ensemble is the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the regiment, Captain Sergei Yarovoy
  • Squad commander Sergei Isakov
  • Mechanic - combat vehicle driver Private Igor Ivanchenko
  • Private Tarikh Lyssov, the only one from the regimental orchestra
  • Company sergeant major, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov

From November 1985 to February 1987, the group performed concerts in front of many units of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan, at the USSR Embassy, ​​trade mission, in the departments of the Afghan KGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as at the Kabul Polytechnic Institute.

In March 1987, the group participated in the third round of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”. The performance of the Blue Berets airborne ensemble came directly from Kabul via teleconference and became a sensation. Victory in the competition was unconditional.

In the summer of 1987, the first giant disc was recorded, which quickly became platinum. This record, as a TASS survey showed, entered the top ten most popular in the country. In October 1987, the ensemble came to Moscow for the first time, participating in concerts at the most prestigious venues in the capital - in the Rossiya Concert Hall, the Kremlin Palace, the Variety Theater, Luzhniki, and the Olympic Stadium.

In February 1988, the ensemble won the final of the first All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”.

Since 1988, the ensemble was located near Moscow in the military camp of the 196th separate communications regiment of the Airborne Forces (now the 38th separate communications regiment) in the village of Medvezhy Ozera, while remaining amateur.

Airborne Forces Ensemble

In August 1991, by Order of the USSR Minister of Defense, the staffing schedule of the separate concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces “Blue Berets” was approved. In 1994, by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army P. S. Grachev, the “Regulations on the Blue Berets Airborne Forces Concert Ensemble as part of the 47th Airborne Forces Song and Dance Ensemble” were approved.

From October 1991 to the present day in the ensemble:

  • Yarovoy Sergey Fedorovich - artistic director of the ensemble - deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, colonel.
  • Slatov Yuri Alekseevich - deputy artistic director - head of the concert ensemble, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, colonel.
  • Platonov Denis Yuryevich - accompanist, arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, senior warrant officer.
  • Serdechny Egor Evgenievich - foreman of the ensemble, group musician, sound engineer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, senior warrant officer.
  • Vakhrushin Dmitry Aleksandrovich - arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, warrant officer.

The Blue Berets ensemble is the only musical group in the Russian Armed Forces, where all participants are Honored Artists of the Russian Federation.

The original composition of the group ">

One of the first members of the Blue Berets group.

BLUE BERETS, concert ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces. Formed on November 19, 1985. On this day, the first concert took place in the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment in Kabul, which became the ensemble's birthday. The first composition of the ensemble included: the leader of the ensemble - senior lieutenant Sergei Yarovoy, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov, sergeant Sergei Isakov, privates Igor Ivanchenko and Tarikh Lysov. Subsequently, with numerous changes in the composition, the principle of selecting participants remained unchanged - only real paratroopers who know the service not from songs perform on stage.

From November 1985 to February 1987, the group performed concerts in front of units of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The concerts took place during breaks between hostilities. All members of the ensemble were awarded state awards: captain Yarovaya - two Orders of the Red Star, warrant officer Gontsov - two Orders of the Red Star, private Ivanchenko - the Order of the Red Star, sergeant Isakov - the medal "For Courage". During the two years the group was in Afghanistan, S. Ufimtsev, M. Abashev, A. Rogachev appeared on stage as part of the Blue Berets, and V. Turkin, V. Panchenko, A. Pikulik, V. took an active part in the group’s work. Belous.

Many of the works written at this time became the best examples the so-called "Afghan" song. These are “Memory” by Oleg Gontsov, “At the Dangerous Line”, “The Landing Force Goes into the Breakthrough” by Sergei Yarovoy and many others that still remain “ business cards» groups. In March 1987, the group took part in the third round of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing” and became its winner. The ensemble's performance via teleconference from Kabul became a sensation and brought the group enormous popularity. In the summer of the same year, the group's first album of the same name was released. At this time, senior lieutenant Yuri Slatov came to the group at the invitation of Sergei Yarovoy, who took first place among singer-songwriters at the competition for his song “Orders are not for sale” and later became the author of the music and lyrics of almost all the Blue Berets songs of the post-Afghan period.

A year later, in February 1988, the ensemble won the final of the First All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”, made a month-long tour of formations and units of the Airborne Forces and became a generally recognized cult group of the Airborne Forces. But, despite its popularity and recognition, the group is on the verge of collapse - the military service of the ensemble members is coming to an end. In the Political Department of the Airborne Forces, a decision is made: the ensemble will be based in the Moscow region in one of the units of the Airborne Forces, Captain S. Yarovoy is entrusted with selecting new members of the ensemble. All participants will be engaged not only in creativity, but also in fulfilling their official duties. In May 1988, in the communications regiment in Bear Lakes (Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region), it began new stage in the life of the Blue Berets ensemble, which included: Laureates of the All-Union competition, battalion commander Sergei Yarovoy, regiment propagandist Senior Lieutenant Yuri Slatov, privates V. Rimsha, E. Serdechny and E. Rozhkov.

For the period from September 1988 to June 1990. the group took part in the filming of various television programs, in competitions and festivals, and toured all over the world with concerts. Soviet Union. Proceeds from the concerts were sent to local organizations of internationalist soldiers for the construction of monuments, assistance to the disabled and the families of the victims. At the same time in tour schedule The ensemble had its first business trips to “hot spots”: Nagorno-Karabakh, Yerevan, Baku, Tbilisi, Vilnius. By 1990, the ensemble's repertoire had changed significantly. The result of the work of the third generation of the ensemble was the release of the disc “The War Is Over” by the Melodiya company.

In June 1991, the ensemble received “professional” status; the group began to be called the Concert Ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces. Before this event, G. Razumov, A. Khamizov, M. Gurov, D. Kalmykov managed to play in the group. Creativity becomes the main thing in the life of the members of the Blue Berets ensemble; The battalion's political officer, Major Sergei Yarovoy, became the full-time artistic director of the group, the regiment's propagandist, Captain Yuri Slatov, became his deputy. Denis Platonov and Dmitry Bakhrushin join the group, Egor Serdechny remains. Work on new program combined with active touring activities- the group has repeatedly visited Germany, Poland, the former republics of Yugoslavia, performed concerts in front of US Army personnel, in the Far North, Arctic regions, Far East, as well as in “hot spots”: Transnistria and Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Chechnya, Bosnia and Kosovo.

In 1994, the group recorded their fourth album, “From War to War,” and in December 1995 a CD of the same name was released. The group’s fifth album, which absorbed everything they experienced during business trips to “hot spots”, was recorded in 1996 and was called “Eh, Share...”. In March 1997, at the request of veterans of various wars, the group recorded their sixth album with old songs called “The Desk Calendar is Sad.” In 2000, on the day of the 15th anniversary of the Ensemble, Sergei Yarovoy (Colonel) and Yuri Slatov (Lieutenant Colonel) were awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia”. Composition of the Blue Berets group at the beginning of the 2000s:

Sergey Fedorovich Yarovoy (b. April 22, 1957, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) (vocals, guitar), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Blue Berets Airborne Forces Concert Ensemble, colonel. In 1975 he was called up for military service and served in the Kirovograd special forces brigade. In 1977 he entered the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political School at the airborne department, participated in the course ensemble "Combustion". After graduating from college, he was sent to the Ryazan airborne regiment. In 1985, he arrived as a replacement in Afghanistan, in the 350th Parachute Regiment as secretary of the Komsomol Committee, and participated in the regiment’s combat operations from 1985 to 1987. In 1985 he organized an amateur ensemble of the Blue Berets regiment. S.F. Yarovoy is a holder of two Orders of the Red Star, a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, an Order of Honorary Veteran's Cross, and many medals of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the UN.

Slatov Yuri Alekseevich (b. May 28, 1962, Ordzhonikidze) (vocals, guitar), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, concert director groups, author of more than 200 songs, lieutenant colonel. In 1979 he entered the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political School. For three years he was the leader of the amateur ensemble of the Rusichi school. After graduating from college (1983), he served as a company political officer in the disciplinary battalion of the North Caucasus Military District, and in 1984 he was sent to Afghanistan (1984-86). In 1987 he became the Winner of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing” among singer-songwriters, performing his song “Orders are not for sale.” He joined the airborne troops and from June 1988 became a member of the Blue Berets Concert Ensemble. Yu.A. Slatov is a holder of the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of the Honorable Veteran Cross, and has 11 medals from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the UN.

Sergechny Egor Evgenievich (b. March 21, 1969, Kharkov) (keyboards, vocals). It has musical education- graduated School of Music in the “percussion” class in Mozyr (Belarus). During his studies, he worked in the rock group “Gong” and became a diploma winner at the 1st Belarusian Rock Festival, receiving a 3rd degree diploma. He was drafted into the Airborne Forces and sent to serve in the Moscow region. He joined the group when recruiting new members in September 1988. He remained in the ensemble for long-term service. Senior Warrant Officer. Today he occupies the position of sound engineer in the Ensemble.

Platonov Denis Yurievich (b. June 4, 1971, Saratov) (keyboards, vocals). Been involved in music since childhood, studied at music school, then entered and successfully graduated from a music school in the violin class. Immediately after studying, he was drafted into the Airborne Forces and served in Bolgrad. At the invitation of S.F. Yarovoy, he remained for long-term service in the group from August 1991. Senior warrant officer. Songwriter and main arranger in the group.

Vakhrushin Dmitry Alexandrovich (b. February 18, 1972, Perm) (guitar, vocals). From the 8th grade I became interested in playing the guitar and organized a group at school. He was drafted into the Airborne Forces. Came to the group on the recommendation of D. Yu. Platonov in November 1991. Senior warrant officer.

Ivanenko Oleg Vladimirovich (b. May 28, 1974, Yalta). Came to the ensemble in mid-2003. Senior Sergeant. Engaged in arrangement and computer support.


MEMORY (1988)
EH, SHARE... (1996)

With numerous changes in composition, the principle of selecting ensemble members remained unchanged - only real paratroopers who know the service not from songs perform on stage. Band members in the 1990s.

Questionnaire Trang"a

Today, Sergei Yarovoy, the founder and artistic director of the legendary ensemble “Blue Berets,” answers the questions of the “Trang Questionnaire.”

Let's meet: Guard Colonel, Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director and "parent" of the Blue Berets ensemble, Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy.

For those who don’t know (which is unlikely, but still) - who are the Blue Berets?

"Blue Berets" is a concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces as part of the 47th Song and Dance Ensemble of the Airborne Forces. This year, 2014, the ensemble turns 29 years old, which means that in 2015 the Airborne Forces ensemble "Blue Berets" will turn... 30 years old!

"Blue Berets" are a living legend of Russian and Russian stage, whose songs are sung by millions.

During their creative work, the songs of this musical group became known throughout our country, and the song “Sineva” became unofficial anthem airborne troops, which on Airborne Forces Day pours out from everything that can reproduce sound. More than one generation of youth sings their songs with a guitar. And, frankly speaking, not every musical group can boast not only of such longevity, but of such incredible popularity, especially considering that all the songs of the Blue Berets are about military valor, honor, military service and everything that comes with it. It would seem to be a very specific theme for creativity, but this in no way affected the longevity or popularity of the group’s songs.

The first concert of the Blue Berets took place in Afghanistan, on the evening of November 19, 1985 at the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment. November 19 became the ensemble's birthday.

One of the first compositions of the Blue Berets

The first composition of the "Blue Berets":

The leader and founder of the ensemble is the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the regiment, Captain Sergei Yarovoy
- Company sergeant major of the 350th RDP, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov
- Squad commander Sergei Isakov
- Mechanic - combat vehicle driver Private Igor Ivanchenko
- Private Tarikh Lyssov, the only one from the regimental orchestra

From November 1985 to February 1987, the group performed concerts in front of many units of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Republic of Afghanistan, the USSR Embassy, ​​the trade mission, the departments of the Afghan KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Kabul Polytechnic Institute.
In March 1987, the group participated in the third round of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”. The performance of the Blue Berets airborne ensemble came directly from Kabul via teleconference and became a sensation. Victory in the competition was unconditional.
In the summer of 1987, the first giant disc was recorded, which quickly became platinum. This record, as a TASS survey showed, entered the top ten most popular in the country.

In October 1987, the ensemble came to Moscow for the first time, participating in concerts at the most prestigious venues in the capital - in the Rossiya Concert Hall, the Kremlin Palace, the Variety Theater, Luzhniki, and the Olympic Stadium.
In February 1988, the ensemble won the final of the first All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”.
Since 1988, the ensemble has been located (and lives) near Moscow in the military camp of the 196th separate communications regiment of the Airborne Forces (now the 38th separate communications regiment) in the village. Bear Lakes, while remaining a regular airborne ensemble.

On currently The composition of the ensemble "Blue Berets" is as follows:

Yarovoy Sergey Fedorovich - artistic director of the ensemble - deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, colonel.
- Slatov Yuri Alekseevich - deputy artistic director - head of the concert ensemble, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, colonel.
- Platonov Denis Yuryevich - accompanist, arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, senior warrant officer.
- Serdechny Egor Evgenievich - foreman of the ensemble, group musician, sound engineer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, senior warrant officer.
- Vakhrushin Dmitry Aleksandrovich - arranger, ensemble musician, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, warrant officer.

Yarovoy Sergey Fedorovich - artistic director of the ensemble - deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, colonel.

Ensemble "Blue Berets" - the only one musical group in the Russian Armed Forces, where All participants are Honored Artists of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy, among others, has the following awards:
- 2 Orders of the Red Star
- Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree with swords
- Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
- Badge of the Komsomol Central Committee “For Military Valor”

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Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy was born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In 1975-1977 he served in the Kirovograd special forces brigade. In 1977-1981 he studied at the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School at the airborne department. After graduating from college, he was sent as a company political officer to Ryazan, to the 137th Parachute Regiment.
In 1985, he arrived as a replacement in Afghanistan, served in the famous 350th Guards Parachute Regiment as part of OKSV, and was secretary of the Komsomol Committee. Participated in almost all combat operations of the regiment from 1985 to 1987. One of the most famous songs- Banner of the Guards Regiment" - dedicated to the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment.

Of course, one should not diminish the importance and merits of other members of the Blue Berets. So, Yuri Slatov is a man, most of whose songs are performed by the Blue Berets, an Honored Artist of Russia, a guard colonel. Denis Platonov is a multi-musician who plays guitar, keyboards, and violin in a band, as well as an author-performer of his own songs, Honored Artist of Russia...

However, Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy- sole participant group from the first composition, “the parent of the Blue Berets,” and this is the person who still leads the Blue Berets ensemble. Permanently.

Sergei Fedorovich answered questions very clearly and understandably. This is understandable - a military colonel, a combat officer, for whom the words “task, clarity, brevity” have meaning. However, all the answers were thoughtful and verified. And it was very interesting for us to talk with him.


"Virtual Korenovsk": Sergey Fedorovich, allow me to express my respect and admiration for the creativity of your ensemble. Many younger generations sing your songs with a guitar. I probably won’t be mistaken if I say that no military ensemble has such success and cannot boast of such longevity and the presence of such an abundance of hits. If, of course, this word, “hit,” is applicable here to this kind of song... thank you and all the members of the Blue Berets group
Sergey Yarovoy: We are very happy

"Virtual Korenovsk": . Where, when were you born and in what family?
Sergey Yarovoy: I was born on April 22, 1957 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the family of a military man

"Virtual Korenovsk": Who from your circle, in your opinion, had the greatest influence on you?
Sergey Yarovoy: Who else... of course, the father. Military

"Virtual Korenovsk": How did you become who you are now?
Sergey Yarovoy: Slowly (smiles), little by little... the main thing is not to rush... I entered school, entered, graduated... Airborne Forces, Ryazan Regiment... Afghanistan... there is music there... slowly, slowly...

"Virtual Korenovsk": Do you think you have achieved exactly what you wanted in life?
Sergey Yarovoy: Yes, I don’t know what I wanted in this life... I wanted to be a paratrooper, I wanted to serve as a paratrooper... I don’t know if I wanted to be a general, I don’t remember, but now I definitely don’t want to be one. And thank God. Still, I probably got what I wanted from life. Even to a greater extent

"Virtual Korenovsk": If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
Sergey Yarovoy: No. I have been asked such questions many times. But not a single minute of my life did I doubt my choice. And in general, this does not lead to good

"Virtual Korenovsk": Qualities that you value most in a man?
Sergey Yarovoy: Masculinity. Honesty. Decency. Almost the same qualities as in women, in principle. Except for masculinity, of course. A man just has to be a man, that's all

"Virtual Korenovsk": Qualities that you value most in a woman?
Sergey Yarovoy: The same. Honesty and integrity

"Virtual Korenovsk": What is happiness for you?
Sergey Yarovoy: It too complex issue...No one will ever answer it...

"Virtual Korenovsk": What is misfortune for you?
Sergey Yarovoy: It's also difficult to answer...

"Virtual Korenovsk": What are the unshakable principles of your life?
Sergey Yarovoy: I’ve never asked myself this question... Well, for example, some people have a principle of always telling the truth... well, you can’t always, always tell the truth... there is the concept of “compromises”. Probably can be described in one word - “Always!”

"Virtual Korenovsk": What do you like about modern life?
Sergey Yarovoy: Yes, to be honest, I would have lived in that old life for another 30 years... but, in principle, with rare exceptions, I like everything. People have become a little different... even if you look at your grandchildren, everything changes. Previously, 2 years ago, I have them with football field didn't go out. And now they are more drawn to tablets, PSPs and other crap. Only the eyes spoil it. And everything should be in moderation

"Virtual Korenovsk": What don't you like about modern life?
Sergey Yarovoy: As I already said, excessive commitment to electronics, tablets and other things. Everything should be in moderation

"Virtual Korenovsk": What would you like to change if you could go back to your past?
Sergey Yarovoy: I wouldn't want to change anything

"Virtual Korenovsk": What is your favorite saying, proverb or saying?
Sergey Yarovoy: I don’t even remember offhand now. Now, if I had prepared in advance, I would have remembered (smiles)

"Virtual Korenovsk": What would you wish to the visitors of the “Virtual Korenovsk” project and the residents of our city?
Sergey Yarovoy: Health, good luck. All the best


1. Where, when were you born and in what family?
I was born on April 22, 1957 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the family of a military man

2. Who from your environment, in your opinion, had the greatest influence on you?
Of course, father. Military

3. How did you become who you are now?
The main thing is not to rush... Graduated from a military school, then the Airborne Forces, Ryazan Regiment, Afghanistan, where there is music

4. Do you think you have achieved exactly what you wanted in life?
Everything I wanted from life, I got. Even to a greater extent

5. If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
Not a single minute of my life did I doubt my choice. I became who I wanted to be

6. Qualities that you value most in a man?
Masculinity. Honesty. Decency. And be a man first of all

7. The qualities that you value most in a woman?
Honesty and integrity

8. What is happiness for you?
This is too difficult a question... No one will ever answer it...

9. What is misfortune for you?
Also a difficult question to answer unequivocally.

10. What are the unshakable principles of your life?
Can be described in one word - “Always!”

11. What do you like about modern life?
With rare exceptions, I like everything

12. What don’t you like about modern life?
People have become a little different... Excessive commitment to electronics, tablets and so on. Everything should be in moderation

13. What would you like to change if you could go back to your past?
I wouldn't want to change anything

14. What is your favorite saying, proverb or saying?
I won’t say it right off the bat

15. What would you wish to the visitors of the “Virtual Korenovsk” project and the residents of our city?
Health, good luck. All the best

The history of the creation of the Blue Berets ensemble

Military unit 54164-S. Since 1991, this alphanumeric letter has hidden an unusual military formation Russian army. It was then, in 1991, that the amateur vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Berets”, formed during Afghan war in the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment, received the status of a professional musical group of the Ministry of Defense.

And for the first time the entire Soviet Union learned about the Blue Berets group in October 1987. The country saw singing paratroopers on TV screens in the popular All-Union competition “When Soldiers Sing.” I saw it not on the stage of the Dynamo Sports Palace, from where the concert was broadcast, but directly from Kabul. Soviet television organized a live teleconference from Afghanistan. The victory of the guards who performed the song “At the Dangerous Line” was unconditional!

The first performance in front of his fellow soldiers in the form of a “vocal and instrumental ensemble” took place on November 19, 1985. From that concert to this day, the permanent artistic director of the group is Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy. Then - captain, and now - colonel. Knight of two Orders of the Red Star. Honored Artist of Russia. The number of concerts given by the Blue Berets Airborne Ensemble by 2014 is approaching three thousand.

For six years, the so-called “amateur” stage of the group’s creativity, more than thirty people appeared on stage as part of the group. Since the fall of 1991, the Separate Concert Ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces “Blue Berets” has been operating with the same composition. These are Colonels Sergei Yarovoy and Yuri Slatov, senior warrant officers Yegor Serdechny and Denis Platonov, as well as warrant officer Dmitry Vakhrushin. For almost a quarter of a century they have been honorably carrying the creative banner of the legendary military ensemble, honoring the traditions laid down in the first years of the ensemble’s existence. This is a song story about a soldier’s feat of arms, a memory of those who did not return from wars, a bow to mothers who lost their sons. This is a celebration of the heroism and romance of service in the Airborne Forces.

The ensemble has attended concerts in all the “hot spots” and combat zones fought by Russian troops since the early 90s. The group constantly performs for military personnel of all branches and branches of the Armed Forces in far and near garrisons on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. The geography of “civilian” tours of military musicians is wide. This is Russia, countries near and far abroad.

The group is constantly developing creatively. Since 1990, seven full-length song albums and three video versions have been recorded and released. The ensemble's musicians participate in various individual projects: solo albums, write books and music for films, collaborate with radio stations.

Over many years creative activity the ensemble was awarded the Main national Prize“RUSSIAN NATIONAL OLYMPUS”, Special National Prize “KREMLIN GRAND”, awarded the Highest Russian public award - the golden order “PRIDE OF RUSSIA”, the highest award of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans - the Order “FOR MERIT”, the Orthodox Order “SAINT SOPHIA. FAITH, HOPE, LOVE”, the Order of the National Security Agency “FOR HONOR AND DIGNITY”. The ensemble became the laureate of the 2011 Chanson of the Year Award.

The Blue Berets concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces is the only musical group in the Armed Forces where all participants are Honored Artists of Russia.

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