Roxana Babayan's tour schedule in 1990. Roxana Babayan: biography, personal life, husband, children

As Roxana Rubenovna herself admits, she began to sing from childhood. After graduating from school in 1970, she went to a technical university - the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering). But already in the first year, her vocal abilities were noticed, and Roxana was invited to the pop orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan. So her studies went on - in parallel with performances ...

Since the late 70s, Roxana Babayan settled in Moscow and began working at the Mosconcert. The singer went through a good jazz vocal school. But gradually her style of performance changed from jazz to pop music. She has taken part in many festivals and competitions. At the international competition in Dresden "Schlager Festival" in 1978, at the "Bratislava Lira" in 1979, at gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-83, the singer won the "Grand Prix".

Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roxana Babayan. The singer's tours took place in many countries of all parts of the world.

The company "Melody" released 7 vinyl records of the singer. In the 80s, Roxana Babayan collaborated with the ensemble of soloists of the Melodiya company under the direction of Boris Frumkin. In 1987 Babayan was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1992-95, there was a break in the singer's work.

Roxana Babayan is a participant in many television and radio programs. In 1991, for the song East is a delicate matter (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov), an animated video clip was created for the first time in Russia (directed by animator Alexander Gorlenko). In addition, video clips "Ocean of Glass Tears" (1994), "Because of Love" (1996), "Forgive" (1997) were filmed for Babayan's songs.

Work in film and television

In 1983, Roxana Babayan graduated as an external student from the administrative and economic department of the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS).

Best of the day

She starred in films exclusively in the comedies of Anatoly Eyramdzhan and, of course, with her husband Mikhail Derzhavin - "My Sailor Girl", "New Odeon", "The Groom from Miami", "The Third Is Not Superfluous" and others.

On television, he hosts the program "Breakfast with Roxana".

Personal life

The first time Roxana Babayan got married when she worked in the orchestra with Orbelyan.

In the 80s, Roxana Babayan met the actor Mikhail Derzhavin. Roxana Rubenovna says: “We met Mikhail Mikhailovich when we were both exhausted. I had my own story, he had his own, everything happened easily and instantly. So, in fact, when I arrived in Moscow from Tashkent, I was already protected. This is very important for me, maybe because I am an oriental person with my own specific views.

Everything was somehow not very standard for us. I remember that 20 years ago, on a giant balcony near Alexander Anatolyevich (all feasts and birthdays were always held there), his friends gathered: Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov, Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt, Andryusha Mironov, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov ... I didn’t know them then, for me it was something. And Misha brought me here, to some kind of celebration. I didn't even know it was a show. And after a few hours, Shura came up to Misha and said: "We must take it."

Roxana Babayan

Soviet and Russian singer and actress.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (January 7, 1988).
People's Artist of Russia (8.01.1999).

In 1975 she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering). As a singer, she made her debut in the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan in 1970.
Since the late 70s she has been living in Moscow, since 1978 she has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In 1983, she graduated externally from the administrative and economic faculty of the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS). She went through a good jazz vocal school, but her performance style gradually evolved from jazz to pop music. She has taken part in many festivals and competitions. At international competitions in Dresden "Schlager Festival" in 1978, at the "Bratislava Lira" in 1979, at gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-1983 - the singer won the "Grand Prix". Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roxana Babayan. The singer's tours took place in many countries of all parts of the world. The Melodiya company released 7 vinyl records of the singer. In the 1980s she collaborated with the ensemble of soloists from the Melodiya company under the direction of Boris Frumkin.
In 1992-1995, there was a break in the singer's work.
Roxana Babayan is a participant in many television and radio programs. In 1991, for the song "The East is a delicate matter" (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov), an animated video clip was created for the first time in Russia (directed by animator Alexander Gorlenko). In addition, video clips "Ocean of Glass Tears" (1994), "Because of Love" (1996), "Forgive" (1997) and others were filmed for Babayan's songs.
In the cinema since 1990, she has established herself as a sharp comedic actress. Recently, the singer performs occasionally on the stage, works in the theater.

President of the Russian Animal Protection League.

Bright star of the Soviet stage
Babayan Roxana (born May 30, 1946) is a Soviet, Russian singer. People's Artist of Russia, TV presenter, actress, public figure.

Early work

Roxana Rubenovna was born in the Uzbek city of Tashkent. His father was an engineer, his mother was a composer and singer. The love of music was passed on to the girl from her mother, who taught her to play the piano and sing. However, her father did not welcome Roxana's desire for the stage. Therefore, after school, at the direction of her father, she entered the construction department of the railway institute, which she graduated in 1970. Her cousin Yuri, who became a successful psychologist, would also later influence Babayan's education.

In the late 90s, she will qualify as a psychologist and even defend her dissertation.
As a student, Babayan actively participated in amateur performances, won various vocal competitions. Soon she received an invitation from K. Orbelyan to work in the main orchestra of Armenia, in Yerevan. Roxana combined work with studies and gained experience on stage, performing mainly jazz compositions.

Since 1973, Babayan has been a soloist in the Blue Guitars musical ensemble. Numerous tours alternate with participation in festivals and competitions. As part of this group, Roxana won her first victory with the song "Rain" in 1976, becoming the winner of the festival in Dresden and leaving German pop stars behind. After that, her career took off to a new level.

Career Development

Babayan, seeing new opportunities for a solo career, leaves the Blue Guitars team and becomes a pop artist. In 1977-1978, he participated in the "Song of the Year", is one of the six most popular performers in the country, is at the peak of his fame and gives many concerts around the country and abroad. Again takes prizes at festivals: "Bratislava Lira" (1979), Cuban festivals (1982,1983). Authoritative composers and songwriters compose for Roxana: Matetsky, Dobrynin, Dorokhin, Garanyan and others. At the same time, she studies at the economic department of GITIS, whose diploma she receives in 1983.

R. Babayan and W. Ott on "Song of the Year" (1989)

In 1987, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In the 80s, she worked with the Melodiya company, her first albums were released, the most successful of them - Roxana (1988). A total of 11 records have been released. The most popular songs of that time: "Yerevan", "Long-standing conversation", "Two women". Babayan is still among the finalists of the Song of the Year. In the 90s, music videos were released for Roxana's new songs “Because of Love”, “Forgive”, “Thunder Rolls”, “East is a delicate matter”.

In 1999 she received the title of People's Artist. After the singer began to appear on stage rarely, deciding to stop touring life. For some time she hosted the TV shows “Breakfast with Roxana” (ORT), “Today” (NTV). In 2014, the album "Formula of Happiness" was released.

In addition to musical creativity, Babayan in the 90s was engaged in filming films, mainly in comedy films. Despite the fact that the singer did not take this work seriously and starred in only seven tapes of her friend A. Eyramdzhan, Babayan managed to show good acting skills and be remembered by the audience side by side with such stars as Shirvindt, Muravyova, Gurchenko and others. Among these films: "Womanizer", "My sailor", "Impotent". In addition, Babayan tried herself as a theater actress, playing a leading role in the comedy production of Khanuma (2007).

Personal life and social activities

For the first time, Roxana married while working in an Armenian orchestra for saxophonist Yevgeny. The couple lived a short life together, parting as friends. The main man for her was the famous actor Mikhail Derzhavin, whom she met during a tour in Kazakh Zhezkazgan. At that time, both had their own families, but in both marriages a divorce was brewing. The couple formalized the relationship in 1980. For many years of marriage, they did not have children.

Babayan is active in public activities. She joined the ranks of the United Russia party, was part of the headquarters of President Putin in the 2012 elections. He is the head of the League for the Protection of Animals, fights for the rights of homeless animals on the streets, promotes the sterilization of homeless dogs.

Currently, he does little creative activity, is on a well-deserved rest, devotes more time to household chores, loves to be outside the city, communicate with his family. Roxana Rubenovna is on good terms with her husband's daughter and his grandchildren. With Derzhavin, they live in a two-room apartment on the Arbat, built a house in the suburbs.

Name: Roxana Babayan

Date of Birth: 30.05.1946

Age: 73 years old

Place of Birth: Tashkent city, Uzbekistan

Growth: 1.69 m

Activity: pop singer and actress, People's Artist of Russia

Family status: widow

Roxana Babayan is an amazing woman whose fascinating biography and rich personal life and husband, as well as questions about whether the actress and singer have children, regularly interest fans of her work. The Russian People's Artist of Russia, who was awarded this title in 1999, excites the minds of fans at the present time. After all, Babayan is known not only in the show business environment, but also as an active participant in the protection of animal rights. Her oratorical skills and love for nature led the actress and singer to head the Russian Animal Protection League and gained popularity among the public.

First failure

Roxana Rubenovna was born on the eve of summer, May 30, 1946 in Tashkent. Her father was a representative of the intelligentsia and worked in a high position, acting as a civil engineer. Mom Seda Grigorievna had an extraordinary talent, which was highly valued in the capital of Uzbekistan. She performed incredibly beautiful music on the piano and wrote melodies herself, earning a living as a composer.

Childhood photos of Roxana Babayan

Roxana Babayan admits that it was thanks to her mother's love for music that she became who she is now. The woman instilled in her daughter a passion for music and art from early childhood, teaching the girl to play such a complex instrument as the piano. But Roxanne had another love. At some point, the daughter told her mother that she no longer wanted to play a musical instrument, because the girl perceived playing the piano as “pointless pressing the keys.”

The future people's artist at the age of 15 asked her parents to take her to an audition at a music conservatory, talking about her dream of becoming a singer. Roxana sang from early childhood and believed that she had a good and fairly developed voice. But the professor of the conservatory rejected Babayan, saying that she had no vocal abilities.

Roxana Babayan in her youth

That is why Roxana's father persuaded the girl to enter the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in Industrial and Urban Construction. He was convinced that one of the best teachers of the music conservatory could not be wrong, which means that it was time for his daughter to leave her dreams of becoming an artist.

But in parallel with her studies at the institute, the gifted Roxana continues to engage in creativity. Even in her first year at the university, the girl surrounded herself with musicians, with whom she began to engage in amateur performances. The guys regularly arranged concerts, performing on the stage of the institute and during breaks in public works.

Dream come true

When the well-known musical orchestra of Armenia arrived in the city, Roxana Babayan, who believed that the professor of the conservatory was mistaken, turned to her mother with an unusual request. Taking advantage of the fact that Seda Grigorievna was a famous composer and had many acquaintances in the musical environment, Roxana asked to be shown to the musician Konstantin Orbelyan.

The young singer prepared for the arrival of the master. She wrote her own song, with music and lyrics, and was actively preparing for her upcoming audition. The girl, who studied the exact sciences at the insistence of her father, wanted to prove to others that her talent had the right to life.

Singer at the beginning of her career

Konstantin Orbelyan, fascinated by the voice of an extraordinary girl from Tashkent, said only one phrase to Seda Grigoryevna: “I take her!”. And after Roxana defended her diploma, the musician took the girl to the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, where, under the guidance of teachers, the talent of the singer, the future star of the Blue Light, was revealed.

Having agreed with her mother, Roxana Babayan left for her first tour. The father, for a long time, believed that his daughter went on vacation.

Arriving in Armenia, Roxana immediately went to her first performance, and there was only one rehearsal, right before going on stage. During the preparation, the artist was shown how to move around the stage and was given time to learn the lyrics of the song. Despite the lack of preliminary practice, the aspiring pop singer did an excellent job with the task, fully justifying Orbelyan's hopes.

Career Development

A few months later, Babayan was preparing for a performance in Kislovodsk, and posters with her name were pasted on all the pillars of the city. At this time, Roxana's father came on vacation and was stunned to find out "what kind of vacation" his daughter had gone on. Despite his surprise, the father did not scold the girl for her self-will and violation of the prohibitions. And Konstantin Orbelyan said that he was ready to marry Roxana in order to become her protector and help her continue to tour the country.

It was at that moment, according to Roxana Babayan, whose biography and personal life, her own children and husband are actively interested in her fans, that the singer's father melted and came to the conclusion that all his protests against choosing a career were meaningless and gave in to his daughter. That is why the artist, who received permission and support from her father, went to conquer Moscow in the early 70s and already performed on the stage of the Mosconcert, while studying at GITIS, which she graduated as an external student in 1978. To do this, she had to quit her previous job, interrupting her career as an engineer.

famous singer on stage

Studying with the best teachers, Roxana Babayan developed her voice at the jazz school, already in those years she formed her own unique and inimitable style of performance. And since 1973, the singer shone on stage as part of the Blue Guitars VIA, where she performed music that was different from the one she was used to on the big stage. It was thanks to the help of musicians from the group that Babayan began to perform at competitions and win prizes. The guys from the "Blue Guitars" wrote songs for Roxana.

The talent of the pop vocalist, who began to regularly change her performance repertoire, adjusting to the wishes of the public, was noticed. Thanks to this, Babayan became the star of the Blue Light. And since 1990, she tried herself as an actress and began to build a career in this area.

On the set of the film "My sailor"

From 1992 to 1995, Roxana Babayan decided to take a short break in her career, and when she returned to the world of show business, she practically stopped singing and devoted herself to theater, cinema and television.

Personal life

Konstantin Orbelyan became the first husband of the aspiring artist. It was with him that she went to Moscow, to conquer a wide audience of the USSR. But the marriage with the famous composer, pianist and People's Artist Orbelyan lasted less than three years, ending in divorce. At a certain moment, the couple realized that they could not live under the same roof, because apart from music, nothing connected them.

With husband Mikhail Derzhavin

With her second husband, Mikhail Derzhavin, an oriental woman with a chic jazz voice met at Domodedovo Airport, getting on the same plane flying to Dzhezkazgan for a concert for miners. The mutual magnetism between the artists led to the fact that Derzhavin decided to leave his family and divorced his second wife, Nina Budyonny.

Many people know the wonderful pop singer and film actress, People's Artist and amazing woman Roxana Babayan. Information about her biography, family and children is of interest to her many fans. Recently, her husband, actor Mikhail Derzhavin, passed away. About how they met, about the life of the singer and how she manages to look so luxurious in her respectable years, will be discussed in the article.

The childhood of the singer

Roxana Rubenovna Babayan was born in 1946, her biography began in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. In the family, except for Roxana, there were no children. The girl grew up as a cheerful, free child, as they say, "tomboy", she often fought with the boys.

The father of the future artist worked as an engineer, and her mother was a creative person, she played the piano and sang. Probably, musical talent was transferred from her daughter. Roxana began to show her abilities early, she sang various songs and romances. She knew by heart the arias from the operas that her mother performed (she was a chamber opera singer).

Roxana Babayan's childhood

Often the girl tied a tablecloth around her shoulders, stood on a chair and gave "concerts" through the open window. Everyone passing by stopped, listened, applauded. Such "concerts" could go on for hours. Then her mother taught her notes and how to play the piano.

Later, the girl was sent to a music school, but Roxana was a restless child. It was very difficult for her to sit at the instrument and learn scales. Then she dropped out of music school. This is despite the fact that Roxanne has been composing music since early childhood. She even wrote the opera Cinderella and staged it herself in a children's group.

Of course, my mother dreamed that her daughter would become a famous singer. However, soon the father found out about their joint dreams and was very angry. He forbade his daughter to receive a musical education, and ordered her to follow in his footsteps. It happens in Eastern families that a man decides absolutely everything for women, his word remains the last. Maybe he took care of his daughter in such a way that she would get a useful profession, because many people think that the specialty of a musician brings little income.

Father was against Roxana getting a musical education

The youth of the singer

Therefore, after graduating from a secondary school, Roxana applied to the Institute of Railway Engineers. She was accepted, and the girl began to study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. But, of course, her heart did not lie in this profession. She still dreamed of a musical career and believed that her dream would come true in due time.

Slowly, secretly from her father, the girl began to attend amateur performances. Then Roxana began to take part in various competitions and festivals. Thanks to her talent, she easily took first place. And then luck smiled at the beginning singer: at one of these competitions, the talented girl was noticed by the People's Artist of the USSR K. Orbelyan. He invited the girl to his pop orchestra, which he led. Roxana, along with other singers, began to solo in it.

Over the next few years, the talented girl combined her studies at the university and work in the orchestra. She did not dare to leave the institute, she was afraid of her father's wrath.

In her student years, Babayan participated in various music competitions and festivals.

The beginning of a creative career

Babayan's vocal career began as a soloist in the Orbelyan variety orchestra in Yerevan, where she performed mainly jazz compositions. Together with the orchestra, Roxana toured the country and abroad. Then, after graduating from the institute, Roxana got into the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Blue Guitars".

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of living in Moscow, and now, finally, her dream has come true. In 1973, she settled in the capital, and began to sing in the Blue Guitars. She had to change from jazz to rock music, which was performed in this group. Once a funny thing happened to her.

Roxana was a guest at the international competition for young singers in Bratislava. But suddenly it turned out that one of the Russian participants fell ill, then Roxana urgently had to replace him. For her, it was a complete surprise, she was not ready to participate. In addition, just before going on stage, the singer's shoe broke. She quickly ran upstairs to the dressing room and grabbed the first shoes that came across. As it turned out later, these were the shoes of the Czech singer Helena Vondrachkova. They were too big for her.

In her youth, Roxana Babayan was at the peak of her solo career

But, nevertheless, putting them on, Roxanne, limping, went on stage. This negativity did not prevent her from winning this competition! After that on . Her song “And again I will smile at the sun” (“I will sing this song to both the elderly and the young”) has become an absolute hit. The cheerful sunny melody of the Azerbaijani composer Polad Bulbul-Ogly was emphasized by the oriental performance of the singer. Absolutely everyone sang it in the 70s: adults and children. In every house, in every family, a recording of this song played.

In the creative biography of Roxana Babayan, a period of popularity has begun. In 1976, she went to a song contest in Dresden and won first place there too.

Peak of popularity

Soon Roxana Babayan performed at the Russian contest "Song of the Year" with the song "And Again I Will Smile at the Sun" and won first place. Then the singer participated in gala festivals in Cuba, where she received the Grand Prix. In the 70s, Roxana entered the top six singers in the country. Her unusual voice, striking with its strength and uniqueness, as well as the attractive oriental appearance of the singer, made Roxana the most popular singer of those years. Her whole “sunny” image teaches optimism, goodness, because Roxana herself is a very kind and positive person.

Unusual duet: Roxana Babayan and rocker Alexander "Chacha" Ivanov

In the 80s, the singer's popularity not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased. She gave concerts throughout the country and abroad, everywhere she was waiting for a full house. In addition, Roxana decided to get a second higher education, this time theater. She combined her studies and her vocal career. In 1983, Roxana graduated from the Institute of Theater Institute.

In the late 80s, the singer was waiting for a new surge of celebrity, the song "Two Women" performed by Roxana won at the "Song-88" contest. This is a touching story about two completely different women's lives. The singer also showed acting talent when performing this song, it was presented as a small performance.

Also at this time, the singer met the talented Soviet composer Vladimir Matetsky. His songs were performed by various singers (Sofia Rotaru, Yaak Yola, Vadim Kazachenko and others), they have always enjoyed extraordinary popularity among Soviet listeners. Melodic and rhythmic at the same time, many people liked such songs.

Singer in the film "New Odeon"

In the 80s, a rather fruitful collaboration between Roxana and Matetsky began. As a result, famous hits performed by Babayan appeared:

  • "Yerevan";
  • "Sorry";
  • "Thirteen";
  • "Happiness is near, happiness is far";
  • "I didn't say the main thing";
  • "Sunny Island";
  • "East is a delicate matter";
  • "Because of love";
  • "Sorcerer's Enchantment";
  • "At the height of summer", etc.

And the singer sang Matetsky's song "Long Conversation" together with the well-known Baltic journalist, leading popular television interviews, Urmas Ott.

In 1988, the singer received the title of Honored Artist, in the same year her first disc was released. The following songs from Babayan's repertoire were no less popular, many still remember them: "Thunder Peals", "I'm not for you", "You can't love someone else's husband", "Vitenka".

In the 90s, the singer has been active in concert, touring, releasing CDs. This was followed by a short break in Roxanne's vocal career, during which she switched to acting. Returning to the stage in 2013, she again began to sing, recorded the song “Course to Oblivion” with the Radio Chacha group and starred in the video. Then another CD came out.

The singer traveled a lot with tours

Roxana is currently actively participating in television programs, giving interviews.

Work in cinema

In the 90s of the last century, Roxanne, unexpectedly for everyone, left the pop scene at the very peak of her popularity and began to actively act in films. Her debut was the role in the comedy "Womanizer" directed by Eyramdzhan. In it, she played the wife of the hero played by Mikhail Derzhavin, her husband. Their mutual friend Alexander Shirvindt also starred in the film.

Most likely, Roxana was persuaded to start an acting career after her accidental debut on the stage of the theater. Then it was necessary to urgently replace the sick actress, and Roxana boldly played Khanuma. This debut was so brilliant that it seemed that Roxana had been playing on stage since childhood! So easily and talentedly she played this role.

Shot from the film "My sailor"

Then she again starred in the comedy of the same director and again with her husband. The film was called "My sailor". Lyudmila Gurchenko also played there.

The director fell in love with Roxana as an actress and again filmed her with her husband in the film "New Odeon" in 1992.

Two years later, again, the same director filmed Roxana with Derzhavin in the comedy "The Third Is Not Extra", where she played a fortuneteller. I must say that Babayan starred in the films only of Eyramdzhan and only with Mikhail Derzhavin.

These were the films:

  • "Fiance from Miami";
  • "Impotent";
  • "Diva Mary".

Babayan starred in films with Mikhail Derzhavin

After that, Roxana decided to return to the pop stage and continue her vocal career. As the singer herself says, the secret of her youth is in love.

Personal life

Many are interested in the personal life and biography of such a wonderful woman as Roxana Babayan, everyone wants to know about her family and children.

It so happened that the entire creative biography of Roxana Babayan is connected with her family. And let her not have children, but she realizes maternal care in charity and care for orphans, poisoning them with funds from concerts.

Roxana Babayan created her first family with the conductor Konstantin Orbelyan, the one who paved her way to the pop stage. Of course, it was hard not to fall in love with a young talented girl like Roxanne. There was a big age difference between the spouses (eighteen years), besides, the husband was jealous, like all Eastern men.

Mikhail Derzhavin was the second husband of the artist

Roxana was a freedom-loving person from childhood, so she could not put up with this situation for a long time. They soon divorced after living for about ten years. But Roxana often says that she does not hold a grudge against him, they remained friends.

Roxana met her second husband, an artist, by chance. It was on the plane, Roxanne said that she was very tired then and wanted to sleep. But when she met Mikhail, she suddenly realized that this was fate. By that time, Roxana was free, but she was very afraid to start a new relationship, remembering past experiences. Therefore, she was cautious and did not hurry.

In addition, Mikhail was at that time married to the daughter of the illustrious commander Budyonny. This was his second marriage, his first wife was actress Ekaterina Raikina, who was the daughter of Arkady Raikin and the wife of two more famous actors later.

Roxana and Mikhail began to meet, their feelings were mutual, and the relationship developed rapidly. A few months later, Mikhail divorced his wife and proposed to Roxana.

He was helped to make the right choice by his friend, actor Alexander Shirvindt. They were friends for a long time, they played together on the stage of the Theater of Satire. Mikhail is used to consulting with Sasha in everything. And when Roxana came to visit Alexander with Mikhail, he studied her for a long time with his piercing gaze. After she left, Shirvindt, with his usual irony, said seriously: “We must take it!”

The artist has an extensive creative career

Mikhail and Roxana got married in 1980 and never parted again. They lived very friendly, soul to soul for more than thirty-five years. The couple were together not only at home and on vacation, they played together in the theater and acted in films. It was a truly harmonious duet, family and creative. We can say that it was Mikhail who discovered his wife as an actress and helped her make an acting career.

Alexander Shirvindt, who played a big role in the fate of the spouses, remained their true friend of the family. They also often starred together in films and on television. A clip is known where all three sing a song, and they also took part in the Morning Mail program.

When her beloved husband Roxana passed away, she was very homesick and mourned for him. Roxana starred in a documentary dedicated to his memory.

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