Riddles and puzzles. Interesting logic question

With a catch that have gained popularity among a huge number of different people, not only due to the possibility of using them in the educational process, but also because of the entertainment component.

Such riddles contribute to the expansion of the horizons of both children and adults, and they are of interest to those who want to replenish their knowledge. They are light and simple. Let's start.

1. A man stands on one side of the river, his dog on the other. He calls the dog, and he immediately runs to the owner, without getting wet, without using either the boat or the bridge. How did she do it?

2. What is unusual about the number - 8, 549, 176, 320?

3. A 12 round bout is scheduled between two boxers. After 6 rounds, one boxer is knocked to the floor, but none of the men is considered a loser. How is this possible?

4. In 1990, a person turned 15 years old, in 1995 the same person turned 10. How is this possible?

5. You are standing in the corridor. Before you are three doors to three rooms and three switches. You can't see what's going on in the rooms, and you can only get into them through the door. You can enter each room once and only when all the switches are off. How to understand which switch belongs to which room?

6. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April, the second was named May. What was the name of the third child?

7. Before the discovery of Mount Everest, what was the highest peak in the world?

8. What word is always misspelled?

9. Billy was born on December 25, but his birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

10. A truck driver is moving in the opposite direction on a one-way street. Why aren't the cops stopping him?

11. How can you throw a raw egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?

12. How can a person go eight days without sleep?

13. The doctor gave you three tablets and told you to take one every half an hour. How long will it take you to take all the pills?

14. You entered a dark room with one match. The room has an oil lamp, a newspaper and wooden blocks. What will you light first?

15. Is a man legally entitled to marry his widow's sister?

16. Some months have 30 days, some have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

17. What goes up and down but stays in one place?

18. What can you never eat for breakfast?

19. What always increases and never decreases?

20. Imagine that you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks. How can you survive?

21. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

22. Seven sisters arrived at the dacha, and each of them went about her own business. The first sister cooks food, the second one works in the garden, the third one plays chess, the fourth one reads a book, the fifth one does a crossword puzzle, the sixth one does laundry. And what does the seventh sister do?

23. What goes both uphill and downhill, but at the same time remains in place?

24. Which table has no legs?

Difficult riddles with answers

25. How many years are there in a year?

26. What kind of cork can not stop up any bottle?

27. No one eats it raw, but when cooked, they throw it away. What's this?

28. The girl wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but she lacked 10 rubles. The boy also wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but he lacked 1 ruble. The children decided to buy one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

29. A cowboy, a yogi and a gentleman are sitting at the table. How many feet are on the floor?

30. Nero, George Washington, Napoleon, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci. Who is missing from this list?

Riddles with a trick

31. Which island calls itself a piece of linen?

32. Is she red?

No, black.

Why is she white?

Because green.

33. You are sitting in an airplane, a car is in front of you, a horse is behind you. Where are you?

34. How long does it take to boil a hard boiled egg in water?

35. What unites the numbers 69 and 88?

Logic riddles

36. Whom does God never see, the king rarely sees, but the common man sees every day?

37. Who walks while sitting?

38. What is the longest month of the year?

39. How can you jump off a 10-meter ladder and not crash? And not even get hurt?

40. When this item is needed, it is abandoned, and when it is not needed, it is taken with them. What are we talking about?

Riddles with answers

41. Any person receives it for free twice in his life, but if he needs it for the third time, then he will have to pay for it. What's this?

42. The name of which state will you get if you put a small horse between two identical pronouns?

43. The capital of a European state in which blood flows?

44. The combined age of father and son is 77 years. The age of the son is the age of the father in reverse. How old are they?

45. If it is white, then it is dirty, and if it is black, then it has been cleansed. What are we talking about?

Difficult riddles

46. ​​Can a person be in a room without his head and still be alive?

47. In what case will you not be able to take the place of a seated person, even if he gets up?

48. What product can be boiled in at least 10 kg of salt, and it still will not become salty?

49. Who can easily light a match underwater?

50. A plant that knows everything?

51. What will you do if you see a green man?

52. How many stripes does a zebra have?

53. When does a person look like a tree?

54. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner?

55. Where is the end of the world?

Ready for answers?

Answers to riddles

1. The river is frozen

2. This number contains all digits from 0 to 9.

3. Both boxers are female.

4. He was born in 2005 BC.

5. Turn on the right switch and do not turn it off for three minutes. After two minutes, turn on the middle switch and keep it on for one minute. When the minute has passed, turn off both switches and enter the rooms. One bulb will be hot (switch 1), one will be warm (switch 2), and the cold bulb will refer to the switch you didn't touch.

6. Johnny.

7. Everest, it just hasn't been discovered yet.

8. The word "wrong."

9. Billy was born in the southern hemisphere.

10. He is walking along the sidewalk.

11. An egg won't break a concrete floor!

12. Sleep at night.

13. You will need one hour. Take one tablet now, the second in half an hour, and the third in another half hour.

14. Match.

15. No, he is dead.

16. Each month has 28 or more days.

17. Staircase.

19. Age.

20. Stop imagining.

22. The seventh sister plays chess with the third.

23. Road.

24. At the diet.

25. There is one summer in a year.

26. Traffic jam.

27. Bay leaf.

28. The price of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. The girl had no money at all.

29. One foot on the floor. The cowboy puts his feet on the table, the gentleman crosses his legs, and the yogi meditates.

30. Sherlock Holmes because he is a fictional character.

32. Blackcurrant.

33. Carousel.

34. This does not need to be done, the egg is already boiled.

35. Upside down, they look the same.

36. Like yourself.

37. Chess player.

39. Jump off the lowest step.

42. Japan.

44.07 and 70; 25 and 52; 16 and 61.

45. School board.

46. ​​Yes. Stick your head out the window or door.

47. When sitting on your lap.

49. Sailor on a submarine.

51. Cross the road.

52. Two, black and white.

53. When he had just woken up (pine, from sleep).

55. Where the shadow begins.

No matter how many correct answers you get, this is not an IQ test. It is important to force your brain to think outside of the ordinary. Below we will give you some tips that will help tune your brain to the right wave and prevent it from aging.

brain exercises

Let a crossword, puzzle, sudoku, or any other similar thing that interests you always be in a conspicuous place. Every morning spend a few minutes on them, activate the brain.

Constantly attend exhibitions or conferences on topics unfamiliar to you. Think about how you can apply what you've learned to your industry.

Greetings friends! Today I propose to plunge into the world of fun and mysteries. My huge selection will go for children and adults, it contains complex logic puzzles, short riddles with a trick and, of course, they all have answers.

To develop logic, you do not need to invent new detective riddles, you should not compose criminal ones, it is enough to use what you have found or what you have available. Our parents also loved to guess Soviet riddles at feasts and during cheerful meetings, only then they were not very popular with a trick.

Friends, this time I have brought together a lot of Russian and funny riddles, both serious and complex, which are suitable for children over 12 years old and adults. This is not my first selection, you can find the rest in the “creativity crafts” section. I hope you appreciate my efforts. For easier orientation, I have divided interesting riddles into subgroups.

Don't eat it raw, throw it away boiled. What's this?

(Bay leaf).

Without which nothing ever happens?


A girl is sitting, and you cannot sit in her place, even if she gets up and leaves. Where is she sitting?

(She sits on your lap).

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

(sleep at night).

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out?

(Police don't put out fires, firefighters put out fires.)

To find a buried pirate treasure, you need to go from the old oak 12 steps to the north and 5 steps to the south, then 4 to the north and 11 to the south. Where is the treasure buried? (near the old oak).

- Is she red?

- No, black.

- Why is she white?

Because it's green.

(black currant).

When we look at the number 22 and say 10?

(when we look at the clock).

Logic riddles with answers are not funny, but they have a very good effect on the brain of a child and an adult. Some of the provided ones can be classified as for adults, because not every student can guess this. In the sequel, I will add a few more math logic puzzles with answers.

There is 1 orange on the table. It was cut into 2 parts, how many oranges are on the table?

(1 cut).

There were 3 tall pine trees at the edge. Each pine has 3 large branches and 3 small ones. Each small branch has an apple. How many apples are on the trees?

(0, apples do not grow on pines).

5 tractors worked in the field. 2 tractors broke down and stopped. How many tractors are in the field? (5, since all tractors, both working and broken, are taken into account).

Marina was walking from home to school and met three men. Each had a bag on his back. The first man had one cat in the bag, the second man had one cat and one dog in the bag. The third one had 2 dogs in the bag. How many people and animals were sent to the school in total?

(One person, Marina herself. The men with bags walked in the opposite direction from the school).

Logic riddles with answers, with a trick

Funny logic riddles with answers are loved by children of any age, both at the age of 7 and at 10, with the help of my selection you will have a great time with your family. Play similar logical and interesting tasks with your parents, adults are also interested.

For lunch son Vanya

Mom cooks soup

(not in a glass, but in a saucepan)

The roads became drier - I have dry

(not ears, but legs)

And capricious, and stubborn,

Doesn't want to go to kindergarten

(not mother, but daughter)

All this dispute is useless - take the fabric cut

(not an ax, but scissors)

Hockey players heard crying

Missed their goalkeeper

(not a ball, but a puck)

At night, every window

Weakly illuminates

(moon, not sun).

I'll tell you without a hitch -

I carry children in my bag.

And in jumping I am a champion,

I am bouncy gray

(Kangaroo, not elephant).

From red fox

Into the bush

Wrapped up in leaves


(hedgehog, not boa constrictor).

Grandma asks Arkasha

Eat from radishes

(Salad, not porridge).

Yulia's mother asked

Pour some tea for her

(A cup, not a saucepan).

I wanted blue varnish

I paint myself

(Nails, not the body).

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof

(Chimney sweep, not a doctor).

Every day summer is closer to us,

We'll all be up soon

(Rollers, not skis).

You will sleep in the lessons - you will receive an answer

(Two, not 5).

Difficult logic puzzles with answers

Two fifth-graders Petya and Alyonka are walking from school and talking.

When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday, - said one of them, - then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What day of the week did they speak? (Sunday).

Cat - 3, horse - 5, rooster - 8, donkey - 2, cuckoo - 4, frog - 3, dog -? What is this about?

(Cat - meow (3), Horse - i-go-go (5), Rooster - ku-ka-re-ku (8), Donkey - i-a (2), ..., Dog - woof (3) - letters).

A traveler came to the inn. He had no money with him, but he had a silver chain consisting of six links. The owner of the hotel agreed to accept one ring from this chain as payment for the room for each day, but in such a way that he would receive no more than one sawn rings. How should the traveler cut the chain so that he can pay the owner for each day separately for five days?

(It is enough to saw one third of the link. For the first day, he will pay with a sawn link. For the next day, he will give up two links, receiving a sawn link as change. For the third day of his stay, he will pay with a piece of three links, receive change - two links).

Not far from the coast there is a ship with a rope ladder launched into the water, which has 10 steps. The distance between them is 30 cm. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. The ocean is still calm, but the beginning of the tide is felt, which will raise the water by 15 cm in an hour. In how many hours will the third step of the rope ladder be covered with water?

(Water will never cover the third step. The ladder will rise with the water.)

What is given to a person for free twice, and if he wants to have it a third time, then he has to pay?


The pot is filled with water all the way to the top. How to measure liquid without using any measuring devices so that only half of the liquid remains in the pan.

(You need to tilt the pan and pour out the water until the bottom appears from the side. This will be half the pan).

A healthy person who does not get sick, does not have a disability, and who has everything in order with his legs, is taken out of the hospital in his arms. Who is it? (Newborn baby)
You are in a running race. When you overtook the one who ran last, what did you become?

(This cannot be, because the last runner cannot be overtaken, because he is the last one and there cannot be someone else behind him).

I won’t say that these are the most difficult puzzles for logic with answers, but in order to solve them without a hint, you will have to work a little. This category is intended for adults and if you have coped with the logic task, share it with others.

Short logic puzzles with answers

A simple question for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of?

(Dogs, not mice).

Two bellies - four ears


Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How?

(They were on different banks).

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break?

(You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse?

(Five minutes).

How to divide five apples among five girls so that each of them gets an apple, and at the same time one of the apples remains in the basket?

(Give one girl an apple along with a basket).

Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?


What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?


What can't you pick up from the floor by the tail?

(ball of thread).

Riddles in pictures for logic with answers

Logic riddles with answers 7 years

What can't even fit in the biggest pot?

(Her cap).

Under the roof - four legs, and on the roof - soup and spoons


In our house, under the window, there is a hot harmonica: it does not sing or play - it heats the house (heating battery).

When six children, three adults and two cats don't all get wet together under an umbrella?

(If it doesn't rain).

One driver did not take his driver's license with him. There was a one-way sign, but he moved in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this but did not stop him. Why?

(The driver was walking).

What kind of comb can not be combed?


What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea?

(He gets wet).

Which nose does not smell?

(The nose of a shoe or boot, the nose of a teapot).

This is such a ribbon - silky-painted,

But you can’t take it with your hands and you can’t weave it into pigtails.


Where the king and queen walk to the right, walk to the left

They walk - straight, walk - obliquely, walk - silently, without question.

Even a whole day in a row at the request of the guys?

(On the chessboard).

They love, with all sincerity, to let guests into the house.

But I’ll tell you right away, I’ve never been myself.


Interesting puzzles for the whole family, it's fun and great pastime. Develop logic and thinking with the help of riddles.

Logic riddles 10 years with answers

The man was going down the stairs, which had seven steps, and broke his leg. If the ladder had twenty-eight steps instead of seven, how many legs would he break?

(None, or another)

What do the numbers 69 and 88 have in common?

(If you turn them over they will look the same).

A saucepan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the saucepan hung from the table. After a while, the pan fell off. What was in it?


The 9-storey building has an elevator. 2 people live on the first floor, 4 people live on the second floor, 8 people live on the third floor, 16 people live on the fourth floor, 32 people live on the fifth floor, etc. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

(Button of the first floor).

A soldier walked past the Eiffel Tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to?

(to the police).

When they build a house, what do they drive a nail into?

(In a hat).

What goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?


Logic riddles with answers 12 years old

Anton's father's name is Andrey Viktorovich, and his grandfather's name is Sergey Ivanovich. What is the middle name of Anton's mother?

(Sergeevna, Because Sergey Ivanovich is Anton's mother's father. Anton's father's father's name is Victor).

What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?

(Sea anchor).

There were two fathers and two sons, they found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could it be?

(They were grandfather, father and son).
There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room. The owner came in with his dog. How many legs are in the room?
(Two, animals have paws).

Indicate five days, while not designating them with numbers and without naming the day of the week.

(Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time?


It is always before us, but we cannot see it.


Which hand is best for stirring tea?

(The one with the spoon).

How long can you go to the forest?

Friends, how do you like my riddles for children on logic, perhaps they are not the most difficult, but you still have to think. Many people know Soviet riddles, but here modern ones for children and adults are selected. Share them on social networks, I will be sincerely grateful to you.

Your Nina Kuzmenko!

For each person, the most difficult riddle is his own. The one over which he fought for many hours or even days. But eventually figured it out and found the answer on my own. He will never forget the clue.

But still, among those ever invented, there are those that can be confidently classified as the most intricate. They will be discussed.

The first group of puzzles: for children

Do not think that any adult can easily cope with them. Even not the most difficult riddle in the world can seriously puzzle. Moreover, there will be a big embarrassment if a child copes with it, and an adult will find it too tough.

  • Life gives it as a gift twice. You have to pay for the third set. (Teeth.)
  • A birch grew in the garden. There were 45 apples hanging on it. The wind blew and 9 of them fell. How many apples are left on it? (Not at all, because apples do not grow on birches.) Note. Although if a person with creative thinking comes across, he can say that nowhere is it said that apples grew on a tree. They just hung. And it is not known how they were fixed, therefore they fell.

The list of tasks that can be described as "the most difficult puzzle" continues.

  • The athlete during the race overtook the one who was in second position. Where was he? (On the second, because he did not catch up with the first.)
  • The same athlete in another competition overtook the last one. What position did he get? (It is impossible to overtake the latter, if someone is ahead of him, then he was not the last.)
  • This thing is thrown if it is needed. And when it turns out to be unnecessary, then it is raised. What's this? (Sea anchor.)

The second group of riddles: for those who like to count

These tasks will require mathematical calculations and a little reasoning. And then any of the most difficult riddles in the world can be solved.

  • A specialist is invited to a well-known company for the position of financial analyst. He is offered a starting salary of 10,000 a month. It can be upgraded in two ways. The first promises an increase of 15 thousand a year. The second guarantees an increase of 5 thousand in six months. Which option will be more profitable? (Second.) Note. You will need to calculate the salary for an arbitrary number of years. Even the first two will suffice. In both cases, the annual salary is the same - 120 thousand. Upgrade plan for the first scenario: 120k, 135k, and so on. The second scenario will give the following alignment: 60 for the first six months and 65 for the second part of the year, as a result, 125 thousand for the 1st year. Second year: 70 and 75, which will give 145 thousand per year.
  • There is a heavy anchor at the bottom of the boat. She floats on the surface of the water in the pool. What will happen to the water level if the untied anchor is thrown out of the boat? (Decrease.) Note. While the anchor lies in the boat, the part of it submerged in the water is much larger than the volume of the anchor itself.

  • How to draw 4 liters of water if there are only containers of 5 and 3 available? (Fill 5, pour into 3, empty the second, pour the remaining 2 from the first into it, dial 5 again, pour 1 liter from it into a three-liter.)

The third group of riddles: to speculate

Creativity is impossible without thinking carefully and moving away from the standards that society has driven people into. Therefore, the most difficult logic puzzles turn out to be simple after they are answered.

  • In a large room there is a partition, behind which there are three light bulbs. Moreover, they are not visible from the remote control with three switches. It is required to determine which one is from each light bulb. You can only go through the barrier once. The solution requires two steps. The first is to turn on one light bulb and turn it off after a few minutes. During this time, she will have time to warm up. The second action is to turn on the second light bulb. Now you can look. The one that is hot is the first. The other glows - the second. And the third - the one that was not touched at all.
  • One hotel has seven floors. On the first settled 4 guests. On each subsequent floor, their number increases by 3. On which floor is the elevator button most often pressed? (On the first.)
  • One person had only one match left in the box. He enters a room with a kerosene lamp on the fireplace and a gas stove. What will the person light up first? (A match.)

And this is perhaps the most difficult riddle of logic.

You need to bake 6 pies. On each side they need to be fried for 5 minutes. Only 4 pies can be placed on the pan at a time. How can I cook them in 15 minutes?

The solution consists of the following steps:

  • put 4 pies for 5 minutes;
  • 2 turn over and remove the others, put two more, not yet fried, for another 5 minutes;
  • 2 remove (they are already ready), 2 turn over and put those that were previously removed for the remaining 5 minutes.

The fourth group of riddles: ingenuity

They require ingenuity. A savvy person will easily solve all the most complex logical riddles.

  • The girl took out a ring from a cup of coffee. Why didn't the ring get wet? (Coffee in powder, granules or beans.)

  • One businessman bought apples for 6 rubles, and sold them for 4. How did he manage to become a millionaire? (Before this action, he was a billionaire.)
  • The steamer moored at the pier, and the 4 lower steps were in the water. The thickness and height of the steps: 5 and 30 cm. While the steamer was at the pier, the tide began, and the water arrived by 40 cm every hour. How many steps will be under water 3 hours after the start of the tide? (Still 4, the steamer will rise with the water.)

Fifth group of riddles: with a trick

In solving such problems, logic and the ability to count well will not always help. These most difficult riddles - with a catch. That is, those in which you need to look for something unusual.

  • Three tractor drivers work on the collective farm, who have a brother Sergei. But he has no brothers. How can this be? (They are sisters.)
  • There were 10 candles on the candlestick. The hostess blew out 3 of them. How many candles will be left by morning? (3: those that are blown out will not burn.)
  • It is now 12 o'clock at night. It is raining outside. How confident is it that the sun will shine in 72 hours? (Not at all, it will be night again.)
  • In what situation is it easier for a black cat to enter the house? (When the door is open.)

And some more mysteries

  • It is impossible to keep it for more than 5-10 minutes. But at the same time, it weighs almost nothing (Breathing.)
  • There were so many apples on the plate that there were enough for all the children. How did it happen that all the guys took one at a time, but one was left on the plate? (The latter took it along with the plate.)

And here is the most difficult riddle, which has two solutions.

The patient needs to leave for 30 days. The doctor gives him two medicines of 30 tablets. They can not be distinguished by color, taste, smell, shape and size. It is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment. Every day you need to take one tablet of each drug. One day, a person took out 1 tablet from the first package, and 2 fell out of the second. They mixed up. How can the patient follow the doctor's recommendations?

1. Take another tablet from the first one. Cut everything in half and put all the left halves in one direction, and the right halves in the other. So it turns out that in each pile there will be one of each type.

2. Again, take another pill. Grind everything into a powder and divide into two equal parts.

101 trick questions.

Target: development of logical connections
Can be used on class watches, for fun competitions, competitions and competitions, at the celebration of Laughter.
Designed for children of primary school age and older.

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")
2. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (none because the bottom fell)
3. When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)
4. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
5. Which watch shows the exact time only twice a day? (who stopped)
6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)
7. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (by gender)
8. What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)
8. The crow sits, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)
9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)
10. In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)
11. Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there? (cones do not grow on a birch)
12. What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (get wet)
13. How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters? (cat)
14. When a horse is bought, what is it like? (wet)
15. A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")
16. A flock of birds flew to the grove. They sat down two by two on a tree - one remained; sat down one at a time - one did not get. How many trees are there in a grove, and how many birds are in a flock? (three trees, four birds)
17. A woman went to Moscow, three old men met her, each old man had a sack, and in each sack a cat. How many went to Moscow? (one woman)
18. There are four hollows on four birches, four branches on each hollow, four apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (apples do not grow on a birch)
19. Forty wolves ran, how many necks and tails do they have? (Tails do not grow near the neck)
20. What fabric cannot be used to sew shirts? (From the railway)
21. What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2 and 3)
22. When are hands pronouns? (You-we-you)
23. What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna, Alla)
24. In what forests is there no game? (In construction)
25. Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare)
26. What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without? (No fraction)
27. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)
28. When does the car move all the time at the speed of the train? (When he is on the platform of a moving train)
29. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes, how many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 minutes)
30: Which flower is masculine and feminine? (Ivan da Marya)
31. Name five days without naming the numbers and names of the days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
32. What bird, having lost one letter, becomes the largest river in Europe? (Oriole)
33. Which city is named after a large bird? (Eagle)
34. What is the name of the first woman in the world who mastered an aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
35. From the name of which city can you make a filling for sweet pies? (Raisin)
36. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
37. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed).
38. What is the most terrible river? (River Tigris).
39. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).
40. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).
41. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).
42. What is under a person's feet when he walks over a bridge? (Shoe sole).
43. What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh)
44. How many peas can go into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).
45. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin).
46. ​​How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)
47. When is the forest a snack? (When he's cheese)
48. How to pluck a branch so as not to frighten a bird? (Wait for the bird to fly away)
49. What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
50. What freezes in the room in winter, but not on the street? (Window glass)
51. What opera consists of three alliances? (Ah, and, yes - Aida)
52. Whoever does not have it does not want to have it, and whoever has it cannot give it away. (bald)
53. What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)
54. The son of my father, but not my brother. Who is it? (I myself)
55. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
56. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and").
57. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
58. How can you put two liters of milk in a one-liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).
59. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).
60. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
61. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).
62. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).
63. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).
64. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).
65. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).
66. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It will get wet).
67. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).
68. What can be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant).
69. Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is best stirred with a spoon).
70. What question cannot be answered "no"? (You are alive?).
71. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies, and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).
72. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Get older).
73. What gets bigger when put upside down. (Number 6).
74. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (Jump from the bottom step).
75. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).
76. Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)
77. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
78. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
79. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)
80. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
81. When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (wet)
82. Why does a cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down)
83. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)
84. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)
85. What is the most terrible river? (River Tigris)
86. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
87. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
88. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)
89. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)
90. What will happen if a black scarf is lowered into the Red Sea? (get wet)
91. Which hand is better to stir tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
92. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
93. What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
94. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)
95. What do we eat for? (At the table)
96. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
97. When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)
98. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)
99. 90 apples grew on a birch. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. (Apples do not grow on a birch).
100. Under what tree does a hare sit when it rains? (Under wet).
101. Name five days without giving numbers (eg 1, 2, 3, ..) and names of days (eg Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...). (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) .

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are not on an empty stomach.)
What tree does a crow land on when it rains? (To wet.)
How many minutes does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg - two - three - five? (Not at all, it's already cooked. Hard boiled.)
Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
Where is the water standing? (In glass.)
What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
What disease on land does no one get sick with? (Nautical.)
When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Soles of boots.)
Why do they often go and never go? (On the stairs.)
How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest.)
What happens to a crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
Under which tree does the hare hide when it rains? (Under wet.)
What needs to be done to saw off the branch on which the crow sits without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there? (One.)
The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (Maybe because the dog sits on the ground on its tail.)
If a cat climbs a tree and wants to get down from it along a smooth trunk, how will it go down: head down or tail first? (Tail forward, otherwise it will not hold.)
Who is above us upside down? (Fly.)
What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
Is it possible to bring hearths in a sieve? (You can when it freezes.)
Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
What bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
What lies between the city and the countryside? (Conjunction "and".)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open.)
My father's son, not my brother. Who is it? (I myself.)
Seven candles burned in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

Who doesn't love riddles? Probably, any person at least once, but was proud that he guessed the riddle. It is likely that we love riddles because this is the fastest way to show your interlocutor your remarkable mental abilities. Five minutes and you are a genius in the eyes of the one who guessed the riddle, or at least a very intelligent person. Who wouldn't enjoy this? And, if other witnesses of your ability turned out to be nearby, this means that your glory as an outstanding person will be increased.

But you say: "What about people who solve riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles alone, all alone?" Everything is simple. “You think that no one saw what a fine fellow I am, but I know that I am a fine fellow!” Self-esteem is another important factor. All peoples have riddles and have been at all times. Their popularity waxed and waned. In ancient times, riddles were often invented by poets, oracles, and even in sacred writings they used wise riddles-questions. This is an interesting and fascinating pastime for the mind in those distant times, it was believed that it had a mysterious power: when a person solved a riddle, his desires were fulfilled and all dangers disappeared. Almost like a charm.

Riddles are different, complex and not very, but there are also those that make you think seriously, even, well, very smart academicians. Each has its own level of difficulty. The most difficult riddles with a trick, because they are designed for that, for an unexpected solution, that is, for a catch, for something that the subject does not suspect at all. Such riddles deliberately lead in the wrong direction. But most importantly, don't despair!

And here are the 10 most difficult logic puzzles with a trick.

The hardest logic puzzle #1

The most difficult logic puzzle #2

The most difficult logic puzzle #3

The most difficult logic puzzle #4

The most difficult logic puzzle #5

The most difficult logic puzzle #6

The most difficult logic puzzle #7

The most difficult logic puzzle #8

The most difficult logic puzzle #9

The most difficult logic puzzle #10

The most difficult logic puzzle #11


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