Vlad Ivanov, even for the sake of comfort, is not ready to kiss Kristina Khamraeva. Macjolek persuades Ivanova to urgently give birth to his daughter. Mothers passionately kiss their daughters.

As long as Alina could remember, her parents had been quarreling. In the morning, at night, on weekends. At home and on the street. Alina watched this from childhood, worried, and cried. The parents saw this and promised that this would not happen again. And then everything began in a new circle.

Trouble happened to Alina on her birthday. She turned eighteen. The girl invited her boyfriend Andrey home. But when they came home together, thinking that a feast and a merry holiday awaited them, the parents quarreled again. Alina emotionally asked Andrei to leave so that he would not see all this. The guy got offended and left. And then Alina herself got tired of listening to the noise of the scandal and went outside. At twelve at night.

I walked around and noticed several girls and boys I knew in the neighboring yard. Joined. The company gradually expanded, someone got alcohol.

Alina was never fond of alcohol. And then, out of resentment for the whole world, I tried it. I didn't calculate it. I woke up in the morning in a strange bed with one of the guys. Alina was shocked. After all, before that she was still innocent and saved herself for Andrei, with whom she had never had intimacy.

She ran away quietly and came home. I thought she would get a scolding. But it turned out that her parents, preoccupied with themselves, did not even notice her absence. Then Andrei called, to whom the “magpies on his tail” had already brought the news about the betrayal of his beloved girl. He said that everything between them is of course. Alina locked herself in the bathroom and took the blade...

They were saved, as Express-Novosti found out, by accident. Having run water into the bath, the girl then lost consciousness and flooded her neighbors.

After the incident, the shocked parents swore that they would never quarrel again in their lives. But Alina firmly decided that since fate had saved her life, she would start it from scratch. The girl went to college in another city and tries to come home as little as possible. She has already met a good man who confessed his love for her. Alina wants to build her family with him. Happy family. Not the one she grew up in.

Watch also interesting videos on the YouTube channel "VideoOrakul":

Ruslan Matsiolek and Anastasia Ivanova
​Photo: Instagram

In one of the most beautiful couples of the project Nastya Ivanova And Ruslana Matsioleka disagreement is brewing on an important issue. The lovers found out that they do not have the same views on the timing of the birth of children.

Ruslan is already kicking his hoof and is ready to become the father of the child that Anastasia will give him. However, the girl has slightly different plans, and for now she does not want to have children. Macjolek spoke to Ivanova about the fact that they urgently needed to become parents, putting on childish masks for himself and his beloved in Instagram stories. He liked the little ones' faces so much that his father's feelings immediately arose.

“We have a problem,” Nastya Ivanova said in stories. “Zaya looked at what kind of children we would have, and was upset that we couldn’t make lalya right now.”

Ivanova and Macjolek believe that their children will look like this
​Photo: Instagram

“It’s impossible for a whole year, he says,” Ruslan complained about Nastya. “And I really want my daughter faster.”

Ivanova explained to Maciolek that she could not become pregnant in the next six months due to an intimate female problem. Ruslan continued to insist, saying that by the time Nastya gets pregnant, just six months will pass.

“No, I’ll get pregnant quickly,” the beauty assured her impatient lover.

So, Ruslan Maciolek will have to be patient and wait until Ivanova gives him the green light.

Nastya and Ruslan made it clear that they will be together for a long time
​Photo: Instagram

By the way, Ruslan already has experience communicating with children, and it is quite positive. The young man managed to make friends with the son of his ex-wife Vika Tsaturyan Artyom and got along well with the boy the entire time they were a family.

“I raised the boy as my own, we had a wonderful relationship, and if you look at what the child was like before me, and what he became with me, these are two different people,” said Matsiolek website.- Before me, he could afford to come to the store, lie down on the floor and throw a terrible hysteria, he was not socialized, did not know how to behave in society. And now he is a well-mannered, active and sociable guy.”

It seems that the sex fun of Christina Asmus and Ivan Yankovsky so excited Garik Kharlamov that he decided to perform something similar.

It became known that Gaprik is taking part in a certain film project, which cannot even be shown on TV and will only be released online. The new series will be called “Comfort Zone”, where Garik will play the main role.

It is noteworthy that his name there will be Yarik, but his sex girlfriend will be Christina. This is a girl who does not shine with intelligence, but has other outstanding advantages. She is blonde with large lips and breasts of at least size 3.

According to the plot, Christina is registered in Yarik’s company as a lawyer, but provides completely different services.

It is not yet known who will play this role, but, remarkably, artistic abilities are not required in this case. Apparently, the role will be very limited and the girl will look quite impressive in the frame and at the right time say voluptuous groans and groans.

Let me remind you that Christina is not at all the good girl she dreams of appearing to be. In addition to the film "Text", Christina played in a sex scene before, in the company of a TNT channel star (and this is not her husband Asmus Garik Kharlamov, but a completely different man).

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