Bamboo health supplement from China for illnesses. New era: health and beauty in harmony with nature: health bamboo

This is a product of Chinese healers that has no analogues!

The concentrated product, used as a dietary supplement and having medicinal properties, has a long history.

“It’s a pity that people know little about new recipes for longevity. Grind pine pollen finely and eat it daily, and you will always be healthy.”
(Wang Shixiong, Qin Dynasty 1644-1911 AD)

Repeatedly tested, medicinal and stimulating properties have not revealed any negative effects, which is confirmed by numerous clinical trials.

The Chinese government uses pine pollen in diplomacy as a sign of respect and mutual understanding.

After carefully conducted scientific work, a product was made from pine pollen, called “State Treasure”.

It includes pollen from the flowering of Chinese and Masson pine trees.

These trees grow exclusively in Chinese territory.

Dietary supplement "Pine pollen" (0.5 g x 108 tablets)

990 rub.

Research in laboratories has shown that the drug contains more than two hundred elements with biological activity.

This includes:

  • various amino acids;
  • useful microelements, about thirty items;
  • vitamins of fourteen types;
  • about one hundred coenzymes and enzymes;
  • a large amount of fatty acids;
  • monosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Indications for use:

  • increases immunity, creates bactericidal and viral protection;
  • reduces constipation, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • protects and normalizes liver functions;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents cancer tumors, accelerates rehabilitation from chemotherapy;
  • stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • heals the prostate;
  • increases insulin production;
  • accelerates healing processes;
  • reduces the aging process, improves tone, stimulates an active life;
  • improves memory.

It is best to take it within one hundred days to have a guaranteed positive result. For a good balance of substances in the body, pine pollen is recommended to be used together with. Pollen provides microelements and calories, and bamboo cleanses the body and removes inflammatory processes.

Pine pollen improves memory, allows you to be more collected and focused. It harmonizes thinking and removes destructive emotions, and is the best way to nourish and regenerate the body at the cellular level.

What diseases does it help with?

  • Anorexia, obesity;
  • Mental retardation in children;
  • Hypertension;
  • Hyperlipidemia;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Rehabilitation period after illnesses and operations;
  • Musculoskeletal system;
  • Women's diseases, menopause;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anemia, leukemia.

Dietary supplement “Bamboo health” (0.35 g × 108 tablets)

RUB 2,070

This is a natural drug with natural ingredients that heals the body and is the best way to cleanse and protect the circulatory system. Bamboo leaves contain elements such as flavones, which help fight low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

The tablets consist of 99% bamboo extract, which helps prevent blood clots, protect the liver and restore it. This substance acts as a cleaner, removing “garbage” from the body.

Pharmacological studies have shown that bamboo extract does not contain toxic substances and no negative effects have been identified.

An important factor is the product’s resistance to acidic environments, since the product undergoes purification, it remains stable and has high hydrophilicity.

In China, bamboo has been used for food and as a medicinal product since ancient times. The powerful growth force inherent in bamboo plants is not its only quality.

This plant is highly durable and has a bactericidal effect. The content of lactones, flavonoids, polysaccharides, amino acids, chlorophyll, trace elements and vitamins is higher than anywhere else.

The Japanese Academy of Science believes that the flavone structure of bamboo leaves is similar to that of human hemoglobin. Flavone is non-toxic and non-hazardous in any concentration, is easily excreted from the body, and leaves no side effects.

The extract can be widely used in medicine, food industry, feed products, rejuvenation products and cosmetics.

Indications for use:

What ailments and diseases does it help with?

  • Aging;
  • Cholesterol, obesity;
  • Improves thinking and memory;
  • Fatty liver;
  • Oncology;
  • Respiratory tract diseases;
  • Any inflammation;
  • For diabetics and people at risk;
  • Pressure (regulates);


  • After heart attacks and strokes using blood thinning drugs. Use only after 4-6 weeks;
  • After intracavitary operations, with possible bleeding;
  • Women on critical days;
  • Children (only in case of illness, as an antipyretic, antiviral, expectorant);

Unique qualities:

  • When taken, free radicals are neutralized;
  • Protects the cardiovascular system by strengthening blood vessels;
  • The quantity and quality of cholesterol is regulated;
  • Normalizes microcirculation and blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
  • Positively affects memory and sleep;
  • Protects and helps restore the liver;
  • Strengthens and improves immunity;
  • Has bactericidal and antiviral effects;
  • Prevents inflammatory processes;
  • Normalizes sugar content;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;

Dietary supplement “Pine pollen with vegetables and fruits” (12.0 g. x 12 sachets)

720 rub.

Diet powder "Pine pollen fromvegetables and fruits for slimness" made from pollen of pine, pumpkin, carrots, nuts. Added vitamins, trace elements, and minerals, making it an ideal product for a balanced diet.

Pollen is a plant extract, and pine pollen - the best flower pollen - contains all the nutritional ingredients necessary for the development of long-lived and evergreen pine trees.

This microbank of vital elements contains proteins, lipoids, amino acids, carbohydrates, choline, nucleic acids, microelements, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, biologically active substances - flavonoids, enzymes (100 types), pigments, antibiotics, fiber, poly - and monosaccharides - over 200 types of nutrients in bioavailable form.

When pine pollen is added to food, the human body fully absorbs all the nutritional and biologically active elements of the pollen.

Pollen contains 40% soluble and insoluble fiber (dietary fiber), which is not absorbed in the small intestine, which improves and nourishes the microflora of the large intestine.

Pumpkin is an ancient vegetable, mastered by people since ancient times. It does not have a high calorie content, but has valuable dietary and medicinal properties.

Pumpkin seeds have historically been used as an anthelmintic, but their use has recently been expanded through greater understanding of their chemical composition and pharmacological properties.

Pumpkin is rich in nutrients. Contains carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, citrulline, vitamins B1,B2,B6, vitamin C, pectin, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other mineral elements.

It is very useful for patients with hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines. Pumpkin is well absorbed and cleanses the body. The seeds and pulp of fresh pumpkin are used to make the supplement. New technology is used to preserve all the nutrients in the pumpkin.

Fresh carrots, which are part of the mixture, are rich in various vitamins and microelements. It contains especially a lot of Beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. It compensates for the lack of vitamin A in the body and is an important and safe source of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is one of the most important antioxidants, our indispensable ally in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and other degenerative diseases.

It is necessary for the normal course of reproductive processes, hormonal stability of the female body, stabilization of blood sugar levels and protection against infections, strengthening the immune system, restoring vision, preventing cancer and improving the liver.

Children are especially sensitive to vitamin A (retinol) deficiency. Infectious diseases deplete retinol reserves in the children's body.

Carotenoids contained in pumpkin and carrot plants are powerful antioxidants that protect against cancer and strengthen the heart. The most famous of these is beta-carotene.

As a result of research, it turned out that only natural Beta-carotene contained in food can help the body. Moreover, Carotenoids, like B vitamins, work best when combined.

Their effectiveness depends on the strength of the biological chain and the naturalness of the products. And in combination with other antioxidants - Vitamins C, E - the maximum effect is achieved. Beta-carotene is effective in preventing many forms of cancer, most notably lung, stomach, colon and breast cancer.

In addition, beta-carotene increases levels of “good HDL cholesterol,” which has protective properties. Cholesterol can clog arteries only in its oxidized form.

We must not forget that Vitamins A, E, B and carotenoids are fat soluble. Therefore, a lack of fat in the diet (low-calorie diets with low-fat foods) prevents the full absorption of these powerful antioxidants from food. Therefore, walnuts have been added to the “Pine Pollen with Vegetables and Fruits” mixture.

The nut is rich in proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, Ω-3, Ω-6 fatty acids. More and more people appreciate its beneficial effects on brain tissue. The main composition of the nut additive: walnut kernel.

Oligomeric maltose is a factor in the development of diplobacteria. It does not harm the stomach and intestines. In the intestines, diplobacteria inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and promotes the development cycle of beneficial intestinal microflora.

The sugar-free food supplement “Pine Pollen with Vegetables and Fruits” is recommended for use by everyone as a rich source of proteins, vitamins, microelements, carotenoids and fiber.

Fiber gently cleanses our body through the intestines of poisons, toxins, waste, lowers blood sugar levels, and is also a prebiotic for intestinal flora (pine pollen lignin).

To achieve the best therapeutic result, you can add a spoonful of linseed oil and pine pollen powder from Guozhen brand to the mixture.

Areas of use:

  • To enrich the daily diet with nutrients, especially in winter;
  • For diabetics;
  • For weight loss (instead of eating);
  • To remove toxins at the cellular level;
  • To improve immunity;
  • For respiratory viral infections;
  • Seriously ill and weakened people;
  • To improve the functioning of the heart and liver;
  • For the prevention of cancer;
  • To prevent “women’s” problems;
  • For the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • To prevent inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and skin;
  • To improve vision;


Having an allergy to any of the ingredients in the product.

Dietary supplement “Pine pollen with milk and calcium” (20.0 g x 18 sachets)

RUB 1,035

Dietary product "Pine pollen with milk and calcium" prepared from pine pollen and high-quality milk powder. The unique composition and high nutritional value of the drug make it an excellent natural daily dietary supplement.

Dietary pine pollen powder contains milk powder of exceptional quality and taste. Milk is a complete source of essential nutritional components - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements). Cow's milk also contains very important elements - immunoglobulin and lactoferrin.

The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in our product is 1.6:1. In this proportion, calcium is easily and correctly absorbed.

Milk proteins, together with water, are converted into amino acids with calcium, turning it into chelated calcium, which is absorbed by 100%. Milk's natural dietary fiber promotes calcium absorption by the body.

Pine pollen is known as a natural nutritional supplement that contains over 2000 types of living nutrients necessary for the growth and health of the body, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, flavonoids, enzymes and coenzymes, fiber and proteins.

Each grain of pollen is a bioactive element available for complete absorption by the body. Pollen can effectively complement regular foods and strengthen the human immune and other systems.

Pine pollen contains 40% natural fiber, which plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Middle-aged people may suffer to varying degrees from hypofunction of various organs, osteoporosis and problems such as a decrease in the transport, excretory and assimilation abilities of the digestive tract.

Pine pollen's natural fiber, lignin, helps relax the digestive tract and remove toxic substances from the body. Lactose, the content of which in milk powder is more than 40%, promotes the proliferation of intestinal bacteria.

Fiber and lactose together support the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium contained in milk and pine pollen provides the body with the necessary level of this element.

By regulating the activity of individual hormones and enzymes, the bioavailable calcium of this dietary product has a significant impact on overall metabolism. In people over 50 years of age, there is usually a partial loss of calcium contained in the bones, which leads to an increased likelihood of fractures (for example, the femoral neck).

Lack of calcium in the blood is the most important factor in the development of hypertension. Adding 1-2 g of calcium to a daily dose significantly slows age-related calcium loss in bones and lowers blood pressure.

A lack of calcium in children's bodies can lead to developmental delays, weight loss and even rickets, fatigue, nervousness and poor learning.

With a comprehensive and balanced diet, “Pine Pollen with Milk and Calcium” additionally provides the child’s body with the necessary proteins, amino acids, vitamins, calcium and other microelements that strengthen the immune, nervous and other systems of the body, as a result of which the general physical condition improves, which is decisive a condition for the healthy development of the child’s body.


Pine pollen powder, milk powder, ultrafine calcium carbonate.

Areas of use:

    for everyone - as a drink for breakfast and between meals;

    for athletes - as a recovery drink;

    for the elderly, nursing mothers, pregnant women, weakened by illness as a source of calcium, vitamins and protein;

    for children - as a source of growth and development of the body;

    for persons suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, anemia, osteoporosis, insomnia, nervousness, hypovitaminosis, women with menopause - as a source of calcium, vitamins, microelements, protein;

    for persons who abuse alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, refined foods (especially sugar and white bread) - as a source of balanced nutrition;


Depending on your condition and age, drink 2-4 sachets a day, adding 150 g of warm water to the dietary powder, no higher than 60 degrees.


Do not use if you are intolerant to milk!

Dietary supplement “Pine pollen for the liver” (0.8 g x 180 tablets)

4,140 rub.

Strengthening tablets Pine pollen liver protection complex designed to reliably protect liver cells from various types of damage and their regeneration.

Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and modern scientific research, they are produced from pine pollen, Pueraria root essence and fructus phyllanthi fruit essence.

Experiments have shown that this product has a pronounced protective (protecting) and restoring effect on liver cells, and has an antioxidant and detoxifying (neutralizing toxins and poisons) effect.

Pine pollen called “nature’s little pantry of health”, it contains nutrients and biologically active substances such as proteins, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, flavonoids, nucleic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, etc. - more than 200 elements.

All of them are rationally combined, providing a complete set of cell nutrition, removing the potential threat of cellular starvation, regulating body functions, enhancing immunity and creating permanent protection for your health.

Research shows that pine pollen helps restore lipid peroxidation (lipid oxidation and “settling” in liver cells) caused by alcohol and provides many types of amino acids and vitamins necessary for liver cell regeneration. Pine pollen meets the requirements of normal metabolism in the liver and is effective in its treatment.

Pueraria root, also known as Asian ginseng or Kudzu herb root (Japanese) contains a large amount of flavonoids, glucosides, alkaloids, amino acids, trace elements and other active substances.

According to “Medicinal Properties”, Pueraria root can be used in the treatment of vomiting, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, which leads to the disappearance of headaches, nausea, sweating, irritability and menopausal symptoms, to stimulate appetite, but its main function is the treatment of alcohol addiction.

The unique flavonoid of pueraria has detoxifying properties, thanks to which it is able to protect the liver from chronic diseases, slow down fatty liver and intensify the process of its detoxification.

In addition, pueraria flavonoids help slow down the absorption of alcohol and increase the degree of its processing, thereby increasing the level of protection of the liver itself and the whole body from the toxic effects of alcohol; prevent or minimize the negative consequences of such exposure.

The Phyllanthus fruit - the “sacred fruit of India” - came to China from India in ancient times and was known as the sacred Indian fruit due to its ability to relieve heat and inflammation, cause the formation of saliva and relieve thirst, help with coughs, thinning and removing phlegm, and protect liver and promote its detoxification.

In modern Indian medicine, phylanthus fruits are widely used to prevent and treat liver diseases caused by exposure to drugs and other toxic agents.

Compound: pine pollen, kujuwin root essence and phylantia fruit essence.

Release form: 180 tablets

Functions: liver detoxification, necessary for acute and chronic hepatitis, liver dystrophy and cirrhosis. It is also indicated for use in people with fatty hepatosis, biliary dyskinesia, and pancreatitis.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • Toxic liver damage: diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemotherapy, occupational intoxication in persons employed in chemical production, in galvanic shops, in nuclear power plant workers, etc.;
  • Acute and chronic hepatitis, liver dystrophy and cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis;
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Harmful addictions - smoking, alcoholism;
  • Restoration of the functions of the excretory organs;
  • Normalization of psycho-emotional state;

Dietary supplement “Pine pollen with oligosaccharides” (3.0 g x 30 sachets)

RUB 1,575

Pine pollen with oligosaccharides easily and quickly cleanses the intestines.

Cleansing begins from the first day of taking the granules, nourishes the beneficial intestinal microflora, has a laxative effect, regulates body functions during diarrhea, and removes toxins.

Cleansing occurs from the very beginning of using the powder; pollen stimulates microflora, has a laxative effect, stabilizes diarrhea, and eliminates toxins.

Components: pine pollen, maltodextrin, xylo oligosaccharide.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Overweight;
  • Diabetes disease;
  • Prevention of oncological diseases of the intestine and breast;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Treatment of prostatitis;
  • Treatment of female diseases.

Dietary supplement “Pine pollen with ginseng” (0.5 g x 180 tablets)

4,005 rub.

The main components of “Pine Pollen with Ginseng” are pine pollen and ginseng extract (ginsenoside). “Pine pollen with ginseng” has beneficial properties that relieve fatigue and improve immunity.

Ginseng is the king among Chinese medicinal plants, it has strong medicinal functions.

Pine pollen is a unique component for Chinese health care, rich in nutrients. In the records of pine pollen and ginseng extract in Chinese medicine books, the combination of pine pollen and ginseng is called a “premium product combination.”

Pine Pollen with Ginseng does not contain stimulants, so it is safe to take and has no side effects.

Experiments show that “Pine pollen with ginseng” is a good remedy in the fight against fatigue.

Pine Pollen

Pine pollen is called “nature’s little pantry of health”, it contains nutrients and biologically active substances such as amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, flavonoids, nucleic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, nutritional fiber, etc.

All of them are rationally combined, providing a complete set of cell nutrition, removing the potential threat of cellular starvation, regulating body functions, enhancing immunity, creating an immune barrier and strengthening the ongoing protection of your health.

Ginseng extract

Ginseng extract is rich in ginsenosides, obtained from the stems and roots of ginseng, which are the most important active element.

Ginsenoside helps in the bilateral regulation of the central nervous system, enhances brain function, improves cardiac function, strengthens gonadal function, is an antioxidant, regulates blood lipid levels, improves immunity, etc.

Directions for use: 2 times a day, half an hour before meals, 3 tablets; The tablets are washed down with warm water.

White coffee with pine pollen (20 g x 15 bags)

860 rub.

White coffee is a variety of instant Arabica coffee with high quality pine pollen milk. This healthy mixture is designed not only to drink a cup of delicious coffee with an unforgettable aroma, but also to replenish your body with many nutrients and beneficial substances.

The name “white” coffee in no way refers to its color, but rather to the technology used to obtain it. Selected coffee beans undergo a low temperature roasting process. This preserves many useful substances in it, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, caffeine, free fatty and tannic acids, and also reduces the sour and bitter taste to a minimum, while the natural aroma of coffee is completely is saved. The use of high technology eliminates excess calories and caffeine.

White coffee has the following beneficial properties:

  • Increased tone and physical endurance;
  • Stimulation of brain performance;
  • Stimulation of bile production, cleaning of the gallbladder ducts;
  • Breakdown of fats and cleansing of blood vessels;
  • Improving metabolism and weight control;
  • Regulation of acid-base balance;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Revitalization of blood movement;
  • Neutralization of the effects of alcohol;

Based on the health theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, White Coffee seamlessly combines the refreshing and beneficial properties of coffee with the nutritional and immune benefits of pine pollen, which contains more than 200 biologically active substances in its natural form.

Guozhen. Cold pressed oil

RUB 2,205

The raw material for oil production is flax seeds grown in Inner Mongolia of China. The oil is obtained by cold pressing at low temperatures, without any chemical treatment, while preserving the natural properties of linseed oil. These products contain more than 80% unsaturated fatty acids, among which the content of Omega-3 acids is 51-57%.

Beneficial properties of flaxseed oil:

Reduces blood cholesterol levels;

Is a powerful antioxidant and growth factor;

Normalizes fat levels;

Promotes better absorption of calcium;

Restores hormonal levels, relieves PMS symptoms;

Prevents diseases of the endocrine system;

Promotes weight loss;

Prevention for diseases of the digestive tract, heartburn, for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers;

For burns, frostbite, radiation damage to the skin

Guozhen "Pressed Camellia Tea Seed Oil" (500 ml x 2 bottles)

RUB 2,475

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen while preparing food. Fried foods dominate our diet. But, as a rule, we fry with poor quality oil. Vapors (smoke from oil) stimulate diseases of the cardiovascular system and lung cancer.

  1. Vapors entering the respiratory system cause lack of appetite, fatigue, drowsiness, and depression.
  2. The fumes harm the senses.
  3. The fumes contain the carcinogen benzopyrene. It causes damage to human cell chromosomes.

Regular oil can withstand heating temperatures of 120-160 degrees, but when cooking, the temperature of the oil is much higher. CAMELLIA oil can withstand heating temperatures of 200-240 degrees without the formation of harmful substances.

Unsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins in the blood;

Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals; regulates the immune activity of cells; increases metabolism; improves the body's immunity; slows down the aging of the body.

Squalene enriches cells with oxygen, thereby reducing the feeling of fatigue and rejuvenating the body. Boosts immunity, enhances SOD function, prevents the formation of cancer cells. Improves heart function and hormone production.

Camellia saponins and glycosides help saturate cells with oxygen, regulate immunity and kidney function. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants and have detoxification and anti-irradiation functions. Increases the activity of the human body, have the effect of glucose and lipids in the blood.

Medicinal value of camellia oil:

  • Regulation of blood lipids. Cardiovascular system protection;
  • Radiation protection. Slowing down aging;
  • Antibacterial effect, relieve inflammation;
  • Detoxification and analgesic effect;
  • Beauty and health of the skin with cosmetic care (massage, face and hair masks);

Products personal hygiene« Zhuzhen»:

  • Bamboo fiber products Set for one 520 rub.
  • Bamboo fiber products Set for two: 2 face towels + 1 bath towelRUB 1,890

Bamboo fiber is an environmentally friendly, biodegradable natural fiber. Made from bamboo using high technology. These technologies were mastered later than the production of cotton, linen, wool and silk fibers.

Bamboo fiber has six beneficial properties:

  • Soft and smooth. The surface of the product is velvety, causing a feeling of tenderness and joy when touched. Very useful for especially sensitive skin.
  • Absorbent - The cross section of bamboo fiber is filled with large and small oval pores. The large cross-sectional area of ​​the fiber allows it to absorb large amounts of water per second. Therefore, bamboo fiber is called the “King of Fibers”.
  • Antibacterial and anti-mite functions. Bamboo contains bactericidal components - the so-called bamboo-kun. China's National Textile Quality Supervision and Inspection Center conducted tests by putting the same amount of bacteria into cotton and bamboo fiber and observing them using a microscope. Bacteria in the cotton fiber have multiplied. Bacteria in bamboo fiber died by 80% within 24 hours. No textile fiber has such a bactericidal property.
  • Easy to clean and washable. The latest technologies for processing bamboo fiber make it possible to degrease it, remove sugars and proteins. This prevents stains of any nature from entering into a chemical reaction with the bamboo fiber itself. This explains the excellent ability of bamboo fiber to quickly clean and thoroughly decontaminate.
  • UV protection. The percentage of penetration of UV rays through bamboo fiber is 6:10,000, and through cotton fiber 2500:10,000. This is 417 times better protection against UV rays.
  • The health benefits of bamboo have been described in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as the main bactericidal property in thousands of recipes.

Directions for use: Wash in cold water with silk concentrates (not alkaline detergents)

Guozhen bamboo towels are smooth as silk, soft as velvet!

Zhuzhen “Nourishing Shampoo” (400 ml)

740 rub.

The shampoo contains bamboo extract and silk essence for more gentle care.

Bamboo extract cleanses the hair roots, and silk forms a film to protect them.

Prevents drying out and negative influences.

Zhuzhen “Liquid Soap” (500 ml)

465 rub.

Soap from the New Era company is ready to effectively deal with dirt, while being very gentle on the skin of your hands.

Active ingredients containing bamboo and coconut oil extracts perfectly moisturize the skin for a long time, while providing an antibacterial effect.

The active components of various plants help to gently and effectively remove dirt and oil from the surface of the hands, maintain cleanliness, and prevent irritation.

Bamboo leaf extract has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Zhuzhen “Shower Gel” (700 ml)

930 rub.

Skin moisturizer, the perfect embodiment of a light spa formula.

It contains all the essential nutrients and bamboo extract that helps your body's skin look healthy.

Active ingredients derived from plant sources, together with a lush foam, will refresh and allow you to relax, while at the same time, nourishing the skin and preventing drying, quickly relieves itching, provides a feeling of comfort.

Zhuzhen “Hair conditioner” (200 ml)

340 rub.

The New Era company has developed a special formula that helps your hair become thicker and healthier. Gradually, new, strong hair will begin to grow.

The cream contains various extracts and provides your hair with a nourishing environment. Regular care will make dry hair elastic, flexible and silky. The unique restorative formula of the cream protects hair from negative environmental factors.

The cream has an antistatic effect, making hair easy to comb and retaining moisture and nutrients.

Cosmetics series “SHARELAND”

100% natural cosmetics combine all the best properties of natural, safe ingredients that comprehensively rejuvenate the skin. Mechanisms have been launched to rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level and eliminate the main signs of skin aging:

  • Increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Strengthens the muscle frame;
  • Forms a clear oval face;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles of any type;
  • Provides necessary hydration and nutrition.

Epidermal growth factor (rhEGF).

The SHARELAND series contains the active component - recombinant human epidermal growth factor (rhEGF). This is a safe, effective and convenient series, created on the basis of modern biotechnology and the physiological characteristics of the skin. rhEGF has the ability to regenerate skin cells, restores and maintains its healthy appearance, affecting all layers of the skin from the superficial to the deepest, and slows down the aging process of skin cells.

rhEGF stimulate cell growth at the molecular and cellular level. Growth occurs eight times faster than human skin itself can. A clinical study showed that the use of EGF accelerates the healing rate of second degree burns and partial thickness skin wounds.

This complex is a representative of cosmetics fourth generation are cosmetic products developed using genetic engineering technologies. This is the opening of a new era in the development of biological science - the realization of humanity’s dream of slowing down aging.

The SHARELAND series contains another active component - squalane

WITH qualen is naturally present in human skin, it is produced by our sebaceous jelliesPS But after 23 years, its production decreases. And by the age of 50, the amount of squalene in sebum is usually no more than 5%. Therefore, starting from the age of 23-25, it is ideal to supplement skin care with oils or creams that contain squalane.

In medicine, squalane is included in preparations for external treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. This uses the property of squalane to penetrate deeply into the skin, carrying with it elements of other substances, thanks to which strong drugs can be applied to the skin pointwise without fear of side effects.

Squalane is a strong antioxidant: it increases the body's ability to withstand adverse conditions, removes toxins and breakdown products from cells, stimulates cellular growth and provides an anti-aging effect.

Properties of squalane used in cosmetics:

  1. Moisturizing. Squalane molecules easily integrate into the lipid layer of the skin and strengthen it, preventing moisture evaporation.
  2. Rejuvenating. Squalane increases skin elasticity, accelerates its regeneration, helps smooth out fine wrinkles, and stimulates antioxidant processes.
  3. Emollient . Due to its natural affinity with the composition of sebum, squalene molecules are deeply absorbed into the skin, bringing moisture and nutrients there, relieving the condition of overdried and very sensitive skin, eliminating roughness and flaking.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Squalane enhances cellular immunity, stimulates the production of antibodies that fight bacteria, and has an antifungal effect.
  5. Healing. Squalane intensively restores the stratum corneum of the skin, stimulates cellular growth, and promotes deep penetration of vitamins and microelements into the skin.
  6. Strengthening. Squalane is involved in strengthening the keratin scales of the hair, softens the scalp, and helps nourish the hair follicles.
  7. Fixative. Squalane is able to regulate the diffusion of substances and affects the uniform distribution of pigments in cosmetics, maintaining color stability.

Each cosmetic product has a clear spectrum of action. Some products cleanse the skin, others nourish, and others tone.

Refreshing cleansing foam (125 ml)

Soft, gentle foam with amino acids effectively removes makeup residues, impurities and excess sebum, returns skin purity and natural color, and gives a feeling of freshness. Plant extracts and aloe oil, included in the foam, bring the skin into a comfortable state and eliminate the feeling of unpleasant skin tightness.

Universal toning lotion (120 ml)

The formula based on plant extracts and natural fruit acids (including vitamin C) protects the skin from irritation and dryness, softens cuticles and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, regulates the acid-base balance of the skin, and prepares it for subsequent stages of care. Designed for any skin type.

Skin Renewal Exfoliating Serum (30ml)

The serum is saturated with active ingredients in concentrated form. This means that to achieve a pronounced effect, it is enough to apply just a few drops of serum to your face. Specially designed for dull skin in need of renewal. Cleanses the skin of dead cells and improves its metabolism. Eliminates obstacles to the absorption of active oxygen and nutrients and accelerates skin renewal. Stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin proteins, maintaining skin elasticity and matteness. The serum easily penetrates the skin and transports nutrients there. A few years ago, serum was used exclusively in professional cosmetology. Today you have the opportunity to receive professional skin care without leaving your home. Just a few drops of serum applied to the face, neck and décolleté provide a pronounced lifting effect, just like after a salon procedure.

rhEGF regenerating essence (30 ml)

Strengthens the skin's epidermal barrier and reduces moisture loss. Regenerates, increases skin firmness and elasticity. Relieves irritation, inflammation and dry skin.

rhEGF refreshing eye contour gel (15 g)

Protects against dehydration, leaving the skin nourished and moisturized.

Universal moisturizing emulsion (50 ml)

Promotes deep hydration, strengthens the epidermal barrier, prevents trans-epidermal water loss in the skin.

Revitalizing Antioxidant Cream (50 ml)

Fights signs of premature skin aging, resists the action of free radicals at the cellular level.
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Health Bamboo is made from the leaves of the Lophatherum gracile bamboo using modern biotechnology in the process of purifying the raw materials and extracting the flavone. Bamboo leaf extract is produced from wild bamboo in Zhejiang National Park. It is the world's first high-tech product based on highly concentrated flavone from bamboo leaves. This is a 100% natural drug, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated. Does not contain hormones or chemically synthesized pharmaceutical additives. Pharmacological tests show that bamboo extract does not have any toxic or side effects. More than 50% of all bamboo grows in China. China can be considered the birthplace of bamboo. For more than 1,500 years, bamboo was consumed as food, used in construction, and made into utensils and weapons. Bamboo has unique growth power, durability, pleasant taste, bactericidal properties and contains a large amount of biologically active and nutrients.

Buy health bamboo

You can buy health babmuk from the New Era company on this website in the form of ready-to-use tablets.

Health Properties of Bamboo

Bioflavonoids extracted from bamboo leaves using patented technology open up vast new possibilities for the use of bamboo as a medicine and food product. The flavone in bamboo leaves is important for health and longevity! The Japanese Academy of Science believes that the flavone structure of bamboo leaves is similar to that of human hemoglobin. Flavone is non-toxic and non-hazardous in any concentration, is easily excreted from the body, and leaves no side effects. The extract can be widely used in medicine, food industry, feed products, rejuvenation products and cosmetics.

Applications of bamboo health

The use of health babuka has a healing and restorative effect on the human body. For example:

  • Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Protects against old age by rejuvenating cells and removing toxins from them;
  • Protects the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and normalizing blood pressure;
  • Has a calming effect in cases of depression;
  • Has an antitumor effect, prevents the development of cancer;
  • Regulates the level and quality of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Improves microcirculation and cerebral circulation;
  • Effective for peptic ulcers, digestive disorders and diarrhea;
  • Protects and restores the liver, treats fatty liver;
  • It has antipyretic and expectorant properties. Highly effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases in combination with pine pollen.

Contraindications for bamboo health

Health bamboo has several contraindications: pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), internal bleeding, blood clotting disorders and diseases leading to it, individual intolerance to the components.

How to take health bamboo

Treatment with bamboo for health should begin with a minimum dosage, gradually increasing it. For adults - this is 1 tablet, for children under 6 years old - 1/4 tablet, from 6 to 14 years old - half a tablet. Depending on the purpose of use (treatment of a disease or general strengthening of the body), the regimen for taking health babmook will vary. The dosage regimen for each case is selected individually. You can receive advice on the dosage regimen during the process of ordering products. There is a standard dosage regimen: for adults, 3 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, for children it is selected individually, depending on the age of the child.

Storage conditions for health bamboo

Health bamboo should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Documents on Bamboo Health

Bamboo Health is a 100% natural health product. Pharmacological tests show that bamboo extract has no toxic or side effects, is highly purified, highly stable, and highly hydrophilic, resistant to high temperatures and acids. Health Bamboo removes excess acidity in liquid media, bringing pH back to normal.

Nature's crushing blow to your diseases!

China is one of the most athletic countries in the world. Caring for the health of the population is the main priority of the state’s domestic policy. Among modern Chinese it is difficult to find a person who does not do traditional, daily morning exercises.

But where do these hard-working people get the strength and desire to engage in healthy exercise? Residents of the Celestial Empire practically do not get sick, eat right, and also get rid of health problems en masse and very effectively with the help of natural medicines.

Bamboo, the most common plant in China, has been replacing tablets, medicines and antibiotics for the residents of the eastern country for centuries. Today's medicine"Bamboo Health"is in high demand in Europe, the USA, as well as in the CIS.

Five reasons to experience the natural power of bamboo

1. In the first days of use, vascular tone is normalized, urination is activated, and comprehensive detoxification of the body occurs.

2. A person who takes bamboo forgets about the constant feeling of fatigue and easily and happily finds time for regular sports exercises.

3. Taking the drug slows down the aging process, minimizes or completely eliminates the causes of vascular diseases of the brain and heart.

4. Natural components thoroughly cleanse the liver, promote the expansion of capillaries, and restore blood microcirculation.

5. After a short intake of “Health Bamboo”, brain activity is activated, the quality of sleep is significantly improved, memory is improved, and the skin is naturally rejuvenated.

You need to know this before taking the drug!

The drug tastes like fresh bamboo shoots, so there are usually no problems with its use.

All the beneficial effects described above are possible due to the high content of substances called flavonoids in the plant. Their only drawback is the lack of ability to accumulate and be synthesized in the body. For this reason, it is highly undesirable to interrupt the recommended course of taking “Health Bamboo”.

In China, bamboo has long been used for food and medicine, to build houses and make utensils. 60% of bamboo grows in China. Bamboo has a unique growth force, strength, bactericidal properties and contains a large number of biologically active and nutrients: flavonoids, lactones, polysaccharides, chlorophylls and amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

It is Flavonoids that help reduce blood lipid levels, the level and quality of cholesterol, neutralize and remove free radicals, i.e. prevent overoxidation of the body and its physiological aging, enhance the activity of SOD (superoxide dismutase). The flavone components of bamboo leaves effectively fight against the “No. 1 killer” of Humanity, low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol). Coumarin lactones can effectively prevent the formation of blood clots, protect the liver and restore it. They are a kind of “smart collector” that collects, processes and removes “garbage from vessels”
The milky part of bamboo kernel is one of the best sources of silicic acid in the world. This is a very important element for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin. Bamboo extract helps moisturize the skin and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It stimulates collagen synthesis, restoring softness and smoothness to the skin, strengthening the strength of nails and damaged hair. With its help, the biological functions of the skin are restored: its tone, firmness and elasticity increase. It is no coincidence that collagen is used in toning and restoring creams for mature skin.

The functional health benefits of bamboo leaf extract are extensive:

1. Neutralizes and removes free radicals (anti-aging)

2. Protects the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels

3. Regulates the level and quality of cholesterol in the blood

4. Improves microcirculation and cerebral circulation

5. Improves memory and sleep

6. Protects and restores the liver, treats fatty liver

7. Protects against aging through cell rejuvenation and removal of toxins from them

8. Has an antitumor effect, prevents the development of cancer

9. Strengthens and supports the immune system

10. Has antibacterial and antiviral effects

11. Liquefies and removes mucus from the lungs, moistens cough

12. Relieves all types of inflammation through its cold Yin nature

13. Regulates blood sugar levels

14. Regulates pressure

- as a preventive measure 3 tablets each 2 times a day with meals;

- as a medicine from 10 to 30 tablets. per day according to the problem and the state of the body;

For stomach diseases, take half an hour after meals;

if, taking pollen and bamboo before meals, pain begins in the stomach and pancreas, then this is already a signal for the treatment of these organs and you should switch to taking it after meals, but do not quit;

do not take if you have a stroke or heart attack;

Do not take during menstruation.

Ingredients: Bamboo leaf essence

Indications: removal of fat accumulations in blood vessels and their cleansing

Nowadays there are so many food additives that it’s impossible to count. They all promise us a good effect, that they will all cure you right away. You will be beaming with joy.

Today I’ll tell you about how an employee at work got me hooked on them. We have a female team and all the conversations in the kitchen during dinner are always about how to cure this or that disease, how to become better, how to put on makeup, and so on. Anyone who works in a women's team will probably understand me. It’s morally difficult, to be honest.

How did I get acquainted with these dietary supplements??? I fell for what a doctor in an expensive clinic sold me. I went to the doctor because my immune system was weakened. I was constantly sick. As soon as the weather is bad - ARVI, as soon as it changes - terrible headaches. It's just awful. What I didn’t do. And I drank herbs that my grandmother brewed for me and vitamins and everything else, but nothing helped.

In a private clinic, in my opinion, the doctors are much better, since they value their patients, but that was not the case. My story is not very positive.

I told about my problem, to which I received an answer that I needed to undergo a full examination and ultrasound of everything. I understood that it was expensive, but it was probably clear to the doctor that it needed to be done. She spoke to me with her teeth. For a couple of days I went for all the tests and procedures, and spent about 15,000 rubles, since I even donated blood for hormones. But why??? I still don't understand. In response to all the questions, I heard that this is necessary. But it is necessary, it is necessary. As a result, my tests were normal, my hemoglobin was slightly low. But in general, there was nothing serious.

In the end, these were the only pills I was prescribed. you need to drink them every day. She advertised them to me very much and told me that there would be no side effects. OK. I believed it.

I bought this straight from the clinic. Although later, when I came home, I realized that this was somehow wrong. After all, why not a pharmacy, but theirs??? I went to read on the Internet about what I bought, and only good reviews came up.

The price of Health Bamboo is 2070 rubles. For this money you will get 108 tablets of 0.35 g each. It seems like a lot, but it’s not.

The price of Pine Pollen in the New Era company is 990 rubles. There are 108 tablets of 0.5 g in a jar. To maintain good health, it is enough to drink 3 tablets 2 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. In order to start the rejuvenation mechanism, you need to drink 10 tablets 3 times a day before meals. For painful conditions, start taking it gradually - with 6 tablets per day, constantly monitoring the body's reaction, gradually increasing the number of tablets: 6-9-12-18, etc.

It got to the point where I had to drink almost 30 of them a day. This is almost every hour.

But was there any result from them??? No.

I had to go to another appointment at this clinic. I went and demanded that they give me the tests, and they answered that they did not have the right. How they have no right, after all, these are my tests. I started getting hysterical and all the administrators came running to me. The boss came, and even then they gave me everything. This is tough.

I decided to go to a regular hospital with all this. To which the therapist told me that, in principle, it was not so bad that I drank. They put the body's work in order. But I didn’t need to drink them, just something that boosts immunity and so on. In the end, this doctor’s prescription helped me.

Private clinics are not always good. And you need to drink these dietary supplements constantly. It’s not like you just finished the course and that’s it. They didn't have a bad influence on me at all.

Do not buy anything directly from the doctor in the hospital. You don't have to do that. You can go and consult another specialist. If the opinions coincide, then return to this clinic.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

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